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高中英语命题技巧高中英语命题技巧 及试题考点分析方法 及试题考点分析方法

兰 春 寿

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一、英语测试的质量评估 评估英语测试的质量,首先要研究测试的有效

性问题,即效度( validity ); 质量评估要考虑的第二个问题,是测试结果的

可信(可靠)程度,即信度( reliability ); 还要考虑施测的可行性问题( practicality ); 以及区分力( discriminating power )。

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考试设计与命题考试设计与命题 :: 基本原基本原理理



是否考了所要考的? 是否保证考试分数的公平性?


准确性 一致性


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代表性代表性 覆盖面覆盖面考试内容是否是大纲的重点? 考试内容是否涵盖大纲的主要内容?



考试设计与命题考试设计与命题 :: 基本原基本原理理

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1. 效度 简单地说,是指某一种 / 某一次测试能在多大





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效度只有高低之分,没有有无之别。 谈效度,不能离开具体的测试以及具体


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影响效度的因素 1 )测试的目标不当。测试目标的确定要在测试能够


2 )测试的内容不妥。必须使测试的内容尽可能准确地反映测试的目标。命题实际上是一个抽样的过程,要使抽样合理,每一次测试的题项必须有代表性,侧重点要明确



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命题时要尽量避免别的内容来干扰主要内容。由于重点考语法,不是考词汇,不是考文化背景知识,涉及的词语就不宜太难,太偏,而且要用所谓的 culture-free items ,以避免考生仅因为不认识某些词语或不了解某种文化而做不好题。


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同样,测试的内容 太少、 太多、 太易、 太难









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3 )测试方法不对。测试的方法要与测试的内容相适宜。如:考口试要用口试法。

4 )测试组织不好。测试需要严密、科学的组织工作,组织得好将有利于提高测试的效度和信度。

5 )没有合理使用分数。要正确有效地使用通过测试获得的包括分数在内的各种数据。

6 )考生方面的一些主观因素。如:考生的积极性,情绪等等。

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2. 信度 信度是指考试结果的可信程度,实际上



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1 )测试的稳定性( stability )。常用的方法是测试 - 再测试法( the test-retest method) ,就是用同一套试卷在尽可能相似的环境中对同一批考生测试两次。即第一次测后隔一段时间再测,间隔的长短按需要而定。比较两次测试的成绩,求出相关系数,判定测试的稳定程度。

求相关系数,有 pearson 的积矩相关系数和 spearman排列次序相关系数。

用前一种方法只要知道总人数,两次的分数就可以算出来。 用后一种方法,是研究两次测试的次序相关( rank corre

lation), 根据成绩把考生两次测试的名次排出来,比较两次名次上的差异。

相关系数最好高于 0.9 ,至少不低于 0.8 。系数高,测试稳定性就高。

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2 )测试的等值性( equivalence )。常用等值(卷)法( the equivalent-forms method)。用同一测试的两份等值试卷对同一批人进行测试,比较两次的成绩,算出相关系数,判断两次测试的等值性。

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3 )测试的内部一致性( internal consistency )。测内部一致性用得比较多的方法是分半法( split-half method )。用一份试卷施测,然后把试卷分成题数相等的两个部分,求这两部分分数的相关系数。(奇数题与偶数题、前一半题与后一半题)

只计算客观题,用 Kuder Richardson 的 KR21 公式,如果是主观题,则用 Cronbach的公式。

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提高信度的主要方法 1 )适当增加题量。题量增加,试题的覆盖面大,题目的代表性

好,测量误差就在一定程度上减少。 2 )注意各题的同质性。 即题目的一致程度,如:题型一样、题

量一样、覆盖面一样、指导语一样,编排一样。 3 )控制好题目的难易程度,提高区分度。 题目难易程度适当,


4 )尽可能消除各种干扰因素。使全体考生在十分相似的考试环境中考试。

5 )改进评分方法,提高评分的客观性和准确性。 标准化测试在以上 5 个方面都有切实可行的办法,因此信度高。

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3. 可行性 测试无论规模大小,其过程分为三个阶段:准备阶段、施测阶段和评分阶段,每个阶段都有可行性问题。



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4. 区分性 测试应该要起到能够区分考生能力高低的作用。 测试要具有多大的区分度,视具体情况具体分

析。 一般的“过关”考试,希望大部分甚至全部的人都通过考试,这时区分度就不宜太高。




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难易度与区分度 测试评分结束后,应依据测试的结果进

行题项分析( item analysis ),计算每小题的难易度( facility value )和区分度( discrimination index)

难度值:该数值与难度呈反比,范围在 0—1 ,数值越高,越容易。


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区分度:反映的是试题区分力的强弱程度。区分指数为 -1 -- +1.



