.a «\s a ♦ i »v i i • ' i j i . , . , * i ,■ . r was cluili;;»'*L Tin* nw.ui,tain \vu . í» j »1 i t into , L L f 'D \ \ 1 ) L I Y E B Y S T A B L E (£d*íi\UU$ £ïU\ ? \ C V .U X ^ roun.a’ 'vîll(‘a.amoUT,^s to $*!<>. mul; since their lather s denta tv o v -.m ^ ,vtll }Kirtó u nioInelIW w a r » » * , ; ^ ^ : say £!>0 for oil tin.I incidental e\- ng»\ run their litui in tin* best {im¿ when* S'*p:<i.diiy»«i.., st««**,« itb.-m* .Ion UrC. I E - jES it LC jS, HIPlC]?- ( ‘di pàilo (Uly, ( );.*!», rrm.ism:r» w uo» Tira » day. penses, which is a high estimale, manner possible and aro suiti to ' w«-w itt.w ~ a « i » d iM iu c tK «^ t»rm\u up t«* j J.A. D eas, Editor anil Proprietor t¡„. fog« for « day'. rmi bo ««giilnr “lira >*" to work, and of ; ^ y./.'g,, " * g gg .... .......... Tll>ltt S . S Ä « » tre««.«! «00 » " have, at whom their widowed ».other isijnat- ; ta a . fc "> . * « “ » » - « ■ * „ Kiv.r imriiralarlv. uuü "I thi- Count) «.n- $50 ]■>'- thousand, a clear daily ¡V proud. (Ipl'OSlie ».a m ers « e .'„uC.*,.futi umnml Week I'.citid I'«!'.«'., i\ «ally. í imJtt of $'>50. Of Olirne this es- find O. 1 »,algo, tl.O pri ICC of good Ovni m „ » L o y »tro, la nl.J ran w lj¡f| SU'.s--n>;»n.»n. ]HT Vivir................. 'tímate IA made without expenses ; feRows. ile prue, lees hlW, nnu i |„d :M0«>r 3oü fi*-tm t-xlent. Exhalations i of delays, breakage, etc., but a piiy 1 J. Ü. rii Contracter & . Builder, i Myrtle Point, Poos County, Or. * P íhüh and specification burnished ON Short notice «r.d at most reasonable rates vln!i8. TP ES DA Y, SEPT. U, ISSA Our tdvid T ìiiiìk t M ndiii. \Ye hnvo often made the ass ees The question is not when poo- f-tntt*: reads tht* 1 pie will see thi*» great inducement ! it is one of the Le^t ent< rpn.-ef tion that 0 >s is one of the neh- nml t.lko jU)M of l( lmt w|lo will : ever started on the river. Next \u est counties in this country and the q0 it (W . tv>ullty flTjd much of ; find 1). McNair, a hard-working, illan op] »OSt ■d t*> his client <>i «sillI»•ui«1 acid •«1 is we r»1 s.» ¡’.buifditüt th i» ! : w hen In ;* a 1'pears. He is tow is and ¡ii;¡mats in 1are.* liiami», rs were j tip 1 killed by it. amt ;; few liittmil* beillv'S ios. ; et! 1er « *n t* riv e r !XT lu IS thifir l»v<s in a s if:ilar tlitiiin.-r. Filis i »V. 1t in ni; hv portions of the > (l of.1 .ht i !h turn il m i- .: lit lî jL *i»- iht* «■nip- 1 * 1 pailIs th e 11: ii. m . d an 1 sa\ s tion. !i r iti. f_r» at fiSHUi'<H !•* H: «1 SI *.•me»! j Wait® tu h'*! *s safiiy v;.ivis. through which . ii.Md' iiiva (iiilly 1. . d ili v h ui ui . volcan :c n « a , To SEIT; ROBINSON HOUSE, C oquilld C ity , O gn . T his house has heen lilted up with the very PEST LOOMS. Special care is taken to keep the TABLES Supplied with tho Wst the market afford». followin'* from tilt' I h n l u S!tni<l<n'<f ; *i >• i l |. , . . . H ¡’h.t’.uh f.til! bnn¡ii*.q at las advices, had. • T tie h r , 9urr,”" ',lln;: c" " n,!r v . h,,s «*>, mduSrmus, ei.terpnsi.if! man. He la„.. ,.l l M r t ,„. ,ltrM„.s virtu..IK- beli »!lg»*d to ( alifornia MS owns a fine farm which lie has in a ■fli rM il a \<rt virio', t beiti ' forced I *,i, . 1 , ! and to make the accoiuuioi'ations equal to . . . . I f Ill roe of the host selling btXiks those of anv Lr.it cJass hotel, xcept fine state of cultivation; and in tl rou ¡ uh- <»v nomi .of tue o.d uaters., - Mas. A.U.M 00 BB Prop. Id.ri, .„l.mtn,, i. ,.nm,;»ii. Id< f irm lie 1^ Q*ii er iiicidt nt V as tiio simo, n rising Ji(i f,,ull(l ill the Country. Apply vlnltf. i » ; way there. There art* mum and millions of aeres of the fin est timber that the sun over d;< ne on, embracing the following var ieties: Cellar, lir, spruee. hemlock, the cedar there are tlnoe kinds the wdiite y< l!ow and red. 'Hi. white, or Port Orfonl cedar, ns it ' and won is more familiarly known, is the are l**r Ci'ouüh* river. The rei and vel i ;j. *s«* and uiî! L e river. Cd ! ir is ti! ies. The íir i‘ s. r «*d Avhiti lit y of tliest l f. »und «>n ti:»' .plant it v ami accessible t«» tli any c*. unity in that state. in ai ju »lici:d sens**. It i time that thi s pa.rt t»f sin > 1 ]lid, in tru ih and re; a part .*f «»ur own state i. «*i «1« »liars wortii **i’ r*r° i »erty fr« »Ul ( . a >s Ci »uni 1* s \;ny t»*< «r* « * í I 4 ’rs .»! San «•(» <•*»};i< lisi without 1»« it sir ìgl«* Ore »n inn « uto eoi an* oartid t*'wards On* and woul.l U:»t say a wo were all ha :<l work ani proli t s, 1»ut w 1ten it «*.» «•iti:- C’.ts «>t ot!ur st:-.tes h. ta* and piekiiig up, as i our w«*aìt!i une! carrying W ! m !t o u r •»w n } »Pt H1¡(' (*, »J ixe i! w «* «h > ien q 1 é t 11 uiutii’nuy «*; pr.d* *st. « *4- M i!l- tl TU1 '¡\t in Cttu i ! II >l(‘< !. 'I li Ol ivia c f V. Curia Yi¡. » i.\ fort in o.i nf lourtet u new ■vi.’ci 'i c ii'oisi . insili lin-st ;nits i f at oliCC at this oft’lCe. i foin in:' a ci-ii'plcti* cl-ain in nln.oKt. n| s i . l . t H;t h. t v ,c p...nt St.Niei oh.s on There is no place where a good r .„ .. T . où * to i t * t book would sell more readily than c ;c> ot su aira,aiiiM St oa i ioj oí \. 11»i j i*i this valley. I: Oil !!l: rd if it i': incesti >r I iiuin liest o f the TS K SOI El K llth .... ,] ' olili ni ... '*h ¿: * 2 .'li*. , w: ar.titv it would l»e like! O p h ite Johnson*«. Bisel De-ill est inciting that of tin* wait r in ini'in i:;. Indir a re i. I^|u e and opt n- there is t,p. tin* gummi. A carni * Place iti r «» Huit lie «*•• '.n hav«* »E scilo» »1 a m i neigh d. m toil him at his mountains. i > V i HM »W .ilion el;aims at It llgt !i to J veti til«* proil »l«*m Oi the »i w h* *nt. 1 lu * noi. «1 1». »t.aii- •ant V lien. says \V!u*at >y « *r ig in as a «le gem ‘ i'i'.tt* ;radi*f i li lv. The i »rim iti ve r o f tin * lily was ti very [»hint. w ilii a trio! e s»*t of multi i!