1 Success Upper Intermediate 高高高高 2 Unit Eleven Give me a clue

Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 1 Unit Eleven Give me a clue

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Page 1: Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 1 Unit Eleven Give me a clue


Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

Unit Eleven

Give me a clue

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Objectives:

• Read, listen and talk about riddles, mysteries and crime. 智力游戏,神秘事件,犯罪

• Practise past modal verbs; impersonal report structures; expressions with live/die. 情态动词过去式;客观报道; live/die 的表达

• Focus on problem solving, reaching a decision. 解决问题;做出决定

• Write headlines and short articles. 标题与短文

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Grammar and Listening

• Do you know these games and puzzles? Have you ever tried any of them?

battleshipsnoughts and crossesspot the differenceriddles

Sudokuword squareshangmancrosswords

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Match the riddle

with the picture.1.Romeo and Juliet were found dead on the floor of the living room. There is some broken glass and spilt water around them. How did they die?

2. A man walked into a bar and asked for a glass of water. The barman took out a gun and pointed it at him. The man said ‘Thank you’ and walked out. Why?

3.A woman went to a party and drank some of the punch. She left the party early. Everyone else at the party later died of poisoning. Why didn’t the woman die?

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

1 确信某事一定发生过c The man must’ve been thirsty or he wouldn’t hav

e asked for some water.

3 确信某事一定没有发生过a The barman can’t have liked the look of the man.

b No, it couldn’t have been that. It’s too obvious.

Match the past modals with the definitions

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

Match the past modals with the definitions

2 觉得某事可能(没有)发生过d He might’ve just walked across the desert and

was dying for a drink.e The barman could’ve been scared, so he took

out his gun. f The barman may have recognised him from th

e newspapers. g He might not have known his photo was in the


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Find out the two passive and the two continuous forms of past modal.

1 The barman could have been playing a joke on him.

2 The barman might have been insulted by the man in some way.

3 They may have been working in the same place.

4 The man could have helped him – but he refused.

5 The man couldn’t have been threatened because he said ‘thank you’.

6 The barman could have wanted just to scare him.

It was possible for something to happen but

it didn’t.

might/ may

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Mind the trap!

• needn’t have + 过去分词:表示“做了没必要做的事情”。

• didn’t need + 不定式: 表示“没必要做某事,因此没做”。

eg. He needn’t have pointed a gun at him. (but he did it)

That’s why he didn’t need to drink the water. (and he didn’t)

• must 的过去式可用 have to 的过去式代替

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Rewrite the sentences using past modals.

Sometimes more than one modal is possible.1 It wasn’t necessary for me to go to the meeting

because it was cancelled. I didn’t need to go to the meeting because …2 I’m sure the accident was caused by speeding.

3 Perhaps she was having a shower when you called.

4 It was possible for him to post the letter yesterday but he forgot.

2 The accident must have been caused by speeding.

3 She could/might/may have been having a shower when you called.

4 He could have posted the letter yesterday but he forgot.

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

5 I cooked a lot of food for the party but it wasn’t necessary because nobody was very hungry.

6 It’s almost certain that he wasn’t murdered – it was probably suicide.

7 Maybe the TV wasn’t working yesterday.

6 He can’t/couldn’t have been murdered – it was probably suicide.

5 I needn’t have cooked a lot of food for the party because nobody was very hungry.

7 The TV might not/may not have been working yesterday.

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

Read the list of situations

• You strike up a conversation with someone and discover you have a friend in common.

• You think about someone, and shortly afterwards they phone or email you.

• You go shopping alone and buy the same clothes as a close friend.

• Twin brothers have girlfriends with the same name.

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Answer the questions

1 Have you experienced any of these coincidences, or others like it? If so, how and when?

2 Which was, or would be, the strangest or most unusual for you? Why?

3 Do you think coincidences happen for a reason, or are purely chance events? Why?

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Reading and Vocabulary

Culture NotesFriends, Lovers, Chocolate 《朋友,情人,巧克力》Friends, Lovers, Chocolate is the second part of The Sunday Philosophy Club series of mysteries (there were three by 2006) but Alexander McCall Smith has written over fifty books in all, many of them for children. The author was born in Zimbabwe and worked as Professor of Law at the University of Botswana before moving to Scotland where he now lives.

