Teafinal Reseach Report

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  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report



  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report



  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report



    The Indian tea is an epitome of taste, warmth and happiness. Tea brings cheers and thisfact is well known to tea lovers all over the world being the largest prodcer of tea in theworld India also consmes large amont of tea. !"hai! as tea beverage is known in Indiahas become an essential part of dail# life.

    India prodces finest tea leaf in the $orld and the Dar%eeling, Assam and Nilgiri tea arebecoming ver# poplar all over.

    The range of teas in India consists of premim mch in demand Dar%eeling tea leaf fromDar%eeling tea estates in $est &engal, the strong Assam tea leaf and brisk Nilgiri tea from'othern India. Each of the tea prodcing regions in India have their ni(e and distincttaste of which the tea drinkers know best. The varieties in India are the white tea leaf,black tea, green tea, and organic tea. Thogh consmption of the black tea leaf is widespread, the green tea is also becoming poplar for its taste and health# properties.


    Dar%eeling is sitated in the )imala#an ranges in North Eastern India at height of *+++-+++ ft. Among the most epensive in the world Darjeeling tealeaf has a high flavor and(alit#. No wonder it is often referred to as the "hampagne of Teas. Dar%eeling alsoprodces the finest of green tea with man# estates prodcing organic version of green tealeaf for the health conscios as well. It is also the most preferred tea leaf in English tearooms.


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report



    Assamese tea estates constitte the world/s largest tea growing area. Assam tea leafprodces top (alit# dark li(or with fll bodied flavor and strength and is a favorite withthe Indian tea drinkers who prefer a good strong cp of tea in their dail# lives.


    Nilgiri hills are also known as the &le 0ontains range in 'othern India. The teagardens are at a height of 1,+++ to *,+++ ft. Nilgiri teas are mild and with characteristicbright brisk li(or and light clean flavors.


    A single plant can give rise to mind boggling varieties of tea t#pes. The main one aregreen, black, white and perh teas, these reslt de to the method of processing andgrowing sed. The region where tea is grown also pla#s and important part. The flavorsof tea leaf can be vastl# different depending pon where the tea leaf comes from.Darjeeling teaand Assam black tea are the most poplar all over the $orld.

    ther poplar forms of tea leaf are perh tea and oolong tea leaf while flavored tea andspiced tea blends are also gaining poplarit# all over. The organic tea is simpl# an# kind

    of tea which is cltivated sing organic manre withot the se of pesticides andfertili3ers. rganic green tea and organic black tea are consmed for their health benefits,bt like all organic foods the# are costl#.


    $hite tea does not ndergo fermentation is less poplar of the tea t#pes. It is poplar in4%ian province of "hina. The tea leaf gives colorless li(or, a delicate sweet flavor and amellow cream# or ntt# (alit#. $hite tea leaves are the whitish gre# bds of the teaplant which are sn dried or steamed .



  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    The fermentation of green tea leaves begins with withering, the net step is panfr#ing orsteaming to prevent fermentation. nce the steaming process is complete, the green tealeaves are ct dried and cred. In varios contries different shapes are given to the greentea leaf depending pon the poplarit# 6reen tea is light green7#ellow in color, with asbtle flavor that remind one of the aroma fresh green leaves. The health givingproperties of green tea leaf are well known.


    olong tea leaves are among the top (alit# and epensive teas the# are cltivated in"hina and Taiwan. The tea leaves are semi fermented going throgh a short stint ofoidation. The leaves are reddish brown in color and the li(or is pale #ellow and thearoma is a fresh floral and frit# with a reminiscent of smoke.


    &lack tea is the most etensivel# consmed form of tea all over the 6lobe. Black tea isfermented fll# nlike the green tea leaf which is partiall# fermented. It has bitter sweetand astringent flavor and the tea leaf give dark brown li(or.



  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report



    same as black tea, bt this form of tea is fermented twice than reglar black tea leavesand fermentation then followed b# period of matration till a thin la#er of mold forms onthe srface. The mold imparts a characteristic soillike flavor and a strong earth# (alit#.8er tea 9also called per or perh: is an ancient and rare tea, mch loved in "hina andthe onl# tea for some /hardened/ tea drinkers. The processes that go into making theclassic pers are closel# garded secrets. It is fermented, sometimes twice, and is oftenpressed into cakes or bricks. This makes per especiall# eas# to store and keep for longperiods. 6enerall# the# are robst, earth# teas with a dark red or brown color anddistinctive, m#sterios aroma. 8er is widel# known in "hina to have ma%or healthbenefits, especiall# in redcing cholesterol and as an aid to digestion, which makes it theideal after dinner tea.


