

1. The book titled ‘Shame’ based on the life of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was written by

1. V.S. Naipaul

2. Vikram Seth

3. Salman Rushdie

4. Arundhati Roy

E*ÎÛ¿£sY �* uó�T{˼ J$Ôá+ �<ó�sÁ+>± »�wy�Tµ nHû |�Úd�￱�� s�d¾q y�sÁT.

1. $.jáTdt. HîÕbÍýÙ

2. $ç¿£y�T�d<ó�

3. d�ý²�H� sÁwÓÝ

4. nsÁT+<ó�Ü s�jYT

2. The first man made satellite that was sent into space is

1. Challenger -1

2. Sputnik - 1

3. Explorer - 1

4. Nebula - 1

sÃ<�dÓýË¿ì |�+|��&�q yîTT³¼yîTT<�{ì eÖqe �]�Ôá �|�ç>·V�²+

1. #ó�ýÉ+ÈsY ` 1

2. d�TÎÜ�¿ù ` 1

3. m¿ùàbþ¢sÁsY ` 1

4. Hî�T«ý² ` 1

3. In 1819 Ajanta caves were discovered by

1. John Smith

2. Henry John

3. George Everest

4. Jim Corbett

1819 d�+eÔáàsÁ+ýË nÈ+Ô� >·TV�²\qT ¿£qT>=q�y�sÁT.

1. C²H� d¾�ÔY

2. �V²çú C²H�

3. C²]¨ meÂsdt¼

4. �y�T ¿ÃÂsÒ{Ù

4. Jawaharlal Nehru called this person ‘The father of Indian Revolution’

1. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

2. Balgangadhar Tilak

3. Bipin Chandra Pal

4. Sardar Vallabha bhai Patel

»~ b�Í<�sY �|�t �+&�jáTH� ]e\Ö«w�H�µ n� ÈeV�²sY ý²ýÙ HîçV�A M]�


1. eTòý²H� n�TýÙ ¿£ý²+ �C²<�

2. u²\>·+>±<ó�sY Ü\¿ù

3. _|¾H� #á+ç<�bÍýÙ

4. d�s�ÝsY e\¢uó� uó²jYT |�fñýÙ

5. In India, ‘the Pygmalion point’ was renamed as

1. Kanyakumari

2. Indira point

3. Nariman point

4. Jawahar point

�+&�jáÖýË �q� »|¾¹>�*jáTH� bÍsTT+{Ùµ �|sÁTqT �ý² eÖs�ÌsÁT.

1. ¿£H�«Å£�eÖ]

2. �+~s� bÍsTT+{Ù

3. H�]eTH� bÍsTT+{Ù

4. ÈeV�²sY bÍsTT+{Ù

6. Lal Bahadur Shastri was died in the capital of this country.

1. Tazakistan

2. Turkmenistan

3. Uzbekistan

4. Afganistan

� <ûXø|�Ú s�È<ó��ýË ý²ýÙ �V�²<�ÖsY Xæçd¾ï >±sÁT |�sÁeT|�~+#�sÁT.

1. ÔáÈ¿ìkÍ�H�

2. ÔáTsYØyîT�kÍïH�

3. �CÉÒ¿ìkÍïH�

4. �|��é�kÍïH�

7. The first Nobel Laureate to win Bharat Ratna was

1. Rabindranath Tagore

2. C.V. Raman

3. Mother Theresa

4. Amarthya Sen

uó²sÁÔásÁÔá� _sÁT<�T bõ+~q yîTT<�{ì HÃuÉýÙ ç>·VÓ²Ôá.

1. sÁM+ç<�H�<ó� sÄ�>·ÖsY

2. d¾.$.s�eTH�

3. eT<�sY <î̧̄ kÍ

4. neTsÁï «�dH�

8. Odisha based personality Sudarshan Patnaik is famous in this field of art

1. Kalankari

2. Sand sculpture

3. Wooden sculpture

4. Batic

ÿ&�kÍàÅ£� #î+~q d�T<�sÁôH� |�{²�jáT¿ù � ¿£Þ²sÁ+>·+ýË ç|�d¾~Æ bõ+<�sÁT.

1. ¿£\+¿±]

2. �d�T¿£Ôà ¥ý²Î\T

3. #î¿£ØÔà ¥ý²Î\T

4. u²Ü¿ù

9. ‘Abhignana Sakuntalam’ was translated into English for the first time by

1. Frank Arbuthnot

2. Richard Burton

3. William Jones

4. William Shakespeare

»n_óC²ãq XæÅ£�+Ôá\+µ qT yîTT³¼yîTT<�{ì>± �+>·¢ uó²w�ýË nqTe~+ºqy�sÁT.

1. çbÍ+¿ù �sÁTÒÛÔYH�{Ù

2. ]#ásY¦ �sÁ¼H�

3. $*jáT+ CËH�à

4. $*jáT+ �w¿ìà|¾jáTsY

10. The Sahitya Academi Award was instituted in this year

� d�+eÔáàsÁ+ýË kÍV¾²Ôá« n¿±&�$T ny�sÁT¦ ç|�yûXø�|³¼�&�+~.

1. 1950

2. 1951

3. 1954

4. 1955

11. The new digital payment system that was introduced by Government of India on 20-2-2017 is


2. Bharat QR


4. Rupay

20`2`2017q uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ ç|�yûXø�|{ì¼q qÖÔáq &��³ýÙ �|yîT+{Ù $<ó�qeTT.

1. ;óy�T

2. uó²sÁÔY Å£�«�sY

3. mH� |¾ d¾ ×

4. sÁÖ�|


12. The first Indian Institute of Skills (IIS) was laid foundation at this place

1. Ahmedabad

2. Vadodara

3. New Delhi

4. Kanpur

yîTT³¼yîTT<�{ì �+&�jáTH� �H�d¾¼³Ö«{Ù �|�t d¾ØýÙà (IIS) Å£� �¿£Ø&� Xø+KTkÍ�|�q


1. nV�²�<�u²<�T

2. e&Ã<�sÁ

3. q֫&�

4. ¿±qÖÎsÁT

13. India signed missile deal pertaining to advanced Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) with

1. Israel

2. France

3. Germany

4. U.S.A.

uó�ÖÔá\+ qT+&� �+пì yîÞ⢠$T�dàíýÙ (SAM) �<ó�T�¿£ e«ed�� ¿=sÁÂ¿Õ �+&�jáÖ

� <ûXø+Ôà ÿ|�Î+<�+ Å£�<�TsÁTÌ¿=+~.

1. �çC²jûTýÙ

2. çb�ÍH�à

3. ÈsÁ�ú

4. jáTT.mdt.m.

14. The National Award to teachers is given away on 5th September every year. Each award carries with it a cash award of Rupees

ç|�Ü d�+eÔáàsÁ+ �d�|¼+�sÁT 5e ÔûBq �bÍ<ó�«jáTT\Å£� C²rjáT ny�sÁT¦

ç|�<ó�q+ #ûkÍïsÁT. � ny�sÁT¦ýË �#áTÌ s=¿£Ø+ ` sÁÖbÍjáT\ýË

1. 25000

2. 50000

3. 75000

4. 100000

15. Shinzo Abe, Japanese Prime Minister visited Pearl Harbor on 27-12-2016 along with this person.

1. Donald Trump

2. Barack Obama

3. Stanley Wolfer

4. Jennifer Egan

ÈbÍH� ç|��<ó�qeT+çÜ w¾+CË nuÉ M]Ôà ¿£\d¾ 27`12`2016q �|sÁýÙ

H꿱çXøjáÖ�� d�+<�]ô+#�sÁT.

1. &=H�ýÙ¦ ç³+|t

2. �s�¿ù ÿu²eÖ

3. kͼú¢ yÃ\ÎÛsY

4. CÉ��|��sY �>·H�

16. This person was appointed as Prime Minister of France by its President on 15-5-2017

1. Edouard Philippe

2. Emmanuel Macron

3. Laurant Fabius

4. John Grisham

15`5`2017q çb�ÍH�à n<ó�«Å£���#û �jáT$T+|��&�q çb�ÍH�à <ûXø|�Ú


1. m&�ÇsY¦ |�¾*|ÓÎ

2. �eÖqÖ«jáTýÙ eÖ翱H�

3. ý²sÁ+{Ù b�Í_jáTdt

4. C²H� çÐw�y�T

17. This city is not covered under ‘Smart Ganga City Scheme’ which was started in 2016

1. Haridwar

2. Patna

3. Barrackpore

4. Agra

2016 d�+eÔáàsÁ+ýË ç|�yûXø�|³¼�&�q »kÍ�sY¼ >·+>± d¾{¡ dÓØy�Tµ neT\T ¿±�


1. V�²]<�ÇsY

2. bÍ{²�

3. u²sÁ¿ù|�PsY

4. �ç>±

18. Green leafy vegetables are rich source of these vitamins

1. Vitamin A, Vitamin B12

2. Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12

3. Vitamin C, Vitamin A

4. Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin E

�Å£�Å£LsÁ\ýË � $³$TqT¢ d�eT�~Æ>± �+{²sTT.

1. $³$TH� m, $³$TH� _12

2. $³$TH� _2, $³$TH� _12

3. $³$TH� d¾, $³$TH� m

4. $³$TH� m, $³$TH� _2 eT]jáTT $³$TH� �

19. A mega healthcare scheme by name ‘Ayushman Bharat’ was launched on

»�jáTTcÍ�H� uó²sÁÔYµ nHû �|sÁTÔà nÜ �|<�Ý �sÃ>·«uó�ç<�Ô� dÓØy�T ç|�yûXø

�|³¼�&�q Ôû~.

1. 22-9-2018

2. 23-9-2018

3. 24-9-2018

4. 25-9-2018

20. Consider the following. A. Bank of Baroda B. Vijaya Bank C. Lakshmi Vilas Bank D. Dena Bank The banks that are going to be merged to become India’s third

largest bank is

� ç¿ì+~ y��� |�]>·Dì+#á+&�.

A. u²«+¿ù �|�t �sÃ&�

B. $ÈjáT u²«+¿ù

C. \¿¡ë $ý²dt u²«+¿ù

D. <ûH� u²«+¿ù

�|Õ #î|¾Îq u²«+¿ù\ýË � u²«+Å£�\T $©qyîT® uó²sÁÔá<ûXø|�Ú eTÖ&�e �|<�Ý

u²«+¿ù>± �<�ÒÛ$+#áuËÔáTH��sTT.

1. A and B

2. A, B and C

3. A, B and D

4. B, C and D

21. One of the members of the Simon Commission was

1. Sargent

2. Sir Phillips Hartog

3. Abatt Wood

4. William Hunter

�dÕeTH� ¿£MTw�H� d�uó�T«\ýË ÿ¿£sÁT

1. kÍsÁ̈+{Ù

2. d�sY |�¾*|tà V�äs�¼>´

3. nu²{Ù �&�

4. $*jáTy�T V�²+³sY

22. The Commission / Committee which recommended, “the educational objectives should be according to the desires and the changing needs of people” is

1. Secondary Education Commission

2. Kothari Commission

3. Committee on Emotional Integration

4. Hunter Commission

»»$<�« \¿�±«\T ç|�È\ �XøjáÖ\Å£�, eÖsÁTÔáTq� ned�s�\Å£� nqT>·TD+>±

�+&�*µµ n� d¾b�ÍsÁTà#ûd¾q ¿£MTw�H� / ¿£$T{ì

1. �d¿£+&�̄ $<�«¿£MTw�H�

2. ¿=sÄ�¯ ¿£MTw�H�

3. uó²ed�yîT®¿£«Ô� ¿£$T{¡

4. V�²+³sY ¿£MTw�H�

23. According to RTE Act - 2009, this percentage of seats are to be allotted for disadvantaged and weaker sections in private sector schools.

�sY.{ì.�. #á³¼+ ` 2009, ç|�¿±sÁ+, ç|�sTTyû³T bÍsÄÁXæ\ýË nqqTÅ£L\,

�\VÓ²q es�Z\ |¾\¢\Å£� ¹¿{²sTT+#�*àq dÓ³¢ XæÔá+

1. 20

2. 25

3. 30

4. 40

24. The organization which issues Merit Scholarships to the selected students in National Talent Search Examination is





Hûw�qýÙ {²ýÉ+{Ù �dsYÌ |�̄ ¿£� <�Çs� m+|¾¿£#ûjáT�&�q $<�«sÁT�\Å£�

�|�¿±sÁyûÔáH�\T �#ûÌ d�+d��

1. bdt.d¾.�.�sY.{ì.

2. bH�.d¾.{ì.�.

3. bH�.d¾.�.�sY.{ì.

4. bdt.×.�.{ì.

