YAMUNA EXPRESSWAY PROJECT JAYPEE INDIAN MILESTONE IN INFRASTRUCTURE Ref: JIL:SEC:2019 September 4,2019 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. "Exchange Plaza", C-1, Block G, Bandra-Kurla Complex, BSE Limited 25 th Floor, New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 Mumbai- 400 001 SCRIP CODE: JPINFRATEC SCRIP CODE: 533207 Sub:- Copies of Advertisements published in Newspapers Dear Sirs, In terms of Regulation 30 read with Para 12-Item A-Part A of Schedule III, we are enclosing copies of advertisements as published in Financial Express (English) and Jansatta (Hindi) regarding completion of dispatch/email transmission for the Notice of 12th Annual General Meeting and the Annual Report for the financial year 2018-19 also containing the Notice of 12th AGM, Book Closure for AGM and information pursuant to Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 (as amended). Kindly take the above information on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For JAYPEE INFRATECH LIMITED Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process) . Surender Kumar Mata Addl. General Manager (Sectl.) & ' :ti I" Company Secretary 0.. -;' f:;. ' '?> 'y Encl : As above. ---G ROU P-- I' * 0 JAYPEE INFRATECH LIMITED elN : L45203UP2007PLC033 ' 119 E-Mail: jpinfratech.investor@jalindia .co.in Regd. Office : Sector - 128, Naida - 201304, Uttar Pradesh (INDIA) Ph .: +91 (120) 4609000.2470800 Fax : +91 (120) 4609464 Website' www.jaypeeinfralech.com


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Ref: JIL:SEC:2019 September 4,2019

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. "Exchange Plaza", C-1, Block G, Bandra-Kurla Complex,

BSE Limited 25th Floor, New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Bandra (E),

Mumbai - 400 051 Mumbai- 400 001 SCRIP CODE: JPINFRATEC SCRIP CODE: 533207

Sub:- Copies of Advertisements published in Newspapers

Dear Sirs,

In terms of Regulation 30 read with Para 12-Item A-Part A of Schedule III, we are enclosing copies of advertisements as published in Financial Express (English) and Jansatta (Hindi) regarding completion of dispatch/email transmission for the Notice of 12th Annual General Meeting and the Annual Report for the financial year 2018-19 also containing the Notice of 12th AGM, Book Closure for AGM and information pursuant to Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 (as amended).

Kindly take the above information on record.

Thanking you,


~ompany (Xrd~r Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process)

. Ltl\,,~.-- x~AT~O Surender Kumar Mata "D~ Addl. General Manager (Sectl.) & ':ti I"

Company Secretary 0.. ~ -;' f:;. ' '?> 'y

Encl : As above.

l~t\YPEE ---G ROU P--

I' * 0

JAYPEE INFRATECH LIMITED elN : L45203UP2007PLC033 '119 E-Mail: [email protected]

Regd. Office : Sector - 128, Naida - 201304, Uttar Pradesh (INDIA) Ph .: +91 (120) 4609000.2470800 Fax : +91 (120) 4609464 Website' www.jaypeeinfralech .com


(Compimy undllr Corporatll/naolvllncy Resolution ProellSs) CIN: LAS2D3UP2DU7PLC033119

Reglstcred Orrlee: SCCIOf-1::?6, Nal()A. ?Ol ;J04, u.p (lnd·a) 'ret: ,·91·1::?(}.460'3000, ('470800 Fax: ..,.9t-12{H60916-11'16G9~96 Website: wwwJaypt!t~nlr<lleeh.colll Ema!l: jl~n!rilt\lCI1.inw~IO!@ja~nd·d.co.ln

NOTICE FOR 12'" ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, BOOK CLOSURE AND INFORMATION REGARDING VOTING THROUGH ELECTRONIC MEANS Notice is hereby gwen that Ihe 12" Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Jaypee Infratech Umiled (the -Company") WIll be held on Thursday, the 26" September, 201 B et 11 ,00 A.M. at Jaypee Institute of tnformation Technology, $eclor·128, Noida·201 304, U.P., to transacllhe bUSiness as set forth in the Nollce dated 21~ August. 20t9 convening the AGM ("Not!ce"). Notice along wrth the Annual Report containmg the Fmanclal Statements for the Financial Year 2018"19, have been sent to aU the members whose names appeared in the Register of Mumbors!Record of DepositorIes at the close of bUsiness hour on FrIday, 23" August, 2019, at their postal addresses or a-malled at theIr e-mail addresses registured with tho Company/Depository Pat1lclpant, as tile case may be, nle dispatch of Notices has been completed by post on 2'" September, 2019 ,md by email on 31" August, 2019,