    'cented or 4lower tea is either green or white tea that has been infsed with certain

    flowers, which impart a delicate and interesting taste, and of corse a wonderfl aroma.As with black tea and milk or sgar, flowers were added to green tea originall# todisgise a less than favorable taste in the poorer varieties. This is still the case with man#commerciall# prodced flower teas, which hide the taste of ver# cheap tea behind astrong flower# presence. 4lower teas, in particlar the delicios %asmine, have gainedsch a following both in Asia and the $estern world, that man# people onl# drink thisvariet#. The 'even "ps %asmine teas combine reall# fine (alit# green and white teaswith a sbtle bt distinct %asmine flavor, and are a real treat, especiall# for dedicated%asmine fans. The# are the best %asmine teas we/ve ever tasted.

    These main t#pes of tea leaves give rise to mltitde of varieties that are a prodct of

    specific cltivation methods and the regions where the# come from. The season in whichthe tea is grown also gives rise to difference in flavor and color.


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    Tea is made from the #ong leaves and leaf bds of the tea bsh "amellia sinensis.Ancient "hinese and of total hoseholds in the contr#consming tea.

    India is the world/s largest prodcer and consmer of tea, with India acconting for 2?>of the world tea prodction. India/s ependitre on beverages and processed foodsacconts for => of food ependitre in rral areas, and 1-> in rban areas.India is also an important tea eporter, acconting for arond 121*> of world tea


    4rther, certain varieties of tea 9for eample Dar%eeling: are grown onl# in India and arein great demand across the world. All Dar%eeling teas possess the lightness of flavor andfine coloring that set them apart from all other teas.

    India/s tea indstr# eports were estimated at @s. 1?.*1 billion dring 42++;,acconting for +.5> of India/s eports. In vale terms, tea ranks as the forthlargest


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    agricltral prodct eport item from India, with eports of arond B'C51+ million in2++5.

    In terms of emplo#ment, the tea indstr# emplo#s arond 1.2? million people at teaplantations and 2 million people indirectl#, of which -+> are women.

    The last fact is particlarl# important when we consider that tea indstr#, to a largeetent, drives the economies of the regions where the tea gardens are concentrated, foreample Assam. Tea is the prime beverage consmed in India, and private finalconsmption ependitre 984"E: on tea, coffee and cocoa aggregated @s. 1*5.; billionin 42++-, acconting for arond 2> of

    India/s 84"E on food and +.?> of India/s 84"E. The latest available data indicates thattea acconts for +.;> for India/s consmption of stimlants 9tea, coffee, and cocoabeans:, followed b# coffee 9?.?>:, and cocoa beans 91.?>:. Tea plantations in India aremainl# located in rral hills and backward areas of Northeastern and 'othern 'tates.

    The North Eastern region with =2> of area acconts for ?;> of total tea prodction.0a%or tea growing areas of the contr# are concentrated in Assam, $est &engal, TamilNad and erala. The other areas where tea is grown to a small etent are arnataka,Tripra, )imachal 8radesh, Bttaranchal, Arnachal 8radesh, 0anipr, 'ikkim, Nagaland,0eghala#a, 0i3oram, &ihar and rissa.

    The tea as an agricltral otpt earns more mone# for the contr# than as amanfactred prodct. &t this b# no means indicates that tea manfactring is a nascentconcept in India.

    The onl# pla#er that has crossed the seven seas to promote branded tea in form of 8ol#packs etc is Tata Tea. &t the fact that there are no other ma%or hose which has promoteditself as a tea manfactring hose provides enogh scope to the hoses themselves toimprove their stats.The Tea Indstr# in India is abot 1?+ #ears old. It occpies an important place and pla#sa ver# sefl part in the national econom#. @obert &rce in 1=2* discovered tea plantsgrowing wild in pper &rahmaptra Falle#. In 1=*= the first Indian Tea from Assam wassent to Bnited ingdom for pblic sale. Thereafter, it was etended to other parts of thecontr# between -+/s and ;+/s of the last centr#. )owever, owing to certain specific soiland climatic re(irements its cltivation was confined to onl# certain parts of the contr#.

