ANNUAL REPORT 2019 2020 - Bombay,...


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th15 January, 2020


A member is required to remember his membership number.

Day & Date: Sunday, February 23, 2020

Venue: The Lalit Hotel, Andheri, Mumbai

08.30 am onwards Annual General Body Meeting - Call to Order

10.30 - 11.00 am Coffee Break

10.30 - 12.30 pm Election process will commence and will continue

alongside the AGM

12.30 - 01.30 pm Meeting continues

All the members attending the meeting are invited

to the lunch hosted by the BOS.

Please convey RSVP on telephones

+91 22 2438 3498 / 2438 3499 at BOS

Secretariat, Vama Events Office by 01.00 pm on

February 15, 2020.

01.30 pm Meeting Concludes with lunch

Yours’ truly

Dr. Rujuta Mehta

The Annual General Meeting of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society (BOS) will be held at at The Lalit Hotel, Andheri, Mumbai on Sunday,February 23, 2020 at 08.30 am.If there is no quorum, the meeting will be reconvened in 30 minutes; the members then present will form the quorum.



Hon. Secretary, BOS







1. Condolences

2. To confirm and pass the minutes of SGBM of October 6, 2019, Mumbai (Annexure 1)

3. To confirm and pass the minutes of the AGM held on Sunday, February 10, 2019 at LTMG Sion

(Annexure 2)

4. President's Address: Dr. Sunil Shahane

5. Presentation of the Hon. Secretary's report: Dr. Rujuta Mehta

6. Presentation of the Hon. Treasurer's report and audited statement of accounts for the year 2019-20

Members are requested to send in writing or email their queries and corrections arising out of minutes of

last AGM and statement of accounts to our BOS Secretariat by February 5, 2020 (


Appointment of the accountant and the auditor for the year 2020-21

7. To approve EC's recommendations to confirm Clinical Meetings for 2020-21 and declare Best Clinical

Meeting Award

8. To confirm the EC’s appointed conveners for various BOS merged academic courses for the year 2020-21

9. WIROC 2019 - Organizing Secretary's report: Dr. Gautam Zaveri and Dr. Sudhir Sharan

10. IOACON 2020 Update & ratification of dates & venue

11. To ratify speakers for the R. J. Katrak Oration and K. T. Dholakia Lecture for IOACON 2020 and stand-by


12. To approve applications for BOS membership (List attached)

13. President Elect's address: Dr. S. S. Mohanty

14. Disciplinary Action - Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone (Annexure 3)

15. Any other matter with the permission of the chair

16. Vote of thanks by Hon. Secretary (Welcome new members)


Yours’ truly

Dr. Rujuta Mehta

Hon. Secretary




Elections for the following posts in Executive Council will be held during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society (BOS) on Sunday, February 23, 2020 at The Lalit, Sahar Airport Rd, Navpada, Marol, Andheri East, Mumbai.

PRESIDENT ELECT: 1 Post - Vacant(1-year term; Dr. Sunil Shahane will be Immediate Past President from April 1, 2020 and Dr. S. S. Mohanty takes over as President on April 1, 2020)

VICE-PRESIDENT: 1 Post - Vacant(1-year term; Dr. Milind Sawant retires and is not eligible for re-election)

HON. SECRETARY: 1 Post - Vacant (2 years term; Dr. Rujuta Mehta completes her term and is not eligible for re-election)

HON. TREASURER: 1 Post - Vacant (3 years term - 2020-2023 only in this election. Dr. Sandeep Sonone completes his term and is not eligible for re- election)

MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: 2 Posts - Vacant(3-year term; Dr. Gautam Zaveri & Dr. Sudhir Sharan retire after completing 3 years in the Council and are not eligible for re-election)


All Members other than Overseas Members, in other words Life Members and only those with at least 5 years standing as a Member.

President: A candidate should be a member of BOS for a minimum period of 10 years. Further, he should have served the BOS as an Executive Council Member for a minimum period of 3 years.

President-Elect: Same as President.

Vice-President: A candidate should be a member of BOS for a minimum period of 7 years. Further, he should have served the BOS as an Executive Council Member for a minimum period of 3 years.

Hon. Secretary: A candidate should be a member of BOS for a minimum period of 5 years. Further, he should have served the BOS as an Executive Council Member for a minimum period of 3 years.

Hon. Treasurer: Same as Hon. Secretary.

Executive Council Member: A candidate should be a member of BOS for a minimum period of 5 years. No previous experience as Executive Council Member is required.

Members desirous of contesting the election to these posts should complete a nomination form and return it to the Hon. Secretary, at the Society's Office on or before 5.00 pm on February 1, 2020.

A member may apply for only ONE post.

A copy of the nomination form may be obtained from BOS office.

Last date to withdraw nomination is February 5, 2020 by 5.00 pm.

Faxed or Emailed nomination forms will NOT be accepted. BOS does not take the responsibility for any postal/courier delays.

In the event that the number of applying candidates is same as the number of vacant posts, there will be no election.

The candidates are expected to adhere to a high moral code of conduct.

Executive Council has appointed Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar as The Chief Election Officer

All applications will be scrutinized by him in consultation with the President and the Secretary

Other rules governing the election process are mentioned below.




i) Election is by secret ballot

ii) Chief Election Officer will be appointed by EC, Past Presidents eligible / a senior past EC Member who has

either served previously as Election Officer/ or a Past Senior EC Member who has served at least 5 years in EC

eligible if no Past President is available

iii) Once time of election and counting is declared, it cannot be changed. Election process will start at 10.30 am

during Coffee Break of AGM. The process will be concluded at 12.30. Members who enter in the poling

queue at 12.30 pm will be permitted to vote only if the Election Officer allows. Any member not in the voting

queue by 12.30 pm will not be allowed to cast his vote

iv) Campaigning via SMS, E-mail, Whatsapp social media, print media or verbal must stop 48 hours before the

day of election

v) Members only can participate in the ballot, vote at a designated place in the hall, and return to their place.

