Rudy Turinay Web / Creative communication Casa do Caminho NGO Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May the 2 nd , December the 31st

Rapport stage - Rudy Turinay - Euromed Management

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  • 1.Web / Creative communication Casa do Caminho NGO Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMay the 2nd, December the 31st

2. Plan Why did I choose Casa do Caminho My application My NGO History Organization Ophanage Centro Cultural Language School My internship(s) Centro Cultural Web Cineclub Photography Graffity workshops Language Centre Reception SEO SEM Video Beach Volley Conclusion 3. Why did I choose Casa do Caminho NGO ?My goals before my internship were to : Be helpful for the planet or the community : to volunteer Discover a new culture : Brazil Learn a new language : Portuguese Use my skills and knowledge : web / creative communicationSo the first thing I did was going to Google and search volunteer in Brazil .Sometimes, we have to apply for a hundred different companies to get a jobAnd sometimes, rarely, the first opportunity that you find, is the one for you.When I saw this opportunity to volunteer in Rio de Janeiro for Casa do Caminho, I dideverything I could to be the chosen one. 4. My applicationThanks to EUROMED Management (coaching, resources) and my own personalexperience in job/internship application, I was prepared.I needed my resume made by a web designerI went to www.codeur.com, to find a freelance in France to do the job for cheap.I received 17 offers in 24 hours, from 35 to 215And I finally chose one for 50 5. My application - my resume 6. My application my suggestion about the web siteI checked out their website and thought some things needed to be changed. SoBefore my Skype Interview I made a suggestion for the website. 7. My application my Skype interview Bart Bijen, the dutch manager of the NGO, interviewed me for this position.I knew spanish and I kinf of learnportuguese by myself but I was notreally fluent in portuguese.So when I knew I had to perform theinterview in both english andportuguese, I prepared my speech inboth language. And it worked. 8. My NGO Casa do Caminho History In 1982 Carlos Alberto Nogueira established Casa do Caminho with the help of five friends. They distributed aid to homeless people in the area of Xerm, RJ. Their vision was to create a shelter for homeless people in a green natural setting far from the urban center. In the first five years of the project, the original group lived among destitute men, women, and children and they formed a unique community that resided in primitive buildings without electricity. It wasnt until the 1990s that the objectives of Casa do Caminho changed to prioritizing projects for children solely. Nowadays, Casa do Caminho still focuses on children, so the core product did not change but throughout the years many side products have been added to the portfolio. In 2003, Bart Bijen, the director of Casa do Caminho, designed the volunteer program. After the implementation of the volunteer program there has been a continuous flow of volunteers that provide Casa do Caminho with the flexibility to expand its facilities. Ever since, this program is evolving rapidly. Since 2003, Casa do Caminho has added an adolescents center to house the older children to make the project itself more sustainable and give the orphanage program a longer range. Various social enterprises have been added to the portfolio, i.e. the Language Centre, in order to create incoming cash flow and support the orphanage with continuous funds. The ICT project (Information, Communication, Technology), a Sport and Community Centre, and a Sexual Education project have been added too, in order to augment education as a supporting pillar of the Casa do Caminho program. Also, Casa do Caminho is sells Doces de Vernica, which are homemade preserves made from the Orphanage organic farm. In the last five years close to 300 volunteers from all over the world continually shaped, developed and updated the program to make it more effective and more professional; this provides more help and more care to the children of Xerm. 9. My NGO Casa do Caminho Organization The orphanage in Xerm is composed of three different houses : one for Orphanage kids between 3 and 12, one for male teenagers, and one for female teenagers.The language school inIpanema teachesportuguese toThe idea of the gringos (foreigners)Language CulturalCentro Cultural is toand english to SchoolCentergive back to thebrazilians. All theXerm communityprofits go to the(that supports theorpahange. orphanage) by giving for free, or for Clube really cheap, accessVideo here Verde to culture : language classes, cinema, thea tre, dance, music The Clube Verde is a green project that will enable teens to work in farms and in the green area in general 10. My NGO Casa do CaminhoThe orphanage TheSede sede , headqquarter in portuguese is where 20 kids live. The place is situated in the hills in the middle of natureCasa CAM, Casa dAsAmigas, is where the girlslive. They are more or lessten. The house is located inthe village ofXerm. Casa CAM Heppenheim In Casa Heppenheim, also in Xerm, live more or less 10 boys. The name is from a rich donator that financed the project. 