*t b»* tri;»! P St*t <nf p »Hell stamen-,, fert :! i/.**«1 by in- It th US aei] uired 1“ •tals. »y sel «*et ion un til 1 [hey ac- :!i. 'S;* bri gh t «** »1* »rs and t ii.lt l.ich * i •iva* O '1 Sol »ni* i>n in gl >ry. The dove 1. »p» tif'nt »ugh ma,ny s' ! 1 ‘S, thr uigli ina a:d 1marsh urn ;w ; *R; j s.*-; untie cab le f.»tuns, unt il it the I> *1 loot lì ! li\. The first kail l>t » ti n j.r.di an*, u..» i i. is., nus. vhich sunk liitntlii sua on aL > it«l;.y. S'» serious ii'v ilie chcnri 4in the cetii't and t'.e entir * fori, ■ :: : ii ti ef tit'-utii it.; of Pi mia that the I ritish ; ove; lili i nt i lid Leojils this even- i ne t» ,<i ji j hi »1 fri li: 1 i * tii n to ¡.Ii foreif n p.i.ii's, >.; ruina vt>sn*!s ihtc. xiavi^utiou on He wat *r • Ins I 0. Kelson >i-coiiie t xt i cdiiigly li'iti- i.'cro'a. in the city f P:.ntam where l.'iiil) p ,suns were at tirst saj.-po ¡ed to have per- iZ \L V OLIVE HOTEL, Front St. Coquille City. JOHN SNYDEB, P kopkietor . This houitc is well supplied with every thin” necessary to make it a FlitsT CLASS HOTEL. T aiit.'IS always supplied with the best the market atlords. vlnltf. u!!■d anil at t,r ■im .>n tl-t* coast ikiO 1 »*>tl- MYRTLE POINT STORE, r-Ti'.t.'l a.at hrnis-il and 1 ...... i AT HAS 4 „ .. ,., . ! Myrtle Point, Ogn , , .. , f , : v a i m im i <i ulti Ime <>i (.»rocenes, rtporo. i'f tl e ."S'.i.l In ■ ami x. ,n , , . ; Keeps constauUv on hnnd a fine assort- i ?» •!.*»'•!••'in -11 i nt ••.at.tid tue i ( andies, Auts\ lobacco ami cigars, I ,„ , ‘ 7.". t): n ki ini vili no* p ..\c ex- . ' meni of General Merchcndise, oonsistmK o f lun.uof i a ivi i vii. r.- va > r j C finilCll goods, Stationory, J 11k, llard-ware, \\.»..J and nid VOI low Wiire. tool 1 -.VJ* ! vili. *' , V Drugs, Aiediemes, Paints, Oils and and implements, leather, bridles and aad- ... \i :. r i: I ..... dies, furniture, paints, oils, spurtinn coods 1 and a full as..r!nient of clotliinf?. hats, caps _ , . Isiotsand shot's, drrts and medicines, and . : ,,j ¡ . ; ware, Cutlery, Toys, Notions, Am- in fact eycryîhimr kept in a lirst-ciass store ,, j* , ....... * >:» M e » i- i Highest cash price paid for hides, and all unit*ui, aney ami loiiet Articles, »• it Us I 1ST. US p<>1 nr iii'ii1 ii.;' ii lidi 'll. re IS s, e • Wood tUltl WilloW WiirC, 1 ] til'd the Paeiiie. One n.»t used to the « e,| ouj a . wo*His Itere wouhl i o lealiv as- , . i. . . • ¡* w .1 , . .1 .... ; ¡, ! downward st< p seems t > have bt»e. lliL 'i'.illiil' 4 ** l r'V Xltit’l «11*4I 11 .• l ton ¡."lie l nt the amount of timber 1. „ : ;.,i, . .\ 1 ,;.., .0 i.i^ se!’- e: iiii/.ation, taking the p: <*e i-eat' 1 1 V so :t¡i,I r! . , mi' .th.it *' . y - ili in/*. if;.. *f i», tí1 .- tu. i Lamps and chimneys. »>f v li 11 .it r\ o<*/■ > d . now V. -i. 1M «-ap* produce etc. 1 v .'.s o: I .» «• sin s • ! .''diu.'i ¡ 1 kinds of country produce. I’ . Hermann, Prop. Highest price paid for country! vlnlt* E. Pender, Manager. jo n s pi :ce. him is O. \Y. has a splendid ¡itile farm, a g house and lute orchard. II** is ati of the insect acid. Aiterward tue |j,» • wind -hr night the vnri«* 'J 'vti! /.'li;* * ,,nt i !>*' turning out from *J, 0 d iy ‘:Y 0 to •*,- U00,t)n0 fe e t annually, **an find good logging f'»r t-everal years on a section of land. There are forties that nre estimated to have i mam l;f the line reDd**nces on the ! B between the true ruslu s j i *îi i tust, ¿.li» I st ) 1 Vi nit* t:M* rn.- » »lain litth- liiies, w ith ilry l iown- excelient carlienter. and builds pDi Bowers; then the wood rus ,»e* •f •' A 1*1 * i * !*;" iti t*r K»H. r*‘] nr’.s ♦ (i*T’k <f I*L* >'(*'.*i<*| to ;i . ,.1 ml . •. s.1 en f. :•* ii ep. I . •• i j e. .oiis ■ i >t their : • ' 1 v ot;.» *.!ard. v i udii if. i : ;< Ui C».'J A g • V* . . * l.t least timber on them, feet o f fin e ! r |VOI< Op.iosite bis piace, r nd ju-t j ••»««! thegra ses. The EuseaiiL»», a his may Io k ¡ |,ei1>w tliat *»f S. Johnson we limi j common American water pian!, unreasonable, bnt wlien you fin tljcap t \Y. 11. Harris, wholiasonoof |rushlike in cium eter, hrit 1 ged over 111* «*ap b.*t\vetn thè vu J:os and thè K V p » I " v; r f ! • il* uBLw vfLLL* Fu »NT Svk il.T, t Hi'diJ/; l'' 'W ()*>N. > fio. the trees xtamling s. getlier that you can hardly p tue siiupgo.-t lai i.'.s < m t» t* i Aintv i< a* I na n the river 01 it inatte»'. He ! lt ìssos, ami then Dep .»y stop tue between them, and the tree-fr m < r 0. t ;j1:;ount of valuable land * c‘.iau.*;*s in the [»arts of the Bower four to c*i g lit 1 » it tT in «îî.»meî«*r, L ,1|* . 1- „ It Vet to cil.iîX ¿te, a g. >• *. t i ;• >11-*», filili eu!min .t-* anil fri 111 if» to 2*1. > f. et t>» the i auiua hard the eijual of whic h can j W ith t he first linuh, you can begin t»> r e ! seldom be sismi in any |■ait. H«- li»i* Il<Ti lit ali/.** thIt' ! l UI. -Ui it « »I timi» r that i Las »i ihn* i«»t *>i stock al ».»ut him ¡ st,»reti al i-. fio be f * Lv >und in th t part. ;.n«l li ves in «'ase ami comí «>rt. !».*- ! v. hielt lias :: i • ■ : t r.tu* m lin * hi nl'tlta » I li A* i nu?; iK* it !y il<» idj at villi tf. V* : : JL* . i.Ii A ita' t ! i** emLryo, *;*e 1 so val i- V. (; I1. 1.11 ; laut1 . liiCU ¡ .a"B of Juiy. Apply a* .ilCti Oil N .US'. 1 í'lMpUÍ.C nil Iw. 1 hi : coquii .u: bivi , o low itliti w « find T. M. Jlerniai , one Buns thnuigh thf \ /*At D» o* l 1 *4 .»* i t t’.iis of thk' Cv Ui ty’s go <1 « it /.