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Description of the Book

In this delightful second installment in Alexander McCall Smith's bestselling detective series, the irrepressibly( 无法抑制地 ) curious Isabel Dalhousie gets caught up in a highly unusual affair of the heart.When Isabel is asked to cover for Cat at her delicatessen( 熟食店 ) during Cat's trip to Italy, Isabel meets a man with a most interesting problem. He recently had a heart transplant and is suddenly haunted by memories of events that never happened to him. The situation piques( 激起(好奇心) ) her insatiable ( 无法满足的 )curiousity: Could the memories be connected with the donor's demise( 死亡 )? Naturally, Isabel's friend Jamie thinks it is none of Isabel's business. Meanwhile, Grace - Isabel's housekeeper - has become infatuated( 着迷的 ) with a man at her spiritualist( 唯心论者,巫师 ) meeting, and Cat brings home an Italian lothario( 好色之徒 ). That makes for some particularly tricky practical and philosophical problems for Isabel to unravel( 解开 ) in this enormously engaging and highly unusual mystery.

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

• Read the blurb on the back of the novel and look at the sketch. What’s the central plot of the book?

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 The blurb

1. Isabel Dalhousie, the charming, well-intentioned editor of a philosophy journal in The Sunday Philosophy Club, is back in Alexander McCall Smith’s new book, Friends, Lovers, Chocolate.

back adv. 恢复原状,再次流行;再度成为潮流

charming 迷人的,可爱的eg. Beneath her charming exterior lies a very determined woman.

在她迷人的外貌下面是一个意志坚定的女人。 He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay. 他把



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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 22. Isabel’s inability to ignore people in need inevitably involves her

in unusual situations. inability to do something ,没有能力或无法做某事,前缀 in- 表

示“不,没有”,构成词根( ability )的反义词。 又如: incapability ,没有能力; inhumanity ,不人道。

involve in :陷入 , 牵扯到eg. Don‘t involve yourself in unnecessary dispute. 不要把自己卷


3. By chance she meets Ian, a psychologist, who recently had a heart transplant.

By chance 偶然地,无意之中; 碰巧;eg. I got this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop. 我赶巧在

一家旧书店里买到这本书。 I heard their talking by chance. 我偶然听到他们的谈话。

a heart transplant. 心脏移植


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

4. Isabel is intrigued, and finds herself involved in a dangerous investigation.

Intrigue :激起……的好奇心eg. The novelty of the situation intrigued him. 周围环

境的独具一格令他着迷。 You have finished the book you're intrigued but still

confused. 你已读完那本你感兴趣的书,但还不太理解。

5. possess :缠住,迷住eg. He was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of thi

s city. 他内心有一种想要离开这座城市的狂热冲动。


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Part 1

1. ‘What are you getting involved in now?’

“ 你近来忙些什么呢?”

to be / become/ get involved in :卷入,参与 , 有关联eg. We need to examine all the costs involved in the pro

ject first. 我们首先应该仔细考虑与这一项目有关的所有费用。

He doesn't want to get involved in this dispute. 他不想插身在这场纠纷中间。


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

2. Jamie was interested – she could tell that – although he, like Isabel herself, seemed incredulous when she mentioned cellular memory.

she could tell that, like Isabel herself 两个插入语。Incredulous : adj. not disposed or willing to believe; unbelievin

g 表示怀疑的,不相信的eg. I am wholly incredulous of the truth of his story. 我根本不

相信他说的是真话。 With an effort I managed to restrain my incredulous laughter.


Cellular: adj. relating to cells; 细胞的; 由细胞组成的; 多孔的; 蜂窝状

eg. She has a cellular telephone in her car. 她的汽车里有一部无线通讯电话机。


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

3. rational: adj. consistent with or based on or using reason; 神智清楚的; 理性的; 理智的; 合理的

eg. It was a rational plan and bound to succeed. 这是一个合理的计划,肯定会成功。

I've often wondered if I was too rational in making my decision. 我常想,我在作出决定时是否太理性了。

4. And I just don’t see how anything other than brain cells could store memory.

other than: (usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句 )except.

eg. Does anybody other than yourself know this? 除你本人之外还有别人知道这事吗 ?