    Tea plantations in India are mainl# located in rral hills and backward areas of North

    eastern and 'othern 'tates. 0a%or tea growing areas of the contr# are concentrated inAssam, $est &engal, Tamil Nad and erala. The other areas where tea is grown to asmall etent are arnataka, Tripra, )imachal 8radesh, Bttaranchal, Arnachal 8radesh,0anipr, 'ikkim, Nagaland, 0eghala#a, 0i3oram, &ihar and rissa.

    Bnlike most other tea prodcing and eporting contries, India has dal manfactringbase. India prodces both "T" and rthodo teas in addition to green tea. The weightagelies with the former de to domestic consmersG preference. rthodo tea prodction is


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    balanced basicall# with the eport demand. 8rodction of green tea in India is small. Thecompetitors to India in tea eport are 'ri Hanka, en#a, "hina, Indonesia and Fietnam.

    There has been a dramatic tilt in tea disposal in favor of domestic market since fifties.$hile at the time of Independence onl# ? million gs or abot *1 per cent of totalprodction of 2-- million gs of tea was retained for internal consmption, in 2++; as

    mch as ??1 million gs or abot =1per cent of total prodction of -; million gs oftea went for domestic consmption. 'ch a massive increase in domestic consmptionhas been de to increase in poplation, greater rbani3ation, increase in income andstandard of living etc.

    Indian tea eport has been an important foreign echange earner for the contr#. Therewas an inherent growth in eport earnings from tea over the #ears. Till ?+sG, B was thema%or b#er of Indian tea 'ince =+sG B''@ became the largest b#er of Indian tea de toeistence of the trade agreement between India and erstwhile B''@. B''@ happened tobe the ma%or b#er of Indian tea acconting for more than -+ per cent of the total Indianeport till 11. )owever, with the disintegration of B''@ and abolition of "entral

    ing 0echanism, Indian tea eports sffered a set back from 12*. )owever,Indian tea eports to @ssia7"I' contries recovered from the setback since 1* nder@pee Debt @epa#ment @ote facilities as also de to long term agreement on tea enteredinto between @ssia and India. Depressed scenario again started since 2++1 de to changein consmption pattern, i.e. switch over from "T" to rthodo as per consmerpreference and ths India has lost the @ssian market. Another reason for decline ineport of Indian tea to @ssia is offering of teas at lower prices b# "hina, 'oth Asiancontries like Indonesia and Fietnam.

    The ma%or competitive contries in tea in the world are 'ri Hanka, en#a, "hina andIndonesia. "hina is the ma%or prodcer of green tea while 'ri Hanka and Indonesia areprodcing mainl# orthodo varieties of tea. en#a is basicall# a "T" tea prodcing

    contr#. $hile India is facing competition from 'ri Hanka and Indonesia with regard toeport of orthodo teas and from "hina with regard to green tea eport, it is facingcompetition from en#a and from other African contries in eporting "T" teas.

    Tea is an essential item of domestic consmption and is the ma%or beverage in India. Teais also considered as the cheapest beverage amongst the beverages available in India. TeaIndstr# provides gainfl direct emplo#ment to more than a million workers mainl#drawn from the backward and sociall# weaker section of the societ#. It is also asbstantial foreign echange earner and provides si3eable amont of revene to the 'tateand "entral Eche(er. 8resentl#, Indian Tea Indstr# is having

    Total Trnover of @s. 1++++ "rores. *1 per cent share in global prodction and 1- per cent of world trade. Total net foreign echange earned per annm is arond @s. 1=5? crores. tea Action centers at"alctta,6wahati,'iligri,"ochin, "oimbatoreetc. 1;-- registered Tea 0anfactrers. 2++= registered Tea Eporters. -15= nmber of registered tea b#ers.


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    The labor intensive tea indstr# directl# emplo#s over 1.1 million workers andgenerates income for another 1+ million people approimatel#.

    $omen constitte -+ per cent of the workforce.