- ns. He fine ti; über regi. :: f >r i » -five l*as a i lai g( * farm aIH1 IeriM r* g. »«„I miles, ii leu forks,uinking tl it* u >rth, sto«*!. • f .i , « < ;.,«•- a great interest in ih* middle, ea-'t and south Í» »ii :s : - l U.UII.I ry ell 1 sees tl uit the r a. s ;iru - 4 a suitable streams f. r log- kept in P »« «I i-luí j »e in his part. ging, r*?spective!y, 40, Jo, 2*1 am i Near by wi find W. 1*. Herman and 60 miles, l»«*sidi*s numerous creeks Erne i * if II« rrimn, 1<*th extern- ively C* ‘lllillg in on all hides, i i lit* river engaf fed in farming and st> *ck r; is- below the forks i? als*» ta i ’l >i 1 d by . mg. Th y cultivare the ol 1, Her- dozens < cieek s and si. >1igh s. mail It« »nies lead i n« 1 annually pr«*- which tmi sitital 1 _ A _ _ »it* Sill*.! ] i 1 for duce tuoIls.nuis of 1nislnJs of * .rrain. logging on. Thei river b »tt. »1US The.-«i tv •o g«?nt'“ im *ii are industri- are sol idly covered with urn tie, ous aml will soon be large pr. pt r- maple, ash and alder, th Û two tv «>w nei S. Cass, mother hr«ither, »> iii'iit. ti«> d*‘si'out Iant »»i the lily. ( * i!< >r:i 1 wi >r ì I, i<> t he r. t arii'i 1 or Sale. r rank of the prince of grams, !»* tr- iiig it-; ; riiu* *lv sway u.> >n :tl¡ the <* iden Imrvest tie*lds .»^ every civil- | izeil 1 ace and nation on the glo!»e. American Miller. th i : jav 4 à !: si ' 1 oi . í ayo . Viti*!! Ií<*Vk*í ¡»1 ioti *>i (ìl<* \ ¿»»"«-ili t.i’ii pi io i». .lihlidii'ul i'à il ìcuku!*. former kimis being tho most lives on a tine, large prairie on fioim says: La:.«*rr»*i»oru from Datavi.i ¡ hv <>f a more encouraging nature, alihou”h the detail« of horror l»f the eruptions oon- t aim to come in. Alter the sudden sub sidence of tin disturbances in the kin”dom ot liatitvia. <>n Monday tin eruptions seem- _ » d to los their force for tin tinu- ¡uni p. .•ell. I nch* 'William Bhodv iiv«*.- t. U 4 ¿ * IrtTitl U.i le:' tli"au-t‘.¡ t\*. i -r p -.M . il • m i) Ie AT Cl’ »• I d ’I Jtt'A'S—.N t ) 07 D > .t ». *n.*4. !;1 .». 1 . . on i < oi\*c !: ia\ LÄ1 cheapest : 0.T 11rjrr>.*t i ri] Hr.flt yalCbUüi AM LBSl Empire'TilY and Drain's Station STAGE and STEAM BOAT lids! Carrying' TI 10 U* S- M ails Wehs. Faiyo ù Co s Express Jarvis, tend t G ì , I LAVSES EHI*! HE (TTY AND D11A1NS a j s c * n ¡: vi . ; y .MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and ELIDAY rio* stciim.T .1! N ■ » or lli-.S TLI VS iiuacts tic '.aia* at tin1mouth of the I nipqua. New asul comfort.ihlc stages. I'tL»1 ’. to Drain.'. Station s7. Fare to Portland hv this rout«* jSló.aO. iiiy Livery u hbh siam i AY. B. G etty , P kop . L'or * s and Pu a i. s at till hours. Good l ’ astur;»” »1 l.y the day. week or month. vlnitPoin. Gciden Bcach Hotel 4 Bandoli- Oregon 25 Cts — Per Meal — Is thè fare atthisnew hot I. Thr house is Ihantitully sprint, d on im * Etnia«i<»n ¡» c a d i, in full vie* and ovcr-IookiiiL' thè Ocean; of a t. il.* from thè ferry ut thè mollili of thè Coquill” ri * r. (¡.»od accomniodation« for all. ii.id special ¡»ait.s t.*th<*n t.» render coni- plentitful ami the finest for cab inet work. Portland, an«l many other parts of this Northwest, Roland crock. He has one of the finest stock lanches in this part of the county and has it well st» eked. <* ol land ; raises tine stari,Is in need of tins valuable Ile isti g*««! fellow and is doing timber, and would have some of it, toc», if her capitalists, or even infu ot moderate means, knew <»{ |has a g.«<>< 1 i.iec I ^ I the extent of the timber on tire Coquille, in Coos county, and the practicability of getting it out. For years this timber was con sidered worthless, but that was T of Datavi.*», experienced a f.t'iiii” lof ill Big bottom below Herman Hros., relhd in h<.pel the worst was pans -d. U li lt, r couilitii-ns continu.tl until alunit H) I i»"clock .Inn t .e cotters <>nc more lie ;an i O'U*h( * S fo l’ }'}• r ing urchins to get ! liti uj> J^r-v.t Iim-s»« of destructiv. iunt il wav with,and lives a «luieLpe.UfltTlT* ! u ulthouuh without t.ie force .»* the 11 ¥ ' l I _ , 1 life. Johnny Mast owns a good ranch on the west side of the river, but lives *.n a ranch at Roland from the fact that the bar at the 1 prsrie. Next we find lu d e M 7i* mouth of this river was bad, which prevented vessels it'*»m com ing. Since the expenditure of the last congressional appropriation, last spring, tin* bar has been get ting better continually until n »\v a vessel can sail in without the aid of a tug. Any one who knows anything ! Ho is a line old « ent'< man and has ala>ut manufacturing lumber can : a magnificent place and lives at his see the enormous profits that can l e j «»as**. He is a first-class musician made in making lumber of timl»or ami shipping ii. The of white cellar there in tin* is from £10 to £12 per th .11 - ami, and when in lumber at San Eian- j his father. 1!.* is a jolly good fel- ii.cr acuon. Eruptions sccm.-d t<> he iiior«-violent, at ui ii. than during the «lav. |5y 11 o’c’ .Hik. Sapaiidaa.ans* w'liich is lUili fc«*t hi^b w;is in a v< rv active state of I'MtOXV iMAL HUrPTIONS. It was accompanied by detonations sai«! \» hitlllgtoll, who litis one oi th<* | imv«* b... Ii b. ¡.r.l many miles away in Sin.m :,ra. Tbr.*«* distinct colman« <>t llana-s wen* sc«‘ii to ri »«* from the mountain to a xast height anil its whole surface appeared as if covered with Ilry streams which spread to a cr*'1* distance* on its side. Stoii* s fell for miles around and black fragmentary n utter that was c:irri«*d into the aie c: us. ii total «larkness. A whirl wind aeeoicpanieil this eruption by which houses, roofs, trees, men and horses were carri »1 into the ¡ur. I lie quantity of aslie.'