She has no close friends other than him. 除了他以外她没有好朋友。

You can't get there other than by boat. 除了坐船 , 你无法去那里。


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

5. And that’s on the strength of my school Biology course. on the strength of something ,凭借某事物,在……的影响下。eg. On the strength of my forthcoming salary increase, I have decid

ed to buy a better car. 由于我的工资即将增加 , 我已决定买一辆好一些的汽车。

6. retort: to reply angrily 反驳eg. Others retort that strong central power is a dangerous thing in R

ussia. 其他人反驳说强大的中央集权在俄罗斯是很危险的。

7. We’re all stuck with the same tried and trusted ideas.be stuck with: 脱不了身eg. If you don't want to be stuck with a person or situation is, then

YOU change. 如果你不想因为某人或某种状况而陷入困境 , 你就必须改变 .


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

tried and trusted: alliteration, 又叫 initial rhyme, 或 head rhyme, 是从拉丁语 adli

teram (根据字母)转化而来的,意思是 repetition of the same letter,指一组词、一句话或一行诗中,在彼此靠近的两个或两个以上的词中,其开头的音节具有相同的字母或声音,主要是辅音字母。

eg. Promise, problem and provision.(规定,条文 ) Spare the rod, and spoil the child.孩子不打不成器。 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人。 Live and learn.活到老学到老。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 He was a charming mixture of glum and glee. 他是一个很有魅力的人,时而忧伤时而欢笑。


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

8. If we refused to entertain the possibility of something radically different, then we’d never make any progress – ever.

entertain 考虑,心存,怀有(主意、建议等)eg. I wouldn't entertain the idea of such an unsociable job. 我不会考虑从事


ever: 强调。

9. Jamie affected surprise.affect: make believe with the intent to deceive;假装;佯装;装出…的样子eg. He listened to them, affecting an amused interest... 他装作饶有兴致地听


10. keep an open mind 愿听取 [接受, 考虑 ]别人的意见 [ 想法 ]eg. It doesn't seem to be a very good plan, but I think we should keep an open

mind about it for the time being. 这个计划看上去不太好 , 但我认为我们应该暂时多听听对它的意见。


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

11. So what if the cells in the transplanted heart or whatever think they remember a face. (注意这个句子的结构)

What if :要是…又怎么办eg. What if he was faithless to his friends and to his wife? 要是


12. Isabel looked about her, for no reason other than that she felt a slight twinge of fear.

for no reason other than that ,除此以外没有别的原因,仅仅是这个原因。

that 指上一句提到的 looked about her ,这里指仅仅是环顾四周,就让她感到了一阵害怕。

13. That was in itself irrational, but she felt it. 恐惧来得全无道理,但这感受是真真切切的。

irrational ←→ rational


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14. It could have been imprinted in memoryImprint : establish or impress firmly in the mind使铭记eg. The sinister atmosphere of the place left an indelible imprint

on my memory. 此处不祥的氛围在我的记忆中刻下了不可磨灭的印记。

The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory... 天空中穹顶与尖塔的轮廓深深刻在了我的记忆中。

15. Jamie’s lip curled.Curl :撅起嘴唇; 撇(嘴);eg. He curled his upper lip in a show of scepticism... 他撇嘴表



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16. So I put two and two together and concluded that a sudden, violent death on the day on which they called…

put two and two together :根据所见所闻推断,根据现有情况判断,根据事实推理

eg. If you put two and two together, there can be only one conclusion. 根据事实推断,只可能有一个结论。

He's inclined to put two and two together and make five (= make an incorrect guess from what he sees, hears, etc.). 他爱捕风捉影,听风就是雨。

分析句子结构:主句: So I put two and two together and concludedthat 引导的宾语从句 that a sudden, violent death on the day… w

ould probably supply the identity of the donor.定语从句 on which they called …


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

17. It crossed her mind that she was assuming too much, and too readily. 她立刻意识到自己想象的成分太多,没什么根据。

cross one’s mind ,某个念头突然闪过脑海,立刻意识到,忽然想到。

eg. A sudden thought crossed my mind. 我突然有个想法。

18. It would be unlikely that… 这将是不可能的。。。It would be likely that…

19. assumption :假定,假设eg. I would question the validity of that assumption. 我会质疑那个假设的正当性。


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Read Part 1 of the extract. Complete sentences

with Isabel, Jamie, Ian or the donor.

1 _________ was willing to consider theories that have not been scientifically proved.

2 _________ might’ve died in a car accident.

3 _________ was troubled by strange visions.

4 _________ was sceptical about the idea that heart cells can remember events and images.

5 _________ had a heart transplant.






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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

6 _________ had been doing some research before this conversation took place.

7 _________ might’ve seen the face of the driver before he died.

8 _________ knew the heart donor was young.

