NOLI ME TANGERE Prepared by: L.M. Tagupa

Noli me tangere

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NOLI ME TANGEREPrepared by: L.M. Tagupa


Uncle Toms Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe- portrays the American slave owners and a pathetic unfortunate negro slave inspired Rizal to write a novel.On January 2, 1884, Jose Rizal proposed to write a novel at a reunion at Paternos (Maximino, Antonio, Pedro) residence in Madrid.An Idea. . .

With Graciano Lopez Jaena, Everisto Aguirre, Eduardo de Lete, Julio Llorente, Melecio Figueroa, Valentin Ventura

Unanimously approved to write a novel, However, almost everybody wanted to write on women.Jose Rizal determined to write a novel alone.End of 1884, Jose Rizal began writing the novel in Madrid finished the one half of it.

1885 he went to Paris continued writing finished the one half of the second half.Finished the last fourth chapter in GermanyHe wrote the last few chapter in Wilhelmsfeld in April-June 1886.

Jose Rizal made a final revision.Sick and PennilessLetter to Fernando Canon: I did not believe that the Noli Me Tangere would ever be published when I was in Berlin, Broken-hearted, weakened, and discouraged from hunger and deprivation. I was on the point of throwing my work into the fire as a thing accursed and fit only to die.In Berlin. . .

Dr. Maximo Viola saves the Noli.When he arrived in Berlin shortly before Christmas Day of 1887, he was shocked to find Rizal living in poverty and deplorably sick due to lack of nourishment.Legendary Santa Claus


Dr. Maximo Viola agreed to finance the printing expenses of the Noli and loaned Rizal for his living expenses.

To save printing expenses, he deleted certain passages in his manuscript, including the whole chapter- Elias and Salome.February 21, 1887, the Noli was finally finished and ready for printing.Ready for Printing. . .

They finally found printing shop- Berliner Buchdruckrei- Action- Gesselschaft which charged the lowest rate, that is 300 pesos for 2,000 copies of the novel.

Rizal could not produce a passport, for he had none- in those days it was possible to travel without passport.An ultimatum of four days to issue a passport, otherwise he would be deported.Rizal as spy. . .

Favorably impressed with Rizals explanation and fascinated by his mastery of the German language and personal charisma, the police chief was satisfied and allowed him to stay freely in Germany.

March 21, 1887, the Noli Me Tangere came off the press.Sent copies to his friends.March 29,1887, Rizal, in token of his appreciation and gratitude, gave Viola the galley proofs the Noli carefully rolled around the pen that he used in writing it and complimentary copy.The Noli Me Tangere. . .

From Latin phrase which means Touch Me Not.Rizal admitted it comes from the Bible.March 5, 1887 Letter to Hidalgo:Noli Me Tangere, words taken from the Gospel of Saint Luke, signify do not touch me.Rizal made a mistake. It should be the Gospel of St.John (Chapter 20, Verses 13-17).The Title. . .

Crisosostomo IbarraRafael IbarraMaria ClaraDoa Pia AlbaKapitan TiagoTiya IsabelDoa Victorina De EspadaaDon Tiburcio De EspadaaThe Characters. . .

Alfonso LinaresBasilio, CrispinSisaPadre DamasoPadre SalviIday, Sinang, Victoria, AndengPadre SibylaPilosopo TasioAlferezDoa ConsolacionDon Filipo LinoNyor JuanDon Saturnino

The Characters. . .

Captain GeneralTeniente GuevaraLucasEliasTarsilo and BrunoTandang PabloKapitan Basilio, Valentin and Tinong

The Characters. . .

A gathering hosted by Kapitan Tiago at his house in Calle Anloague on 30th of October in honor for Crisostomo Ibarra who had just returned after seven years of study in Europe.Among the guest are Padre Damaso, Padre Sybila, Tiniente Guevara,Don Tiburcio and several ladies.

Chapter 1: Social Gathering

Upon his arrival, he produced a favorable impression among the guest, except Padre Damaso who was rude to him. Ibarra introduce himself in accordance with German custom.

Chapter 2: Crisostomo Ibarra

The conversation centered on Ibarras study and travel abroad.The Tinola (well-known Filipino dish) served. Padre Damaso Ibarras trip abroad were useless because what Ibarra learned could be also known without having to travel extensively.Chapter 3: The Dinner

Ibarra approached by Teniente Guevara and learns for the first time about what happed to his father, Don Rafael.Chapter 4: The Heretic and Subversive

He is bothered by thoughts or revision of his father, Don Rafael, suffering in jail and eventually dying there.Chapter 5: A Star in the Dark Night

Pia Alba advised Padre Damaso to hear mass at Ubando (Obando, Bulacan). Soon after, Doa Pia conceived.Chapter 6: Capitan Tiago

Ibarra and Maria Clara get to speak privately in the azotea of Capitan Tiagos house. Chapter 7: Idyll in an Azotea

In San Diego, Ibarra saw no changes.Chapter 8: Memories

Padre Damaso does not want Maria Clara to marry Ibarra. Chapter 9: Some Country Matters

Describes the town of San Diego and the lineage of Ibarra.Chapter 10: The Town

The rulers of San Diego- Father Salvi and the AlferezChapter 11: The Sovereigns

A grave-digger.Chapter 12: All Saints Day

Grave-diggers story of Don Rafael Ibarra corpse.

