The Social Law Firm™ Index: How the Top U.S. and U.K Law Firms Rank in their Use of Social Technologies Guy Alvarez, CEO Good2bSocial www.Good2bSocial.com @guylaw1313

The Social Law Firm Index: How the Top U.S. and U.K. Law Firms rank in their Use of Social Technologies

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The purpose of these joint studies are to assess the extent to which U.S. and U.K. law firms are currently using and relying on social technologies and practices as part of their business operations

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Page 1: The Social Law Firm Index: How the Top U.S. and U.K. Law Firms rank in their Use of Social Technologies

The  Social  Law  Firm™  Index:  How  the  Top  U.S.  and  U.K  Law  Firms  Rank  in  

their  Use  of  Social  Technologies    

Guy  Alvarez,  CEO  Good2bSocial  

www.Good2bSocial.com  @guylaw1313  

Page 2: The Social Law Firm Index: How the Top U.S. and U.K. Law Firms rank in their Use of Social Technologies


The  Social  Law  Firm™  Index  •  Fall  2013  

–  In  conjuncQon  with  Above  the  Law  –  AmLaw  50  Law  Firms  –  White  paper  released  in  December  2013  


–  Index  announced  January  2014  •  Spring  2014  

–  In  conjuncQon  with  The  Ark  Group  –  U.K.  100  Law  Firms  –  Report  to  be  published  end  of  Summer  2014  

•  Summer/Fall  2014  –  In  conjuncQon  with  Above  the  Law  –  AmLaw  100  Law  Firms  plus  submiVals  –  White  Paper  released  December  2014  –  Index  announced  January  2015  

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The  purpose  of  these  joint  studies  are  to  assess  the  extent  to  which  U.S.  and  U.K.  law  firms  are  currently  using  and  relying  on  social  technologies  and  pracQces  as  part  of  their  business  operaQons    

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Methodology  •  We  reviewed  the  websites  and  social  media  profiles  of  target  law  firms  across  all  public  pla^orms,  including  LinkedIn,  Facebook,  TwiVer,  Google+,YouTube,  Slideshare  and  others    

•  We  assessed  each  firm’s  publically  available  substanQve  content  as  well  as  its  social  reach  and  engagement,  assigning  a  point  value  based  on  the  number  of  followers,  friends,  likes,  comments  and  so  forth.    

•  We  also  collected  informaQon  across  the  legal  market  through  a  series  of  surveys  conducted  by  our  publishing  partners.  

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Finding  No.  1      A  majority  of  firms  recognize  the  importance  of  social  media  markeQng  and  are  devoQng  substanQal  resources  to  establishing  their  firm’s  social  media  presence.    

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Finding  No.  2      A  majority  of  firms  currently  recognize  the  importance  of  creaQng  and  publishing  substanQve  content.  They  are  also  commibng  resources  to  ensure  that  substanQve  content  is  updated  frequently.    

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Finding  No.  3      Although  a  majority  of  large  law  firms  are  creaQng  substanQve  content,  they  are  not  making  consistent  or  effecQve  steps  toward  sharing  that  content  on  their  websites  or  across  social  media  channels.        

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Finding  No.  4      The  majority  of  large  law  firms  that  currently  make  use  of  social  media  have  a  very  low  level  of  engagement  with  the  public  through  their  own  websites  and  through  public  social  networks.    

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Finding  No.  5      MarkeQng  remains  the  single  most  important  focus  of  social  technology  usage  by  law  firms.      Among  the  large  law  firm  segment,  recruiQng  has  emerged  as  the  second  greatest  focus  of  law  firm  social  media  pracQces.    

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Finding  No.  6      In  the  large  law  firm  segment  there  is  very  liVle  use  of  Social  Business  tools  or  pracQces  to  foster  internal  collaboraQon  and  teamwork.    Smaller  law  firms  are  much  further  ahead  in  the  deployment  of  Social  Business  tools  and  techniques  in  connecQon  with  internal  collaboraQon  and  the  delivery  of  client  services.    

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Finding  No.  7      While  the  vast  majority  of  large  law  firms  have  not  yet  implemented  firm-­‐wide  social  networks,  many  firms  are  acQvely  experimenQng  with  Social  Business  tools  and  pracQces  in  a  more  limited  fashion.    

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Finding  No.  8      Small  law  firms  have  been  achieving  a  higher  level  of  success  and  saQsfacQon  than  large  law  firms  in  their  aVempts  to  implement  Social  Business  pracQces.  

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Finding  No.  9      Small  law  firms  have  been  much  more  proacQve  in  encouraging  lawyers  to  use  social  media  for  business  development  purposes  and  in  providing  training  to  encourage  usage.  Large  law  firms  have  been  less  inclined  to  promote  social  media  training  or  usage.  

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Finding  No.  10      Use  of  Social  tools  and  pracQces  is  becoming  an  important  part  of  the  criteria  lawyers  use  when  deciding  where  to  work    

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•  The  use  of  social  technologies  and  pracQces  is  slowly  gaining  tracQon  in  law  firms.    

•  AdopQon  is  proceeding  at  the  slowest  pace  among  the  largest  law  firms  and  more  rapidly  among  firms  with  between  1  -­‐  20  lawyers.  

•   The  legal  sector  lags  far  behind  the  broader  corporate  marketplace,  as  law  firms  seem  to  be  in  the  very  early  stages  of  assessing  the  opportuniQes  presented  through  social  business  transformaQon.  

•  Almost  all  firms  are  packaging  and  presenQng  content  in  a  way  that  is  disconnected  from  social  media  channels  and  difficult  to  share.  

•  In  the  majority  of  cases,  large  law  firms  are  ineffecQve  in  their  use  of  social  media,  achieving  low  levels  of  reach  and  engagement  relaQve  to  the  resources  available  and  the  market  opportunity      


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