9 _________ believed the person who’d died in the accident was the heart donor.





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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

Make up phrases according to the text and complete the sentences.

• 1 tried and

• 2 entertain the

• 3 keep

• 4 a twinge

• 5 put two

d trusted ideas

b and two together

a possibility

c of feare an open mind

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

1 When she heard footsteps behind her, she couldn’t help feeling _______________ .

2 I’m not sure whether I like him or not. I _______________________ at the moment.

3 Ann’s not a very adventurous cook. She always sticks to the same _________________ recipes.

4 He loved his home town and had never even ________________________ of living abroad.

5 After she’d seen him with the same girl for the third time, she _______________________ .

a twinge of fear

am keeping an open mind

tried and trusted

entertained the possibility

put two and two together

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Read Part 2. Make predictions and see if the

statements true (T) or false (F), and tell why.

1 Jamie had become involved in Isabel’s investigations before.

2 Isabel had already assumed that Jamie would want to help her.

3 Neither of them knew if the police had identified the driver. 4 Ian had described the face of the man he kept imagining to

Isabel. 5 Isabel believed that the police would act on the information

she had. 6 She felt obliged to take responsibility for the problems of

people she met. 7 Isabel believed that justice must be done.








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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Part 2

1. Rather against his better judgment, Jamie felt himself being drawn in. 尽管这不符合杰米的精准判断,但他还是渐渐被伊莎贝尔的想法吸引住了。

draw in someone ,把某人拉下水,引申为让某人听从其想法。eg. It won't be easy for you to draw him in... 你要让他参与进来

可不容易。 You gradually fall under the spell and get drawn in deeper and

deeper... 你会渐渐着魔,越陷越深。

2. resist :抵抗,抗拒; 忍耐; 反对,抵制eg. We felt quite impotent to resist the will of the dictator. 我们

感到无力抗拒独裁者的意志。 Lack of proper nourishment reduces their power to resist disease. 营养不良降低了他们抵抗疾病的能力。


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 23. There was something about her that fascinated him: the intellectu

al curiosity, the style, the verve.fascinate : vt. 使着迷; 使神魂颠倒; 蛊惑eg. It was a question that had fascinated him since he was a boy. 这

是他自幼就着迷的问题。 the intellectual curiosity, the style, the verve=something 。

4. We do, he thought. I should’ve said you do, but once again, I’ve played straight into Isabel’s hands.

play into someone’s hands/play into the hands of someone ,正合心意,正中下怀。

eg. Quarrelling brothers could only play into the hands of outsiders.

5. oblivious : adj. 忘却的; 健忘的; 不注意的; 不知道的eg. He was quite oblivious of the danger. 他完全没有察觉到危险。


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6. appeal for :呼吁eg. Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.警方呼吁证人挺身而出。

7. concede :承认eg. Bess finally conceded that Nancy was right... 贝丝最终承认了南希是对


8. Jamie was right in thinking that it would be difficult to convince them to take her seriously…(p214, line 85)

If they could be persuaded to do something about it,(p214, line 88)Compare: persuade 说服,劝说: I tried to persuade him to see a doctor. 我极力劝他

去看医生。convince使确信,信服: He convinced me he was right. 她使我相信他是正确的。

take her seriously :认真对待


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9. What’s the point?’ 这有什么意义?eg. What's the point of calling up again and again? 一次一次的来电话干吗?

10. Isabel had firm views on moral proximity and ….. It was as simple as that. proximity :接近,邻近; 接近度,距离; 亲近eg. Marriages in proximity of blood are forbidden by the law. 法律规定禁止

近亲结婚。 Their house is in close proximity to ours. 他们的房子很接近我们的。

be caught up :被卷入eg. She was determined not to be caught up in the turmoils of home again. 她


encounter : come upon, as if by accident; meet with; 不期而遇eg. If you undertake the project, you are bound to encounter difficulties. 如果



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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

12. That driver needs to be called to account. 那个司机应该受到法律的制裁。

account ,账单,账户 ; call someone to account ,某人罪有应得,承担责任。

13. lie in: (of ideas, qualities, problems, etc. 思想、特征、问题等 )to exist or be found 存在;在于

The problem lies in deciding when to intervene. 问题在于决定何时介入。


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Complete the table. Some of the words

are in the text. 形容词 名词 动词judgemental




conceding concession


judgement judge

conclusion conclude

rational rationalise

assumption assume


oblivious obliviate

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

Complete the sentences with the correct words of the table.