The Nolice alongwilh Annunl Report if, Avuilable on websito of the Company VIZ.

www.jaypeelnfratech.com and on the website of NSDL viz. www.evotlng.nsdl.com for download by tho memOcr$,

Pursuanl tothe proviSions o! Section 91 of the Componles Act. 2013 read with Rule 10 of Ihe Companies (Mw1<lgement ,md Administration) Rulus, 2014 and Regulation 42 of the SEBI (Listing Obligatluns and Di:;;closvru Ruquirumenls) Regulation:;;, 2015, (List!ng Ikgu!atlonb) the Share Tron~lcr Rook5 of Ihe Company shall remain closud from Saturday, the 21" September, 2019 to Thursday, 26'" September, 2019 (both daYli lnctUliive) lor the purposeo! enSUing AGM.

In cornpliance with the pro\lisions of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013, road WIth Rule 20 of Ihe Companies (Management.and Administration) Rules, 2015, and Re~lulal!on 44 01 Usling Regulations, a member may exercise his righlto vole through votIng by electronic mean$ on Ihe resofulions proposed 10 be passed as set OIlt in the Notice of Ihe AGM. The remote c-voting faCIlity is being provided by National Securities Depositotles UmJied (NSOL) at www.evoting.nsdl.com. Detailed procedure and inaiructiollS for remote e·vohog have been ,1nnexed 10 Ihe Nolice of the ensuing AGM.

In Ihis rcgflrd, Ihe members arc requested to note lh3t:

(l) The remote e-votmg shall commence on Monday, the 23" September, 2019 at 9.00 A.M. (IS1) and shall end on Wednesday, tho 25"' September, 2019 at 5,00 P.M, (1ST), Tho remote a-voting shall be disabled byNSOL beyond lho said datu and lime.

(II) The cut-off date for delelmining lhu eligIbility to votu b)' duclronie muans or at the AGM lhrough electronic moans or thlOugh ballot paper I polling paper, IS Friday, tho 20" September, 2019 (Closing hours).

(pi) The f<lcllity tor voting oithor through electronic voting system or through ballot Paper I Polling Paper shall also be mado available at tho AGM, Tho members vtho havo cast their voto by remote e-voting may attend tho meeting but shall not be ontitled to cast their vote again. Vole once cast by Iho member shall not be allowed to be changed ,;ubsequentty.

(IV) A person, whose name is recorded In the Register of Member,; or In the Register of BenefiCial Owners marntained by the Depositories on the above mentioned cut·-of! date, shall only be entitled to aVllllthe facrlity of remote o-vollng or voting at tho AGM through ballot paper. Person who becomes member of tho Company after the dispatch of Notice may follow the same InstructIons for remote e-votlng I.IS mentioned in Ihe NotIce of AGM that is avwlable both on the Website of the Company www.laypoolnfratech.com and on NSDl's web!lnk https:/lwww.avoUng.nsdl.com.

(v) VOling rights (fol voting Ihrough remote e-voling. electronic me(l.ns or through Ballot Paper/Polling Paper at AGM) shall be reckonod on the paid up valuo of tho shares roglstered in the name of the members of tho Company as on the cut-off date I.e. 20"September, 2019.

(VI) Momber having any grievances/queries connected \';'th remoto e-vohng may refer to the Froquently Asked QUestions ("FAQsH

) or e·voting manual available at www.evotlnglndla.nsdl.com or contact no. 1800·222-990 or send an emaIl to Ms. Pallavl Mhalre, Manager (022-24994545) Nahona! SectlnlloS DepOSitory Utnllod Trade World. 'A'Wlng, o1th F1oor, Kamla MlllsCompound, S.B. M3rg. Lower Parel. Mumbat-400 013 on [email protected](f!/nsdl.co.ln or to the Company on JII.agm2019(!\?Ja 11 ndla .co,ln.