11. My NGO Casa do CaminhoCentro CulturalThe Cultural Centre situated in the village of Xerm, offers thanks to 6volunteers, different activities for cheap or for free : Language classes => english, spanish, french Music => Piano, guitar, dance Theatre Art => photography, graffity, creative arts Cinema => free cine club every ThursdayI was myself working at the Cultural Center between May and August.During this time I was in charge of many different things : French classes Graffity workshops Photography workshops Cineclub Web 2.0 Promotion 12. My NGO Casa do CaminhoLanguage CentreThe Language School is more than necessary for the NGO. A significantamount of the money the NGO gets monthly, is from it (the donations arethe other source of income)The Language Centre is the leading Portuguese language school situatedtwo blocks away from Ipanema Beach, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.We offer Brazilian Portuguese Courses for foreigners from 14 R$ per hour (best prices in South Rio).We teach Portuguese to adults, children, university groups and businesses. We have group lessons, as wellas private lessons. We offer regular and intensive courses at flexible times in the morning, afternoon andevening. There are no registration fees or other hidden fees. Our teachers are all highly qualified, experiencednative Brazilian teachers. 13. My Internship(s) Casa do Caminho 14. My internship(s) Centro Cultural Web 2.0 The Cultural Center was knew and unknown in Xerm. The goal was to advertise to our public : young people willing to learn something different for cheap/free. In Brazil, Facebook is a pretty knew thing, people used to prefer Orkut, an equivalent runned by Google and Msn Hotmail. But 2011 was the exact year when the worlwide leader Facebook succeeded invading Brazil. Good for me, because I knew way more about Facebook that about Orkut. When I arrived the CC had a Facebook group, a Facebook fan page, an Orkut account, and a couple of blogs Any of them was really successfull and well uploaded. My first decision was to focus on Facebook that has the same content as a blog (news, photos, videos, article, network on the platform) . My strategy was to upload as many info and content as possible. Everything had to be directly related to our activities and had to be intesresting for the FB users. I took pictures of all the classes and workshops, made video interviews of all the volunteers, uploaded news and schedules for the weeks to come And I had an idea. 15. My internship(s) Centro CulturalWeb 2.0Case Study IRL + Web 2.0 = Success As a community manager, I was convinced that an online strategy could be efficient only if it was supported by an IRL (in real life) strategy . We needed to meet our community in a public place and make them go to our Facebook platform. As I started working with photography in 2010 in France (in a night club and for amateur models), I thought photography could be a good way to catch peoples attention. My strategy was directly based on the one some websites use to get viewers and generate moneytizing their traffics => taking a picture of people and then giving them a business card with the address of our platform. So I needed to : 1. Find THE busy place and its rush hour 2. Catch peoples attention 3. Make them go to our FB page Look professionnal 16. My internship(s) Centro Cultural Web 2.0Case Study IRL + Web 2.0 = Success 1. Find THE busy place and its rush hour : In Xerm, there is a famous place called Mantiquira where young people and family like to hang out, have aa (amazonian fruit), batata frita ( french fries) , pipoca (popcorn) and watch the teenagers skateboarding. Xerm is a very religious town and there is a huge amount of churches, mostly evangelist. So it was pretty obvious, that the Mantiquira was the place. And the moment was Sunday night after the evening Mass when people are logically well dressed. 17. My internship(s) Centro CulturalWeb 2.0 Case Study IRL + Web 2.0 = Success 2. Catch peoples attention : We need to be at a place where everybody goes through, make them watch, stop and participate. So we decided to put on some dance music, and light up the our stand. We also printed a 3x5m poster to put behind the people we photoshoot with our FB address on it facebook.com/xeremcultural.It made it professional Random peoplebecome real stars for amoment 18. My internship(s) Centro Cultural Web 2.0Case Study IRL + Web 2.0 = Success 3. Make them go to our Facebook page and like it : We caught peoples attention, we made them smile and get interested to our activities Now we had to convert prospects in clients. So we printed business card and gave them to everybody that we photoshoot or that stopped by to take a look/ discuss with us. To get the pictures, they needed to go to our FB page and like it. Then we they liked it, they were reachable. And we could communicate with us. Plus, because it was an opportunity for them to have professional photos of them. Many of these people turned the pictures into FB profile pictures. Our FB address was on them, so they started to advertise for us. 19. My internship(s) Centro CulturalWeb 2.0Case Study IRL + Web 2.0 = Success Results I started this action July the 10th, less then 2 months after the number of Facebook likes had been multiplied by more then 10 ! More students for the classesBetter brand image intown329 likesMore traffic at the 27 likes Cultural Center launching Nov 2010July 2011Sept 2011my starting date 20. My internship(s) Centro Cultural Web 2.0Case Study IRL + Web 2.0 = Success Critical Success Factors 1. The right place at the right moment 2. Photography catches peoples attention 3. We gave a chance to Xerm people to feel like a star for 5 minutes 4. The action was related to our activities (photo workshop, art, music) This action showed how much the web 2.0 needs to be supported by an IRL strategy. If young people can spend up to 5 hours a day on the internet, it means that during 19 hours they are In Real Life ! 