Theoretical Competition, 9 th IJSO Tehran, I.R.of Iran December 5 th , 2012 Th 1 考試規則: 1. 競賽者必須在考試前 10 分鐘到達考場。 2. 競賽者不可以攜帶任何工具,但是個人所需要的醫藥用品及器具不在此限。 3. 競賽者必須坐在指定的位置。 4. 在考試開始前,競賽者必須檢查大會提供的文具及任何工具(筆、尺、計算機)。 5. 競賽者必須檢查試題卷及答案卷,如果有缺少,請舉手。鈴響後開始作答。 6. 在考試期間,競賽者不可以離開考場,除非有緊急狀況並在考場監考人員的陪同之下。 7. 競賽者不可以干擾其他競賽者及影響考試進行,若需要協助請舉手,最近的監考人員會來 協助。 8. 不可以對試題本身提出問題或討論。競賽者必須留在他的位置,直到考試結束,即使已經 完成回答或者不打算繼續做答。 9. 考試時間終了將會有訊號 (鈴聲),考試結束後就不允許繼續作答。所有競賽者要安靜離開 考場,試題卷及答案卷要整齊的放在你的桌面上。 仔細閱讀下列指導: 1. 考試時間為 3 小時。 2. 總題數為 3 題,檢查你有完整的試題本及答案卷。 3. 只可使用大會所提供的筆。 4. 答案卷上寫下你的姓名、編號、國家並簽名。 5. 仔細閱讀每一個問題,在答案卷上寫出正確答案。 6. 競賽者不可以使用非主辦單位提供的任何文具。作答完畢後,應將試題卷和答案卷都必須 整齊的留在桌面上。 7. 評分方式:如各試題標示。

Theoretical Competition, 9 th IJSO Tehran , I.R.of … · Theoretical Competition, 9 th IJSO Tehran , I.R.of Iran December 5 th, 2012 Th ± 3 Part B) Fishing and pearling is one of

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1. 競賽者必須在考試前 10分鐘到達考場。

2. 競賽者不可以攜帶任何工具,但是個人所需要的醫藥用品及器具不在此限。

3. 競賽者必須坐在指定的位置。

4. 在考試開始前,競賽者必須檢查大會提供的文具及任何工具(筆、尺、計算機)。

5. 競賽者必須檢查試題卷及答案卷,如果有缺少,請舉手。鈴響後開始作答。

6. 在考試期間,競賽者不可以離開考場,除非有緊急狀況並在考場監考人員的陪同之下。

7. 競賽者不可以干擾其他競賽者及影響考試進行,若需要協助請舉手,最近的監考人員會來


8. 不可以對試題本身提出問題或討論。競賽者必須留在他的位置,直到考試結束,即使已經


9. 考試時間終了將會有訊號 (鈴聲),考試結束後就不允許繼續作答。所有競賽者要安靜離開



1. 考試時間為 3小時。

2. 總題數為 3題,檢查你有完整的試題本及答案卷。

3. 只可使用大會所提供的筆。

4. 答案卷上寫下你的姓名、編號、國家並簽名。

5. 仔細閱讀每一個問題,在答案卷上寫出正確答案。

6. 競賽者不可以使用非主辦單位提供的任何文具。作答完畢後,應將試題卷和答案卷都必須


7. 評分方式:如各試題標示。

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Iran is connected to the free waters by the Persian Gulf. This Gulf is located in Western

Asia between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula. Its area and the average depth are 240,000 km2 and 50

m respectively. It is the largest Gulf after the Gulf of Mexico, and Hudson Bay , rich in oil and gas

resources. Sailing in this region has a long history, but the first conclusive evidence can be traced to

the fourth century BCE. In this problem take g=10 m/s2.

伊朗透過波斯灣跟海洋聯接。波斯灣地處西亞,位於伊朗 (波斯) 和阿拉伯半島之間。它的面

積是 240,000 km,其平均深度 50 m。 波斯灣是僅次於墨西哥灣和赫德遜灣的最大海灣,蘊含


證據只到公元前四世紀。在這題中使用 g=10 m/s2。

Part A)

How much energy is required to raise the temperature of water by one degree of Celsius .

Consider the Gulf in the form of a box. The specific heat capacity of water is Cwater =4200 J kg-1 K-1

and the density of this is water = 1000 kg m-3.


水的比熱 Cwater =4200 J kg-1 K-1,其密度 water = 1000 kg m-3。 (1 分)

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Part B)

Fishing and pearling is one of the main sources of income for the people of this region. Local people

build small wooden boat. The small boat is built entirely from a kind of local wood. What is the

density of the wood if about 0.186 m of the ship’s height goes below the water surface? For

simplicity consider the boat like a cuboid as in the figure below. The thickness is 10cm and 20cm at

the walls and the bottom respectively.


自於當地的一種木材。若小船高的 0.186 m會浸於水中,則木材的密度是多少? 為簡單起見,

小船可看成一個挖空的長方體形狀,如下圖所示。船邊和船底的厚度分別是 10 cm 和 20 cm。

(1 分)

Part C)

I- Part B was theoretical , when people use this boat it needs interiors, equipment , material and so on.

The additional mass inside the boat is 1.99*104 kg .

What is the maximum number of divers that can be loaded in the boat, if we want not more

than 80% of the height of the boat to be below the water surface? Consider the mass of each

diver to be 80 kg.