. . j. cted was such as to cover tm- ^rollini and best improved } !;*.c«'s in tie county. He is ;i ore,-;t worker, and thorough ly cultivates, which amply re wan Is he- ct;«»rts. lit* raisesconsidt*rabl« stock mostly lings. Below him we fimi li. tjehroeder, Sr, who came to the county at a very early day. ti. .*». \ an Leuven. t»;»‘_:f. -4*»t *,*«* . I] eh p i . . -mferallowed.%«»jenmdsof bni/pag«* 1 k* famiii«^;. * 11 Tree coach to und AY»* have tlie s«*liin * of a farm of MO acu s v. ita a splendid orchard, {.oo»l ji t.•»■. a pood • <»use. iiic 1 arui yivlth ». f»0 tornio! tim» »tii y hav last season. The farm wil be «old cheap, and .he following po wi.h the pine.*: 7 head of she» p, a lot <>f hops 1 x. k « ot ca;- j _ « tie, el."iin's A c.. a lot of cows, y» arlitips ;tn»l g fA ï »! ^ the lious.-hold ftii'itv.t«1 v kicli is new an ”»»od. Pa sueneor* are requested to f>c* in Empire City th«- iiieht before departure. Any informât ion in recarti to the above lutee in be procmvtl at the Liar co or Gentrai bote's in Mar-hPeld. at»»I the post office or in any mil U»; 1* ise in Empire. from the the «teamer lauding. A* G iromi* Prop* vtn43. FURNITURE STORE, IE?. Z£v£a,xlr, jP r c p ., MAnsinuitnn, O on. Dealer in Furniture, Doors Già-;« and Eie rte Frame, e.c., and A^eiit for White*« SevuiL' Macliines. vlnltf. < 0. m s s\»ic s.t 1.*:. \ splemliil cl.iiui. 1 ¡'.ii!.1 « from tin* riv-'r cojit; initt” !.»•' ;»e;v.-; '!) acres in cultivation and g.» in past are -b.iildinps reailv for ocou- j.aney, i;oodcrop in. plows and other farm implements, fa m stock including; d hors» « etc..etc., nt verv r. .'S'inabie furure. , 0110^3 v/e, m Best Known For Bees. . a . F koxt .S t . C oquille C ity , O gn . A.X...NOSLER PROP. Constantly on hand Leaf, Mu »toil, i'ork-fresh and corned; «ausa^t-« of all kinds, also vegetable«, eto. Gall and civ«> me a tri.al. Order« from all parts of the riv«jr filled at short noticci v* nl'l tf. POST OFFICE Store Paient Ritíit Far Gaosanti vlnH'.rf. F. M. llurphy. W * w . I-IAYES* jNTctar3 r jPvc’blic, For Coos County Ogn* Jusiiceof th«1Eeace for l'oqttille t'ity. Aeent. for the ^viiuiiio imp -«>v«'»i rsi 1 »• *.. r Sew- U” Machiuc. Duy n<> oth«*r as lt is «>ne of r.Hil's of hou.es at Detiami to a «h pth of ! the best in use. Will lurntsh nt short noitoi* 1 Douglas Cour lies OR EITHER OF THEM this I and h«B a grumi ohi p ia n o w h ic h ! ,, Vfcr:l1 i,u>,MS- °iV p,,int c ' tay> «»»»tino ¡ m fd h *»* shuo'es. «dl an.i «uiu-r fixture« 1 m - : Can bo MKUYfui ]}y calling on the , . , pumice on the sen foriu<'d a laver two feet loucinu to ull kiuds of suw'inu machine«. 1 *• 1 !»nre ! he hn *g!,t from Baltimore when ; llirou; h whioll vss ,.1 h (?r„Hrt, (1 wi,h ¡ viná 3m. undemgned 1 Ü ! «* cuino hero. ( liarlos Sohn < lor I treat difficulty. The rise of vapor p r.»------------------------------------------------------- ■* u,p*l t 1 ,’apor pr. liv e s Iicttr l»v an d is ir u ly a son o f , d'IC»'d an apjM-ar.-.neeof il Column seV. ral thousand ti'i't hi_h biiS’-d on the t «I e of the cr..ter. It appear« d from a distance to CISC«» is worth from £ •»•» t* » £<»() j low, a member of «>ur exc(*lh*nt \consist of a mass of innumerable pur thousand, the freight and I brass band ami is logging and farm- «» eouceau cloei: c*i«i »i i . ,| • I • ,. . , . . of extr. me whiten s, r* «emblint* vast balls towage is £10 per tnousam! ( tins m g alternately. Acn»«s tin* riA«*r . „ tt , . , 1 ° - Jy m cotton rollino .me over the «»Hier, as they 111 Us t I if1l e d U(*t '< I t»w i11 g 1 1 » 1 1 :*• lìti- 1! i(* i* * Wi * Itili 1 M r. "\ «li k ma r and Vi ar- ' a.--cended il. p. 1. d by the IT" .sure of fresh pr«»vi*«l condition of the har I, lea v - ! ner Bros. The form er is a giaalNuppiie« incss. ntiy uri,« d upward by cm- | ing £oS to pay for saw ing. A farmer, ami a tinner by trade. He TmJUTTTpD Un-TTTT LiiiiiuiiiitiL üüíh L, fSyrlie Point. Orenon, J 7 sJ ! H as ItEUEXTLY LDl’N FITTED UE IN There is nothing at which a per son could make money easier or quicker than by selling farm rights for this valuable invention, as it is the bei t hive ever made. It is so constructed that moths can never tinned explosions. At u «rent height th.* i , , . ,, i rnt • >r<*H«l into ! First-class «»rd«*r by Mrs. O. Heed, daughter molest the bees. Ibis IS an 1111 - C. A N DREWS PROPRIETOR, CONSTANTLY Keeps An assortment of B«»«»ts and shoes, Hats an«l caps. Stationery, Inks, Dry goods and Clothing La dies, Gents and Childrens General fur nishing goods; also groceries, Canned goods, Cigars, tobacco .. , _ column dibit« cl horizontally and sp.«........ . . . m ill can be built that can with j came to this river at an early «lay th.-dark turbid circles. The cloud was i *>f the former proprietor, who will spare n<» |Kirtant feature, as these insects nre and candies. He pays the higli- a crew of eigld men, saw 10,000 j and has raised and educated his «W '-d like an imiiun«.1mnhrelln. Forked , i»iin* in tryim* a» rend. r «.»mfort t*.» «u«*«:« ron(lering bee raising a nuisance ill j ^ ^ 4 ^ country iroduce this country. vln23 /.f Inndu.» .1.... q; *t . L i :t i iti i li”htnint' of areat vivida««« and I»«-Jiiity i of ihis old. ami reluibk* h»»use. it « t ol ìu m b e i j»«*i Ha}. t Ite | cliilt Iren m n conimeli* lai »le way. . . , - „as coil tin'.ally darting from the different hands aie paid <>2 per tluy all 1 lh e latter, th .ugli young, have, ' part.» of tho clouds. Suddenly th»* scene Share <>f parons.*«* i-> «.licited. Airs. O. iL:..o l ’roprii tor. nil. J. T. Moulton. I i

