
Hello Le Tran Quoc Thang ,

Thank-you for requesting a free Tarot reading with me.

Before I begin, I would like to share with you how I believe the Tarot can help… We all have questions

concerning our lives, the paths we are on, and where we are headed. These are the questions that the

tarot cards can help find insight, guidance, and wisdom for. It is important to remember that through a

reading I can help to see the course you are currently on but know that we all have freedom of choice.

Our own choices as well as the choices of others can influence and change the outcome of that course.

We have the power within ourselves to change our direction if the reading points to something we feel

is in opposition to our own desires or life path.

Now, let's turn to your Tarot reading. You have asked about a past life.

I created a personalized Tarot spread based on your question and situation. Then, concentrating

carefully on your situation and channeling your energy, I shuffled and then laid out the Tarot cards and

this is what they told me.

You went into this past life with a basic soul nature based on the Nine of Cups reversed of smug, self-

centered, ungrateful, and envious. This life was to help you work on these characteristics and to help

tame these issues.

Your environment as an adult was living and working in a wealthy and powerful man’s village. He was a

powerful leader who was self-reliant, dominating but generous and fair at the same time. He is

represented by the King of Wands.

Your early years as represented by the Seven of Pentacles reversed were filled with hard work and a

simple life. You were taught the skills and trade of your family. You were a quick learner and passed the

expectations of the elders often.

You received no formal education but gathered any and all available recourses to feed your need to

learn. You were determined and persevered no matter what the obstacles. You progressed quickly as in

most things you attempted. This taught you the art of patience. The Chariot card represents your lack of

formal education but your desire to learn.

The Ten of Wands represents your accomplishments. You moved from a lowly tradesman to working in

the household of this wealthy leader and landowner. You became overwhelmed at times by the

responsibility but learned through this the art of delegation and sharing the task with those in your

charge. You found a fresh start in this position and moved up quickly to become a leader of those in this

man’s employ.

Your occupation in this household was in a chaotic environment and you acquired the skills of

organization and management. The Four of Swords reversed shows that you became quite good with

these skills.

Your social status although elevated from childhood was still behind the scenes. You were to keep the

household together and running smoothly, to be proper at all times, but were given little to no credit for

what you did. You were content with this however as shown by The Sun in reverse.

Your relationships with women and family were non-existent at most times. The relationships that you

did have were short lived and not fulfilling. You were ‘married to work’ as they say and did not have

time for family or women. You were however seen as a mentor and elder to the younger men and

women of the household in your charge. They respected you and looked up to you as shown by the

Queen of Pentacles reversed and the Three of Wands.

Your death was a quiet event in what was considered old age for the times. You were mourned by those

in your charge as a respected elder and given a respected funeral with rights for the customs of the

time. The High Priestess reversed shows that you died with wisdom and grace.

The Two of Pentacles and Queen of Wands reversed tell us that you learned the lessons of

organizations, balance, and flexibility in this life. These are lessons that you needed to learn to move

forward. You also learned to control your jealous nature and to choose the partners you deal with in life


The Magician and Justice cards show that you have carried forward into this life your ability to focus and

carry through with your intentions. Also your knowledge of equality and view of fairness. You will use

and share these traits with others throughout this life. A great thing to bring with you from this past life.

I hope this reading has helped you and has provided the insight you need.

And thanks again for the opportunity to read for you.

In exchange for the time and energy I have invested in your free reading, please email me with your

thoughts and feedback on the reading. Specifically, I would like to know how the reading has helped

you and how I can continually improve my Tarot reading skills.

If you have any questions or require clarification about any of the cards drawn here, please email me.

Blessings and Peace,




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Cards by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith Published by US GAMES
