

В статье кратко описаны основные этапы развития вторичныхдифтонгов ua / ue, ye, ie в албанском языке, отраженные в первыхписьменных памятниках и в современных албанских диалектах. Особое внимание уделено островным тоскским говорам Болгарии (с. Мандрица) и Украины, где дифтонги получают своеобразное инновационное развитие (гегская монофтонгизация в говоре Украины; сосуществование разных рефлексов общетоскских дифтонгов в Мандрице).Тенденцией, которая объединяет подавляющее большинство гово-ров гегского и тоскского диалектного типа, является утрата «истин-ных» дифтонгов и закрепление ударения в дифтонге за одним изэлементов. В гегских говорах фиксация ударения на первом элементе,по-видимому, явилась одной из предпосылок монофтонгизации. Втоскских говорах закрепление ударения за первым или вторым элемен-том дифтонга является признаком, создающим современные локаль-ные различия внутри тоскской диалектной области. Данная тоскскаяинновация считается относительно недавней, однако материал островных и периферийных говоров (говоры Чамерии, Италии, Греции, Болгарии, Украины) позволяет сделать предположение о том, что она может иметь и более архаичный характер.

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  • ,

    ISSN 2306-9015




    Proceedings of the 17th Conference in Memory of Professor Joseph M. Tronsky

    2426 2013 . June 2426, 2013

    - 2013

  • 80/81 81.2 60 -XVII ( . . ). , 2426 2013 . / . . . . .: , 2013. 969 . INDO-EUROPEAN LINGUISTICS AND CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY-XVII (Joseph M. Tronsky memorial Conference). Proceedings of the International Conference, St.Perersburg, 2426 June, 2013 / edited by Nikolai N. Kazansky. St.Perersburg: Nauka, 2013. 969 p. ISSN 2306-9015 Indoevropejskoe zykoznanie i klassieska filologi ISBN 978-5-02-038337-1

    : . . (. );

    Prof. Dr. G. Blaien (Vilnius), Prof. Dr. V. Blaek (Brno), . . . . . , . . . . . , Prof. Dr. H. Eichner (Wien), . . . . . ,

    . . . . . (. ), Prof. Dr. D. Petit (Paris), . . . . .



    13-04-00023a (. . . )

    -4453.2012.6 -

    (. . . , . . )

    ISSN 2306-9015 ISBN 978-5-02-038337-1

    , 2013 , 2013 - . , 2013

  • . .

    ua / ue, ye, ie : 1

    : ua / ue, ye, ie , . - (. -) , - ( ; - ).

    , - , - . , -, . - , - . , - ( , , , -, ) , .

    : , , , . , , -, , ; Albanian, secondary diphthongs, Albanian subdialect of Ukraine, subdialect of Mandritsa, stress fixation, monophthongization, isolated and peripheral dialects, loss of true diphthongs.

    I. ua / ue, ye, ie

    o, e , n ( ): kapruall / kapruell (. . kaproj / kaprej / kaprenj) < . capreolus, krahror / krahnuer (. . krahror / krahnuer) < krah+n+or, ftua / ftue (. . fto-

    1 , 11-04-00231 : .

  • . . 585

    nj) < . cotoneum; diell < PAlb *delwa; tryez < .-. (.) *trabeza < . (Demiraj 1996: 94; Orel 1998: 65, 105, 170, 194, 468)2. , (-, ) , - (., , - o > ua / ue Jokl 19311932). - ua / ue, ye, ie , () (). , , .

    , ue ua *uo. XVI XVII . ( 1555 . . , 1618 1621 .)3. . (1635) . (1685) (, , ) XVII uo > ue, . , uo : uo > ua ( , , , -

    2 , - () - : ar < Lat aurum, qaj / qanj < klanj < PAlb *klaunja (Orel 1998: 7, 353). . , .-. (abej 1976: 121). 3 . , ou, . 1000 ., ( Grouemire -, 14161417 .) 1497 . (growa eyn frauwe) (abej 1976: 122123). . ou ou > uo. ou, ow , , u (Grouemire = Gru-e-mire; growa = grua ) (Demiraj 1996: 98).

  • ua / ue, ye, ie ... 586

    . ) uo > u ( ) (abej 1958: 78). ( ), uo - - . ua. / (), ( / , ) XVIII : uo , ua , uo / ua (ADGjSh 2007: 168170)4.

