The Thought-Factor for Teens - - 1 -- Dear Fazal, Assalam-o-Alaikum. It was a pleasure to meet you during your visit to MPDD. I think that this is an excellent and incredible endeavour which has been executed by you. The book is very interesting, simple to read and touches the heart. Actually, I am quite amazed at the clarity of perception, lucidity of writing and power of observation. Well done, I am more than confident that a world class writer is developing. You should keep holding onto this skill that Almighty Allah has blessed upon you and you should continue to write more books not only for teens but for everyone. We need an Ambassador of Pakistan who can reflect the inherent beauty of our country and project the millenniums old value systems of our culture. I have gotten five copies made of your book and distributed them to my team members for reading. Once again great work. Keep it up and may Allah bless you with success beyond your dreams. Stay in touch. Best regards, Syed Hussain Haider.

The Thought Factor For Teens

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Writer Fazal ur Rehman

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Page 1: The Thought Factor For Teens

The Thought-Factor for Teens

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Dear Fazal, Assalam-o-Alaikum. It was a pleasure to meet you during your visit to MPDD. I think that this is an excellent and incredible endeavour which has been executed by you. The book is very interesting, simple to read and touches the heart. Actually, I am quite amazed at the clarity of perception, lucidity of writing and power of observation. Well done, I am more than confident that a world class writer is developing. You should keep holding onto this skill that Almighty Allah has blessed upon you and you should continue to write more books not only for teens but for everyone. We need an Ambassador of Pakistan who can reflect the inherent beauty of our country and project the millenniums old value systems of our culture. I have gotten five copies made of your book and distributed them to my team members for reading. Once again great work. Keep it up and may Allah bless you with success beyond your dreams. Stay in touch. Best regards, Syed Hussain Haider.

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The Thought-Factor for Teens

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��������� ! �� ������ �" #�� #�� ����� ���� ����������� ��������������������� ������������������������������������������� The book by Fazal-Ur-Rehman is awesome; it’s really mind-blowing. I was literally flabbergasted to see his book about a topic which is least talked upon in our society, i.e. THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR TEENS. I honestly agree with 90% of his views about the topic. It’s actually a moral science. Truly, the author has broughtforth this boring topic in such an amusing and interesting way that anybody would love to read it and will drown in his book until they have finished to the last page. His ‘Top Secrets’ are amazing. The book has influenced my life a lot. I am dying to read the next edition of this book. In the end, best of luck, Fazal, for all your future writings. Azmat Ayub. F. C. College, Lahore.

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������������������������������������������������ When I was a child, my mother once said, “Hold your elder brother in the same esteem as you hold your father.” And really, my elder brother, Bilal Amjad, deserves the same respect and esteem. He’s the one, guiding me through all the curvaceous paths of this society. To be very honest with you, I don’t know much about the worldly affairs and there have been occasions in my life when I needed a friendly and brotherly advice. So, he was the one I would always resort to, for in him I have found a loving brother and a sincere friend. He has helped me a lot in the launching of this book. He has been stealing time for this purpose even during his exam days. Troubling with the publisher, adjusting the text and printing matters and, in short, all those chores pertaining to the book which were quite difficult for me. Love you Bhai, Love you a lot. I am, indeed, very lucky to have you. Fazal-Ur-Rehman.

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� �������� : The Thought-Factor for Teens ���� : Fazal-Ur-Rehman ������� : First � � ��������������: 2010 � ���: Rs. 125

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A Personal-Development Book

The Thought-Factor

for Teens



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Disclaimer Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information presented in this book is accurate. However, the reader should understand that the information provided does not constitute legal, medical or professional advice of any kind.

Use of this product constitutes acceptance of the “No Liability” policy. If you do not agree with this policy, you are not permitted to use this product.

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Dedicated toDedicated toDedicated toDedicated to

My Teachers,

My Parents,

My Siblings,

My Friends,

And last, but not the least, the Safeda tree with whom I spent innumerable childhood hours talking and sharing. Although he is

miles away from me now, yet I find him ever closest to my heart.

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��������� Chapter no. 1…������� ��� Chapter no. 2…� ������� �������� ������������������������������������������������������������� Chapter no. 3…� �������� ���� ���� ������������ �������

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Chapter no. 1 Introduction Oooff!!

This introduction stuff!

No part of this book has troubled me more than writing this

introduction. You know something, I have already planned

almost all the contents of this book but this introduction stuff still

needs to be done.

Wasn’t it easy for me to pack this chapter with all the wonderful

quotations that are available on the web? Indeed, it was very

easy; but I just didn’t want to make it a boring monologue. I

wanted to talk to you. I wanted to write something so that I grab

your hand from the very beginning and take you with me through

all the chapters until we reach to the very end of this book.

And so, to write such an introduction, I had to dive within my

own self and bring out something that would capture you. So,

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here I am.

Are you

ready for



Okay then,

here we


Let me


you to Benn. Say him ‘Hello’. He is a sort of person that you

may come across in your street or your colony. Rather I take my

words back: you can’t come across him in your street or your

colony because half his life spends at school and half in his

room, studying. Now I am going to tell you about Benn’s daily


Benn comes from school to home. With his bag still hung across

his shoulders, he rushes to the kitchen and switches on the kettle

for his tea. Then he storms to his room, removes his bag, plugs in

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his computer, rushes to the washroom to change his uniform,

bumps out of his room, runs to the kitchen, makes a tea for

himself and then back again to his room. His computer is ready

by now for him to read some Biology stuff that he downloaded

from the web the last night. He is absolutely oblivious of his

other family members.

In the meanwhile, Benn receives a text message from his friend

who asks him about the school homework (probably Benn’s

friend was absent from school today). Benn pays it the slightest

of his attention and continues with his reading. (Isn’t it very cruel

of him?)

Ah! After some time has elapsed, he hears his mother calling him

for lunch. Benn steals a few last glances from his computer

document and speeds towards the lunch table. He is just stuffing

food into his mouth. He even fails to notice that his younger

brother has got a forehead injury while playing at school.

Spending the solid five minutes at lunch (which he deems as a

mere wastage of time), Benn rushes back to his room. Hardly has

he resumed his work than he receives a call on his mobile. It’s

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his cousin. Benn grits his teeth in frustration as he considers all

his cousins as ‘time-killers’. Here’s the conversation between


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Benn is startled at his own absent-mindedness. He has had his

lunch just fifteen minutes from now and he doesn’t remember

what he has eaten! You know why? Because whenever Benn

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takes his meals, he is always obsessed with estimating the

kilojoules of energy he would be getting and whether they would

suffice him for his studies until his mother calls him for the next


Rushing here, rushing there.

A very hectic routine and a troublesome lifestyle with entire

indifference to the world around. He studies till late at night. He

has just lain in bed when the text message from his friend who

had missed classes today clicks his mind. Now it’s about 3 a.m.

in the morning and Benn sends this text message to his friend:

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You must be wondering that Benn has surpassed all parameters

of cruelty. (And this is not the first time he has done so). How

can anyone be so careless about and indifferent to one’s


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Aha! And then comes the turning point in his life. Millions and

zillions of thanks to God for that. Normally, he is not very fond

of literature. Probably some forces of Nature throw that book

before him in a bookshop when he goes there to buy his

Chemistry book. Benn catches sight of that book and

unthoughtfully buys it too along with his curriculum book. It is:

Chickensoup for the Teenage Soul II .