    Chart 1: Tren !n D"#e$t!% Tea Pr!%e$

    Chart &: Tren !n In!a'$ Pr"(%t!"n) C"n$(#*t!"n an E+*"rt$ ", Tea


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    Chart : M"nth./ D"#e$t!% Tea Pr!%e$ &00

    Chart 2: Tren !n In!a'$ Tea E+*"rt$


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report



    T/*e 8rivate

    F"(ne "alctta, India91;5:

    Hea3(arter$ olkata,India

    Ke/ *e"*.e @atan Tata9"hairman:

    Pr"(%t$ Tea

    E#*."/ee$ *-,*?2 92++:

    Parent Tata 6rop

    We4$!te www.tatatea.com

  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    Tata Tea Himited, also known as TataTetle#, is the world/s second largest manfactrerand distribtor of tea. wned b# India/s Tata 6rop, the Tata Tea Himited markets teander the ma%or brands Tata Tea, Tetle#, 6ood Earth Teas and teas, iced teamies and in the preparation of read#todrink 9@TD: beverages.

    Tata Tea owns five brands in India Tata Tea, Tetle#, "hakra 6old and 6emini. Thecompan# has a 1++> eportoriented nit 9')E@ and )A""8 certified:manfactring instant tea in 0nnar, erala, which is the largest sch facilit# otside theBnited 'tates. Tata Tea has sbsidiaries in Astralia, 6reat &ritain, Bnited 'tates, "3ech@epblic and India., the Tata Tea 6rop of "ompanies, which incldes Tata Tea and theBbased Tetle# 6rop, toda# represent the world/s second largest global branded teaoperation with prodct and brand presence in 5+ contries. Among India/s first

    mltinational companies, the operations of Tata Tea and its sbsidiaries focs on brandedprodct offerings in tea bt with a significant presence in plantation activit# in India and'ri Hanka.

    The consolidated worldwide branded tea bsiness of the Tata Tea 6rop contribtes toarond =; per cent of its consolidated trnover with the remaining 15 per cent comingfrom &lk Tea, "offee, and Investment Income. The "ompan# is head(artered in


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    olkata and owns &5 tea e$tate$in the states of Assam and $est &engal in eastern India,and erala in the soth.

    Fia sbsidiar# companies, Tata Tea manfactres ?+ million kilograms of tea in India,

    controls -5 tea estates, ten tea blending and packaging factories and emplo#s arond-,+++ people. The compan# owns -1 tea estates in India and 'ri Hanka, especiall# inAssam, $est &engal in eastern India and erala in the soth. The compan# is the largestmanfactrer of Assam tea and Dar%eeling tea and the secondlargest manfactrer of"e#lon tea.

    Pr"(%t an Bran

    The compan# has five ma%or brands in the Indian market Tata Tea, Tetle#, ananDevan, "hakra 6old and 6emini catering to all ma%or consmer segments fortea. The Tata Tea brand leads market share in terms of vale and volme in Indiaand the Tata Tea brand is accorded !'per &rand! recognition in the contr#. TataTea/s distribtion network in the contr# with *= "4 agents and 2-++ stockiestcaters to over 1.? million retail otlets 9@6 0arg @etail Adit:in India.

    The compan# has a 1++> eportoriented nit 9')E@ )A""8 certified:manfactring Instant Tea in 0nnar, erala, which is the largest sch facilit#otside the Bnited 'tates. The nit/s prodct is made from a ni(e process,developed inhose, of etraction from tea leaves, giving it a distinctive li(oring

    and taste profile. Instant Tea is sed for light densit# 1++> Teas, Iced Tea 0iesand in the preparation of @ead#to drink 9@TD: beverages.

    $ith an area of appro 1-,++ hectares nder tea cltivation, Tata Tea prodcesarond *+ million kg of &lack Tea annall#.