I- 上述的 B小題 只是理論上的情形。人們使用小船時需要用到它的內部空間,放置器具、材

料等等。已知小船內部其他物體的額外質量是 1.99*104 kg 。

若要求船浸入水中的深度,不超過其高度的 80%,船內最多還可以乘載多少潛水員? 假設每

個潛水員的質量是 80 kg。

(1.5 分)

II- In hot summer days the temperature goes up to 50 0C and the salty water evaporates intensively.

Which statement is true assuming that not more than 80% of the height of the boat to be below

the water surface? Neglect thermal expansion. The maximum number of divers who can be loaded

in the boat

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II- 在很熱的夏天中,溫度可以高到 50 0C,而鹽水會強烈地蒸發。若小船浸入水中的部份最多

不超過其高度的 80%,下列哪個敘述是正確的?忽略熱膨脹的效應。船內最多可以乘載的潛


1) increases.

2) decreases.

3) remains the same.

1) 增加。

2) 減少

3) 保持不變。

(0. 5 分)

Part D)

The divers realize that water has entered inboard due to a leak and has covered the bottom of the boat

in a thin layer. After fixing, a suction pump is used to eject the water. It has a uniform plastic pipe

with the inner radius of 1cm leading the water out of the edge of boat with the velocity of 3 m/s.

What is the output power of this pump?


個抽水泵浦把水泵出船外。泵浦包含一段均勻的塑膠管,其半徑(內徑)為 1 cm,並以 3 m/s 的

速度把水從船邊泵出。問泵浦的輸出功率是多少? (2.5分)

Part E)

Centuries before the discovery of oil, pearling and its trading, had been the most important economic activity in the Gulf as a source of wealth for the south shore dwellers. In addition to white pearls ,

pink, yellow, green, blue, brown and black ones are found in this Gulf.

One of the divers has gone down to a depth of 15 m for pearling. What is the pressure on the diver

at that depth (in Pascal)?



曾有人潛到海底 15 m 的深度去採珠。他在這深度所承受的壓力是多少 (以 Pascal 表示)?

(1 分)

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Part F)

A 2.0 kW pump is powered by a solar panel. Given efficiency of conversion of light energy into

electrical is 12 %. Find the minimum area of the solar panels required if the intensity of solar

radiation received by the solar panels is 1100 W/m2.

一個 2.0 kW 的泵浦是以太陽能作為能源的。已知把光能轉為電能的效率是 12 %。若太陽輻

射的強度是 1100 W/m2,求此太陽能板的最小面積。

(1.5 分)

Part G)

Given that the speeds of sound (ultrasonic waves) in air and in water are 340 m/s and 1440 m/s


已知聲音 (或超聲波) 在空氣和水中的速度分別是 340 m/s 和 1440 m/s。

I- Calculate the refractive index for sound waves in water with respect to that in air.

I- 計算聲波在水中 (相對於空氣) 的折射率。

II- An aircraft at a height of 1 km from the ocean surface, directs a beam of ultrasonic waves to the

bottom of the ocean and receives an echo from the bottom of the ocean in 7 s. Estimate the depth

of the ocean.

II- 有一艘飛機位於某個海平面上空 1 km 處,向著海底方向發出一束超聲波,並在 7 s 後接


(1 分)

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Chemical Analysis of a sample of Persian Gulf Water

Chemical analysis has many applications in different industries. It also plays an important role in

other sciences than chemistry. For example, chemical analysis may help biologists to characterize

and maintain the properties of water that certain plants grow in.




A biology team working on Mangrove forests near Persian Gulf, was concerned about the

composition of chemicals in water. A sample of the water was given to an analysis laboratory to

determine the chemical species present in the water and their concentrations. Certain qualitative tests

were applied to reveal that the species present in the sample are :




, I-, HCO3

-, HSO3

-, Fe2+

To determine the concentrations of chloride and iodide ions, 20.0 mL of the sample solution was

treated with an excess of AgNO3 solution and 2.93 g of precipitate was obtained. In another

experiment, an excess of Pb(NO3)2 solution was added to 30.0 mL of the sample solution and

resulted 4.30 g of precipitate. Assume that both ions precipitated completely in each case.

為了測量氯離子和碘離子濃度,取 20.0 mL的水樣品並加入過量的 AgNO3溶液,得到 2.93 g

的沉澱物。另一實驗將過量的 Pb(NO3)2溶液加入 30.0 mL的水樣品中,得到 4.3 g的沉澱物。


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Note : Use precise atomic masses from the given periodic table in all your calculations.


1) Write down the balanced chemical equations involved. (2 marks)

1) 寫出相關的平衡化學反應式。(2 分)

2) Calculate the concentrations of Cl-

and I- in the sample. (3 marks)

2) 計算樣品中 Cl- 和 I

- 的濃度。(3 分)

After that, the concentrations of HCO3-

and HSO3-

were to be measured. For this purpose an excess

of a 5.0 M sulfuric acid was added to 100 mL of the sample and the gas evolved was collected and its

volume was measured.

接者要測量 HCO3-

和 HSO3- 的濃度。 將過量的 5.0 M硫酸加到 100 mL的樣品中,收集產生


3) What volume, in millilitres, of concentrated H2SO4 (98% by mass, density=1.83 g/mL) is

needed to make 1000 mL of 5.0 M H2SO4? (1 mark)

3) 若要從濃硫酸(重量百分 98%, 密度 =1.83 g/mL)配製 1000 mL 的 5.0 M H2SO4,需要多少體

積(以 mL 表示)的濃硫酸?(1 分)

4) Which gases are evolved during the reaction? Write down the balanced chemical equations.

