Page 1: How Content Writers Generate Conversions in Just 20 Minutes
Page 2: How Content Writers Generate Conversions in Just 20 Minutes

Writing a blog post from start to finish in 20 minutes is easier than you think.

Some  content  writers  can  pick  up  an  assignment  and  zip  it  back  in  almost  no  6me  at  all.  How?  

Clearly,  not  all  wri6ng  assignments  can  be  completed  in  20  minutes.  But  if  you’ve  got  a  lot  of  copy  to  churn  out  and  not  a  lot  of  6me  to  do  it  in,  we’ve  got  the  formula  to  help  you  put  the  pedal  to  the  metal.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines.

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Let’s get ready to rumble. Eliminate  distrac.ons.  Facebook  is  great  and  all,  but  not  when  you’re  trying  to  write  fast.  Turn  off  your  email  no6fs.  Find  where  you  work  best  –  whether  in  a  quiet  home  office,  or  a  coffee  shop  with  lots  of  white  noise.  

Understand  the  assignment.  The  moment  you  get  your  assignment,  ask  for  clarifica6on  if  necessary.  There’s  nothing  worse  than  being  under  the  gun  and  missing  vital  informa6on.  Even  if  you  aren’t  going  to  begin  work  right  away,  it’s  a  good  idea  to  take  the  6me  to  look  over  the  assignment  –  that  way  if  you  need  to  ask  the  client,  you  can  do  so  right  away.  

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Put your thinking cap on. Brainstorm  .tle/subject  ma9er.  If  it’s  something  that  can  be  completed  in  20  minutes,  it’s  likely  that  the  subject  maNer  isn’t  complex.  If  you  spend  more  than  5  minutes  brainstorming,  either  you’re  thinking  too  hard  or  this  isn’t  a  20  minute  assignment.  

Do  your  research.  If  you  need  to  bone  up  on  some  facts,  now  is  the  6me  to  do  so.  5  minutes  of  research  now  means  less  flipping  between  the  web  and  your  Word  doc  when  you  get  down  to  business.  

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Pick up the pen.

Structure  the  post.  Now,  if  this  is  truly  a  20  minute  assignment,  you  won’t  want  to  write  an  actual  outline.  But  spending  a  minute  to  figure  out  a  few  main  points  and  the  overall  angle  of  the  piece  will  make  wri6ng  a  snap.  

Write.  If  you’ve  done  all  of  the  previous  steps,  this  will  be  as  simple  as  the  aformen6oned  snap.  

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Check yourself.

Make  a  quick  edit.  Now,  professional  content  writers  ought  to  have  somebody  around  to  edit,  but  it  doesn’t  hurt  to  do  a  quick  read-­‐through  to  make  sure  that  you’ve  hit  upon  the  major  points  before  sending  it  on  to  edi6ng.  If  you’re  your  own  editor,  you’ll  want  to  spend  a  liNle  more  6me  here  to  double-­‐check  for  gramma6cal  correctness.  

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You might have noticed…

…that  only  one  of  the  aforemen.oned  steps  was  Good  content  writers  understand  that  the  easiest  part  of  the  wri6ng  process  is  the  wri6ng…  it’s  all  about  doing  appropriate  prep  work  so  that  you  wri6ng  says  what  you  –  and  what  your  client  –  need  it  to  say.  If  you  can  get  your  prep  skills  down,  the  rest  of  it  will  fall  into  place  in  minutes.  

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So, don’t work too hard.

The  best  part  about  20  minute  blog  posts  is  that  they  can  s.ll  convert.  You  don’t  need  to  labor  for  hours  in  order  to  present  something  that  is  relevant  to  the  client’s  needs.  In  fact,  there’s  danger  in  overthinking.  Of  course,  not  every  blog  post  you  write  you’ll  be  able  to  complete  in  20  minutes,  but  some  should  be  short,  snappy,  and  sweet.  Your  clients  will  see  returns,  and  you’ll  be  surprised  how  produc6ve  you  can  be.  

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Content Equals Money

Content  Equals  Money  is  a  content  wri6ng  service  that  serves  a  wide  variety  of  clients  with  top-­‐shelf,  sharable  content.  Our  goal  is  to  work  with  small  companies  in  order  to  help  them  reap  the  same  results  from  content  marke6ng  as  the  Fortune  500  companies.  Content  marke6ng  is  truly  scalable  and  can  work  for  all  businesses  and  business  sizes!