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    An important step for Tata Tea was the ac(isition of the Tetle# 6rop 9based in theBnited ingdom: in 2+++. It was a K2?1 million 9C5*2 million: leveraged b#ot. TataTea reportedl# otbid the American conglomerate 'ara Heein what was described as thelargest takeover of a foreign compan# b# an Indian one to date. At the time, Tetle# wasthe world/s second largest tea compan# afterBnilever/s &rooke &ondHiptonand had an

    annal trnover of K*++ million. It was the market leader in &ritain and"anadaand apoplar brand in the Bnited 'tates, Astraliaand the 0iddle East.Established in 1=*?, Tetle# was the first &ritishtea compan# to introdce the tea bag tothe B in 1-*. The tea bag was followed b# the first rond tea bag in 1= and the /nodrip, no mess/drawstringbag in 1?. Tetle# now contribtes for arond two thirds of thetotal trnover of Tata Tea.4rom 2++- Tata Tea began a restrctring eercise to divest direct ownership ofplantations in India, a process facilitated b# sbsidi3ed loans from the $orld &ank/sInternational 4inance "orporation.In 2++?, Tata Tea lanched the campaign

  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    1885 8owai Tea board award for highest #ields.

    188-&00& Awards #et to be annonced b# Tea &oard.


    0)ANI TEA

    T/*e 8rivate

    F"(ne "alctta, India91;5:

    Hea3(arter$ AN8B@, India

    Ke/ *e"*.e 0r. .8.Agarwal 9"hairman:

    Pr"(%t$ Tea

    We4$!te www.mohanitea.com

  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    0ohani Tea Heaves 8vt. Htd. 90TH: is s#non#mos with the finest tea compan# in theindstr#. The compan# was established with the resoltion that its reptation mst bebased on the (alit# of its prodcts. $e maintain commitment to (alit#. It manifests

    itself in the imaging, branding and packaging of its entire prodct range and has helpeds achieve sales target across several states in India and reach ot to millions of satisfiedcstomers.


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    In India !An# time is Tea time!. r mornings start with a cp of tea and or eveningswind p with another. And in between, people ot there discss a lot man# importantthings over a cp of tea. Tea becomes a silent witness to ma%or bsiness deals. Tea

    provides a sigh of relief after a hectic da#. Tea forms an important partner in bilding prelationship. Tea, in India , is all pervasive. It/s an inevitable part of Indian lifest#le. Andwe are prod to be a part of this important lifest#le of Indians. $e are confident that withthe grace of Almight#, spport of or people and associates, we, at 0)ANI willcertainl# achieve greater heights of sccess. Throgh ot the endeavor since 12, orphilosoph# has been inspired b# the )ol# 6eetaM !arman#e Fadhikaraste, 0aa 8haleshadachana! and we will stick to this philosoph# foreverThe compan# provides ecellent vale added (alit# tea to its esteemed cstomers. $itha combination of otstanding service to or bsiness associates and vale for mone#prodcts to or cstomers, 0ohani Tea Heaves 8vt. Htd. has rapidl# gained faith of achain of highl# spportive bsiness channel partners and satisfied cstomers, enablingor bsiness to grow and florish.

    $e are a nationwide compan# focsed on manfactring high (alit# and strong,flavored tea. 8assionate abot what we do, and how we do it, we have ac(ired the sortof knowledge and epertise which we believe is second to none.


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    0ohani Tea Heaves 8vt. Htd. 90TH: is one of the IndiaGs leading tea processing,marketing and branding companies. Tea b#ing, blending, prodcing tea etracts and

    packaged tea in varios vale added forms, blk packaging, marketing, creating marketreports and forecasting trends 0ohani Tea Heaves 8vt. Htd., prides in its abilit# to meetits cstomer/s needs to their tmost satisfaction, however diverse the# ma# be.

    r Fales.....

    "ontinall# challenging how we work with the environment, or people and orcommnities, and scrtini3ing da# to da# bsiness decisions to make sre that we


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    are acconting for longterm sstainabilit# and not onl# for shortterm profit.

    @eglarl# working with all bsiness associates who affect, or can be affected b#the compan#/s actions so that we nderstand them and are sensitive to their viewsand re(irements.

    Ensring that we compl# indstr# and international standards

    6iving the environment, societ# and or own economic development e(al sharein or strategic planning

    8romoting good practice in or areas of epertise, in the commnit#, amongst or peersand throghot or sppl# chain management.


