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  • 9:)":8);. )$B%B/%,&!+52?%& CD>!&E!&%5+*(/5%& K&
  • (8,80A.;852.%$%85. W& Distribution of API protocols and styles Based on directory of 2,000 web APIs listed at ProgrammableWeb, May 2010
  • CD/4.:2+./9?!3.").#E.'#0@3.'=0.%.(#0.").CD/4. XM& Total number of APIs based on protocol and style Based on directory of 2,000 web APIs listed at ProgrammableWeb, May 2010
  • F/9G.C8285$-.HIJ.#E.%((.5);.?!>#"0.F/9G. XX& Percentage of new APIs with JSON support 132 APIs are now JSON-only, including Facebook Graph, Etsy, Hunch Based on directory of 2,000 web APIs listed at ProgrammableWeb, May 2010
  • 9?=0@. XK& 20% of 133 Social APIs now with OAuth support 80+ APIs with OAuth support
  • ?!-.L))>85$.6):)(#>)"2.85E#"&)6. XN& http://www.programmableweb.com/api/ebay/status
  • ?!)"%'8(80A. XU& Many services with proprietary APIs, a need for uniform access DeltaCloud API provides interface for major cloud providers