Booth / booths to be created inside the hall depending on local venue logistics

vi) Govt. certified photo identity card is mandatory to cast vote

vii) Empty ballot boxes to be shown to the house before sealing

viii) Number of people who attend GB and number of people who vote must be noted and signed for in the same

register with verification of membership number. Each member to collect a token and then proceed for

voting. In case of any discrepancy, committee consisting of Chief Election Officer, President and Secretary

will take a decision

ix) The candidate or his (One) representative may be present during the counting process. The name of the

representative should be communicated to the Chief Election Officer and EC by e-mail 24 hours prior to the

election, or latest before the election starts on the floor of the house, Counting to be held inside the hall /

under video recording/live relay to the house as witness depending on local logistics. ALL candidates

representatives or themselves can remain present during counting. Counting cannot be done by non-


x) Ballot papers must be numbered serially

xi) Once counted, the ballot should be struck thro in a different ink pre declared in the AGM

xii) In case of recounting, a third ink must be used to strike thro the ballot

xiii) Results should be submitted in written format by Chief Election Officer along with submitting the common

counting sheet with every candidates signature to the President and EC immediately before the end of AGM.

The result should then be declared or announced by President /Chairperson only. The result of disciplinary

action also should be communicated in writing and by e-mail and submitting written sheet with the

concerned suspended member /or his official representative to the President before the end of AGM. The

result of this matter also should be declared by the President only

xiv) Any disciplinary action voting also has to follow above procedure. In this matter, Tellers are supervisory

counting / poll monitoring officers who cannot remain absent from counting, or count by themselves in the

absence of candidate or his official representative

xv) Conduct of a free and fair election /ballot is solely the responsibility of Chief Election Officer and his team

Disputes, if any will be considered by a Council (President, Secretary and the Chief Election Officer) and their

decision is final and binding

Dr. Rujuta Mehta

Hon. Secretary Date: January 9, 2020





Election for President Elect, Vice-President for 1 year, Hon. Secretary for 2 years, Hon. Treasurer for 3 years and

2 Members of Executive Council for 3 years.

I, .......................................................................................................................................offer my services as

President Elect.


Hon. Secretary

Hon. Treasurer

Member of Executive Council

of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society for the year 2020-2021.

I have been

Life Member of the BOS (Membership No.: .............................................) for ................................... years

(minimum 5 yrs.)

Executive Council member (from ..................... to .....................) for ......................................... years

WIROC Secretary in ......................................... year

Secretary (from ............................. to .............................) for .............................................. years

Treasurer (from ............................. to .............................) for .............................................. years

Vice - President (from ..................... to .....................) for ......................................... years

I, .............................................................................................................................................. agree to serve as

.......................................................................................................................if elected.

Signature: .........................................................

I, .................................................................................................. life member of the BOS, propose the name of

............................................................................ as...................................................... for the year 2020-2021.

Signature: .........................................................

I, .................................................................................................. life member of the BOS, second the name of

............................................................................ as...................................................... for the year 2020-2021.

Signature: .........................................................




(Only hard copies will be accepted) Send the completed nomination forms to:

Dr. Rujuta Mehta, Hon. Secretary, Bombay Orthopaedic Society, C/o Vama Events, Anmol Cooperative

Housing Society, Office No. 4, Ground Floor, Sakharam Keer Marg, Mahim, Mumbai - 400 016

Tel.: +91 22 2438 3498 / 3499 (Monday - Saturday: 10.30 am - 5.00 pm)

Last date for filing nomination forms: February 1, 2020 by 17.00 hrs.

Last date for withdrawal of forms: February 5, 2020 by 17.00 hrs.

No faxed forms will be accepted. BOS does not take the responsibility for any postal/courier delays.

A member can contest for only ONE post.

Undertaking: I have read the eligibility criteria and rules of the election and I agree to abide fully by them.

I understand that violation of any of these will make be liable to disqualification by Election Officer.

I will accept fully the decision declared by the Election Officer and BOS president in case of any dispute.

I have faith that the BOS elections are free and fair and will accept the decision of the counting.

I, Dr. ……………………………………………………………………… (Membership No.: ...................................)

do solemnly take a pledge on the living God in my heart that, if elected to the post of ……………………….......

...………………………………….. of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society, I will uphold the goodwill and reputation

of the Society and that it will be my supreme objective.

That I will maintain dignified secrecy of privilege about any matter that I would be privy to in my capacity as an

Office Bearer of the BOS regarding the functioning of the organisation in the Executive Council and will not

share it with members outside the EC or in anyway that may harm the interest of the EC or the organisation.

I, Dr. ……………………………………………………………………… (Membership No.: ...................................)

do hereby give an undertaking that I shall not be using any unfair means for my election.

I will abide by the decisions of the Election Officer of the BOS and constitution and rules and regulations of





Applications are invited from Head of Department of Institutes desiring to hold the BOS Clinical Meetings for


Minimum criteria are:

1. AC Hall of minimum 100 pax capacity or more

2. Mumbai, Navi Mumbai or Thane

3. PG Training Institute with at least 2 units

4. Clinical work in more than 2 units which can hold a good meeting

5. Presentations with pre-op clinical cases is mandatory

6. MMC accreditation is mandatory

The applicants will be scrutinized and the EC will allocate meetings.

There are 6 full meetings on first Sunday of even months of the year namely; April, June, August, October

(2020), February & April (2021).

thLast date for submitting written application is 5 February, 2020.

Applications should be made in writing or email to Hon. Secretary, Bombay Orthopaedic Society, giving relevant

details supporting the bid.


1. Basic Arthroplasty

2. Advanced Arthroplasty - Themed (Every alternate year - Even)

3. Basic Spine

4. Advanced Spine - Themed (Every alternate year - Even)

5. Basic Arthroscopy

6. Advanced Arthroscopy - Themed (Every alternate year - Even)

7. Basic Paediatric Orthopaedic

8. Advanced Paediatric Orthopaedic - Themed (Every alternate year - Even)

9. Basic Trauma - Including Foundational

10. Advanced Trauma (Every alternate year - Even)

11. JESS

12. Ilizarov

13. Hand

14. Foot and ankle

15. Ortho Oncology

16. Pelvi Acetabular

17. Technology and Computer Skills

18. Training of Trainers


1. Conducting a BOS course should be a privilege and all attempts should be made to uphold the reputation of

BOS as an academic body while conducting these courses. The academic content and the faculty should be

of the highest standard

2. Certificate of participation signed by Convenor, President and Secretary as per the set format of BOS. If

course accredited by MMC - MMC Observer sign will be required

3. On the course banner only the following names can be printed: Convenor, President and Secretary as per

the set format of BOS. Any promotion of the course on social media must have aegis of BOS course written

prominently, it cannot have the hospital or individual's name or OPD days, timings etc. written