(1.5 marks)

4) 這反應會放出那些氣體?寫出所有的平衡化學反應式。(1.5 分)

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The volume of the gas obtained was 2.5 mL at 298 K and 1.0 atm [101325 Pa]. The gas mixture was

passed through an acidic bromine solution. Only one of the gases dissolved.

在 298 K 和 1.0 atm (101325 Pa)下,共收集了 2.5 mL 的氣體。再將氣體混合物通過酸性溴水


5) Draw the Lewis structure of both gas molecules. Show the oxidation state of the central atom.

Indicate which of the two gases can be oxidized further by circling it. (2 marks)

5) 畫出反應放出的兩種氣體分子的路易士結構。標出中心原子的氧化數,並圈出可再被氧化

的氣體分子。(2 分)

The volume of the gas collected after passing through the bromine solution was 2.0 mL at 298 K and

1.0 atm [101325 Pa]. The value of the gas constant, R, is 0.0821 atm.L/mol.K [8.314 J/mol.K].

Ignore any water vapour that may be present. Assume that the gases behave ideally.

當氣體混合物通過溴水溶液後,可收集到 2.0 mL 的氣體 (在 298K 和 1.0 atm)。理想氣體常數

R 為 0.0821 atm.L/mol.K [8.314 J/mol.K]。 不需考慮水蒸氣,並假設氣體均符合理想氣體。

6) Calculate the concentrations of HCO3-

and HSO3-

in the sample. (2 marks)

6) 計算樣品中 HCO3- 和 HSO3

- 的濃度。(2 分)

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To find the concentration of Fe2+, 100 mL of sample was first treated with suitable reagents to

remove other ions present in the solution and then was titrated with Permanganate ion and required

9.3 mL of 10-3 M KMnO4 solution to reach the equivalent point. The reaction of titration is :

為了測量 Fe2+ 的濃度,取 100 mL的水樣品,先用適當的試劑除去其它離子,然後用過錳酸鉀

滴定,共需 9.3 mL的 10-3 M KMnO4才能達到當量點。滴定的反應式如下:

MnO4- + Fe2+ + H+ → Mn2+ + Fe3+ + H2O

7) Balance the chemical equation of titration. (1 mark)

7) 平衡此滴定反應式。(1 分)

8) Calculate the concentration of Fe2+

ions in the sample. (1.5 marks)

8) 計算樣品中 Fe2+ 的濃度。(1.5 分)

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Mangrove forest or mangals include trees and shrubs that grow in tropical and subtropical latitudes

(costal and intertidal zones) adjacent to the equator. Mangrove plants need a number of

morphological and physiological adaptations to overcome unfavorable conditions such as anoxia

(lack of oxygen), high level salinity and frequent tidal inundation. Avicennia marina is the famous

mangal plant in Iran which is viviparous (seeds germinate while still attached to the parent tree).



物需要形態及生理上進行適應。Avicennia marina是伊朗著名的紅樹林植物,為胎生(其種子於


Mangrove forest紅樹林

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Distribution of mangrove forests around the world 紅樹林在世界上的分佈情形

1. According to the text and the map above, indicate which one of the maps below shows the

correct distribution of mangrove forest in Iran (As shown by thick curve)?



A)Caspian Sea裏海 B) Persian Gulf & Gulf of Oman


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C) Urmia Lake 奧美亞湖 D) Caspian Sea & The straits of Hormuz


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Th – 14

2. Match the problem encountered and corresponding adaptation(s) for the mangrove plants to

cope with (one or more answers may apply).

Problem encountered Adaptations

A Intertidal currents i Viviparity

B Anoxia ii Reduced surface area of leaves

C High concentration of salt iii Leaves with glands that excrete salt

D Reproduction in unsuitable condition Iv Larger extension of root in seabed

E high temperature and evaporation v Breathing roots

vi Reduced opening of the stomata

2. 對下列紅樹林植物所遭遇的困難與對應的適應策略,進行正確的配對。


遭遇的困難 適應策略

A 潮汐漲退造成的水流 i 胎生苗

B 缺氧 ii 減少葉子的表面積

C 高鹽度 iii 葉子具可排泄鹽分的腺體

D 在不利環境中繁殖 iv 根在海床中大幅延展

E 高温及蒸散作用 v 呼吸根

vi 減少氣孔的開啓

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3. Benthic invertebrates that live in a mangrove habitat are exposed to air during low tide. During

that period, high concentration of lactic acid in the bodies of benthic invertebrates will increase.

State whether the following statements are true or false by ticking the appropriate box in the

answer sheet.