当两组人数一样时,区分指数为 0 ; 当前者人数反比后者少时,区分指数为负数。

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67. The purpose of the passage is to show you how to ____.

A. play your cards right B. use your cards abroad C. draw cash with your cards D. pay for goods with your cards

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一道试题至少由以下三个部分组成:输入输入 题干(文本、图片、音频、视频等)

过程过程 (辨析、理解、分析、推理、概括、 产出…… )输出 输出 答案 ( 选择式和构建式 )

二、命题二、命题 :: 试题结构试题结构

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21. Tom: Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. I’m sure we will win. Mike: ________! A. Congratulations B. Cheers C. Best wishes D. Good luck




选材 设置考点 设置干扰项




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1. 单项填空 本大题的命制要着重考查语法和词汇知


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1. 单项填空 [ 题干 ] 由一个句子或一组短对话构成。题干至少包含一

个可作为考点的语法结构或意义关系。 [ 答案 ] 答案选项通常是一个词、短语、结构或交际用语。它是正确理解题干中的语法结构或意义关系的必然结果,也就是,正确答案的选择必须基于对题干结构或意义的正确理解。

[ 干扰项 ] 单项填空中的干扰方式主要包括( 1 )词形干扰、

( 2 )词义干扰、( 3 )用法干扰以及( 4 )结构干扰。

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单项填空 : 考点分类





二维分类I could have been on time for the meeting, but I ___ in a traffic jam for over half an hour.

A. have caughtB. have been caughtC. was caughtD.caught

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Faced with Challenges, you should believe your courage is ____ makes a difference.

A. whatB. thatC. whichD. whethe


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考点设置突出 :: 知识链


相同语法范畴 或 具有某一区别特征


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单项填空考点分析 (福建 2009 高考英语) 21. A. I practice every day B. Thank you very muchC. No, I don’t think so D. Well, it’s not good enoug

h 22. A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted 23. A. of B. for C. by D. about 24. A. that B. when C. which D. where 25. A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would comeD. did voices come 26. A. she means B. you mean C. I mean D. we mean 27. A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 28. A. fight for B. apply for C. call on D. wait on 29. A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration 30. A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly 31. A. will make B. had made C. was making D. makes 32. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded 33. A. when B. while C. after D. since 34. A. marking B. marked C. having marked D. being marked 35. A. would not win B. would not have wonC. would win D. would have won

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单项填空考点分析 (福建 2009 高考英语) 21. A. I practice every day B. Thank you very muchC. No, I don’t think so D. Well, it’s not good enoug

h 22. A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted 23. A. of B. for C. by D. about 24. A. that B. when C. which D. where 25. A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would comeD. did voices come 26. A. she means B. you mean C. I mean D. we mean 27. A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 28. A. fight for B. apply for C. call on D. wait on 29. A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration 30. A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly 31. A. will make B. had made C. was making D. makes 32. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded 33. A. when B. while C. after D. since 34. A. marking B. marked C. having marked D. being marked 35. A. would not win B. would not have wonC. would win D. would have won

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单项填空考点分析 (福建 2009 高考英语) 21. A. I practice every day B. Thank you very muchC. No, I don’t think so D. Well, it’s not good enoug

h 22. A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted 23. A. of B. for C. by D. about 24. A. that B. when C. which D. where 25. A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would comeD. did voices come 26. A. she means B. you mean C. I mean D. we mean 27. A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 28. A. fight for B. apply for C. call on D. wait on 29. A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration 30. A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly 31. A. will make B. had made C. was making D. makes 32. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded 33. A. when B. while C. after D. since 34. A. marking B. marked C. having marked D. being marked 35. A. would not win B. would not have wonC. would win D. would have won