    , , ue > u, ie > e, > y. . . , - - ( 1968: 270271). . , uu / u uo, ue : gruia (= gruaja) , niriut (= njriut) , -, - (., ., . . .) ; durte . ; endeghiune (= e dgjuan) () (.) . . (), ue > u ( , , uo > u) XVI XVIII (abej 1958: 78). ie > e, > y, , - 1685 ., , , - : tridhjete (); pesedhiete (. ); dhiete , crye (. ); dhjet (. ). . -, - ie, ye - XVIII .,

    4 ue > .

  • . . 587

    : dhiet ( . ) / liet ( . ), me thye me mil (< me mjel) , me sil (< me sjell) (abej 1958: 72, 75).

    , - , , (grue / grua , bie ; , krye ). - u / u, ie, ye , . , (gruaja / grueja , dielli , fyelli ) (duar / duer , diell , dyer ) , - . ue > u, ie > e, > y , (ADGjSh 2007: 168177).

    - uo; uo > ua - XV . (Gjin Bue Shpata, - XIV ) - . , Ungjilli i Pashkve ( XV XVI ) . (= kujtam) () - (.) (abej 1958: 76). (Dottrina Christiana), - - . 1592 , - ua: mua , , e bkuar (Demiraj 1996: 95). uo ua, , - . va- / . vo- (vaj, voj (-) < . oleum), (abej 1958: 79).


  • ua / ue, ye, ie ... 588

    (u / a) ( 1968: 41)5. ( ) - ( , , , ) , (gra , u kthen () (.)), ie - - . ( ), , , (dur , mill ). , ye, ie - . , - ( , , , ) - ( , , , ) - , ( : 268270). , 1980- ., -, , - . , - - (ADGjSh 2007: 169, 173, 176). , - ,

    5 ua, ye, ie - (. . -, , . . ). - , , . . ( 1968: 268269). /e/, /a/, /e/, , /i /, /u/, /y/ , (abej 1976: 122; Demiraj 1996: 88).

  • . . 589

    , .

    . ( ) y , ye: y > i, ye > ie (ADGjSh 2007: 150151, 172174). ( -) uo. - ua, - ue > u. uo (, -, ) (), (gruoja , durat , shkruonj , pagur , bekur ) (abej 1958: 79; ADGjSH 2007: 168170), () (Demiraj 1996: 95)6. , XIV XV ., uo ua: buoll , dort , muoj ; graja , shkrajtin () (.) (abej 1958: 79). , . . . , , - . , , , : a, e (ADGjSh 2007: 168177). (, -) , - - , - . , -

    6 . . (18191894), Krshteu i shejtruor (abej 1958: 79).

  • ua / ue, ye, ie ... 590

    XIV XVIII , , / , - .

    II. -

    ua, ie, ye . - . , (Sokolova 1983), - , .

    , , . , , , : mu , , gran (. . .); bje / bi , djk , zjt ; lyn , kmbyr (Sokolova 1983: 2426). u / u: dur / dur , mur / mur () (.). uo, . ,7 , a > o (Domi, Shuteriqi 1965; - 1968; Hamp 1970). , , - uo > : moj / muj , u zbrn / u zburn () (.) (Sokolova 1983: 25). uo / o, . , ; . , .

    u, u, y - , . : u > uv > v > v (dull > duvll > dvll > dvll () (.); mu > muv > mv , ; u ksy > u ksv () (.)) (Sokolova

    7 XV XVI , . . , uo ua (Sokolova 1983: 2930).

  • . . 591

    1983: 2426). , . , - : - . , v - (duvll > dvll () (.), gra > grva > grv ) (dull > dvll) . , , () , - .


    , , ( ; , ). - - - , - . - . - .

    . . , , . ua : ) : drt (durt) . . dra ; klt (kult) . . kal ; ) : un rn ( 1948: 11).8


    . . (.) ( 1948) - ; -

  • ua / ue, ye, ie ... 592

    ie, ye : un dk ; dl ( : 13); krt , ( : 15). - ; - .

    1) a > u. ua u: du , (. (un) du; . . dua); dul () (.; . dl; . . dol-i); drt (. drt; . . duart); gru, grja , (. gru, gruja; . . grua, -ja); klt (. klt; . . kuajt). - , , . . - . . . - u, ui; . . ujnit / jne , (. . th|ua, -oi; . . thonj, -t); - . . . . : mur () , mrm () (. . muar / muer, . . mor-i); sul () , slm () (. . suall / suell, . . soll-i).9 - - (Demiraj 1996: 101102).