These invertebrates will change their respiration mode from aerobic to anaerobic

pathway during the low tide

0.5 point

These invertebrates will slow down their metabolism during the low tide 0.5 point

3. 紅樹林生態系中的底棲無脊椎動物,在退潮時會曝露於空氣中,在該段期間,其體內乳酸


在退潮期間這些無脊椎動物的呼吸作用途徑將由有氧呼吸轉型為厭氧呼吸 0.5 分

在退潮期間這些無脊椎動物將減慢其代謝作用 0.5 分

4. Identify which of the cross-sections of leaves shown in figure 1, 2 and 3 belong to:

a. Mesophytic plant (adapted to grow in moderate amount of water)

b. Hydrophytic plant (adapted to grow in water)

c. Xerophytic plant (adapted to grow in dry conditions)

4. 圖 1, 2 及 3中分別屬於下列何種葉片的橫切面

a. 中生植物 (適應生長於中等水量)

b 水生植物 (適應生長於水中)

c 旱生植物 (適應生長於乾旱環境)

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Figure 1

Figure 2




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Figure 3


x. Air containing tissue

y. Photosynthetic tissue

z. Water containing tissue

(0.5 X 3 = 1.5 points)


x. 通氣組織

y. 光合作用組織

z. 儲水組織

5. Read the following passage and complete the blank spaces with the correct word. Choose the

words from the table below.

A xerophyte is a plant that has adapted to survive in an environment that lacks sufficient a)….,

such as a desert. Xerophytic plants may have adapted shapes and forms or internal functions that

reduce their water loss or store water during long periods of dryness. Plants with such morphological adaptations are called xeromorphic. Xerophytic plants have less overall b)… than

other plants in order to reduce water loss by c).…. Xerophytes have d)… leaves than other plants.

An example of a xerophytes is a e)….

Hydrophytes are plants that have adapted to living in aquatic environments. These plants require special adaptations. The most common adaptation is the possession of f)… storage tissue. The

stomata of hydrophytes are located on the g)… surface of the leavs. An example of a hydrophyte is a


(0.25 X 8 = 2 points)



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旱生植物是一種已經適應可以生存在大量缺 a)….的環境中,例如沙漠。旱生植物可以已經有



與其他植物相較,旱生植物有最少的 b)…,以減少水份因為 c).….的失水。與其他植物相較,

旱生植物有 d)…的葉片,一個旱生植物的例子是 e)….。

水生植物是已經適應水生環境的植物。此種植物需要特殊的適應,最普遍的適應是擁有 f)…

儲藏組織,水生植物的氣孔位於葉片的 g)…表皮。一個水生植物的例子是 h)…。

本文中的字母 答案

a. I air空氣

II salt鹽

III water水

IV light光

b. I height高度

II mass質量

III volume體積

IV surface area表面積

c. I osmosis滲透作用

II evaporation蒸散作用

III diffusion擴散作用

IV active transport主動運輸

d. I lighter較亮

II larger較大

III darker較暗

IV smaller較小

e. I cactus仙人掌

II water lily布袋蓮

III rose玫瑰

f. I glycogen肝醣

II starch澱粉

III air空氣

g. I upper上

II lower下

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h. I cactus仙人掌

II water lily布袋蓮

III rose玫瑰

(0.25 X 8 = 2 points)

6. State which of the following statements are true or false by ticking the appropriate box on the

answer sheet.

Statement True False

a. The breathing roots of mangroves directly absorb air from the


b. Mangroves store salt in the vacuoles of their cells and use osmosis to take

up water.

c. Mangroves use osmosis to excrete salt into the environment.

(0.5) X 3 = 1.5 points


敘述 正確 錯誤

a. 紅樹林植物的氣根直接從空氣中吸收氣體

b. 紅樹林植物在其細胞的液胞中儲存鹽分,並利用滲透作用獲取水份

c. 紅樹林植物利用滲透作用分泌鹽分到環境中

(0.5) X 3 = 1.5 points

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Practical Examination


Physics, Chemistry, Biology


Complete the following: 填寫以下資料



COUNTRY: Chinese Taipei

簽 名:

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The purpose of this experiment is to extract DNA from germinated wheat.

Then to compare the size of DNA fragments with given samples by gel


本實驗目的為自麥芽中萃取 DNA。然後利用電泳法和所提供之樣品

來比較 DNA片段大小。

DNA extraction from sprouted wheat

自麥芽中萃取 DNA

Note: More than one of choices may be correct, and you need to mark all corrected answers to get

complete scores.


Some part of DNA extraction procedure has been already done by laboratory staff.

有部分的 DNA萃取步驟已預先由助教完成。

DNA can be isolated from a number of plant tissues. The sprouted wheat is an excellent

source of DNA.

DNA可從多種植物中萃取出來,而麥芽是極佳的 DNA來源。

This part of the procedure has been done for you.


2 克重的乾燥麥芽被放入試管中。


樣品液加熱 20 分鐘,温度為 60。加熱有助於分解細胞,將樣品液移至冰桶中,使温

度迅速下降至約 65,過程中可輕輕搖動試管。


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Students should start their experiments from step A.

學生自步驟 A開始實驗操作

We have made a solution containing DNA and give 3 mL of it to all groups in a test tube.

已為每一組準備好一管 3 mL含 DNA的樣品液。

A. Tilt your test tube and slowly pour alcohol (Ethanol) into the tube, down the side so that it

forms a layer on top of the wheat extract. Pour until you have about the same amount of alcohol

in the tube as wheat mixture .

A. 稍為傾斜試管,慢慢加入酒精,加入時要靠近管壁,使得酒精能在麥芽樣品液上方形


B. During about a 5-minute period, observe any change that may appear. After that, you should

be able to answer the questions 1 & 2.