4. No faculty can write directly to the delegates once selected to attend that faculties private OPD or OT

timing as a personal promotion. The aegis of BOS, distribution of other faculty members time and topics as

well as the set format must be respected. If such an incidence is reported, the convener will be held

responsible for any such out of order practise and barred for the next three years from convenership of any

BOS course or activity

5. It is preferable that application to MMC for Accreditation points to be done by Convener directly and not

leave it to the BOS Office. If you need help from BOS Office, please obtain prior permission of the BOS

Secretary to do so. It shall be the responsibility of the Convener to upload the attendance and comply with

all the MMC requirements. Upload attendance within one week of completion of the course

6. Please furnish a report of the course along with the bills within 15 days of completion of the course and a

detailed report of the attendance and Delegate feedback. For the courses which are being held in thNovember and December, the report to be submitted latest in 15 days after the course is over or by 15

December, whichever is earlier for publication in the annual report

7. Selected candidates must be intimated timely as regards their selection and timings of the course, so that

they can make their travel plans well in advance

8. All due permissions from higher authorities in the respective institutions through HOD Orthopaedics and

other allied departments, Dean permissions must be taken 2 months in advance, auditorium bookings etc.

must be ensured to avoid last minute cancellations and embarrassment to BOS

9. Courses, who do not receive at least 50 percent of applications 1 month prior to the event, may be

scrapped if not viable. Due efforts must be made to popularise and advertise the courses if it is known prior

that there are not enough applicants. At least one month prior to the event, the course quorum must be


10. The tentative program must be submitted to BOS Office for update on website and e-mailers preferably 2

months prior to actual event

11. If a delegate is absent for the full course, you are expected to intimate the same immediately to BOS Office

12. Bombay Orthopaedic Society is not responsible for any ill health or hospitalisation of delegates during the

course, or any travel reimbursement of the same

13. Please maintain good and efficient communication throughout the course with your delegates. You may

add the BOS Secretary and Treasurer if forming a Whatsapp group. However, it is not acceptable to submit

bills on Whatsapp. Physical copies are to be delivered to the Secretariat or scanned copies on e-mail with a

detailed covering letter. BOS Office will not arrange for the collection of the same

14. Feedback forms must be submitted online only. After verification of which the certificates will be issued to

the delegates






1. The course fees should be in moderation. There is a GST of 18% on the course fees. There is a quantum of

administrative charges, staff, banners, certificates, feedback, emailer and mass SMS (only 3 per course

allowed). As a rough estimate, 25% of the course fees should be kept aside for above reasons and only

balance 100 - 43 (18+25) 60 percent be spent. Amount Exceeding 60% of the collected revenue will not

be sanctioned by the Executive Council under ANY circumstances

2. All courses are expected to make a profit of at least 15% of the gross collection. Spending on faculty

welfare should be minimum. Gifts to the faculty are NOT allowed. No mementos will be given to any

faculty member during the course. Thank you letters to participating faculty as a courtesy must be arranged

within 48 hours of the event

3. If a Symposium or part of the course if being thrown open to allied professionals, the course fees should be

higher by 20%. Course fees should be higher by 20% for International delegates except for SAARC


4. The budget should be submitted before declaring as awarded in GBM; GBM should have only the list of

decided courses with breakup of what the expenses are for. Any convener exceeding budget for 2-3

consecutive courses should be barred/fined

5. BOS will not pay for instruments for any course as per AGM mandate. If instruments are taken on BOS

name as a donation, prior intimation to the Secretary and Treasurer is mandatory. They need to be

deposited at the end of the course within a week with a detailed list with the Treasurer, with an

accompanying covering letter by the respective company

6. There are some basic instruments available with the BOS Office, please contact the Hon. Treasurer as

regards the borrowing and returning of the same. Any instruments found missing from the list after

borrowing, a fine will be applicable

7. Course dinner is not essential part of whole show. If planning it, make sure you are able to manage it within

the budget allocated. Payment for catering bills should not be made in cash and Society is willing to issue a

cheque in advance; money may also be paid by individual's credit card and Society will reimburse him by

issuing a cheque. Personal Cheques and Credit Cards are acceptable mode - reimbursement by the Society

is easy. For amounts more than Rs. 1,00,000/- PAN card number of the payee is essential

8. All sponsors must make their contribution to BOS; Sponsors of a BOS event should not give money directly

to a Convener. It must come to Society's account and then spent for specified event. Sponsors are not

expected to display their commercial visuals, banners etc. inside a meeting hall; all displays should be

outside the meeting hall

9. Payment in cash for bills higher than Rs. 30,000/- will not be allowed by the Executive Council as the

Society cannot claim it as expenses. As internal policy, BOS wants to minimize spending in cash; such

expense should only for tips, and for small expenses lesser than Rs. 2,000/-

10. If you need to pay any advance for conducting the course, please feel free to contact the Secretary or

Treasurer at least 30 days prior to conducting course, we will make the arrangement for the same

11. Please keep the expenditure within the total amount of course fees. If for some reasons you are likely to

shoot the budget, you are requested to take prior permission from the BOS EC for the extra expenditure.

Let the EC ratify / grant permission for the extra expenditure and then only go ahead with the same. For any

special requirement, please submit prior quotation and justification and get it approved by the Secretary /




12. BOS will not pay rental charges to private clinics for the conduct of a course, implants for the patient,

anaesthesia charges or consumables for the same

13. Webcast of events other than Master Series need prior sanction of EC with details of vendor and vendor's

stake etc


a) JCT Memorial PG Clinics: Voucher payments for basic tea, coffee and refreshments will need the bill to

Bombay Orthopaedic Society written clearly. Any other sundry minor expenses may be sanctioned with

prior intimation to the BOS. If organising a lecture series, standard MMC application rules will apply

b) Clinical and Master series meetings

1. The present expense limit for such events is Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 50,000 (if webcast Master Series only). Part

sum may be given in advance to the Convener in cash; as internal policy, BOS Wants to minimize spending

in cash; such expense should only be for tips, and for small expenses lesser than Rs. 2,000/-. All food bills

for various meets and courses should be paid by cheque; all caterers connected with Medical College

canteens have PAN cards and can take cheques. Money can also be paid by individual's credit card and

Society can reimburse him by issuing a cheque

2. All funds collected for the Society must be deposited in the Society's account in Bank of Baroda. Cheques or

cash received for any reason other than WIROC are deposited in Society's Bank of Baroda account no.

