Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient www.stdemetrius.ca/donate Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -WINTER 2015 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - Зима 2015 .... continues on page 5 ...continues on page 10 Family Tradition and Faith Bring Together Families, Residents and Friends On Sunday, December 6, the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre host- ed its 14th Annual Joy of Lights spon- sored by Cardinal Funeral Homes. The eagerly anticipated annu- al celebration opened with the Care Centre’s centenarian resident Natalie Brodowycz receiving the Peace Light $27,100 Raised for the Care Centre For a fourth year, the Care Cen- tre participated in the Toronto’s Biggest Charity Challenge - Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, alongside over 26,000 participants and over 186 chari- ties each raising funds for their cause. The Care Centre’s team of fami- ly members, staff, volunteers and Board members raised $27,100 from over 378 individuals – family members, tenants of St. Demetrius Residence, staff and the participants’ families and friends. The top three fundraisers were Irina Fil- ipski, staff who raised $3,300 followed by Roxanne Gural, Family Council member and Fred Babbie, Board mem- ber. Seven children and youth joined the Marathon this year, with 15- year old Sophia Holowaty , great brought to the Care Centre by her four great grandchildren and granddaugh- ter. This special light is from the flame of the Grotto’s oil lamps in Bethelehem which is received every year in Bethe- lehem from a child from Upper Aus- tria, named the Peace Light Child and (LtoR): Orest Koblansky, Sandy Lomaszewycz, Karen and James Cardinal Join Us In Celebrating 20 Years of Excellent Care & Services Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre Exciting details on page 7 Care Centre Resident receiving the Peace Light

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Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -WINTER 2015 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - Зима 2015

.... continues on page 5

...continues on page 10

Family Tradition and Faith Bring Together Families, Residents and Friends

On Sunday, December 6, the

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre host-

ed its 14th Annual Joy of Lights spon-

sored by Cardinal Funeral Homes.

The eagerly anticipated annu-

al celebration opened with the Care

Centre’s centenarian resident Natalie

Brodowycz receiving the Peace Light

$27,100 Raised for the Care Centre

For a fourth year, the Care Cen-

tre participated in the Toronto’s Biggest

Charity Challenge - Scotiabank Toronto

Waterfront Marathon, alongside over

26,000 participants and over 186 chari-

ties each raising funds for their cause.

The Care Centre’s team of fami-

ly members, staff, volunteers and Board

members raised $27,100 from over 378

individuals – family members, tenants

of St. Demetrius Residence, staff and

the participants’ families and friends.

The top three fundraisers were Irina Fil-

ipski, staff who raised $3,300 followed

by Roxanne Gural, Family Council

member and Fred Babbie, Board mem-


Seven children and youth

joined the Marathon this year, with

15- year old Sophia Holowaty , great

brought to the Care Centre by her four

great grandchildren and granddaugh-

ter. This special light is from the flame

of the Grotto’s oil lamps in Bethelehem

which is received every year in Bethe-

lehem from a child from Upper Aus-

tria, named the Peace Light Child and

(LtoR): Orest Koblansky, Sandy Lomaszewycz, Karen and James Cardinal

Join Us InCelebrating

20 Years of Excellent

Care & ServicesUkrainian Canadian Care Centre

Exciting details on page 7

Care Centre Resident receiving the Peace Light

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Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient www.stdemetrius.ca/donate


God Eternal-is born today.

He came down from above

To save us with His love

And bring joj to all.

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

On the occasion of the radiant feast of the Nativity of

our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the town of Bethlehem

please receive my most heartfelt greeting and best wishes

for a joyful celebration of the Nativity of our Lord, and a

blessed 2016 New Year.

It is true that time flows like a river. Perhaps even

some of you yourselves can’t believe that not so long ago

you were young, full of strength and energy, plans, dreams,

and hopes, and today are living out your golden years in this

wonderful residence for seniors.

Some of you came to this God-blessed land of Can-

ada as very young people. Without knowing the language

and without the means to exist you acquired everything

necessary for a good life by your work, as well as a good

name among the citizens of Canada . Many of you went to

school, others gave your children the opportunity to study.