B. 觀察 5 分鐘內所發生的變化,並回答第 1, 2 題。

1- What change(s) do you observe after adding alcohol to the DNA solution? (1 Mark)

I. Two separate phases are observed.

II. Appearance of milky white clumps after 5 minutes.

III. DNA clumps are made in the solution but they are invisible.

IV. Appearance of a milky white homogeneous solution.

1. DNA樣品液在加入酒精後,可觀察到那些變化?

I. 分成兩層

II. 5 分鐘後出現奶白色凝結物

III. 管中會形成 DNA凝結物,但無法用肉眼觀察到

IV. 呈現奶白色均勻溶液

C. Use a yellow tip or metal loop to draw up the DNA clump.

C. 利用黃色滴管尖或金屬棒取出 DNA凝結物。

D. Transfer the collected DNA into "Your Sample" tube containing dye solution.

D. 將收集到的 DNA放入含有染料並標為”your sample”的試管內。

Step A requires the cold alcohol. The solubilized DNA contacts the alcohol where the two liquid

layers meet. The alcohol dehydrates and precipitates the DNA, as DNA is insoluble in the alcohol

(especially cold alcohol).

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步驟 A中需使用泠的酒精,已溶解的 DNA在液體界面中接觸酒精,酒精會使 DNA脫水及

沉澱,因 DNA不能溶於酒精中(特別是冷的酒精)。

2-What happens during the 5-minute period after adding ethanol to the test tube? 1 mark

I. DNA clumps appear immediately after the addition of ethanol.

II. A very thin string of DNA appears after the addition of ethanol and its amount gradually


III. DNA clumps separate from the lower phase and they float on the upper phase.

IV. DNA clumps sink to the bottom.

2. 試管中加入酒精後的 5 分鐘內,發生甚麼變化?

I. 加入酒精後馬上出現 DNA凝結物

II. 加入酒精後會出現細小條狀的 DNA,其總量會逐漸增加

III. 凝結的 DNA會自下層分離出來,並漂浮到上層

IV. DNA凝結物沉到底部

What is Electrophoresis? 甚麼是電泳?

Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate a mixture of macromolecules such as DNA and

RNA fragments or proteins by their physical properties. DNA molecules which are to be analyzed

are set upon a viscous medium, the agarose gel, and are induced to migrate through the gel.

Agarose is a natural polymer made from seaweed and it makes a porous network when it is mixed

with water to make the gel.

Bromophenol Blue and Xylene Cyanol dyes migrate through agarose gel at roughly the same rate as

double-stranded DNA fragments of 500 and 4000 base pairs, respectively.

電泳是一種分析技術,可利用大小及反應性,分離 DNA 或 RNA 片段。待分析的核酸樣品


孔狀的膠體。溴酚藍和氰基二甲苯染劑在洋菜膠中移動的速度分別相等於 500 bp (鹼基對)

和 4000 bp(鹼基對) 的雙螺旋 DNA樣品的速度。

3-What induces DNA molecules to migrate through the agarose gel? 1 Mark

I. External electric field

II. Gravitational field

III. Electrical force between molecules

IV. Induced magnetic field

3. 是甚麼驅使 DNA 分子在洋菜膠中移動?

I. 外電場

II. 重力場

III. 分子間的電力

IV. 感應磁場

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4-In the experiment, the main factor slowing down the migration rate of the DNA molecules inside

the agarose gel is ... 1 Mark

I. Electric charge of DNA molecule

II. Electric field in the gel

III. Size of the DNA molecule

IV. Thickness of the gel

4. 在實驗中,會減慢 DNA 分子在洋菜膠中移動速率的主要因素是:

I. DNA 分子的電荷

II. 洋菜膠中的電場

III. DNA 分子的大小

IV. 洋菜膠的厚度

5- DNA molecule has a …………… and migrates to the ………... 1 mark

I. Negative electric charge - anode

II. Positive electric charge - anode

III. Positive electric charge - cathode

IV. Negative electric charge – cathode

5. DNA 分子具有 ........,並向 ........ 移動。

I. 負電荷 – 陽極

II. 正電荷 – 陽極

III. 正電荷 – 陰極

IV. 負電荷 – 陰極

6-Which of the following options complete the phrase below correctly?

The higher the concentration of the agarose in the gel, the ……….. of the gel. 1 mark

I. smaller the pores

II. bigger the pores

6. 下列哪個選項正確地補足以下句子的意義?


I. 孔洞愈小

II. 孔洞愈大

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For each group an agarose gel is provided. Each agarose gel contains 7 wells in which the samples

will be loaded. For loading your sample in the wells, take a syringe, join it to the yellow tip and

draw the sample. The samples in the yellow tip should be less than half of the length of the tips.

Load in the well only one drop of the sample. For loading each well sample, use a new tip. You

should be aware not to destroy the well. if you cannot do the procedure, ask the lab assistant for

help but you will be penalized 2 marks.

每一實驗組均配有一片洋菜膠。每塊膠有 7 個可容納樣品的凹槽。將黃色滴管尖套在針筒



成這程序,可向實驗室助理請求支援,但這樣你會被扣 2 分。

The wells should be allocated to the samples as follows:


1 & 2: your sample, which is marked by a smiley face. Number 1 is for practice of loading

and number 2 is for the actual run.

3, leave it empty.