One day, while he is

leafing through the

book, he happens to

come across an article

entitled: I Wish I Had

Known It Earlier. And

there that quotation is-

one single line, one

single thought-that

changes the entire

lifestyle of Benn. Do

you know what that sentence is? It is: $�� ��$���-������������

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When Benn comes across it, he leans back in his chair. He

ponders hard over it. Somehow, he knows that this sentence has

been written for him.

Do you agree with me that he needs to slow down? I hope you

do. And very very surprisingly, Benn realizes it too.

Then what happens next?

Benn comes from school. He has acquired a gentle gait

overnight. He drops his bag in his room, goes to Mum’s room

and greets her afternoon. He asks her if she needs any stuff from

the market. He tells her how his day was at school.

At the lunch table, he is in an ebullient mood-laughing and

kidding with his siblings. Then he goes to his room, sleeps for an

hour and then grids his loins for studies. An amazing discovery

made in the very first day of change: the time that he would take

to digest his Physics chapter is reduced to half and his

concentration span has improved overnight.

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Okay- we have had now enough of Benn-stuff, so we stop his

story right here. You have already discovered how a single

thought, how ONE SINGLE THOUGHT, can change the entire

attitude of a person and how it can influence one’s life and one’s

relations to others.

In this book, I am going to share some secrets with you. I call

them ‘Top Secrets’. But I shall reveal them to you on a single

condition: you need to promise me that you’ll not leak them out

to anybody. Okay?

Now I can’t tell my ‘Top Secret’ to you like this; you need to

come a little more closer to me; yes, a little more. Now lend me

your ear.

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Chapter no. 2 What I Mean by Thought-Factor? I knew you would

turn that page-I really

knew that!

Well, I just talked to

you how a single

thought can lead to an

entire change in

attitude. But let me

ask you one thing:

have you ever really

experienced it? Has it

ever happened to you

that your attitude shifted to a 180-degree-angle from its previous

one after bringing home some reality?

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If your answer is ‘yes’, then that’s great and I am glad that you

are an avid observer of your own life. But even if your answer is

‘no’, even then there’s no problem; you are just missing some

recollections from the ‘memory-box’ of your brain. Let me share

with you an anecdote that was published in The Reader’s Digest

(contributed by Dan P. Greyling):

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Consider this lady’s feelings towards the neatly dressed young

man before the turn of events: “What a rude young man!”

Imagine her feelings after: “How embarrassing! How kind of him

to share his last cookie with me!”

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A noble and God-like character is not a thing of favor or chance, but is the natural result of continued effort in right thinking, the effect of long-cherished association with God-like thoughts. An ignoble and bestial character, by the same process, is the result of the continued harboring of groveling thoughts.

Well, I believe, and most of the self-growth consultants whom I

have studied believe, that our actions are a direct or indirect

consequence of our thoughts. Consciously or unconsciously, we

behave towards others the way we think about them. This

thought-factor is a multi-faceted topic. So, let us move through it

in a stepwise manner.


you ever







they are

nervous? Amazingly, they are not even aware of it.

Similarly, you must have witnessed people scratching their

temples when they are contemplating hard over a subject.

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Again, they are doing it unconsciously. What I want to say is

that all our actions sprout from our thoughts. We behave the way

we feel. We act the way thoughts germinate in our minds. And

the people who said centuries ago: ?& �� �����,��!�#����

������ ��4, were absolutely right in what they said.

Now that we have accepted the fact that our thoughts govern our

lives, or more appropriately, they steer our lives, we must

acknowledge one more secret of life:

Nobody is by chance a successful person and nobody is by

chance a failure. Those who think success, succeed and those

who think failure, fail. Where you stand today is the ultimate

result of your thoughts. It is your thoughts which drive you

towards success or failure. Now it is up to you which type of

thoughts you opt for.

Long ago, I read a few lines about thoughts leading to our

destinies. At that time, I did not comprehend a major part of it.

But now they appear so meaningful that the whole enigma of our

destiny seems to be enciphered in them. Here are those lines:��

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��Another quotation that captured me was: & ����� ��� ����� ��

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Some people, rather all the people, believe that ‘hard-work’ is

the key to success. Then why do a large number of people fail if

the ‘key to success’ is already known to all? The problem is not

with hard-work, for many people work harder than they ought to

do to achieve a particular objective. Then where lies the

problem? The problem lies in changing the thought pattern. Most

of the people have the potential to succeed, but they fail because

they have somewhere in their minds that their hard-work will not

bear them due fruits. They are suspicious of their own hard-

work. And then what does their ‘hard-work’ give them in return?

The answer is ‘failure’ ( a big F!). Even when your thoughts are

slightly contaminated with suspicion, they can ruin your hard-

work of months, and sometimes, even years.�

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Hence, all we need to do is to accept it from the very core of our

hearts that our hard-work, our efforts will definitely bear us the

due fruits. If we nourish this thought, our actions will correspond

with it and even without knowing, we’ll be heading towards the

path of success, the path of prosperity.

When we believe that we can succeed by working hard, we

succeed; and, when we believe that our hard-work cannot bring

us success, we fail.

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Another aspect of this thought-factor is our appearance. (I can

imagine you blurting out in surprise, “Appearance?”). Yes, it is!�

Again, nobody by

chance appears cute

and nobody by chance

appears clever and

cruel. The way we

think, our faces

change accordingly.

The people who are

cute must have

worked towards it for

a long time,

eliminating all the negative thoughts that would try to invade

their minds. Similarly, the people who have a clever and cruel

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Taking the first step with a good thought, the second with a good word, and the third with a good deed, I entered Paradise.

appearance must have nourished negative thoughts in their minds

since long.

James Allen narrates his own experience with it:

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I am sure, consciously or unconsciously, all the people of the


realize this

fact that our

faces change

according to

our thoughts;

and so, in

any movie the villain has the most

grovelling appearance of all and the hero is the most gentle-

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looking. Let us take a simple example of the movie ‘The Lion

King’. Now we compare Mufasa with Scar. Mufasa has a gentle

and audacious appearance; Scar has a dull and clumsy one.

Mufasa walks with an air of confidence; Scar has his shoulders

drooped, eyes green, and is in a constant state of insecurity. Both

Mufasa and Scar have their appearances in accordance with the

thoughts they nurture in their minds. Similarly, in the movie

‘Aladdin’, Jaffar has the most horrible appearance. All these

instances are not a matter of chance; everybody’s appearance is

in direct correspondence with their thoughts.

Now you understand why babies have the cutest appearance of

all the humans on the surface of this earth. Simple, their minds

are least contaminated with negative thoughts. Once you wipe

your mind of all the nasty thoughts, I guarantee that you’ll be the

next Mr./Mrs. Universe!

The way we appear reflects our thoughts. The way we dress, the

way we walk, the way we talk; in short, everything that we do

reflects our thoughts. If we go to our place of work well-

groomed and gently dressed, that reflects we are serious about it,

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and the vice versa. People don’t need to tell anybody what they

think about a particular thing (be it a job, a person, or a subject of

studying). Their actions will speak ‘louder than their words’,

proclaiming to all they come across what they are thinking about

a particular subject.