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单项填空考点分析 (福建 2009 高考英语) 21. A. I practice every day B. Thank you very muchC. No, I don’t think so D. Well, it’s not good enoug

h 22. A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted 23. A. of B. for C. by D. about 24. A. that B. when C. which D. where 25. A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would comeD. did voices come 26. A. she means B. you mean C. I mean D. we mean 27. A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 28. A. fight for B. apply for C. call on D. wait on 29. A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration 30. A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly 31. A. will make B. had made C. was making D. makes 32. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded 33. A. when B. while C. after D. since 34. A. marking B. marked C. having marked D. being marked 35. A. would not win B. would not have wonC. would win D. would have won

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单项填空考点分析 (福建 2009 高考英语) 21. A. I practice every day B. Thank you very muchC. No, I don’t think so D. Well, it’s not good enoug

h 22. A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted 23. A. of B. for C. by D. about 24. A. that B. when C. which D. where 25. A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would comeD. did voices come 26. A. she means B. you mean C. I mean D. we mean 27. A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 28. A. fight for B. apply for C. call on D. wait on 29. A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration 30. A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly 31. A. will make B. had made C. was making D. makes 32. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded 33. A. when B. while C. after D. since 34. A. marking B. marked C. having marked D. being marked 35. A. would not win B. would not have wonC. would win D. would have won

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选择项 结构 意义

分类 词类 语法属性 结构分析 固定结构 意义理解 逻辑关系

动词变化 谓语动词 22 , 31 25 35

非谓语动词 32 34

语法辨析 情态动词


代词 26

介词 23


从句引导词 24 33

语义辨析 动词 27 , 28

名词 29


副词 30

语用辨析 交际用语 21

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22. - Why does the Lake smell terrible? - Because large quantities of water ______. [ 语法属性 ]A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted

25. For a moment nothing happened Then ______ all shouting together. [ 结构分析 ]A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would come D. did voices come

31. According to the literary review, Shakespeare ______ his charities live through their language in his plays. [ 语法属性 ]A. will make B. had made C. was making D. makes

32.______ not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. [ 结构分析 ]A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded

34. In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao, ______ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. [ 意义理解 ]A. marking B. marked C. having marked D. being marked

35. But for the help of my English teacher, I ______ the first prize in the English Writing Competition. [ 特殊结构 ]A. would not win B. would not have wonC. would win D. would have won

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23. - How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space! - It’s a challenge, I guess, ______ man against nature. [ 意义理解 ]A. of B. for C. by D. about

24. It’s helpful to put children in a situation ______ they can see themselves differently. [结构分析 ]A. that B. when C. which D. where

26. -Your mum is very kind. -Yeah, My mum is pretty considerate, you know what ______, sh

e always arranges everything around me. [ 逻辑关系 ]A. she means B. you mean C. I mean D. we mean

33. She had just finished her homework ______ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday. [ 固定结构 ]A. when B. while C. after D. since

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27. We are at your service. Don’t ______ to turn to us if you have any further problems. [ 意义理解 ]

A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 28. The Somali robbers’ frequent attacks on the sea urged the United N

ations to ______ all nations to take immediate action. [ 意义理解 ] A. fight for B. apply for C. call on D. wait on 29. The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without

any ______ when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April,2009. [ 意义理解 ] A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration

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命题技巧: (a) 考点与答对概率 You’re going to the movies, ________?

A. aren’t youB. don’t weC. aren’t theyD. aren’t I

You’re going to the movies, _______ you?A. aren’t B. don’tC. areD. do

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Don’t you find it surprising that such a nice house _________ uninhabited by its owner ever since the time it was built?1. would have been leaved2. should have been left3. should be leaved4. would be left


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22. - Why does the Lake smell terrible? - Because large quantities of water ______.

A. have polluted B. is being polluted

C. has been polluted D. have been polluted

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(b) 干扰项的相容:



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选项 A B C D

语法 + - - - 惯用搭配 + + + +


意义 + + + +

选项 A B C D

语法 + + + +

惯用搭配 - - + -


意义 + + + +

选项 A B C D

语法 + + + + 惯用搭配 + + + +


意义 - - - +

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(C) 答案的唯一性 Which do you think tastes ______, the chicken or the fish?