Your great accomplishments, spiritual as well as material,

are the witness that God has blessed the work of His ser-

vants. You have much to be proud of, for many of your chil-

dren have become priests, doctors, teachers, engineers, and

some have even attained high level positions in the govern-

ment. For all this you are worthy of praise and honour!

We have the obligation to thank the Lord for all the

great and munificent graces and mercies with which He has

blessed us, and we entreat Him that His never-failing grace

would rest upon the continued building up of our ecclesi-

astical and religious, as well as our cultural and national life

here in Canada – unto the glory of God, and unto the salva-

tion of our people.

May the Merciful Lord bless all of you with physical

strength, joy, and spiritual peace, and from all our people

may you receive the respect due you.

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

+Andriy, Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC

Бог предвічний народився -Прийшов днесь із небес,щоб спасти люд свій весь,і утішив вся. Христос Рождаєтьсяся! Славімо Його! З нагоди радісного свята Різдва нашого Господа і Спасителя Ісуса Христа в місті Вифлеємі, прийміть від мене щиросердечні вітання і найкращі побажання радісних святкувань Різдва Христового і щасливого Нового 2016 року Божого. Час пливе дуже скоро. Недавно ви ще молоді і юні, повні сил і надій, а сьогодні вже на заслуженому відпочинку в цьому чудовому будинку для сеньйорів. Декотрі з вас приїхали до цієї Богом благословенної країни Канади, ще зовсім молодими. Без мови і без засобів до існування ви своєю працею здобули все необхідне, а заодно і добре ім’я громадян Канади. Декотрі з вас самі пішли до шкіл, декотрі дали можливіть своїм дітям вчитися. Великі здобутки як духовні, так і матеріяльні свідчать, що Бог благословив вашу працю. Ви маєте чим пишатися, бо багато з ваших дітей стали священиками, лікарями, учителями, інженерами, а декотрі навіть зайняли високі посади в уряді. Честь Вам і хвала. Провожаючи 2015 рік ми маємо обов’язок подякувати Господеві за всі Його великі й багаті милості та щедроти, якими Він обдарував нас і благати Його, щоб вседіюча благодать Божа не покидала нас і в Новому 2016 році на дальшу розбудову церковно-релігійного і культурно-національного життя в Канаді. Нехай Милосердний Господь благословить вас тілесними силами, радістю та душевним спокоєм, а від людей нехай буде Вам заслужена пошана.

+Андрій, Єпископ Східньої Єпархії УПЦК

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Christ is Born!

Dear Members of the Administration, Residents and Staff of

the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre!

When the wise men set out “there, ahead of them went the

star…until it stopped over the place where the Child was”

(Matthew 2:9)

As we celebrate the birth of Christ may the star of Bethle-

hem which guided the wise men to the newborn Saviour,

also lead us to Him today.

We are reminded of the Father’s infinite love for us who did

not spare His Son, but sent him for the salvation of all. As we

contemplate this, we are moved to express the love in our

hearts for our brothers and sisters, particularly those who

are lonely and miss their family and friends from whom they

are separated or who have passed away.

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith. Let us

welcome the Divine Child with a renewed faith inspired by

hope and love. May our gifts of love and our voices joined in

praise with the angels of Bethlehem glorify our God.

I extend my sincere greetings to the Director, members of

the administration, the caregivers, and the residents of the

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre. May the Divine Infant bless

you and all your families with His life, peace and love.

Let Us Glorify Him!

+ Stephen

Христос Раждається! Славім Його!

Дорога Адміністраціє, Мешканці, та Працівники Українського Дому Опіди!

І ось зоря, що її бачили на сході йшла перед ними, аж поки не підійшла і не стала зверху, де було Дитятко (Мт. 2:9)

В цей святковий час коли ми відмічуємо Різдво Христа-Дитяти хай Вифлеємська зоря, яка провадила мудриців до ново народженого Христа Спасителя, теж і нас провадить до Нього сьогодні.

Це велике таїнство нагадує нам безмежну любов Отця до нас, який не пощадив свого Сина але дав Його на спасіння всіх людей. Коли ми це роздумуємо ми спонукані виявляти любов нашого серця до наших братів і сестер, особливо до тих які самітні і які віддалені від своїх рідних і дорогих, особливо від тих вже відійшли до вічності.