    2) e > (je) > i : di (, -) / d (, ) (. d; . . dje); dl / dl (. dl; . . diell); dik / dk , dgur / dgur , (. (un) dk; digur; . . djeg, djegur ); ftka () (.; . f(j)tka; . . fjetka); mil (. ml; . . miell); vin , - (. (un) vn; . . vij); vit (. vt (vjt); . . vjet); zin / zn , (. un zn / un in; . . zie).

    ( 20052012) . 9 3 . .. , - : suall / suell (. . soll-i) < *soll; muar / muer (. . mor-i) < *mor (Demiraj 1981: 11).

  • . . 593

    e > (je) > e: keli (. kel ; . . qiell); sel , slni (. sel; . . sjell, sillni); t / lt (. jt; . . dhjet).

    3) e > y: krt , (. krt, kr(j)tn; . .krye); ot t pys , pt (.; . t ps, pta; . . t pyes, pyeta); thjt (.; . un ejta arn ; . . thyejta). kr(j)tn . . , , ( : > i > j). . (.) jt , vt / vjt .

    ua, ye , , . - ie (> i / e), , , - , -- (, , , ) . XVIII XIX , . . . : ua, ye ; ie , ( 1968: 319320).

    , , XV XVI , . . , - . , , ( XV XVI .,

  • ua / ue, ye, ie ... 594

    . ). , , - ( , -- ) , , - ( - ). (. ) , - . , - , - (), () , .

    1968 . . . .: , 1968.

    ADGjSh 2007 Gjinari J., Beci B., Shkurtaj Gj., Gosturani Xh., Dodi A., Totoni M. Atlasi dialektologjik i gjuhs shqipe. Vll. I. Universita degli studi di Napoli lOrientale, Akademia e shkencave e Shqipris, 2007.

    abej 1958 abej E. Diftongje e grupe zanoresh t shqipes // Buletin i Universitetit shtetror t Tirans. Seria Shkencat Shoqrore 3. 1958. F. 7188.

    abej 1976 abej E. Studime gjuhsore III. Prishtin: Rilindja, 1976. Demiraj 1981 Demiraj Sh. Rreth diftongimit t o-s n gjuhn shqipe //

    Studime filologjike 3, 1981. F. 520. Demiraj 1996 Demiraj Sh. Fonologjia historike e gjuhs shqipe. Tiran:

    TOENA, 1996. Domi, Shuteriqi 1965 Domi M., Shuteriqi Dh. Nj vshtrim mbi t folmen

    shqipe t Mandrics // Studime filologjike 2, 1965. F. 103119. Hamp 1970 Hamp E. P. The Diphtongs of Mandrica //

    Linguistique Ballkanique XIV, 2. , 1970. . 2125.

    Jokl 19311932 Jokl N. Zur Geschichte des alb. Diphthongs -ua-, -ue- // Indogermanische forschungen 49, 1931. S. 274300; 50, 1932. S. 3358.

    Orel 1998 Orel V. Albanian Etymological Dictionary. Leiden Boston Kln, 1998.

    Sokolova 1983 Sokolova B. Die albanische Mundart von Mandrica (= Balkanologische Verffentlichungen 6 / Hrsg. von N. Reiter). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1983.

  • . . 595

    1948 . . - . . . 411 . 1948 . . 827, . 1, 688.

    20052012 . . (. , , - ()). . () (). 20052012 . .

    M. S. Morozova. On the development of diphthongs ua / ue, ye, ie in Albanian dialects: centre versus periphery

    This paper briefly describes the major stages of development that secondary Albanian diphthongs ua / ue, ye, ie go through, with reference to the old Albanian texts and present-day dialects. Special emphasis is given to the isolated Tosk subdialects of Bulgaria (village of Mandritsa) and the Ukraine where diphthongs follow very specific innovative ways of development, such as Gheg monophthongization in the subdialect of Ukraine and a variety of coexisting diphthong reflexes in Mandritsa.

    As pointed out in the paper, most part of Tosk and Gheg subdialects tend to lose true diphthongs and develop a fixed stress falling either on the first or the second element of diphthong. This kind of change in Gheg subdialects seems to be a precondition for further conversion of diphthongs to monophthongs. A similar stress fixation on the first or second element of diphthong occurring in Tosk subdialects gives rise to the present-day local distinctions within the Tosk dialect area. The said feature of Tosk Albanian is said to be relatively late. However, data from various isolated and peripheral subdialects of Albanian, such as those of Chamuria, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, and Ukraine, may well provide some grounds to consider this an archaism rather than a recent innovation.