25. The external factor which affects teacher’s Motivation is

1. Opportunities for Professional Development

2. Spacious Classrooms

3. Meritorious Students

4. Textbooks at High Level

�bÍ<ó�«jáTT\Å£� ç�|sÁD ¿£*Z+#û �V¾²sÁZÔá ¿±sÁ¿£+

1. e�Üï|�sÁyîT®q n_óe�~Æ ne¿±Xæ\T

2. $Xæ\yîT®q ÔásÁ>·Ü>·<�T\T

3. ç|�Üuó²e+ÔáTýÉÕq $<�«sÁT�\T

4. �q�Ôá kÍ�sTTýË� bÍsÄÁ«|�Úd�￱\T

26. PWD Act 1995 is concerned to:

1. Senior Citizens

2. Women

3. Youth

4. Physically Challenged

PWD jáÖÅ£�¼ 1995 M]¿ì d�+�+~ó+ºq~

1. ejîÖe�<�TÆ\Å£�

2. eTV¾²Þø\Å£�

3. jáTTeÔáÅ£�

4. $¿£ý²+>·T\Å£�

27. According to 1951 Census, the female literacy in India is

1951 ÈH�uó² ýÉ¿£Ø\ ç|�¿±sÁ+ uó²sÁÔá<ûXø ÈH�uó²ýË eTV¾²Þ² n¿£�s�d�«Ôá

1. 12.3%

2. 8.9%

3. 15.4%

4. 22.0%

28. The quantity of rice (in grams) to be provided to a High School pupil under Mid-Day-Meal Scheme is

1. 150 gms.

2. 75 gms.

3. 125 gms.

4. 100 gms.

eT<ó�«V�²� uóËÈq |�<�̧¿£+ýË �q�Ôá bÍsÄÁXæ\ $<�«]�¿ì �eÇe\d¾q _jáT«+


1. 150 ç>±eTT\T

2. 75 ç>±eTT\T

3. 125 ç>±eTT\T

4. 100 ç>±eTT\T

29. The amount of application fee to be paid to obtain information under Right to Information Act above the Mandal level office is:

1. Rs. 10/-

2. Rs. 15/-

3. Rs. 20/-

4. Rs. 25/-

eT+&�\kÍ�sTT ¿£+fñ �|Õ kÍ�sTT ¿±s�«\jáÖýË¢ d�eÖ#�sÁ V�²Å£�Ø <�sÁU²d�TïÔÃ

#î*¢+#áe\d¾q sÁTd�TeTT

1. sÁÖ. 10/`

2. sÁÖ. 15/`

3. sÁÖ. 20/`

4. sÁÖ. 25/`

30. The chapter which discussed about the teacher education for curriculum renewal in National Curriculum Framework – 2005 was

1. School and Classroom Environment

2. Systemic Reforms

3. Learning and Knowledge

4. Curricular Areas, School Stages and Assessment

C²rjáT $<�«ç|�D²[¿± #áç³+ ` 2005 ýË� � n<ó�«jáT+ �bÍ<ó�«jáT

$<�«ç|�D²[¿£ |�ÚqsÁT<�ÆsÁDqT >·Ö]Ì #á]Ì+ºq~.

1. bÍsÄÁXæ\ eT]jáTT ÔásÁ>·Ü y�Ô�esÁD+

2. e«ekÍ�>·Ôá d�+d�ØsÁD\T

3. nuó�«d�q+ eT]jáTT C²ãq+

4. $<�«ç|�D²[¿± Ô�eÚ\T, bÍsÄÁXæ\ kÍ�sTT\T eT]jáTT eT~+|�Ú

31. Sirisha is a renowned Gymnast. People wonder how she can bend her body parts in such a manner. As per multiple intelligence theory, the type of intelligence Sirisha has

1. Visual spatial intelligence 2. Verbal language intelligence 3. Interpersonal intelligence 4. Bodily kinesthetic intelligence

¥¯w� �|Âs��¿£>·q� �eÖ�d¾¼¿ù ç¿¡ì&�¿±]Dì. �yîT Ôáq Xø¯s��� �$<ó�+>± mý²

e+#á>·\T>·TÔáTq�<Ãq� n+<�sÁÖ �XøÌsÁ«bþÔáT+{²sÁT. �V�QÞø ç|�C²ã d¾<�Æ+Ôá+

ç|�¿±sÁ+ ¥¯w� ¿£*ÐjáTTq� ç|�C²ãsÁ¿£+

1. <��Xø« çbÍ<û¥¿£ ç|�Èã

2. Xæ_Ý¿£ uó²cÍd�+�+<ó� ç|�Èã

3. e«¿£ï«+ÔásÁ ç|�Èã

4. Xæ¯sÁ¿£ d�Îs�ôÔá�¿£ ç|�Èã

32. Durga had head injury in a road accident. She forgot her past. When contacted a psychiatrist, he stated that this condition is the following type of forgetting.

1. Repression 2. Amnesia 3. Depression 4. Regression

<�TsÁZÅ£� sÃ&�T¦ ç|�jáÖD+ýË Ôá\Å£� >±jáTyîT®+~. B�e\¢ �yîT Ôáq >·Ô���

eTsÁºbþsTT+~. �dÕç¿ìjáÖç{ìdt¼qT d�+ç|�~�dï � d¾�Ü ç¿ì+~ sÁ¿±�¿ì #î+~q

$d�� �Ü>± #îbÍÎ&�T.

1. <�eTqeTT

2. �MT�w¾jáÖ

3. nekÍ<ó��+

4. ç|�Ü>·eTq+

33. A woman has adopted a small girl child. One day the child called her ‘Mummy’, immediately the woman hugged and kissed her. By this the child habituated to call the lady as ‘Mummy’. The learning theory involved here is

1. Classical conditioning

2. Learning by insight

3. Trial and Error

4. Operant conditioning

ÿ¿£ çdÓï ÿ¿£ ºq� neÖ�sTT� <�ÔáïÔá rd�TÅ£�+~. ÿ¿£sÃE � neÖ�sTT �yîTqT

»neÖ�µ n� |¾*º+~. yî+³Hû �yîT ¿�Ð*+#áT¿=� � bÍ|�qT eTT<�Ý&�+~.

B�<�Çs� � neÖ�sTT �yîTqT »neÖ�µ n�|¾\e³+ n\y�³T #ûîd�TÅ£�+~.

�#á̳ �$T&�eÚq� nuó�«d�q d¾<�Æ+Ôá+.

1. d�+ç|�<�jáT ��+<ó�q

2. n+ÔásÁ<��w¾¼ nuó�«d�q+

3. jáTÔá�`<Ãw� nuó�«d�q+

4. ¿±sÁ«kÍ<ó�¿£ ��+<ó�q

34. While correcting Geetha’s homework, the teacher observed writing errors like reverse images and mirror images. The type of learning disability Geetha has

1. Dyslexia

2. Dysgraphia

3. Dysphasia

4. Aphasia

|�<�\ýË� n¿£�s�\qT yîqT¿£qT+&� eTT+<�TÅ£�, n¿£�s�\qT n<�Ý+ýË

¿£q|�&û̄ ÜýË s�d�Tïq�³T¢ ^Ôá nHû $<�]�� V�²Ãy�TesYØqT ~<�TÝÔáTq�

{¡#ásY >·eT�+º+~. ^ÔáÅ£� >·\ � yîÕ¿£\«eTT

1. &�dtýÉ¿ìàjáÖ

2. &�dtç>±|�¾jáÖ

3. &�dt�|�d¾jáÖ

4. @�|�d¾jáÖ

35. Bhaskar opted Economics subject hoping that his previous knowledge of History subject may help him to pass Economics exams easily. On hearing this, his friend Gnani laughed because the transfer of learning here is

1. Negative transfer 2. Positive transfer 3. Zero transfer 4. Bilateral transfer

V¾²d�¼̄ d�uÉ̈Å£�¼ýË ÔáqÅ£� >·\ C²ãq+Ôà m¿£q$T¿ùà |�̄ ¿£�\qT d�T\uó�+>± |�P]ï

#ûjáT>·\qHû $XæÇd�+Ôà uó²d�ØsY m¿£q$T¿ùà d�uÉ̈Å£�¼qT m+|¾¿£#ûd�TÅ£�H��&�T.

�~ $q� nÔá� ç�|�+&� C²ã� qy�Ç&�T. B�¿ì ¿±sÁD+ �#á̳ È]¹> nuó�«d�q


1. e«Ü¹s¿£ �<�ý²sTT+|�Ú

2. <ó�H�Ôá�¿££ �<�ý²sTT+|�Ú

3. XøSq« �<�ý²sTT+|�Ú

4. ~ÇbÍsÁôÇ �<�ý²sTT+|�Ú

36. You have measured the mental ages of Rashmita and Likitha and found both have same mental age of 15 years. The school records show the chronological age of Rashmita is 15 and Likitha is 12: The following assumption suits best for you

1. Rashmita has high IQ level than Likitha

2. Likitha has high IQ level than Rashmita

3. Rashmita and Likitha have same IQ levels

4. Rashmita requires to consult a Psychiatrist immediately

sÁw¾�Ôá, *ÏÔá\ eÖqd¾¿£ ejáTd�Tà\qT MTsÁT eÖ|�q+ #ûjáT>± y�]<�ÝsÁÖ

15 d�+eÔáàsÁeTT\ eÖqd¾¿£ ejáTd�Tà ¿£*ÐeÚq�³T¢>± ¿£qT>=H��sÁT. bÍsÄÁXæ\

]¿±sÁT¦\T sÁw¾�Ôá Xæ¯sÁ¿£ ejáTd�TàqT 15 d�+eÔáàsÁeTT\T>±, *ÏÔá Xæ¯sÁ¿£

ejáTd�TàqT 12 d�+eÔáàsÁeTT\T>± d�Öºd�TïH��sTT. ç¿ì+~ y�{ìýË MTsÁT

nqTÅ£�Hû d�]jî®Tq }V�²

1. *ÏÔá ¿£+fñ sÁw¾�Ôá mÅ£�Øe ç|�C²ã\_ÆkÍ�sTT\qT ¿£*ÐeÚ+~.

2. sÁw¾�Ôá ¿£+fñ *ÏÔá mÅ£�Øe ç|�C²ã\_ÆkÍ�sTT\qT ¿£*ÐeÚ+~.

3. sÁw¾�Ôá, *ÏÔá ÿ¹¿ kÍ�sTT ç|�C²ã\_Æ� ¿£*ÐeÚH��sÁT.

4. sÁw¾�Ôá yî+³Hû �dÕç¿ìjáÖç{ìdt¼qT d�+ç|�~+#áe\d¾q ned�sÁ+eÚ+~.

37. Gopal is said to be emotionally stable. The character which he does not possess is

1. Expresses his emotions in a socially undesirable way

2. Sudden inappropriate emotional outbursts are rarely found

3. Perceives things in their real perspective

4. Does not possess the habit of rationalization for his improper conduct

>ÃbÍýÙ �<ûÇ>·d¾�sÁÔáÇeTT >·\ y��>± #î|�Î�&�Ô�&�T. nÔá&�T ¿£*Ð eÚ+&��


1. kÍ+|�¾T¿£+>± �¥+#á�&�� ¯ÜýË �<ûÇ>±\qT e«¿£ï|�sÁTkÍï&�T.

2. V�²sÄ�ÔáTï, d�]¿±� �<ûÇ>· e«¿¡ï¿£sÁD\T nÜÔáÅ£�Øe>± ¿£�Îd�Öï+{²sTT.

3. $w�jáÖ\qT y�{ì y�d�ïe <��¿£Î<�̧+ýË ç|�r¿ì�kÍï&�T.

4. Ôáq d�]¿±� ç|�esÁïqqT d�eT]�+#áTÅ£�Hû n\y�³T nÔá�¿ì ýñ<�T.

38. Student teachers of B.Ed course have expressed the following opinions on gifted children. Identify the incorrect opinion

1. Gifted children performs easy mental tasks only

2. Gifted child is essentially an exceptional child.

3. Among his own group, gifted child is superior in a certain ability.

4. Children can also show giftedness in music.

_.�&�. ¿ÃsÁTàÅ£� #î+~q #ó�çÔÃbÍ<ó�«jáTT\T ç|�Üuó²e+ÔáTýÉÕq $<�«sÁT�\

>·T]+º ç¿ì+~ n_óçbÍjáÖ\T e«¿£ï|�]#�sÁT. d�]¿±� n_óçbÍjáÖ�� >·T]ï+#á+&�

1. ç|�Üuó²e+ÔáTýÉÕq |¾\¢\T d�T\uó� uó�~Æ¿£ ¿£�Ô�«\qT eÖçÔáyûT


2. ç|�C²ãe+ÔáT&îÕÉÕq |¾\¢y�&�T Ôá|�Î�d�]>± ÿ¿£ ç|�Ôû«¿£yîT®q

|¾\¢y�&�T>± eÚ+{²&�T.

3. Ôáq d�eTÖV�²+ýË, ç|�C²ãe+ÔáT&îÕ ÉÕq |¾\¢y�&�T @<Ãÿ¿£

kÍeTsÁ�«+ýË n~óÅ£�&�T>± eÚ+{²&�T

4. |¾\¢\T d�+^Ôá+ýË Å£L&� ç|�Üuó²e+ÔáT\T>± eÚ+&�e#áTÌ

39. For each and every physical change, Chandu suspects it as a disease, over thinks and even do not believe the doctor’s words that he has no ailment. This stage of mental disorder is called as.

