05-09-2010 信仰与生活(43) 短暂中拥抱幸福 Sermon Of Life & Belief (43) Embrace Happiness In Brevity 诗篇 Psalms 39:4-7

Sermon outline-2010-0905-11

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短暂中拥抱幸福Sermon Of Life & Belief (43)

Embrace Happiness In Brevity

诗篇 Psalms 39:4-7

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「在人生的路上无论你怎样打拼,有时幸福却像手中的沙,用力紧握,还是会从指缝中流失。」In the journey of life, happiness is like sands

in the hand. No matter how hard u grip

hold on it, it will somehow flow out

within the fingers.

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戴安娜皇妃与查理王子结婚Wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

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哀歌就是个人求告的诗,带有认罪与恳切的祷告。Lament is a call out song and a prayer

that is with confession and sincerity.

个人的哀歌。Personal Lament.

4节:「耶和华啊,求你叫我知道我的生命不长。」Verse 4:「Show me, O Lord, my life’s end

and the number of my days.」

5节: 「你使我的年日,窄如手掌。」Verse 5:「 You have made my days

a mere handbreadth.」

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A. 懂得把握今天Knowing how to grasp hold of today

「我只有一生,我这一生又是短的!」I have only one life, my life is short!

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生命只有一次,这一次你错失,可能就没有机会了。There is only one life. You may have no more

chances when you missed out this time.

生命中最可贵的就是「今天」。The most valuable thing in life is [TODAY].


无论成败,你会享受这一种的过程。[Grasp hold of today] Do what you ought

to do. No matter success of failure,

you will enjoy the whole process

when you give your best.

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爬山比赛Hiking Competition

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「匆忙的人先抵达坟墓!」A hasty person

will reach the

grave ahead of


活在今日,在生活中去学习,享受生活的过程。Live in today, learn in life and enjoy

the whole process of life.

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B. 懂得使用钱财Knowing how to make use of wealth

「积蓄财宝,不知将来有谁收取。」(6节)He heaps up wealth,

not knowing who will get it. (Verse 6)

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Tuol Svay Prey

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残酷的刑具torture instruments

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波尔布特 Pol Pot



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财物是流动性的。Property is moveable.

「富不过三代。」Wealth does not last

more than 3 generations.

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重新做清洁工人Return to be a cleaner.

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钱财不只是为自己的享受,也应该成为帮助别人的工具。Money are not only used for own enjoyment;

rather it should be a tool to help others.

幸福不是独善其身,而是关怀与造福别人。Happiness is not to keep ones clean and pure;

but to care and bring benefits to others.

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助人为快乐之本。Helping others is the basis of happiness

幸福不一定是来自丰衣足食,功成名就,而是来自心中一点的爱与关怀。Happiness does not come from flourishing

clothing, food and success; rather it comes

from love and cares from the heart.

珍惜所有的,学习付出关怀别人。Treasure all that we have

and learn to care for others.

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C. 懂得面对不幸Knowing how to face adversities

「主啊!如今我还等什么,我的指望在乎你。」But now, Lord, what do I look for?

My hope is in you.

苦难並没有带给他很大的打击,反而坚强他的信心,因为他知道他的指望就是这一位上帝。Sufferings did not bring him setbacks

but rather it strengthens his faith knowing that

his hope is in God.

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人生总有不幸的事,若能积极的去面对,反能带来幸福。There are adversities in life. Adversities will

bring happiness when ones face it positively.

「不幸召唤幸福。」Adversities summons happiness.

「万事都互相效力,叫爱上帝的人得益处。」That in all things God works for the good

of those who love him, who have been called

according to his purpose.

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枯树栖息Habitat for

dead trees

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果园 An Orchard

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「有时生命的根基摇动,当我们转向上帝,这才发现,原来是上帝在摇它。」There are times when the foundation of

our life shakes. When we turn upon God

we will discover that God whom is moving it.

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浪花 Spindrift

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以积极去面对人生的不幸,相信上帝的手在摇动。Face adversities of life positively and trust

that God’s hand is moving.

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懂得把握今天就能享有幸福;Knowing how to grasp hold of today

makes a person able to enjoy happiness.

懂得使用钱财就能享有幸福;Knowing how to manage wealth

makes a person able to enjoy happiness.

懂得面对不幸就能享有幸福。Knowing how to face adversities

makes a person to enjoy happiness.