WRITING AN INTRODUCTION OF A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF LITERATURE - A QUICK REFERENCE TABLE Publication Support | Research Services | Physician Writing | Scientific Communication Solution | Editing &Peer-Reviewing Tags: Systematic review, meta-analysis, systematic review of literature, writing a systematic review, statistical analysis, conducting a systematic review. Copyright © 2019 pubrica. All rights reserved

Writing An Introduction Of A Systematic Review Of Literature – A Quick Reference Table

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1. Systematic reviews are performed for synthesizing the evidence of multiple scientific investigations to answer a specific research question. Performing a systematic review of literature is quite complicated and time-consuming process which takes between 6 and 18 months on average depends on the study design 2. Guidelines are mentioned in this blog provide a good outline for conducting a systematic review of the literature. 3. This framework especially is essential for early career researchers and medical students to enhance their writing knowledge on the systematic review of the literature. When you order our services, we promise you the following – Plagiarism free, always on Time, outstanding customer support, written to Standard, Unlimited Revisions support and High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Learn More: https://pubrica.com/services/research-services/systematic-review/ Contact us: Web: https://pubrica.com/ Email: [email protected] WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom : +44-1143520021

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Tags:Systemat ic review, meta-analys is , systemat ic review of l i terature,

wri t ing a sys temat ic review, stat ist ical analysis, conduct ing a sys temat ic review.

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Systematic reviews are performed to synthesizing the evidence of multiple scientific investigations to answer a specific research question in a manner that is reproducible and transparent while seeking to include all published evidence on the topic followed evaluating the quality of this evidence..

Systematic review remains among the best forms of evidence and reduce the bias inherent in other methods.

In the disciplines of public policy health and health sciences, the systematic reviews have become a main methodology..

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Meta-analysis: A meta-analysis utilizes statistical methods to incorporate appraisals of impact from relevant studies that are independent yet comparable and outline them.

Quantitative: To combine the results of 2 or more studies by using statistical analysis is called quantitative analysis.

Qualitative: The qualitative analysis generally defined as the results of the relevant studies are summarized but not combined statistically.

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Identification of research question

Inclusion & exclusion criteria

Rigorous & systematic search of the literature

Critical appraisal of included studies

Data extraction and management

Analysis & interpretation of

results Report for publication


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Identification of research question

The identification of the research question is significant before undertaking a systematic review of literature. For instance, for what reason is this survey essential? What question should be replying?.

There are a variety of frameworks/tools available for supporting this process such as SPIDER, PICOS/PICO, SPICE and PEO criteria. These kinds of frameworks help to break down the question into relevant subcomponents and map them to concepts, to derive a formalized search criterion.

Inclusion & exclusion criteria

It is important to determine the eligibility criteria before starting the systematic review including methods, study design, set criteria for the topic and the methodological quality of studies.

Guidelines for systematic review

The PRISMA guidelines are widely followed by researchers in writing a systematic review. The PRISMA guidelinesguide researchers on how to write a systematic review and that comprises a flow diagram and a 27-item checklist.

A protocol of PRISMA guidelines including (1) Databases to be searched and additional sources ( 2 ) Keywords to be used in the search strategy ( 3 ) Limits applied to the search ( 4 ) Limits applied to the search ( 5 ) Screening process( 6 ) Data to be extracted and ( 7 ) Summary of data to be reported.


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Some important web source for the article screening including PubMed (Biomedical and life sciences topic), Medline (Biomedical information and life sciences), Embase (Biomedical information), Web of Science (Multi discipline science), Biosis (Life sciences and biomedical topics), PsycINFO (Behavior and mental health), SCOPUS (Life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences and health science), CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), Cochrane Library (Database of systematic reviews), CENTRAL (The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and OpenGrey (Grey literature).

Title and abstract screening

The title and abstract of the articles should be screened whether the title and abstract are relevant to the present research.

Full text review

The remaining articles screened in an above mentioned way and the relevant articles are read in their entire texts.

Data extraction

The essential data of the articles are extracted in a data extract sheet in a uniform and structured manner. The extraction sheets may differ based on the study’s purpose. Generally, the data extraction sheet of containing the title of the article, study design, region, sample size, interventions and outcomes (Mueller et al, 2017).

Data analysis

The screened studies results can be analyzed by separating them based on the subthemes, themes often referred to as meta-synthesis (Siddaway et al, 2019).

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AbstractThe abstract should contain a brief background, the aim of the study, a summary of methodology, a summary of the results, conclusion and keywords.

IntroductionThe chapter contains a brief background about the present study followed by an overview of the aim and objectives of the study undertaken.

MethodsThe methodology should be containing a full justification and explanation for the managing and searching steps. Specifically, the justification contains a full explanation about inclusion/exclusion criteria, search string, searching strategy, limitations, how studies were screened, data extraction protocol, method of quality assessment and statistical analysis.

ResultsThe quantitative explanation and evidence must be given to the process of study exclusion/inclusion and summarized in a specific flow diagram. A characteristic of study summary should be obtained, sum of all studies, age range, mean/median and other characteristics.

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DiscussionTo discuss the present study with the light of relative research done in other studies. The main component of the discussion chapter should be focused on discussing and identifying the limitations of studies included in the review.

ConclusionThe conclusion should be containing the summary of different aspects of the present study, the results generated as well as future scope of research and the conclusions derived from the present study.

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A systematic review of literature tends to be one of the most trusted sources of high-quality information for clinical decisions.

Knowing the elements of a review will help practitioners evaluate their output more effectively.

There are many formal structures that help organize and monitor evaluations, for which reproducibility is recommended.

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