So, let us stop here right now. We have a whole book to talk

about this ‘thought-factor’ stuff. For the time being, let us make

some promises to each other. Yes, a few easy-to-be-fulfilled

promises. Are you ready? Okay then, hold my right hand; hold it

tight (I can imagine you holding my hand, you imagine the same


Please write your name in the space below. Don’t read ahead

until you do so.

I, __________________, promise today that:

1. I shall think about success, not failure.

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2. I shall not be suspicious of my own hard-work.

3. I simply love my face. So, to keep it appear cute, I shall kick

out all the negative thoughts that will try to invade and capture

my mind.

4.And last, but not the least, I shall remember the promises I

have made.


(your signature)

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Chapter no. 3 What are Negative Thoughts and What are Positive ones?

We have already

shared a ‘Top

Secret’ and made a

promise (rather four

promises) up till

now. But before we

move on, we must

have a clear

perception of what

we mean by

‘positive’ and

‘negative’ thoughts.

If you are thinking

that thoughts have

some kind of charge, you are absolutely…right! Yes, you are

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A negative thought is any nasty thought that attracts frustration,

hopelessness, anger, malice, hatred, envy, vanity, pride,

obstinacy, covetousness, jealousy and contempt for others. A

negative thought prevents you from becoming successful,

prosperous and happy. It keeps on drilling in your mind that your

neighbour or your friend has bought a new car, or lives in a

bigger house, or secured a position in their class or institute. It

keeps on inciting you to hopelessness and malice. Consequently,

you are provoked to behave or act in a way that hampers your

own success badly.

Now you must be wondering how hatred, malice, etc. intervene

with your prosperity and your success. Yes, they do! Only a

positive mind develops the right attitude to strive for a particular

goal with increasing vigour and determination. A mind

contaminated with scummy thoughts can never lead you to

success. Another reason for your success being hampered is that

you are not going to have many friends if you nurture ‘negative’

feelings in your mind. This is because your actions will tell them

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than your


what you



them. And

so, you

will have a


tough time




On the

contrary, a ‘positive’ thought is any thought that attracts success,

prosperity, peace of mind, and, of course, innumerable friends.

Hence, love, benevolence, appreciation, gentleness, good-will,

purity, meekness, compassion, generosity, altruism, happy-

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helping and all such stuff comes under the heading of ‘positive


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I had a mounting urge to insert this little chapter right here. Now

I believe that you have an even clearer perception of ‘thoughts’

than I have.

And now is the ripe time to move towards a chapter that can

make you ‘lucky’. Yes! Very lucky. So, go on. Don’t stop.

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Chapter no. 4 Command Your Own Luck! 6( ���#� ������,�������#���.���4��@� ���#��!�80�

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Have you ever heard

people exclaiming out

such sentences? I hope

you do. There is a common peculiarity in all of the above

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sentences: in each of them, ‘luck’ seems to be something

endowed by heavenly forces and man exercises no control over

it. But very very strangely, most of the successful people believe

that they ‘created’ or even ‘attracted’ their own luck with their


My own perception of ‘luck’ or more precisely as ‘good luck’ is

quite strange. I believe that when you do good to others, express

your gratitude to God for every little bliss that you have, good

things start happening to you-this is called ‘good luck’.

In order to have a

wider panorama of this

‘luck-factor’, let us

examine what the

contemporary sixteen

most successful people of this world think of ‘luck’. Their

articles and interviews are published in ‘Inside the Minds of

Winners’. Let’s go through some of them keeping in mind that

most of them believe that they ‘attracted’ their own luck.

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Isn’t it nice to know that we can ourselves allow the good things

start happening to us? All that we need to do is to have a

thorough preparation so that when opportunity comes, we avail it

to its maximum extent.

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A friend of mine, who wishes to be anonymous, shared his story

of how he ‘attracted’ his luck:

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Wow! Did you see how this friend of mine ‘attracted’ his luck?

Not even admission at LUMS diverged his efforts from the main

objective he had been nurturing for the last several years. Yes,

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you ‘attract’ your own ‘luck’; you are the sole person who is

responsible for whether ‘good’ luck comes to you or ‘bad’.

So many people consider successful people lucky, but it’s the

other way round: they first created that success mindset that in

turn created the success reality where luck comes knocking on

their door all the time.

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(Anita Bergen)

Some people

believe that

‘luck’ is





from flower

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to flower at its own whim. But, more appropriately, ‘luck’

resembles a ‘honey bee’, going from flower to flower, collecting

pollen in a very ordered and purposeful manner. If it doesn’t feel

welcome on one

flower, it merely

moves on to the next.

Nevertheless, the

honey bee won’t be

found around vinegar.

You’ve got to

‘attract’ it with sweet

flowers and pollen.

And now there’s

something for you to

contemplate: would this honey-bee (luck) have come to you if

you were ‘vinegar-like’? The answer is ‘no’. If you want ‘luck’

to come to you, you need to develop the attitude to receive it;

you need to have some ‘sweet flowers’ in your character to

‘attract’ this ‘honey bee’.

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Now you know that you can command your own luck. You can

allow either good things start happening to you or bad things-it

all depends upon your own choice of thoughts. We’ve already

brought home the notion that ‘luck’ is governed by our ‘internal’

forces and not in the least are influenced by the ‘external’ ones.

If you think ‘luck’ would come to you, it will come. All that you

need to do is to be willing to receive it.

Along with ‘luck’, you have also the tendency to attract

‘miracles’ which are always trying to creep in your life. You

want to discover how? Go on…go on…

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Chapter no. 5 Your Thoughts and Miracles Before we just launch on to our discussion of this aspect of

thoughts, as usual, let me ask you a simple question: Do you

believe in miracles?

Well, it all depends upon how you take miracles to be. If you

have a perception that a miracle can be no less than winning ten

million dollars in a quiz competition, or making a hallmark

discovery, or becoming the next President of your country, then I

bet you’ll have very few miracles in your life. And obviously,

you’ll be deprived of all the blessings that Nature endows any

common man who believes in miracles.

What I believe is: �$������ ������� ��#�������,,��-������

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Before we just proceed on with our discussion, I want to share

with you a song entitled: It’s A Miracle. In this song are narrated

all those miracles to which we normally do not pay any heed.

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When you go through this song, consider thoughtfully how we

are all the time surrounded by marvelous miracles.

Here goes the song:

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I believe that each day when the sun rises, it brings hundreds and

thousands of miracles for each and every person on the surface of

this earth. But innumerable people fail to realise them because

they never expect any miracle to happen.

Let me help you recount for you some of the miracles that you

rarely realise:

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof

overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this


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If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and spare change

somewhere, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

If you woke up this

morning with more

health than illness, you

are more blessed than

the million who will

not survive this week.

If you have never

experienced the danger

of battle, the loneliness

of imprisonment, the

agony of torture and

the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in

the world.

If you hold up your head high with a smile on your face and are

truly grateful to God, you are blessed because majority can but

most do not.

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Again I say, people who are willing to

receive miracles receive many of

them; and as the song says, a miracle

need not be anything stupendous.

Now my little experience with it! You

know something, that for half of the

viva examinations I appeared in my 1st

Year of M.B;B.S., were absolute

disasters. Different teachers said to me

the following words on various occasions:

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…and so on.

And now comes the most interesting part of the story: I passed

all those disastrous viva exams. You know how it all happened?