4, sample X1

5, sample X2

6, sample X3

1 & 2: 放你的樣品用的,(“your sample”, 上面並有微笑符號);第一個供你練習,第二


3, 保持淨空

4, 樣品 X1。

5, 樣品 X2

6, 樣品 X3

DNA Electrophoresis Apparatus 電泳儀器

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7. Which sample (lane) is identical to "Your Sample"? 3 marks

7. 那一個凹槽樣品和"你的樣品" ("Your Sample")一樣?

I. X1

II. X2


8. Measure the voltage of the power supply and report it. 1 mark

8. 測量電源的電壓值是多少?並記錄。

9. In this part first set up the electrophoresis and add the multimeter for measure the current and

then asks for assistant to check the system. 2 marks

9. 在這部份,先設好電泳儀器,聯結三用電表到測量電流,並請實驗室助理來檢查。

10. Measure the current in the circuit and the distance travelled by the molecules in the tank for X1,

X2 and X3 samples. Record your data in the table. The voltage of the power supply is assumed to be

stable. Measure for 4 samples at the same time. Start at t=0 and measure till t=40 minutes; use

time intervals of 5 minutes. Sample X2 contains 2 different kinds of molecules called p and q.

Molecule p appears as light blue color belt and molecule q appears as dark blue color belt which

appear when you run the samples using electrophoresis. 8 marks

10. 測量電路中的電流,以及電泳槽內各分子移動的距離。在下表中記錄你的數據。電源的

電壓可視為穩定。同時測量 4 個樣本的數值。從 t = 0 量至 t = 40 分鐘,並以每 5 分鐘為間

隔。樣品 X2 包含兩種不同的分子,可分別稱作 p 和 q。當你以電泳分析樣品時,p 分子部份

是淺藍色帶,而 q 分子部份則是深藍色帶。

11. Calculate the resistance and record in the table. 2 marks

11. 計算並記錄電阻值於下表。


in min.




in mA

電流 (I)


Distance (x)

in mm

距離 (x)

/ mm

Resistance (R)

in Ω

電阻 (R)

/ Ω

X1 X2 X3

p q










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12. Plot a graph of electric current versus the time. 1.5 mark

12. 將電流對時間作圖。

13. Plot a graph of electrical resistance versus the time. 1.5 mark

13. 將電阻對時間作圖。

14. For X1 and X3 samples, Plot a graph of distance versus the time. Label your graphs by suitable

labels. 4 marks

14. 對 X1 和 X3 樣品,將距離對時間作圖。以適當的標誌標示你的圖。

15. Supposing that the electric field within the tank is uniform. Estimate its value. 1 mark

15. 假設電泳槽中的電場是均勻的。估計它的數值。

Molecules move with terminal speed in the gel when the imposed force on molecules is equal to

friction force inside the gel. Friction force is equal to friction coefficient multiplied terminal speed.



16. Assume the electric charge of each molecule is equal to 110-16 C. For X1 and X3 samples,

calculate the value of friction coefficient of gel. 2 mark

16. 假設每個分子的電荷都等於 110-16 C。對 X1 和 X3 樣品,計算洋菜膠的阻力係數。

17. Mobility by definition is ratio of terminal speed of molecules to imposed electric field. For X1

and X3 samples, Calculate the mobility. 2 marks

17. 按定義,材料的流動率是其分子的終端速率和外電場的比率。計算 X1 和 X3 樣品的流動


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18. During the electrophoresis, it is observed that bubbles are continuously evolved from the

electrodes. Write down the chemical formula of the gases evolved at,

18. 在電泳實驗中,可觀察到在電極中不斷有氣泡產生。寫下在下列電極所產生的氣體的化


0.5 mark

Anode 陽極:

Cathode 陰極:

19. Write down the electrochemical half-reactions which are taking place at

19. 寫出在下列電極所發生的電化學半反應

2 分

Anode 陽極:

Cathode 陰極:

20. Use suitable arrows ( for increase, for decrease or for no change) to fill in the blanks :

以適當的箭頭 (代表增加, 代表減少, 代表沒變) 填入下面空白處 :

1.5 分

The pH of the solution near anode during the electrophoresis:

電泳進行中靠近陽極處的溶液 pH 值

The pH of the solution near cathode during the electrophoresis

電泳進行中靠近陰極處的溶液 pH 值

The pH of the total solution after the electrophoresis

電泳後總體溶液的 pH值

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21. Restriction enzymes cut DNA molecules at designated points and so produce DNA fragments. A

DNA sample was treated with a restriction enzyme at the points shown by arrows. The DNA

fragments were then separated using electrophoresis. Which of the schemes below(1 to 5) is the

most probable result if DNA is linear ?