1 She instinctively made the _____________ that he was telling the truth.

2 The results of the tests were _________ . There was no doubt about it.

3 I try not to make ______________________ about people until I get to know them better.

4 In the end, I was forced to _________ that he was right.5 We were _________ of the fact that she was deeply hurt by our

remarks.6 I just don’t understand the _________ behind his behaviour.



assumptions/ judgements




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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

In the extracts, find the words that match definitions a–h.

a unable to believe something (line 6)b reply quickly and angrily (line 13)c move one’s lip upwardly showing scepticism (line

35)d energy and excitement (line 60)e completely unaware of (line 65)f admit reluctantly that something is true (line 74)g nearness in distance or time (line 100)h move one’s shoulders upwardly showing you don’t

know or care (line 108)







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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2


• Find out the meanings of the underlined expressions in the pictures.

• Can you find anything similar in Chinese expressions?

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2


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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Explain the underlined phrases

a. That hat is to die for!b. I’m dying for a holiday.c. She’s been living out of a suitcase for the last six

months.d. I nearly died of boredom.e. But look at the price. I’d probably live to regret it!f. I’m dying to check the answers to yesterday’s

crossword.g. Let’s go out and live it up!h. I nearly died laughing.

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Use the correct expressions from the above exercise to

follow on from sentences 1–6.1. I wouldn’t buy that jacket if I were you.

2. That new comedian at the club is brilliant.

3. He’s just spent six months backpacking around Asia.

4. I heard they’ve got a new CD out.

5. Take my advice and don’t go to see it.

6. The exams are over! Now we can relax.

1. You’d probably live to regret it.

2. I nearly died laughing at his show the other night.

3. He’s been living out of a suitcase for six months. He’s dying for a rest in a comfortable bed.

4. I’m dying to hear it.

5. You’ll die of boredom.

6. Let’s go out and live it up.

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct

particles from the box.1. Hundreds of species are thought to be dying _________ every da

y.2. Once the press find out his secret, he’ll never live it _________ .3. We had a terrible storm last night but it soon died _________ .4. I know you hate your job, but you’ll have to live _________ it fo

r the time being.5. When our excitement finally died _________ , we realised what

the million-pound win meant.6. My boss is so demanding, I can never live _________ his expect

ations.7. Students who go to university usually have to live _________ th

eir parents.





up to


down up to with off out away

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Grammar and Reading

• Look at the title “The Mysteries of Life”, and answer the questions.

1 In which aspects of life can DNA be useful?

2 What kind of information can be obtained from it?

1 Crime, disease, the past, evolution

2 Whether people are descendants of someone, whose blood, hair etc has been left at the scene of a crime, whether products are genuine or pirated.

Page 48: Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 1 Unit Eleven Give me a clue


Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Read the following sentences, and Match the

sentences to patterns a and b.a He was said to have died in prison during the French

Revolution.b The hairs were thought to be from a cat.c They are believed to have identified fake Olympic

souvenirs …d The new technology is expected to ensure the

authenticity of sports items for years to come.

• a subject + passive + infinitive • b subject + passive + perfect infinitive

b d

a c

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Read the 4 sentences again, and find which

sentence reports a fact/situation that a. happened at the same time as it was reported?

b. happened before the time it was reported?

c. is expected to happen in the future?

What verbs can be used to introduce patterns a and b?

said, thought, believed, expected (known, understood, claimed etc)

a He was said to have died in prison …

c They are believed to have identified …

b The hairs were thought to be from a cat.

d The new technology is expected to ensure …

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Read sentences1 and 2, find their equivalents in

the article.

1 Louis XVII was claimed to have been rescued and replaced by an impostor.

2 Famous brand names are increasingly thought to be using DNA technology to protect their products.

Many people claimed that he had been rescued and replaced by an impostor.

It is thought that famous brand names are increasingly using DNA technology.

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the

same.1 Scientists now believe that Beethoven died of lead poisoning.

Beethoven _______________________________________ .

2 It was reported that fruit found at the crime scene had led police to the murderer.

Fruit found at the crime scene _____________________________________________ .

3 It is said that US Super Bowl organisers are using DNA marking in their footballs.

US Super Bowl organisers _________________________________________________.

4 Archaeologists expect that the frozen mummy will provide vital information about Inca ci


The frozen mummy ______________________________________________________ .