Цього року Церква відзначує Рік Віри. Спонукані цією вірою, привітаймо Боже Дитя з повною надією і любовю. Хай наші дари любови і наш радісний спів враз і з співом Ангелів у Вифлеємі прославляє Господа.

Я складаю сердечні побажання Пані Директорці, всій адміністрації, працівникам та мешканцям Осереку Опіки. Хай Боже Дитя щедро благословить Вас і всіх Ваших своїм миром, любовю і життям.

З Нами Бог!

+ Стефан

The Board of Directors, Management, Physicians, Staff, Resi-dents and Volunteers wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Рада Директорів, керівництво, лікарі, працівники, мешканці та добровольці бажають всім вам Веселих Свят і Щасливого Нового Року!

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Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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granddaughter of a Care Centre’s resi-

dent, topping the list of the youth fun-

draisers with $1,020 raised in honour of

her great grandmother.

The Care Centre enjoys much

higher rates of returning participants

than the average, with more than 75%

of the walkers and runners participat-

ing for a second, third and fourth year

and bringing in their family members-

children, spouses, siblings and friends

as well.

“It is inspiring to see how much

the Care Centre means to different

generations of Ukrainian Canadians

and how this charitable initiative grows

every year,” said Sandy Lomaszewycz

Executive Director in her closing re-

marks at the Christ the Light of the

World Celebration at the Care Centre.

Sandy thanked all participants, donors

and sponsors to the Scotiabank Mara-

thon and congratulated the Care Cen-

tre’s Marathon Committee for their en-

thusiastic leadership. Sandy extended

a special thank you to James Cardinal

Funeral Homes, presenting sponsor of

the event.

This charitable initiative would

not have grown so much and so quick-

ly over a period of only 4 years if we

hadn’t received the very generous and

encouraging support of our main spon-

sor of 3 years now, James Cardinal from

Cardinal Funeral Homes. In addition to

their generous sponsorship Cardinal

Funeral Homes puts together a team

of employees and their family mem-

bers every year to walk and run for the

Care Centre and raise additional funds

from their family and friends.

Special thanks were given to

family member Svitlana Nalywayko,

owner of the Breathe Yoga Studio who

donated free yoga passes to all walk-

ers and runners and one of the prizes

for the top three fundraisers. Family

members Jaye Pluscec and Ed Szpular

were also thanked for their donation of

prizes and Supreme Pierogies for their

contirbution to the post-race party.

All proceeds from the Mara-

thon will go towards the purchase of

specialized equipment needed in the

care of the Care Centre’s residents.

Special Thank You to Our Sponsors

.... continued from page 1

“I am happy and proud to have run a second year with my two sons. The tenants and resi-dents I work for are remarkable individuals. I feel grateful to them. They paved the way for us, the 4th wave immigrants who came later. I want my sons to grow up with the values of giving and caring that make our Ukrainian Canadians so great. We will be participating as a family next year again,” says Irina Filip-ski, 2015 top fundraiser, St. Demetrius Resi-dence and Care Centre’s staff.

“With 2015 representing my 3rd ex-perience, the Scotiabank Marathon has now become a staple for me. In the first year, I flew in from Calgary to do it. Having recently ad-mitted my loved one at the time, I viewed it as an opportunity to connect with staff and other residents’ family members. Since then, my motivation has shifted and suffice it to say that I now truly recognize the importance of raising funds for the Care Centre. So I tried harder this year to reach my fundraising goal. Next year, I plan to work even harder! On the bonus side, the event is well planned, it’s so much fun and it’s a great bonding experience with the extended mem-bers of the Care Centre community.”

“It gives me a special joy to see our communi-ty coming together in support of our seniors,” says Christine Coote who has participated since the very beginning and has consistently been one of our top fundraisers.

“Participating in the Marathon was special for me in several ways. The actual event itself was for me inspirational because I shared in the enthusiasm and energy of all those par-ticipants there to support important causes. Personally, the fact that I could motivate a number of people to support the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre in its mission of pro-viding quality of care to its residents made me feel good about doing something worth-while” - Fred Babbie, Board Member

Ed Szpular

Jadranka Pluscec

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Celebrate with Us the Care Centre’s

20th Anniversary in 2016!

