FOLLOW FOLLOW ING IN ING IN THE THE FOOTSTEPS FOOTSTEPS OF OF ERATOSTHENES ERATOSTHENES M M easur easur ing ing the circumference the circumference of Earth of Earth Grammar Grammar School ‘’ School ‘’ Svetozar Svetozar Markovi Markovi ć ć ’’ ’’ Niš, Srbija Niš, Srbija

Eratosten english rumunija 2014

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MMeasureasuringing the circumference the circumference of Earthof Earth

GrammarGrammar School ‘’ School ‘’Svetozar Svetozar MarkoviMarkovićć’’’’

Niš, SrbijaNiš, Srbija

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276 BC - 194 BC

GreekGreek mathematicianmathematician, , geographer, geographer, astronomerastronomer

He lived in AlexandriaHe lived in Alexandria devised a simple way to measure devised a simple way to measure

the the circumference of circumference of the the EarthEarth

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In Egypt, about 2200 years ago, a papyrus drew attention of a certain Eratosthenes, then Director of the Great Library of Alexandria (a town located on the side of the Mediterranean Sea): it was about a vertical stick which, on the first day of summer (that is to say on June the 21st) and at noon local solar time, did not cast any shadow on the ground (the Sun's rays reach the bottom of a well!). This happened very far from Alexandria, straight to the South, in a town called Syene (now Aswan). However, Eratosthenes noticed from his side that in Alexandria, on June the 21rst also and at the same time, a stick vertically driven in the ground did cast a shadow, even if such a shadow was relatively short.What the hell was this mystery?We invite you to discover it by yourselves. This will lead you pretty far since, as Eratosthenes showed, the key of this mystery will allow you to measure the circumference of the Earth, nothing less!

This text give to your studentsThis text give to your students

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at noonat noon Syene (now Aswan) Syene (now Aswan) - the Sun in vertical to the ground - in zenith, and the sun rays come to the bottom of the well, while the shadows of the vertical objects are only around them - the vertical objects do not cast the shadow AlexandriaAlexandria - the Sun is not in the vertical position and the objects cast a very short shadow

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Why do the length of the shadows Why do the length of the shadows different, or why is it a shadow in different, or why is it a shadow in

one case and not in the other? one case and not in the other?

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Eratosthenes used these starting Eratosthenes used these starting hypotheses hypotheses :: the Earth is flat the Sun should be close so the

objects of the same height have shadows of different length

1 2 3

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The Earth is not flat, but has a curved

the Sun is far so the Sun rays are parallel while coming to the Earth




Eratosthenes used these starting Eratosthenes used these starting hypotheses hypotheses ::

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Eratosthenes accepted the second Eratosthenes accepted the second hypothesishypothesis::




The Earth is not flat, but it is curved

the Sun is far a way so the Sun rays are parallel while coming to the Earth

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Eratosthenes measured the length of the obelisk’s shadow, whose height he had known before.

According to the length of the shadow and height of the obelisk he calculated the angle which Sun rays form with the vertical.

The value of the angle is 7,20

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Starting from the hypothesis that the Earth is spherical, he draw a

picture which can help him to calculate easily the circumference

of the Earth.



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The extensions of the verticals in Alexandria (the obelisk) and in Syena (the well) intersect in the centre of the Earth .

The angle they form in the Earth’s centre is equal to the angle which Eratosthenes

measured with the shadow of the obelisk in Alexandria




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angle 3600 – angle of the full circle




the distance between Syena and Alexandria – 800km

the length of the circular curve corresponding to the angle of


kmkm 4000050*800 circumference of the Earth


= 7,20


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The Project The Project EratosthenesEratosthenes

2200 years later2200 years later

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The taskThe task

To measure the Earth meridian in the same way Eratosthenes did

that 2200 years ago

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How to do it?How to do it?

•Determine the local midday - at what time it is the noon in our town - at what time the Sun is in its zenith.•Measure the length of the shadow of vertical object at noon.•In cooperation with some other remote school calculate the circumference and the diameter of the Earth.

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the noon is the moment when the Sun reaches the highest point in

the sky How to determine the real solar midday?How to determine the real solar midday?

the shadow turns around and changes the length depending on the hour of a day

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How to determine the real solar midday?How to determine the real solar midday?• plant a stick into the ground and adjust it vertically by a plumbline or a level;

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•late in the morning start measuring the length of the shadows;•being close to the noon, the shadow will be shorter and after the noon it will become longer and longer;•the shortest measured length will be the shadow at noon;

How to determine the real solar midday?How to determine the real solar midday?