    'pecial National @ecognition Award $inner 9,"r O(t$tan!n;Entre*rene(r$h!*:

    Awarded b# NSIC-CRISIL Rat!n;

  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report



    The Tajmahal Gro! is a multinational conglomeratecompany headquartered in Mumbai, India. In terms ofmarket capitalization and revenues, Tajmahal Group is thelargest private corporate group in India and has beenrecognized as one of the most respected companies in theorld. It has interests in steel, automobiles, informationtechnology, communication, poer, teaand hospitality. The

    Tajmahal Group has operations in more than !" countriesacross si# continents and its companies e#port products and

    services to !$ nations. The Tajmahal Group comprises %%&companies and subsidiaries in seven business sectors, '( ofhich are publicly listed. )".!* of the onership of TajmahalGroup is held in charitable trusts.

    Tajmahal companies operate in seven business sectors+communications and information technology, engineering,materials, services, energy, consumer products andchemicals. very Tajmahal company or enterprise operatesindependently. ach of these companies has its on board ofdirectors and shareholders, to hom it is anserable. Thereare '! publicly listed Tajmahal enterprises and they have acombined market capitalization of some -)$ billion, and ashareholder base of ." million. The major Tajmahalcompanies are Tajmahal /teel, Tajmahal Motors, Tajmahal0onsultancy /ervices 1T0/2, Tajmahal 3oer, Tajmahal


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    0hemicals, Tajmahal Tea, Indian 4otels and Tajmahal0ommunications.

    About TetleyTe"le#, a fully5oned subsidiary of Tajmahal Tea 6imited, isthe orld7s second largest manufacturer and distributor oftea. 8ned by India7s Tajmahal Group, Tetley7smanufacturing and distribution business is spread across &$countries and sells over )$ branded tea bags. It is the largesttea company in the 9nited :ingdom and 0anada and thesecond largest in the 9nited /tates by volume.;fter Tetley as purchased by the Tajmahal Group in '$$$,most of its business in ;sia has been integrated ith

    Tajmahal Tea and the company plans to completely

    integrate its orldide business ith Tajmahal Tea by '$$).The ne merged group, Tajmahal Tea Group, is the secondlargest tea brand in the orld after 9nilever.


    1980sIn the early %

    rising input and labor costs and dindling margins as ell ashigh ta#es. India as facing competition on the orld marketnot just from 0hina, but also from other countries enteringthe business.In %

    =ames >inlay group to form the individual entity TajmahalTea. In the same year, the company decided to move fromthe commodities business to consumer branding. The ?rstbrand Tajmahal Tea as introduced. This as folloed byother brands like :annan @evan, ;gni, Gemini and 0hakra

    Gold. In spite of being the largest market in the orld, theconcept of branded tea took time to be accepted.In %

    Tajmahal Tea Inc., in the 9/;.1990s


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    In the %

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    Re La4e. Nat(ra. Care:)as a mi of - A#rvedic ingredients like Tlsi,Ashwagandha, 0lethi, 6inger and "ardamom that are proven to improve immnit# andhelp #o fall ill less often.

    Re La4e. D($t:)as strength, taste and comes with the @ed Habel promise of great


    Re La4e. S*e%!a.:)as 1-> etra long leaves to give #o great taste, color andsperior aroma.

    Or ra$ge

    &rooke &ond @ed Habel

    @ed Habel 'pecial

    @ed Habel Natral "are


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    @ed Habel Dst


    To know relative cstomer response towards prodct profile srve# of Tata Tea and0ohani Tea in the Tea Indstr#.


    1. )ow people of different age grop respond to prodct profile srve# of TataTea and 0ohani Tea in the Tea Indstr#.8ositioning strategies se b# Teacompanies and their impact on cstomer.

    2. To find ot relative cstomer perception.*. To find ot which Tea compan# have good advertising and what t#pe of

    advertising sbscriber likeO -. @ole of advertisements on the b#ing behavior of the cstomer.


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    The research methodolog# that I ndertook for the prpose of this std# is enmeratedbelow


    This consisted (estionnaire and interaction from varios people. A focs grop std#will be condcted to design the cstomer srve# (estionnaire with a sample si3e of 5+respondents. The srve# was condcted in 'agar.


    'orces of secondar# data were primaril# the Internet , %ornals , newspaper, annalreport, database available in the librar#, cataloges and presentations.


    Descriptive stdies are well strctred, the# tend to be rigid and its approach can not bechanged ever# now and then. Descriptive std# can be divided in two categoriesM

    9A: "ross sectional


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    9&: Hongitdinal

    Descriptive std# is ndertaken in man# circmstancesM

    1. $hen the researcher is interested in knowing the characteristics of certain gropssch as age, profession.