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Because I was always expecting miracles. Whenever I would

come out of the examination room after those ruined-vivas, I

would tell my friends, 61������������$�' �-� ��� ����� �##�

���$������������5,����� ���08 And so, when the result

would come, I would pass. Every time it was so amazing that for

a split second I myself would not believe it. But see, miracles

came to me because I was willing to receive them. And to make

sure to have such a mindset, I had to take care of the words that I

would utter. Believe you me, I would have failed all those vivas

if I had not changed my mindset.

One of the disastrous vivas will never be able to evade my

memory-box. Once I was to appear for a minor Physiology viva

which included the topic of ‘endothelium’. This was something I

had read tens of times; but when I appeared for the viva,

everything seemed to have evaporated from my memory. (For

those who don’t know, please let me tell you that endothelium

constitutes the cells which line our blood vessels, and so, it has

nothing to do with cilia).

Here goes my viva:

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,�������80� My goodness! I could not remember an inch of it. I

knew it would be the only viva I was going to fail during my first

year. When I came out of the viva room, I prayed to God and

asked Him for some miracle. And that was indeed one of the

greatest miracles of my life: the summer vacations were

announced a little earlier than expected and the result of that viva

was never displayed on the notice-board. God, as usual, had

saved my nose.

Again I say: If you want a miracle to

happen in your life, you must be

willing to receive it.

You must be wondering that a

person’s life is markedly

influenced by


thoughts alone

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cannot steer our lives. The answer to this perception is given by

James Allen in his book The Path of Prosperity . He says:

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���������� �08 James goes on to say that: �$������� ����,,�-�

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If you think miracles will come to you, they will come. Apart

from attracting miracles, we have discussed another very

important lesson in this chapter. You guess what? Yes, it’s the

sense of gratitude to God for every little bliss that He has

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endowed upon us. If you are conversing with me right now,

indeed, it’s a miracle.

Faith and health are the two integral moieties of one’s life and

whosoever has faith and health is the richest person on this earth.

So, isn’t it a miracle that you and I have both faith and health?

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Chapter no. 6 The Laws of Nature Influencing Our Lives

Yes, friends, there are laws

of Nature that dramatically

influence our lives. They

are far superior to the laws

of Physics-or any other

science. They have nothing

to do with gravity, or

motion, or light, or waves. They have to do with our thoughts.

So, out of my limited study of Will Edwards, James Allen, Wes

Hopper, Marcy Richards and some others, I have chosen four

laws to discuss with you here. They are:

1. The law of abundance

2. The law of attraction

3. The law of love

4. The law of gratitude

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Previously, I had decided to pack all these laws into this single

chapter. But then I had the guilty feeling of unjustification with

these laws, and so, I gave each one its separate sub-chapter.

These are the laws that you must have applied in some part of

your life, even if you didn’t know them by name then. And after

going through them, hopefully, you’ll be able to apply them in a

much more effective way.

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(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

All the very best of luck on this venture.

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Chapter no. 6(i) The Law of Attraction

Will you be surprised if I tell you that each and every person

behaves like a magnet? Yes,

every person is a magnet. Nature

says that every person has the

tendency to ‘attract’.

Every person sends out waves of

energy. These may be the waves

of positive energy or they may be

the negative energy waves. If they are the positive energy waves,

they’ll attract success, prosperity, friends, happiness, serenity and

all such stuff which a person may conceive of. On the contrary, a

person emitting waves of negative energy attracts despair,

frustration, failure, estranged relations, etc. As I mentioned in the

beginning, all your thoughts culminate in your actions and your

actions ‘speak louder than your words’. So, it is your actions

which will emit waves of positive or negative energy.

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Paulo Cohelo, in his book The Alchemist elucidates the law of

attraction in a wonderful way. He says:

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Please always remember one thing: the Nature and this Universe

are extremely favourable to man’s survival. They never want to

give us failure. They’ll always try to sustain us. It is our own

thoughts which attract adverse and undesirable circumstances.

Malcom Harvey, in his article published in Inside the Minds of

Winners, says:

6� �����������������08�

What a wonderful saying it is! Nature does hate vacuum.

Wherever there is vacuum, Nature just rushes in to fill that space.

All that you need to do is make Nature realize that there is

sufficient ‘space’ in your life for success, for prosperity, for

fortunes and then witness how Nature bestows all these things

upon you by a means which you would have never foreseen. But

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how can you make Nature realize that there’s space in your life

that needs to be filled? Your thoughts!

Many people attract

success and many

others attract failure.

It’s up to us what we

‘attract’. By the way,

this attraction is not

only confined to

success or failure. It

may be for any worldly

possessions as well.

Sometimes, Nature

takes ample time to fill that ‘vacuum’. But that delay is only

intentional on the part of Nature. She just wants to bless us with

something even better. She is ‘favourable for our survival’. She

will endow us what is in our best possible interests. Failure may

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be delayed, but Nature exerts its levelbest to be the earliest

possible in granting success.

You are a successful person because you attracted your success,

and you did it by consciously working towards it. And all this

conscious effort is ultimately attributed to your thoughts.

So, whenever you want anything, just pray to God again and

again until you get your desire fulfilled. This is the way I do. I

keep on asking God for anything that I want desperately-literally


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,����������������0��������������������# $����������

�������������������� ��������� �!0G - Brian Tracy

Here is an account of how Will Edwards, founder of the now

www.whitedovebooks.co.uk, a renowned personal development

consultant and the author of innumerable books and ebooks. He

narrates how he ‘attracted’ his career in the teeth of all the


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My own belief is that opportunity surrounds us every day of our

lives but we tend to miss most of it simply because of what our

minds are focused on. That is the power of creating your vision

and imagining it as fulfilled.�

Steve Goodier says:

6* ������� ��������������,��,#������������� � ������

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Some people shine with a light of kindness. Others emit a light of

hope. There are those who glow with enthusiasm and still others

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who radiate love.

You may not always see it, but your light is shining through. And

it's one of your most attractive qualities!

Surely you must have applied this law before, but now you know

how to incite Nature. Just send out waves of ‘positive’ energy

and attract anything that you want-literally anything!

Don’t stop now; the law of love is waiting for us.

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Chapter no. 6(ii) The Law of Love �

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You must have heard at least one of these sentences or at least

very similar to them; but the lacking with all of them is that they

are all theoretical, aren’t they? They do not tell us ‘how’ we can

love others and most importantly ‘why’ to love others.

Unfortunately, to most people ‘love’ means something that exists

between a hero and a heroine of a movie. They do not ‘love’,

they actually ‘make love’.

Then what love actually is?

G� ��#���� �������� ������# �,����$�������0G��

(Karen Sunde)�

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(Bu Ali Senna).

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Hopefully, by now you must have brought home the true notion

of love. Love is one of the strongest powers of this universe, and

so Nature greatly favours all those who love others and wish for

their well-being.

Another misconception about ‘love’ is that we become obsessive

of possessing the one whom we love so dearly. We want to keep

them very close to us. But ‘love’ doesn’t hold that out. ‘Love’

means patience, ‘love’ means sacrifice, ‘love’ means the joy that

one experiences when they see their loved ones happy, and ‘love’

means spending

one’s time and,

sometimes, even

one’s money and

approaching the less

fortunate ones and

extending out the

hand of help and


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You’ll really be surprised if I tell you that the ‘law of love’ is in

accordance with the Newton’s Third Law of Motion which is

also called the ‘Law of Emotions’. According to this law, the

more you love others, the more is the love that you receive in

return. If you give ‘love’, you receive ‘love’. The love that you

will receive in return is directly proportional to the love that you

pass to others. If you extend help to somebody in need, you’ll

definitely receive help when you need it.