21. My internship(s) Centro Cultural Cine Club The Cine Club is a weekly activity happening on Thursday nights at 9:00pm The idea is to get people together for free and show an alternative movies, something they could not / would not see by themselves : short movies, independant cinema, art, documentories, unknown master pieces Just like 5 millions of others , O povo brasileiro , 5times favela The Cine Club started to be a success, up to 45 people were coming every Thursday to watch the movies, so we decided to invite some directors over. For example Cacau Amaral, one of the director of 5x Favela shown at Festival de Cannes in 2010, came to present his movies and discuss with the audience. 22. My internship(s) Centro Cultural Cine Club Because we had Giovanny Moreno, a drama teacher at the orphanage, and because he knew I was into video production (CupcakeTV) , we started to make short movies and documentories for the Cine Club, here is the trailer of Casa Velha, all made by Casa do Caminho : the kids, the drama teacher and myself.rated ithttp://www.dailymotion.com/video/xjsweu_trailer-a-casa-velha-by-cupcake-tv_creation 23. My internship(s) Centro Cultural Photographyworkshops I am no professional at photography. I started a bit more than a year ago. But as long as I was creative and motivated, I was able to bring something for the teenagers I was teaching. The workshops were a lot about light painting as people usely like it for being fun and pretty. here a video But I also offeredfree photoshoots at the end of every workshop. Girlsloved it ! 24. My internship(s) Centro Cultural Graffity workshops Usally the workshops were open to Xerm community : teenagers from the town or the area. The graffity workshop was only open to Casa do Caminho teenagers because the spray paints are very expensive in Brazil 25. My internship(s) Centro CulturalResults Being at the Cultural Center was a great experience for a lot of reasons : 1. I was doing creative activities such as photos, videos, graffities 2. I was close to the orphanage and was able to see the kids and teenagerseveryday 3. It put me in a really brazilian enviornment, not the one I used to know 4. I learnt portugues really fast But Xerm is a very small town, and I could not live more than 4 months in it. I was born and raised in a city so something was missing in my life. I decided to apply for the web 2.0 / SEO position at Casa do Caminho Language School in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro. 26. My internship(s) Language CentreLanguage CentreAt Casa do Caminho Language School, I was also in charge of the samekind of missions, but I was hosted for free in Ipanema, 2 minutes awayfrom the beach.Video production French classes Web promotionBeach volley 27. My internship(s) Language Centre ReceptionAt the Language Centre, we are 6 volunteers from Australia, SouthAfrica, Belgium, Holland and France. We all live together in the schoolbuilding.Our main task is being at the reception in charge of :1. Welcoming and giving informations to people2. Cashing in payments3. Doing the paper work4. Answering emails in our language (me in french and portuguese)We have 5 weekly shifts of 7 hours so 35 hours a week. From Monday toFriday. It is either from 7h30 to 14h30 or from 14h00 to 21h00.But we also have specific taks. Mine are web 2.0, Search EngineOptimization and Marketing (SEO/SEM) and the beach volley activity. 28. My internship(s) Language CentreWeb 2.0The page already had a good amount of likes, and a good interaction withthe IRL world : pictures of the activities tours, beachvolleyball, cineclubSo my job was just to run it, and improve it a little bit.Just like adding a landing page to increase the rate viewers/like This is the firstthing people nowsee when theyvisit the page In 3 months wegot 22% increase of the likes 29. My internship(s) Language Centre SEOWhen I arrived, the school was paying a company to add backlinks onmarketing website.Thanks to that, the website ranking got way better, and the trafficincreased a lot.This strategy is prohibited by Google, it can only be a short term option.Google bots crawled websites and analyze this kind of link buildingstrategies. As soon as you get caught. Google put your website in a sandbox and you disappear from the SERPs (search engine result pages).It was really difficult to make my boss understand and accept that. Asthis black hat strategy generated a lot of incomes for the school.But I made a report based on forums, blogs posts, books about SEOthat I called with humor SEO for Dummies then my boss decidedto stop working with them.3 of the 34 slides right after, (full presentation here) 30. by Rudy Turinay for Casa do Caminho 31. Search Engine Optimization 1. 2.Definition of SEOA complete strategyPlan1.Content is King 1. What kind of content ? 2. How to optimize our content ?2.Backlinks 1. Definition 2. What is a good quality backlink ? 3. How to get good quality backlinks ?3.Ninja Linking 1. Definition 2. How to use the Ninja Linking ? 32. Search Engine Optimization DefinitionDefinition : Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improvingthe visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural orun-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. Other forms of Searchengine marketing (SEM) target paid listings. 