20 years of excellent care and Services for seniors20 Years of inspiring community friendships

On January 19, 2016 it will be exactly 20 years since the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre opened its doors and the

first resident was wheeled through the Care Centre’s front door as hundreds of community members gathered to see the

results of their many years of determined and tireless advocacy, fundraising and volunteering.

Through the sustained and extraordinary efforts of staff, donors and volunteers, 20 years later the Care Centre is a

shining example of high quality, culturally sensitive care for seniors.

In the coming year, the Care Centre will be celebrating its proud history and accomplishments, while also looking

towards the future. The 20th Anniversary theme will be woven throughout all of our events and publications.

You can be a part of our celebrations in many ways. Whether you choose to participate in our special events, join

our Friends of the Care Centre’s Club and share memories of the Care Centre’s history we will be very happy to re-connect

with you and celebrate you and your support in making the Care Centre such a wonderful home for seniors! For more in-

formation on all our activities, please call 647-725-0843. We have so much to celebrate, remember, reminiscence and look

forward to the future!

Share with us your story of the Care Centre’s past to inspire the future! Call 647-725-0843

20th Birthday Cake and Coffee - January 19Sweet Valentine Delights Extravaganza - February 13, 1- 4pm

Day of Remembrance - March 5, 10amCommunity BBQ - Sunday, June 12, 1- 4pm

Vyshyvanka Fashion Show - July 16Ukrainian Heritage Day & Yard Sale - September 10

Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon - October 16Christmas Bazaar - November 19

Joy of Lights - December 4

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Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Anastazia Kusznir’s Legacy GiftA Lasting Statement of Generosity and

Helping Others to the Greatest Extent Possible

The life of Anastazia Kusznir

(1920 – 2015) exemplifies how an ordi-

nary person with strong faith and fam-

ily values can make an extraordinary

difference in the lives of others.

A hardworking and gener-

ous person, loyal and honest friend,

Anastazia’s life was guided by a strong

sense of doing things well and right to

make life better for her family and oth-


Born January 5th, 1920 in the

town of Zamok in Rava Ruska Ukraine,

Anastazia lost her parents at a very ear-

ly age. Her father died before she was

born and her mother when she was 6.

She was raised by her eldest sister in

the manner of a traditional Ukrainian

family where they believed in God,

loved their family with passion and

were ready to die for their country.

During the Second World War,

like many other Ukrainians, Anasta-

zia ended up in Germany working on

a farm. There she met her future hus-

band Wasyl and they got married. After

the Second World War they immigrat-

ed to England and then to Canada, to


Anastazia worked hard to raise

her two daughters in the local commu-

nity; she wanted them to fully appreci-

ate their heritage with their Ukrainian

customs and traditions.

She delighted in celebrating

each holy day, tradition and family fes-

tivity. Friends were always welcomed;

she generously hosted expected and

unexpected guests. And she sang with

joy as singing was one of her lifelong

passions. Her repertoire of sacred and

traditional songs was truly extensive.

She loved to cook traditional foods

and was ever interested in new recipes

as it was important to her to make a

fresh meal every day. She embroidered

many cushions and dollies to make her

home welcoming. She loved to keep

her house clean and well swept.

After having taken care of her

family selflessly, Anastazia came to a

point when she could no longer take

care of herself. As she aged and suf-

fered multiple health issues, she grew

weak and needed professional care

and assistance on a daily basis. This is

how she became a resident of the Care

Centre at the age of 85.

At the Care Centre, Anastazia

was very happy to be able to live in the

traditions she was brought up in and

who made her who she was. She could

contentedly worship in the chapel, cel-

ebrate her much loved Ukrainian spiri-

tual customs, and continue with her

family traditions and Canadian festivi-

ties. The food was ethnic and freshly

cooked just as she liked it, and she

loved the recreational programs and

cultural activities. Her primary care-

givers were like family to her. She was

grateful for each day she spent at the

Care Centre, and there was no doubt in

her heart that the right thing to do was

to pay back with a vision for the future.

She thought of those who

would be there when she was no lon-

ger around and would need that same

special care that she had needed.