1. Hysteria 2. Hypochondriasis 3. Depression 4. Dementia

#á+<�T ÔáqýË È]¹> ç|�Ü uó�Ü¿£ eÖsÁTÎÅ£� ¿±sÁD+ @<à ÿ¿£ y�«~ó kþ¿ì+<��

nqTeÖq|�&�&�+, |�<û|�<û �ý˺+#á&�+ #ûkÍï&�T. &�¿£¼sÁT @ sÁT>·�Ôáýñ<��

#î|¾ÎH� qeT�&�T. �~ � sÁ¿£|�Ú eÖqd¾¿£ sÁT>·�Ôá>± |¾\Te�&�TÔáT+~

1. V¾²dÓ¼]jáÖ

2. d�ÇXø̄ sÁ<�T¥Ì+Ôá

3. nekÍ<ó��+

4. eTÜçuó�+Xø+

40. Suresh uses conventional methods in learning. He enquires about specific examples for the subject. He has specific type of thinking and standardized operating system. The type of learning here is

1. Generalization learning 2. Factual learning 3. Procedural learning 4. Associate learning

d�T¹swt nuó�«d�q+ýË d�+ç|�<�jáT |�<�ÆÔáT\qT �|�jîÖÐkÍï&�T. bÍsÄ�«+Xæ�¿ì

d�+�+~ó+ºq �]Æw�÷ �<�V�²sÁD\qT $#�]kÍï&�T. nÔá&�T �]Æw�÷

�ýË#áH�<óÃsÁDì, çbÍeÖDì¿£yîT®q �|�¹s{ì+>´ $<ó�H��� ¿£*Ð eÚ+{²&�T.

�Ôá� nuó�«d�q sÁ¿£+

1. kÍ<ó�sÁD¡¿£sÁD nuó�«d�q+

2. y�d�ïy�\ nuó�«d�q+

3. ç¿£eTjáTTÔá nuó�«d�q+

4. d�+d�sÁZ nuó�«d�q+


41. The line joining the places of equal heights is

1. Map line

2. Contour line

3. Light line

4. Centre line

d�eÖqyîT®q mÔáTï>·\ çbÍ+Ô�\qT ¿£*�| ¹sK

1. |�³+ ¹sK

2. ¿±+³ÖsÁT ¹sK

3. ¿±+Ü ¹sK

4. ¹¿+ç<� ¹sK

42. The average level based on higher and lower levels of sea

1. Middle Sea Level

2. Probable Sea Level

3. Mean Sea Level

4. Accurate Sea Level

d�eTTç<� �|�]Ôá\+�|Õq �|<�Ý, ºq� n\\ mÔáTï\ �<ó�sÁ+>± @sÁÎ&�q


1. eT<ó�« d�eTTç<�eT³¼+

2. d�+XøjáÖÔá�¿£ d�eTTç<�eT³¼+

3. d�>·³T d�eTTç<�eT³¼+

4. ¿£ºÌÛÔá d�eTTç<�eT³¼+

43. The earliest world maps were drawn by the

1. Egyptians 2. Babylonians 3. Indians 4. Sumerians

nÜ|�Ús�ÔáqyîT®q |�{²\qT ÔájáÖsÁT#ûd¾qy�sÁT

1. ��|¾üjáTqT¢

2. u²_ýË�jáTqT¢

3. uó²sÁrjáTT\T

4. d�TyûT]jáTqT¢

44. The father of Dutch Cartography

1. William Lambton

2. George Everest

3. Gerardus Mercator

4. Anaximander

&�#Y <ûXø|�{²\ ÔájáÖ¯<�sÁT\ |¾Ô�eTV�Q&�T

1. $*jáT+ ý²+�¼H�

2. C²]¨ myîÂsd�T¼

3. Â>s�sÁ¦dt yîT¹sسsY

4. nH�¿ìàeÖ+&�sY

45. The person who prepared first survey based maps in India during the British period

1. James Rannel

2. Gerardus Mercator

3. William Lambton

4. Herodotus

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË ç_{ìwt ¿±\+ýË d�¹sÇ �<ó�sÁ+>± yîTT³¼yîTT<�{ì |�{²\qT

sÁÖbõ+~+ºq y�sÁT

1. Cñy�Tà ÂsHî�ýÙ

2. Â>s�sÁ¦dt yîT¹sسsY

3. $*jáT+ ý²+�¼H�

4. �V²sÃ&ódt

46. Maps which denote a particular aspect are knows as

1. Thematic Maps

2. Geographical Maps

3. Survey Maps

4. Colour Maps

ÿ¿£ ç|�Ôû«¿£ n+Xø+ / $w�jáTeTTqT d�Öº+#û |�{²\T

1. �¹sÝ¥Ôá |�{²\T

2. uó�>Ã[¿£ |�{²\T

3. d�¹sÇ |�{²\T

4. sÁ+>·T\ |�{²\T

47. The process of extracting silk from silk cocoon is

1. Supari

2. Sappuri

3. Sumeri

4. Savari

|�³T¼>·ÖÞøß qT+º ¿£#�Ì|�³T¼qT r�d ç|�ç¿ìjáT

1. d�TbÍ]

2. d�|�PÎ]

3. d�TyûT]

4. d�y�]

48. The person who extended money to James Watt for inventing the Steam Engine

1. Boulton

2. Boulding

3. Gossen

4. Pearson

�$]jáT+çÔá+ ¿£qT>=q&�+ýË Cñy�Tà y�{ÙÅ£� �]�¿£ d�V�äjáT+ n+~+ºq y�sÁT

1. u�\¼H�

2. u�*¦+>´

3. >�dH�

4. |¾jáTsÁàH�

49. The gold coin used as the standard currency during Roman period

1. Besant

2. Decent

3. Recent

4. Crescent

sÃeTq¢ ¿±\+ýË çbÍeÖDì¿£ ç<�e«+>± $�jîÖÐ+#á�&�q �+>±sÁTH�DÉ+

1. ;�d+{Ù

2. &��d+{Ù

3. ¯�d+{Ù

4. ç¿�d+{Ù

50. The machine used for harvesting, threshing and winnowing activities in agricultural sector

1. Comprehensive Harvester

2. Centralised Harvestor

3. Cumulative Harvestor

4. Combined Harvestor

e«ekÍjáTsÁ+>·+ýË <ó�q«+ qÖ]Î&�#ûd¾, bþÔábþd¾, Ð+Èbõ\T¢qT yûsÁT#û�d


1. ¿±+ç|��V²�ày� V�äÂsÇd�¼sY

2. �d+ç³ýÉÕCÙ¦ V�äÂsÇd�¼sY

3. Å£�«eTT«ýñ{ìy� V�äÂsÇd�¼sY

4. ¿£+uÉÕH�¦ V�äÂsÇd�¼sY

51. The solid crust of the earth

1. Hydrosphere

2. Biosphere

3. Atmosphere

4. Lithosphere

uó�Ö$T jîTT¿£Ø |��Túuó�$+ºq bõsÁ

1. Èý²esÁD+

2. Jy�esÁD+

3. y�Ô�esÁD+

4. ¥ý²esÁD+

52. The Greek words ‘Hudor’ and ‘Spharia’ denote

1. Water and Sphere

2. Vapour and Ball

3. Layer and Bio

4. Vapour and Stone

»V�A«&�sYµ, »�dÎÛ]jáÖµ nHû ç^Å£�|�<�\T M{ì� d�ÖºkÍïsTT.

1. úsÁT eT]jáTT >ÃÞø+

2. �$] eT]jáTT �+Ü

3. bõsÁ eT]jáTT Je+

4. �$] eT]jáTT s�sTT

53. The primary division of the earth’s crust into oceans and continents is knows as

1. Middle order land forms

2. First order land forms

3. Back order land forms

4. Last order land forms

uó�Ö$T�|Õ bõsÁqT eTV�äd�eTTç<�\T K+&�\T>± çbÍ<�̧$T¿£+>± $uó��+#á&���

� $<ó�+>± |¾\TkÍïsÁT.

1. eT<ó�« çXâDì uó�Öd�ÇsÁÖbÍ\T

2. ç|�<�̧eT çXâDì uó�Öd�ÇsÁÖbÍ\T

3. yîqT¿£ çXâDì uó�Öd�ÇsÁÖbÍ\T

4. ºe] çXâDì uó�Öd�ÇsÁÖbÍ\T

54. Movement of plates is called as

1. Igneous rocks

2. Plate forms

3. Sea floor spreading

4. Plate tectonics

|��\¿±\ ¿£<�*¿£qT � $<ó�+>± |¾\TkÍïsÁT

1. nÐ� ¥\\T

2. |��\¿£ sÁÖbÍ\T

3. d�eTTç<�|�Ú Hû\ $d�ïsÁD

4. |��\¿£ #á\H�\T

55. Intrusive and extrusive landforms are related to the

1. Volcanoes

2. Hudor

3. Sphaira

4. Bios

n+ÔásÁZÔá, �V¾²sÁZÔá uó�Öd�ÇsÁÖbÍ\T nHû$ M{ì¿ì d�+�+~ó+ºq$

1. nÐ�|�sÁÇÔ�\T

2. V�A«&�sY

3. �dÎsTTs�

4. �jîÖdt

56. The single super ocean existed million of years back is

1. Pacific

2. Panthalsa

3. Atlantic

4. Indian

$T*jáTH� @+&�¢ ç¿ìÔá+ �q� ÿ¹¿ ÿ¿£ eTV�äd�eTTç<�+

1. |�d¾|�¾¿ù

2. bÍ+<ó�ý²à

3. n{²¢+{ì¿ù

4. V¾²+<�Ö

57. The upper most layer of the atmosphere

1. Thermosphere

2. Mesosphere

3. Homosphere

4. Exosphere

y�Ô�esÁD+ýË n��+{ì¿£+fñ �|Õq �q� bõsÁ

1. <ó�sÃ��esÁD+

2. MTkþ�esÁD+

3. d�eTsÁÖ|��esÁD+

4. m¿Ãà�esÁD+

58. During the period of Mahajanapada’s the workers engaged in field and home on wage basis are

1. Dasas

2. Bhrtukas

3. Janas

4. Patlas

eTV�äÈq|�<�eTT\ ¿±\+ýË bõ\+ýË, �+{ìýË Å£L*¿ì |��#û�dy�sÁT

1. <�d�T\T

2. uó�sÁT￱\T

3. C²q\T

4. bÍ{²¢\T

59. Two prominent persons belonging to ganas

1. Sriharsha and Devagupta

2. Bindusara and Ajatasatru

3. Buddha and Mahavira

4. Kanishka and Ashoka

>·D²\Å£� #î+~q �<�ÝsÁT ç|�eTTKT\T

1. lV�²sÁTü&�T ` <ûe>·T|�Úï&�T

2. _+<�TkÍsÁT&�T ` nC²ÔáXøçÔáT

3. �T<�TÆ&�T ` eTV�äMsÁT&�T

4. ¿£�w�§Ø&�T ` nXËÅ£�&�T

60. Mayura Sharma and Harichandra belong to the following enterprising families

1. Kadamba and Gurjara - Pratihara

2. Satavahana and Maurya

3. Maurya and Gupta

4. Gupta and Pallava

eTjáTÖsÁXøsÁ�, V�²]#á+ç<�\T ç¿ì+~ d�+|�q� Å£�³T+u²\Å£� d�+�+~ó+ºqy�sÁT

1. ¿£<�+� eT]jáTT >·ÖsÁ̈sÁ-ç|�ÜV�äsÁ

2. XæÔáy�V�²q`eTòsÁ«

3. eTòsÁ«`>·T|�ï

4. >·T|�ï̀ |�\¢e

61. An anicient prominent Pratihara King

1. Nagabhata

2. Dantidurga

3. Harichandra

4. Mayurasarma

çbÍNq ¿±\+ýË ç|�d¾~Æ>±+ºq ç|�ÜV�äsÁ s�E

1. H�>·uó�³T¼

2. <�+Ü <�TsÁTZ&�T

3. V�²]#á+ç<�T&�T

4. eTjáTÖsÁXøsÁ�

62. Mandalams, Valanadus and Nadus are the various parts of the empire during the reign of

1. Pallavas

2. Cholas

3. Cheras

4. Chalukyas

eT+&�ý²\T, e\H�&�T\T, H�&�T\T nHû$ ¿ì+~ bÍ\Å£�\H�{ì kÍçeÖÈ«+ýË�


1. |�\¢eÚ\T

2. #ÃÞø�\T

3. #ûsÁT\T

4. #�Þø�Å£�«\T

63. Villages given to skilled warriors by Rudramadevi to collect taxes were called as

1. Nayanars

2. Vadas

3. Nayankaras

4. Rattadi

HîÕ|�ÚD«+>·\ jîÖ<ó�T\Å£� |�qT�\ ed�Ö\Å£� sÁTç<�eT<û$ �ºÌq ç>±eÖ\T

1. H�jáTH�sÁT¢

2. y�&�\T

3. H�jáT+¿£sÁ\T

4. sÁ³¼&�

64. Self cultivated lands of zamindars are known as

1. Khud Khasht

2. Gadi

3. Vada

4. Patla

ÈMT+<�sÁ¢ kõ+Ôá �d<�«|�Ú uó�ÖeTT\T

1. KT<� U²dtï

2. >·&�

3. y�&�

4. bͳ¢

65. During the British period palegars were subdued by

1. Thomas Jefferson

2. Thomas Robert Malthus

3. Thompson

4. Thomas Munroe

ç_{ìwt ¿±\+ýË bÍýÉ>±sÁ¢qT ý¤+>·Bd�TÅ£�q�~

1. <ó�eTdt CÉ|��sÁàH�

2. <ó�eTdt s��sY¼ eÖ\�dt

3. <ó�eTàH�

4. <ó�eTdt eTçHÃ

66. Dadabhai Naoroji was the founder of

1. East India Association

2. East India Company

3. Indian National Congress

4. Muslim League

<�<�uó²jYT HêsÃ� � d�+d�� kÍ�|�Å£�&�T

1. �dt¼ �+&�jáÖ nkþd¾jûTw�H�

2. �dt¼ �+&�jáÖ ¿£+�|ú

3. �+&�jáTH� Hûw�qýÙ ¿±+çÂ>dt

4. eTTd¾¢+©>´

67. Elaborate N A L S A

1. National Legislative Services Agency

2. National Legal Services Authority

3. National Legal Safety Authority

4. Native Legal Services Authority

H�ý²à ( N A L S A ) $XøB¿£]+#á+&�.

