Co-organised by: 第五届中国战略环境评价学术论坛 T HE 5TH CHINA STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (SEA) FORUM 2017 年 5 月 11-12 日,香港 11-12 May 2017, Hong Kong ENHANCING REGIONAL SUSTAINABILITY T HROUGH SEA Sponsors:

T 5Th C S e a (Sea) F - hkieia.org.hkhkieia.org.hk/Portals/0/Event/proceedings_20170503_final_for...May I also extend a special greeting to all our overseas guests, and wish ... (RPP)

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Co-organised by:


The 5Th China STraTegiC environmenTal aSSeSSmenT (Sea) Forum

2017 年 5 月 11-12 日,香港

11-12 May 2017, Hong Kong

enhanCing regional SuSTainabiliTy Through Sea


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About the Forum 论坛简介

Clara U, FHKIEIA, HKIQEPChairpersonHong Kong Institute of Environmental Impact Assessment ChairpersonOrganising Committee of the 5th China SEA Forum

On behalf of the Organising Committee, I take this opportunity to welcome you all to the 5th China Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Forum, which is organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Impact Assessment (HKIEIA), the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Nankai University of Tianjin. We are very delighted to have the presence of distinguished delegates from the Mainland China and overseas including the US and UK. Our warmest welcome is also extended to the academia, environmental professionals, consultants and colleagues from the government departments, who are involved in the environmental assessment processes, either as the statutory consultation authorises or project proponents. We sincerely appreciate your commitment and support.

The 5th China SEA Forum is the only forum of its kind which gathers international and regional environmental experts in the construction and environmental planning sectors, to facilitate the integration of the innovative techniques in infrastructures, environmental planning and policy making. This Forum will provide a platform to influential private sector leaders exploring the issues in light of the recent environmental and economic issues, and also to feature our strengths in applying SEA to achieve sustainable development in the regional context.

I am confident that we can all contribute positively to the future development of SEA, through the genuine and insightful discussion in this Forum. Last but not least, I would like to thank all supporting organisations and sponsors for their unfailing support and hard work to make this a success.

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Message from the Co-organiser 协办单位讯息

Prof. Gabriel Lau Director Institute of Environment Energy and Sustainability (IEES) The Chinese University of Hong Kong

On behalf of the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, I cordially welcome all participants of the 5th China SEA Forum to our campus. The primary objective of IEES is to foster cross-disciplinary research on physical and socio-economic aspects of environmental impacts induced by human activities, and their implications for energy technology, urban planning, public health and governance. We are also dedicated to nurturing the next generation of scholars in these areas, and transferring our knowledge to practitioners of environmental management as well as the general public.

SEA has emerged over the last two decades as one of the most prominent processes for environmental mainstreaming and assessing environmental implications of policies, plans and programmes proposed by the governments for effective decision-making. We share strong common interests with the practitioners to strengthen skills and knowledge in applying SEA to achieve sustainable development in the regional context. Therefore our Institute is very pleased to serve as a co-organiser of this Forum. My colleagues at IEES look forward to stimulating discussions and fruitful exchange of ideas with local and international experts in the environmental, climate and policy-making fields throughout this event.

May I also extend a special greeting to all our overseas guests, and wish them a very pleasant stay in Hong Kong.

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Welcome Letter from the Co-organiser 祝贺信

南开大学战略环境评价研究中心主任 徐鹤

作为第五届中国战略环境评价论坛的召集人,欢迎来自国内外的专家学者齐聚香港,共同研讨中国战略环境评价的理论与实践。中国自 2002 年颁布的《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》实施以来,战略环评一路走来,风雨兼程却硕果累累。环评法中规定的规划环评在全国“花开各地,各具其色”,许多地方政府及相关部门都因地制宜地制定了规划环评实施的相关方案、法规和技术导则;针对大区域战略环评、政策环

评的实践试点和理论研究也在稳中有序地开展。作为一项新生事物,战略环评没有现成的经验和发展模式,战略环评的发展也面临着理论研究滞后于实践发展的问题。为有效地推进战环评的学术发展,2009 年 2 月,南开大学和香港中文大学发起创办了“中国战略环境评价学术论坛”,论坛创办的宗旨为学术性、民间性、自发性和非赢利性,旨在通过国内、外相关领域专家学者、研究人员、环评工程师的学术交流,探讨中国战略环评的发展、方法、瓶颈及实践等。 论坛已经先后在香港(2009)、天津(2011)、昆明(2013)、成都(2015)成功的举办了四届。来自南开大学、清华大学、复旦大学、北京师范大学、南京大学、中山大学、山东大学等国内数十个知名学府以及来自环境保护部、住房与城乡建设部、国土资源部等相关部委研究机构 800 余人参加了论坛,相互交流、分享经验。南开大学于 2004 年率先在全国成立了战略环境评价研究中心,针对战略环评的基础理论和方法学做了大量的研究工作,已经出版了十几部战略环评的专著,内容涉及战略环评的基础理论、方法学、有效性研究及新领域的拓展等方面。建立欧洲 - 中国内地 - 中国香港的跨区域国际合作交流网,先后与美国、英国、日本、丹麦、澳大利亚、墨西哥、瑞士等国家开展了国际合作交流;将中国战略环评的研究与实践,以专刊的形势在 Environmental Impact Assessment Review 与 Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 外文杂志上出版,有效地推动中国战略环评走向国际化。2017 年,是中国环境评价变革发展的一年,也是香港特行政区回归中国 20周年,值此时机,我们举办第五届中国战略环境评价论坛,通过与内地、港澳台相关专家和学者的共同研讨交流,共同推动中国的战略环境评价的学术发展。战略环评的发展不仅需要科学的方法指导和技术分析还需要结合其所处的社会、文化、行为背景以及制度结构特别需要政府和相关部门的协调合作,这应当是未来中国战略环评努力的方向之一,愿与大家共勉,共同推进中国战略环评的发展。

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Ms Loh Kung Wai, Christine, JPUnder Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, Hong Kong SAR

Ms Christine Loh is currently the Under Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, Hong Kong SAR. Ms Loh was the Chief Executive Officer of the non-profit public policy think tank Civic Exchange prior to joining the HKSAR Government in September 2012. Prior to founding Civic Exchange in 2000, Ms Loh had spent nearly a decade as a politician and member of the Legislative Council (1992-97 and 1998-2000). Having been very active in public affairs since 1980, she had founded or served on boards of a wide range of non-governmental organisations in Hong Kong and overseas concerning a variety of issues including environmental protection, urban planning and design, and equal opportunity. Ms Loh is a lawyer by training.

Honorable Officiating Guests 荣誉主宾


谢慧女士简历2005 年 3 月至今,在环保部环评司规划环评处工作,先后主持并参与了环境影响评价条例制定,五大区域、西部大开发、中部和三大地区战略环评工作,长期从事区域和城市、城际铁路、轨道交通、产业园区等领域的规划环评管理,在立法、部门合作机制创建、区域和城市空间与交通等规划环评方面取得积极进展。

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Honorable Forum Advisor 论坛荣誉顾问

Mr. Glenn Frommer, FHKIEIA,Honorable Forum Advisor Dr Glenn Frommer is one of the pioneers of sustainability and the environmental movement, having worked in the field for more than 30 years. Glenn held senior management positions with the Mass Transit Railway Corporation in Hong Kong for more than 22 years. Glenn holds a PhD in Aerospace Sciences, is a Fellow of the

International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, a member of several international and local Hong Kong professional bodies, a Fulbright Fellow and a published author. Glenn is also the Honorary Chair of the UITP Sustainable Development Commission, having started the Working Group in 2001.

朱坦教授,论坛荣誉顾问 南開大學戰略環境評價中心顧問 天津市原政協副主席南开大学教授,博导。研究方向为环境评价与管理、大气颗粒物源解析、循环经济和城市生态。现任国家环境咨询委员会委员,科技部“973”综合交叉领域咨询专家,联合国教科文组织(UNISPAR/UNESCO)环境管理教席;天津市生态道德教育促进会会长;南开大学环境与社会发展研究中心主任,南开大学中国再生资源研究中心主任,教育部“985 工程”循环经济社会科学创新基地首席专家,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。

Prof. Lam Kin Che, Adjunct ProfessorDepartment of Geography and Resource ManagementProfessor LAM Kin Che is an academic in environmental policy and assessment, a long-time environmental advisor of the Hong Kong SAR Government and a free-lance consultant of The World Bank. He is currently Adjunct Professor of

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Griffith University in Australia. He served The Chinese University of Hong Kong for over three decades during when he founded the Centre for Strategic Assessment for China and the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability. He received the Silver Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong SAR Government (2006) and the Regional Award from the International Association of Impact Assessment (2016) for his contribution to the promotion of environmental assessment in Hong Kong and the region.

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Keynote Biography 主旨发言简历

Prof. K K Ling, JPAdjunct Professor Department of Urban Planning and Design University of Hong Kong

Prof. K. K. Ling is a professional town planner with extensive experience including planning for the new airport and the Tung Chung New Town, review of the Town Planning Ordinance, harbor-front planning and development, planning enforcement and prosecution, cross-boundary planning, and planning for new development areas. He was the Director of Planning from 2012 to 2016, heading the Planning Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. He was also the chairman of the Metro Planning Committee and Rural & New Town Planning Committee of the Town Planning Board. He is Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (FHKIP), Registered Professional Planner (RPP) and with People’s Republic of China Registered Urban Planner Qualification. He was the President of HKIP from 2007 to 2009. After retiring from the post of Director of Planning in November 2016, he was appointed as Honorary Professor, Adjunct Professor and Professor of Practice (Planning) respectively by the University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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Keynote Biography 主旨发言简历

Dr. Stephen F. LintnerIndependent Advisor on Environmental and Social Sustainability

Dr. Stephen F. Lintner is an independent advisor to governments and development organisat ions on environmental and social sustainability. He has over 40 years of worldwide experience in environment, infrastructure and water resources management, including the development of policies and procedures, design of strategies and programs, and planning and implementation of projects. Lintner also serves as a Visiting Professor of Geography at King’s College London and as a member of the Board of the Stockholm Environment Institute.

During his long tenure at the World Bank, Lintner held leadership roles in a range of environmental and social policy, strategy, technical and capacity building activities at the global, regional and national levels. He served as the Bank’s Senior Technical Advisor for 15 years, where he had responsibility for developing, interpreting and overseeing the implementation of the environmental and social safeguard policies of the Bank. Earlier, he was the Advisor for Freshwater, Coastal and Marine Resources Management.

Lintner was one of the primary authors of the Bank’s initial policy on environmental assessment and also supported other multilateral development banks and bilateral development organisations in the preparation of their policies for environmental and social assessment, involuntary resettlement and Indigenous Peoples.