Wait® - University of Oregon€¦ · .a «\s a ♦ i »v i i • ' i j i . , . , * i , . r was cluili;;»'*L Tin* nw.ui,tain \vu . í»j»1 i t into , LLf'D \\1) LIYEBY STABLE (£d*íi\UU$

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Page 1: Wait® - University of Oregon€¦ · .a «\s a ♦ i »v i i • ' i j i . , . , * i , . r was cluili;;»'*L Tin* nw.ui,tain \vu . í»j»1 i t into , LLf'D \\1) LIYEBY STABLE (£d*íi\UU$

.a «\s a ♦ i » v i i • ' i j i . , . , * i ,■ . r was cluili;;»'*L Tin* nw.ui,tain \vu . í»j»1 i t into , L L f 'D \ \ 1 ) L I Y E B Y S T A B L E(£d*íi\UU$ £ ï U \ ? \ C V .U X ^ roun.a ’ ' v îll(‘a. amoUT, s to $*!<>. m ul; since their lather s denta t v o v - .m ^ ,vtll }Kirtó u nioInelIW w ar»»*, ; ‘

^ ^ : say £!>0 for o il tin.I incidental e\- ng»\ run their litu i in tin* best {im¿ when* S'*p:<i.diiy»«i.., st««**,« itb.-m* .Ion UrC. IE - jESitLCjS , H IP lC ]? -( ‘dipàilo (Uly, ( );.*!»,rrm.ism:r» wuo» Tira »day. penses, which is a high estimale, manner possible and aro suiti to ' w«-w itt.w ~ a « i» diM iuctK«^ t»rm\u up t«* j

J.A. Deas, Editor anil Proprietor t¡„. fog« for « day'. rmi bo ««giilnr “lira >*" to work, and of ; ^ y./.'g,, " * g g g .... .......... Tll>ltt■ S . S Ä « » t r e « « . « ! «0 0 » " have, at whom their widowed ».other isijnat- ; t a a . fc "> . * « “ » » - « ■ * „Kiv.r imriiralarlv. uuü "I thi- Count) «.n- $50 ]■>'- thousand, a clear daily ¡V proud. (Ipl'OSlie ».amers «e .'„uC.*,.futi umnml Week I'.citid I'«!'.«'., i\«a lly . í imJtt of $'>50. Of O lirn e this es- find O. 1 », algo, tl.O pri ICC of good Ovni m „»Loy »tro,la nl.J ran w lj¡ f|SU'.s--n>;»n.»n. ]HT Vivir................. 'tímate IA made without expenses ; feRows. ile prue, lees hlW, nnu i |„d :M0«>r 3oü fi*-tm t-xlent. Exhalations i

of delays, breakage, etc., but a p iiy 1

J. Ü. riiContracter &. Builder,

i M y rtle Po in t, Poos County, Or. *P íhüh and specification burnished

ONShort notice «r.d at most reasonable rates


T P E S D A Y, S E P T . U , ISSA

Our td v id T ì i i i ì k t M n d iii .

\Ye hnvo often made the ass


T h e question is not when poo- f-tntt*: reads tht* 1

pie w ill see thi*» great inducement ! it is one o f the Le^t ent< rpn.-ef tion that 0 >s is one o f the neh- nml t.lko jU)M o f l( lm t w |lo w ill : ever started on the river. Next \u

est counties in this country and the q0 i t ( W . tv>ullty flTjd much o f ; find 1). M cN air, a hard-working,

• ill an op] »OSt■d t*> his client <>i «sillI»•ui«1 acid •«1is wer»1 s.» ¡’.buifditüt th i» !

: w hen In;* a1'pears. H e is tow is and ¡ii;¡mats in 1are.* liiami», rs were j

tip1 • killed by it. amt ;; few liittmil* beillv'S ios. ;

et! 1er « *n t* r iver !XT lu IS thifir l»v<s in a s if: ilar tlitiiin.-r. Filis i»V. 1t in ni; hv portions o f the >(l of.1.ht i !h turnilm i- . : lit lî jL *i»- iht* «■nip- 1 * 1pailIs the 11: ii.m .d an 1 sa\ s tion. !i r iti. f_r» at fiSHUi'< H !•* H: «1 SI *.•me»! j

Wait®tu h'*! *s safiiy v;.ivis. through which

. ii.Md' iiiva (iiilly 1 . . d ili v h ui ui .

volcan :c n «a ,

ToS E IT ;

ROBINSON HOUSE,C o q u illd C i t y , O g n .

T his house has heen lilted up with the very

P E S T L O O M S .

Special care is taken to keep the


Supplied with tho Wst the market afford».fo llow in '* from tilt' I h n l u S!tni<l<n'<f ; *i >• i l | . , . . . H ¡’h.t’.uh f.til! bnn¡ii*.q at las advices, had.

• T t i e h r , ‘ 9urr,” " ' ,lln ;: c" " n,! r v . h,,s «*>, mduSrm us, ei.terpnsi.if! man. H e la„.. ,.l l M r t ,„. ,ltrM„.svirtu..IK- beli »!lg»*d to ( a liforn ia MS owns a fine farm which lie has in a ■ fli rM il a \<rt virio', t beiti ■' forced I *,i, . 1 , ! and to make the accoiuuioi'ations equal to

. . . . I f I l l roe o f the host se llin g btXiks those of anv Lr.it cJass hotel,xcept fine state o f cu ltivation ; and in tl rou ¡ uh- <»v nomi .of tue o.d uaters., - Mas. A.U.M00BB Prop.Id.ri, .„l.m tn,, i . ,.nm,;»ii. Id< f irm lie 1 Q*ii er iiicidt nt V as tiio simo, n rising Ji(i f,,ull(l ill the Country. A p p ly vlnltf.

i » ;way there. Th ere art* mum and m illions o f aeres o f the fin­

est tim ber that the sun over d;< ne on, em bracing the fo llow in g var­ieties: Cellar, lir, spruee. hemlock,

the cedar there are tlnoe kinds the wdiite y< l!ow and red. 'Hi.

white, or Port O rfon l cedar, ns it ' and won is more fam ilia rly known, is the

are l**r

Ci'ouüh* river. The r e i and ve l­

i;j. *s«* and• uiî!L e river.

Cd ! ir is ti!ies. Th e íiri‘s. r«*d Avhitilit y o f t liestl f. »und «>n

ti:»' .plant it v

ami accessible t«» tli

any c*. unity in that state.in ai ju »lici:d sens**. It itime that thi s pa.rt t»fsin >1]lid, in tru ih and re;a part .*f «»ur own statei. «*i «1« »liars wortii * *i’

r*r° i »erty fr« »Ul ( . a >s Ci »uni1* s \;ny t»*<

«r*« * í I 4 ’rs .»! San«•(» <•*»};i< lisi without 1»«it sirì gl«* Ore »ninn « uto eoian* oa rtid t*'wards On*and woul.l U:»t say a wowere all ha :<l work an i

proli t s, 1»ut w 1ten it «*.»

«•iti:- C’.ts «>t ot! u r st:-.tesh. ta* and pi ekii ig up, as i

our w«*aìt!i une! carryingW !m !t our •»w n } »Pt H 1¡(' (*, »J

ixe i! w «* «h > ienq 1 é t 11uiutii’nuy «*;pr.d* *st.

« *4- ♦

M i!l-

tl TU 1

'¡\t in Cttu i ! II >l(‘< !.

' I li Ol iv ia c f V.

Curia Yi¡. » i.\ fort in o.i nf lourtet u new ■ vi.’ci 'i c ii'oisi . insili lin-st ; nits i f at oliCC at this oft’lCe.i foin in:' a ci-ii'plcti* cl-ain in nln.oKt. n|s i . l . t H;t h. tv ,c p...nt St.Niei oh.s on There is no place where a good

r .„ .. T . où * to i t * t book would sell more read ily thanc ;c> ot su aira,aiiiM St oa i ioj oí \. 11 »i j

i*i this valley.