1. C²rjáT Xæd�q �de\ @CÉúà

2. C²rjáT H�«jáT �de\ çbÍ~ó¿±sÁd�+d��

3. Hûw�qýÙ H�«jáT uó�ç<�Ô� çbÍ~ó¿±sÁd�+d��

4. d�Ç<ûo H�«jáT �de\ çbÍ~ó¿±sÁd�+d��

68. “One caste, one religion, one God for all men” were the catchwords of social reformer

1. Mahatma Gandhi

2. Ayyankali

3. Sri. Narayana Guru

4. Manu

»»ÿ¹¿ Å£�\+, ÿ¹¿ eTÔá+, eTqTw�§\+<�]¿¡ ÿ¹¿ <ûeÚ&�Tµµ nHû �H�<�\qT

�ºÌq d�+|��Td�+d�ØsÁï

1. eTV�äÔ��>±+Bó

2. njáT«+¿±*

3. l H�s�jáTD >·TsÁT

4. eTqT

69. The first person who received some portion of land collected during Bhoodan Movement

1. Ilamma

2. Mailaiah

3. Musalaiah

4. Maisaiah

uó�Ö<�HÃ<�«eT d�eTjáT+ýË \_ó+ºq uó�Ö$TýË ¿=~Ý uó²>±�� bõ+~q

yîTT³¼yîTT<�{ì e«¿ìï

1. ×\eT�

2. yîT®\jáT«

3. eTTd�\jáT«

4. yîT®d�jáT«

70. A major Act introduced by union government in 2005 for protection of the livelihood of people in rural areas

1. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

2. Mahatma Gandhi Natural Rural Employment Guarantee Act

3. Mahatma Phoole National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

4. M.G. Ranade National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

¹¿+ç<�ç|�uó�TÔáÇ+ 2005ýË ç>±MTD çbÍ+Ô�\ýË ç|�È\ JeHÃbÍ<ó�T\ ¿£\ÎqÅ£�

�<ûÝ¥+ºq ¿¡\¿£ #á³¼+

1. eTV�äÔ��>±+Bó C²rjáT ç>±MTD �bÍ~ó V�äMT #á³¼+

2. eTV�äÔ��>±+Bó d�V�²È ç>±MTD �bÍ~ó V�äMT #á³¼+

3. eTV�äÔ��|�Pýñ C²rjáT ç>±MTD �bÍ~ó V�äMT #á³¼+

4. my�T.�. sÁq&û C²rjáT ç>±MTD �bÍ~ó V�äMT #á³¼+

71. The ancient philosopher who stated that the King should give half of the granary to the people in times of distress

1. Manu

2. Kautilya

3. Plato

4. Aristotle

¿£w�¼¿±\+ýË �q� ç|�È\Å£� s�E Ôáq <ó�H�«>±sÁ+ýË d�>·+ yîTTÔ�ï�� �y�Ç\�

ç|�¿£{ì+ºq çbÍNq ÔáÔáïÇyûÔáï

1. eTqTeÚ

2. ¿�{ì\T«&�T

3. �|¢{Ë

4. n]kͼ{ìýÙ

72. Abolition of untouchability comes under this Fundamental Right of Indian Constitution

1. Right to Life

2. Right to Freedom

3. Right to Equality

4. Right to Education and Culture

nd�Î�Xø«Ôá ��w<ó�+ nHû~ uó²sÁÔá s�C²«+>·+ýË� ç¿ì+~ V�²Å£�ØýË n+Ôás�ÒÛ>·+

1. J$+#û V�²Å£�Ø

2. kÍÇÔá+çÔá«|�Ú V�²Å£�Ø

3. d�eÖqÔáÇ|�Ú V�²Å£�Ø

4. $<�« eT]jáTT kÍ+d�Ø �Ü¿£ V�²Å£�Ø

73. The scholars who studied books of the eastern countries

1. Continentalists

2. Americanlists

3. Orientalists

4. Europeanalists

ÔáÖsÁTÎ <ûXæ\ |�Úd�￱\qT n<ó�«jáTq+#û�d y�sÁT

1. K+&�\ |�+&�ÔáT\T

2. nyîT]¿± |�+&�ÔáT\T

3. çbÍ#á«|�+&�ÔáT\T

4. jáTÖsÃ|¾jáTH� |�+&�ÔáT\T

74. The inspiring person of Prarthana Samaj

1. Vivekanada

2. Rama Mohan Roy

3. Rama Krishna Paramahamsa

4. Keshav Sen

çbÍsÁ�H� d�eÖÈ kÍ�|�q ç�|sÁÅ£�\T

1. $yû¿±q+<�T&�T

2. s�eT yîÖV�²q s�jYT

3. s�eT¿£�w�� |�sÁeTV�²+d�

4. ¹¿Xøe�dH�

75. The Companions of Basavanna in the propagation of Virashaivam

1. Allamma Prabhu and Akkamahadevi

2. Jayapa Senani and Rudrama Devi

3. Nalagama and Manchala Devi

4. Balachandra and Nagamma Devi

MsÁXèÕe y�«|¾ïýË �d�eq�¿£T d�V�²#ásÁT\T>± �q�y�sÁT

1. n\¢eT ç|�uó�TeÚ ` n¿£Ø eTV�ä<û$

2. C²jáT|��dH�� ` sÁTç<�eT<û$

3. q\>±eTT&�T ` eÖ+#�\<û$

4. u²\#á+ç<�T&�T ` H�>·eT<û$

76. The terms Nam, Dan and Isnan were used by

1. Kabir

2. Basavanna

3. Gurunanak

4. Namdev

H�y�T, <�H�, �kÍ�H� nHû eÖ³\qT �|�jîÖÐ+ºqy�sÁT

1. ¿£;sY

2. �d�eq�

3. >·TsÁTH�q¿ù

4. H�eT<ûeÚ&�T

77. In India the following Officer enjoys autonomy like the Chief Election Commissioner

1. The Chief Secretary of the State Government

2. The Secretary General of the Lok Sabha

3. The Cabinet Secretary in Union Government

4. The Central Public Information Commissioner

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË ç¿ì+~ n~ó¿±] ç|�<ó�q m��¿£\ ¿£MTw�qsY eýÉ

d�ÇÔá+çÔá ç|�Ü|�Üï� ¿£*Ð �+{²sÁT.

1. s�çw�¼ ç|�uó�TÔáÇ eTTK«¿±sÁ«<�]ô

2. ýË¿ùd�uó� �dç¿£³¯ ÈqsÁýÙ

3. ¹¿+ç<� ç|�uó�TÔáÇ ¿±_Hî{Ù ¿±sÁ«<�]ô

4. �d+ç³ýÙ |�_¢¿ù �H�|�¹s�w�H� ¿£MTw�qsY

78. The major policy decision taken by Government of India in 1971

1. Abolition of National Planning Commission

2. Abolition of Zamindari System

3. Nationalization of Coal Mines

4. Abolition of Privy Purses

1971ýË uó²sÁÔá ç|�uó�TÔáÇ+ rd�TÅ£�q� ¿¡\¿£yîT®q $<ó�q �sÁ�jáT+

1. C²rjáT ç|�D²[¿£ d�+|��T+ sÁ<�TÝ

2. ÈMT+<�¯ e«ed�� sÁ<�TÝ

3. u¤>·TZ >·qT\ C²rsTÖ¿£sÁD

4. s�Èuó�sÁD²\ sÁ<�TÝ

79. The Executive Chairman of State Legal Services Authority

1. Serving or retired High Court Judge

2. Serving or retired High Court Chief Justice

3. Serving or retired High Court Senior Judge

4. Serving or retired Senior Civil Judge

s�çw�¼ H�«jáT�de\ n<ó�]{¡ mШţL«{ìy� #îÕsÁ�H�

1. |��#ûd�Tïq� ýñ<� |�<�M $sÁeTD #ûd¾q �VÕ²¿ÃsÁT¼ H�«jáTeTÖ]ï

2. |��#ûd�Tïq� ýñ<� |�<�M $sÁeTD #ûd¾q �VÕ²¿ÃsÁT¼ ç|�<ó�q H�«jáTeTÖ]ï

3. |��#ûd�Tïq� ýñ<� |�<�M $sÁeTD #ûd¾q �VÕ²¿ÃsÁT¼ dÓ�jáTsY H�«jáTeTÖ]ï

4. |��#ûd�Tïq� ýñ<� |�<�M $sÁeTD #ûd¾q dÓ�jáTsY d¾$ýÙ È&�̈

80. The Prime Minister and his party in power during the Second World War in Britain

1. Winston Churchill - Conservative Party

2. Herald Wilson - Labour Party

3. Margaret Thatcher - Conservative Party

4. David Cameroon - Labour Party

Âs+&à ç|�|�+#ájáTT<�Æ d�eTjáT+ýË ç_³H�ýË n~ó¿±sÁ+ýË �q� ç|�<ó�qeT+çÜ

eT]jáTT bÍ ¼̄ �|sÁT

1. $H�d�¼H� #á]ÌýÙ ` ¿£+ȹsÇ{ìy� bͯ¼

2. �V²s�ýÙ¦ $\àH� ` ýñ�sY bÍ ¼̄

3. eÖsÁZÂs{Ù <ó�#ásY ` ¿£+ȹsÇ{ìy� bÍ ¼̄

4. &û$&� ¿±eTsÁÖH� ` ýñ�sY bÍ ¼̄

81. Cold winds in Southern France are called as

1. Mistral

2. Bora

3. Pampero

4. Southern Burst

<�¿ì�D çbÍqTàýË oÔá\ |�eH�\qT � $<ó�+>± |¾\TkÍïsÁT.

1. $Tçd�¼ýÙ

2. uËs�

3. bÍ+�|sÃ

4. <�¿ì�D �sYçdt¼\T

82. The prominent French Scientist who gave explanation about the origin of Solar System

1. Louis

2. Lockyer

3. Laplace

4. Littleton

kåsÁÅ£�³T+� neÔásÁDeTTqÅ£� d�+�+~ó+º $esÁD �ºÌq ç|�eTTK

ç�|�+#Y Xæçd�ïyûÔáï

1. \ÖsTÖdt

2. ý²¿ìjáTsY

3. ý²�|¢dt

4. *{ìýÙ³H�

83. Descending winds in Iraq are called as

1. Cairn

2. Chinook

3. Berg

4. Samun

�<ó�sÁeTTK |�eH�\qT �s�¿ùýË � $<ó�+>± |¾\TkÍïsÁT.

1. ¿sTTsY�

2. ºóqÖ¿ù

3. uÉsYZ

4. kÍeTTH�

84. Evapo - Transpiration denotes

1. The total amount of water added to atmosphere from both evaporation and transpiration

2. Evaporation of water from ocean currents to the atmosphere 3. Evaporation of air from sky to the earth atmosphere 4. Evaporation of air from the lower portion of ocean to the

upper portion of sky

uó²wÓÎuó�eq �ÔáàsÁ̈q+ nHû~ B�� d�Öºd�Tï+~.

1. uó�Ö$T �|�]Ôá\+ qT+º y�Ô�esÁD+ýË¿ì úsÁT �$sÁe³+ eT]jáTT

�ÔáàsÁ̈q+ #î+<�&�+

2. d�eTTç<� ç|�y�V�ä\qT+º y�Ô�esÁD+ýË¿ì úsÁT �$sÁe³+

3. �¿±Xø+ qT+º uó�Ö$T¿ì >±* �$sÁe&�+

4. d�eTTç<�|�Ú ýË|�* uó²>·+ qT+º �¿±Xø+�|Õ uó²>±\Å£� >±* �$sÁe&�+

85. In ancient period fertile and sterile soils were termed as

1. Arid and Peaty

2. Khadar and Bhangar

3. Urvara and Usara

4. Laterite and Lateritic

çbÍNq ¿±\+ýË kÍsÁe+ÔáyîT®q, kÍsÁVÓ²qyîT®q Hû\\qT ç¿ì+~ $<ó�+>±


1. n]&� eT]jáTT |Ó{¡

2. U²<�sY eT]jáTT uó�+>·sY

3. }sÁÇsÁ eT]jáTT �w�sÁ

4. ý²{ìÂsÕ{Ù eT]jáTT ý²{ì]{ì¿ù

86. Identify the right statement among the following with regard to El-Nino

1. Elninos are common in Bay of Bengal

2. Elninos avoid drought, floods and other weather extremes

3. Elninos are contraction of warm equatorial currents

4. Elninos occur once every three to seven years

mýÙ�HÃ\ $w�jáT+ýË ç¿ì+~ ç|�¿£³q\ýË @~ d�]jî®Tq<à >·T]ï+#á+&�.