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Here is a story from Zig Ziglar's book, See You at the Top

(Pelican Publishing Co., 1982).

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Ziglar reminds us that our eyes are the windows of our souls.

Then he asks a pointed question: "If you had been the last rider,

would the old man have asked you for a ride?"

A good question! For it is said that others will know us by our

love. Some will see it in the things we do and some in the things

we say. And a few perceptive souls, like the old man, may catch

a glimmer of a loving and generous spirit in the expression of

kind eyes.

However, it shows, may you be known by your love.

Here is another heart-touching account narrated by Jim Wallis in

his book Who Speaks for God? He tells about a sad and terrifying

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incident that occurred during the tragic war in Sarajevo a few

years ago.

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There are tens and hundreds of things that we can learn from

kids, for example, kids smile very often, they are receptive to

learning, and they nurture no malice against anybody. They have

the purest of hearts on the

surface of this earth. So, why

not ask them what ‘love’

means to them?

The given below are the

responses of some kids who

were asked of their

perception of ‘love’. I learnt

their replies via the white dove books periodic newsletter. They

are so heart-touching that I just can’t resist the urge to mention

some of their responses here:

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G� ����������������������� � �-��������#�H������

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Rebecca - age 8

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Billy - age 4

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Chrissy - age 6

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G ���� ��� ������!��������� #��� �������H��� �0G

Terri - age 4

�G ���� ��� ���������������!�����$$���$��������

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Danny - age 7

���G�$������ �������#�������#���������-���������#������

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Nikka - age 6

(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)

G* � ������, ������ ��#-���� �������������������� ���

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Cindy - age 8

�G��!��� �����#��� ����#��������������������� �������

�##�����#��#��������������������������������� �����0G

Lauren - age 4

(a very positive attitude, indeed!)

G ���� ��� ��������,�,,��# �!������$����������$�������

#�$��� ���#�����##���0G

Mary Ann - age 4

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Love is one of the strongest and the most stupendous forces

prevailing over the universe. How others treat us is a direct

consequence of the intensity of warmth that we radiate. Love is

one of those qualities which will bring us a heavenly peace even

in this world. So, let’s try to be among those who are making a

conscious effort to spread love and affection for all. Be good to

all the people you come across in your daily life and be the love-

giver. This is the only way to make this world a better place to

live in.

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(Mother Teresa).

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Chapter no. 6(iii) The Law of Abundance Now that we have comprehended the laws of ‘attraction’ and

‘love’, we move towards the ‘law of abundance’. It would be no

exaggeration to say that most of the negative feelings that

contaminate our minds and prevent us from succeeding are

owing to our failure to realize this law.

This law states that the

Universe has never-to-

be-exhausted funds,

resources, jobs, clients,

customers, friends and

everything else that we

want in life. But it does

not mean that we lie

down for the other

people to trample us and

walk over us.

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Previously, when I was at school, I had a very strange and rather

ridiculous notion. I thought that if my teacher gave 70 percent

marks to my friend, then she could give me no more than 30

percent. I nurtured the notion that she had a total of only 100

percent to distribute among all the students of the class. And,

consequently, I had a very non-cooperative sort of attitude

towards my friends. But now I know that my teacher can give

100 percent marks to each and every student in the class.

Hmmm…it means, the Universe is ‘abundant’ in marks as well!

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When I understood this ‘law of abundance’, my attitude changed

entirely. When I came to King Edward, I discovered within a

lapse of few weeks that some of my class mates are more

stunning, more dominating and exercise much stronger influence

in the class than anybody else. And so, what I did? I started

praying for them.

“Praying?” I can imagine you calling out in surprise, but this is

exactly what I did. There are nine people in my class (and this

list is lengthening with each passing day) to whom I have named,

in the very secret room of my heart as the ‘diamonds of my

class’. Whenever I pray, I ask God:

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Hmmm…you see how wisely I choose my words. I say: 6� �' �"�

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And will you believe? I have been praying for their success and

at the same time passed all my tests as well. So, I am convinced

that this Universe has everything in abundance, even marks.

While we are talking about thoughts, please let me tell you that

praying for others, particularly those who are more influential

than you, is of dual advantage:

Firstly, it makes your heart ‘larger’-I don’t mean the hypertrophy

of heart muscles; what I mean is the magnanimity of soul and a

‘giving’ spirit. This is very essential for your own success,

because it eliminates all malice and ill-will that may ever impede

your personal development. Secondly, when you pray for others,

your actions tell those people that you are sincere to them. You

don’t need to talk to them, but your actions, as usual, will ‘speak

louder than your words’, and will tell them that you are loyal to

them and so those influential people will become friends with


Now if you have thoroughly understood the ‘law of abundance’,

I am very curious to share with you another of my Top Secrets.

Are you ready?

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Please don’t

say ‘yes’, just

come nearer.

Yes! You

remember I

talked of the

‘diamonds of

my class’ in

this account;

one of them is

the ‘Hemione’

of my class.

But the ‘Hermione’ at King Edward is very different from the

‘Hermione’ at Hogwarts. The ‘Hermione’ at Hogwarts would

take milliseconds to shoot her hand into the air and answer the

questions of her professors; but the ‘Hermione’ at King Edward

takes only nanoseconds! I can’t reveal the true identity of

‘Hermione’, for that’s a Top Top Secret! I hope I’ll reveal her

true identity in the next edition of this book. By the way if you

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see in my class a very little, highly tense, excessively obsessed

and heavily book-laden girl, then learn that she is the ‘Hermione’

at KE.�

Now looking from this

perspective of thought-factor,

the studious type of people

should always be

appreciated. You know why?

Because they are so

preoccupied with their own

studies that they have no time to think of negative things.

Simultaneously, knowledge polishes their personality. So, this

negative-thoughts-free mind and polished personality eventually

ensures their success.

Please don’ t be pushed into the delusion that if you are not ‘the

studious-type’ you’ ll allow all negative thoughts to invade your

mind. No, that’ s not the case! One of the best ways to avoid

negative thoughts is to keep yourself busy and this can be

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accomplished even by playing games on your mobile! So, keep

busy and avoid negative thoughts.

By the way, did you like the ‘law of abundance’ ? Are you

willing to make one promise to me? Okay then, proceed as

before and write your name in the space below:

I,__________________, promise today that from now onwards,

whenever I pray for myself, I shall pray for at least one other

person, particularly the one with whom my relations are

unhealthy, or the one who is more influential than me.


(your signature)

If you are already praying for others, then that’ s great and I really

appreciate you for that. But if not, start doing it for your own

good, for your own success, and for your own prosperity.

Ready for the next law?

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Chapter no. 6(iv) The Law of Gratitude The ‘law of gratitude’ activates the ‘law of attraction’ , i.e. if a

person expresses their gratitude for all the blessings that they

have been endowed with, they are in a state that they can attract

more of what they wistfully desire. If you are grateful to God and

His creatures, the chances of your success optimally double.

People generally will prefer to work with happy, cheerful and

grateful people than miserable, down-cast, merchants of doom

and gloom. As a consequence, truly grateful people, literally

attract opportunities that others miss or even possibly repel.