    2. $hen the researcher is interested in knowing the proportion of people in givenpoplation who have behaved in a particlar manner, making pro%ection of certainthings.

    The ob%ective of this kind of std# is to answer the wh#, who, ,what ,when and how of thesb%ect nder consideration.

    I will be taking descriptive becase m# research incldes the knowing the behavior ofcstomer towards advertisement. I will be working on to know how people of varios agegrop respond to different advertising or their perception towards advertisement. Also m#srve# is related to two companies Tata Tea and 0ohani Tea.



    The# give the respondents complete freedom to decide the form , length and detail of theanswer. pen (estions are preferred when the researchers is interested in knowing what

    is pper most in the mind of respondents.


    This t#pe of (estions have onl# two t#pe of answer, #es or no. tre or false etc.



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    In the case of mltiple choice (estion the respondents is offered two or more choices.The researcher ehasts all the possible choices and the respondent has to indicate whichone is applicable in this case.





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    After the data collection, it was compiled, classified and tablated manall# and withhelp of compter. Then the task of drawing inferences was accomplished with the help ofpercentage and graphic method. Different sggestions given b# me to the "ompan# afteranal#3ing the views of ever# respondent are also given in the report.

    eeping in mind the ob%ectives of the std#, the srve# was being done and followinginterpretation was being drawn.


    1. 'e ratio of the respondents

    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/

    .$/ 23 840

    B 5/.$/ 8 340


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    INTE@8@ETATINM The graphical representation of the table shows that ot of 5+respondents *2 were male and = were female.


    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/

    173 16 40

    B 372 8 340

    & 27 14 30 above 6 10


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    INTE@8@ETATINM The graphical representation of the table shows that ot of totalrespondents 5+> were of age 1-2-, 5+> 2-*-, 2+> , *-5-, 2-> and rest were above5-.


    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/

    .'#&-$'/ 14

    B )'/#./'/ 13 24

    & #-'*) 16 4

    +*S'7#-'*) 8 34


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    INTE@8@ETATINM The graphical representation of the table shows that ot of totalrespondents 5 were matriclate,12 were intermediate,1; gradate and rest = werepostgradate.

    5. $hich &rand #o prefer most O

    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/

    '' '/ 3 64

    B .#:/$ '/ 13 24

    & *';/#S 14


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    INTE@8@ETATINThe 25 person were sed Tata Tea and 12 person were sed 0ohani Tea

    and 5 were sed other.

    -. 4or how long #o are sing this Tea 8rodctO


    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    $ess than 1

  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    INTE@8@ETATINThe for person were sed since one #ears and five were sed since one tothree #ears and seven were sed since two #ear


    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/

    $ess than 1

  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    INTE@8@ETATINThe for person were sed since less than one #ears and two were sedsince one to three #ear and eight were sed since for #ear.

    6! $hat were the reason for choosing this tea brandO


    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/

    #ecommended by friends and


    3 10

    B #ecommended by retailer 210

    & Brand image 3 10

    dvertisement 280


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    INTE@8@ETATINTwo were recommended b# friends and relative and for were b# retailer

    and two were b# brand image and five were b# advertisement.


    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/

    #ecommended by friends and


    1 4!220

    B #ecommended by retailer 10

    & Brand image 3 1=0 dvertisement 220


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report



    ne were recommended b# friends and relative and five were b# retailerand two were b# brand image and for were b# advertisement.


    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/

    #ecommended by friends and


    2 130

    B #ecommended by retailer 14 40

    & Brand image 8 230

    dvertisement 160


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report



    Three were recommended b# friends and relative and ten were b# retailerand eight were b# brand image and for were b# advertisement.

    ;. $hile prchasing a tea brand does advertisement pla#s an# roleO

    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    InterpretationThe eight# person were sa# #es and twent# were sa#s no.

    ?. from where #o watch the advertisement mostO

    S!)*! +#'&-$#S )-.B/# 0/ 'elevision 36 60

    B #adio 4 40

    & )ewspaper 8 340

    .aga>ines 6 10


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    InterpretationThe mostl# people sees advertisement in the television.


    1 0aimm respondents were sing tea prodct abovemore than for #ear.