Lintner is the former President of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). He holds a Ph.D. in Geography and Environmental Engineering from Johns Hopkins University (USA).

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Keynote Biography 主旨发言简历

李天威 博士环境保护部环境工程评估中心总工程师

李天威博士,环境保护部环境工程评估中心总工程师,研究员。担任中国环境科学学会理事、南开大学战略环境评价研究中心客座教授、山东科技大学兼职教授,《中国环境管理》编委等。长期从事环境影响评价、环境规划及环境污染防治等领域的政策制定、管理实践和理论技术方法研究工作,是我国战略环境影响评价制度的主要开创者之一,也是我国战略环境评价领域的学术带头人和著名专家。参与制定了《环境影响评价法》、《建设项目环境保护管理条例》等法规,主持制定了《规划环境影响评价条例》及配套规章、《建设项目环境保护分类管理名录(试行)》等法规,主持编制了《环境影响评价“十二五”规划》、《“十三五”环境影响评价改革实施方案》,主持完成了 “五大区域重点产业发展战略环境评价”、“西部大开发重点区域和行业发展环境影响评价”“中部地区发展战略环境评价”、“京津冀、长三角和珠三角地区战略环境评价”、“汶川灾后重建专项规划环境影响评价”等重点区域和行业发展战略环境评价项目。其中,《五大区域重点产业发展战略环境评价研究》获得 2013 年度环境保护部环境保护科学技术一等奖。出版了《政策层面战略环境评价理论方法与实践经验》(第一作者)、《我国战略环境评价的有效性研究》(第一作者)、《五大区域重点产业发展战略环境评价》(副主编)、《西部大开发重点区域和行业发展战略环境评价》(第一作者)、《政策和部门改革的战略环境评价 -- 概念模型和操作指南》(译著,第一作者)、《区域开发生态风险评价理论与方法研究》(副主编)等著作多部,发表论文 30 余篇。

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Dr Alan BondSenior Lecturer in Environmental ManagementExtraordinary Professor

Dr Alan Bond is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UK) and Extraordinary Professor in the School of Geo and Spatial Sciences, North West University (South Africa), with over 25 years’ experience in Impact Assessment (EA). He runs a full-time MSc programme on Environmental Assessment and Management at the University of East Anglia. He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Environmental Impact Assessment Review and advises Radioactive Waste Management on sustainability assessment associated with the Managing Radioactive Waste Safely programme in the UK.

He has previously conducted research for the World Health Organisation, European Commission, Health Development Agency, European Environment Agency, Welsh Assembly Government, Environment Agency (England & Wales), and has undertaken consultancy work with Entec, Ben Cave Associates, UK Nirex Ltd., Enviros, and Land Use Consultants. He has worked as a Quality Mark Panel member for the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA). Dr Bond has published over 70 peer-reviewed works and had edited two key texts on sustainability assessment (Bond, A, A Morrison-Saunders and R Howitt, (editors). (2013), Sustainability Assessment: Pluralism, Practice and Progress, Built Environment Series; Taylor and Francis, London; and Morrison-Saunders, A, J Pope and A Bond, (editors). (2015), Handbook of Sustainability Assessment, Research Handbooks on Impact Assessment; Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA)

Keynote Biography 主旨发言简历

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Keynote Biography 主旨发言简历

Dr. Chen Yongqin, David ( 陳永勤教授 )Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHKLeader, China Environment Programme, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability, CUHK

Dr. Yongqin David Chen is a Professor of the Department of Geography and Resource Management, and the Leader of China Environment Programme, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his B.S. (1984) and M.Sc. (1987) from the Department of Geography in Zhongshan University in China, and Ph.D. (1996) from the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, USA. His research and teaching areas include hydrology and water resources management, meteorology and climatology, environmental assessment and modeling, and regional development. In recent years his research activities have focused on hydrologic impacts of global climate change and regional land-use alteration, low-flow hydrology in the Pearl River basin, hydrologic changes in the Pearl River Delta, and urban water management in Hong Kong, and strategic environmental assessment in China. He has published over 100 papers in these areas in international and Chinese journals, as well as book volumes. He has been active in serving in various capacities for several universities, professional societies and government advisory committees at local, national, and international levels, including President of the Professional Association for China’s Environment, Vice Chair of Commission on Hydrology of Geographical Society of China, Vice Chair of Commission on Water Resources, Chinese Society of Natural Resources, member of Strategic Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Observatory and member of Advisory Committee on the Quality of Water Supplies, Hong Kong SAR Government.

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Keynote Biography 主旨发言简历

Dr Hu Tao China Program Director World Wildlife Fund US

An ecologist and environmental economist by training, Tao is a veteran with an insider’s perspective on China’s environmental pol icy. With almost two decades of experience of working at the Policy Research Center of China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection, Tao has witnessed and participated in the formulation of a wide array of national environmental policy recommendations. Ranging from smartly pricing natural resources to boost efficiency and cut down pollution to streamlining the environmental management systems to minimize bureaucracy and empower enforcement agencies, he has been a witness to and involved in much of China’s recent environmental policy making. This experience has taught him that environmental policy is only effective when informed by and built on solid economic thinking.Tao is a pioneer in China focusing on environmental issues arising out of international trade. He was the chief expert of a special technical team that provided support for China’s negotiation on trade and environment issues under the Committee of Trade and Environment (CTE) of WTO. Tao also advised on China’s Environmental Goods and Services (EGS) negotiation in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

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Invited Guests 会议邀请专家

徐鹤教授南开大学战略环境评价研究中心 主任

徐鹤,南开大学教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才(2010) , 天津市“131”科技人才,政府间气候变化委员会(IPCC)AR5 评审专家(RE);最高人民法院环境损害司法鉴定基地研究员;日本北九州市立大学客座教授;中国环境影响评价专业委员会副主任委员、中国环境科学学会环境地学分会副主任委员、中国管理科学学会环境管理专业委员会副主任委员;中国环境科学学会环境经济分会、环境规划专委会及绿色金融分会常务委员 ; 目前担任南开大学生态文明研究院副院长、战略环境评价研究中心主任、循环经济研究中心以及中美环境修复与可持续发展研究中心副主任; 国际期刊“Environmental Impact Assessment Review”(SSCI,EI 索引)副主编,,“Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal”(IAPA) 及“Journal of Environmental Assessment and Policy Management”(JEAPM)责任编辑。长期以来一直从事战略环境评价 ( 针对政策、规划和计划开展的环境评价 ) 领域的基础理论和实践研究。作为战略环境评价的咨询专家,先后参加了世界银行(WB)、亚洲开发银行(ADB)、加拿大国际开发署(CIDA)、瑞典国际开发署(SIDA)、联合国高等研究所(UNU/IAS)、地球环境研究所(IGES)等战略环境评价的国际合作项目,主持了几十项的战略环境评价的示范与实践工作,创办了“中国战略环境评价学术论坛”,其领导的学术团队参与制定了多项国家战略环境评价技术导则和地方及行业技术规范工作。

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Invited Guests 会议邀请专家


孙佑海教授简历: 是 1985 年以来中国环境保护法律的直接起草者或参与者。荣获 2013 年度中华宝钢环境奖。现任:天津大学法学院院长、教授、博导;天津大学中国绿色发展研究院执行院长。国家环境咨询委员会委员;最高人民法院环境损害司法鉴定研究基地主任;中国环境资源法学研究会副会长。曾任:国务院法制局农林城建环保法规司副司长;全国人大环境与资源保护委员会法案室主任;最高人民法院一级高级法官;最高人民法院中国应用法学研究所所长兼最高人民法院研究室副主任;人民法院报社社长。

刘毅 教授清华大学战略环境评价中心 主任


刘毅,清华大学环境学院教授、博士生导师,院党委书记。1999 年毕业于清华大学环境科学与工程系,2004 年获清华大学环境科学与工程博士学位,2005 年获荷兰瓦赫宁根大学环境政策博士学位。2005 年 6 月至 10 月在奥地利国际应用系统分析研究所开展合作研究。研究领域包括环境系统分析、复杂系统模拟,近年来主要从事战略环境评价领域(SEA)的基础研究、实践和教学工作,研究成果获环境保护科技一等奖、华夏建设科技二等奖,2016 年入选国家环境保护科技领军人才计划。兼任环境保护部环境影响评价专家咨询组成员,中国环境科学学会理事、中国环境科学学会环境影响评价分会副主任委员,中国土木工程学会水工业分会副理事长,中国管理学会环境管理分会学术委员会主任委员, 担 任“Sustainability Science”、”Environmental Impact Assessment Review”,以及《环境科学》、《环境影响评价》、《中国环境管理》期刊编委。

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Invited Guests 会议邀请专家

李巍 教授北京师范大学环境评价中心 主任

李巍博士,北京师范大学教授,博士生导师。目前担任北京师范大学环境影响评价中心主任。环境保护部环境影响评价专家咨询组成员,财政部中国清洁发展机制基金风险管理委员会委员,中国战略及规划环评技术联盟理事。长期从事战略环境评价理论和规划环境影响评价技术方法研究,出版相关著作 6 部,主持规划环评试点项目 6 项,参与规划环评技术导则编制 3 项,获得环境保护科学技术一等奖一项。


包存宽,复旦大学环境科学与工程系教授、博士生导师,系学术委员会副主任,兼任上海生态经济学会副会长、中国生态文明研究促进会理事,中国环境科学学会环境规划、环境影响评价、环境经济、环境风险等多个专业委员会委员、常委,《中国环境管理》、《生态环境与保护》(中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料)、《城乡规划》、《四川环境》编委,《中国环境报》特约评论员。出版国内首部专著《战略环境评价导论》,参与了《规划环境影响评价技术导则(试行)》(HJ/T130-2003)、《规划环境影响评价技术导则——总纲》(HJ/T130-2014)等多项规划环评技术导则的研究和编制。承担并完成国家自然科学基金及各级各类环境规划、生态规划课题 30 余项。学会理事、中国环境科学学会环境影响评价分会副主任委员,中国土木工程学会水工业分会副理事长,中国管理学会环境管理分会学术委员会主任委员,担任“Sustainability Science”、”Environmental Impact Assessment Review”,以及《环境科学》、《环境影响评价》、《中国环境管理》期刊编委。

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Invited Guests 会议邀请专家


赵鑫先生简历自 2010 年 10 月至今,在环保部环评司规划环评处工作,任主任科员,先后参与了五大区域、西部大开发、中部和三大地区战略环评工作,长期从事流域、水电、火电、矿产资源等领域的规划环评管理,在与相关部门的合作机制建设、方法标准制定方面取得积极进展。此前,在北京市崇文区卫生局(2007.6-2010.10 )任副主任科员,从事卫生监督执法、环境与健康研究等工作。