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НИШ (Nish)latitude 43018’N

longitude 21053’E

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the direction of the shortest shadow can be determined by a compass - in the relation to the bottom of the stick determine

the direction to the North

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Constructing and application Constructing and application (usage) of the sundial - gnomon: (usage) of the sundial - gnomon:

Material:•stick or a rod of 1 metre length;•a pedestal (a base);•a level, a protractor, a compass

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at noon - measure the length of vertical object’s shadow

according to the length of the shadow and the height of the sundial (gnomon) determine the value of the angle

on a graph paper draw a minimized picture of gnomon and a shadow

connect the ends - you will get a right angle triangle

that measure the angle by a protractor;


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to determine the value of the angle to determine the value of the angle you can use these web sitesyou can use these web sites




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in cooperation with same other in cooperation with same other remote school calculate the remote school calculate the

circumference and the diameter of the circumference and the diameter of the EarthEarth

point A - the school is northwards (to the north)

point B - the school is southwards (to the south)

angle 1 - the angle measured at school which is in northwards

angle 2 - the angle measured at school which is in southwards

the angle which is necessary for calculation

= 1 - 2







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if the school - partner in the project is situated in the southern hemisphere

the angles are added

= 1 + 2




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d – distance between point А and В from north to south

that the results were more accurate distance should be as higher - at least 3 or 4 degrees of latitude


The schools are at the same meridian

The schools are not at the same meridian

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the distance between the townsthe distance between the towns::

two schools are probably not at the same meridian,

you should determine the shortest distance between the parallels that go through the towns in which two schools are situated

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according to the latitudes of the schools, determine the distance in a geographic map or write latitudes in the appropriate fields on these web sites and read the value of the distance



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write latitudes in the appropriate fields on write latitudes in the appropriate fields on these web sites and read the value of the these web sites and read the value of the


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The calculation:The calculation:

d - the distance between two towns;O - the circumference of the Earth; - the calculated angle;R - the radius of the Earth.

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On march 2014, 25 classes of 13 On march 2014, 25 classes of 13 countries have made measurements countries have made measurements

of shadows at solar noon. of shadows at solar noon.


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MMarch 18arch 18thth, 2014. , 2014.

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MMarch 18arch 18thth, 2014. , 2014.

Gimnazija ‘’Svetozar Marković’’ Niš, Srbija

latitude longitude gnomon shadow angle (1)

43.30 21.8830 100cm 96,5cm 440

 Point St Martin,


Athens, Greece

Ioannina, Greece

Ghaziabad, India

Kuantan, Malaysia

latitude 45.60N 38.0280N 39.6670N 28.6330N 3.81°N

longitude 7.80E 23.7260E 20.850E 77.4170E 103.33°Eangle (2) 46.30 38.50 40.50 29.80 3.40

angle(=2- 1) (=1- 2)

2.30 5.50 3.50 14.20 40.60

3600/ 156.52 65.45 102.86 25.35 8.87

distance (d) 256km 586km 404km 1630km 4387kmO=d*(360/






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MMarch arch 2020thth, 2014. , 2014.

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Gimnazija ‘’Svetozar Marković’’ Niš, Srbija

latitude longitude gnomon shadow angle (1)

43.30 21.8830 100cm 93,5cm 43.10

MMarch arch 2020thth, 2014. , 2014.

Sault les Rethel, France

Gressonery – St Jean,


Point St Martin, Italy

Marina di Carrara,


Kuantan, Malaysia

Rosario, Argentina

latitude 49.5°N 45.783°N 45.60N 44.033°N 3.81°N 32.933°S

longitude 4.367°E 7.817°E 7.80E 10.033°E 103.33°E 60.65°Wangle (2) 49.20 45.70 45.40 43.80 3.70 32.90

angle(=2-1) (=1-2)

6.10 2.60 2.30 0.70 39.40(=1+ 2)


3600/ 59.02 138.46 156.52 514.29 9.14 4.74

distance (d) 689km 276km 256km 81km 4387km 8469km

O=d*(360/) 40662.3km 38215.4km 40069.6km 41657.1km 40084.26km40116.32km

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MMarch 21arch 21stst, 2014. , 2014.

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MMarch 21arch 21stst, 2014. , 2014.

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MMarch 21arch 21stst, 2014. , 2014.

Gimnazija ‘’Svetozar Marković’’ Niš, Srbija

latitude longitude gnomon shadow angle (1)

43.30 21.8830 100cm 94cm 43.20

Athens, Greece

Ioannina, Greece

HôChiMinhCity THPT, Vietnam

Rio deJaneiro, Brazil

latitude 38.0280N 39.6670N 10.7590N 22.95°Slongitude 23.7260E 20.850E 106.6690E 43.5°Wangle (2) 37.70 39.40 10.90 20.10

angle(=2- 1) (=1- 2)

5.40 3.70 32.20(=1+ 2)


3600/ 65.45 102.86 25.35 8.87distance (d) 586km 404km 3615km 7360km

O=d*(360/) 38356.36km 38273.68km 40291.02km 41857.82km

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information and information and instructionsinstructions





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НИШ (Nish)latitude 43018’N

longitude 21053’E

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