3. All Clinical Meets, Master Series and Course Conveners are expected to submit their accounts within 15

days of completion of their events along with the Convener's report. All such bills are checked and settled if

found in order within 3 weeks of submission to Society's office. EC will take a serious note of late submission

of expense sheet and course report; this may be taken against a Convener for future activities

4. Any payment made on behalf of BOS must be supported by an invoice (bill); for small amounts paid in cash

it must be supported by a voucher signed by the concerned person. All bills must be collated and

countersigned (approved) by the concerned conveners. Vendors are discouraged to submit the bills to

Society's office. All these bills are seen and approved (signed in red) by the Hon. Treasurer before a cheque

could be released. All cash expense vouchers should be countersigned by the Hon. Treasurer

5. Please furnish all the bills together bearing your signature after the course, so that payment can be done

immediately at one instance. Please see that the payment is made by cheques as far as possible. Preferably

80% to 90% of payment should be done by Cheques. All expenses to be supported by bills and vouchers




Application No._______________________

Name of the Course: ______________________________________________________________________________

Name of the Convener: ____________________________________________________________________________

BOS Membership No.:_____________________________________________________________________________

Name of the Co-Convener:_________________________________________________________________________

Venue: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Probable Dates & Duration: ________________________________________________________________________

Live Surgeries being relayed live: Yes / No

Live demonstration in OT (Delegates allowed inside OT): Yes / No

Course Venue: Single / Multiple Centers: Yes / No

Video Sessions: Yes / No

Hands-on Workshop: Yes / No

Cadaveric Workshop: Yes / No

Bone-Model Workshop: Yes / No

No. of Delegates: ________________________________________________________________________________

Course Fees: ___________________________________ Total expenditure: _________________________________

Essential Audio-Visual Equipment needed: ____________________________________________________________


Proposed Core Faculty:







Application No._______________________


Qualifications: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Current Hospital Attachment: ______________________________________________________________________

No. of years of experience in the said speciality: ________________________________________________________

Have you been a Convener for a similar BOS Course in the past? (same speciality) Yes/No

(If yes, mention details.)


Have you been a Convener for any other course in the past for BOS in any speciality? Yes/No

(If yes, mention details.)


Have you been a Co-Convener for a similar BOS Course in the past? (same speciality) Yes/No

(If yes, mention details.)


Have you been a Co-Convener for any other course in the past for BOS in any speciality? Yes/No

(If yes, mention details.)


Have you been a Faculty for the same BOS course in the past? Yes/No

(If yes, mention details.)


Please attach a detailed program plan as per the attached preform and course content with the application. (No

changes will be allowed in the program and the content of the course).


thLast date for submitting written application is 5 February, 2020.






The meeting was called to order at 11.45 am by the BOS President and Chairperson, Dr. Sunil Shahane with the necessary

quorum achieved. Hard copies of the agenda were circulated on the floor of the house. Hon. Secretary, Dr. Rujuta Mehta

presented the circulated agenda in power point format and each point was discussed as follows.


1. Dr. A. J. Thakur’s proposal: Staggering of Secretary and Treasurer post - EC‘s formula for staggering

th As had been discussed earlier in the BOS AGM of 10 February, 2019: BOS EC had presented a formula.

a) Either one of the present posts, i.e. either Hon. Secretary or Hon. Treasurer; the term should be extended and the

General Body was to decide which post of the two; or

b) In the next year's election, i.e. from 2020 to elect one of the posts only for 1 year and allow the same post to be re-

contested in 2021.

Dr. A. J. Thakur suggested that the proposal should be that in 2020 i.e., next election, the Treasurer post can be for 3


Dr. Neeraj Bijlani’s proposal: Instead of Hon. Treasurer, to make Hon. Secretary’s post for 3 years and with immediate

effect from 2020.

At present in the constitution: Elections for Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer are being held together since both

terms are for 2 years.

EC recommends: Hon. Treasurer post either to be 1 or 3 years. If One year, then that person should be allowed to

contest for the post in the future and hold it for a period of 2 more years.

SPGBM Discussion: Dr. Sandeep Sonone said that another proposal of Secretary Elect had been given by Dr. Pranjal

Kodkani few years back. The Secretary post involves a very labour intensive tenure and it is a time consuming job with

so many things that it is difficult to be managed by one person with immediate transition. Hence, he proposes the

addition of a Secretary Elect post.

Dr. Shahane said that we are diverting from the agenda and should be discussing the suggested recommendation of

the EC which was on today’s agenda.

Dr. Roshan Wade concurred with Dr. A. J. Thakur's recommendation. Dr. Rajesh Gandhi said that it is contained in EC’s

recommendation too and hence it’s better to accept a three year term for the next election for Hon. Treasurer. Dr.

Rujuta Mehta explained that the duration of the 3 year post for Hon. Treasurer for this election could be made 3 years

for 2020 upto 2023 and it would apply for this election term only. From the year 2022 onwards, the Secretary and

Treasurer would be elected in alternate years.

The EC’s final proposal was revised as a one-time post of 3 years tenure for Hon. Treasurer for the 2020 election only.

Proposed by Dr. Rajesh Gandhi and seconded by Dr. Roshan Wade.

Dr. Sunil Shahane then asked the house for a raising of hands those in support to approving that EC’s formula. The

house unanimously voted in favour of the resolution as under.

The EC’s recommendation for staggering of the Secretary and Treasurer’s post is passed. For the next election,

the term for Hon. Treasurer’ post will be three years, i.e., 2020-2023. Thereafter Secretary and Treasurer posts from

2022 to be elected in alternate years.





2. Electoral Reforms in conduct of elections/Ballot


BOS as of today does not have a formal documentation about a code of conduct for holding elections incorporated in

the constitution and every year the rules are framed as per necessity, from time to time. Hence, the EC felt that it is

important to add this in into the constitution for the benefit of the association. It is an important constitutional change

and would be very much needed in order to avoid future problems and misunderstandings, which can lead to legal

trouble for the association. Hence, the below guidelines have been listed after thorough deliberation and passing in the

EC meeting after legal opinions were taken.