I: Oil ! !l:

rd if it i':

incesti >r

I iiu in

liest o f the TS K SOI El K l lth . . . . ,]' olili ni ... '*h ¿: *2 .'li*. ,


ar.titv it would l»e lik e ! O p h i t e Johnson*«. B i s e l D e - i l lest inciting that o f tin* wait r in ini'in i:;. Indir a re i. I |u e and opt n-

there is t,p. tin* gum mi. A carni * Place iti

r «» Huit lie «*••'.n hav«*

»E scilo» »1 ami neigh­d. m toil him at hismountains. i > V i HM »W

.ilion el;aims at It llgt !i to

J veti til «* proil »l«*m Oi the

»i w h**nt. 1 lu* noi. «1 1». »t.aii-

•ant Vlien. says \V!u*at

>y « *r igin as a «le gem ‘ i'i'.tt*

;radi*f i li lv. Th e i »rim iti ve

r o f tin * lily was ti very

[»hint. w i lii a trio ! e s»*t o f

multi i !*t b»* tri;»! P St*t <n f p »Hell

stamen-,, fert : ! i /.* *« 1 by in-

It th US aei] uired 1“ •tals.

»y sel «*et ion un til 1[hey ac-

:!i. 'S;* bri ght «**»1* »rs and t ii.lt

l.ich * i•iva* O' 1 Sol »ni* i>n in

gl >ry.• Th e dove 1. »p» tif'nt

»ugh ma,ny s' !1 ‘S, thr uigli

ina a :d 1marsh urn ;w ;* R; j s.*-;

untie cable f.»tuns, unt il it

the I> *1loot lì■ !li\. The first

kail l>t » ti n j.r.di an*, u..» i i. is., nus. vhich sunk liitntlii sua on aL >it«l;.y. S'» seriousii'v ilie chcnri 4 in the cetii't and t'.e entir * fori, ■ : : : ii ti ef tit'-utii it.; of Pi mia that the I ritish ; ove; lili i nt i lid Leojils this even- i ne t» ,< i ji j hi »1 fri li: 1 i * tii n to ¡.Ii foreif n p.i.ii's, >.; ruina vt>sn*!s ihtc. xiavi^utiou on

He wat *r • Ins I

0. Kelson>i-coiiie t xt i cdiiigly li'iti-

i.'cro'a. in the city f P:.ntam where l.'iiil) p ,suns were at tirst saj.-po ¡ed to have per-

iZ \L V

O L I V E H O T E L ,Front St. Coquille City.

J O H N S N Y D E B , P k o p k ie t o r .

This houitc is well supplied with every­thin” necessary to make it a

FlitsT CLASS HOTEL.T aiit.'IS always supplied with the best themarket atlords.


u!!■ d anil at t,r ■ im .>n tl-t* coast ikiO 1 »*>tl-


r-Ti'.t.'l a.at hrnis-il and1...... i


H A S 4

„ .. ,., . ! Myrtle Point, Ogn, , .. , f , : vai mimi <i ulti Im e <>i (.»rocenes,

rtporo. i'f tl e ."S'.i.l In ■ ami x. ,n , , . ; Keeps constauUv on hnnd a fine assort-i ?» •!.*»'•!••'in-11 i nt ••.at.tid tue i ( andies, Auts\ lob acco ami cigars, I , „ , ‘7.". t): n ki ini vili no* p ..\c ex- . ' meni of General Merchcndise, oonsistmK oflun.uof i a ivi i vii. r.- va > r j C finilCll goods, Stationory, J 11 k, llard-ware, \\.»..J andnid VOI low Wiire. tool

1 -.VJ* ! v ili. *' , V Drugs, Aiediemes, Paints, O ils and and implements, leather, bridles and aad-... \i :. r i: I ..... dies, furniture, paints, oils, spurtinn coods

1 and a full as..r!nient of clotliinf?. hats, caps_ , . • Isiotsand shot's, drrts and medicines, and

. : ,,j ¡ . ; ware, Cutlery, Toys, Notions, A m - in fact eycryîhimr kept in a lirst-ciass store,, j* , ....... * >:» M e » i- i Highest cash price paid for hides, and allunit*ui, aney ami lo i ie t A rticles,

»• it Us I 1ST. US p<>1nr iii'ii1 ii.;' iilidi 'll. re IS s, e • W ood tUltl W illoW WiirC, 1 ] til'd

the Paeiiie. O ne n.»t used to the « e ,| ou j a .wo*His Itere wouhl i o le a liv as- , . i . . . • ¡* w .1, . .1 .... ; ¡, ! downward st< p seems t > have bt»e.• lliL 'i '. i l l i i l ' 4 * * l r'V Xltit’l «11*4 I 11 .• lton ¡."lie l nt the amount o f tim ber 1. „ : ;.,i, . .\ 1,;.., .0 i.i^ s e ! ’- e: iiii/.ation, taking the p: <*e

i-eat' 1 1• V so :t¡i,I r! . ,

mi' .th.it *' . y - ili in/*. if;..* f i», tí1.- tu. i Lam ps and chimneys.

»>f v li11.it r\ o<*/■ >d. now

V. -i. 1M «-ap* produce etc.1 v .'.s o: I .» «• sin s • ! . ''diu.'i ¡ 1

kinds of country produce.I ’ . Hermann, Prop.

H ighest price paid fo r country ! vln lt* E. Pender, Manager.

jo n s pi :ce.him is O. \Y.has a splendid ¡itile farm, a g

house and lute orchard. II** is ati

o f the insect acid. A iterw ard tue |j,» • wind -hr night the vnri«* 'J 'vti! /.'li;*

* ,,nt i !>*'

tu rn ing out from *J,0 d iy ‘:Y0 to •*,-

U00,t)n0 fee t annually, **an find good lo gg in g f'»r t-everal years on a section o f land. T h ere are

forties that nre estim ated to have i m am l;f the line reDd**nces on the ! B between the true ruslu s j

i *îi i tust, ¿.li» I st ) 1 Vi nit* t:M* rn.- » »lain litth- liiies, w ith ilry l iown-

excelient carlienter. and builds p D i Bowers; then the wood rus ,»e*

•f •'

A 1*1 * i *

!*;" iti t*r K»H. r*‘] nr’.s ♦ (i*T’k < f I* L* >'(*'.*i<*| to ;i

. ,.1 ml. •. s.1 en f. :•* ii ep. I

. •• i j e. .oiis ■ i >t t heir : • ' 1 v ot;.» *.!ard.

v i udii if. i : ;<U i

C» .' J Ag • V* . . *

l.t least tim ber on them, l ì

feet o f fine ! r|VOI< Op.iosite bis piace, r nd ju -t j ••»««! th egra ses. Th e EuseaiiL»», a his may Io k ¡ |,ei1>w tliat *»f S. Johnson we lim i j common Am erican water pian!,

unreasonable, bnt w lien you f in t l jc a p t \Y. 11. H arris, w h o lia so n o o f | rushlike in cium eter, hrit 1 ged over111* «*ap b.*t\vetn thè vu J:os and thè

K V p » I " v; r f !• il* uBLw vfLLL*

Fu »NT Svk il.T, t Hi'diJ/; l ' ' 'W ()*>N.

> fio.the trees xtam ling s. getlier that you can hardly p

tue siiupgo.-t lai i.'.s < m t» t* i Aintv i< a* I na

n the river 01

it inatte»'. H e ! lt ìssos, ami then Dep .»y stop tue between them, and the t r e e - fr m < r 0. t ;j1:;ount o f valuable land * c ‘.iau.*;*s in the [»arts o f the Bowerfour to c*ig lit 1»it tT in «îî.»meî«*r, L ,1|* . 1- „ I tVet to cil.iîX ¿te, a g. >• *. t i ;•>11-*», filili eu!min .t-*anil fri 111 i f » to 2*1. > f. et t>» the i auiua hard the eijual o f whic h can jW i t h t hefirst linuh, you can begin t»> re­ ! seldom be sismi in any |■ait. H«- li»i* Il<Ti litali/.** thIt' !lUI. -Ui it « »I tim i» r that i Las »i ihn* i«»t *>i stock al ».»ut him ¡ st,»reti ali-. fio be f *Lv >und in th t part. ;.n«l li ves in «'ase ami comí «>rt. !».*- ! v. hielt lias

: : i • ■ :t r.tu*

m lin

* hi nl'tlt a » I li A*i nu?; iK* it !y il< »idj at

villi tf.