袁增伟,南京大学环境学院教授、博士生导师。主要从事环境规划与管理研究,在磷循环过程机理及其资源环境效应评估方面取得创新性成果。主持国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、国家环保公益性行业科研专项等课题 20 余项。在 PNAS, ES&T, APPL ENERGY, ECOL APPL, J ENVIRON MANAG, SCI TOTAL ENVIRON, J CLEAN PRODU, INT J LIFE CYCLE ASSESS 等期刊发论文 103 篇(SCI 收录 55篇),其中第一作者/通讯作者论文72篇(SCI收录47篇),出版专著 / 教材 6 部,授权软件著作权 10 项。获教育部科技进步二等奖和江苏省科学技术进步二等奖各 1项(排名均为第二),中国环境科学学会“优秀环境科技工作者特别奖”,首届国家优秀青年科学基金获得者;先后入选南京大学优秀中青年学科带头人、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,江苏省 333 高层次人才培养工程中青年科学技术带头人等人才计划。兼任中国环境科学学会环境地学分会副秘书长、生态产业分会副主任委员、环境规划专业委员会常委会委员,中国地理学会环境地理优秀青年学者论坛组委会秘书长,中国生态学会青年工作委员会副主任委员、中国生态经济学会工业生态经济与技术专业委员会常务理事、国际水协流域管理委员会委员、国际环境地球化学论坛组委会委员、绿色增长知识平台研究委员会委员。

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Invited Guests 会议邀请专家


施国庆,安徽定远人,1982 年毕业于河海大学,先后获学士、硕士学位。现任河海大学教授,博士生导师,河海大学公共管理学院创院院长(2004-2017),社会发展研究所所长,中国移民研究中心(NRCR)主任。兼任世界移民网络理事会理事(创始人之一),国际强制性移民研究会理事,国际水电协会水电可持续性评估理事会理事兼新兴与发展中国家委员会主席 , 国际水资源协会(IWRA)组织委员会主任 (2010-2012),国务院三峡移民开发局咨询专家,南水北调工程稽查专家,世界银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲投资银行移民与社会学咨询专家,中国社会学会常务理事兼移民社会学专委会主任,中国水力发电工程学会水库专委会副主任,江苏省社会学会副会长,南京市社会学会会长等等。我国移民科学与管理学科的主要奠基人和开拓者。国务院特殊津贴获得者。主要研究各类非自愿和自愿移民活动的社会学、经济学和管理学研究,工程管理学、社会学、经济学。主持国家社会科学基金重大与重点项目、国际合作项目、国家 863 项目子题、省部级基金 / 软科学项目和国家重点工程移民、社会、经济与管理专题研究项目 100 多项;发表工程移民、社会学、经济学、管理学方面论文 300 余篇,并与国外学者在 Science 杂志发表论文;获得省部级科技进步、哲学社会科学奖 10 多项,获得严恺科技奖、水利部优秀教师、江苏省青年科学家(提名奖)、江苏省青年科技标兵、江苏省优秀青年骨干教师、江苏省 333 工程第一批培养对象(1994-1997)、江苏省有突出贡献的中青年专家(2006)等。

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Invited Guests 会议邀请专家

徐洪磊研究员通运输部规划研究院资源与环境所 所长

徐洪磊,环境科学与工程专业博士,交通运输部规划研究院环境资源所所长,教授级高级工程师,国家应对气候变化专家委员会委员。长期从事交通运输领域的环境保护关键技术、战略环境评价理论与实践、资源环境规划等方向研究。所带领的团队先后完成综合交通运输体系规划、公路网规划、城市交通规划、港口规划、航道规划等领域战略环境评价项目超过 100 项。其本人主持完成了多项国家规划环评标准规范,牵头完成了国家交通运输节能环保的“十二五”和“十三五”规划,承担多项相关领域国家重大科技专项研究,其研究成果直接支撑了中国船舶排放控制区政策、京津冀大气污染防治方案等国家重大政策的制定。

莫罹 教授级高工中国城市规划设计研究院 水务分院副总工

莫罹,中国城市规划设计研究院 水务院副总工,教授级高工,规划环境影响评价专家,水利部水资源论证评审专家等。长期以来从事城市及区域生态环境、规划环评及城市水系统等领域的科研与规划实践,具有对相关专业领域全局性及发展趋势的深入了解和基本判断。参与的相关科研主要有科技支撑计划《城镇总体规划对人居环境影响的总体评价技术研究》,《全国水资源规划》之《中国城市发展规模与布局及用水定额研究》、“十一五”水重大专项《城市供水系统规划调控技术研究与示范》、“十二五”水专项《南水北调受水区城市水源优化配置及安全调控技术研究》等;负责参与的规划项目主要有《玉溪生态市建设规划》、《玉溪水系统规划研究》、《贵安新区城市水系统综合规划》,参与《深圳 2030 年城市发展战略》、《长江三角洲城镇群规划》、《全国城镇体系规划》、《浙江省域城镇体系规划》、《唐山南部沿海地区空间发展战略》以及唐山总规、漳州总规等规划之生态环境专题研究。

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Invited Guests 会议邀请专家

鲁玺 教授清华大学环境学院,国家青年千人气候变化方专家

鲁玺,清华大学副教授,博士生导师,青年千人计划获得者,哈佛大学讲师、副研究员。中国环境管理科学学会环境专业委员会秘书长,中国能源科技产业学会常务理事。留美青年环境学者论坛(CESF)的创始人与组织人。参与国际博士生合作培养,担任美国 Delaware 大学博士论文指导委员会委员。Science、 Applied Energy、Energy Policy、Environmental Science & Technology 等 15 个 国 际 学术期刊审稿人,2015 年被 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reivews 评选为优秀审稿人。科技部重点专项课题负责人,基金委管理学部重大专项主要参与人。

长期以来围绕可再生能源系统建模与政策方向长期开展研究工作,构建完善了风能资源综合评估体系,提出了高比例可再生能源的共生协同发展机制与理论。研究成果以封面文章发表于 Science, PNAS, Nature Energy 等国际知名期刊上,其中在 Science 与 Nature Energy 上的论文由于研究方法的创新与重要的政策启示分别被推荐为当期封面论文。研究成果被 Science、PNAS、Nature Energy等 期 刊 在 Research Highlights 或 News & Views 专 栏中评述报道,同时得到 MIT Technology Review、New Scientist、IEEE Spectrum 等 专 业 机 构 追 踪, 还 多 次 受到 BBC、Time Magazine、Discovery News、Science Daily、Bloomberg News、荷兰 NRC、The Washington Post、China Daily 等国内外重要媒体报道。

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Organising Committee 筹备委员会

Ms. Clara UDr. David Yonggin Chen Dr. Xu HeDr. Xu YuanDr. Wu JingProf. K C Lam

Dr. Glenn FrommerMr. David YeungDr. Karen LeeMs. Holy ToMr. Simon CheungMs. Mo Pang (Forum Secretariat)

Supporting Organisations 支持机构

• Environmental Protection Department, HKSARG• Planning Department, HKSARG • Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals• Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong• The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Hong

Kong• City University of Hong Kong• The University of Hong Kong• School of Science & Technology, the Open University of Hong Kong• Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese

University of Hong Kong • Division of Environment and Institute for the Environment of the Hong Kong

University of Science and Technology

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Supporting Organisations 支持机构

• Appraisal Center for Environment & Engineering, Ministry of Environmental Protection , China

• Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning• China Academy of Urban Planning and Design• Environmental Development Center of Ministry of Environmental Protection• Transport Planning and Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, China• Strategic Environmental Assessment Research Center, Tsinghua University• Environmental Impact Assessment Center, Beijing Normal University• Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University• China Green Development Research Institute, Tianjin University• School of the Environment Nanjing University• School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University• Shandong University School of Environmental Science and Engineering• School of Ecology and Environment, Inner Mongolia University• School of Environmental Science and Technology, Dalian University of

Technology• UNESCO Ecological Technology Chair at Yunnan University• School of Environment Northeast Normal University• School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal

University• Appraisal Center for Environmental and Engineering, Yunnan Province• Sichuan Environment and Engineering Appraisal Center• Professional Association for China’s Environment• Urban Planning & Architectural Design Institute of Fudan University,

Ecology and Environment Planning & Design Branch

Sponsors 赞助机构

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Climate change impacts on floods and water availability across China in the 21st century

Yongqin David Chen

Department of Geography and Resource Management, andInstitute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, ChinaEmail: [email protected]


Climate change has been undoubtedly one of the biggest challenges for the modern world. It has been widely agreed that global temperature will continue to rise and consequentially the climate extremes, primarily in terms of temperature and precipitation, are becoming more and more frequent and intense. Such changes will cause numerous impacts on the natural environment and society, including water hazards and availability. In this study, we analyzed discharge simulations from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP) to evaluate the potential changes in floods and water availability across China in the 21st century under the changing climate. The ISI-MIP simulations come from eight global hydrology and land use models in ISI-MIP driven by bias-corrected climate outputs from five Global Climate Models (GCMs). The paper aims to assess the model simulations of historical floods and water availability against observed streamflow data, evaluate the climate change impacts on floods and water availability for 2070-2099 relative to 1971-2000 across China under greenhouse gas Representative Concentration Pathways RCP2.6 (low emission) and RCP8.5 (high emission) with consideration of uncertainties, analyze the linkage between changes in floods and water availability with climate change, and finally identify the major source of model uncertainties. The results show that ISI-MIP simulations have acceptable ability in modelling floods and water availability with uncertainties. The spatial patterns of changes in floods and water availability highly depend on the outputs of GCMs. Uncertainties from GCMs predominate the uncertainties in the wet areas in the eastern China, while uncertainties from IMs predominate in the dry areas in the northwestern China. The model agreements are higher in flood simulation than water availability because the projected increasing precipitation extremes are more consistent among different GCMs compared to the mean values. Keywords: Floods, Water availability, Climate change, China

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Strategic Environmental Assessment – from Insight to Outsight, from Local to Global and from Mitigation to Capacity

Matthew ChanEnvironmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR Government


Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has well been known as a process to analyse and evaluate broader environmental implications of the policies, plans and programmes (PPPs) at an early stage of the decision-making process. As a macro-level assessment, it differs from Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which is commonly used to assess project-based environmental impacts and to identify ways to prevent, reduce and mitigate adverse environmental impacts. Insightfully, SEA may be viewed as an enhancement to a project EIA so as to address the environmental issues earlier, wider and higher. Outsightfully, SEA may be viewed as part of a serial environmental assessment (EA) process that addresses environmental issues in stages, with strategic EA be the first-front of the process, project EA (or EIA) as the next and follow-up EA (or EM&A) as the last.

