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Modal verbs

Modal verbs

Verbele modale sunt o categorie speciala de verbe auxiliare.Ele sunt folosite pt.a exprima sugestii , oferte,cerinte,dorinte,intentii,politete,tact. Verbele modale sunt urmatoarele: can may shall will must

ought to could might should would

Caracteristicile vb.modale sunt urm.:

nu sunt precedate de particula "to" sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt (fara particula "to") al vb de conjugat. ex:Cigarettes can demage your health.

You may choose another book.

atunci cand sunt urmate de auxiliarul "BE"si de un verb la participiul prezent,vb.modale indica o actiune prezenta sau viitoare. ex.She is busy.She must be cooking.

I do not know what he is doing.He may be watching T.V. He is not in,but he will be coming soon.

atunci cand sunt urmate de auxiliarul "HAVE"si un verb la participiul trecut,vb.modale indica o actiune trecuta. ex.She must have finished the project.

The plane may have landed already.

nu primesc terminatia "S"la a -III- a nu au forma de Past Tense sau participiu prezent. ex.I can speak English.=>He can speak English.

Forma interogativa se realizeaza prin asezarea vb.modal in fata subiectului,fara ajutorul auxiliaruluil"DO"

ex.Can he speak English?

Must I write it again?

Could you type this letter for me? Ought she to do anything for them?

La forma negativa,NOT se aseaza imediat dupa vb-ul modal.

ex.I cannot swim.

We must not litter the place.

They may not leave earlier.

Such things ought not to be allowed.

Se folosesc in intrebarile disjunctive.(questions tags)

ex.He can drive.can't he?

You would like to come,wouldn't you?

She will be home by this time,won't she?


Sebsurile vb.can si could sunt urm.:

o abilitate: ex.He can play the piano.

I cannot(can't) open this door.

Can you ride a bike?

I could read when I was 4 years old.

o posibilitate: ex.Can pelicans fly?

You can join us if you want to.

o probabilitate: ex. The situation was such that anything could happen.

It could snow later on this evening.

o permisiune: ex.You can borrow my cd-player if you want to.

o cerere:

ex.Can I have some ice-cream?

Do you think you could help me translate this article.

o sugestie:

ex.If you have nothing else to do you could do the ironing.

o imposibilitate,atunci cand avem formele de negativ.

ex.The knock is too loud.It can't be the little boy.

It was too early .Surely that couldn't have been Jack.MAY & MIGHTSensurile vb.may si might sunt:

O cerere sau o permisiune(can si could sunt mai mult folosite in vorbirea curenta) ex.May I use your pen?

I wonder if I might use your phone. (in registrul formal/oficial) May I borrow your dictionary?No,I am afraid you may not.

O posibilitate(might sugereaza o sansa mica de a se intampla ceva) ex.Where is Danny?I do not know.He may be out playing.

His latest novel might be as good as the others but I do not like it so much.


Sensurile vb. Should si ought to sunt:

Un sfat You should / you ought to write to your grandmother. He has revised all day; he should / he ought to be ready for his exam.

Should este de asemenea folosit :

In situatii ipotetice : Should anyone call, please take a message. Should you need any help, just call me. SHALL AND WILLModalele shall/will + verb sunt folosite ca sa creeze timpuri viitoare. Aceste modale arata o intentie sau o actiune Shall este folosit foarte rar in engleza AmericanaI will / shall close the door for you. Tom will / shall meet us at the train station.MUST

must indica o obligatie.You must see this movie.

Tom must see a doctor immediately.Must indica o presupunere sau o probabilitateMy watch must be broken.

He must have done that before moving to SpainWOULDWould urmat de like este o modalitate politicoasa de a-ti exprima preferintaI would like white wine with my fish.

We would like a room with a view.In intrebari, would + subiect + like este o modalitate politicoasa de a face o cerere cevaWould you like soup or salad with your meal?

Where would you like to eat dinner?