Chapter 13: A Gathering Storm

The Lunatic? The existence of the purgatory. Chapter 14: Tasio

Crispin and BasilioCrispin the younger brother accused of stealing two pieces of gold of the priest.Tortured and died.Chapter 15: The Altar Boys

Mother of Crispin and BasilioWaiting. . . but only Basilio arrived.

Chapter 16: Sisa

Left Crispin at the convent.Basilio arrives home, wounded from gunshot fired at him by the Guardia civil.Basilio dreamed of Crispin.

Chapter 17: Basilio

Indulgencies for the souls in the purgatory. Sisa finds her son Crispin at the convent.

Chapter 18: Souls in Anguish

Rafael Ibarras memories from the School Master. The obstacle in teaching children.Chapter 19: The Travails of a School Master

Discuss the fiesta celebration.Curate wishes: six processions, three sermons, three high masses, and a comedy from Tondo.Disaponted, but had no choice but to obey fearing that they might be thrown in jail. Chapter 20: The Meeting in the Townhall

Sisas arrest. In her great sorrow she became insane.Chapter 21: A Mothers Story

Town Fiesta Picnic at the Lake with Maria Clara, Crisostomo Ibarra, Marias friends and Padre Salvi.Chapter 22: Lights and Shadows

Maria Clara serenade a song. They accidentally caught a crocodile but no one dared to killed it. The boat man jump and grappled by the crocodile. Ibarra jumped in the water to assist him. Continued on with their picnic and ate their breakfast in the forest owned by Ibarra.Chapter 23: The Fishing Excursion

Serenade of Maria Clara

Padre Salvi spies on Maria Clara and her friends while they bathe. Elias suspected to be the assailant of Padre Damaso and throwing the Alferez into the mud hole. Sisa wandering aimlessly finding his sons in the woods. Accused Ibarra of harboring a criminal and inviting him to the fiesta.

Chapter 24: In the Woods

Ibarra asked for advice regarding his plans of building a schoolhouse. They also talked about the arrest of Elias, whom Doa Consolacion ordered for the arrest. Then, advice to keep his head down among the Friars.Not all were asleep in the night of our ancestors!- Tasio the SageChapter 25: In the Philosophers House

Some of them busy preparing for the fiesta. While others busy working of the proposed school building of Ibarra. Tasio advises Ibarra to be cautious. Chapter 26: The Eve of the Fiesta

The Fool and the Leper.Chapter 27: The Nightfall

Filipino culture during fiesta. Piousness Chapter 28: Letters

The Procession. Ang pagsasaya ay di pagawa ng kalokohan- tulad ng pagwaldas ng salapi- Pilosopo TasyoChapter 29: The Morning

Agua bendita (Holy water)- a lucky charm or wheel of fortune. Indulgencies of the Church!Chapter 30: In the Church

Chapter 31: The Sermon

Chapter 32: In the Derrick

Chapter 33: The Hoist

Chapter 34: Free Thinker

Chapter 35: The Luncheon

Chapter 36: The Comment

Chapter 37: The First Cloud

Chapter 38: His Excellency

Chapter 39: The Procession

Chapter 40: Doa Consolacion

Chapter 41: Right and Might

Chapter 42: De Espadaa Couple

Chapter 43: Plans

Chapter 44: An Examinations of Conscience

Chapter 45: The Fugitives

Chapter 46: The Cockpit

Chapter 47: Two Ladies

Chapter 48: The Enigma

Chapter 49: The Voice of the Prosecuted

Chapter 50: Th Family of Elias

Chapter 51: Changes

Chapter 52: The Card of the Dead and the Shadows

Chapter 53: A Good Day is Foretold by the Morning

Chapter 54: Discovery

Chapter 55: The Catastrophe

Chapter 56: The Fact and Fancy

Chapter 57: Woe to the Vanquished

Chapter 58: The Culprit

Chapter 59: Patriotism and Self-Interest

Chapter 60: Wedding Plans for Maria Clara

Chapter 61: Pursuit in the Lake

Chapter 62: Padre Damaso Explains

Chapter 63: Noche Buena


Awit ni Maria Clara(Jose Rizal movie version)covernull126881.305