Gratefully, she also thought of all who

had helped build the Care Centre and

continued to support it through the

years. Anastazia decided that the best

way to help the Care Centre to the

greatest extent possible was through a

legacy gift – the biggest gift she could

possibly give with the biggest impact;

a gift that would help other seniors like

herself, and help the Care Centre sus-

tain its great care.

At Christmas of 2014 Anastazia

met for the first time her recently born

great-grandson Liam. She knew her

life was approaching its end and she

wouldn’t be able to see him grow but

she wanted him to know what some of

the most important things in life were,

and these things she believed do not

change with time. There she wrote, in a

deeply touching, loving letter to him:

“By the time, you can read this,

Liam, you will be a big boy. I know you

will be strong and ready to help any-

way you can. Be a loyal friend, one peo-

ple can rely upon and trust. I hope you

learn that honesty is the best policy,

and that doing a hard day’s work will

always make you feel good. I hope you

put all the wonderful things you pos-

sess to make yourself and the world

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Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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around you a better place to live for

you, your own family and others. Again,

sweet Liam welcome to our family,

your loving great grandmother …pra


Less than a month after she

wrote this letter, Anastazia peacefully

passed away, her letter to her great

grandson and her legacy gift to the

Care Centre creating an inspiring ex-

ample - that of generosity and care for

others. Liam will grow up knowing that

the wonderful life he enjoys in his fam-

ily is rooted in timeless family values,

and that one cannot make a better life

for himself without making it better for


The Care Centre is deeply grate-

ful for Anastazia Kusznir’s legacy gift to

the Care Centre – her last home in her

life journey that she cared deeply for

and wanted to be there for others to-

day and well into the future.

*The Care Centre would like

to thank Mary Kuschnir, daughter of

Anastazia Kusznir for letting us share

Anastazia’s wonderful letter to her

great grandson with our readers.

...continues Anastazia Kusznir ....

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Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Lisa Onistchenko-Abrantes is pleased to have the

opportunity to become a part of the Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre family in the capacity of the new Manager of

Nutrition and Food Services. After working as a Senior

Administrator at the Hospital for Sick Children for 8 years,

Lisa decided not to return from a maternity leave in order

to pursue her passion for food at George Brown College,

Culinary Institute. After completing the Culinary Manage-

ment Program, Lisa decided to specialize in Italian Cuisine

Care Centre Welcomes Lisa Onistchenko-Abrantes, Manager of Food

and Nutrition Services & Dr. Sina Sajed

transported across countries to reach

to those who appreciate its significance

as a symbolic gift, signifying God’s light

and message of peace.

Following the Peace Light

beautiful ceremony were the wonder-

ful performances of the bandurist Yar-

ko Antonevych, and the Desna dance


The program culminated in

the prayer and blessing of the tree of-

ficiated by Bishop Andriy and Fr. Peter


The evening closed with a so-

cial including light refreshments and a

wonderful performance of Christmas

songs by the very talented Valentina

and Michael Butenko.

through the Italian Arts program, thus allowing her to live and study at Alma Uni-

versity in Parma, Italy and train at IL Falconiere in Tuscany, Italy. After many long

hours working in restaurants and in catering, she decided to combine her medi-

cal administrative background with her formal culinary training by completing

a Food and Nutrition Management course enabling her to work as a Nutrition

Manager. Since then, Lisa has gained her Nutrition Management experience at

Winbourne LTC, Sunnybrook Hospital, and Mackenzie Place LTC and now looks

forward to her continued growth here at Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre.

Dr. Sina Sajed is pleased to join the medical team at the Ukrainian Cana-

dian Care Centre. Dr. Sajed grew up in the Georgian Bay area near Wasaga Beach.

He spent a decade in Romania were he went to medical school and subsequently

stayed on to work for the World HIV Initiative. He returned to Canada in 2004 and

completed a medical residency in Family Medicine at Queen’s University in Kings-

ton He stayed in the Kingston area and eventually opened a community-based

teaching practice in Gananoque, ON, for Queen’s University. Among his many po-

sitions in the Kingston area, Dr. Sajed was an Investigation Coroner, Medical Di-

rector of the Carveth Care Centre and Helen Henderson Care Centre, and co-lead

of the Upper Canada Memory Clinic. He moved to Toronto this past September.