1. well2. good3. better4. best

Frankly only one of these two dishes tastes good. The other tastes awful.

Which do you think tastes good, the chicken or the fish?

These two dishes, the chicken and the fish, both taste better than all the others.

But we must choose one for the first prize. Which do you think tastes best, the chicken or the fish?

You’ve tried my wife’s two famous dishes – the chicken and the fish. Which do you think tastes ______?


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(d) 消除提示正确选项的线索

Some people think that they have a ____to the problems of car crowding and pollution in large cities.

A. solution B. answer C. advice D. suggestion

He is a brutal man and so everybody _________ him. A. dislike B. respects C. pities D. praises


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(e)避免诡题 When I met Tim yesterday, it was the first time I _________ hi

m since Christmas.1. saw2. have seen3. had seen4. have been seeing

I would say it is not impossible for someone not as careful as you are to _______ this not very important point.

1. overdo2. overlook3. overrate4. overstate


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(f) 注意口语与书面语的使用 ----The meeting has been canceled. ----______ I would not have come. A. Have I know earlier B. Had I know earlier C. Knowing that earlier D. Know that earlier


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命题技巧: (g) 题干与选项的简洁

I _____ this time yesterday. A. am writing to my parents B. was writing to may parents C. has been writing to my parents D. wrote to my parents

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考点设置:突出关 联性 [ 考点词语 ] 选择考试词语的原则是:它必须可以根据篇章结构、意义连贯或其它上下文信息进行推导的词语。

[ 线索词语 ] 线索词语或结构主要来源于词语搭配、句子结构、篇章衔接和意义连贯等信息。

[ 干扰项 ] 完形填空的干扰项主要从搭配、结构、意义或连贯四个层面对答案进行干扰。

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词:词语搭配 句:结构和意义 篇:衔接和连贯

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The position of children in American family and society is no longer what is used to be. The 36 family in colonial North America was mainly concerned with survival and 37 that, its own economic prosperity. Thus, children were 38 in terms of their productivity, and they played the role of producer quite early. 39 they fulfilled this role, their position in the family was one of subordination.

36. A. poor B. ordinary C. happy D. wealthy

37. A. except B. for C. beyond D. through

38. A. supported B. received C. encouraged D. valued

39. A. Until B. After C. Although D. When

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2009 试卷完形填空考点归纳

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阅读理解 试题结构 阅读理解试题由阅读短文和若干个理解问题组成,要求考生按照 理解问题的要求, 从阅读短文中获取合适的信息,回答阅读理解的问题,即:判断所获取的信 息是否与试题提供的 4 个选项中的某一项相 匹配。

所以,阅读理解问题的 4 个选择项中只有一项是基于原文信息内容的正确理解,其余 3 个选项或是对原文信息的错误理解,或是基于原文以外的信息。


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字面意义 解释意义 语境意义 隐含意义 推理意义

概括意义 语言理解

词义猜测 篇章结构超篇章信息 作者态度 写作目的


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阅读理解:干扰项 基本原则: a. 干扰信息来源于原文 b. 干扰信息要集中 c. 不要互相干扰信息组合

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阅读理解:干扰项 干扰方式 局部信息 信息组合 信息不符(干扰项信息大于、小于或相反于原文信息)


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阅读理解:干扰项 干扰项写题技巧: 利用语篇层面的信 息理解错误 a) 对信息的错误联想:即:某点意思是阅读材料里本来有的, 却把它和材料语篇里没有的、不相干的一 些别的意 思联系在一起,产生错误联想。

b) 对信息的错误判断:利用的是对信 息在语篇中的意 义的判 断错误,体现为真假混淆,似是而非或似非而是(考潜在信息)。

c) 弄错信息间的关系: 阅读试题考的是 篇章包含的信 息。信息与信息之间以一定的关系 互相组合(如:并列、主次、先后、因果、正反、目的和 手段、命题和例证、前提和结论、包容和被包容的关系),如 文章里有信息a 、 b 、 c 、 d , a 是因, b 是果,干扰项可以把 b 说为因,等。

d) 推理或演算错误:即:给出前提,再 给出结 论,让考生根据 推理或演算来判断选项中的结 论那个是正确的。

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A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used to reduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increase the risk.

