бэнчмаркинг – стратегийн удирдлагын хэрэгсэл болох...


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  • 1. Benchmarking as a tool ofstrategicmanagementJanez Pranikar, iga Debeljak &Ale Ahan

2. 3. .- () Xerox and IBM, 1960 1970 4. , The Total Benchmarking Model 5. : : , /, 6. , , 7. 4 (benchmarking ofcompetitive adv.) (benchmarking ofstrategies) (process benchmarking) (performancebenchmarking) 8. 9. / , / 10. / /Sustainable andcontestable 11. 12. Contestable / .Sustainable / - , , ,, , 13. - /- / 14. 15. 16. , , 17. .- planningimplementingcontrollingBusinessknowledge 18. - 19. 1. 2. 3. Balanced score card 20. 1. : 2. : , 3. : , 4. : 21. HIGH HIGH LOW . LOW HIGH MED .MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH MEDIUM LOW HIGH 22. /... . . 23. , / 24. Total Benchmarking Model