  • A. Anguissola. Die Kunst der Nachahmung: Reflexe einer technischen Sprache in den Griechischen und Rmischen Quelle..........................


    . . . 1595 . . : .........................


    . . . Corpus poeticum Caesarianum: 26 . . .


    41 . . . . nbere

    *snus- .....................................................................

    49 . . .

    ( )..........................................................

    59 G. Blaien. Noch einmal zum altpreussischen und zu den

    altpreussischen Eigennamen in den geschichtlichen Quellen des deutschen Ordens.................................................................................

    66 . . . ............... 79 . . .


    89 . . . ,


    107 . . , . . .


    119 . . . Clem. Alex. Paed. I, 6, 32, 1.................. 129 . . , . . , . . . -

    . . -..................................................................................................

    137 . . .

    XV . (, . 955 . 2 51)...................................................................................................

    160 . . . ( )...... 176 A. Gavrjuscheva. Zur graphematischen Variabilitt in deutschsprachigen

    Handschriften des 15. Jahrhunderts aus dem Nrnberger Katharinenkloster.................................................................................

    187 . . . -


    202 E. V. Grigoryeva. Zur Einheit des Werkes Davids des Unbesiegbaren

    und der Frage nach der Autorschaft der Auslegung der Analytik des Aristoteles....................................................................................

    209 . . .


    228 . . . ......................................... 244 A. Doronzio. Zu den Anfngen der Apotheose des Herakles...................... 259

  • 958

    A. A. Evdokimova. New Greek graffiti of St Sofias in Constantinople in the archive of Robert van Nice (Dop, Washington)............................


    . . . Magnus eques (Hor. Epod. 4.1516).................................. 278 . . . . (m)uzug: ,

    , ......................................................................

    282 . . .


    290 . . . :


    300 . . .

    : ?..........

    312 . . .

    12- : ................................................................................

    318 M. N. Kazanskaya. Black and White: Scholia and Glossographers on the

    Colour of ..................................................................................

    343 . . .


    368 . . . (TH Av

    106 )......................................................

    384 . . . -

    . . i, .................................................................................................

    399 A. Keidan. Branch-crossing Indo-European isoglosses: a call for interest 406 . . , . . .


    418 . . , . . .


    429 . . . :


    445 A. Corso. Echoes of famous statues in the vase painting of the late 4th

    century BC...........................................................................................

    451 . . .


    457 . . . XV .

    (, . 955 . 2 46): ..............................................................................

    469 . . . tar-

    , ..............................................

    483 . . . Liber

    revelationum (XIII )...............................

    492 . . .



  • 959

    . . . XVIII ................................


    . . . ?......... 546 . . . . . .......... 559 . . .


    571 . . . ua / ue, ye, ie

    : .....................................

    584 . . . . IV, 7

    ( )........................................................................................

    596 . . . . . 89 / Sinait.

    Gr. 578.................................................................................................

    605 A. S. Nikolaev. Greek and Hittite mi- / mi-................................. 618 . . .


    636 . . . : Sabini, Falisci antiqui

    ( f/h).....................

    654 . . . (II-IV .) 668 . . . 33 . . ...... 680 . . .


    697 . . .

    : .........................................................

    717 . . . -


    728 . . . .......................................... 737 . . . ............................... 754 . . .


    767 . . . / 8.


    778 . . . :


    790 . . . - :


    800 . . . .............................. 813 . . .


    825 . . . Ad Varronis de lingua Latina libri IX pericopes 113

    crucem interpretum adnotatio critica (de piscibus a Varrone tractatis)...............................................................................................


  • 960

    . . . *saliwa: - .............................................................................


    . . . ( )............................................................

    845 . . .


    850 . . .


    863 . . .


    870 . . .


    878 A. Willi. ....................................................................... 893 . . . ... 895 . . . Graeco-Cambrica I.


    907 M. A. Flaksman. Preservation of long vowels in onomatopoeic words

    denoting pure tones: phonosemantic inertia

    917 . . . Germani (Tac. Germ, 2, 3) 924 . . . (


    929 G. Schirru. Ablaut in Armenian nasal declension........................................ 947 . . . ? -

    De victu I, 7...............................................................................


    CONTENTS A. Anguissola. The Art of Copies: Observations on the Greek and Latin


    3 A. B. Andreev. Diacritic marks and orthography in M. Dauka's

    Catechism of 1595: a quantitative aspect............................................

    16 E. V. Antonets. Corpus poeticum Caesarianum: some comments.............. 26 D. E. Afinogenov. Some observations on the Slavonic translation of the

    Chronicle of George the Monk (Letovnik)..........................................