21. 限制酶可在 DNA 上不同的位點進行切割。下圖顯示,一段線性 DNA 與限制酶作用,各

切割位以箭號標示。估計何者為該 DNA的電泳結果?在正確答案欄位打圈。

1 mark

22. If this DNA molecule was circular which pattern would be the correct answer after complete


22. 若該 DNA分子為環狀 DNA,當限制酶完全作用後,何者為該 DNA的電泳結果?在正確


1 mark

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1. 競賽者必須在考試前 10 分鐘到達考場。

2. 競賽者不可以攜帶任何工具,但是個人所需要的醫藥用品及器具不在此限。

3. 競賽者必須坐在指定的位置。

4. 在考試開始前,競賽者必須檢查大會提供的文具及任何工具(筆、尺、計算機)。

5. 競賽者必須檢查試題卷及答案卷,如果有缺少,請舉手。鈴響後開始作答。

6. 在考試期間,競賽者不可以離開考場,除非有緊急狀況並在考場監考人員的陪同之下。

7. 競賽者不可以干擾其他競賽者及影響考試進行,若需要協助請舉手,最近的監考人員會來


8. 不可以對試題本身提出問題或討論。競賽者必須留在他的位置,直到考試結束,即使已經


9. 考試時間終了將會有訊號 (鈴聲),考試結束後就不允許繼續作答。所有競賽者要安靜離開



1. 考試時間為 3 小時。

2. 總題數為 30 題,檢查你有完整的試題本及答案卷。

3. 只可使用大會所提供的筆。

4. 答案卷上寫下你的姓名、編號、國家並簽名。

5. 仔細閱讀每一個問題,在答案卷上其中一個大寫字母上打叉以選擇正確答案。每一題只有


例如: 1 A B C D

6. 如果你要更改答案,必須將第一次的答案先圈起來,然後再在正確的字母上打叉,每題只



1 A B C D

A 是第一次的答案以及 D 是正確的答案

7. 所有競賽者不可以從外面攜帶任何文具以及工具。當你完成作答,所有試題卷及答案卷都


8. 評分規則:

正確答案:+1 分

錯誤答案:-0.25 分

沒答案:0 分

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T – 2

1. 一塊處於 0oC 並且質量為 50 kg 的冰塊在水平面上滑動,冰塊的初速是 6.0 m/s,並在滑了

28.3 m 後停下來。多少冰會因為摩擦而融化?(冰的融解潛熱 Lf = 80 cal/g,而 1 cal = 4.18 J。


(A) 47 g (B) 2.7 g (C) 4.7 g (D) 11.2 g

2. 為甚麼月球總是同一面對著地球? 那是因為…

(A) 它差不多每天繞著它的軸心自轉一圈

(B) 它差不多每月繞著它的軸心自轉一圈

(C) 它差不多每年繞著它的軸心自轉一圈


3. 一個方向固定但大小可變的力作用於質量為 5 kg 的物體,如下圖所示。若物體原來是靜止

的,它在 2.5 s 後的最終速率 (以 m/s 表示) 是多少?

(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 10

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T – 3

4. 從雷射光源發出的光線沿水平方向行進,並打到一個等邊三角形狀的三菱鏡,如下圖所

示。若出射光線跟 AB 面垂直,AB 與水平方向之間的角度 α 是多少? (三菱鏡的折射率是 2)

(A) 24.5o (B) 42.5o (C) 15o (D) 30o

5. 一輛救護車沿著 X 的正方向在路上前進,而站在路旁的一個人可聽到救護車的警號聲。哪

個選項正確描繪出路人所聽到的頻率 f跟救護車位置 X之間的關係?已知路人站在原點處。













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T – 4

6. 在田徑世界錦標賽中,100 米短跑的世界紀錄如下表所示。下列哪個圖最恰當地給出速度隨


t (s) 1.88 2.96 3.88 4.77 5.61 6.46 7.30 8.13 9.0 9.87

x (m) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


` (B)



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7. 一個半截錐體的兩個垂直面 (如下圖所示) 分別接到兩個有不同溫度的熱源。已知半截錐體







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8. 下圖所示是一個壓力計,其中每段管子的截面積均為 1.8 cm2。壓力計內盛有密度為 8 g/cm3


子的液面的高度差是 0.25 m。

介於液面水平 AB 和 CD 間的液體重量是多少?氣體壓力跟大氣壓力間的比例為何?

已知 g = 10 m/s2。

(A) 2,6.3 N (B) 2.0,6.3 N (C) 2,36N (D) 2.0,36N

9. 在白紙上以藍色墨水寫了一個字。以紅光照射到紙上時會看到什麼?

(A) 看到字是紅的

(B) 看不到字

(C) 看到字是黑的

(D) 看到字是藍的

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10. 考慮下圖所示的電路。當開關 k 接上、以及當 k 打開時,兩種情況下的等價電阻的比例是

多少?若通過電路的總電流是 I,則開關接上時,安培計 (A) 的讀數 (以 I 表示) 是多少?

(A) I50

12,0 (B) I


2,0 (C) I




12 (D) I
















1 Ω


2 Ωi

11. 冷水和熱水的密度不同,主要是因為下列何原因:

(A) 水分子在熱水中比在冷水中稍為大一點。

(B) 冷水中每個水分子的氫氧鍵較強。

(C) 水分子在熱水中移動較快,並且距離稍為遠一點。

(D) 水分子間的作用力在冷水中比較小

12. 當某些物質溶解時,溶液變得較冷。這類溶解過程為吸熱反應。有關吸熱溶解,下列敘述


(A) 溶劑分子和溶質結合時所放出的能量,比將溶質分子彼此拉開所需的能量還多

(B) 將溶質分子彼此拉開所需的能量,比溶劑分子和溶質結合時所放出的能量還多。

(C) 將溶質分子分散所需的能量,比將溶劑分子彼此拉開所需的能量還多。


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13. 考慮以下水溶液中的平衡反應:

HF(aq) H+(aq) + F-


下列選項中,何者加入溶液並重新達到平衡時,二個試劑皆會導致 HF 之數量減少?

