开放英语 I (1) (2) 单元辅导 Units 7-12 课程辅导教师:余亚娣



开放英语 I (1) (2) 单元辅导 Units 7-12 课程辅导教师:余亚娣. 语法精讲 (grammar points) 语法练习 (grammar quiz) 单词词组 (words and phrases) 词汇测验 (vocabulary quiz). It takes + ( 时间 )+ to do sth Sth takes +( 时间 ) 某事花费多长时间 (P80). eg: It takes about half an hour. (用了半小时。) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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开放英语 I (1) (2)单元辅导 Units 7-12 课程辅导教师:余亚娣 语法精讲 (grammar points) 语法练习 (grammar quiz) 单词词组 (words and phrases) 词汇测验 (vocabulary quiz)

1. It takes + ( 时间 )+ to do sthSth takes +( 时间 )某事花费多长时间 (P80)

eg: It takes about half an hour. (用了半小时。) How long does it take to get to your house? (去你家要多长时间?) The flight doesn’t take 3 hours. It takes 2. (旅 途不要 3 小时,只要 2 小时。)

Exercise 1:根据内容填空 (P81, Activity 8) : John,Here’s the information you want: To Glasgow by planeDepart: 9:00 Arrive: 9:40 Fare: $65Taxi to city centre: 10 minutes, $6Bus to city centre: 30 minutes, $1Have a good time.Sarah

The flight to Glasgow ________40 minutes and the fare is _________. You can get a taxi to the _______. It takes ___________ and the _______is $6. There is also a bus. It takes __________ and the fare is ____________.

takes$65 center10 minutes fare

30 minutes$1

2. (p84)too +adj + (to do) 太 ---而不能 ---not +adj + enough 不够 ---

(厨房太暗了。) The kitchen is too dark. (外面太冷走不出去。) It is too cold to go outside. (这桌子对四个人来说不够大。) The table is not big enough for 4 people. (不够清晰看不清。) It is not clear enough to see.

3. (P86) 打电话用语: 接电话 Hello, 12346. Good morning, Café Roma. 打电话 Hello, Mike here. Hello, this is Mike (speaking). Good morning. This is Mike Smith, I’m calling – 请人接听电话 Could I speak to Tom, please?

询问对方 Who’s calling, please? Who’s (that) speaking? 接听找人电话 One moment, please. (稍等。) Hold on, please. (请等一下。) Sorry, wrong number. (你打错了。) Sorry, he is not in./ he’s out. (抱歉,他不在。) 留口信 Could I leave a message?( 我能留个口信吗? ) Can I take a message?( 要我留个信息吗? )

Exercise 2:对话填空 (P87, Activity 19)Receptionist: Good afternoon, ABC Bank.Polly: ______ afternoon. _______ speak to David

Manning?Receptionist: Who’s ________, please?Polly: ________ name _______ Polly Williams.Receptionist: _________ moment, please, Ms

Williams.David:Hello, _________ David Manning ______.Polly: Hello, David. ________ Polly.

Good Can I / Could I

Calling/ speaking

My is


this is speaking

This is

4. (P109)

冠词 a/ an/ the 不定冠词 a/an :泛指众多中的任何一个。 There’s a supermarket opposite the depart

ment store and a supermarket at the corner. 定冠词 the :特指唯一的那个。 The bus stop is outside the post office. The supermarket is next to the chemist’s.

不定代词 some, any :“ 一些” (P132) Some: 肯定句中,修饰可数和不可数名词。 I’d like some water. We want some oranges.

Any: 疑问句、否定句中,修饰可数和不可数名词。 Have you got any lychees? I don’t need any mineral water.

但是如果希望得到对方肯定答复时,问句中用 some。 Can you borrow me some money?

不定代词 many, much:“ 许多” (P131) many 用于可数名词。 I have many books. How many books do you have?

much 用于不可数名词。 There is much water in the cup. How much water is there in the cup?

much 询问价格。 How much is the milk? How much are these oranges?

Exercise 3:(P162)用 some/any/much/many 填空。 How _____ fish do we need? How _____ people are there? Five. So we need two kilos. Is there _____ wine? There isn’t _____ red wine. There is _____ white wine. How ________ bottles are there? Two bottles of white. Are there _______ bottles of beer in the garage? No, there’s _________ Coca-Cola, but there isn’t _____

_ beer.



anyany some




5. 短语动词 (P115) : V + 介词 / 副词 起床: get up 上车下车 :get on/off 离开 : get off 使情绪低落 :get down 遇见 : come across 发现 : find out 等待 : wait for 打电话 : ring up

回到 : come back 进入出来 :get in/out 锻炼身体 :work out 锻炼减肥 :work off 张贴 :post up 增加 :put on 带回 :bring back 寻找 :look for

Exercise 4.(P115) 选择适当的介词或副词填空。Back, in, on, off, up, out, down, across, break, in, to

Hu Ping gets ___ late and decides to go _____. He wants to go to the gym today. So he goes to the shops and waits for the bus. He gets ___ the bus, pays his fare and sits ___. He gets ____ at the station and walks to the gym.