5 Geneticists claim that a local Bristol man is a descendant of a 9,000-year-old skeleton.

A local Bristol man ______________________________________________________ .

6 Many people at the time alleged Mozart had been poisoned.

Mozart _________________________________ .

is believed to have died of lead poisoning

was reported to have led police to the murderer

are said to be using DNA markings in their footballs

is expected to provide vital information about Inca civilisation

is claimed to be a descendent of a 9,000- year-old skeleton

was alleged to have been poisoned

Page 52: Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 1 Unit Eleven Give me a clue


Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in

brackets--- Kennewick Man( 肯纳威克人 )

When two boys found the skeleton of Kennewick Man in 1995, it _______________(think/be) the remains of a murdered man, but ____________________ (later/discover/be) over 9,000 years old. Then a legal battle over the remains delayed further analysis for years. Scientists ______________________ (report/be) extremely anxious about this. It was the oldest complete skeleton _____________ (find) in North America and __________________ (expect/provide) crucial information about the mysterious origins of the first Americans. Scientists finally gained access to Kennewick Man in 2005, and have made important discoveries. He __________________(understand/be) about 1m 70 tall and _________ (die) around the age of forty. Most interestingly, he _________________ (say/bury) deliberately. Further analysis and DNA tests _________________ (expect/determine) not only his diet but whether he was from Polynesia, not NE Asia.

was thought to be

it was later discovered to be

were (are) reported to have been

to have been foundwas (is) expected to provide

is understood to have been

to have diedis said to have been buried

are expected to determine

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 SPEAK OUT

Problem solving 解决问题提出问题The trouble is …I can already see quite a few pitfalls.I’ve just realised there’s a hitch here.Yes, that could work!/I don’t think it would work.

讨论解决方案Just to go back to the point you made about …We don’t seem to be getting very far, do we?So where are we now, then?We’ll get round it somehow.

结束对该问题的讨论Let’s move on, shall we?/ Moving on …Let’s leave that for now and come back to it later.










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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2 Writing

Culture notes• San Lorenzo de Almagro is a football club based in th

e Boedo district of Buenos Aires. They play in blue and red vertical stripes. It was established in 1908 and won its first professional title in 1933.

• Iowa is a state in the mid-west of the USA. It joined the union in 1846. It has a population of 3 million and 35 percent are of German descent. One of the most famous Iowans is John Wayne, the actor.

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

• Read the following text, fill in the blanks with one word. And then find the headlines for each of them.

• A. • A judge in Argentina ordered a parrot to ___ held in c

ustody until he said the name of his owner. Two neighbours, Jorge Machado and R Vega, ___ both claimed Pepo was theirs. After five days, Pepo ____ Jorge’s name and sang the anthem of his favourite football team. Mr Machado said: ‘I knew he wouldn’t let me down. He’s a real friend and we _____ support San Lorenzo.’




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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2• B.

• A burglar who stole from a cartoonist in Australia was arrested after his victim drew his picture. Bill Green, 82, saw the man take a bicycle ____ his shed. He gave his sketch to police, who matched __to a man arrested _________ a different theft. Policeman Michael Henry said: ‘We were amazed. The cartoon was the spitting image of ___man we’d just caught.’

• C. • A woman from Iowa is alleged to have faked her ____ d

eath to avoid paying $500 in parking tickets. Police say Kimberly Du, 36, was caught after she got __ ticket a month after her ‘death’. She had faked her own obituary and forged a letter saying she had died __a car crash. She now faces up to five years in prison __ fraud.








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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

• D. • A goldfish carried from its garden pond by flo

ods has ____ found alive in a water-filled hole by the roadside more ___ a mile away. Farmer Ab Oskam, 66, was _________ his dog when he recognised the fish __ one of three belonging to his neighbours. ‘It was a miracle such a delicate little thing survived,’ he said. The fish has now been named Nemo.





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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2

• Look at the list of features. Which apply to the headlines and which to the short articles? Find examples of each feature.

1 冠词 (a, the)常常省略2 常引用别人的话3 谈及人物年龄4 当谈到现在或过去事件时,往往用一般现在时5 被动句中使用过去分词6 常使用被动句







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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2


Choose a headline and write a short article about it, using 60-70words.

1 Thieves caught in stolen clothes

2 School burglar takes Maths test

3 Burglar sleeps on the job

4 Stolen painting recovered

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Success Upper Intermediate 高级英语 2