1. mýÙ�HÃ\T �+>±Þ²U²Ôá+ýË d�sÁÇkÍ<ó�sÁD+

2. mýÙ�HÃ\T ¿�±eT+, esÁ<�\T e+{ì �ÔásÁ y�Ô�esÁD ç|�ÜÅ£L\Ôá\qT


3. mýÙ�HÃ\T d�eToÔÃw�� ç|�y�V�ä\ rçeÔáqT ÔáÐZkÍïsTT

4. býÙ�HÃ\T ç|�ÜeTÖ&�T qT+º @&ûÞøß¿=¿£kÍ] d�+uó�$kÍïsTT

87. The following Dam is the highest Dam in India and eighth tallest Dam in the World

1. Bhakra Nangal

2. Tehri

3. Hirakud

4. Nagarjuna Sagar

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË nÔá«+Ôá mÔîíïq, ç|�|�+#á+ýË m�$T<à mÔîíïq &�«+

1. uó²ç¿±q+>·ýÙ

2. ÔîçVÓ²

3. VӲs�ţ�&�

4. H�>±sÁT¨qkÍ>·sY

88. The longest double tracked and electrical transcontinental railway in the World is

1. Trans – Siberian Railway

2. Trans Australian Railway

3. Tanzania Railway

4. Blue Train of South Africa

ç|�|�+#á+ýË nÔá«+Ôá bõ&�yîÕq &��TýÙ ç{²¿ù m\ç¿ì¼¿£ýÙ ç{²H�࿱+{ìHî+³ýÙ ÂsÕýñÇ

1. ç{²H�à ` �dÕ;]jáTH� ÂsÕýñÇ

2. ç{²H�à ` �ç�d¼*jáTH� ÂsÕýñÇ

3. {²+C²�jáÖ ÂsÕýñÇ

4. kåÔY �ç|�¾¿± �Ö¢çfÉ®H�

89. In the case of manganese deposits, India has the following percentage and rank at the World level

1. 11% Mineral deposits, seventh rank

2. 10% Mineral deposits, sixth rank

3. 9% Mineral deposits, fifth rank

4. 12% Mineral deposits, eighth rank

ç|�|�+#á kÍ�sTTýË uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ eÖ+>·údt K�Èd�+|�<� �\Ç\Å£� d�+�+~ó+º

�¿ì+~ XæÔá+ýË, � s�«+Å£�ýË �+~.

1. 11% K�È d�+|�<�, @&à s�«+Å£�

2. 10% K�È d�+|�<�, �sà s�«+Å£�

3. 9% K�È d�+|�<�, nsTT<à s�«+Å£�

4. 12% K�È d�+|�<�, m�$T<à s�«+Å£�

90. This is an ecosystem with plants and animals of unusual scientific and natural interest.

1. Bioeconomic Reserves

2. Biosphere Reserves

3. Biometric Reserves

4. Biotechnology Reserves

nkÍ<ó�sÁDyîT®q XæçdÓïjáT, ç|�¿£�Ü d�V�²ÈyîT®q çbÍ<ó�q«Ôá>·\ e�¿�±\T,

È+ÔáTeÚ\Ôà ţL&�q |�s�«esÁD e«ed��

1. �jîÖm¿£q$T¿ù ]ÈsÁTÇ

2. �jîÖd¾ÎjáTsY ]ÈsÁTÇ

3. �jîÖyîTç{ì¿ù ]ÈsÁTÇ

4. �jîÖfÉ¿±�\J ]ÈsÁTÇ

91. The author of ‘History of the Peloponnessian War’

1. Herodotus

2. Hercules

3. Plato

4. Cicero

»V¾²d�¼̄ �|�t �|ýËbþ�w¾jáTH� y�sYµ sÁ#ásTTÔá

1. �V²s=&ódt

2. �V²sYÅ£�«\dt

3. �|¢{Ë

4. d¾d¾sÃ

92. The only Janapada founded in South India in ancient period

1. Avanti

2. Asmaka

3. Anga

4. Amaravati

çbÍNq ¿±\+ýË <�¿ì�D uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË kÍ�|¾+#á�&�q ÿ¹¿ ÿ¿£ Èq|�<�+

1. ne+Ü

2. nd��¿£

3. n+>·

4. neTs�eÜ

93. The famous classic Kural (Thirukural) was written by

1. Tiruvalluvar

2. Mani Mekhalai

3. Manugadi Marudan

4. Nakkiran

ç|�d¾<�Æ ¿±e«yîT®q »Å£�sÁýÙµ (ÜsÁTÅ£�sÁýÙ) qT sÁº+ºq~

1. ÜsÁTeÞø�ßesY

2. eTDìyûT|��TýÉÕ

3. eTqT>±&� eTsÁT<�H�

4. q¿¡ØsÁH�

94. Author of Tahkika - i - hind

1. Amir Khusru

2. Akbar

3. Al-Biruni

4. Allauddin

ÔáVt²¿¡¿± ` � ` V¾²+<� sÁ#ásTTÔá

1. nMTsY KTçkþ

2. n¿£ÒsY

3. nýÙ _sÁÖú

4. ný²¢�BÝH�

95. The first and last sultans of Delhi respectively

1. Qutub-ud-din Aibak and Ibrahim Lodi

2. Rajia Sultana and Ghiyasuddin Balbon

3. Alam Khan Lodi and Ibrahim Lodi

4. Bhaktiyar Khilji and Iltutmish

&ó�©¢� bÍ*+ºq yîTT<�{ì, ºe] d�Tý²ïqT\T esÁTd�>±

1. Å£�ÔáT�TBÝH� ×�¿ù ` �ç�VÓ²+ýË&��

2. sÁ�jáÖd�Tý²ïH� ` |�¾TjáÖd�TBÝH� u²\ÒH�

3. �\+U²H� ýË&�� ` �ç�VÓ²+ýË&�

4. uó�¿ìïjáÖsY Ï© ̈` �ýÙ³T{Ù$Twt

96. Guru of Ramanuja

1. Yadav Prakasha

2. Yadu Prakasa

3. Nimbarka

4. Jnanadev

s�eÖqTC²#�sÁT«\ >·TsÁTeÚ

1. jáÖ<�y� ç|�¿±XÙ

2. jáT<�T ç|�¿±XÙ

3. �+u²sÁTØ&�T

4. C²ãq<ûeÚ&�T

97. The term ‘Industrial Revolution’ was used by

1. George Eliot and John Keats

2. George Michelet and Friedrich Engels

3. Voltaire and Diderot

4. John Milton and Shakespeare

»bÍ]çXæ$T¿£ $|�¢e+µ nHû |�<��� �|�jîÖÐ+ºq y�sÁT

1. C²]̈ �*jáT{Ù ` C²H� ¿¡{Ùà

2. C²]̈ $T#îýÉ{Ù ` ç�|�&�]¿ù @+¹>ýÙà

3. yÃýñ¼sY ` &îÕ&�s�{Ù

4. C²H� $T\¼H� ` �w¿ùàd¾ÎjáTsY

98. Founder of ‘Young Italy’

1. Emmanuel

2. Cavour

3. Garibaldi

4. Mazzini

»jáT+>´ �³©µ e«ekÍ�|�Å£�\T

1. meÖqT«jáTýÙ

2. ¿£ePsY

3. >±]u²*¦

4. eÖ�ú

99. Persons belonging to middle class, artisans and peasants on the eve of French revolution are known as

1. First Estate

2. Second Estate

3. Third Estate

4. Royal Estate

ç�|�+#Y $|�¢e d�eTjáT+ýË eT<ó�«ÔásÁ>·Ü, e�Üï|��y�sÁT, e«ekÍjáT<�sÁT\ÔÃ

Å£L&�q esÁZ+

1. yîTT<�{ì esÁZ+

2. Âs+&�e esÁZ+

3. eTÖ&�e esÁZ+

4. s�jáTýÙ esÁZ+

100. Official residence of French Kings during French Revolution

1. West Minister Palace

2. Versailles Palace

3. Buckingham Palace

4. Elsea Palace

ç�|�+#Y $|�¢e ¿±\+ýË ç�|�+#Y s�E\ n~ó¿±sÁ >·�V�²�y�d�+

1. yîdt¼ $T�w�¼sY bÍ«ýÉdt

2. eÂsàýÙà bÍ«ýÉdt

3. �¿ì+>´V�äy�T bÍ«ýÉdt

4. m©à bÍ«ýÉdt

101. The political philosopher who defined Political Science as a study of Government

1. Leacock

2. Seeley

3. Janet

4. Gilchrist

s�ÈúÜXæçd�ïeT+fñ ç|�uó�TÔáÇ+ >·T]+º n<ó�«jáTq+ #û�d Xæçd�ïeT�


1. ©¿±¿ù

2. dÓ©

3. C²Hî{Ù

4. ÐýÙç¿Õdt¼

102. This element distinguishes the state from other associations

1. Population

2. Territory

3. Sovereignty

4. Government

� \¿£�D+ s�C²«�� �ÔásÁ d�+d��\ qT+º yûsÁT|�sÁTd�Tï+~.

1. ÈH�uó²

2. ç|�<ûXø+

3. kÍsÁÇuó�eÖ~ó¿±sÁ+

4. ç|�uó�TÔáÇ+

103. The political philosopher who viewed that law and liberty are antithetical

1. Erskin

2. Holland

3. Solmond

4. J.S. Mill

#á{¼+, �dÇ#áÌ |�sÁd�ÎsÁ e«Ü¹s¿£eT� uó²$+ºq s�ÈúÜ ÔáÔáïÇyûÔáï

1. bsYd¾ØH�

2. V�äýÉ+&�

3. kÍ\�+&�

4. CÉ. bdt. $TýÙ

104. This is considered as the first step for realizing human rights

1. Magna Carta

2. Bill of Human Rights

3. French Revolution

4. Russian Revolution

eÖqeV�²Å£�Ø\ kÍ<ó�qÅ£� yîTT<�{ì yîT³T¼>± �~ |�]>·Dì+#á�&�+~

1. eÖ>±�¿±s�¼

2. eÖqeV�²Å£�Ø\ |�çÔá+

3. ç�|�+#Y $|�¢e+

4. sÁw�«H� $|�¢e+

105. A criteria of naturalized citizenship

1. Honesty

2. Leadership

3. Intelligence

4. Residence

d�V�²J¿£�Ôá båsÁd�Ô�Ç�¿ì çbÍÜ|�~¿£

1. �C²sTTr

2. H�jáT¿£ÔáÇ+

3. yûT<ó�d�Tà

4. �y�d�+

106. The person who used the term secularism for the first time in modern times.

1. Gajendra Gadkar

2. G.J. Holyoake

3. Donald E. Smith

4. Jawaharlal Nehru

�<ó�T�¿£ ¿±\+ýË »ý�¿ì¿£y�<�+µ nHû |�<��� yîTT<�{ìkÍ]>± �|�jîÖÐ+ºq~

1. >·Cñ+ç<� >·&�ØsY

2. �. CÉ. V�²ÃýË«¿ù

3. &=H�ýÙ¦ �. d¾�ÔY

4. ÈesYý²ýÙ HîçV�A

107. Fundamental Rights are mentioned in the following Articles of Indian constitution.

1. 1 to 11 of part - I

2. 36 to 51 of part - II

3. 12 to 35 of part - III

4. 52 to 78 of part - IV

uó²sÁÔá s�C²«+>·+ýË� ç¿ì+~ ç|�¿£sÁD\ýË çbÍ<�̧$T¿£ V�²Å£�Ø\qT


1. 1e uó²>·+ýË 1 qT+&� 11 esÁÅ£�

2. 2e uó²>·+ýË 36 qT+&� 51 esÁÅ£�

3. 3e uó²>·+ýË 12 qT+&� 35 esÁÅ£�

4. 4e uó²>·+ýË 52 qT+&� 78 esÁÅ£�

108. The second Chief Minister of Combined Andhra Pradesh

1. K. Rosaiah

2. M. Chenna Reddy

3. N. Sanjeeva Reddy

4. D. Sanjeevaiah

�eT�&� �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ Âs+&à eTTK«eT+çÜ

1. ¿. sÃXøjáT«

2. by�T. #îH��Âs&�¦

3. bH�. d�+JeÂs&�¦

4. &�. d�+JejáT«

109. Both Parliament and State Legislatures can make laws over the subjects of this list

1. Union list

2. State list

3. Concurrent list

4. Voters list

� ç¿ì+~ C²_Ô�ýË� n+Xæ\�|Õ bÍsÁ¢yîT+³T, s�çw�¼ Xæd�q d�uó�\T Âs+&�Ö

Xæd�H�\qT sÁÖbõ+~+#á >·\T>·TÔ�sTT.