Each of the points listed below was read out as well as projected and the house was asked to opine on each.

i) Election is by secret ballot: Passed unanimously.

ii) Chief Election Officer to be appointed by EC, Past Presidents eligible / Election Officer who has served at least 5

years in EC is eligible if no Past President is available.

Dr. Roshan Wade asked whether there is a definition of Chief Election Officer in bylaws of BOS?

Dr. Sunil Shahane said that in the distant past few years’ conventionally two senior members were selected from

the floor of the house but from last few years the norm has been selecting the Immediate Past President or other

Past Presidents as neutral members.

Dr. Roshan Wade said that Immediate Past President should be made the Chief Election Officer. Dr. Sunil Shahane

said that is exactly what we will be following in general, but a proviso needs to be made in the event that the

Immediate Past President is not available and hence the suggestion that any Past President can be appointed as

Chief Election Officer is being made as a formal proposal today.

Dr. Roshan Wade agreed that EC should be empowered to select Election Officer in case the Immediate Past

President is absent. Dr. Swapnil Keny said that Chief Election Officer should have power to select assistants

needed for the smooth conduct of the election. Dr. Rajesh Gandhi said that the Chief Election Officer can select

more than one assistant if needed depending upon the total strength of electorate. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that

Chief Election Officer can appoint any number of assistant as per his need. Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that the Chief

Election Officer should inform the EC how many people he / she to assist him / her with their names in advance

and submit for prior approval of the EC.

Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala said that if we go for electronic voting this becomes very easy. Dr. Sunil Shahane reminded

him that this point is not on the agenda and it has already been decided in previous AGM, the BOS will not go in

for electronic voting.

Dr. Anil Karkhanis proposed that if the Past President is not available, an EC member can be made the Chief

Election Officer. Dr. Rajesh Gandhi said that Election Officer should be outside the EC as many other societies do

and in BOS some senior members who have served as Election Officers in the past.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta pointed out that the EC is involved in conducting the AGM and participating actively in AGM

for a number of reasons, and it is better and important that the Chief Election Officer therefore be a neutral

person outside EC. He / She should have worked in EC for a number of years and should be well versed with

election process. Dr. Roshan Wade said that MOA has also appointed someone who is not part of EC so it is

standard practice and he welcomed the part the EC member should not be the Election Officer.

Dr. Rajesh Gandhi approved that most of the election rules suggested as reforms about eligibility of past election

officer who has served 5 years in EC are well in order.

Passed: Chief Election Officer to be appointed by EC, Past Presidents will be eligible / a Senior Member or Past

Election Officer who has served at least 5 years in EC is eligible, in the event that no Past President is available.

Proposed by Dr. Rajesh Gandhi and seconded by Dr. Roshan Wade.




iii) Once the time of election and counting is declared it cannot be changed - Passed unanimously.

iv) Campaigning via SMS, e-mail, Whatsapp social media, print media or verbal must stop 48 hours before the day of


Dr. Mandar Agashe said that it is not possible to stop verbal campaigning. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that although it

is difficult but we should have some rule in place. Dr. Rujuta Mehta clarified that when we said verbal, we meant

verbal campaigning on the floor of the house during AGM since that was already in the rules before. Dr. Roshan

Wade said that Central Election Commission of India rules are for campaigning by print and social media.

Dr. Sandeep Sonone said that the duration should be reduced from 48 hours to 24 hours.

Dr. Sunil Shahane reminded him that if a mass SMS is received during the AGM and the candidate argues that it

was programmed earlier, it will create a situation of dispute then. Hence, the 48 hour deadline is better to see to it

that a sufficient time gap is built in between stopping canvassing and actual election. Many members felt that

verbal campaigning may still continue in other forms and would be very hard to prove or disprove and hence,

finally the point about verbal campaigning was dropped.

Dr. Roshan Wade said that what if someone else forwards in your name. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that unless it

comes from the candidate's personal phone or his registered ID, it is not candidate's fault. Dr. Satish Mutha asked

if there is a dispute, then who takes a decision - Chief Election Officer or EC? Dr. Rujuta Mehta reminded that as

per good practises book, it is a committee of three i.e. Chief Election Officer, President and Secretary who have to

decide. Dr. Roshan Wade said that an arbitrator should be appointed. Dr. Rajesh Gandhi said that there is no need

to change anything now and as per the statutes it should be decided by the committee of three as already pointed

out by Hon. Secretary.

Dr. Eknath Pawar said that there is no clarity about the phone calls. Dr. Anil Karkhanis said that the candidates can

still campaign from the floor indirectly by meeting and greeting people. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that officially it is

not allowed, however nobody can be stopped from talking to other members. Dr. Roshan Wade agreed that it is

very difficult to control talking. Dr. Mandar Agashe said that it is just an informal way that candidates campaign

during voting. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that proving or disproving phone calls made for other purposes and casual

mention of candidature would be very difficult to control.

Dr. Narayan Karne said that it is very difficult to prove about verbal campaigning, so it can be acted upon only if

there is a proof of verbal campaign.

Passed: Campaigning via SMS, E-mail, Whatsapp or other social media, print media must stop 48 hours before

the day of election.

Proposed by Dr. Mandar Agashe and seconded by Dr. Sandeep Sonone.

v) Members only can participate in the ballot, vote on stage and come back in the hall after coming back to their


Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that legal expert has given this proposal on the basis of what is followed in a lot of other

large associations where physical ballots are held, in order to keep the house as a witness for both fair elections

and counting; that voting has to be seen by the AGM to avoid controversies later. Dr. Roshan Wade said that

Central Election Commission of India has said the place where the voting is held should be enclosed. We should

not force anybody to attend AGM. Dr. Sandeep Sonone agreed with this. Dr. Sunil Shahane reminded that the

current practise of members not attending AGM, but only coming for voting should be stopped as if they do not

attend, they haven’t really participated in AGM and then the attendance records are skewed. Dr. Rujuta Mehta

said that we can make voting booths, and the actual ballot / vote of the member will not be seen, which is what is

meant by secret ballot; but at the same time to avoid discrepancy in numbers and assuring that free and fair

elections are held with transparency, we should accept this point. Members should be able to see that the voting




process is going on fine. Dr. Milind Sawant felt that it could be separate rooms but a live relay can be arranged

without audio if the venue demands it so as not to disturb AGM and ensure monitoring of the process. Dr.

