COMM 202 W09: LinkedIn T35 & T36 Laptops out! :) But no phones please. Tutorial 7

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COMM 202W09: LinkedIn

T35 & T36

Laptops out! :)But no phones please.

Tutorial 7

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1. LinkedIn Profiles

2. Networking Event Recap

3. Action Items

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LinkedIn Profiles

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LinkedIn vs. Resume

o LinkedIn is social!o Be personable, speak in first person, show your personalityo Follow influencers, share articles, engage with the community through

posts and updates – the more you engage the more likely people will find your profile.

o LinkedIn is all about you!o Your profile is tailored to your professional brand more so than to a

companyo Include broader experiences, projects, skills, and interests in a variety of


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Key Profile Elementso Need my LinkedIn

5. Interesting Summary Showcasing Personality

1. Professional Headshot

2. Attention Grabbing Header

3. Complete Experiences

4. Connections, Contact Info, Customized URL

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Before we start…

o Turn off “Notify your network” when making many small changes

o Don’t mark a connection request as “I Don’t Know” unless they are negatively impacting you

o After too many IDK’s, LinkedIn will ban them from the network

Found on the right side of your profile under “Who’s Viewed

your Profile?”

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o Adding connectionso Don’t go to people you may know (only sends the generic message)o Go directly to their profile

o Public Profile settings

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Profile Photo

o Professional-looking photoo Reasonably close-up (from the

shoulders up)o High quality, good lighting, looks

like you!

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o It’s your 120 character hooko Should be about what you doo Be memorable & enticing people to look at your profile

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o Let’s create our own!o Don’t run through creation

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o 2000 characters to summarize your background and future goals

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Tips for a Great Summary

o Speak in the first persono Keep it visually organized using bullet pointso What you can write about:

o Education (your current job): What you do, your specialization, why you chose it

o Other involvements: What you do outside of class, why you like ito What makes you - you: Personal work style / important character traitso Your aspirations: Your goals and intended professional patho Finish off with a call to action

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Key Elements of Your Profile

o Experienceso Try not to copy-paste from your resumeo Talk about the challenges you faced and a couple key winso Prove your accomplishments by showing examples of your work (i.e.

video projects, presentations, photography…)

o Educationo Join UBC and Sauder (AND the alumni communities!)

o Honours/Awards

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Key Elements of Your Profile

o Projectso List academic or extra-curricular projects as you see fit

o Skills o Searchable, so aim for brand-specific not generic

o Influencerso Follow your idols! Helps others to see who inspires you.

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Resume -> LinkedIn



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o Having a profile is step 1, using LinkedIn is what will get you noticed. The more active you are on the site the more likely your profile will be seen by potential employers

o Join groups in your interest areas…for now myBCom Careers to stay up to date on job postings and career relevant info from the BCC and CUS.

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Etiquette: Adding Connections

o Best practices:o Request to connect once you

have met them in person (where possible)

o Personalize your connection request

o Keep it friendly and professional

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Etiquette: Adding Connections

General tips for success

o Share something memorable from your conversation

o Be brief

o Include a call to action if you’d like to meet again

o Gauge the audience – your message to the Dean will look different than your message to your COMM202 classmate!

too casual

too generic

personal & professional

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Etiquette: Adding Connections

• Generally split your requests into three categories:

1.People you know well:• More casual, can be how you would talk to the person

2.People you know a little:• Professional requests, bring up where you’ve met, etc.

3.People you don’t know but want to know• Brief intro and why you want to talk to them, shared

commonalities (university, degree, interests, etc.)

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Recommendations vs. Endorsements

Recommendationso Written by other LinkedIn members as a way to recognize or

applaud a business partner or colleague

Endorsementso Less specific, vagueo Virtual thumbs-up

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Requesting Recommendation

1. Identify the best witnesses of your work.

2. Ask personally first. Email if not possible.

3. If they say yes to your email/personal request, send a request through LinkedIn.

4. Send thank-you email.

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Requesting Recommendation

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Social Media Warning

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Networking Event

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Reflection PaperDue Monday, March 14th

Min. of One Page | submit to TurnItIn

o Your goals in attending the event o What is your purpose in going? o Define SMART goals beforehand – How will you define the success of your


o How did you prepare for the event (research potential delegates)o What was it about these people that motivated you wanting to talk to them?

o Conversation summaries (who you talked to, what you learned)o Reflection of the lessons learnedo Action steps to build relationship

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Info Interview Assignment

o Contact details (name, company, title, phone, email)

o List of questions askedo Major insights gained – What did you learn during

your informational interview? **This is the most important part, should be 40% of final paper.

o Did you request/receive any information regarding additional connections?

o Follow up action – What will you do to maintain this connection? *Screen shot of thank you email required

o What are your next steps having conducted this information interview?

Assignment Guidelines

10% of your final gradeDue Thursday April 14th

Minimum of one pageIn-person and not current UBC student/staff/faculty or family member

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Landing Your Info Interview

1. Find 4 or 5 potential contacts – WHERE?!

2. Research them (Google, LinkedIn) and reach out to contacts you have in common

3. Decide what you want to talk to them about and brainstorm questions and points of commonality

4. Send out your invites! Don’t be offended if they don’t immediately reply

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Action Items

Networking Reflection due March 14th @ TurnItIn

Lecture next week!

No more office hours :(

Informational Interview due April 14th @ TurnItIn