Issue-wise, SEA could be more flexible and have a larger room to accommodate a wider band of environmental issues spanning at the global, regional and local levels. In the ongoing SEA for the Hong Kong 2030 Plus Study, the environmental issues reviewed cover the global issues of climate change and biodiversity, regional issues of cross-boundary air and water quality impacts, and local environmental issues as typically required in the project EA. Indeed, SEA could be an opportune vehicle to integrate environmental policy laid down in the environmental blueprints of climate change, biodiversity, energy saving, waste management and clean air quality, etc. in the plan and programme proposals.

Different from a project EA which identifies mitigation to reduce adverse environmental impacts, as SEA focuses on sustainability matter, it should be a good vehicle to chime in with the concept of environmental capacity. Environmental capacity was featured in the Hong Kong 2030 Plus Study. It refers to the ability of the physical environment to sustain human activities and biodiversity, and is important to support sustainable development. Environmental capacity can be generated or enhanced by integrating conservation and biodiversity considerations into planning and decision making; and by improving the environment. Looking ahead, creation or enhancement of environmental capacity may become a key feature in SEA.

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A Tool for Better Sustainable Decision: Strategic Environmental Assessment

Karen Lee and Lawrence NgoEnvironmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR Government


Environmental considerations taken at earlier regulatory framework and strategic planning stages to achieve sustainable developments are of paramount importance. Without proper environmental planning and management, the environmental carrying capacity which serves as the basis for sustainable development policy framework, could be exceeded by various pressures including development demands that would result in deterioration of our built environment. In order to further improve the quality of our current environment, governments in many places have been applying strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in recent decades to ensure environmental issues being thoroughly considered together with economic and social aspects when defining policies and action plans. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has also developed a holistic environmental planning strategy with stringent assessment guidelines. As a major public sector, HKSAR Government has been amalgamating SEA into a high planning hierarchy process, with a view to bringing more sustainable planning options into focus at an early stage. Through this process, environmental surmountability of policies, plans and programme are evaluated before decisions are made. Environmental Protection Department (EPD), an environmental advisor of the HKSAR Government, is responsible for reviewing various SEAs including those conducted by different bureaux and departments in the last couple of decades, such as the territorial development strategy, regional land use planning etc. In addition, the SEA process in Hong Kong has further been prioritised to accommodate for demands from the community in recent years. The HKSAR Government is becoming more transparent and committed to fostering an early constructive dialogue with relevant stakeholders including green groups and the public to solicit different views in the SEA process. An influential and successful SEA will only be attained through the achievement of various vital factors including stakeholder engagement, accurate scientific information and organised monitoring system at the planning and implementation levels. Last but not least, continuous efforts on identifying challenges and opportunities are also essential to integrate SEA into policy framework in Hong Kong.

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The Role of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Hong Kong Total Water Management Strategy

Tiffany Cheung & Anthony Ho

Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR Government


Hong Kong enjoys a reliable supply of fresh water, which could be sufficient for the population up to 2030 according to the latest forecast. Nevertheless, Hong Kong’s water resources is facing a number of challenges including consecutive droughts and deterioration of water quality arising from climate changes, the competition of various cities in Guangdong Province for the Dongjiang (DJ) water and the projected growth of population. To ensure sustainable use of water resources, the HKSAR Government adopts a total water management (TWM) concept, under which various water demand & supply management strategies are formulated. For water demand management, TWM recommends enhancing public education on water conservation and promulgating the use of water saving and water leakage control devices; for water supply management, TWM formulates strategies on strengthening the protection of water resources, exploring the reuse of grey water and rainwater harvesting and the option of seawater desalination, etc. In order to address environmental risks and opportunities of the policies, plans and programmes (“PPP”) formulated in the TWM strategies, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (“SEA”) has been introduced in the TWM strategy formulation process. This SEA plays a significant role in analyzing and evaluating broader environmental implications of PPPs at an early stage of the decision-making process, and facilitating a balance of the water demand and supply in an integrated, multi-sectoral and sustainable manner. This paper will discuss the role and the contribution of SEA in climate change adaptation with the illustration of TWM strategies, with focus on evaluating the feasibility and long-term environmental implications of the proposed measures, the associated proposed projects and implementation schemes in response to different combinations of supply and demand scenarios.

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Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Drainage Projects in Hong Kong – Biodiversity Enhancement through the EIA Process

Clara U, Wellem Cheng, Tony Cheung

Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR Government


According to the recent research findings on climate change, the number of extremely wet years is expected to increase from 3 in 1885-2005 to about 12 in 2006-2100. At the same time, the annual rainfall in late 21st century is expected to rise by about 180mm when compared to the 1986-2005 average. In fact, Hong Kong is experiencing more and more extreme rainfall events in the past years due to climate change. Heavy downpours have overloaded the capacity of drainage system and caused flooding in the low-lying areas. Hong Kong is prone to landslide hazards, as more than 60% of Hong Kong’s land area is hilly terrain. To mitigate the adverse climate change effects, there is an imminent need for the Government to upgrade the drainage system including modification of natural streams and revitalization of existing streams and rivers to adapt to the climate change effects. Through the statutory Environmental Impact Assessment process, the drainage and flood management projects have taken balanced the need to adapt to the climate change issues and biodiversity considerations through upgrading the amenity and ecological values of the streams and rivers in Hong Kong. Some drainage improvement projects in Hong Kong are reviewed in this paper with a view to highlighting how the EIA process in Hong Kong has integrated the consideration of climate change and biodiversity issues. The paper has concluded that the ecological mitigation and enhancement measures recommended in the approved EIA reports, including habitat creation and species translocation, are effective to compensate habitat loss and conserve species of conservation interests, and that drainage improvement for climate change adaption will not compromise biodiversity conservation. On the other hand, these drainage improvement projects have helped to create “Blue-Green Infrastructure” in Hong Kong, which have both cooling effects and contributed to Hong Kong’s overall climate-readiness.

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Integration of Public Expectation Management in the Planning Process and EIA Procedure for a Civil Project –

A Rooftop Helipad at Queen Mary Hospital

Felix TAI , Tony Cheung, Richard Wong

Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR Government


Early planning and management of public expectation has a pivotal and indispensable role to play in underpinning the delivery of a difficult project, say “to place a public facility of polluting nature near the residential”, which would be unwelcomed by the locals there (also named as “Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY)” phenomenon), regardless of its benefits brought to them. The situation becomes even worse and difficult here in Hong Kong, whereby being one of the most densely-populated and cramped cities in the world, to implement these projects of practical needs. This Project (i.e. A Rooftop Helipad at Queen Mary Hospital) has no exception. In a bid to manage such public expectation and gain the trust and acceptance from the locals to the Project, Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has collaboratively worked along with the Project Proponent (Food and Health Bureau (FHB)), its works agent (Architectural Service Department (ArchSD)), and helipad manager (Hospital Authority (HA)), and helipad operator (Government Flying Services (GFS)) with tremendous efforts through integration of planning and the statutory Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Procedure to avoid, minimize and mitigate the environmental impact bringing to the society. This Paper selects one of the civil projects in Hong Kong to elaborate the benefits from the process of holistic planning and EIA procedure to hammer out an optimized development options step-by-step, as well as suggesting way of improvements for future civil projects.

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Focused strategic environmental assessment for three potential reclamation sites in the western waters of Hong Kong

Freeman Cheung, Dr David Gallacher & Josh Lam

AECOM Asia Company Ltd.


The Hong Kong Government commissioned an Enhancing Land Supply Strategy study to identify potential locations for reclamation outside Victoria Harbour and rock cavern development. For nearshore reclamation, three potential sites (Lung Kwu Tan, Siu Ho Wan and Sunny Bay) were identified in the western waters of Hong Kong, which were already constrained by various major infrastructure projects under planning or construction in the vicinity. These relatively large projects have the potential to impact environmentally sensitive receivers in the area, particularly marine ecology, as well as fisheries resources, marine water quality and air quality. Furthermore, reclamation at the identified sites would interface with other current, committed and planned/proposed infrastructure and development projects in Hong Kong western waters, including the Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge related Hong Kong projects, Expansion of the Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System, and Tung Chung New Town Extension, leading to potential cumulative impacts. This paper presents the findings of a focused strategic environmental assessment undertaken to address the potential cumulative impacts of proposed reclamation works at the three sites together with other developments in the area. The environmental performance of the developments would then be reviewed strategically, prior to taking forward these reclamation proposals to the next stage of further detailed project level studies.

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Climate Change – To integrate risks and concerns of climate change into strategic planning of cities and regions

M. H. Isa

Chun Wo-CRGL-MBEC Joint Venture


Past behavior of humans has already done some harm to the environment where we live today. This has also caused changes in weather conditions worldwide. In Hong Kong, the number of times and duration of heavy rainfall occurring has increased tremendously.

Due to scarcity of space in Hong Kong, buildings are congested and much closer to each other, if compared with buildings in other parts of the world. Buildings in Hong Kong Island in particular had been built on hillside and stretching to the foot of the hill and spreading towards the seaside. As a result, rain fall heavily and for a long period of time. Rainwater pour down from the hill to the low lying land below and thereby flooding it.

In particular, Sheung Wan was built in the low lying area and therefore susceptible to flooding during heavy rainfall. When the high tides are higher then the ground level, sea water tends to flow back from the drainage outfall at the seafront through the manholes and gratings and seeping into the shops.

To minimize such effects, government has built a rain water collection area.

Summary Statement Flooding, one of the natural disasters, is also a man-made disaster caused by ignorance of mankind to climate change globally. Designers now rethink and build resilience structure against flooding.

Presenting Author’s BioIsa is an experienced Environmental Manager with academic training in both Civil and Environmental Engineering. He has been working in the construction industry in Hong Kong for over 25 years.

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工业园区规划环境影响跟踪评价体系研究Study on Planning Environmental Impact Assessment Follow-up

System of Industrial Parks

李昌航 (Li Changhang)1 边静虹 (Bian Jinghong)1 何源 (He Yuan)1 廖嘉玲 (Liao Jialing)2 彭艳 (Peng Yan)2 徐鹤 (Xu He) 1,*

1 南开大学战略环境评价研究中心 天津 300350Nankai University, Strategical Environmental Assessment Research Center, Tianjin, 300350

2 四川省环境工程评估中心 成都 610021Sichuan Environment & Engineering Appraisal Center, Chengdu, 610021



关键词: 工业园区;规划环境影响;指标体系;跟踪评价体系


With the rapid rise of China’s industrial parks, the relevant environmental impact issues are becoming increasingly serious. Due to a variety of internal and external factors, planning environmental impact assessment can’t meet current environmental requirements anymore. EIA follow-up has become an important evaluation measure to promote sustainable development of industrial parks. This paper systematically reviews research progress on EIA follow-up around world. The paper, according to the domestic requirements and practical experiences, also illustrates some selection criteria of evaluation objects, institutes evaluation index and constructs an evaluation system for planning environmental impact assessment of industrial parks. This paper enriches the technical guidance of EIA follow-up and provides important reference for implementing EIA follow-up.

