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Page 1: B2B Marketing Portfolio

Andrew  Cleary  Por.olio1601  S.  Highland  Avenue  Apt.  L  |  Fullerton  CA,  92832  |  (612)  840-­‐0369  |  [email protected]  |  andrew-­‐  


Client:  LearnSpectrum  

Challenge:  Spectrum  Training  Brokers  had  been  experiencing  growth  due  to  its  broad  course  catalogue  and  excepOonal  customer  service.  However,  the  company  recognized  the  need  for  a  strong  online  brand  to  conOnue  its  growth.  

My  Work:  Joining  this  project  aTer  Borenstein  Group  conceptualized  the  new  “LearnSpectrum”  brand,  I  collaborated  with  the  Director  of  Content  and  Strategy  to  write  the  copy  for  a  new  website,  incorporaOng  SEO  best  pracOces.  Following  the  launch,  I  conducted  keyword  research  and  worked  with  the  Digital  Content  Specialist  to  create  a  Google  AdWords  campaign  targeOng  people  who  search  for  the  courses  that  LearnSpectrum  offers.  

Results:  The  company  has  experienced  substanOal  growth  in  sales,  strategic  expansion  of  its  client  base,  and  the  opportunity  to  pursue  new  niche  markets  with  its  new  online  pla^orm.  

Page 2: B2B Marketing Portfolio

Andrew  Cleary  Por.olio

Client:  Cetan  Corp  

Challenge:  Cetan  Corp  is  an  Inc.  500  company  that  has  been  rapidly  growing  since  its  2007  incepOon  due  to  its  experOse  in  strategic  IT  consulOng.  Leadership  wanted  to  accelerate  growth  into  new  service  offerings  with  a  robust  digital  brand  to  showcase  its  experOse.  

My  Work:  I  contributed  to  this  comprehensive  branding  project  in  a  variety  of  ways  including  web  and  print  copywriOng,  search  engine  opOmizaOon,  front  end  Wordpress  development,  wriOng  and  organizing  press  releases,  creaOng  MicrosoT  Word  templates  and  PowerPoint  presentaOons,  managing  social  media  channels,  and  parOcipaOng  in  client  correspondence  and  presentaOons.  

Results:  Cetan  Corp  is  landing  high  profile  clients  with  their  expanded  service  offerings.  An  ongoing  partnership  conOnues  to  support  Cetan  Corp’s  exponenOal  growth.  

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Andrew  Cleary  Por.olio

Client:  Intellidyne,  LLC  

Challenge:  Intellidyne,  LLC  is  a  middle-­‐market  provider  of  IT  infrastructure  management  services  that  was  looking  to  spur  growth  and  differenOate  itself  in  order  to  aeract  top  talent.  

My  Work:  I  conducted  research  for  and  wrote  press  releases  that  were  distributed  to  top  news  sources  to  support  our  PR  strategy  and  communicate  Intellidyne’s  value  proposiOon.  

Results:  We  were  able  to  differenOate  Intellidyne  from  its  compeOOon  by  promoOng  its  leadership’s  commitment  to  its  employees  and  its  community  by  providing  pay  for  furloughed  employees  and  a  pro-­‐bono  website  for  families  of  veterans.  The  company  reported  that  it  received  higher  quality  applicants  as  the  result  of  our  work.  

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Andrew  Cleary  Por.olio

Client:  KGS  ConstrucHon  

Challenge:  KGS  ConstrucOon  is  a  family  owned  business  with  a  true  commitment  to  honest,  quality  work.  The  owners  wanted  to  posiOon  their  brand  as  the  choice  for  building  owners  looking  for  roofing  and  masonry  work  that  lasts  and  stand  out  in  a  price-­‐sensiOve  industry.  

My  Work:  I  was  heavily  involved  with  this  project  from  start  to  finish.  I  conducted  compeOtor  and  industry  research  for  the  presentaOon  that  landed  KGS  as  a  client.  I  parOcipated  in  all  client  meeOngs.  I  wrote  copy  for  a  new  website  and  capabiliOes  PowerPoint  presentaOon,  opOmized  the  website  for  search  engines,  and  worked  with  the  design  team  to  create  infographics  and  a  new  brochure.  

Results:  The  KGS  brand  now  effecOvely  communicates  a  deep  commitment  to  quality  that  is  supported  by  a  robust  gallery  of  work  that  describes  its  impact,  allowing  KGS  to  land  clients  based  on  proven  quality  rather  than  engaging  in  price  wars.  

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Andrew  Cleary  Por.olio

Client:  Metropole  Products,  Inc.  

Challenge:  Metropole  has  been  designing  and  producing  innovaOve  RF  communicaOons  technologies  used  by  top  aerospace  and  defense  contractors  for  over  40  years.  Leadership  desired  an  online  presence  to  effecOvely  display  its  experOse  as  well  as  promote  its  capability  to  develop  customized  products.  

My  Work:  I  delivered  copy  that  communicated  the  client’s  value  in  its  technology,  innovaOon,  quality,  reliability,  and  manufacturing  process  to  meet  deadlines  for  the  launch  of  the  website.  

Results:  Metropole’s  website  now  allows  visitors  to  easily  search  its  products  and  see  why  Metropole  sets  the  industry  standard  for  radio  communicaOon  devices.  The  company’s  digital  brand  reflects  their  advanced  capabiliOes  and  equips  them  for  conOnual  growth.