Dille 2" Sef)lI,mher, 2019 P!ilce' Notda

By Order of tha Intellm Resolution Pro(ussiona!

for JAYPEE INFRATECH LIMITED (Cornpany tinder Gmporat!l Insolvency Re!;()luliOIl ProWS!;)

Surender Kumar Mala Company Secrntary


OO$if;w¢tJ;loo i;hlJ~ til.fr~I;, u~ l'l'l11Of'Ill~I',MlI'1JtlW ~~W 1~6 ~''IW.:tI''; fl'I/W OO1(lM tOO f\WiI)\klghY) W)~ OM 00 fWOOWJ w~lh-;jir\'<t\lm"(t!:ll.1I11*,Ul!lj)l)(;-(!~I'1,

h¢:«t'..:i t:~My ~.$f)"'w',""'~w'4hrot('..m::tt» fOO1(JJC c>.\IO!lilg. M¢mMt~ W4'(ww.?M ::h!!'rON~f!::rfA$t.>d Q~$ WAQII}fOf $!"mrrl>l'idd!)ffl #rim~~·~U$C<'MwM3.jf91~tml~{W(tP«\UklatlhUun.1M ~ "OM~~ oo\)fKt'l c l -WP$J·'voWi1 WOrrr4.W'S tom or £(l()mi::(~ {aj Mf ~M~tlO1l"M'ati,!.).yr.par;y S&.Nt.my, Mm..Jrtl~"!l.k:1wll!;<

*,14, ilwr!l C9fporat!1 ()Mo. Wj}H~(),30J ~~. ,:'jr{j 00\:1, p(01: tw 5, Com>1Wrc4al Croter, .y~. NilW~w i t0025~1 ~pl~ 00 tH t ·4!WJ;'j;}t,.o IX "tt~ /t\1));I'Ilra,j;OO'i

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N01tGg Wfw-!t~ rf.liM.lfmj(),!(-wamt()lhtlf'l'CY!~ (>1St~ 'M e.J lNActe#J¢tr«~~~W)I~ ifM}>~ tnt R~@(:'frA~$ ti ShMi:trl~~!lmjhl)(;Qfrf'&IY~r(lffJ$1ooi&dlr9O\~Y :t~tI: S!!fll~n(, lMI} 1(:1 ~~}rcmy ZUlh ~t>tf, 2019 (tll>lh Ctl'i~ ii'¥:'.W~~bttt~p:;tp~{)i;;O-<lttAGMvj¢l(JC®\pl\flY tl'~B#$\<ll (f~~~M~Mtt'i(l! Mlt>OtitilfQ;'ff\IIWc<)(~l.~,>(j rotrll't 24~hJl./JN; rl'tl~(ltIm:R¢~II$ fI.!()~-llhttit $tfliln,l)-er'$ ACiX<f1 ~i;'!';-~I,.1rtttM'lh~II!(fC(1mj:')ary-ti~~l~W~ t?!iI''{> C~lYta tIYJ NSE (If'jijfiSL

lDI~ii!iilJ Minda Corporation limited ....... ,-,"-

CIN: L748990L 1985PLC020401 Registered Office: A-15, Ashok Vihar, Phase·I, Delhi·110052

Website: ........ WI.sparkminda.cot)l. E·mad: [email protected] CorPorate'¢ftlce':·'b::6~n, Sector :·:·5§·:Noid't'i·.:;, .. 26l$'O'f{(IPr" ......

Ph.: 0124-4698400, Fax: 0124-4698450


NOTICE i~ hereby given lhr.t tha 34th Annual General Meeting (AGM) or tha Mambel!: of !I'e Com'lany I &t.heduled to be held 0" 1 hur&dflY, September 26, ?019 at 1000 a.m. lit ll'lkshrnlpat Sillghfll'110 Auditorium. Ptif) Chnmbnr of Comnl(lrc(J ono Induwy. PH!) HflU$C, 4/2, Sir; InsIlM!OO<lI Ar(!,1.A\!!lIJ~t Kranll Marg. Ne" Dell\\·j10016. The Company has on Sep!emher 02, 2019 completed the d.spatcll of the physicallXlp cs of the Not!f:.e (>

34" AGM, Annual Report ccr.\!,;nipg Finuncial Stslem(wt\; (or the your ended 31 st March. 2019 ufter 91V:119 effect of amalgamation of five wholly owned subSIdiaries inlo UrlO Wllh Minda Corporal'oll LImited v.de NCt. Order dated July 19, ?019 and I!lll HepO!ts of tho Au{j,torl'. and DirectOfs alO!lg willI Heport 011 Corporate Govmr.anr.c 3n(1 Bur.ln{)~'J RespOn'll!;11 ty to the 'nflfl1b<~rr; who h,1vc not rn9i~tcrr.d UH~r t-"'IlI~11 addless nM also sent Ihe saw!} on Septmnber 02, 2019. through clectronic meafls to the Members whose c·m.~;r ID's a registered VI IIllhe CompanylDep{lsi!ory Pmlicipaots for (:olnmunication PUlpOS6S.