Keywords: industrial parks; planning environmental impact assessment; index system; EIA follow-up system

基金项目:四川省环境保护科技项目计划《四川省工业园区环境影响跟踪评价方法研究》 * 作者简介:李昌航(1994-),男,硕士研究生,Email:[email protected];* 通讯作者(责任作者), Email:[email protected]

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罗雯 徐鹤



战略环境评价旨在消除或降低因战略缺陷对未来环境造成的不良影响,从源头上控制环境污染与生态破坏。战略环境评价的学术研究引领着中国战略环境评价的实践发展,本研究基于文献计量学方法,分析该领域研究进展,力求厘清过程、找出不足、推动发展。在本文第 2 节中,介绍了包括文献量增长模型,社会网络分析(SNA)和研究所基于的数据库。在第 3 节,呈现研究机构、作者、文献来源的文献量增长变化,分析热门关键词的输出变化,揭示隐藏在数字后面的动态机理。最后总结并指出中国的战略环境评价研究需要加大力度、拓宽思路。

关键词: SEA; 文献计量学 ; 社会网络模型 ; CNKI 数据库;动态趋势

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基于低碳发展战略的电力行业碳减排研究Carbon emission reduction in electric power industry based on low

carbon development strategy

冯祥玉 Feng Xiangyu,徐鹤 Xu He*

南开大学战略环境评价研究中心,天津,300350Strategic Environmental Assessment Research Center, Nankai University, TianJin,300350



关键词: 电力行业;低碳发展战略;隐含碳


The government attaches great importance to the reduction of carbon emission. In order to promote the effective development of carbon emission reduction, our government reduced the scale of electric and coal industry. Considering the effect on economic development, the way of reducing the scale of electric industry isn’t the sustainable development way. The pulling power of carbon emission of electric industry was explored in this study. The electric industry is the main carbon supply industry, and its carbon emissions are mainly to meet the needs of other industries, rather than their own production activities. The carbon emissions of the electric power industry are mainly driven by the demand of energy consumption terminal industry, especially the construction industry. The carbon emission reduction of electric industry can start from the source of energy consumption.

Keywords: electric industry; low-carbon development strategy; embodied carbon emission

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基于 RIAM 的晋江流域综合规划实施对生态系统健康影响的综合评价研究The comprehensive evaluation study of the implementation of Jinjiang river

basin comprehensive planning on ecosystem health based on RIAM

李巍 *,成润禾

北京师范大学环境学院 , 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,北京 100875


RIAM( Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix) 是进行环境影响快速识别的半定量评价方法。由于流域是一个面积巨大的复杂综合生态系统,流域综合规划环评除了强调保护,还强调规范流域内的各种开发活动。本文以晋江流域为例,通过对晋江流域总额和规划目标进行分析,从水资源开发、水能开发和生态保护三个要素出发,为规划开发 6 个替代方案。应用 RIAM 对各规划替代方案对于水文水资源-水环境水污染—生物生态-社会经济发展的影响进行综合打分对比各种替代方案,并按照分数由高到低排序筛选替代方案。最终评价得出方案 6 为最佳方案。因此,建议晋江流域在强化节水的前提下,优先考虑实施流域内引水工程,同时加强供水调度,更多的水资源储存以用水供水,而不是优先用于发电。

关键字: RIAM,流域综合规划,生态健康,替代方案,环境影响评价

AbstractRIAM is a quickly semi-quantitative evaluation method for environmental impact identification. Due to the basin is an area of huge complex ecosystem, in addition to emphasize protection, river basin comprehensive planning also should emphasized specification to various development activities within the basin. In this paper, Jinjiang river basin was used as an example, based on the total amount of Jinjiang river basin analysis and planning objectives, from the three elements : development of water resources , hydropower development and ecological protection of, and six alternatives were planned for planning development. RIAM was used to various planning alternatives for hydrology and water resources - water environmental pollution, biological ecology - the influence of social and economic development comprehensive score comparison of various alternatives, and sorted by score from high to low screening alternatives. The final evaluation 6 was chosen the best alternative solution. Therefore, it is recommended that on the premise of strengthening water saving, Jinjiang river basin should give priority to the implementation of basin water diversion project, strengthen water supply scheduling at the same time, and more water stored in water supply instead of power generation.

Key words: RIAM, comprehensive planning, alternative, environmental impact

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汪涛 1 刘瀚斌 2 杜焱强 3 包存宽 4,*

复旦大学环境科学与工程系,上海 2004331 复旦大学环境科学与工程系环境管理硕士研究生,E-mai:[email protected]

2 复旦大学环境科学与工程系环境管理博士研究生。3 复旦大学环境科学与工程系环境管理博士研究生。

4 复旦大学环境科学与工程系教授,博士生导师,E-mai:[email protected]


从 EIA 的环境立法、环境管理、实施对象、执行程序、执法力度等方面介绍了“一带一路”重点国家的环境影响评价现状 , 分析重点国家的环境态度,并提出我国投资进入相关领域的环境策略。

关键词: 一带一路;环境影响评价;现状;环境态度;环境策略

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复旦大学环境科学与工程系,上海 200433



关键词: 公众,环境风险,感知理论,心理距离,风险维度,影响因素

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规划环评与规划融合的协作模式与路径初探The study of the cooperation scenario and developing path about the combination of planning environmental assessment and the planning

许夏伟 何佳 包存宽 *

复旦大学环境科学与工程系 上海 200433


本文以“早期介入”为起点,全程交互为基础,归纳并设计出规划环评与规划融合的异步协作、同步协作和竞合协作三种模式;通过三种协作模式的分析,指出可以通过规划编制部门在操作层面设计规则促进规划编制单位与规划环评单位协作,自下而上深化规划环评与规划的融合。最后,文章提出规划环评与规划融合的发展路径:1. 构建管理框架,来组织和协调规划环评与规划的程序融合;2. 以知识、人才和信息融合的成果,反哺并夯实规划环评与规划程序融合。

关键词: 规划环评,融合,协作模式,发展路径

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郑欣璐,李志林,何佳,包存宽 *

复旦大学 环境科学与工程系 上海 200433


从 2002 年环评法、2009 年规划环评条例的出台,再到 2016 年开始的“十三五”环境影响评价制度改革,我国包括规划环评在内的环评制度一直在频繁地变动或更替中。制度力量越弱,制度更替越频繁;变革制度成本越低,越缺乏维持制度长期运转的内生动力。我国环评领域正体现出了制度的乏力。本文从制度安排与制度构建视角,结合新制度经济学的思路,将规划环评出台的一系列法律法规、制度规章、技术导则等,剖析规划环评制度乏力背后的根源和影响其有效性的因素,分析规划环评制度的结构性优势与不足,为未来规划环评制度安排提出建议。

关键词: 规划环境影响评价、制度安排、制度评析

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社区参与环境治理的若干问题初探Primary exploration of environmental governance

based on community participation

王珏,何佳,包存宽 *

复旦大学环境科学与工程系 上海 200433



关键词: 环境治理、社区参与

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丰远平 1,何佳 1,包存宽 1,2

1 复旦大学 环境科学与工程系 上海 2004332 复旦大学 新农村研究院乡村管理与环境整治研究所 上海 200433


本文概述了国内外战略环境评价的学术研究趋势。基于 CNKI 和 Web of Science 数据库,对其历年来有关战略环境评价的文献进行检索,利用Citespace 软件对其数据挖掘和定量分析,按照不同的洲别对各地的研究态势进行归纳分析。结果发现,国内有关战略环境评价的文章最早出现在1995年,滞后于国际(主要是欧洲)约 16 年。近十年国内相关文献从数量上呈现出递减的趋势,相反国际上,如欧洲有关战略环境评价研究的文章数量呈现出递增的趋势。亚洲研究的重点主要是公众参与、立法等制度性建设;欧洲则主要是战略环境评价对于环境可持续性的意义和范围等内涵性研究。

关键词: 战略环境影响评价 ; 文献计量 ; 发展趋势

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适应性导向下中国生态文明建设规划的分析- 以《设立统一规范的国家生态文明试验区的意见》为例

杜焱强,何佳,包存宽 *

复旦大学 环境科学与工程系 上海 200433



关键词: 适应性;生态文明;规划;环境影响

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工业园区战略环评的特征和模式研究The study of Industrial park SEA on the characteristics and model

刘瀚斌,何佳,包存宽 *

复旦大学 环境科学与工程系 上海 200433


由于工业园区发展的阶段性、区域性等特点,决定了其战略环评不仅具备传统环评的内容,还应着重体现园区本身特点。通过对工业园区发展特点及相关政策的研究,战略环评表现出三重特征,即“程序性”特征、“时间 - 空间 -关系”特征、“成本性”特征。在评价过程中,对园区“战略性”政策的文本评价应注意其关联性、层次性和协同性特征;对“战略性”政策的实践评价,应注意管委会、地方政府、企业、周边公众等利益相关方,在“自上而下”和“自下而上”两类园区管理模式下会表现出不同的环境绩效。

关键词: 工业园区;战略环评;特征


Due to the characteristics of the development of the industrial park, such as stage, regional and other characteristics, the strategic environmental assessment not only has the content of the traditional EIA, but also should reflect the characteristics of the park itself. Through the research on the characteristics of the development of industrial parks and related policies, the strategic environmental assessment showed three characteristics, that is, “procedural” features, “time space relationship” characteristics, “cost” characteristics. In the policy analysis of the park “strategic” level should pay attention to the relevance, hierarchical and collaboration features; and in the implementation of policy evaluation stage, due to the presence of the CMC, local government, enterprises and the surrounding public and other stakeholders, so in the “top-down” and “bottom-up” two kinds of mode exhibit different environmental performance.