    41 A. S. Bezlepkin. On the etymology of Latin nbere marry (of a woman)

    and PIE *snus- daughter-in-law......................................................

    49 A. W. Belousov. A New Magic Inscription from Pantikapaion

    necropolis: Preliminary report.............................................................

    59 G. Blaien. Noch eimal zum altpreussischen und zu den altpreussischen

    Eigennamen in den geschichtlichen Quellen des deutschen Ordens

    66 I. I. Bogatyreva. The Space of the Ancient Indian Time............................. 79 N. A. Bondarko. The authorship of textual additions in the manuscript

    tradition of David of Augsburg............................................................


  • 961

    D. A. Bratkin. The trial scenes in the Acts of the Apostles, in Charitons Callirhoe and in the Roman forensic papyri........................................


    L. V. Bratukhina, . Ju. Bratukhin. Ekphrasis of Clement Of Alexandria 119 . Ju. Bratukhin. in Clem. Alex. Paed. I, 6, 32, 1.................... 129 P. E. Bukharkin, S. S. Volkov, E. M. Matveev. The problems of

    lexicographical description of M. V. Lomonosovs rhetorical terms 137

    E. A. Vlasova. Dialectal peculiarities of the Middle Low German in the prayer book of the 15th century from Lbeck (National Library of Russia, F. 955 op. 2 No. 51)................................................................


    O. A. Voloshina. Three colors of Agni in the hymns of Rig Veda.............. 176 A. Gavrjuscheva. On graphemic variativity in German manuscripts of the

    XV century from the S. Catharine's Convent in Nuremberg............... 187

    E. A. Glebova. The study of spatial isoglosses of the south-west Indoeuropean dialectal continuum and the problem of the existence of Italic language union


    E. V. Grigoryeva. On the consistency of ideas in works by David the Invincible and on the authorship of the Commentary on the Analytics by Aristotle..........................................................................


    A. V. Grosheva. Adjectives denoting sweetness in Homers poems........... 228 S. I. Dmitrieva. Homers imperfect ................................................... 244 A. Doronzio. The apotheosis of Herakles and its origins............................ 259 A. A. Evdokimova. New Greek graffiti of St Sofias in Constantinople in

    the archive of Robert van Nice (Dop, Washington)............................ 272

    S. . Egorova. Magnus eques (Hor. Epod. 4.1516)................................... 278 V. V. Emelianov. On the History of Sumerian (m)uzug: Orthography,

    Semantics and Etymology of the Word...............................................

    282 I. E. Ermolova. About Barbarian-Roman Marriages................................... 290 E. V. Zheltova. Verb argument structure in Latin: competition of

    paradigmatic dimensions..................................................................... 300

    A. I. Zolotukhina. Is in Platos Crito a chronological error or a reference to tradition?.......................


    S. V. Ivanov. The East Slavic Clementine recension of the Legend of the twelve Fridays: towards its genesis and development...................


    M. N. Kazanskaya. Black and White: Scholia and Glossographers on the Colour of ..................................................................................


    V. P. Kazanskiene. Baltic Language Data in the Dictionary of Peter Simon Pallas........................................................................................


    N. N. Kazansky. A Commentary on the Theban tablet TH Av 106, and Genres of Mycenaean Poetry...............................................................


    L. N. Kaminskaia The study of Albanian archive materials for P. S. Pallas dictionary Linguarum totius orbisvocabularia comparativa Augustissimae cura collecta (1787, 1789)........................................


    A. Keidan. Branch-crossing Indo-European isoglosses: a call for interest 406 M. L. Kisilier, V. V. Fedchenko. Genitive Forms and Correspondent

    Periphrastic Constructions in Tsakonian............................................. 418

  • 962

    S. D. Kleiner, P. A. Kocharov. The translation of periphrastic constructions with imperfect forms of attested in the four Gospels from Greek Koine to Gothic and Classical Armenian...........


    N. P. Kopaneva. The first collections in St. Petersburg Kunstkamera: the collection of Chr. Gottwald.................................................................


    A. Corso. Echoes of famous statues in the vase painting of the late 4th century BC...........................................................................................


    A. N. Kryukova. Poetics of dreams in the Martyrdom of Marian and James


    D. B. Kryukova. The 15th century Psalter in Middle Low German (National Library of Russia, F. 955 op. 2 No. 46): some linguistic observations

    469 E. R. Kryuchkova. The verb tar- to cross, overcome in Rgvedic


    483 E. A. Kuzmenko. Latin vocabulary of the monastic everyday practice in

    Liber revelationum of Richalm from Schntal (XIII century)............. 492

    Yu. K. Kuzmenko. Non-Indo-European substrates in Germanic................ 511 A. D. Kurilova. Russian 18th century manuscript manuals of rhetoric in

    Latin on the theory of the argument invention.................................... 536

    A. I. Liubzhin. Ancient Authors in V. S. Pecherins Library...................... 546 L. V. Lukhovitskiy. Orthodox or Heretics?..................... 559 S. I. Mezheritskaya. The Late Antique Mime according to the Evidence

    and References of the Contemporaries................................................ 571

    M. S. Morozova. On the development of diphthongs ua / ue, ye, ie in Albanian dialects: centre versus periphery


    V. G. Mostovaya. A. Tarkovskys translation of the ode IV. 7 by Horace 596 A. Ju. Nikiforova. Greek manuscripts in the National Library of Russia

    and in the St. Catherines Monastery on the Sinai............................... 605

    A. S. Nikolaev. Greek and Hittite mi- / mi-................................. 618 D. D. Novgorodova. From Gottvald's Museum to the Mineral Catalog of

    Peter the Greats Kunstkamera............................................................ 636

    E. P. Novikova. Around the Soracte: Sabini, Falisci and antiqui through the eyes of Roman grammarians (by the example of f/h variation)....


    A. D. Panteleev. Socrates in the Early Christian hagiography.................... 668 D. Panchenko. Tiberius and the Financial Crisis of 33 AD......................... 680 D. S. Penskaya. The Irish Navigatio Sancti Brendani and the Byzantine

    Narration of Our Father Agapius: possible relations....................... 697

    N. B. Pimenova. Change of productive models of abstract nouns in the Middle High German and Old High German languages: Retrospection and reconstruction.........................................................


    V. V. Ponaryadov. The distribution of words for saddle in the Indo-European languages.............................................................................


    E. G. Rabinovitch. The most ancient Philostratus (Suda. 422)............... 737 I. V. Rybakova. Alexandrian Poets and Pindar........................................... 754

  • 963

    P. A. Rylik. The phonetic and morphological dialect features of the spontaneous speech of an informant from the Menetes village of the Greek island Karpathos........................................................................


    O. M. Savelyeva. Quietness/ Stillness in the Pindar`s Pyth.8. 112............ 778 A. V. Safronov. The Trojans in Libya: Greek reminiscences about

    participation of inhabitants of Western Anatolia in the Sea Peoples movement.............................................................................................


    M. G. Seleznev. Antianthropomorphisms in the Septuagint revisited: an attempt of a statistical analysis............................................................


    . V. Sideltsev. Verb adjacent focus in Hittite............................................ 813 M. V. Skrzhinskaja. Secretaries and their activity in ancient states on the

    Northern littoral of the Black Sea........................................................ 825

    A. S. Solopov. On Varro's De lingua Latina IX 113: a new conjecture 831 E. A. Sorokina. Biblical abode and Gothic *saliwa: to the

    reconstruction of meaning.................................................................... 833

    N. S. Sorokina. Indication of direction with names of towns and small islands in Latin (in Pliny the Elder's Natural History).........................


    O. A. Stroganova. Northern Subject Rule in Scots...................................... 850 M. A. Tariverdieva. Grammatical polysemy in Latin (conjunctivus).......... 863 I. S. Timofeev. The concept of philosophy in the Lucretius philosophical

    vocabulary............................................................................................ 870

    T. V. Toporova. Language of gods language of men in the mythological songs of the Elder Edda.................................................


    A. Willi. ....................................................................... 893 V. V. Fayer. The Art of Memory and Composition of The Catalogue of

    the Ships............................................................................................. 895

    A. I. Falileev. Graeco-Cambrica I. Greece as it was seen by medieval Welsh people.......................................................................................


    M. A. Flaksman. Preservation of long vowels in onomatopoeic words denoting pure tones: phonosemantic inertia........................................


    A. B. Chernyak. On interpretation of the ethnonym Germani in Tacitus (Germ. 2, 5)..........................................................................................


    O. V. Tchoekha. On the moon nominations in Modern demotic Greek (within the Balkan languages Union)..................................................


    G. Schirru. Ablaut in Armenian nasal declension........................................ 947 E. A. Sherbakova. or ? On the

    interpretation of De victu I, 7.............................................................. 950

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