Currently Dr. Sajed is an Assistant Professor of Family Medicine for Queen’s Uni-

versity and has a part-time medical practice at the Oshawa Clinic. He is a coroner

for York/Caledon/Peel Regions, a consulting physician for the Toronto Memory

Program and an attending physician at Dom Lipa Slovenian nursing and retire-

ment home.

...continued from pg 1 - Family Traditions and Faith

Make that old car live again in the form of a donation through Charity

Car! CharityCar.ca is a licensed eco-friendly Auto Recyclers who accept the dona-

tion of old vehicles on behalf of charities. 100% of the proceeds are donated to

the Care Centre.

CharityCar has been trained to dispose of the environmentally hazard-

ous materials in vehicles that have reached the end of their useful lives. For more

information please visit www.stdemetrius.ca or call Anna 647-725-0844.

Donate through Charity Car

Page 11: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -WINTER 2015 $27,100 Raised ...stdemetrius.mantis.biz/uploads/File/nl/winter2015.pdf · Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -WINTER 2015 Українсько-Канадський

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient www.stdemetrius.ca/donate

Page 12: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -WINTER 2015 $27,100 Raised ...stdemetrius.mantis.biz/uploads/File/nl/winter2015.pdf · Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -WINTER 2015 Українсько-Канадський

Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient www.stdemetrius.ca/donate


The Care Centre is honoured to receive donations from families and friends made in tribute to the following individuals:

In Memory OfWalter Chomic

Olha Frolak Eliashevsky

and Ivan Eliashevsky

Ed Furda

Michael Holodryzuk

William and Julia


Theodore Kurylo

Maria Lawrynowycz

Lida Lubynskyj

Patricia Magoski

Josephine Mec

Michael Onysko

Maria and Hryhoriy


Katherine Romanish

Halina Sysak

Nadja Serhijczuk

Jane Swiatek

Pauline Welyke

Make A Donation Today!647-725-0843 | www.stdemetrius.ca/donate

Charitable Reg. No. 12407/6555/RR0001


From October 9, 2015 – December 15, 2015

St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation

Bohdan Bodnaruk, President; Maxym Trojan, Vice-President; Dmytro Dutka, Secretary/Treasurer; Orest Kobylansky, Past President; Frederick R. Babbie; Alexander Daschko; Halya Kuchmij; Sylvia Kowal; Daria Kowalyk; Mary Kuzyk; Alex Och-rym; Michael Tkach; Nadia Woloshyn Marta Yurcan

Supportive Care Services

Daniel Zadorozny, President; Lesia Dmytryszyn, Secretary Treasurer; Lydia Lelyk; Irene Holubiec; Yarko Kordiuk; Orysia Perun; Walter W. Chandon; Jacob Y. E. Krekhovetsky

2015-2016 Board of Directors

We are currently accepting donations of gently used Ukrainian ceramics (plates, bowls, cups, mugs, etc), Ukrainian figurines, novels written in English, collectibles, crystal and bone china. Donations can be dropped off at the reception desk of the Care Centre during business hours 8:30am - 9:00pm. All proceeds raised from the gift shop support programs and activities for our seniors. Thank you for your sup-port!

Gift Shop is open Mon-Fri from 10am-4pm, Sat & Sun 1pm-4pmFor more information please contact Anna 647-725-0844.

Care CEntre’s Gift Shop

New Bath Tubs InstalledThank You to All Our Donors

A twelve-month Bath Tub Campaign successfully com-

pleted making it possible for residents to enjoy a safe and re-

storative experience.

The Care Centre extends its heartfelt thank

you to all donors who gave to the Bath Tub Campaign, many

of them making two and three gifts overtime, generously re-

sponding to our direct mail appeals and individual meetings.

290 individuals supported the Care Centre’s Campaign and

made 358 gifts.

Contributors: Anna Denkova, Anna Do and Mary Kuschnir

Photos: Courtesy of Shane Jeffery with Snapd, Ed Szpular and Anna Do

Layout: Anna Do

To contribute a story or for more information call Anna at 647-725-0843.