1. ¹¿+ç<� C²_Ô�

2. s�çw�¼ C²_Ô�

3. �eT�&� C²_Ô�

4. z³sÁ¢ C²_Ô�

110. ‘Mandamus’ means

1. To introduce the body of a person

2. We command

3. To forbid

4. To be certified

»eÖ+&�eTdtµ nsÁ�+

1. e«¿ìï Xø̄ s��� ç|�yûXø�|³¼&�+

2. yûTeTT �C²ã|¾d�TïH��eTT

3. ��w~ó+#áT³

4. <ó��M¿£]+#á&�+

111. The goods which are in various stages of production process are called

1. Producer goods

2. Capital goods

3. Intermediary goods

4. Durable goods

|�P]ï>± ÔájáÖsÁT ¿±Å£�+&� �ÔáÎÜï ç|�ç¿ìjáTýË $$<ó� <�Xø\ýË �q� ed�TïeÚ\T

1. �ÔáÎÜï<�sÁT ed�TïeÚ\T

2. eTÖ\<ó�q ed�TïeÚ\T

3. eÖ<ó�«$T¿£ ed�TïeÚ\T

4. eT��¿£>·\ ed�TïeÚ\T

112. Utility measureable in terms of utils is

1. Cardinal utility

2. Ordinal utility

3. Marginal utility

4. Place utility

jáTÖ{ìýÙà <�Çs� ç|�jîÖÈH��� ¿=\Tee#áTÌqHû uó²eq

1. ¿±]¦qýÙ ç|�jîÖÈqeTT

2. �]¦qýÙ ç|�jîÖÈqeTT

3. �bÍ+Ôá ç|�jîÖÈqeTT

4. d��\ ç|�jîÖÈqeTT

113. The percentage change in the quantity demanded of a commodity due to a percentage change in its related commodity price is

1. Price Elasticity of Demand

2. Cross Elasticity of Demand

3. Income Elasticity of Demand

4. Arc Elasticity of Demand

d�+�+~óÔá ed�TïeÚ\ <ó�sÁýË e#ûÌ nqTbÍÔá eÖsÁTÎ e\q ÿ¿£ ed�TïeÚ

&�eÖ+&�TýË e#ûÌ nqTbÍÔá eÖsÁTÎ

1. <ó�sÁ &�eÖ+&�T y�«¿Ã#áÔáÇeTT

2. C²Ôá«+ÔásÁ &�eÖ+&�T y�«¿Ã#áÔáÇeTT

3. �<�jáT &�eÖ+&� y�«¿Ã#áÔáÇeTT

4. �sYØ y�«¿Ã#áÔáÇeTT

114. The additional cost to produce an additional good is

1. Average cost

2. Average variable cost

3. Fixed cost

4. Marginal cost

ÿ¿£ n<�q|�Ú ed�TïeÚqT �ÔáÎÜï #ûjáT&��¿ì njûT« n<�q|�Ú e«jáT+

1. d�>·³T e«jáT+

2. d�>·³T #ásÁ e«jáT+

3. d¾�sÁ e«jáT+

4. �bÍ+Ôá e«jáT+

115. Flow of income from firms to households and from households to firms denotes

1. Circular flow of income

2. Unequal flow of income

3. Upward flow of income

4. Household flow of income

d�+d��\ qT+&� >·�V�²sÁ+>±�¿ì, >·�V�²sÁ+>·+ qT+&� d�+d��\Å£� �<�jáT+

�sÁ+ÔásÁ+ ç|�eV¾²+#á&�+.

1. #áç¿¡jáT �<�jáT ç|�y�V�²+

2. nd�eT �<�jáT ç|�y�V�²+

3. }sÁ�ÇeTTK �<�jáT ç|�y�V�²+

4. Å£�³T+� �<�jáT ç|�y�V�²+

116. The deposits directly received by the commercial banks from the people.

1. Safe deposits

2. Primary deposits

3. Secondary deposits

4. Term deposits

y�DìÈ« u²+«Å£�\T ç|�È\qT+º ç|�Ôá«¿£�+>± dÓÇ¿£]+#áT &�bÍ�³T¢

1. �d|�t &�bÍ�³T¢

2. çbÍ<�̧$T¿£ &�bÍ�³T¢

3. �ÔáÎq� &�bÍ�³T¢

4. ¿±\e«e~ó &�bÍ�³T¢

117. This denotes a progressive change in the socio economic structure of a country along with economic growth

1. Economic Development

2. Economic Progress

3. Economic Prosperity

4. Economic Planning

ÿ¿£ <ûXø+ýË� �]�¿£ e�~ÆÔÃbͳT, kÍ+|�¾T¿£, �]�¿£ e«ekÍ�|�PsÁÇ¿£

eÖsÁTÎ\qT �~ d�Öºd�Tï+~.

1. �]�¿±_óe�~Æ

2. �]�¿£ |�ÚsÃ>·Ü

3. �]�¿£ $¿±d�+

4. �]�¿£ ç|�D²[¿£

118. This denotes the surplus available to farmers for marketing after meeting all their requirements

1. Surplus value

2. Marketable surplus

3. Differential surplus

4. Exportable surplus

ÂsÕÔáT\T ÔáeT ned�s�\T n��+{ì¿ì bþqT eÖÂsØ{ÙýË neT� #áÖ|�Ú $T>·T\T

�ÔáÎÜï� �~ d�Öºd�Tï+~.

1. $T>·T\T $\Te

2. $ç¿£jáT+¿±>·\ $T>·T\T

3. yîÕ$<�«|�Ú $T>·T\T

4. m>·TeTÜ #ûjáT>·\ $T>·T\T

119. The provision of thrift, credit and other financial services in small quantity to the poor people to raise their incomes and living standards is known as

1. Micro finance

2. Macro finance

3. Personal finance

4. National finance

�|<�ç|�È\ �<�jáT+, Jeq ç|�eÖDkÍ�sTT\qT �|+bõ+~+#áT¿=qT³Å£� ÔáÅ£�Øe

|�]eÖD+ýË sÁTD+, bõ<�T|�Ú, $Ôáï|�sÁyîT®q �de\qT ¿£*Î+#á&��� �ý²


1. d�Ö¿£�� $Ôáï+

2. d�Ö�\ $Ôáï+

3. e«¿ìï>·Ôá $Ôáï+

4. C²rjáT $Ôáï+

120. Expand A P T D C

1. Andhra Pradesh Traffic Development Corporation

2. Andhra Pradesh Trade Development Corporation

3. Amaravati Tourism Development Corporation

4. Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation

A P T D C $d�ï]+#á+&�.

1. �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ ç{²|�¾¿ù &îe\|tyîT+{Ù ¿±s=ιsw�H�

2. �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ çfñ&� &îe\|tyîT+{Ù ¿±s=ιsw�H�

3. neTs�eÜ ³Ö]Èy�T &îe\|tyîT+{Ù ¿±s=ιsw�H�

4. �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ ³Ö]Èy�T &îe\|tyîT+{Ù ¿±s=ιsw�H�


121. ‘Honesty’ and ‘Patriotism’ are related to these types of values respectively

1. Democratic value, Vocational value 2. Democratic value, National value 3. Moral value, National value 4. National value, Democratic value

»�C²sTTrµ, »<ûXøuó�¿ìïµ nqTq$ esÁTd�>± � sÁ¿£yîT®q $\Te\Å£�


1. ç|�C²kÍÇeT« $\Te, e�Üï|�sÁ $\Te

2. ç|�C²kÍÇeT« $\Te, C²rjáT $\Te

3. HîÕÜ¿£ $\Te, C²rjáT $\Te

4. C²rjáT $\Te, ç|�C²kÍÇeT« $\Te

122. Learning about the contribution of great musicians and poets helps in the development of this value

1. Artistic and Recreational value

2. Vocational value

3. Political value

4. Informatory value

>=|�Î d�+^Ô῱sÁT\T, ¿£eÚ\ �de\T/¿£�w¾ (contributions) � >·Ö]Ìq

nuó�«d�q+ � $\TeqT �|+bõ+~+#á&�+ýË ÔÃ&�Î&�TÔáT+~.

1. ¿£Þ²Ôá�¿£, $HÃ<�Ôá�¿£ $\Te

2. e�Üï|�sÁ$\Te

3. s�È¿¡jáT $\Te

4. d�eÖ#�sÁ $\Te

123. Aims and Instructional Objectives are respectively

1. Aims are specific, Instructional Objectives are general

2. Aims are general, Instructional Objectives are specific

3. Both are general

4. Both are specific

�XøjáÖ\T, uË<ó�H� \¿�±«\T esÁTd�>±

1. �XøjáÖ\T d�Îw�¼yîT®q$, uË<ó�H� \¿�±«\T kÍ<ó�sÁDyîT®q$

2. �XøjáÖ\T kÍ<ó�sÁDyîT®q$, uË<ó�H� \¿�±«\T d�Îw�¼yîT®q$

3. Âs+&�Ö kÍ<ó�sÁDyîT®q$

4. Âs+&�Ö d�Îw�¼yîT®q$

124. The following aspect is not considered while formulating learning objectives for teaching a topic

1. Nature of Educational Policy

2. Availability of resources to achieve the objectives

3. Needs and competencies of a child

4. Needs and attitude of a teacher

ÿ¿£ uË<ó�H�+Xæ�¿ì \¿�±«\qT sÁÖbõ+~+#û³|�Ú&�T |�]>·DqýË¿ì rd�T¿Ã�


1. $<�« $<ó�q d�Çuó²e+

2. \¿�±«\qT kÍ~ó+#á&��¿ì \_ó+#ûeqsÁT\T

3. |¾\¢y�� ned�s�\T, kÍeTs��«\T

4. �bÍ<ó�«jáTT� ned�s�\T, yîÕK]

125. Constructive Approach originated from this science

1. Psychology

2. Psychology and Anthropology

3. Anthropology

4. Sociology and Psychology

�s��D²Ôá�¿£ �|�>·eT+ � Xæg+ qT+&� �<�ÒÛ$+º+~.

1. eTHÃyîÕC²ã�¿£ Xæg+

2. eTHÃyîÕC²ã�¿£ Xæg+ eT]jáTT eÖqe |�]D²eT Xæg+

3. eÖqe |�]D²eT Xæg+

4. kÍeÖ�¿£ Xæg+ eT]jáTT eTHÃyîÕC²ã�¿£ Xæg+

126. In the state of Andhra Pradesh Academic Standards in Social Studies are decided based on the recommendations of

1. National Curriculum Frame Work - 2005 2. Andhra Pradesh State Curriculum Frame Work - 2011 3. National Curriculum Frame work – 2005 and Andhra Pradesh

State Curriculum Frame Work - 2011 4. Right to Education Act – 2009 and Andhra Pradesh State

Curriculum Frame Work - 2011

�+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ s�çw�¼+ýË � d¾b�ÍsÁd�T\qqTd�]+º kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg $<�«

ç|�eÖD²\T �sÁ�sTT+#á�&�H�sTT

1. C²rjáT $<�« ç|�D²[¿± #áç³+ ` 2005

2. �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ s�h $<�« ç|�D²[¿± #áç³+ ` 2011

3. C²rjáT $<�« ç|�D²[¿± #áç³+ ` 2005 eT]jáTT �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ

s�h $<�« ç|�D²[¿± #áç³+ ` 2011

4. $<�« V�²Å£�Ø #á³¼+ ` 2009 eT]jáTT �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ s�h $<�«

ç|�D²[¿± #áç³+ ` 2011

127. Anderson and Krathwohl suggested the following dimensions in Taxonomy of learning objectives.

1. Knowledge dimension

2. Cognitive process dimension and Knowledge dimension

3. Cognitive process dimension

4. Knowledge dimension and Psychomotor dimension

nuó�«d�q \¿�±«\ e Z̄¿£sÁDýË n+&�sYd�H�, 翱ÔY V�²ÃýÙ d�Öº+ºq $TÔáT\T

1. C²ãq |�]eÖD+

2. C²ãH�Ôá�¿£ ç|�ç¿ìjáT |�]eÖD+Ñ C²ãq |�]eÖD+

3. C²ãH�Ôá�¿£ ç|�ç¿ìjáT |�]eÖD+

4. C²ãq |�]eÖD+, eTHÃ#á\H�Ôá�¿£ |�]eÖD+

128. This is not one of the Principles of Curriculum Construction in Social Studies

1. Principle of Totality of Experience

2. Principle of Evolution

3. Principle of Integration

4. Principle of Rigidity

kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg $<�« ç|�D²[¿± �s��D d�ÖçÔ�\ýË ÿ¿£{ì ¿±�~