Sandeep Sonone said that Chief Election Officer is there to supervise. Dr. Roshan Wade said no election happens

like this in the Indian Parliament. Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that we should follow the legal recommendation which

was based on other associations or companies where similar elections are held in good faith. As regards how to

plan the arrangements for smooth conduct will depend on the venue, it will be only a logistic issue which can be

solved. Several years back, elections have been conducted like this in past in Tata, Wadia and also in KEM where

she was a helper to Election Officers then. Dr. Rajesh Gandhi said he remembered the voting’s being held in the

AGM halls for many elections. He said that certain rules are specific for small societies. Our society is registered

under Societies Registration Act and hence we should follow practises as per other Associations. To avoid bitter

eventualities, we can follow this suggestion. Dr. Narayan Karne suggested that there are two parts; one is privacy

of voting and second is voting in front of everyone to avoid proxy. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that privacy of ballot will

go without saying and will be maintained for sure. Dr. S. S. Mohanty said that the queue should be outside the hall

and only the voting booths should be inside. Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that the legal expert suggested doors have to

closed, but the EC felt it would be more problematic so he has suggested an alternative of having a one entry and

one exit only. Dr. Rajesh Gandhi said that the venue selection can be done in such a way to ensure the above if

planned well to facilitate smooth working of both voting and carrying on of AGM matters. Dr. Sandeep Sonone

felt that the talking of the people in the voting queue will disturb the AGM. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that if they are

in the hall, they are less likely to talk and more likely to hear the proceedings. Dr. Anil Karkhanis said that at times

the AGM discussion might be about the candidates may be negative or positive end that will bias the opinion of

people standing in the queue to vote inside the hall. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that we should not assume that our

members will take such important decisions based on such issues. We should not suspect the intelligence of our

members. Dr. Roshan Wade wanted to know who the legal expert is. Dr. Rujuta Mehta informed that it was Dr. V.

P. Tilwani who is both a practising lawyer owning a legal firm as well as a general surgeon himself. He has been on

important positions in his own association, as well as is also on the advisory panel of 5 organisations. Dr. Mandar

Agashe said that logistics will be a problem in places like KEM or Sion etc. and if this is added in the constitution,

then it will become binding and we will have to strictly follow it. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that we may be restricted

in the choice of venues but that is alright for the larger purpose. Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that she has been helper at

Nanavati also in the past where this was done and logistic challenge can be addressed, she is willing to help future

committees also for organising the same. Dr. Jayesh Baviskar suggested a token system for voting. Dr. Sunil

Shahane said that we will keep two registers for GBM and voting and they should match. Dr. Rujuta Mehta said

that the suggestions about token numbers is very good and EC accepts it whole heartedly. Dr. Harshad Argekar

agreed that the logistics can be worked out, we can have 5 or 10 members from GBM to be observers if needed.

Booth can be at the end of the hall opposite to the stage. Camera can be put up in the room where election is

happening and live relayed to the GBM hall as per Dr. Milind Sawant’s suggestion.

Dr. Sunil Shahane proposed a changed resolution: as far as practically possible conduct the voting election in the

same hall as GBM, however if there is logistic problem we can have a live relay of the election process in the GBM

hall. Resolution was passed as above.

Proposed by Dr. Sandeep Sonone and Seconded by Dr. Harshad Argekar.

vi) Govt. certified photo identity card is mandatory to cast vote - Passed unanimously.

vii) Empty ballot boxes to be shown to the house before sealing - Passed unanimously.

viii) Number of people who attend GBM and number of people who vote must be noted and signed for in the same

register with verification of membership number. In case of any discrepancy, committee consisting of Chief

Election Officer, President and Secretary will take a decision.




Dr. Roshan Wade said that I may want to attend GBM but not want to vote. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that it is the

member’s choice whether to exercise his or her franchise or not and it can be left to the individual member. Dr. S.

S. Mohanty said that for that also the token system is good for it. Those who want to vote should take the token.

Passed: Members’ who wish to vote should collect token numbers and then sign. The total no. of votes polled,

tokens collected and signatures must tally during counting.

Proposed by Dr. Jayesh Baviskar and Seconded by Dr. Surendra Shukla.

ix) Counting to be held inside the hall / under video recording. All candidates representatives or themselves can

remain present during counting. Counting cannot be done by non-members.

Dr. Anil Karkhanis said that we should not have voting for additional things except for the EC posts. Dr. Roshan

Wade said that we had agenda of debarring someone and it is not part of election, hence it should be separate.

Dr. Sunil Shahane said the ballot papers may be separate in future, but since constitution says disciplinary action

decisions have to follow a vote by ballot then the Presiding Officer cannot be different. We will keep separate

ballot paper for such issues which is now agreed for subsequent AGM’s.

Dr. Rajesh Gandhi clarified that what Dr. Roshan Wade was referring to about the disciplinary action in the last

AGM, was an unprecedented special situation for BOS. Three lawyers were consulted in the above while he was

in the office of the Vice President last year. Their opinion was clear that if the matter is to be settled by a ballot, it

can be part of the same agenda with one Presiding Officer and separate ballot paper is not needed as long as a

line is drawn and distinction is made between the categories of voting. Also the members may choose to vote for

either for just the office bearers elections and may not choose to vote for other agenda and hence the tally can be

different, just as we allow and accept if members do not vote for all the posts. Dr. Sunil Shahane said that

constitution says that voting for disciplinary action should be done by secret ballot. It does not specify any thing

about same ballot paper or different ballot paper, and hence the house can decide this today. Dr. N. J. Karne said

that it’s better to have separate ballot papers for differing agenda.

Dr. Sunil Shahane proposed the same, separate ballot papers for office bearers and disciplinary action. This was

agreed by the house.

Dr. Rajesh Gandhi suggested that the candidates should declare their representatives on a written form. More

than one representative can be suggested. Dr. Sunil Shahane suggested that this form can be filled few days

before the election. This form should also be signed by the Election Officer. For disciplinary action, the concerned

person or his representative should also be members.

Passed: Separate ballot papers for office bearers and disciplinary action from next AGM. Counting to be held

inside the hall / under video recording. All candidates’ representatives or themselves can remain present during

counting. Counting cannot be done by non-members.

Proposed by Dr. N. J. Karne and Seconded by Dr. Rajesh Gandhi.

x) Ballot papers must be numbered serially - Passed unanimously.

xi) Once counted the ballot should be struck through in a different ink pre declared colour.