Researchers from the University of Iowa based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that looked at the association between sunscreen use and melanoma (黑素瘤) . They said that they found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen use and higher risk of melanoma

Most health experts believe that by protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer, which is increasing in incidence faster than any other cancer in the United States.

But questions has been raised about sunscreen and whether it may has opposite effect, perhaps by allowing people to remain exposed to the sun longer without burning.

The researchers said that among the problems with some earlier studies is that they often failed to take into account that those people most at risk for skin cancer--- people with fair skin and freckles, for example--- are more likely to use sunscreen. As a result, it may appear that sunscreen users get cancer more often.

The studies, which generally relied on volunteers to recall their sunscreen use, were also unable to prove how well the products had been applied, said the new study.

72. The underlined word “flaws” in the 2nd paragraph most probably means ( p=0.25 ) .A. evidence (局部信息,单数)13.35 , -0.08 B. Facts (语境不当 12.83 , 0.04 C. faults (词义猜测 14.25 , 0.25 D. Failures (搭配不当 11.00, 0.29 73. People with fair skin and freckles0.55 10.48 14.78 10.27 12.33

0.37 0.62 0.44 0.11 .A. seldom use sunscreen解释错误B. are more in danger of skin cancer(单句理解 ,解释意义C. can be free from the harm of the sun ( 解释错误 D. often expose themselves to the sun(过度概括

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A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used to reduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increase the risk.

Researchers from the University of Iowa based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that looked at the association between sunscreen use and melanoma (黑素瘤) . They said that they found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen use and higher risk of melanoma

Most health experts believe that by protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer, which is increasing in incidence faster than any other cancer in the United States.

But questions has been raised about sunscreen and whether it may has opposite effect, perhaps by allowing people to remain exposed to the sun longer without burning.

The researchers said that among the problems with some earlier studies is that they often failed to take into account that those people most at risk for skin cancer--- people with fair skin and freckles, for example--- are more likely to use sunscreen. As a result, it may appear that sunscreen users get cancer more often.

The studies, which generally relied on volunteers to recall their sunscreen use, were also unable to prove how well the products had been applied, said the new study.

74. We can learn from the passage that (0.22 13.27 10.32 13.00 14.70 /-0.06 0.40 0.00 0.32)A. sunscreen users get skin cancer more often( 局部信息 )B. the volunteers have proved the effect of sunscreen( 解释错误 )C. the new study was based on the experiences of volunteers(过度概括 )D. the number of skin cancer patients is increasing in America(单句信息 )75. Which of the following can be the title for this passage?(0.13 13.08 14.02 11.81 10.51 /0.01 -0.37 0.22 0.32 )A. Sunscreen to Prevent Skin Cancer (全文主旨信息 )B. Sunscreen to Increase Skin Cancer ( 概括错误 )C. Skin Cancer Caused by Sunscreen ( 局部信息 )D. Skin Cancer Caused by Freckles ( 篇外信息 )

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2009 试卷阅读考点归纳

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选项的同质性 长度一致性

The prisoner escaped by the skin of his teeth from the heavily-guarded prison.1. bit through the electric cables and escaped2. pretended to go to a dentist and so escaped3. barely escaped4. was helped by the prison dentist to escape.

1. daringly escaped2. cunningly escaped3. barely escaped4. easily escaped


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结构一致性 An automobile coil can be used ______.

1. to charge the battery2. to increase the voltage of electric current3. it cools the ignition system4. delivering the current to spark plugs

The purpose of the automobile coil is to _______.1. charge the battery2. cool the ignition system3. deliver current to the spark plugs 4. increase the voltage of electric current


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写题的简洁 尽可能将选项中的措辞放到题干中 . 如果选项中有重复的部分应该放到题干中。 Which of the following best summarizes “I Hear America Singing”?

1. The greatness of America is in its industrial strength combined with an adequate labor force.

2. The greatness of America is in the recognition of the individual’s abilities.3. The greatness of America is in the individual’s working independently and y

et harmoniously.4. The greatness of America is in each individual’s appropriate work choice.

In Walt Whiteman’s “I Hear America Singing,” the greatness of America is in summarized by ______.