1. d�eTç>· nqTuó�y�\ d�ÖçÔá+

2. |�]D²eTç¿£eT �<ó�]Ôá d�ÖçÔá+

3. d�yîT®¿£«Ô� d�ÖçÔá+

4. ¿£]ÄqÔ� d�ÖçÔá+

129. A small video on Volcanoes is this type of teaching aid

1. Non – Projected aid

2. Projected aid

3. Activity aid

4. Graphic aid

nÐ� |�sÁÇÔ�\�|Õ #áÖ|¾q ÿ¿£ ºq� M&�jîÖ � sÁ¿£yîT®q uË<ó�HÃ|�¿£sÁD+

1. nç|�¹¿�|�¿£ �|�¿£sÁD+

2. ç|�¹¿�|�¿£ �|�¿£sÁD+

3. ¿£�Ôá« �|�¿£sÁD+

4. ç>±|�¾¿ù �|�¿£sÁD+

130. This Educational Policy recommended ten (10) core curricular areas for the whole Nation at school level curriculum

1. National Policy on Education - 1968

2. National Policy on Education - 1986

3. New Education Policy - 2016

4. National Curriculum Frame Work - 2005

bÍsÄÁXæ\ kÍ�sTT $<�« ç|�D²[¿£ýË <ûXøeT+Ôá{ì¿ì |�~ (10) eTò[¿£ n+Xæ\T

�+&�\� d�Öº+ºq $<�« $<ó�q+

1. C²rjáT $<�« $<ó�q+ ` 1968

2. C²rjáT $<�« $<ó�q+ ` 1986

3. qÖÔáq $<�« $<ó�q+ ` 2016

4. C²rjáT $<�« ç|�D²[¿± #áç³+ ` 2005

131. The Guiding Principle “Making Examinations more flexible and integrating with life”, for curriculum development proposed by

1. NCF - 2000

2. NCF - 1998

3. NCF - 2005

4. NCFTE - 2009

$<�« ç|�D²[¿£ n_óe�~ÝÂ¿Õ »»|�̄ ¿£� $<ó�H��� d�sÁÞøÔásÁ+ #ûd¾ J$Ôá+ÔÃ

d�yîT®¿£«|�sÁ#á&�+µµ nqT eÖsÁZ<�sÁô¿£ d�ÖçÔáeTTqT ç|�ÜbÍ~+ºq~

1. mH�.d¾.m|�t ` 2000

2. mH�.d¾.m|�t ` 1998

3. mH�.d¾.m|�t ` 2005

4. mH�.d¾.m|�t.{ì.� ` 2009

132. “The process of Curriculum framing and preparation of Text books be decentralised so as to increase teacher’s task” – is recommended by this Committee

1. Y.N. Chaturvedi Committee

2. Prof. Ramamurthy Committee

3. Prof. R.H. Dave Committee

4. National Advisory Committee

»»$<�« ç|�D²[¿£ ç|�ç¿ìjáT eT]jáTT bÍsÄÁ«|�Úd�￱\ ÔájáÖ¯ $¹¿+çB¿£]+#á�&�*,

B� e\¢ d�+�+~óÔá ¿£�Ô�«ýýË�bÍ<ó�«jáTT� uó²>·kÍÇeT«+ n~ó¿£eTeÚÔáT+~µµ

n� d¾b�ÍsÁd�T #ûd¾q ¿£$T{¡

1. yîÕ.mH�. #áÔáT¹sÇ~ ¿£$T{¡

2. çbõöö s�eTeTÖ]ï ¿£$T{¡

3. çbõöö �sY.�V²#Y. <�yû ¿£$T{¡

4. C²rjáT d�\V�ä ¿£$T{¡

133. “Learning through activities, discovery and exploration in a Child friendly and Child-Centered manner”, is mentioned in this section of RTE Act - 2009

1. Section 31 (1) (c)

2. Section 24 (1) (d)

3. Section 29 (2) (e)

4. Section 21 (2) (b)

»»|¾\¢ýÔà �d�V�²|�P]Ôá+>± |¾\¢\qT ¹¿+ç<�+>± #ûd�TÅ£�� ¿£�Ô�«\T, |�]XË<ó�q,

¿£qT>=q&�+ <�Çs� HûsÁTÌ¿Ãy�*µµ nqT n+Xø+ $<�« V�²Å£�Ø #á³¼+`2009

ýË� � �d¿£�H�ýË bõ+<�T|�sÁT#á�&�+~.

1. �d¿£�H� 31 (1) (c)

2. �d¿£�H� 24 (1) (d)

3. �d¿£�H� 29 (2) (e)

4. �d¿£�H� 21 (2) (b)

134. ‘Red Fort’ and ‘Extracts of a Gazette on RTE Act’ are respectively

1. Both are Primary sources

2. Both are Secondary sources

3. Secondary source, Primary source

4. Primary source, Secondary source

»mçsÁ¿Ã³µ eT]jáTT »$<�« V�²Å£�Ø #á³¼+ Â>�{Ù �|Õ d�+¿ì�|�ï d�eÖ#�sÁ+µ nqTq$


1. Âs+&�Ö çbÍ<�̧$T¿£ �<ó�s�\T

2. Âs+&�Ö >�D �<ó�s�\T

3. >�D �<ó�sÁ+, çbÍ<�̧$T¿£ �<ó�sÁ+

4. çbÍ<�̧$T¿£ �<ó�sÁ+, >�D �<ó�sÁ+

135. Organisation of Field Trip to Borra Caves by a Social Studies Teacher comes under this type of learning experiences

1. Direct experiences

2. Indirect experiences

3. Vicarious experiences

4. Direct and vicarious experiences

ÿ¿£ kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T u¤çsÁ >·TV�²\Å£� ¹¿�çÔá |�sÁ«³q �sÁÇV¾²+#áT³

nqTq~ � nuó�«d�H�qTuó�y�\ sÁ¿±�¿ì #î+<�TqT.

1. ç|�Ôá«¿£� nqTuó�y�\T

2. |�sÿ£� nqTuó�y�\T

3. nbÍ~Ôá nqTuó�y�\T

4. ç|�Ôá«¿£� eT]jáTT nbÍ~Ôá nqTuó�y�\T

136. These maps are more suitable for both blind and normal students.

1. Flat maps

2. Sketch maps

3. Theme Specific maps

4. Relief maps

n+<ó� $<�«sÁT�\T, kÍ<ó�sÁD $<�«sÁT�\Å£� nÔá«+Ôá nqTyîÕq |�{²\T

1. #á<�TqT |�{²\T

2. �dØ#Y |�{²\T

3. ç|�Ôû«¿£ n+Xø |�{²\T

4. çÜbÍsÁôÇ |�{²\T

137. To study the topic ‘Climate’, in Social Studies, there is a need to have close relationship with this subject

1. Physical Sciences

2. Mathematics

3. Life Sciences

4. Humanities

kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg+ýË� »oÔÃw��d¾�ܵ nqT bÍsÄ��� n<ó�«jáTq+ #ûjáT&��¿ì

� $w�jáT+Ôà d���V¾²Ôá d�+�+<ó�+ ¿£*Ð �+&�e\d¾q ned�sÁ+ �+~.

1. uó�Ü¿£ XæçkÍï\T

2. >·DìÔá+

3. JeXæçkÍï\T

4. eÖqMjáT XæçkÍï\T

138. One of the following statements is not correct

1. Both Social Sciences and Biological Sciences have scientific attitude.

2. Both Social Studies and Social Sciences are practice oriented 3. Social Sciences are for higher education and Social Studies

meant for school education 4. Social Sciences study social aspect whereas Biological

Sciences study physical world.

� ¿ì+~ y�¿±«\ýË @~ d�ÂsÕq~ ¿±�~

1. kÍ+|�¾T¿£, JeXæçkÍï\T Âs+&�Ö XæçdÓïjáT <��¿£Î<¸��� ¿£*Z �+{²sTT

2. kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg+, kÍeÖ�¿£ XæçkÍï\T Âs+&�Ö �#ásÁDÅ£� jîÖ>·«yîT®q$

3. kÍeÖ�¿£ XæçkÍï\T �q�Ôá kÍ�sTT $<�«Å£�, kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg+

bÍsÄÁXæ\ kÍ�sTT $<�«Å£� �¹sÝ¥+#á�&�H�sTT

4. kÍeÖ�¿£ XæçkÍï\T kÍeÖ�¿£ n+Xæ\qT n<ó�«jáTq+ #û�dï,

JeXæçkÍï\T uó�Ü¿£ ç|�|�+#��� n<ó�«jáTq+ #ûkÍïsTT.

139. “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” the book written by

1. Karl Marx

2. Max Weber

3. Christopher Columbus

4. Epicuras

»»~ çbõ³�d¼+{Ù m~¿̧ù n+&� ~ d¾Î]{Ù �|�t ¿±|¾³*Èy�Tµµ |�Úd�￱��

sÁº+ºq y�sÁT

1. ¿±sÁýÙ eÖsYØ à

2. eÖ¿ùà yî�sY

3. ç¿ìkþ¼|��sY ¿=\+�dt

4. m|¾Å£L«sÁdt

140. The Eminent Person selected for Bharat Ratna award for the year 1999 was

1. Mother Theresa

2. Atal Bihari Vajpai

3. Amarthya Sen

4. APJ Abdul Kalam

1999 d�+eÔáàsÁ+ýË uó²sÁÔásÁÔá� ny�sÁT¦Å£� m+|¾Â¿Õq �q�ÔáyîT®q e«¿ìï

1. eT<�sY <î̧]kÍà

2. n³ýÙ _V�ä¯ y�CÙbÍsTT

3. neTsÁï«�dH�

4. m.|¾.CÉ n�TÝýÙ ¿£ý²+

141. These maps help learners in understanding of the existing concepts and also can be used to diagnose the misconceptions of learners

1. Google maps

2. Technical maps

3. Concept maps

4. Relief maps

nuó²«d�Å£�\T ç|�d�TïÔá uó²eq\qT ne>±V�²q #ûd�T¿=qT³Å£� eT]jáTT

nuó²«d�Å£�\ýË Ôá|�ð&�T uó²eq\qT �s�ÆsÁD #ûjáT&��¿ì Ô=&�Î&û eÖ«|�Ú\T

1. >·Ö>·TýÙ eÖ«|�Ú\T

2. kÍ+¹¿Ü¿£ eÖ«|�Ú\T

3. uó²eq eÖ«|�Ú\T

4. çÜbÍsÁôÇ eÖ«|�Ú\T

142. Use of Concept maps as a teaching strategy was first developed by

1. Ausubel

2. J.D. Novak

3. Symington

4. Minstrell

uó²eq |�{²\qT ÿ¿£ uË<ó�H� eP«V�²+>± �|�jîÖÐ+#á&��� yîTT<�{ì kÍ]>±


1. nd�TuÉýÙ

2. J.D. HÃe¿ù

3. �dÕ$T+>´³H�

4. $TH�ç�d¼ýÙ

143. The steps of ‘5 E’ Learning Model are

1. Encourage, Explain, Explore, Elaborate, Evaluation

2. Engage, Express, Elaborate, Encourage, Explain

3. Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluation

4. Explore, Explain, Elevate, Express, Evaluation

»5�µ nuó�«d�q qeTÖH�ýË >·\ kþbÍH�\T

1. çbþÔáàV¾²+#áT³, $esÁD, nHûÇw�D, $d�ïsÁD, eTÖý²«+¿£q+

2. �eT>·�+ #ûjáTT³, e«¿£ï|�sÁT#áT³, $d�ïsÁD, çbþÔáàV¾²+#áT³, $esÁD

3. �eT>·�+ #ûjáTT³, nHûÇw�D, $esÁD, $d�ïsÁD, eTÖý²«+¿£q+

4. nHûÇw�D, $esÁD, �q�Ôád¾�Ü¿ì e«¿£ï|�sÁT#áT³, eTÖý²«+¿£q+

144. Activity Based learning means

1. Inclusion of both physical and mental processes

2. Physical activities only

3. Mental processes only

4. Body movements with the help of Physical Education teacher

¿£�Ô�«<ó�sÁ nuó�«d�q+ nq>±

1. Xæ¯sÁ¿£ ¿£<�*¿£\Ôà bͳT eÖqd¾¿£ ç|�ç¿ìjáT\T

$T[ÔáyîT® �+&�T³

2. ¹¿e\+ Xæ¯sÁ¿£ ¿£<�*¿£\T

3. ¹¿e\+ eÖqd¾¿£ ç|�ç¿ìjáT\T

4. y�«jáÖeT �bÍ<ó�«jáTT� d�V�äjáT+Ôà È]�| Xæ¯sÁ¿£ ¿£<�*¿£\T

145. This method encourages self–study and stimulates intellectual powers of students

1. Lecture method

2. Source method

3. Deductive method

4. Inductive method

$<�«sÁT�\ýË ÔáeT dÓÇjáT n<ó�«jáTH�\qT eT]jáTT ÔáeTýË� ç|�C²ãXø¿ìï�

ç�|¹s|¾+#û |�<�ÆÜ

1. �|�H�«d� |�<�ÆÜ

2. eTÖý²<ó�sÁ |�<�ÆÜ

3. �>·eTq |�<�ÆÜ

4. �>·eTq |�<�ÆÜ

146. ‘Vizag Sea-port’ and ‘Vijayawada Kanaka Durga temple’ are respectively

1. Both are geographical resources

2. Both are historical resources

3. Historical resource and geographical resource

4. Geographical resource and historical resource

»yîÕC²>´ z&�¹seÚµ eT]jáTT »$ÈjáTy�&� ¿£q¿£<�TsÁZ <ûy�\jáT+µ esÁTd�>±

1. Âs+&�Ö uó�>Ã[¿£ eqsÁT\T

2. Âs+&�Ö #�]çÔá¿£ eqsÁT\T

3. #�]çÔá¿£ eqsÁT, uó�>Ã[¿£ eqsÁT

4. uó�>Ã[¿£ eqsÁT, #�]çÔá¿£ eqsÁT

147. ‘Preparation of Teaching Learning Material’ and ‘Utilisation of Teaching Learning Material’, are related to these phases of teaching respectively