Pursuant 10 provision~ of Soet on 'i06 of the Companl6s Act, 2013 and Rulo 20 01 tho Companies (f,lananolllunt and Administration) r~ul{>s, 2014, as amended (rom lImo to tlmu. Ill" SOCf<ltorhl! Standard on General Meelings Issued by hlsti:\!I.: of Company Sec~el,m~s 01 India and R.egulation 44 01 the SlOB I (ListIng Obllgation~ and O,sdosure Requ remonls) ReglJlation. 2015, Ihe Conlrl<my 15 pleased to prov:rJe remole e.voling fuo'l:\y to liS Members en3bling them 10 C3st Ihn:;r vole e!ectrOnlcally fcr 011 the rewlutlons a· set oul in IheAGM Nolice- cflleoAu9u~t 12, 2019. Tho Compdny hd$ aV81M Iho r6'nOta e-volins Mll\llCeS as plOvided by Na!lonal Secunti{>s Depos,tory LtmitmJ (NSDL). The Board c( Oiwclcrs 01 the Company hll. appointed Mr. San)ay GlOver (FGS- <1223: c.r. No. ;'1850). 1'.1311<'19 ng Parlner, fa ling him. Mr. Dl..'"Vcsh Kurner Vaslshl (FCS-M811: C.P. No 137UU} Pal1ncr olSanJay Grover & Ass~!alp.'i liS ScnlHllI7.(]f lor collrtlJcling tht remOle e-voting process 11\ n f!lir and Iransp(lrent manner, The NoHce hah been scm 10 (Iltlhe Members, whozu Ilamos appuarcd HI til(! Rog.stcr cf Man,i)(,1!1,~1 01 bc"ofic;al O.....,la!S received from NSOl & COSl ,I {Jil friday, AUllU.;1 23. 2019. TM tt:llIole e-voting peMd WlltIllCl'!';CS on Monday, Suptllmbel 23, 2019 a! (09.00 a.II1.) and /lnds on Wednesday. Septcmt){ll' 25. 2019 at (05'00 p.m.). The wrnote c·volm!) fr.{luule &lla" be tllsabled lJy NSDL. 101 vOling Ihflroalter an(\ Mamilp.f<; .... '11 rtQ: hn allowed to vola elnr.Ironir.nlly hllyond Ih6 sa'd illite nnd tIme. On the vO~1! on a re!,oivlion IS cast by tile Memt>e'. ti'!l Member \i'la!! nOI be n!1owlld 10 chango it sub~;eGven\ly. The voting IIgh!!; o~ Membert tllalt he at pm the nun·ber ot equ~y thmet held by th(~m as on Ule wl-olf dale v.1111.'1\ Is frlday. Scptember 20, 2019. A per$Ul1l';hose nalll{! is l"C(;ofded in the re5Iis\tot cf Hlt:mbr;>f& {lr In lh~ register of henetlclal ownels mamtllined by tim depo~ltorlQs as Oil the cul-off dale I.e. Fliday, SeplomlJeI 20,2010 only shall be cn!irJed to «Vall/he (,Jr"lI!y 01 femoto 6'-votln9 01'. welt as voling in the Ann~al gener(ll meeting. A person who (S IlO! n Member 115 on tho c.rI-lIf( dale Hlloutd l1ccmdlllg!y treat t'lo Nolien of AGM fo information pur/loses on!y. The rac·!.ty lor voting hy using 11 tablct h!lsed ,!I(]cll!'(i,e votmg systwn shal! be made 3vallab!e l1t Uw AGM.