    & 8eople like to watch advertisement on televisionmostl#.

    @espondents like to prchase tea brand based onadvertisements and schemes.


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    9 0aimm respondents were in favor of that, TataGsadvertising is better than other companies.

    2 0aimm nmber of respondents was in favor of that,

    the# wold like tobecome lo#al for the prodct


    In ever# @esearch process, there is chance of errors and errors lead toncertaint#. Errors, which have affected the std#, wereM

    De to lack of time, I cold not cover all over 'agar so that m# std#was restricted to 'oth 'agar onl#.

    'ome time "ooperation from respondents was missing.


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    0ost of the time respondents were not interested to answer thePestion, taking it as ordinar# matter of the compan#.

    0ost of the times respondents were biased and having shortage oftime.


    An# research withot conclsion is aimless. 'o, reaching an nbiased andnambigos conclsion is or re(irement. $e have seen in the section two thatthe comparison proved to be largel# in favor of the Tata tea, no matter whichcategor# is selected dring the comparison. This compels s to conclde thatamongst the Tata tea and 0ohani tea, Tata tea brand are a better choice becasethe# are better in terms of (alit# and 8rice.


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    Tata tea 0ohani tea , IndiaGs leading private sector tea indstries prodctproviders are not largest onl# in the cstomer base segment bt also are head ofits competitors when we talk abot its promotional strategies. The pro%ect titled,QT N$ T)E "B'T0E@ @E'8N'E T$A@D' ADFE@TI'IN6 &TATA TEA AND 0)ANI TEAR helped s to find ot the attitde of peopletowards advertisement and also the effect of advertisement on their b#ing


    &ilding of brand image pla#s a ver# important role in the e#es of the cstomerfor the ftre prospect.Advertisement also pla#s a ma%or role when it comes to b#ing a new prodct of

    that compan#.


    All tea indstr# pla#ers shold also focs on their new cstomersapart of retaining old cstomers.

    "ompan# shold focs on bilding of brand image so that the# canrelate with the prodct.

    4eedback shold be taken from time to time.


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    Its tre advertisement pla#s ver# important role bt word of mothshold not be neglected.

    Tea indstr# pla#ers shold commnicate certain vales in order tobild brand image apart of being informative.

    Its tre important to bild the relation with the viewers so that the#can relate to the advertisements.



    Mar>et!n; Mana;e#ent : Ph!.!* K"tt.er


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    Mar>et!n; Re$ear%h : Ph!.!* K"tt.er Other$





    2. 'eM 9a: 0ale 9b: 4emale

    *. AgeM 9a: 1-2- 9b: 2-*-


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    9c: *-5- 9d: Above 5-

    5. EdcationM 9a: 0atriclate 9b: Intermediate

    9": 6radation 9d: 8ostgradate

    -. $hich &rand #o prefer mostO

    a: Tata Tea b: 0ohani Tea c: An# other

    ;: 4or how long #o are sing this Tea 8rodctO

    a: less than 1 #ears.b: 1 to * #earsc: Above 5 #ears

    ?. what were the reasons for choosing this tea brand O

    a: @ecommended b# friends or relatives.b: @ecommended b# retailers.c: &rand imaged: Advertisement

    =. $hile prchasing a connection advertising pla#s an# roleO

    a: es b: No

    . 4rom where #o watch the advertisement mostOa: Televisionb: @adioc: Newspaperd: 0aga3ines

    1+. $hich tea brand have good advertisingOa: Tata Teab: 0ohani Teac: An# other

    11. )ow (ickl# did advertisement of the Tata Tea catch #or attentionO


  • 8/10/2019 Teafinal Reseach Report


    a: Fer# wellb: 'omewhat wellc: Bndecidedd: Not at all.

    12.)ow (ickl# did the advertisement of the 0ohani Tea catch #or attentionOa: Fer# wellb: somewhat wellc: ndecidedd: Not at all

    1*. Do #o think that advertisement made b# compan# informs #o abot there prodctsO.a: esb: Noc: Bndecided

    15:&ased on advertisements made b# compan#, wold #o like to becomelo#al for the prodctO a: es. b: No. c: Not decided.Address SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS




    QThan>$ ,"r /"(r a.(a4.e t!#e an %"-"*erat!"n