(A) NaCl, CaCl2

(B) NaF, NaOH

(C) H2O, NH3

(D) CaF2 , H2SO4

14. 四個等體積的容器,置於等溫下,分別含有相同重量的下列氣體混合物,何者具有最大的


(A) 50% He, 50% Ne

(B) 50% He, 50% Ar

(C) 70% Xe, 30% Ne

(D) 90% Xe, 10% Kr

15. 50 mL的 0.1 M氨水溶液,用 0.1 M 的 HCl 水溶液滴定。下列酸鹼指示劑,何者可以得到

最準確的當量點?(NH4+ 離子的 pKa 值為 9.2).

(A) 酚酞,其變色範圍為 pH 8.2~10.0

(B) 甲基紅,其變色範圍為 pH 4.8~6.0.

(C) 溴瑞香草藍,其變色範圍為 pH 6.0~7.6.

(D) 甲基橙,其變色範圍為 pH 3.6~4.4.

16. 一氧化碳和氯氣反應會產生光氣,即 COCl2。溫度為 400K、容量為 3.0 公升的容器中,原

本有 0.20 莫耳的 CO和 0.10 莫耳的 Cl2 之混合物。已知在此條件下之平衡常數 Kc = 0.41,當

達到平衡時,COCl2 的莫耳數為何?

(A) 8.75 x 10-4 mol

(B) 2.92 x 10-4 mol

(C) 2.63 x 10-4 mol

(D) 2.63 x 10-3 mol

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17. 下列各分子中化學鍵的鍵能順序何者正確?

(A) CO2 > CCl4 > N2 > CH4

(B) N2 > CO2 > CCl4 > CH4

(C) CO2 > N2 > CCl4 > CH4

(D) N2 > CO2 > CH4 > CCl4

18. 假設反應均完全反應,加熱下列各化合物(重量在括弧內),何者會放出最多的 CO2 分子?

(A) BaCO3 (1.0 g)

(B) Li2CO3 (2.0 g)

(C) Ce(CO3)2 (3.0 g)

(D) Fe2(CO3)3 (2.0 g)

19. 考慮在室溫及 1 atm下之 N2 樣品,下列敘述何者不正確?

(A) 並不是所有的 N2分子都有相同的動能。

(B) 分子以彈性碰撞方式撞擊器壁。

(C) 分子的平均位能不會隨時間而改變。

(D) 如果我們升高其絕對溫度到一倍,則分子的平均速率亦增加一倍。

20. 下列各基本反應,何者在減少容器體積、而造成壓力上升的情況下,反應速率增加最多?


(A) H + Cl2 → HCl + Cl

(B) Br2 → 2Br

(C) 2H + H+ → H3+

(D) Br + H2 → HBr + H

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21. 附圖顯示,牛隻食用葉子當作養分來源,而葉子吸收來自陽光的能量(藉由光合作用)。試


(A) 2%

(B) 0.2%

(C) 4%

(D) 5%

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(A) 正常的女性

(B) 正常的男性

(C) 第 18 對染色體為 3 倍體的女性

(D) 第 18 對染色體為 3 倍體的男性

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23. 附圖為腎臟的縱切圖,呈現皮質部及髓質部的相對大小。分別取自棲於淡水水域的海豹,




(A) 1:波斯黃斑鹿 2:海豹 3:飛鼠

(B) 1:飛鼠 2:波斯黃斑鹿 3:海豹

(C) 1:飛鼠 2:海豹 3:波斯黃斑鹿

(D) 1:波斯黃斑鹿 2:飛鼠 3:海豹

24. 一位音樂家因中風而失去了協調及精確地演奏鋼琴的能力。他大腦中哪一部位可能受損?

(A) 小腦

(B) 延腦

(C) 下視丘

(D) 邊緣系统

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25. 雄蠶蛾的觸角上具有可於一段距離外辨識雌蠶蛾的受器。該受器屬於哪一類型?

(A) 光感覺受器

(B) 温度覺受器

(C) 化學性受器

(D) 機械性受器

26. 哪些牙齒型式屬於肉食性動物,以及哪些屬於草食性動物?

(A) 1 和 2: 肉食性動物

3 和 4: 草食性動物

(B) 1 和 3: 肉食性動物

2 和 4: 草食性動物

(C) 1 和 2: 草食性動物

3 和 4: 肉食性動物

(D) 1 和 3: 草食性動

2 和 4: 肉食性動物

27. 根據下圖,下列哪一個配對是彼此演化上較接近的?

(A) 鱷魚-鳥

(B) 鱷魚-蜥蜴

(C) 哺乳類-鳥

(D) 蜥蜴-鳥

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28. 下列哺乳類的順序中,何者顯示盲腸與腸道的長度比例增加?

(A) 兔子 → 狗 → 人

(B) 兔子 → 人 → 狗

(C) 狗 → 人 → 兔子

(D) 人 →兔子 → 狗

29. 遷移季節有許多遷移性的鳥類飛越伊朗高原,下列何者是影響其開始遷移的最重要的因子?

(A) 溫度改變

(B) 提供食物改變

(C) 捕食者行為改變

(D) 白晝時間改變

30. 某人血液樣本與抗體 A 產生沉澱的結果。下列選項何者絕對錯誤?

(A) 只能將血液輸給 B 型血的人

(B) 不能接受 AB 血型人的血液

(C) 能將血輸給 A 型血型的人

(D) 可接受 O 血型人的血液