But the point is: how can we express gratitude? What is the best

way of thankfulness? First of all, we need to comprehend that

there is a constant flow of riches, time, happiness, serenity and

all from the heavens to each of us. When we share them with

others, there is more flow from the heavens. If we keep them to

ourselves, they become stagnant in our being and the flow from

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the heavens stops altogether. You know what they call a lake

with water coming in, but with no outlet? The Dead Sea!

Do you wish for kindness? Be kind. Do you ask for truth? Be true.

What you give of yourself you find; Your world is a reflex of you.

Do you say that you are lonely and unloved, and have ‘not a friend in the world’? Be friendly towards others, and friends will soon flock round you. Make yourself pure and lovable, and you’ll be loved by all.

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What will happen if the heart tries to retain all the blood within

itself and refuses to pump it to other parts of the body? Simple:

along with the other parts of the body, the heart’ s own death is


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Wes Hopper illustrates an example of this flow in his book The

Astonishing Power of Gratitude as follows:

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Isn't that astonishing? We do get paid back in the currency we

use. So if you need money, give money. If you need time, give

time. If you need books, give some books!

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(Eric Butterworth)

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When we were kids, our teachers and parents taught us to say

‘thank you’ when we would receive something. Unfortunately,

now we don’ t use these words as frequently as we used to do

when at school.

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(Wallace Wattles)

Gratitude is so important because it is a very high energy positive

vibration of thought. It is powerfully attractive. We need to

believe that the Universe is friendly to our desires.

There is no shortage of funds, resources, riches, time, friends,

clients, jobs, etc. When we begin to think on competitive plane

that in order to get something, we’ ll have to snatch it from

somebody else, this

becomes the root

cause of our fear

and worry. Both of

them are very high

negative energy

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waves and as we have discussed previously, all ‘negative’ energy

waves ‘attract’ failure and frustration and hamper our success.

This competitive plane can only be eliminated from our minds if

we bring home the concept of abundance of resources in this


Gratitude will keep you in close harmony with creative thought

and prevent you from falling into competitive thought. It will

keep you from the error of thinking that the supply of riches is

limited – and to think that would be fatal to your aims! And do

remember one thing: since all the things have contributed to your

advancement, you should include all the things in your gratitude.

What’ s the analogy of when you get two crabs in a bucket?

When one tries to climb out, the other one won’ t let it climb out.

It’ ll grab it with its claws. That’ s the way a lot of people are. For

some unknown reason they don’ t want you to succeed on the

plane that you are currently on and that you share with them. It’ s

a rare breed of successful people that encourages you and is

positive about your ideas.

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A person who expresses gratitude is always contented with

whatever they have. Again, they are saved the trouble of two

other very high negative energy vibrations, i.e. greed and envy.

Wes Hopper says in The Astonishing Power of Gratitude:

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Another aspect of gratitude is forgiveness-forgiveness to all who

ever deceived you, who ever mistreated you, who ever did not

fulfil their obligations to you. It may be your friend, your parent,

your teacher, your sibling or even the news hawker or the shop-

keeper near your home. Forgive everyone, everything!

In a cause and effect universe, every thought we plant comes

back to us multiplied. Resentments are emotional bombs that

always boomerang back on us, one way or another. For this

reason, every area of your life where you can’ t or won’ t forgive

is a blockage in the flow of your success. The only way to

unblock it is to be willing to release the person or situation with

gratitude for what they

brought you.

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Expressing gratitude to all and forgiving everyone who owes you

something is indeed an incredible gift to yourself. These days the

concept of keeping a Gratitude Journal is picking up. Most of the

personal-development consultants believe that the people who

keep a daily record of all the blessings that they receive fall a less

easy prey to dissatisfaction and envy. So why don’ t you have a

try at it? No, I am not talking about the daily-dairy-keeping that

most people do. I am asking you to keep a diary in which to

record only the blessings and not the odd unpleasant happenings.

Try keeping it for a few days and then note the change within


Two psychologists, McCollough and Emmons, conducted a

study on the subject of gratitude and thanksgiving. In the study,

three different groups of people were required to keep daily

journals. The first group kept a simple diary of all the events that

occurred during the day, the second group kept a record of only

their unpleasant daily experiences. The final group made a daily

list of everything for which they were grateful i.e. they kept a

Gratitude Journal.

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The results of this amazing study suggested that the exercise of

daily gratitude resulted in higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm,

determination, optimism and energy. So let it really sink-in ...

Additionally, the gratitude group experienced less depression and

stress, was much more likely to get involved in helping others.

They also exercised more regularly and made more progress

towards their personal goals. Isn't that amazing: just by keeping a

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Gratitude Journal, the study suggests they were able to positively

impact their chances of achieving their goals!

Another benefit of keeping a Gratitude Journal is that you can

review it when gloom and dejection surround you. Remind

yourself of all the blessings you have been endowed with. Once

you do it, you’ ll feel much relieved.

So, this was the last of our laws. We have discussed in detail the

laws of attraction, abundance, love and gratitude. You must have

been applying all of them previously in your life, but now you

are consciously aware of them and are in a position to apply

them in a much more efficient way than before. All the very best

of luck on the application of these laws in your life-you’ ll notice

a marked change very soon!

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Chapter no. 7 How to Kick the Negative Thoughts Off Your Mind? Kicking the ‘negative’ thoughts off one’ s mind is essential so

that the ‘positive’ thoughts creep in. The human mind cannot

nurture positive and negative thoughts simultaneously. The

negative thoughts

should not in the least

be allowed to stay in

mind so that there is

always ample ‘room’

available for the

positive thoughts to

reside in.

But the question is:

how can we kick the

negative thoughts off our minds? This ‘kicking’ process is not as

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laborious as it at first seems. All that you need to do is to follow

a few simple steps so that you eventually become the bearer of a

negative-thoughts-free mind.

Firstly, always keep yourself pre-occupied with some creative or

constructive stuff. Even some puzzles, Sudoku, chess and

strategy-involving games in

your mobile can serve this

purpose right. Never ever

ever indulge in gossip or vain

talk. It not only ‘kills’ your

time, but also makes you a

dullard. Always remember:

great minds discuss ideas,

average minds discuss

events, and dull minds discuss people. Now this is something so

wonderful that I want to repeat it and this time I want you to say

it aloud with me so that it’ s firmly implanted in your and my

minds: great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events,

and dull minds discuss people. So, it’ s up to you what type of

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conversation you opt for. Gossip is something that in turn

‘attracts’ and ‘nurtures’ many other negative thoughts.

If you have a dictionary installed in your mobile, then that’ s the

best way to keep yourself busy. Even if not, I recommend that

you start keeping with you a pocket-size dictionary. Scientists

have revealed that a person’ s IQ level is in direct correspondence

with the range of vocabulary they can retain in memory at a

given time, i.e. the more words you learn, the higher goes your

IQ. Hence, browsing a dictionary at leisure hours not only

improves your IQ, but also ‘guards’ your mind against all the

wandering ‘negative’ elements that may be wandering in your


Another way of ‘kicking’ the negative thoughts off one’ s mind is

to keep oneself surrounded with the reminders of positive

thoughts that inspire one. Keep yourself surrounded with the

pictures, the poems and the quotations that inspire you. Be it the

snap of Shahrukh Khan or Taj Mahal or Angelina Jolie or even

some cartoon, be it the quotation that you came across in a book,

or be it the poem that you learnt at school-literally, it may be

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anything that

inspires you.

