På sporet efter hinanden – om Web 2.0 og social navigation Lennart Björneborn Danmarks Biblioteksskole [email protected] Forskningens Døgn 25.4 2008

På sporet efter hinanden - Web 2.0 og social navigation

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Forskningens Døgn 25.4.2008

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Page 1: På sporet efter hinanden - Web 2.0 og social navigation

På sporet efter hinanden – om Web 2.0 og social navigation

Lennart Björneborn

Danmarks Biblioteksskole

[email protected]

Forskningens Døgn 25.4 2008

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muskrat-john.livejournal.com: 11.1.2008

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“Nye teknologier forandrer strukturen i vore interesser:- de ting, vi tænker over.

De forandrer karakteren af vore symboler:- de ting, vi tænker med.”

Neil Postman, Teknopolis, 1993

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Ericsson Medialab

Internet = computer-netværk

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WWW = dokument-netværk










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Web 2.0 = person-netværk

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Web 2.0 = “participative Web” = “architecture of participation” Web 2.0 = buzzword: Tim O’Reilly 2004

Web 2.0 = “user-added value”

Web 2.0 = connect + create + collaborate + share + remix + .. blogs, RSS, wikis, tagging, folksonomier, mashups, mm.

Web 2.0 = social web / social software Web 2.0 = Web “0.0” = Tim Berners-Lee’s idé med WWW 1990

redskaber til social interaktion, samarbejde og videndeling

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social software

”… supports, extends, or derives added value from human social behaviour …” Tom Coates’ blog, 5.1.2005: www.plasticbag.org/archives/2005/01/an_addendum_to_a_definition_of_social_software

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Martin Sønderlev 2007

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”people attract people”

Flickr: Roskilde festival

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social navigation

’social navigation’: konference 1994

“moving through an information space and exploiting the activities and orientations of others in that space” (Dourish 2003)

two fundamental features for social navigation: presence of multiple individuals within some space communication of aspects of their activity to each other (Dourish 2003)

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information om hvad andre brugere gør – eller har gjort –

guider vores vejvalg gennem info.rum

vores info.adfærd påvirkes af andres info.adfærd

hvor er andre? hvad laver de?

hvor har andre været? hvad har de lavet?

social navigation

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sociale navigations-muligheder i Facebook?

sociale navigations-muligheder i Facebook?

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brugerskabte adfærdsspor / navigationsmuligheder = “2.0”-tilgang

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flickrvision.com = adfærdsspor

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adfærdsspor på biblioteker :-)

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sociale navigations-muligheder i LibraryThing?

sociale navigations-muligheder i LibraryThing?

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’collaborative filtering’

indsamler mange personers adfærdspor

’collaborative filtering’ = ’recommender system’ ’data mining’

social navigation + collaborative filtering

forudsætter at der er nok brugere: kritisk masse

: “people who bought this book also bought…”

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collaborative filtering

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social navigation i tag-netværk





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nnn nnn

© Björneborn

’multi-reachability’ = mange adgangsveje gennem info.rum= ’small world’-afstande

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”hvor er verden dog lille!” – ”it’s a small world!”

‘small world’ = korte afstande via genveje mellem klynger i netværk

effektiv spredning af signaler, kontakter, ideer, vira, etc.

1960s: social netværksanalyse + grafteori: ’six degrees of separation’ i dag: ‘small world’ i epidemier, hjerner, øko-system, forskernetværk, mm.

‘small-world’ mellem filmstjerner: www.cs.virginia.edu/oracle/star_links.html

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Facebook’Friend Wheel’19.4.200836 friends

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Facebook’Nexus’19.4.200836 friends

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”the strength of weak ties” Granovetter (1973)

social netværksanalyse

videnspredning og social sammenhængskraft

på tværs af sociale grupper

’weak ties’ = perifere, ‘svage’ forbindelser

mange i Facebook :-)

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www = ‘corona’-formet (Björneborn 2004)

‘reachability structures’

= hvordan kan man nå (‘reach’) fra et punkt til et andet?

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social graph ”global mapping of everybody and how they are related”

(Fitzpatrick & Recordon 2007: Thoughts on the social graph)

Web 2.0 = person-netværk = social graf

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Google Social Graph API API = application programming interface

coding publicly declared web connections XFN = XHTML Friends Network

FOAF = ‘Friend of a Friend’ project


”social network portability”

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Google OpenSocial API API = application programming interface

API for “social applications across multiple websites” ”many sites, one API”

f.eks. Friendster, LinkedIn, MySpace, Oracle, orkut, Plaxo på vej med Facebook applikationer (inkl. konverteringer)


”social network portability”

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”connecto ergo sum” Lennarts motto :-)

tak for opmærksomheden!

(M.C. Escher forudså, hvordan ’small-world web’ og web-crawlers ser ud :-)

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læs mere Dieberger, A. et al. (2000). Social navigation : techniques for building more

usable systems. Interactions, 7(6), 36-45. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=352587 [via DEFF?]

Dourish, P. (2003). Where the footprints lead: tracking down other roles for social navigation. pp. 273-291. In: Höök, K. et al. (eds.). Designing

information Spaces: the Social Navigation Approach. London: Springer

Ludvigsen, M. (2005). Designing for social use in public places – a conceptual framework of social interaction. pp. 187-202. In: Ludvigsen (2006). Designing for Social Interaction : Physical, Co-located Social Computing. Ph.d.-afhandling. Aarhus School of Architecture & ISIS Katrinebjerg, Center for Interactive Spaces.


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III International Information Infrastructure



World-Wide Web

Giant Global Graph

(Berners-Lee 2007)

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social software

”It allows people to communicate, collaborate, and build community online.”

”It can be syndicated, shared, reused, or remixed, or it facilitates syndication.”

”It lets people learn easily from and capitalize on the behavior or knowledge of others.”

Farkas, Meredith G. (2007). Social Software in Libraries : Building Collaboration, Communication, and Community Online. Medford, N.J.: Information Today

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“Social Software Building Blocks” (Smith 2007)
















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Identity - uniquely identifying people in the system

Presence - knowing who is online, available or otherwise nearby

Relationships - describing how two users in the system are related

Conversations - talking to other people through the system

Groups - forming communities of interest

Reputation - knowing the status of other people

in the system - who can be trusted?

Sharing - sharing things that are meaningful

to participants

sociale ’byggesten’ skabersociale navigationsmuligheder

sociale ’byggesten’ skabersociale navigationsmuligheder

“Social Software Building Blocks”

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direkte/indirekte social navigation direkte social navigation

via fysiske informationsrum ansigt-til-ansigt

via digitale informationsrum fx videokonference, chat, email, sms, SecondLife

indirekte social navigation = efterladte adfærdsspor via fysiske informationsrum

fx nyafleverede bøger, ’æselører’, andre brugeres placering via digitale informationsrum

fx links, tags, rating, kommentarer, andre brugeres placering

© Björneborn