V* : : JL* .

■ • i. I iA ita'

t !i** emLryo, *;*e 1 so val i-

V. (;

I1 .1.11 ; laut1. liiCU ¡ .a"B of Juiy. Apply a*.ilCti Oil N .US'. 1 í'lMpUÍ.C

nil Iw.

1 h i: coquii .u : b iv i , o low it liti w « find T. M. Jlerniai , oneBuns thnuigh thf\ /*At D» o* l 1 * 4.» * i t t ’.iis o f thk' Cv Ui ty ’s go <1 « it /.- ns. H efine ti; über regi. :: f >r i » -five l*as a

ilai g( * farm aIH 1 IeriM r* g. »«„I

miles, ii leu forks,uinking tl it* u >rth, sto«*!. • f . i , « < ;.,«• - a great interest in ih*

m iddle, ea-'t and south Í» »ii :s : - l U.UII.I ry ell 1 sees tl uit the r a. s ;iru- 4 a suitable streams f. r log- kept in P »« «I i-luí j »e in his part.

g ing, r*?spective!y , 40, Jo, 2*1 ami Near by wi find W. 1*. H erm an and60 miles, l»«*sidi*s numerous creeks Erne i* if II« rrimn, 1<*th extern- ivelyC* ‘lllillg in on all hides, i ilit* river engaffed in farm ing and st> *ck r; is-below the forks i? als*» ta i ’l >i1d by .

mg. Th y cultivar e the ol 1, H er-dozens < >« cieek s and si. >1ighs. mail It« »nies lead i n« 1 annually pr«*-

which t mi sitital 1 _ A _ _»it* Sill*.! ] i 1 fo r duce tuo Ils. nuis o f 1nislnJs o f *.rrain.

logg in g on. Thei river b »tt. »1US The.-«i tv •o g«?nt'“ im *ii are industri-

are sol id ly cover ed w ith urn tie, ous aml w ill soon be large pr. pt r-maple, ash and alder, th Û two tv «>w nei S. Cass, mother hr« ither,

»> iii'iit. ti«> d*‘si'out I ant »»i the lily. ( * i!< >r:i 1 wi >rì I, i< > t he r.

t a r i i ' i 1 o r S a l e .


rank o f the prince o f grams, !»* tr- iiig it-; ; riiu* *lv sway u.> >n :tl¡ the <* iden Imrvest tie*lds .» every civil- |

izeil 1 ace and nation on the glo!»e.Am erican M iller.

t h i : j a v 4à !:s i ' 1 o i .í a y o .

Viti*!! Ií<*Vk*í ¡»1 ioti *>i (ìl<* \ ¿»»"«-ili t.i’ii pi io i». . l ih l id i i 'u l

i 'à i l ìcuku!*.

form er kim is be in g tho most lives on a tine, large prairie on fioim says: La:.«*rr»*i»oru from Datavi.i ¡hv<>f a more encouraging nature, alihou”h the detail« of horror l»f the eruptions oon- t aim to come in. Alter the sudden sub­sidence of tin disturbances in the kin”dom ot liatitvia. <>n Monday tin eruptions seem-

_ » d to los their force for tin tinu- ¡uni p..•ell. I nch* 'W illiam Bhodv iiv«*.-

t. U ‘ 4 ¿ * IrtTitlU.i le:' tli"au-t‘.¡

t\*. i -r p -.M .il • m i) I e AT Cl’ »•

Id’I Jtt'A'S—.Nt ) 07 D > .t ». *n .*4. ! ; 1

.». 1 . . on i < oi\*c !:ia\


c h e a p e s t :0.T1 1 rjrr>.*t i r i ] H r.fltyalCbUüi AM LBSl

Empire'T i lY and Drain's Station


C a r r y i n g ' T I 1 0 U * S- M a i l sWehs. Faiyo ù Co s


Jarvis, tend t Gì,I LAVS ES EHI*! HE (TTY AND D11A1NSa j s c *n ¡:vi. ;y.MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and ELIDAY

rio* stciim.T .1! N ■ » or lli-.S TLIVS iiuacts tic '.aia* at tin1 mouth of the I nipqua.

New asul comfort.ihlc stages.I 'tL »1’. to Drain.'. Station s7.Fare to Portland hv this rout«* jSló.aO.

iiiy Livery u hbh siamiAY. B. G e t t y , P k o p .

L'or * s and Pu a i. s at till hours. Good l ’astur;»” »1 l.y the day. week or month.


Gciden Bcach Hotel4

Bandoli- Oregon

25 Cts— Per Meal —

Is thè fare atthisnew hot I. Thr house is Ih antitully

sprint, d on im * Etnia«i<»n ¡»cadi, infull vie* and ovcr-IookiiiL' thè Ocean; of a t. il.* from thè ferry ut thè mollili of thè Coquill” ri * r. (¡.»od accomniodation« for all. ii.id special ¡»ait.s t.*th<*n t.» render coni-

p len titfu l ami the finest fo r cab­inet work. Portland , an«l many other parts o f this Northwest,

Roland crock. H e has one o f the finest stock lanches in this part o f the county and has it well st» eked.

<* ol land ; raises tine

stari,Is in need o f tins valuable I le is t i g * « « ! fe llow and is doing tim ber, and would have some o f it, toc», i f her capitalists, or even in fu ot moderate means, knew <»{ | has a g .«<>< 1 i.iecI ^ Ithe extent o f the tim ber on tire Coqu ille, in Coos county, and the practicab ility o f gettin g it out.

F o r years this tim ber was con­sidered worthless, but that was

Tof Datavi.*», experienced a f.t'iiii” lofill B ig bottom below Herm an Hros., relhd in h<.pel the worst was pans -d. U li­

lt, r couilitii-ns continu.tl until alunit H) I i »"clock .Inn t .e cotters <>nc more lie ;an

iO'U*h ( * S fol’ }'}• r ing urchins to get ! liti uj> J r-v.t Iim-s»« of destructiv. i unt­il wav with,and lives a «luieLpe.UfltTlT* ! u ulthouuh without t.ie force .»* the 11¥ ' • l I _ , 1

life. Johnny Mast owns a good ranch on the west side o f the river, but lives *.n a ranch at Roland

from the fact that the bar at the 1 prsrie. N ext we find l u d e M 7 i* mouth o f this river was bad,which prevented vessels it'*»m com ­ing. S ince the expenditure o f the last congressional appropriation, last spring, tin* bar has been ge t­tin g better continually until n »\v a vessel can sail in w ithout the aid o f a tug.

A n y one who knows anyth ing ! H o is a line old « ent'< man and has ala>ut m anufacturing lum ber can : a magnificent place and lives at his see the enormous profits that can l e j «»as**. H e is a first-class musician made in m aking lumber of tim l»or ami sh ipp ing ii. Th e o f white cellar there in tin* is from £10 to £12 p e r th .11 - ami,

and when in lumber at San E ian- j his father. 1!.* is a jo lly good fe l-

ii.cr acuon. Eruptions sccm.-d t<> he iiior«-violent, at ui ii. than during the «lav. |5y 11 o’c’.Hik. Sapaiidaa.ans* w'liich is lUili fc«*t hi^b w;is in a v< rv active state of

I'MtOXV iMAL HUrPTIONS.It was accompanied by detonations sai«!