Make them

the screen

saver of

your mobile,



carry them

along with

you in your

purse, your


short, keep yourself surrounded with the reminders of positive

thoughts. Whenever you have an intuition that some ‘negative’

thought is trying to creep into your mind or you are tempted to

gossip, just refer to that snap, that quotation or that poem and

remind yourself that negative thoughts should not invade your

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mind or there will not be enough ‘room’ left for positive


I give you a simple example from my own life: I have named my

mobile Be Happy. So, whenever I send or receive data from my

friends on my mobile via Bluetooth, my mobile constantly

reminds me to ‘be happy’ . Many a time, my friends make fun of

me for that. They believe that naming their mobiles like 007,

Galaxy, Power or something like that is a lot better than naming

it like Love Others, Be Happy or Think Positive. But I

recommend that you try naming your mobile a little ‘positive’

and I assure you that it’ s going to have a very very positive

impact on your own life. Honestly, I have experienced it!

Nobody can imagine how this little act can dramatically

influence one’ s life.

Here goes an excerpt from The Power of Positive Thinking by

Norman Vincent Peale regarding how one can avoid negative


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Another simple method to avoid the nasty thoughts is to consider

only the positive aspect of all the events that you come across.

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A friend of mine learnt this very thing the other way round. Here

goes his account in his own words:

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The Thought-Factor for Teens

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Hence, getting rid of negative thoughts is not as troubling as it at

first seems. Venture to apply the methods outlined in this chapter

and you’ ll be astonished at the outcome.

Now is the time for my Top Secret.

You remember I told you to keep a reminder of positive thought

with you wherever you go: for me, it’ s the Mickey Mouse pics I

have in my mobile. This smiling cartoon always induces me to

smile and then I am reminded that I have to think only ‘positive’ .

It is one of the Top Secrets I have never told anybody; so, keep it

to yourself, okay.

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Chapter no. 8 Your Thoughts And Your Health

My friends, sickly thoughts will express themselves through a

sickly body. Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as

speedily as a bullet and they are continually killing thousands of

people just as surely though less rapidly. The people who live in

fear of disease are the people who get it. Anxiety demoralizes the

whole body, and lays it open to the entrance of disease; while

Disease comes to those who ‘attract’ it, to those whose minds and bodies are receptive to it; and flees from those whose strong, pure and positive thoughts generate healing and life-giving currents.

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impure thoughts, even if not physically indulged, will sooner

shatter the nervous system.

On the contrary, strong, pure and happy thoughts build up the

body in vigor and grace.

The body is a delicate and plastic instrument, which responds

readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed, and habits of

thought will produce their own effects, good or bad, upon it.

Here goes the legend about a man whose ultimate cure seemed to

have been extracted from his own mind:

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I love the way James Allen puts the same concept in his book.

While you read it, note the words that he has chosen and let those

words flow through you; you’ ll decipher one of the greatest

mysteries of life.

He says:

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In short, our thoughts have a direct influence on our health.

Cheerful, hopeful and enthusiastic thoughts keep us physically

and mentally fit. On the other hand, worries, anxiety,

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hopelessness and malice cost us our physical and mental health.

These days, scientists have proved that even patients of cancer

can recover by developing an optimistic attitude and keeping

themselves happy. So, it’ s up to us what type of life we want: a

hale and hearty one, or a diseased one!

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Chapter no. 9

Do Circumstances Really Affect Our Lives? We have been discussing it all the way in this book that:

“ If a man is happy, it is because he dwells in happy thoughts; if

miserable, because

he dwells in



But I can still

imagine you

exclaiming out in

surprise: do you mean to say that circumstances exert no

influence on our lives? I never denied that; what I am saying is

the circumstances can influence only as far as we allow them to

do so. We are swayed by circumstances because we have not a

right understanding of the nature, use and power of thought.

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You say you are chained by circumstances; you cry for better

opportunities, for a wider scope, and for improved physical


Always remember: you can bring about that improved condition

in that outward life which you desire, if you resolve to improve

your inner life.

If your real desire is to do

good, there is no need to

wait for money before you

do it; you can do it now,

this very moment, as just

where you are. If you are

really so unselfish as you

believe yourself to be,

you’ ll show it by

sacrificing yourself

for others now.

The Universe does not favor the greedy, the dishonest, the

vicious... although it sometimes may appear to do so. It helps the

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People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

honest, the

magnanimous, the

virtuous. All the

great teachers of the

ages have declared

this in varying ways

that it’ s up to a human

what they make of the life

that God has given them.

Hence you’ ll reach nowhere by cursing your circumstances, but

you can attain what you desire by changing yourself. Lodge this

concept firmly into your mind that this Universe will send all its

forces to help you attain your goal if, and only if, you have the

right thoughts to ‘attract’ the right types of forces. Oppression,

tyranny and injustice are brought about on a soul not on account

of circumstances, but on account of their own nasty and

debilitating thoughts.

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Those who dwell in

happiness, make up

their minds to be

cheerful and

develop a ‘giving-

spirit’ are not in the

least influenced by

the circumstances.

I do agree with you

that some times

avoiding the

influence of

circumstances is inevitable, but again, you are the real force: it’ s

you who has to bring a change. If you allow the circumstances to

influence you, you’ ll never develop the potential to save others

from those hazardous circumstances. So, implant the ‘right’

thoughts in your mind; make up your mind that you’ ll not allow

the circumstances to influence you. And above all, resolve that

you’ ll rise to the occasion and help others as well to fight those

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circumstances. Promise me that you’ ll never blame

circumstances from now onwards: always be grateful for what

you have and focus on the bliss that everything in it has. Life is a

lot more better and giving than we consider it to be. So, be

happy, as is the name of my mobile!

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Chapter no. 10 Watch Out Your Words! 6� � ����������$$ ���$�������� ���#� ����� ����� ����


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Have you ever uttered such

words, or ever heard somebody

exclaiming out similar sentences.

By now, you must have guessed

how all these sentences resemble

each other: in each case, the

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speaker is actually saying that he/she exercises no control over

his/her feelings. When one utters such sentences, one is actually

saying: I have handed over the steering wheel of my life to some

bla bla bla person or thing and now that person or thing is

steering my life. It’ s up to this person/thing whether they want to

keep me happy or frustrated.

We have been discussing off and on in this book that

circumstances exert literally ‘no’ influence on our lives. It is our

own thoughts which push us to the brink of no self-control and

we seem to hand over the control of our feelings to

something/somebody else.

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(Clay Cotton)

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Had circumstances been influencing the lives of humans, they

would influence all of us equally. But avid observation tells us

that the same traffic, the same person is not the source of

frustration or happiness for all the humans.

What we need to do is to take back that ‘steering wheel’ of our

life in our hands and exercise an entire self-control. And this can

only be done by ‘watching out’ for the words we utter. It is said:

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So, it’ s just like moving ‘from outside to inside’ . We know that

we speak what we think. But in this case, we need to ‘watch out’

for our words so that we don’ t get the thoughts in our mind

polluted. We need to use ‘pro-active’ language rather than

‘reactive’ one.

Whenever you are tempted to use such words, just remind

yourself for a split second that you are the driver of your life. So,

no circumstance, no person can influence your mood. Try to be

loving, cheerful and polite all the time and repel any frustration

that you may encounter by ‘watching out’ for your words.