This was agreed by the house and passed unanimously.

xii) In case of recounting a third ink must be used to strike through the ballot.

This was agreed by the house and passed unanimously.

xiii) Results should be declared in written format by Chief Election Officer to President.

Dr. Shahane added that the results should be in written format and should be signed by the Chief Election Officer.

The results should be declared by the Chairman who is chairing the meeting, i.e., the President immediately in the




AGM after counting and verification is over with signatures of all candidates against their names on the same

sheet or their counting representative.

Passed: Results should be declared in written format by Chief Election Officer to President.

Proposed by Dr. Rajesh Gandhi and Seconded by Dr. S. S. Mohanty.

xiv) Any disciplinary action voting also has to follow above procedure. In this matter, Tellers are supervisory counting /

poll monitoring officers who cannot remain absent from counting or count by themselves in the absence of

candidate or his official representative.

The house accepted this point and said that this is in the best interest of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society.

Passed as an election rule from now onwards.

Proposed by Dr. Harshad Argekar and Seconded by Dr. Mandar Agashe.

xv) Conduct of a free and fair election / ballot is solely the responsibility of Chief Election Officer and his team. They

should communicate the result in writing by email after submitting the common counting sheet with every

candidate’s signature to the President and EC within 24 hours.

Dr. Gandhi said that 24 hours is too long a time, it has to be done immediately. If some candidates leave early, the

Chief Election Officer can sign or candidate’s representative can sign. Dr. N. J. Karne said that it is the

responsibility of the candidate to sign on the final tally form and if he leaves, it is his drawback and not drawback

of Election Officer.

Dr. Anil Karkhanis said that ballot is the sole responsibility of the Chief Election Officer and his team. So if

someone goes to the court, Chief Election Officer is responsible and not EC. Dr. Roshan Wade added that in

MOA, the entire EC is dragged to the court and EC cannot shrug off its responsibility. Dr. Anil Karkhanis said why

anyone will want to become Election Officer if it will land him into legal trouble potentially.

Dr. Rajesh Gandhi suggested that a written form should be taken from the candidates at the time of submitting

the candidature that results by Election Officer will be binding on him and if he wants recounting, he should raise

objection immediately after counting and cannot do it later. Dr. Sandeep Sonone agreed with Dr. Rajesh Gandhi.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that if the EC is not involved in conducting the elections and a Chief Election Officer has

already been appointed in good faith, then the responsibility is with him and his team. In case of any problem

during the election process, the attention of the EC and the AGM must be drawn to the problem then and there

itself. Dr. N. J. Karne said that unfortunately in MOA and IOA, it is becoming a practise that if any allegations or

dispute arise during elections, especially in the wake of legal action, then it is becoming a trend to drag EC into

controversy. However quite unfortunately in the present MOA election issue, the candidate has held the entire

EC and even the other candidates responsible. Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that if this is the case and we tend to drag EC

into everything, then in future members will not agree to become EC members also and it was wrong to blame

and burden the EC with decisions that it was not party to. Dr. N. J. Karne asked that if there is a problem in

elections and Election Officer is held responsible, then will his working on behalf of EC be affected? Dr. Harshad

Argekar corrected this that if the elections are conducted by the book, then this question should not arise. Dr.

Rajesh Gandhi said vicarious responsibility in understood and EC officer and the Association will have to support

the Chief Election Officer but after clarification of matters, no generalisations should be made. Dr. Harshad

Argekar clearly said that the above discussion need not be seen negatively. If the Election Officer and team

conduct the elections freely and fairly, there is no reason for a dispute to arise and that is all the more reason to

constitutionalise and formalise the above code of conduct.

Dr. Sunil Shahane said that supporting any officer designated by EC can only be decided case to case after

verifying the facts and now that there will be a transparent observer, witness and video process, the EC can take a




call on providing legal opinion and costs incurred if he/she has performed the duty as per the association rules. Dr.

Rujuta Mehta said that this is correct but EC should not be held responsible or dragged into court for something it

did not participate in. All members and officers answerability to EC must be maintained. Dr. Roshan Wade added

that we should add that if there is any issue, then expenses should be borne by the association. Dr. N. J. Karne said

that we should not add financial burden without thought and verifying the exact nature of circumstances but if

found appropriate any other legal aid needed should be provided by the association after discussion in EC. Dr.

Sunil Shahane and house agreed to it.

Passed: Conduct of a free and fair election / ballot is the sole responsibility of Chief Election Officer and his team.

They should communicate the result in writing by email after submitting the common counting sheet with every

candidate’s signature to the President and EC immediately after counting before completion of AGM.

Proposed by Dr. Rajesh Gandhi and Seconded by Dr. Harshad Argekar.

Dr. Sunil Shahane thus resolved that the election reforms as suggested and modified as per discussion here in this

special GBM are now passed.

Proposed by Dr. S. S. Mohanty and Seconded by Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala.






Date: February 10, 2019 | Venue: L. T. M. G. Hospital Auditorium, Sion, Mumbai


Hon. President, Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar called the meeting to order at 9.00 am but adjourned it to

9.30 am due to a lack of quorum. He reconvened the meeting at 9.30 am when the quorum was complete by the presence

of more than 25 members in the house.

Hon. Secretary, Dr. Rujuta Mehta invited the President Elect, Dr. Sunil Shahane; Vice President, Dr. Rajesh Gandhi and

Hon. Treasurer, Dr. Sandeep Sonone to join the Chairperson on the dias.

1. Apologies and leave of absence

Leave of absence was granted to Dr. C. J. Thakkar, Dr. D. D. Tanna, Dr. Alaric Aroojis, Dr. Sanjay Dhar,

Dr. Ram Prabhoo and Dr. Amit Ajgaonkar as per their written communications.

2. Condolences

Hon. Secretary, Dr. Rujuta Mehta informed the house that Bombay Orthopedic Society (hereafter will be written as

BOS) member Dr. N. M. Shah had passed away in September 2017 but the information was received by BOS Office

in 2018 after last year's Annual General Body Meeting (hereafter will be written as AGM) and hence the house

would condole the loss this year. As per information received, BOS has lost 4 members this year between March

2018 - January 2019. Dr. G. S. Chawra, Dr. A. R. Bacha, Dr. Alkesh Shah and Dr. Atul Joshi from Aurangabad left for

heavenly abode till the AGM of 2018-2019.

