UNIT 2: THE SENSES Nuria Sánchez Parra CEIP García Bellido

Unit 2 6th: The senses

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Nuria Sánchez ParraCEIP García Bellido


• Senses……sentidos• Sight……vista• Organ ……órgano• Made up ……formado• Eyeball ……globo ocular• Protect……proteger• Eyebrows……cejas• Eyelashes ……pestañas• Eyelids……párpados• When ……cuando• Hard ……duro/a/os/as• Shell……concha, capa• Arrive……llegar

• Iris……iris• Pupil……pupila• Afterwards……después• Pass……pasar• Lens……cristalino• Which……el cual, la cual• Focus……enfocar• Image ……imagen• Retina……retina• Opening ……abertura• Bottom ……fondo

• Travel……viajar• Brain ……cerebro• Optic nerve……nervio óptico• Main ……principal• Hearing……sentido del oído• Ear……oreja• Touch……tacto• Include……incluir• Ear canal……conducto auditivo• Receive……recoger, recibir• Sound……sonido• Middle ear……oído medio• Eardrum ……martillo• Small bones……cadena de huesescillos• Change into……transformar• Vibrations……vibraciones

• Inner ear……oído interno• Cochlea ……caracol• Auditory nerve……nervio auditivo• Impulses……impulsos• Outer ear……oído externo• Touch……tacto• Skin ……piel• Layer……capa• Epidermis……epidermis• Dermis……dermis• Knocking……golpes• Heat ……calor• Pressure ……presión• Contain……contener• Fat ……grasa

• Against ……contra

• Hypodermis……hipodermis

• Smell……olfato

• Pituitary gland……pituitaria

• Inside ……en el interior de

• Sweet……dulce

• Taste……sentido del gusto

• All around……por todas partes

• Taste buds……papilas gustativas

• Flavors……sabores

• Salty……salado

• Bitter……amargo

• Acid ……ácido

• Nostrils……fosas nasales

Let’s speak

• Do you know the senses?

• How many senses have we got?

• What things can we notice by the senses?

SightThe eye is the organ of sight. It is made up of the eyeball and

protected by the eyebrows, the eyelashes and the eyelids. • When the light arrives at the eyeball, it goes through the

cornea, a hard and transparent shell.• It passes through the pupil, the opening of the iris, like a

window.• Afterwards, the light passes through the lens, which focuses

the image on the retina, at the bottom of the eye.• The information in the retina travels to the brain through the

optic nerve.The organ of sight is the eye and the main part of the eye

is the eyeball.

• Draw an eye with its parts


The ear is the organ of hearing. It has got three parts:• The outer ear. It includes the ear and the ear canal. It

receives the sounds.• The middle ear. It includes the eardrum and the small

bones. It changes the sounds into vibrations.• The inner ear. It includes the cochlea and the auditory

nerve. It changes the vibrations into nerve impulses and take them to the brain.

• Draw an ear with its parts


The skin is the organ of touch.

It is made up of three layers:

• Epidermis. It is the outer layer for protection.

• Dermis. It is under the epidermis. It includes cold, heat and pressure receptors.

• Hypodermis. It is under the dermis. It contains fat and protects against cold and knocking.

• Draw the Skin with its parts


The nose is the organ of smell. The receptorsof smell are in the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland is inside the nostrils.

• Draw a nose with its parts


The tongue is the organ of taste. The receptors of taste are in the taste buds. They are all around the tongue, depending on the different flavors: salty, bitter, acid and sweet.

• Draw a mouth with its parts