Keywords: Industrial Park, SEA, Characteristic

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关键词: 规划环评;有效性;主体责任;环评联动。

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关键词: 土壤污染;战略环评;正效应;负效应

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梁达维 Dawei Liang

Sun Yat-sen University, School of Environmental Science and Engineering



关键词: 战略环评;有效性;荷兰

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梁碧琦 1 吴仁海 1 张毅强 2

1 中山大学环境科学与工程学院,广州市 5100062 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所,广州市 510655



关键词: 气候变化;环境影响评价;温室气体

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何智娟 1 潘轶敏 1 李宇涵 2

1 黄河水资源保护科学研究院 郑州 4500042 郑州外国语学校 郑州 450001



关键词: 流域规划 环境影响评价 环境目标 评价指标

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本文介绍了中国战略环境影响评价(SEA)的提出背景与发展历程,分析了当前中国 SEA 制度存在评价对象范围较窄,审查主体独立性欠缺,公众参与质量不高,评价报告书不全面等问题。最后,鉴于存在的问题,有针对性的提出了扩大评价对象范围,提高审查主体独立性和权威性,提高公众参与质量,完善评价报告书等具体的政策建议,以完善中国 SEA。

关键词: 中国;SEA;问题;政策建议

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黄河上中游地区水资源脆弱性分析与发展战略环境评价Water Resources Vulnerability Analysis and Strategic Environment

Assessment in Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yellow River

彭少明 (PENG Shaoming),郑小康 (ZHENG Xiaokang)

黄河勘测规划设计有限公司,河南省郑州市金水路 109 号,450003Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd., Zhengzhou 450003, China


黄河上中游地区地处西北干旱半干旱地区,是国家重要的能源和粮食产区,近年来,受全球变化与强人类活动共同作用,区域水资源量锐减,水资源成为制约区域经济社会发展和生态环境健康的关键要素。在分析区域水资源演变特征与供用水量、用水结构变化规律的基础上,从自然禀赋条件、水资源利用与水环境以及社会经济综合因素角度,建立水资源脆弱性评价指标体系以及分级标准,开展区域水资源脆弱性评价,总体来看区域水资源脆弱性高并且有进一步升高的态势。基于可持续理论、系统协调理论,评价国家能源开发总体格局下区域水资源与国民经济系统的运行状态和协调关系。结果表明,2020 年黄河上中游地区的能源生产规模超过了区域水资源承载能力,会影响区域健康的水循环,破坏黄河生态廊道功能,提高区域生态风险水平。从改善区域资源环境状态角度提出水资源合理开发和利用的措施及产业结构和生产力布局的“一体四翼”式产业布局建议,可全面改善区域环境质量,实现区域可持续发展。关键词: 水资源特征,脆弱性,承载能力,调控策略,战略格局


The study area located in upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River of northwest China, in which most are arid and semi-arid areas. It is also an important energy and grain producing area in China. In recent years, affected by global change and strong human activities, water resources of this area decreased sharply, and have become key elements for regional economic and social development and ecological and environmental health. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of regional water resources, and the variation of water supply and water use structure, the water resources vulnerability evaluation index system and grading standards are established from the perspective of natural endowment conditions, water resources utilization and water environment and socio-economic factors. Then, the regional water resources vulnerability assessment is carried out, results show that overall water resources vulnerability is high and with a further increase in the situation. Based on the theory of sustainable theory and system coordination, the paper evaluates the operational status and coordination relationship between regional water resources and national economic system under the overall pattern of national energy development. Results show that the energy production scale of the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in 2020 exceeds the regional water resources carrying capacity, which will affect the regional health of the water cycle, destruction of the Yellow River ecological corridor function. At last, from the perspective of improving the regional resources and environmental conditions, we put forward the rational development and utilization of water resources and industrial structure and productivity layout of the “one four-wing” industry layout recommendations, which can comprehensively improve the regional environmental quality and achieve regional sustainable development.

Keywords: characteristics of water resources, vulnerability, carrying capacity, regulating strategy, strategic pattern

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The challenges of conducting SEA for “One belt and one Road” initiative: Addressing Transboundary Environmental Issues

Juanita Gallego1, Wei Li2

1 Másters, Department of Planning, Aalborg University-Denmark Supervisors2 School of Environment, Beijing Normal University-Beijing

Lone Kørnøv, Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment-Department of Planning, Aalborg University- Denmark


The “One Belt & One Road initiative” proposed by the Chinese government, constitutes an opportunity to enhance the economic growth and development of the countries involved, through a market opening and trade and the formation of an international platform for cooperation. At the same time, its design, implementation and operation entail an enormous defiance regarding technical aspects, policy development and the application of sustainable development principles in which the economic and social advances should be reached while still taking into account the protection of the natural resources. As a result, different environmental evaluation tools like Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) have potential use as they serve to identify best alternatives and practices in the early stages of the decision-making process. At the same time, it is imminent to deal with transboundary environmental impacts since the initiative involves more than 60 countries. With regard to this, the paper presents the possible challenges that can arise in the potential SEA implementation process when the project impacts affect more than one country territory. All this is based on the current documented international experience. Three key issues are highlighted: First, the lack of a legal framework (similar to Espoo Convention and SEA Directive) applicable for all the countries involved and that serves as a guide to conduct the assessment in the different countries contexts. Second, the need to clarify the strategic aspects of Transboundary SEA since most of the international experience is focused on Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Third, the lack of a coordination mechanism to align the objectives, targets, indicators and general SEA systems in the countries that already have being working on SEA. Finally, some general recommendations are given.

Keywords: One Belt Road Initiative, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Transboundary Environmental Impacts, Environmental Impact Assessment

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关键字: 线性规划法 大气环境容量

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黄妍莺 王会芝 何源 徐鹤 *



关键词: 一带一路;对外投资;战略环评;利益相关方

Abstract‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative (OBOR) brings potential social and environmental impact to host countries. Therefore, it is urgent to develop SEA of Chinese FDI. As a critical part of SEA, stakeholder analysis plays an important role on identify the characteristics of stakeholders, and promote the implementation of OBOR. This paper reports on a stakeholder analysis conducted for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI), taking the OBOR in Pakistan as a case study. Based on a three-level framework of stakeholder analysis—identification, investigation, and communication, the study aims to develop an understanding of stakeholders’ characteristics, examine social network functions, and make recommendations for Chinese FDI in Pakistan for reducing environmental and social challenges and for seizing the opportunities noted by stakeholders in particular. Results suggest that whilst stakeholders overall have a positive attitude towards Chinese FDI in Pakistan. In this context, air quality and water consumption were identified as the top two. Generally speaking, opportunities of investment were seen to be more important than challenges, such as increasing energy reserves, water quality improvement, and social-economic development. It is suggested that SEA can help to generate a win-win strategy for both countries.Keyword: One Belt One Road, FDI, SEA, Stakeholder Analysis

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许乃中,奚蓉 * ,杨昆,张玉环

环境保护部华南环境科学研究所,广东 广州,510655



关键词: 流域综合规划,环境影响评价、影响清单

基金项目:2013 年环保公益性行业科研专项项目(201309042)作者简介:许乃中(1986-),工程师,主要研究方向为战略与规划环境评价* 通讯作者:奚蓉(1986-),工程师,主要研究方向为生态环境评估

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符国基 张建新

海南大学旅游学院 海南 海口 570228 湖南省地质科学研究院 湖南 长沙 410007


概念模型及评价指标体系是规划环评的核心内容之一。在综述国内外规划环境影响评价指标体系研究文献、分析旅游景区土地利用规划生态影响机制的基础上,构建了旅游景区土地利用规划生态影响系统概念模型和综合评价指标体系。旅游景区土地利用规划生态影响系统由自然生态系统和土地利用系统组成。综合评价指标体系有目标层、系统层、要素层、指标层 4 个层面。目标层综合表征旅游景区规划生态影响整体态势。系统层包括土地利用系统和自然生态系统。要素层是制约系统生态影响的主要因素,包括情景要素、管理要素、环境要素、资源要素、功能要素 5 个方面。指标层是各要素的主要影响因子,由可直接度量的 38 个指标构成。研究以期为定量评估旅游景区土地利用规划生态影响提供参考依据,也为旅游景区土地利用规划调整、生态保护对策提供理论指导和技术支持。

关键词: 旅游景区;土地利用规划;生态影响;概念模型; 评价指标体系

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吴满昌 程飞鸿



环境问题的严重性和环境治理的复杂性使得不同的环境管理制度存在政府失灵和市场失灵的两难困境。由此,以政府主导,企业和社会公众共同参与的多元共治理论已逐渐成为学界和实务部门的共识。中国一系列的环境法律的修改,进一步明确了公众参与环境保护的地位和作用,其中尤以环境影响评价公众参与的制度设计最为完善。然而,现阶段环评制度的变革却有弱化公众参与的倾向。本文以权利救济为视角,对“三线一单”制度、战略 / 规划环评的公众参与地位进行探讨,并重点研究了项目环评备案制的变革路径以及环评技术导则修改后的公众参与地位的嬗变和公众权利的救济等问题。本文认为,环评制度的变革不应忽视环评作为政府、企业和公众多元共治、协商交流和民主决策的平台的重要功能。

关键词: 环境影响评价 制度变革 公众参与 权利救济

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本研究运用水足迹和和虚拟水理论,尝试在区域发展战略环境评价中评估区域水资源承载力。通过计算研究区域内 2001-2015 年 10 种主要农业产品和5 种工业产品的虚拟水,建立区域水足迹账户,对研究区域现状水资源利用情况进行结构性评价,分析水资源承载力是否在合理阈值内。研究表明:1. 研究区域水资源利用呈超载状态;2. 区域内农业产品虚拟水量远高于工业产品虚拟水量。玉米作物的虚拟水贡

献度在当地工农业产品中位居首位;3. 研究区域虚拟水输出量远大于输入量。

本研究认为,在进行该区域的发展战略规划环评时,应提出如下建议:1. 将水足迹账户作为区域调整用水结构,高效利用水资源的参考依据;2. 农业作物用水结构仍具有调整空间;3. 参照虚拟水贸易相关理论,适度提高虚拟水输入量。

关键词: 战略环境评价;水足迹;虚拟水

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杜莉丽 1 蒋平 2 余琦 3 马蔚纯 1, 2

复旦大学环境科学与工程系,上海 200433


本研究以“上海市国民经济和社会发展十二五规划”为例,借鉴目前国内外城市综合低碳评估指标体系,构建了 5 大主题层 17 项具体指标的城市国民经济和社会发展规划碳排放评估综合指标体系,并将指标集成为综合低碳化发展指数。在此基础上,将该评价指标体系应用于上海市的实证研究,计算了2005 至 2015 年上海市的低碳化发展指数,并以上海市“十二五”规划为基础,设置了 4 种未来不同发展情景,分别计算了不同情景下的综合低碳化发展指数。历史回顾评价显示,自 2005 年以来,上海市的综合低碳化指数呈现出逐年上升的趋势。2016 至 2025 年的预测结果表明,在上海市经济连续增长,同时资源环境效率持续改善的发展模式下,社会经济的快速发展,有利于促进城市朝着低碳高效的方向发展。建议上海市可以采取降低总能耗、提高能源利用效率、调整优化产业结构与能源结构、在城市规划中增加碳汇等相结合的组合方式,进一步促进经济与社会的低碳化发展。