1. Pre-active phase, Inter-active phase

2. Inter-active phase, Post-active phase

3. Pre-active phase, Post-active phase

4. Inter-active phase, Pre-active phase

»uË<ó�H�uó�«d�q kÍeÖçÐ ÔájáÖ¯µ, »uË<ó�H�uó�«d�q kÍeÖçÐ $�jîÖ>·+µ nqTq$

esÁTd�>± � uË<ó�H�<�Xø\Å£� d�+�+~ó+ºq$

1. |�PsÁÇuË<ó�H�<�Xø, eT<ó�«uË<ó�H�<�Xø

2. eT<ó�«uË<ó�H�<�Xø, �ÔáïsÁuË<ó�H�<�Xø

3. |�PsÁÇuË<ó�H�<�Xø, �ÔáïsÁuË<ó�H�<�Xø

4. eT<ó�«uË<ó�H�<�Xø, |�PsÁÇuË<ó�H�<�Xø

148. Find out the false one form the following statements.

1. The scope of unit planning is lesser than period planning

2. The scope of year planning is wider than unit planning

3. The duration of period plan is limited to 35 to 40 minutes

4. The unit planning may give rise to number of daily period planning depending on the number of sub-units.

� ¿ì+~ y�¿±«\ýË d�]¿±� <��� >·T]ï+#á+&�.

1. jáTÖ�{Ù ç|�D²[¿£ |�]~ó |Ó]jáT&� ç|�D²[¿£ ¿£+fñ ÔáÅ£�Øe

2. y�]ü¿£ ç|�D²[¿£ |�]~ó jáTÖ�{Ù ç|�D²[¿£ ¿£+fñ mÅ£�Øe

3. |Ó]jáT&� |�<�̧¿£+ ¿±ý²e~ó 35 qT+&� 40 �öö\Å£� |�]$TÔáeTT

4. d�uÙ̀ jáTÖ�{Ù\�|Õ �<ó�sÁ|�&�, jáTÖ�{Ù ç|�D²[¿£ qT+&�

MýÉÕq�� |Ó]jáT&� |�<¸�¿±\T ekÍïsTT.

149. The latest slogan of Education in all the Progressive Countries is

1. Let us study the community and use the community in the Educational Process

2. Let us serve the community and involve the community in the Educational Process

3. Let us study the community, use the community, serve the community and involve the community in the educational process

4. Let us serve the community and involve the community in the Educational Process

|�ÚsÃ>·Ü #î+<�TÔáTq� n�� <ûXæ\ýË� �{¡e\ $<�« �H�<�+

1. d�eÖC²�� n<ó�«jáTq+ #û<�Ý+, d�eÖC²�� $<�«ç|�ç¿ìjáTýË


2. d�eÖC²�¿ì �de #û<�Ý+, $<�«ç|�ç¿ìjáTýË d�eÖC²�� uó²>·kÍÇeTT\qT


3. d�eÖC²�� n<ó�«jáTq+ #û<�Ý+, d�eÖC²�� $�jîÖÐ<�Ý+,

d�eÖC²�¿ì �de#û<�Ý+ eT]jáTT d�eÖC²�� $<�«ç|�ç¿ìjáTýË

uó²>·kÍÇeTT\qT #û<�Ý+

4. d�eÖC²�¿ì �de#û<�Ý+, $<�«ç|�ç¿ìjáTýË d�eÖC²�� uó²>·kÍÇeTT\qT


150. ‘Divider’ and ‘Wind Vane’ are called as respectively

1. Meteorological instrument; Survey instrument

2. Survey instrument; Meteorological instrument

3. Survey instrument; Audio-Visual aid

4. Both are Survey instruments

»$uó²Ð�µ »y�jáTTd�Öº¿£µ\T esÁTd�>± �ý² |¾\e�&�Ô�sTT.

1. y�Ô�esÁD |�]¿£sÁ+Ñ d�¹sÇ|�]¿£sÁ+

2. d�¹sÇ|�]¿£sÁ+Ñ y�Ô�esÁD |�]¿£sÁ+

3. d�¹sÇ|�]¿£sÁ+Ñ <��Xø«çXøeD �|�¿£sÁD+

4. Âs+&�Ö d�¹sÇ|�]¿£s�\T

151. Organisation of a rally on ‘Water Harvesting’, in a village with the School students can be stated as

1. Taking School to the Community

2. Bringing Community to the School

3. Implementation of Govt. policy

4. Part of Teaching Learning Process

ÿ¿£ ç>±eT+ýË bÍsÄÁXæ\ $<�«sÁT�\#û »ú{ì� �\Ç#ûjáTT³µ �|Õ s�«©

�sÁÇV¾²+#áT³qT B�>± �|s=Øqe#áTÌ.

1. bÍsÄÁXæ\qT d�eÖÈ+ e<�ÝÅ£� rd�T¿=�yîÞø�ß³

2. d�eÖC²�� bÍsÄÁXæ\Å£� rd�T¿=� e#áT̳

3. ç|�uó�TÔáÇ $<ó�H��� neT\T |�sÁT#áT³

4. uË<ó�H�uó�«d�q ç|�ç¿ìjáTýË ÿ¿£ uó²>·+

152. Section 29 (2) (h) of RTE Act–2009 states the following

1. All round development of the child 2. Development of Physical and Mental abilities to the fullest

extent 3. Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of child’s under-

standing of knowledge and his/her ability to apply the same 4. Medium of instruction shall be as far as practicable, be in

child’s mother tongue

$<�«V�²Å£�Ø #á³¼+`2009ýË� �d¿£�H� 29 (2) (h) � ¿ì+~ n+Xæ��


1. u²\\ d�sÁÇÔÃeTTU²_óe�~Ý

2. |�P]ï kÍeTsÁ�«+ yûTsÁÅ£� Xæ¯sÁ¿£, eÖqd¾¿£ XøÅ£�ï\T n_óe�~Ý #î+<�*

3. C²ãH��� u²\\T nsÁ�+ #ûd�TÅ£�q� $<ó�q+, <��� nqÇsTT+#û

kÍeTs��«\�|Õ �sÁ+ÔásÁ, d�eTç>· eTÖý²«+¿£q+ ÈsÁ>±*

4. �#ásÁDÅ£� kÍ<ó�«yîT®q+Ôá esÁÅ£� uË<ó�H� eÖ<ó�«eT+ u²\\ eÖÔá�uó²w�>±


153. Assessment at Secondary Stage may be

1. Based on more tests, examinations, project reports in subject areas along with self assessment

2. Use variety of methods including oral and written tests and observations

3. Purely qualitative judgments of children’s activities in various domains based on observation through every day interaction

4. Based on equal oral and written tests and examinations including project reports in subject areas

~ÇrjáT <�XøýË eT~+|�Ú � $<ó�+>± �+&�e#áTÌ.

1. dÓÇjáT eT~+|�ÚÔÃbͳT mÅ£�Øe �¿£w�\T, |�̄ ¿£�\T, çbÍCÉÅ£�¼ �yû~¿£\T

$w�jáÖ\ �<ó�sÁ+>± �+&�*

2. eTòÏ¿£, *ÏÔá �¿£w�\T, |�]o\q\Ôà ţL&�TÅ£�q� $$<ó� |�<�ÆÔáT\T


3. sÃp y�] ç|�Ü#ásÁ«\T, |�]o\q\ �<ó�sÁ+>± $$<ó�

sÁ+>±\ýË |¾\¢\ ¿£�Ô�«\�|Õ |�P]ï>± >·TD²Ôá�¿£ �sÁ�jáÖ\T #ûjáÖ*

4. $$<ó� $w�jáÖ\ýË çbÍCÉÅ£�¼\Ôà bͳT d�eÖq eTòÏ¿£, *ÏÔá

�¿£w�\T, |�̄ ¿£�\ �<ó�sÁ+>± �+&�*.

154. This is one of the informal tools of Formative Evaluation

1. Checklist

2. Assignment

3. Quiz

4. Observation

�s��D²Ôá�¿£ eTÖý²«+¿£q+ýË >·\ jáÖ<��ºÌÛ¿£ eTÖý²«+¿£q kÍ<ó�H�\ýË


1. #î¿ù*dt¼

2. �jîÖÈq+

3. ¿ìÇCÙ

4. |�]o\q

155. ‘Feedback given by students’, is this type of technique of Summative Evaluation

1. Formal technique

2. Informal technique

3. Non formal technique

4. Both formal and informal techniques

»$<�«sÁT�\#û �eÇ�&�q |�]|�Úw¾¼µ nqTq~ d�+ç>·V�äÔá�¿£ eTÖý²«+¿£q

kÍ<ó�H�\ýË � sÁ¿±�¿ì #î+<�TqT

1. �jáTÔá fÉ¿ì�¿ù

2. jáÖ<��ºÌÛ¿£ fÉ¿ì�¿ù

3. n�jáTÔá fÉ¿ì�¿ù

4. �jáTÔá eT]jáTT jáÖ<��ºÌÛ¿£ fÉ¿ì�¿ù\T

156. In an ideal programme of evaluation, the criterion should always measure what it seeks to measure is called as

1. Objectivity

2. Validity

3. Reliability

4. Comprehensiveness

�<�sÁôe+ÔáyîT®q eTÖý²«+¿£q ¿±sÁ«ç¿£eT+ýË m\¢|�ð&�T @ n+Xæ\qT eÖ|�q+

#ûjáÖýË � n+Xæ\Hû eÖ|�q+ #ûjáÖ\� Ôî*�| \¿£�D+

1. \¿�±«Ôá�¿£Ôá

2. d�ç|�eÖDÔá

3. $XøÇd�újáTÔá

4. d�eTç>·Ôá

157. This type of evaluation technique consists of face to face dialogue and interaction between the examiner and examinee

1. Observation

2. Questionnaire

3. Interview

4. Rating Scale

eTTU²eTTÏ d�+uó²w�D eT]jáTT |�̄ ¿£�Å£�&�T, |�̄ ¿ì�+#û y�] eT<ó�« ç|�Ü#ásÁ«qT

�sÁ¿£yîT®q eTÖý²«+¿£q kÍ<ó�q+ ¿£*Ð �+³T+~.

1. |�]o\q

2. ç|�Xæ�e[

3. |�]|��#áÌÛ

4. ¹s{ì+>´ �dØ\T

158. The first step in preparation of a question paper is

1. Preparation of blue print

2. Preparation of scoring key

3. Construction of questions

4. Preparation of design

ç|�Xæ�|�çÔá+ ÔájáÖ¯ýË� ç|�<�̧eT kþbÍq+

1. �Ö¢ç|¾+{Ù ÔájáÖ¯

2. kþØ]+>´¿¡ ÔájáÖ¯

3. ç|�Xø�\ ÔájáÖ¯

4. &�CÉÕH� ÔájáÖ¯

159. The following advises shall be kept in mind while conducting examination to Visually Impaired students

1. Extra time and scribe arrangement

2. Extra time

3. Scribe arrangement

4. Extra time and Therapist arrangement

<��Xø«ýË|�+>·\ $<�«sÁT�\Å£� |�̄ ¿£�qT �sÁÇV¾²+#û³|�ð&�T � ¿ì+~ d�\V�ä\qT

<��w¾¼jáT+<�T �+#áT¿Ãy�*

1. n<�q|�Ú d�eTjáT+ eT]jáTT |�̄ ¿£�s��d+<�TÅ£� ýñKÅ£�&� @s�γT

2. n<�q|�Ú d�eTjáT+

3. |�̄ ¿£� s��d+<�TÅ£� ýñKÅ£�&� @s�γT

4. n<�q|�Ú d�eTjáT+ eT]jáTT <¸îsÁ|¾dt¼ @s�γT

160. “Protection of Environment is fundamental duty of every citizen” – comment. This question aimed at realization of this objective

1. Understanding

2. Skill

3. Attitude

4. Interest

»»|�]d�s�\ |�]sÁ¿£�D ç|�Ü båsÁT&� jîTT¿£Ø çbÍ<�̧$T¿£ $~óµµ ` y�«U²«�+#á+&�.

nqT ç|�Xø� � \¿£�«kÍ<ó�qqT �<ûÝ¥+ºq~.

1. ne>±V�²q

2. HîÕ|�ÚD«+

3. yîÕK]

4. �d�¿ìï