A Member may fJ.1fticlp1l!e in thc AGM even anel exefl>slI1!l h,s lighl 10 vote tillo,lgli remoie e,voling I'llt shan /Tot 1m allowed to vote HlJdlll lit I'W vellue 01 the AGM. Arw !NlI'bOI1, .... tm "cquire~ shales of the Company 311d bewmes member of lI~e Comp:my 3lte! d,sp<.te'l 0 AGM netico and hcldin(J &hares as on cuI-off data Le Fnda)' September 20. 2019. muy oo\alll the 10f):n ID and password lor fIlmot<.l e-voUng IlY selldltlfl a request 10 NSrJL Of Comprtny's R II\. If a Illllmbllr IS alrllild legish'red \'.'Ih NSDL lor (:-'1011119. tilnfl (~1( sting lI~r:r!f) ,1nd p<15sword cnn bc used for voting. Thr. [;(:1\,1 1IIl.(!r s,\nll illlmC(hatdy ilfl('r \'le conduslon 01 11',1 votl119 111 the AtOM. tirs! oount the volr.s e,1sled a ttw meel',,!!, tIU!feaftf!f unblock \lw votes e'l~,I(ld lhro:.!!Jh rt'Ulote e"votinU m tlw presence 01 alleasl 2 (T .... n \~ilf!es~es nol in the t'mployn:ent of the Company and ma;:e i.I Consclidu\ed Scrvlinilec's Repolt of the \lole wstl.ld m 1avour or against, II any. (In(l to subrr,,\ tho same to tho Chwnlon 011110 AGM not lalm than fort e:g!~t (48) hOllrs 110m tile (xJI,dvsioll of Hie AG!I.I.

Mel11b!lrs who !H'<~ll n(1t 'er.eivmllhn AGM No\:co W1(J !hl! Anflunt Rr.[lort may rio;'m!omllhe Sllmn Iwm til!'

~~;~;:~e~1 ~:~)(~~~~~::;;,I~[;at~§;5tf'i:e~·~J'\~;?e~~~~'~~:~~~~.~~~~. ~~(~d~l~~~ ~:~~\1t~~r(~70~S:I~:1~~i~;:; \.1 & PasSI/iI,.'fd IS also provid\ld in Ille r'l:Jllru cl AGM.

Tl;e Memh!l!~ af(' rl..'{j1.lc!"led 10 f\lJd lilt> mstmctions pcrl,mHng to e-Volill!l dS tmnled In HIe AGM Nol!oc \;;'lIe!l..!ly. In (;l1&C 01 Bny qll('IY p("t~rnll'g to \\-,'o!II1O, 11:\1 mel11tw.rs m~y refr:r 10 (rcGllfll'lUy asked q:\ei;!IOII~ (-FAQ') and c-votlng usor manual available In the DownieI'd sec:ion 01 NSDI.'s website or c",ll on the !oll fie 11(1. HIOO7.:!;J\l!l{J or conine! 10 Mr. VltuaotJr I~nn,l. Dlfcclor. SI",I·I1f.1 I-in;lncilll SelVlcc\lI'~1.l.td (IHA), D ... 15~ A, 1st ffuor, Okltla Il1dv$\lIal Are;!, PhflS(~I, New f)ellll·110fJ20, Ph: ... (J11·2:6!l12682:-B3, Emal! ld: ... .Y!L<l.m.@ ~~Y!.tl.l!'l:.~1.:r,\'lm. Qllerieslgl:el.'/lIlC{ls may a!~o bt: hell! tu Inc e-Il'a:! IdJrJY,\~:>.\m,@!.I).I,I.\9.!!!;!!!!'m.(l.t!('!1,!;5I!.!) PWHtiHlt 10 the pfov;siO!ls of Suction 91 (Jllt,a CNrlpJlli(l!, A:;:!. 2013 re,ld ymh Rulo 10 ot the Comp;mle: (MSIlU!lf,rr.cnlllnd Administrll!lonj R1.lI(l~, 201,1 nnd Hfl!julahofl 42 of SEBI (Ll!.ling Oblignt:on~ and D:sclo~tlfC Hl:qu H'n'l(l"ls) HQuul(l\lon. 2016. Ihe r~e91s(cr a! M~ll1bt<rs Blld Share ll"ns[~r books 01 Iho COIl1P«I\Y 1'1\11 rt~n13;f\ dosr.!I fwm Mond:),'. Snpil'nmcI 2'j, 201!1 to fhuf.d,3j1. S(!p(crl1hl:r 21;, 2019 (ho\h day:> ncl()3pm) [or the saId AGM al~d h'l paymellt ('f Olwl(:nd. II npprovud al ihe t'!15uing AGM, The dIVidend en Eqo,ty SlldfCs II l!ec!3red Ilt thl rnectin!J. 1~111 be LIed tet!! dispflld1ed on or belme October 24.201910 Ihosa rrWmbNS \\i)()sa nWl~C slul! I,/me::.r orl Hw Compillly'5 Regi!.toc 01 Members on Frilis}' St'p:llmhr.r 20. 20Hl.