1. its industrial strength combined with an adequate labor force2. the recognition of the individual’s abilities3. individuals working independently and yet harmoniously4. each individual’s choice of work


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Which of the following is not always compatible with automobile safety?1. four-wheel brakes2. safety glass3. power4. dual brake system

All of the following are compatible with automobile safety EXCEPT _____.


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避免使用一些如下的表述 Which of the followings is (not) true? Avoid using “all of the above” as an alternative. Which would be another name for 9?

1. 4+52. 15-63. (6+6)-34. All of the above

Which would be another name for 9? All of the following 4+5 15-6 (6+6)-3


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选项的排列可以按照 字母顺序、数字大小顺序、以及其他有规律的顺序。 When did Thomas arrived at the airport?

1. 10:30 am2. 6:30 am3. 8:30 am4. 9:30 am

Which of the following requires you to prepare winter clothes if you go there?

A. Austria B. Wales C. France D. Norway

What does the man imply? A. It’s busy year for the clinic. B. The afternoon will be less crowded. C. A lot of people are sick during this season. D. The doctors kept talking for a long time.


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1 )重点考查单词拼写、语言基础知识、语篇理解能力和语言表达能力;在考查词汇的同时也考查学生读与写的能力。考生必须在理解短文内容的基础上,把握短文主旨大意,运用所学语言知识填空,使短文语篇完整。

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2 )选材符合考生的书面表达水平,短文词数在 130 左右,共设 10小题,第一行不设题,其余每行挖空一处设一题;考查以实词为主,兼顾其他词类。

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3 )每个空格根据提示用一个单词的适当形式填空,提示的方式有:汉语提示、首字母提示、语境提示,其中首字母提示、汉语提示各 3-4 个,语境提示 2-3个。

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Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.

Many of you said you like the ___ ( 美国的) writer Ernest

Hemingway, who is w known for his short stories. I supp

ose you have all f my advice and finished reading his sto

ry. We’re going to study it ____ ( 一起) in this lesson. Now,

first of all, I would like you to have a ____ ( 讨论) . Please

look at the three q on the black board. First, when did t

he story ____ place? Second, what kind of person does the w

riter show ____ ( 自己) to be? Third, what is the writer’s

main purpose of w this story? I’d like you to work ___ pai

rs and present your answers in ten minutes.

76. American

77. well

78. followed

79. together

80. discussion

81. questions

82. take

83. himself

84. writing

85. in



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省质检短文填词试题 This morning, on my way to school, I saw something lying by

the roadside, shining. To my s___ , it was a gold necklace. I

quickly picked it and looked around. No one seemed to be

looking for the lost necklace. Should I hand it in to the ( 最近的)police station? But classes would begin in a ____ minutes. I had

no time to deal with it. So, I decided to t____ it with me to school

for the time being. Soon I got to school, classes began. After

class, I handed in the necklace to the headmaster, ____ ( 告诉) him the story. He spoke h____ of my honesty. When school was

over, I heard our school radio station broadcast the school ___( 新闻) that ( 表扬) me for dong a good deed. Mom and Dad were

overjoyed to hear my story.

76. surprise ( 0.46 ) 77. up ( 0.84 ) 78. nearest ( 0.38 ) 79. few ( 0.57 ) 80. take ( 0.69 ) 81. after ( 0.25 ) 82. telling ( 0.36 ) 83. highly ( 0.51 ) 84. news ( 0.79 ) 85. praised ( 0.22 )



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考点及分析思路: 首字母提示、汉语提示(注意:动词时态变化、名词单复数)

语篇提示(均考到一个介词) 填词时需要注意的因素有:词形变化、



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2009 试卷短文填词考点归纳

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2009短文填词 Mr. Smith offers us some advice on how to write a good Composition, which i the following steps. S 76. includes Firstly, we should read the topic c and organize our ideas. 77. carefully Then we start to shape our thoughts our own word and finish P 78. in__ our writing in the g time. After that, we have to check our 79. given compositions, paying attention to (语法) and spelling. It is veryW 80. grammar important to read them aloud to (自己) or someone else from81. ourselves ____to end. Lastly, we had better ask our teachers or classmates forP 82. beginning advice on how to improve our writing. If (可能) , we may leave S 83. possible them alone for some time before reading again, will help a S 84. which great deal. I hope you will b a lot from the advice above. 85. benefit


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