关键词: 国民经济与社会发展规划;碳排放;指标体系;上海



基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“战略环境评价(SEA)中碳排放核算的理论框架与技术方法体系 -以城市尺度国民经济和社会发展 SEA 为例”(批准号:41271509)。

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山东省高速公路网规划环评和高速公路建设项目环评联动机制研究Study on Linkage Mechanism for Highway Network Planning EIA and Highway

Construction Project EIA of Shandong Province

刘文杰 1,王建春 2,董博昶 3,刘恒 1,任丽军 1

1 山东大学环境科学与工程学院,山东 济南 250100;School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China

2 山东省建设项目环境评审服务中心,山东 济南 250012;Environmental Audits Service Center for Construction Projects in Shandong Province, Jinan 250012, China

3 交通运输部公路科学研究院,北京 100088Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport, Beijing 100088, China


2008 年,山东省交通厅公路局委托技术咨询单位编制了《山东省高速公路网中长期规划环境影响报告书》,原山东省环保局出具了审查意见(鲁环函 [2008]126 号),2016 年,山东省交通厅公路局委托技术咨询单位开展山东省高速公路网中长期规划(2014-2030 年)调整方案的规划环评工作;另外山东省在高速公路建设的前期阶段均开展了高速公路建设项目的环评工作。山东省高速公路网规划环评的开展和高速公路建设项目环评工作的开展,在一定程度上发挥了环评从源头预防生态破坏和环境污染的作用。但是目前山东省高速公路网规划环评与高速公路建设项目环评联动机制仍处在探索阶段,存在规划环评报告编制深度不足,规划环评开展时机滞后,山东省部分高速公路规划未开展规划环评,高速公路建设项目环评反馈规划环评机制不健全等问题。作者在广泛调研的基础上,结合对高速公路环评的实践体会,深入挖掘两者联动的理论依据,梳理了规划环评与项目环评联动的管理依据。本文结合制约联动的主要因素,提出了相应的对策和建议。

关键词: 山东省;高速公路;规划环评;建设项目环评,联动机制

AbstractIn 2008, “Environmental impact statements of highway network medium-long term planning in Shandong” was compiled by related entity that entrusted by the Road Bureau of Traffic Department of Shandong Province. And the examination comment was issued by Environmental Protection Bureau of Shandong Province. In 2016, planning EIA of “adjustment program of highway network medium-long term planning in Shandong” was carried out. In addition, highway construction project EIA in Shandong Province has been carried out in early stage of construction. EIA progress well in two aspects including the planning and construction project, thereby to a certain extent played an important role in EIA source to prevent ecological destruction and environmental pollution. But linkage mechanism for highway network planning EIA and highway construction project EIA of Shandong Province is still in the exploratory stage. There exist many problems such as the depth of environmental impact statements insufficient, the implementation of planning EIA lag, part of highway planning of Shandong had never been carried out planning EIA, feedback mechanism between planning EIA and construction project EIA unsound, etc. Based on massive investigation, combined with practical experience of highway EIA, the paper digging into the theoretical foundation and combing the managed basis of linkage mechanism between planning EIA and construction project EIA. Combined with the main factor that restricts the linkage mechanism, this paper put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.

Keywords: Shandong Province; Highway; Planning EIA; Construction project EIA; Linkage mechanism

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王志刚 丁成钢

中山大学环境科学与工程学院,广州 510275



关键词: 汽车产业,政策,环境影响评估

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Effects of Environmental Tax on Social Economy and Environment in Guangdong Province -Based on a CGE Model

Wei Chen1, Jin-Feng Zhou1 *

1 School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, 510275


Under the new situation of the imminent taxation of environment tax and China’s determination to promote the environment management system centered by environment quality, the exploration of the responding relationship between the environment tax at the provincial level and environment quality is of great significance to the realization of environment quality target through economic means fully utilized by each province. On the basis of CGE theory added by the pollution discharge data collection within the industry, provincial environmental CGE model design and model programming, this thesis completes the parameter adjustment and base year equilibrium verification. By taking the chemical oxygen demand of water pollutants and ammonia nitrogen as instances, this thesis simulates the water environment quality improvement and impact on social economy at various tax rates, based on which the visual integration of economic model and environmental model by means of database technology and big data platform of modern geography will serve as an effective decision-making tool for decision-making departments.

Keywords: Environmental tax; CGE model; Environmental quality; GIS; Guangdong Province

* corresponding author: ZHOU Jin-feng, PhD; 020-4114571;Email: [email protected]

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北京清控人居环境研究院有限公司 摘要

为充分发挥环境影响评价从源头预防环境污染和生态破坏的作用,推动实现 “十三五”绿色发展和改善生态环境质量总体目标,环保部于 2016 年 7 月印发《“十三 五”环境影响评价改革实施方案》的通知(环环评 [2016]95 号),明确以“生态保护红 线、环境质量底线、资源利用上线和环境准入负面清单”(以下简称“三线一单”)为手段,强化空间、总量、准入环境管理,划框子、定规则、查落实、强基础。作为环保部地市级战略环境评价首批试点,连云港市战略环境评价项目在“三线一单”编制工作等方面开展了积极探索。本文结合连云港市战略环境评价工作,首次提出地市“三线一单”的内涵,初步构建战略环境评价“三线一单”编制方法体系,对推动我国区域及城市战 略环境评价工作具有重要意义。

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江苏龙环环境科技有限公司,江苏 常州 213000 摘要


关键词: 科技创新;生态文明建设评价体系;对比分析

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山东省开展产业园区环境影响跟踪评价的进展与建议Progress and suggestions of follow-up environmental

impact assessment of industrial park in Shandong

任丽军 Ren Lijun1*,刘恒 Liu Heng1,王建春 Wang Jianchun2,刘文杰 Liu Wenjie1, 徐祥功 Xu Xianggong2

1 山东大学环境科学与工程学院,山东 济南 2501001Shandong University School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Jinan Shandong 250100

2 山东省建筑项目环境评审服务中心,山东 济南 250012Shandong Construction Project Environmental Assessment Service Center,Jinan Shandong 250012


根据《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》第十五条“对环境有重大影响的规划实施后,编制机关应当及时组织环境影响的跟踪评价,并将评价结果报告审批机关;发现有明显不良环境影响,应当及时提出改进措施”。2011 年以来,山东省环保厅先后下发了《关于贯彻落实环发 [2011]14 号文件加强产业园区规划环境影响评价有关工作的通知》(鲁环函 [2011]358号)、《关于进一步加强产业园区规划环境影响评价管理工作的通知》(鲁环办函 [2016]147号)等文件,要求规划(区域)环评满 5 年的产业园区应开展环境影响跟踪评价工作。通过实地踏勘、资料收集,结合参与编制和审查多项环境影响跟踪评价报告基础上,作者提出了加强产业园区跟踪环境影响评价报告编制质量的措施和建议;同时提出了加强山东省产业园区环境管理的措施和建议,以期为促进产业园区的经济与环境协调发展提供借鉴和参考。

关键词: 产业园区;环境影响跟踪评价;进展;措施;建议

AbstractAccording to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment Article 15“After implementation of a plan that has significant impact on the environment, the department that has developed the plan shall timely organise follow-up assessment on the environmental impact, and report the assessment result to the approving authorities. In the event of any apparent adverse environmental impact identified, measures for improvement must be proposed immediately”.Since 2011,Environmental Protection Department of Shandong has issued Notice of the Implementation of No.14[2011] MEPC on Strengthen the Work of Industrial Park Planning Environmental Impact Assessment,Notice of Further Strengthening the Management of Industrial Park Planning Environmental Impact Assessment and other documents successively,requires that all the industrial parks which have launched planning/regional environmental impact assessment over 5 years should carry out follow-up environmental impact assessment.Through the field reconnaissance,data collection,on the base of the experience of participate in the preparation and review of many environmental impact assessment reports,the author put forward the measures and suggestions to improve the quality of follow-up environmental impact assessment report.And put forward the measures and suggestions to strengthen environmental management in the development zones of Shandong Province,in order to provide reference to promote the coordinated development of economy and environment of industrial park.

Keywords: Industrial park; Follow-up environmental impact assessment; Progress; Measures; Suggestion

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如何将环保管家理念引入广西工业园区Discussion on How to Introduce the Concept of Environmental Stewardship

into Guangxi Industrial Park from Problems Found in the Tracing Evaluation of Industrial Parks

丁宇晶 Ding Yu-jing, 谢鸿 Xie Hong, 陈程 Chen Cheng,冯波 Feng Bo, 葛洁榉 Jie-ju

广西博环环境咨询服务有限公司,广西 南宁 530000



关键词: 规划;环境影响评价;广西工业园区;环保管家


Abstract: This paper discusses the origin and development of environmental impact tracing assessment, summarizing the common environmental problems in the planning environmental impact tracing assessment of Guangxi Industrial Park, and puting forward some ideas on how to solve these problems. Combined with the concept of environmental stewardship put forward by the Ministry of environmental protection, this paper discusses how to introduce the concept of environmental stewardship into Guangxi Industrial Park.