\» h itlllgtoll, who litis one oi th<* | imv«* b... Ii b. ¡.r.l many miles away inSin.m :,ra. Tbr.*«* distinct colman« <>t llana-s wen* sc«‘ii to ri »«* from the mountain to a xast height anil its whole surface appeared as if covered with Ilry streams which spread to a cr*'1* distance* on its side. Stoii* s fell for miles around and black fragmentary n utter that was c:irri«*d into the aie c: us. ii total «larkness. A whirl­wind aeeoicpanieil this eruption by which houses, roofs, trees, men and horses were carri »1 into the ¡ur. I lie quantity of aslie.'. . j. cted was such as to cover tm- ^rollini and

best im proved } !;*.c«'s in tie county. He is ;i ore,-;t worker, and thorough­ly cultivates, which am ply re wan Is he- ct;«»rts. lit* raisesconsidt*rabl« stock m ostly lings. Below him we fim i li. tjehroeder, Sr, who came to the county at a very early day.

ti. .*». \ an Leuven. t»;»‘_:f.

-4*»t * ,*«*.

I] eh p i . . -mferallowed.%«»jenmdsof bni/pag«* 1 k* famiii«^;. * 11 Tree coach to und

AY»* have t lie s«*liin * of a farm of MO acu s v. ita a splendid orchard, {.oo»l jit.•»■. a pood • <»use. iiic 1 arui yivlth ». f»0 tornio! tim» »t ii y hav last season. The farm wil be «old cheap, and .he following po wi.h the pine.*:7 head of she» p, a lot <>f hops 1 x. k « ot ca;- j _ «tie, el."iin's A c.. a lot of cows, y» arlitips ;tn»l g fA ï »! ^ the lious.-hold ftii'itv.t«1 v kicli is new an ”»»od.

Pa suene or* are requested to f >c* in Empire City th«- iiieht before departure.

Any informât ion in recarti to the above lutee in be procmvtl at the Liar co or Gen trai bote's in Mar-hPeld. at»»I the post office or in any mil U»; 1* ise in Empire.

from the the «teamer lauding.

A* G irom i* P rop *vtn43.

F U R N I T U R E S T O R E ,

IE?. Z£v£a ,x lr, j P r c p . ,MAnsinuitnn, Oon.

Dealer in Furniture, Doors Già-;« and Eie­rte Frame, e.c., and A^eiit for White*«

SevuiL' Macliines. vlnltf.

< 0. m s s\»ic s.t 1.*:.\ splemliil cl.iiui. 1 ¡'.ii!.1« from tin* riv-'r

cojit; initt” !.»•' ;»e;v.-; ' ! ) acres in cultivation and g.» in past are -b.iildinps reailv for ocou- j.aney, i;oodcrop in. plows and other farm implements, fam stock including; d hors» « etc..etc., nt verv r. .'S'inabie furure.

,0110 3 v/e,


Best Known For Bees.

.a .

F k o x t .St . C o q u il l e C i t y , O g n .


Constantly on handLeaf, Mu »toil, i'ork-fresh and corned;

«ausa t-« of all kinds, also vegetable«, eto. Gall and civ«> me a tri.al. Order«

from all parts of the riv«jr filled at short noticci

v* nl'l tf.


Paient Ritíit Far Gaos antivlnH'.rf.

F. M. llurphy.

W * w . I - I A Y E S *

jNTctar3r jPvc’blic,For Coos County Ogn*Jusiiceof th«1 Eeace for l'oqttille t'ity.

Aeent. for the ^viiuiiio imp -«>v«'»i rsi 1»• *.. r Sew- U” Machiuc. Duy n<> oth«*r as lt is «>ne of

r.Hil's of hou.es at Detiami to a «h pth of ! the best in use. Will lurntsh nt short noitoi* 1

Douglas Cour lies



this I and h«B a grumi ohi piano which ! ,, Vfcr:l1 i,u>,MS- ° iV p,,int c ' tay> «»»»tino ¡ m fdh*»* shuo'es. «dl an.i «uiu-r fixture« 1m- : Can bo MKUYfui ] }y ca llin g on the, . , pumice on the sen foriu<'d a laver two feet loucinu to ull kiuds of suw'inu machine«. 1 *• 1

!»n re ! he h n *g !,t from Baltim ore when ; llirou; h whioll v„ss,.1h (?r„Hrt, (1 wi,h ¡ viná 3m. u n d em gn ed1 Ü ! «* cuino hero. ( liarlos Sohn < lor I treat difficulty. The rise of vapor p r .» ------------------------------------------------------- ■* u,p*l t 1,’apor pr.

lives Iicttr l»v and is iru ly a son o f , d'IC»'d an apjM-ar.-.neeof il Column seV. ralthousand ti'i't hi_h biiS’-d on the t «I e of the cr..ter. It appear« d from a distance to

CISC«» is worth from £•»•» t* » £<»() j low, a member o f «>ur exc(*lh*nt \ consist of a mass of innumerablepur thousand, th e fre igh t and I brass band ami is logg in g and farm - «»eouceau cloei.«

: c*i«i »i i . ,| • I • ,. . , . . of extr. me whiten s, r* «emblint* vast ballstowage is £10 per tnousam! ( tins m g alternately. A cn »«s tin* riA«*r . „ tt , . ,1 ° - Jy m cotton rollino .me over the «»Hier, as they111 Us t I if1 led U(*t '< I t»w i 11 g 11 » 11 :* • lìti- 1 ! i(* i* * Wi * Itili 1 M r. "\ «li k ma r and Vi ar- ' a.--cended il. p. 1 . d by the IT" .sure of freshpr«»vi*«l condition o f the har I, lea v - ! ner Bros. The form er is a giaalNuppiie« incss. ntiy uri,« d upward by cm- |

ing £oS to pay for saw ing. A farmer, ami a tinner by trade. H e

T mJUTTTpD Un-TTTTLiiiiiuiiiitiL ü ü í h L,

fSyrlie Point. Orenon,J 7 sJ


There is noth ing at which a per­

son could make m oney easier or qu icker than by selling farm rights fo r this valuable invention, as it is the bei t hive ever made. I t is so constructed that moths can never

tinned explosions. At u «rent height th.* i , , . ,, i rnt • •>r<*H«l into ! First-class «»rd«*r by Mrs. O. Heed, daughter molest the bees. Ib is IS an 1111-



K eeps

An assortment o f

B«»«»ts and shoes,

H ats an«l caps.

Stationery, Inks,

D ry goods and

C loth ing L a ­

dies, Gents

and Childrens

General fu r­

n ishing goods;

also groceries,

Canned goods,

Cigars, tobacco.. , _ column dibit« cl horizontally and sp.«........ . . .

m ill can be built that can with j came to this river at an early «lay th.-dark turbid circles. The cloud was i *>f the former proprietor, who will spare n<» |Kirtant feature, as these insects nre and candies. H e pays the higli-a crew o f e ig ld men, saw 10,000 j and has raised and educated his «W '-d like an imiiun«.1 mnhrelln. Forked , i»iin* in tryim* a» rend. r «.»mfort t*.» «u«*«:« ron(lering bee raising a nuisance ill j ^ 4 ^ country iroduce

this country.vln23

/.f Inndu.» .1.... q; *t . L i :t i • i t i i li”htnint' of areat vivida««« and I »«-Jiiit y i of ihis old. ami reluibk* h»»use.it « t ol ìum bei j»«*i H a}. t Ite | cliilt Iren m n conimeli* lai »le way.. . , - „as coil tin'.ally darting from the differenthands a ie paid <>2 per tluy all 1 lh e latter, th .ugli young, have, ' part.» of tho clouds. Suddenly th»* scene

Share <>f parons.*«* i-> «.licited.Airs. O. iL:..o l ’roprii tor. nil. J. T. Moulton. I