33. Search Engine Optimization A complete strategyHow to get on top of the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs)?1. Write One-of-a-Kind Content2. Add brand new content all the time3. Use keywords4. Watch out the competition on these keywords/key phrases5. Write an accessible website6. Get good quality backlinks 34. My internship(s) Language Centre SEMThanks to that we saved $400 a months and kept our ranking onGoogle !Then we started to use this money for something else : Search EngineMarketing AdwordsEven when you have the first ranking on the SERPs, you are actually at the2nd (or 3rd) position right after Google ads That is why it is always usefull to invest on Google Adwords 35. My internship(s) Language Centre SEMAdwords clearly was an option that guaranteed us a good trafficduring the last few months.This healthy source of traffic is giving us more and more visitors.We even miss clicks due to budget, which means that with a higherbudget well get more clicks . Adwords investmentClicks and viewers Clients Monthly report here 36. My internship(s) Language CentreVideo productionIn order to offer creative content and generate more traffic and morebusiness for the school, I was i charge of take pictures and making videosof all kind of things :1. The classes2. Interviews of the volunteers3. Students testimonials4. City Tours (called shitty tours )5. Beach volleyball6. The eventsHere is our Youtube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/cdclanguagecentre 37. Conclusion Casa do Caminho At the time I am writing this, my internship is not over yet. I am currently performing my seventh out of eight months in Rio de Janeiro State. Four in the small town of Xerm. Harsh on the one hand in extreme conditions but on the other hand amazing thanks to the kid and the lessons I learnt. And three in the Cidade Maravilhosa of Rio de Janeiro with all its parties, its culture, its dirtiness, its lack of infrastrure, its beaches, its accent, its slang, its people I have to work, 4 more weeks and a lot of things can happen during this time. But so far it has been a wonderful opportunity to work for an NGO in Brazil. Even if a lot of unexpected storied happened to me I can tell that I completed all my goals. 38. Conclusion Casa do CaminhoI fell in love with Brazil the day my mum gave me an Atlas as a present. I foundbrazilian and portuguese flags the cuttest ones. Because they were complicatedand unique. Then I started to discover more about brazil, its culture, its dances,Its football and its language And I knew it would a place in my heart forever.After living 8 month in it, I can say I was first disappointed. Nothing is like I wasimagining. I experienced traveling before, so I know it is never the way you havebeen told it is, but still it surprised me again.I do not know if I will come back to live in Brazil in the future. I need to see moreCountries to really compare.But which is sure, is that Brazil is a very special country, and will always be for me. 39. Conclusion Casa do CaminhoI was not only in a new culture, but in a complete new environment and experience. I had spent 1 month in the West Indies, 3 months in Mexico, 6 months in San Francisco away from my friends and family. So I kind of knew what it was to be alone having to integrate a new culture.But it was the first time I was volunteering full time. And this, was the most difficult thing. 7 days of work a week, from the sunrise to late nights, sharing a room with 4 other people, having cold showers, electricity blackouts, eating the same food everyday Made me realize I was a very selfish and spoiled kid.It was something that I could not have realized before because I never had the chance to putmyself in such an extreme situation and conditions. It definetely made me grow.Fortunately I am a very motivated and strong person that barely gives up with my goals. I went through critical situations that made me miss physical and mental comfort back home but I finally found solutions and solved problems. 40. Conclusion Casa do CaminhoWhen I go to a country, I try as much as possible to act like the people and then become one of them. Some societies are easier to integrate then others. Brazilian society is very welcoming one but it does not mean becoming brazilian is an easy thing.Their food for exemple, based on rice and beans everyday was a hugesurprise. In a country with so much diversity in terms offruits, vegetables and animals, I was expecting something way moreexotic. They also never drink water with meals, they haveguarana, sodas, or most of time : beer. 41. Conclusion Casa do CaminhoBrazil teached you how to be happy : you are poor ? You are orphan ? You arehomeless ? See the good aspect of it anyway this is the only thing you cando. This is not a stereotype to say brazilians are positives. They do notalways smile or dance for no reason. But they learnt how to be happy withless. Not because of samba, caipirinha or football, but because they wentthrough slavery, misery, dictatorship Not so long ago.Cariocas do a lot of sport and/or work out. They take care of their body andthis is very inspiring.Since I came back from San Francisco in June 2010, I decided to become step by step vegetarian. Contrary to what we can think, being veggie in Brazil is a very complicated decision as meat (churrasco and assado = bbq & roast meat) is part of the culture. But I staid strong and ate only when it was necessary. 42. Conclusion Casa do CaminhoFirst I learnt brazilian portuguese, which does not make me unique but rare.What made me really unique is the human experience. Working with orphans, in extreme conditions gave me such an other vision of life. I am not sure I have the same goals in life that most of the other students.Happiness would be the only one thing that matters in my life, no matterwhat I will be doing, where I will be living, and how much I will beearning. 43. Thank you for readingIf you have more time, I would like you to watch this video I made about a very important event at the orphanage : The Olympic Games with the kids.It is a yearly event when all the kids and teenagers get together and playduring a full week learning the values of sport.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRNRSiqwzXU