By Frances Fu 05-12-2012 好用的中文數位教學工具 Horace Mann School 南威中文學校 為例 紐約 . 教中文 . 筆記 f r a n c e s f u . b l o g s p o t . c o m

User Friendly Tools for Chinese Teaching and Learning

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Pick up Voicethread, Glogster and selectived iPad apps to facilitate Chinese teaching and learning

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Page 1: User Friendly Tools for Chinese Teaching and Learning

By Frances Fu 05-12-2012


以Horace Mann School 及南威中文學校為例

紐約.教中文.筆記 f r a n c e s f u . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Page 2: User Friendly Tools for Chinese Teaching and Learning






-資訊不打一處來 Ref: 23,000 Teachers Ideas www.weareteachers.com

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-Active vs. Reflective 小組活動 / 靜靜沈思抄筆記

-Sensing vs. Intuitive 求證據做實驗 / 探究可能性和關係

-Visual vs. Verbal 視覺型:圖片圖表圖解圖示/口語型:說

-Sequential vs. Global 按照步驟 線性a-b-c / 全球 整體 複雜度

Ref: Index of Learning Styles ILS

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教學相長的學習? iPad App Squiggles

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  Group conversations around images, document and videos.

  My example:春天唱歌  生日晚會 Q&A   Pro: collaborative,

creative, critical thinking, communicative.

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  Photo + Video+ Music+…unlimited creative idea.   My glogster example: What’s easy? What’s hard?   Nine Activities http://www.glogster.com/fulaoshi/9activities/


  Pro: comprehensive and fancy webpage   Con: time-consuming for starter to build up

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  a portable scanner   paper documents, notes, student in-class writing work, or whiteboard discussions can be

archived anywhere at anytime.   e.g.   1.課堂造句練習(3rd grade)   2.課堂廣告單創意練習(高中生) example:http://secure.smilebox.com/ecom/openTheBox?


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  Imagine create and publish your own books with writing, drawing and photos.

 我的好朋友 1.以中文紀錄同學彼此訪談內容 2.選配圖案或照片以活潑方式呈現

紐約.教中文.筆記 f r a n c e s f u . b l o g s p o t . c o m

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  FlashCardlet 方便識字的字卡

neuAnnotate 筆記加注

Fotopedia Heritage 文化的巡禮

Dragon Dictation 方便聽寫的聽寫龍

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Pic Collage 做自己的拼貼圖片

1. 易編輯 中文字體及圖片編輯後均可自由移動調整大小位置

2. 選圖快 可使用網路相關圖片或現有照片

3. 視覺效果佳

紐約.教中文.筆記 f r a n c e s f u . b l o g s p o t . c o m

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  1.人際交流 (Interpersonal)   2.詮釋理解 (Interpretive)   3.演示表達 (Presentational)   4.合作學習 (Collaborative Learning)   5.評量鑑定 (Assessment)

紐約.教中文.筆記 f r a n c e s f u . b l o g s p o t . c o m

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紐約.教中文.筆記 f r a n c e s f u . b l o g s p o t . c o m