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Chapter no. 11 Keeping Hope Alive Now that we have reached to the last chapter of this book, and

it’ s time to say good-bye, I am beginning to feel a little sad about

it. It was a wonderful experience with you coursing thorough this

book, and I have no words to ‘express’ my gratitude for you.

Before we just part, let us discuss some last aspects of our

‘thought-factor’ .

Before we launch on to our discussion, let me share with you one

very interesting event:

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The point that I want to raise right now is that the human mind is

the most sophisticated piece of machinery ever created; and so, if

we mismanage this machinery, do not allow it to work to its

maximum capacity, for that this ‘machine’ is not to be blamed.

We have been talking all the way that we can consciously choose

our thoughts, and the human mind retains its healthy state only as

far as it is nurtured with ‘healthy’ and ‘positive’ thoughts.

Since all the thoughts that we nurture are deeply rooted into our

minds, we need to be very careful about the thoughts that we

‘plant’ in our minds.

We need to imagine that there are ‘positive’ and ‘negative’

thoughts present in our atmosphere. They are continuously

bombarding on our minds. All that we need to do is to make

ourselves ‘positively-charged’ so that we attract ‘positive’

thoughts. We need to avoid being negatively-charged or we’ ll be

attracting all those ‘negative’ thoughts present around us.

I think now it’ s time to say ‘good-bye’ . We have been having a

wonderful time together and I’ ll never be able to forget my

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venture through this book with you. Take good care of yourself

and your ‘thoughts’ !


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Chapter no. 12 Surprise! Surprise! Now this is actually

a surprise chapter.

And so, this chapter

is purposely not

mentioned on the

contents page of this

book. (I know now

you’ ll immediately

leap to the contents

page and check that

out!�). You must

be wondering that this man just bade me good-bye and now he is

once again bringing me back into the conversation. But how can

we part like that? You remember we grabbed each others’ hands

in the chapter one of this book; so how can we part with our

hands still interlocked?

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Actually I want to talk to you something very important. In this

book, I have asked you several questions; I myself answered

some of them, and some of them left to you to think about. But

now is the question that can only be answered by you and not by

me. The question is: Do you want to establish yourself as a


You know something everyone of us is endowed with a skill that

no other person on this earth is endowed with. You

are the only one of your type on this earth.

Nobody else can be like you; not even

your twin sibling! So, your

experiences are definitely the world’ s

best experiences. Have you ever noticed

the peculiar concentric lines on

your fingers; you are the only one

having them.

Believe you me, you are sent on this earth for a particular

purpose and here I am giving you a little opportunity to fulfil just

a part of it.

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You don’ t need to be Shakespeare Part II to write; just pick up

your pen and write. But write what?

You are to send me any event (or even events) of your life that

inspired you most or that entirely changed your life. It may be in

the form of a story, a quotation, an advice or anything that you

think would serve as an example for teens, or any motivational

stuff. It’ s just a beginning; who knows you turn out to be one of

the most accomplished authors in the coming next years.

You can narrate an event when everything seemed desperate and

then something miraculous happened and the Nature’ s decisions

turned in your favour; or you can talk of what you do or how you

steer your life out of the gloomy worries that surround you at

times. It may be anything that drives you and your life. It may be

about the influence of positive thinking on your life. In short, it

may be any story based on your real life which you deem as a

milestone of your studies, your carrier, etc. and that can serve as

an inspiration for the others.

But while you are writing your success story, please follow the

instructions given below and so we shall really be pleased to

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publish your story (along with your name if you want to) in the

next edition of this book:

� Along with your account, please mention your name,

institute and designation(e.g. student, professional, etc.).

This information will be mentioned along with your

inspirational story.

� If you want to remain anonymous (unknown), we

sincerely honour your anonymity. Please mention along

with your account whether you want your name to be

published along with the story or not.

� If you already don’ t have an e-mail address, you can use

the e-mail address: [email protected].

It’ s password is: inspiration

This e-mail has been particularly made for this activity. So,

use this e-mail address and do send your inspirational and

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success stories at my e-mail address, i.e.

$�/�#KAKM �� � #0��� .

� Your account should be between 300-600 words.

Preferably, it should be in the form of a story.

� No matter to what age group you belong now, please

narrate an event pertaining to your teenhood because this

motivational and thought-provoking stuff is particularly

being collected for the teens.

� You are more than welcome if you want to send more

than one story, but please make sure that it pertains to the

topic we are discussing in this book.

If your story fulfils the above criteria, I assure you, rather I

promise you that your story will definitely be published in

the next edition of this book.

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And now one last word before we actually take our hands


Don’ t keep this book to yourself; give it to your siblings,

your friends as a gift. Discuss with them the contents outlined

in this book and you and your sibling/friend make a

‘contract’ to remind each other of the ‘thought-factor’

principles when one of you is going off the path. Play your

role in making this earth a better place to live in, and we’ ll

have a little heaven right here.

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By the way do you know what’ s a blind spot? It’ s a region in

the eye where the light falling cannot be detected and, hence,

no image is formed. You need to believe that there is a

‘special’ type of blind spot in your eyes due to which you

cannot see the lackings of others, whereas you are all the

time exposed to their good qualities. Think good about them

and do not jump at the conclusion if you see them doing

something peculiar.

Now I am going to discuss with you a Top Secret. But it’ s

not mine; it’ s the Top Secret of Winners.

Fortunately, I had the chance to see some of the most

successful people who head some of the renowned

institutions of our country, and believe you me they consider

themselves down to earth. They are so humble that it’ s

incredulous to see them shaking and hugging their own

assistants and the people who come to sweep their rooms!

My Professor of Biochemistry at King Edward, Prof. Kamran

Aziz, would ascend the stairs to his office, see his personal

assistant waiting for him outside the office and made it a

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point to gently pat him on his shoulders and would always be

the first one to extend his hand for shaking. The honourable

Prof. Dr. Aasi Karnali, PhD in three languages, the author of

tens of books, has participated in hundreds of poetry

competitions. I had the chance to see his trophy-shelf and it

was so overcrowded that there were seventy or eighty shields

of them; and he told me that there are many others in his

store-room! He is also the winner of several Presidential

Awards. If you tell me to polish his shoes or lie down at his

feet, I would consider myself the most honoured person on

this earth. And how he treats others? Whenever he is offered

tea in the staff-room of La Salle College, he addresses the

attendant by his name, “ Buhat shukria Riaz Bhai; Allah aap

ko khush rakhe.” (Lots of thanks Brother Riaz; may God

bless you). And I know innumerable such examples. And I

am sure you must also have come across many such

successful and humble people.

So, now you know the Top Secret of Winners; treat others

with respect and you can accomplish what you want. The

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secret of this is simple: if you feel yourself down to the earth,

people will elevate you to the skies. Those who think that

they are nothing, to most people they are everything.

Think good about everyone, every time! Drill this concept

deeply into your mind that everyone is better than you and

you’ ll really forget all envy, all malice, and all competition.

You’ ll literally migrate from the competitive plane to the

creative plane and that’ s integral to your own success. If you

already have such a ‘blind spot’ in your eyes, believe you me

you are one of the happiest persons on the surface of this


Now is the time to say succhi-mucchi ka good-bye. With lots of

prayers and best wishes for

your future, I bade you good-


Take care.


5th January, 2010.

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