Keywords: planning; environmental impact assessment; Guangxi Industrial Park; Environmental Stewardshi

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多维度城市化对空气质量的影响:基于中国城市数据的实证检验The effects of urbanization and urban land expansion on air quality:

An empirical analysis based on city-level data in China

王琰 WANG Yan *

南开大学 周恩来政府管理学院社会学系,天津 300350Department of Sociology, Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University

摘要1978 年以来,我国城镇化水平保持较强的增速,目前超过一半以上人口居住在城镇。研究者对城市化带来的环境影响持有不同的看法,政治经济学范式强调城市增长逻辑对资源的消耗和对环境的破坏,生态现代化理论关注城市化过程中培育出的生态理性,认为只有发展才能解决环境问题。在两个理论框架下,本文以空气质量为切入点,分析了人口和土地两个维度的城市化对细颗粒物 (PM2.5)、可吸入颗粒物 (PM10)、二氧化氮 (NO2)、二氧化硫 (SO2)以及空气质量达标天数的作用。笔者利用空间滞后模型和 OLS 线性回归模型对我国一百余个城市数据进行了分析,发现在中等城市化水平的地区空气污染水平最高,在城市化水平较低和较高的两端污染水平最低。此外,相比人口城市化,土地城市化对空气质量的影响更大。研究结果为生态现代化理论提供了支持,城市化实质上体现了社会发展的现代化进程,空气污染等环境问题的减轻是多个层次的行动者在平衡经济发展和环境保护的过程中共同努力的结果。关键词: 人口城市化;土地城市化;空气质量;生态现代化;环境库兹涅茨曲线

AbstractUrbanization has been growing rapidly in China since 1978. More than half population now lives in urban areas. Researchers hold contrasting arguments regarding the impacts of urbanization and urban land expansion on natural environment. Students of political economy suggest that urban growth machine depletes resources and degrades environment, whereas ecological modernization theorists focus on the ecological rationality inherent in urbanization and argue that further development is the only solution to current environmental problems. Drawing upon the two theoretical frameworks, this article analyzes how urbanization and urban land expansion influence five air quality measures, including fine particles, inhalable coarse particles, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and number of days of air quality equal to or above grade II. The author applies spatial lag modeling and OLS modeling techniques to a dataset with more than 100 Chinese cities. Results show that air pollution is most serious in cities with moderate level of urbanization and urban land expansion, and least serious in cities with lowest or highest level of urbanization and urban land expansion. Additionally, land use change has a bigger effect on air quality compared to urbanization. This study provides empirical support for ecological modernization theory, and implies that urbanization and urban land expansion in fact reflect progress towards modernization, and the alleviation of environmental problems including air pollution requires collaboration among multilevel actors in the pursuit of balance between economic growth and environmental protection. Keywords: Urbanization; urban land expansion; air quality; ecological modernization; environmental Kuznets curve

* [ 作者简介 ] 王琰 (1987–),女,黑龙江哈尔滨人,南开大学周恩来政府管理学院社会学系讲师,博士,研究方向:环境社会学和定量研究方法。[ 基金项目 ] 国家社会科学基金青年项目(16CSH023),天津哲学社会科学规划资助项目(TJSR15-005),留学回国人员科研启动基金(ZX20150018),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(NKZXB1481)

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徐建玲 王汉席 卢月 李伟



在当今“用制度保护生态环境”的时代,战略环境评价是从决策源头防范环境污染和生态破坏的重要手段 , 也就是说通过战略环评推动绿色发展。同时生态文明建设给战略环评的发展提出了新要求,也带来了新的机遇和挑战。本文通过文献综述,研究表明战略环境评价理论、方法及各领域实例研究越来越丰富。不仅关注战略环境评价方法的研究,而且更关注其实效性。我国不断开展多区域的战略环评实践,这对于解决跨行政界限,跨部门权限的环境问题具有重要的意义。随着“一带一路”战略构想的提出,进一步研究国内外战略环境评价的最新进展,对于今后我国深入开展战略环境评价具有有益的启示。

关键词: 战略环境评价;前瞻性;多区域;全球影响评估;不确定性

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本文概述了中国大陆、中国香港、美国、英国、德国、瑞典、加拿大等国家或地区在开展战略环境影响评价(SEA)的过程中制定的公众参与方法或制度,比较分析了各个国家或地区公众参与形式的优缺点,在此基础上,讨论了我国今后开展 SEA 时在公众参与过程中应考虑的原则和方法。

关键词: 战略环境影响评价;公众参与

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蔡青純 1 甘智仁 2 施堅仁 3

1,2 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 專案工程師 3 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 秘書長

E-mail: [email protected]


臺灣現行的環境影響評估法在第一階段環境影響評估(簡稱環評)程序中並無法定的資訊交流及公眾參與機制,僅開放關心議題之民眾及團體,得依規定申請旁聽環評會議及陳述意見,進而造成過多意見發散,衍生非屬環評範疇之議題,如當地農漁民生計、補償措施、土地取得 .. 等等問題干擾技術審查,以致環評效率不彰。為改善環評之效率,期藉由資訊交流,釐清爭點,並增進公眾參與,落實民主法治精神,環境保護署於 2016 年嘗試在環評會議召開前,先至當地舉辦公開意見陳述會議,收集關切民眾、團體意見,並要求開發單位以書面切實回覆,藉以排除非屬環評範疇之爭議。本文彙整近年台灣環評制度公眾參與之執行現況及其困境,並研析環評精進措施之成效,期許增加政府、開發單位與民眾間之資訊交流,進而收斂爭議問題,藉由提出建議期望能有助於提升整體環評制度之審查效率及品質。

關鍵字: 環境影響評估;公眾參與;環評審查會議

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齐曼古丽·依里哈木 1,张一心 2,吴婧 *1

1 南开大学环境科学与工程学院,天津,300071;2 内蒙古大学资源与环境学院,内蒙古自治州 呼和浩特,01002

* 通讯作者, Email: [email protected], Tel: +86-13821380831


自 1979 年中国环境影响评价制度建立至今,中国环境影响评价制度在制度建设、技术方法研究及人才培养等方面不断得到完善,并且已形成较完整的评价体系。但是,作为环境影响评价制度一部分的健康影响评价发展较慢,甚至处于初步发展阶段。本研究旨在对中国建设项目环境影响评价实践中健康影响评价发展情况进行了解,选取了 39 项中国建设项目环境影响评价报告作为研究对象,并对其中健康影响评价情况及相关内容进行了分析。研究结果表明,目前在建设项目环境影响评价实践中开展健康影响评价的做法并不普遍,个别案例虽然开展了健康影响评价,但存在较多问题,包括对健康影响因素考虑不充分,缺乏系统性方法工具、缺乏数据支撑、公众参与未得到重视等。这些问题的根源可归咎于中国缺乏健康影响评估相关的法律支撑、系统性的评价方法、评价技术导则以及评价人员的知识体系不完整等。本研究从制度、技术及管理体系层面提出了建立健全环境与健康法律法规标准体系、完善 HIA 技术 / 方法体系、建立健全公众参与及评价制度等政策性建议。

关键词: 建设项目;环境影响评价;健康影响评价

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Information for Participants 给参与者的资料

Registration Venue (UG06)Room UG06, Upper Ground Floor, Sino Building, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Conference Venue (LKC LT1)Li Koon Chun Hall, 3/F, Sino Building, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Parallel Sessions VenueRoom UG01, UG Floor, Sino BuildingRoom UG06 , UG Floor, Sino BuildingRoom FYB221, 2/F, Sino Building

注册地点 (UG06)香港中文大学信和楼上层 UG06 报告厅

会议场地 (LKC LT1)香港中文大学信和楼三楼李冠春堂演讲厅

其他报告厅地点信和楼上层 UG01 报告厅信和楼上层 UG06 报告厅信和楼二楼 FY221 报告厅

Campus Map 校园地图

After getting out from Exit A of the University Station, attendants can walk up the slope on the left and arrive at Sino Building in about 8 to 10 minutes. 参加者于大学铁路站 A 出口出闸后,沿左边斜路往上行,步行约八至十分钟,便可抵达信和楼。

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2017 年 5 月 11 日(星期四)08:30 注册 (UG06 报告厅 )

09:00 – 09:10 嘉宾介绍 (LKC LT1 演讲厅 )09:10 – 09:30 主办单位致辞09:30 – 10:10 特邀嘉宾致辞10:10 – 10:30 纪念品颁发及照相10:30 – 11:00 茶歇11:00 – 12:45 主旨发言12:45 – 14:00 午餐 ( 崇基學院教職員聯誼會 )

14:00 – 15:30

专题论坛 I A战略环境评价理论与实践

(LKC LT1 演讲厅 )

专题论坛 I B战略环境评价理论与实践

(UG01 报告厅 )

专题论坛 II A战略环境评价

有效性(UG06 报告厅 )


(FYB221 报告厅 )

15:30 – 15:45 茶歇

15:45 – 17:15

专题论坛 I A战略环境评价理论与实践

(LKC LT1 演讲厅 )

专题论坛 I B战略环境评价理论与实践

(UG01 报告厅 )

专题论坛 II A战略环境评价

有效性(UG06 报告厅 )


(FYB221 报告厅 )

18:30 – 22:00 万怡酒店会议晚宴2017 年 5 月 12 日(星期五)

08:30 注册 (UG06 报告厅 )09:00 – 10:45 主旨发言 (LKC LT1 演讲厅 )10:45 – 11:00 茶歇

11:00 – 12:45

政策环评圆桌论坛政策环境评价理论与方法 - 国际经验与中国探索

(UG06 报告厅 )语言:普通话

i-squared debate香港可持续土地利用战略

(LKC LT1 演讲厅 )语言:英语

12:45 – 14:00 午餐 ( 崇基學院教職員聯誼會 )

14:00 – 15:30专题论坛 III

一带一路(OBOR)与环境评价 (LKC LT1 演讲厅 )

专题论坛 IV气候变化与影响评价

(UG06 报告厅 )15:30 – 15:45 茶歇15:45 – 16:15 闭幕式 (LKC LT1 演讲厅 )16:15 – 17:00 优秀论文颁奖

2017 年 5 月 13 日(星期六)09:00 – 17:00 实地考察 (可选)

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Programme Rundown

11 May 2017 (Thursday)08:30 Registration (Lecture Room UG06)

09:00 – 09:10 Open Ceremony (Lecture Theatre LKC LT1)09:10 – 09:30 Welcome Address09:30 – 10:10 Opening Address10:10 – 10:30 Presentation of Souvenirs and Group Photo10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break11:00 – 12:45 Keynote Speeches12:45 – 14:00 Lunch (Chung Chi College Staff Club)

14:00 – 15:30

Session I AIntegration of SEA in Policy-making(Lecture Theatre


Session I BIntegration of SEA in Policy-making(Lecture Room


Session II AEffectiveness of

SEA(Lecture Room


Session for Students

(Lecture Room FYB221)

15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break

15:45 – 17:15

Session I AIntegration of SEA in Policy-making(Lecture Theatre


Session I BIntegration of SEA in Policy-making(Lecture Room


Session II AEffectiveness of

SEA(Lecture Room


Session for Students

(Lecture Room FYB221)

18:30 – 22:00 Conference Dinner at Courtyard Marriott12 May 2017 (Friday)

08:30 Registration (Lecture Room UG06)09:00 – 10:45 Keynote Speeches (Lecture Theatre LKC LT1)10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:45

Round Table ForumInternational Experiences and China

Pilot Study for Policy SEA (Lecture Room UG06)Language: Mandarin

i-squared debateSustainable Land Use Strategy in

Hong Kong(Lecture Theatre LKC LT1)

Language: English 12:45 – 14:00 Lunch (Chung Chi College Staff Club)

14:00 – 15:30Session III

One Belt One Road Initiative(Lecture Theatre LKC LT1)

Session IVClimate Change

(Lecture Room UG06)15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break15:45 – 16:15 Closing Plenary (Lecture Theatre LKC LT1)16:15 – 17:00 Prizes Presentation and Closing Remarks

13 May 2017 (Saturday) 09:00 – 17:00 Technical Visit (Optional)