On his way to the gym he comes ___ Lee. They go ___ together. They stay at the gym all morning and then decide to go __ to Lee’s flat to have something to eat. They stay ___ and listen ___ music all afternoon and then he goes ____ home.

up out

ondown off





“ 我也是。” So am I./ So do I./ Me too.(P141)“ 我也不。” Neither am I./ Neither do I. / Me neither.(P143) 两句话都是肯定,用 so ;两句话都是否定,用 neither 。 原句为 be 动词,答句也用 be 动词。 原句为情态动词,答句也用情态动词。 原句为实意动词,答句也用助动词 do 。 原句动词为 have ,表示“有”时,答句用 ha

ve ;其他意思时,答句用助动词 do 。

例句: He is interested in

computers. So am I.

I like watching TV. So do I.

She can swim. So can I.

I’m not going to the shops.

Neither am I.

I don’t like it. Neither do I.

She can’t swim. Neither can I.

Exercise 5: (P157)用 so , neither 来回答。 I’m a student. ______________. I like Chinese tea. ______________. I’m married._____________. I don’t like the new man in Sales.____________. I’m not tired. ____________. I have lunch at my desk._______________. I’m not interested in sport.______________. I don’t enjoy the staff parties._______________. I’m ready to leave.__________________.

So am I

So do I

So am I Neither do I

Neither am I So do I

Neither am I

Neither do I

So am I

一般现在时与现在进行时( P97 , P156 )

一般现在时表示经常发生的事情。 客观事实、科学真理用一般现在时。 表示心理、情感、、品德、性质、特征的动词用一般现在时。 现在进行时表示现阶段正在发生的事情。

Exercise 6: (P156) 以动词的正确形式填空 “could I speak to Maria?” “I’m sorry she

_______(have) a shower, could you ring back later?” You can watch the nature program—it

________(start) at 8:30, but it’s okay because the news _______(finish) at 8:15 tonight.

How often do you _______ (see) your parents? My father ______(work) in Australia at the moment. ___________ (know) Pauline? She usually

________(work) in the Marketing department but she _________ (help) in accounts at the moment.

is having



is working

Do you knowworks

is helping

“Would you like a lift?” “No, thanks, I _______(have got) a car. I ________(borrow) my father’s for the weekend.

Xiaoyan ____(be) the head of department this month, because Mark ____(be) in Paris for three weeks.

“What are you ______(do)?” “I _______(try) to repair the washing machine.”

“Do you have a cigarette? My packet is in the car.” “sorry, I ________ (not smoke).”

“Oh no, it ________(rain). It always _________ (rain) on Saturdays.

have got am borrowing



am trying

don’t smokeis raining rains


谈论喜好( P147 ) Love, like sth/ to do sth/ doing sth. hate sth/ to do sth/ doing sth Enjoy sth/ doing sth. Prefer sthA to sthB/ prefer doing to doing Be interested in / be good at / be keen on st


Exercise 7: (P149) 改错 I prefer watch TV.( ) I’m not interested in play football.( ) I like to going to the cinema.( ) Do you enjoy studying? No, I hate.( ) What do you think of English newspaper? I

like.( ) He’s interested to travel.( ) They’re keen in football.( ) They’re good at cook.( )



going/ to go

hate it

like them

in traveling



两个句型: 描述天气、城市 (P98-100) What’s the weather like (in Ningbo)?( 天气 ) What’s the city of Ningbo like?( 城市 )

描述外貌、性格 (P117-121) What does --- look like?( 外貌 ) What is --- like?( 性格 )

提议、建议、请求、征求意见 提议( P125 , P31 , P78 ) I’ll +v. (主动提供) Shall I +v? (要我 --- 吗?) Would you like ---? (你要不要 --- ?) Would you like +n ? Would you like +to do ? Would you like +sb +to do ? What would you like?

提议、建议、请求、征求意见 建议( P78 , P61 ) How about +doing? What about +doing? Why don’t you +do?

请求( P134 ) Can/Could +you+do? I would like you to do.

提议、建议、请求、征求意见 征求意见 (P139) What do you think of sth ? What do you think of doing sth? Do you think (that )从句 ---? (I think ---.)

Exercise 8: (P126)将句子重新排序 Come food the with buy you I’ll to _____________________________ Like you Would water some ____________________________ I’ll salad the make fruit ___________________________ I prawns shall some buy ___________________________

I’ll come with you to buy the food.

Would you like some water?

I’ll make the fruit salad.

Shall I buy some prawns?

Exercise 9: (P135) 翻译 请你把那个瓶子打开,好吗? ________________________________ 要我洗这些蔬菜吗? __________________________________ 你能准备一下那些洋葱吗? ________________________________ 请把那些荔枝给我。 _________________________________

Would you open that bottle for me, please?

Shall I wash these vegetables?

Could you prepare those onions?

Please give me those lychees.