By Order of Iho Board 0 MInda Corpor.1Uon LhnUed


OSWAI. U!ASINO LIMITED ~<~;10:$,At.~~,4"'~rolk~fWad,H#r~-1'1i1W1 etN:lt$SiMf..1Mm.Clilft46,P.hom!;(G1l):l331~fu:~·U)>>l1ro7.j. ~l:~.Jta~,.tMl,~:ttWW~.a;m


p/,tce:Deltil Date: 03.09.2019

AJaySallchell tM~:l}2mr..wj$ CompanyS('crelar I.'~";:";;:";:"'~";;:";.' ________ ..:::::::::::.::::::::::.U

New Dclhi


>("'~H .I{ (~'~I l~,~pt> OJ f~ld<l~ lO!!l _._----------,,--_._---'

1''';'';1 O • .f'~,«~0.,'~m"i tlIW$ej:~WW$J U'~

~~~ (~~1rnWfvflom",_"",,*)

CIN: L45203UP2007PLC033119

"" (G.wtO$C'_; C<)rr,?fnl':>'e<>'tWy

tivtr<fiO <Pl1.jf(flf "'r!fC'X-l?f1, .,'rCim-201304, \J,\I (!TIm) t"i'fi Hll·12{)'4609{)OO, 2470flOO

Itim +91-1204609464/4609496 <lifm:{~ I'Mwlaypeeln[raleehcom

~llii1 " IP'nt'aleeh nweSIO'@)al'ndla,colll

wff 'Htll if; "T'lN"1 ~1"lT. ~'fd'p .. G ~ <l'TI • .ilq~'ff'rif; lfl"flli' ~) 'To~T'l -,) <i .. 1?HI ZilFliPlift "* full 'l,<FTT

l{~<tG'HT {j['<li'f f),m "mn ~ frl, tiN) ~~if,1?'<i' f~flt?,~'j ('''Fnl,fi') <Itt 12~) qlfi'i,o ~~HI~\): ~/1Ii N"fi\!ll) i[t!~~rRf'H": 1.6 f~hfl'4x. 7.019 .pi 11.00 <1"i YH1, \iN) ifh~h<!,(~ .'.I'lll. ii:·q.l~il~H t"<A)"ffim\' ~qlr\, '121'1. ;1'1'1:1&-201304, '" >I 11 ,<rm'rftm '1\) til1<rfi ftf~il ~~~T <1\ R-lf<f; 21 ,117r"::\"1 2019. <i'i ~'<1'l11T~ NIt<·n) 11 j~f~~'" ,'14~11l11 ,r,) f~"(:(lltGd fl'lmr \tff:qm J j~(1 <Il{ 20111-19 <t 1:tt'''j)'l/ f<'ItRUjT~" ~nfi'l"l <nfl1<f, j~rire m ~ll:!l '1'tFn ~~)"{Tlfl" ~ <li'l fuP.-Qi 'fil1 '{!w<T1~ ;n ,~J1l'nl ;:-01\) -t; "ii>r<1 ~llP; <f,) ~nfC;f {r~ f!~{~') i'> ~f~/f~~ <F Jl~U'f l~ ~nfl'r;:'1 t, itilq;fl/fi;\iif~H!i)".! \rrf~n!lt;~ <l~ :3rfl'r<~~if 11 {f~,ft'!ld ~Frrl" ~';1ri> un ,\JUdl -,)fllr! ~-ll(-l (1(' Ir>!"

J-ih'l ,1>'( cfl'l~ ~ I \'l~HI ",I ~~!ll ~n", fir\'1 02 Rm'-H 2019 <)~ (~(>~I ~-J) .. " [,fin 31 ,\rll~d. 2019

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