Dr. Ashith Rao spoke very fondly about Dr. Chawra and Dr. N. M. Shah as they were together in the erstwhile

Children's Orthopaedic Hospital. Dr. N. M. Shah was an avid reader himself and would encourage the residents to

read before every case. Dr. G. S. Chawra was a very keen academician, a very humble, grounded person who paid

great attention to detail in ward work and was a great help to him during his Post Graduate exam preparations. He

was a very peaceful and happy persona and would make it a point to share one meal every week with the unit.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta paid her tribute to Dr. A. R. Bacha and shared her experience about working with him at B. J.

Wadia Hospital for Children. He was a very cheerful and adorable soul. Many generations of residents and

colleagues at J. J. Hospital and B. J. Wadia would remember him for his jolly disposition and role as a friend,

philosopher and guide to students in Paediatric Orthopaedics. She said that it was a big loss to her personally and

also to the Paediatric orthopaedic community.

The house stood in a minute of silence in prayer for their families and a mark of respect to the departed souls.

3. Disciplinary Action: Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone

Dr. Rujuta Mehta informed the house that she had received an intimation in beginning of September 2018, first

from Dr. Roshan Wade and then from several other BOS Members in writing about a grossly objectionable article in

the Marathi newspaper “Sandhyakaal” dated September 9, 2018. In the said objectionable article; which was

actually the interview given by BOS Member Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone; he had made several statements defaming and

alleging the whole of Bombay Orthopaedic Society with grossly false and wrong charges viz. “A society of rich

people only, having a nexus with private hospitals, trying to loot patients and operate without reason and not

teaching conservative management. He had also claimed that he alone stood against the whole Society which

never gave him an opportunity to speak and that he is fighting alone against this injustice.” She then opened a

digital copy of the original PDF of the article and allowed for 2 minutes of time for the house to read it. She also

informed the house that as per the procedure laid down in the constitution, if a member indulges in such

misconduct, he is to be called for a hearing in front of the Executive Council. The whole EC's opinion was taken

individually and collectively in this matter after receiving several complaints from BOS Members like





Dr. Vikas Agashe, Dr. Ram Prabhoo, Dr. Neeraj Bijlani, Dr. Swapnil Keny, Dr. Sanjay Dhar, Dr. Sangeet Gawhale and

Dr. Ashok Shyam to name a few and as far as Pune, Dr. Mandar Acharya, Dr. Prakash Sigedar and Dr. N. J. Karne

also. Hence Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone was called to the EC meeting to explain his stand on October 11, 2018 at Sion

and the said enquiry was conducted. At this inquiry into the matter wherein he was heard on October 11, 2018 at

the Executive Council Meeting to explain his actions of giving such an interview in print defaming the whole

Society at large. Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone admitted that he gave this interview of his own free will. During the

proceedings of the said inquiry, he had categorically stated that he stands by his statements which have been

published in the said news article. He failed to convince the Members of the Executive Council that his actions were

not guided by prejudice and in fact he put on record that these were his wilful statements. Hence, a temporary

suspension notice was issued by the Executive Council as per the statues of the BOS constitution. She informed

everyone that a Xerox copy of the objectionable newspaper article along with the suspension notice is being

circulated at the door itself as Members come in to attend the AGM. This was as per the Bombay Orthopaedic

Society Constitution which requires the EC to inform the matter on the floor of the house.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar then elaborated and explained in English the contents of the article said the article is

extremely disturbing to many Orthopaedic Surgeons of BOS. He said the article is disturbing because BOS is

wrongly accused of “only promoting operative treatment to patients and extracting huge sums of money without

reason”. He also clarified that whatever Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's personal opinion may be, he is entitled to that,

what we have an issue with is; why has the whole of BOS as an institution been misquoted and labelled in print

clearly portraying in bad light by the member Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone. He informed the house in detail about the

proper procedure as has been laid down in the Constitution followed by the BOS Executive Council, that the errant

member must be called to explain himself before the council. Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone was thus called to the October

meeting of the Executive Council and asked why he made the statements in the said article. A video recording was thdone of the hearing on 11 October, 2018. During the hearing before the EC, Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone was very firm

about his opinions expressed in the newspaper interview. By an unanimous decision of the Council, a temporary

suspension was given to Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone till the AGBM. As per bye laws of BOS Constitution, voting by ballot

needs to be done about whether Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's suspension is to be continued or discontinued. i.e.,

whether he should be suspended for 5 years as recommended in the Constitution or whether to continue him like a

regular member. This ballot will be held along with the election for EC Members to save the time of the AGM. He rdalso informed the house that only if 2/3 majority agree for the suspension, then it can be carried out.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar invited Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone to present his reply. Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone read out his reply

about his old issues with BOS.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar reminded him to answer to the point. He asked him to be brief and explain why Dr.

Shrikrishna Dhone has mentioned BOS in his article in “Sandhyakaal“ in bad light and blamed the whole BOS said

the this was precisely the EC's objection.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone said his issues with BOS started 5 years back. He said 5 years back, he wanted the outreach

program to be held In Shivaji Hospital, Thane. He was informed by the then EC (5 years back) that the application

has to be submitted through the HOD. He then applied through Dr. Abhay Kulkarni and the outreach program was

granted to Shivaji Hospital, Thane. He said that BOS EC should make the program successful, which he claimed was

not done. He said clinical activity must start in Shivaji Hospital. He said that he does not agree with BOS policy of AC

Halls and that he works in a District and Civil Hospital where there are no facilities for MRI and yet patients are

treated on clinical basis. He also showed a clinical case sheet of a patient who had been treated in one of the

Municipal Hospitals by a senior resident and he felt that the notes written were not upto the mark. He said that this

is a serious thing which should be rectified. Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar asked him to come to the point and allow other

members also to speak.

Dr. Ashith Rao said BOS is an organisation working on certain criteria laid down by AGMs and he is not here to

discuss and improve orthopaedic facilities in the state but to explain why he defamed BOS in print and that he has

crossed the limit in betraying the Society and what is the reason that the Society is dragged in this. He said Dr.




Shrikrishna Dhone sounded adamant about his views and has 'tom tomed' himself in the article; hence he should

answer to the point the reason why the Society should continue his membership.

Dr. V. T. Ingalhalikar said that Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone can have an individual opinion which can be a separate

discussion but when he gives an opinion in print media, it has consequences on the Society. After this article

appeared, it has harmed several members of BOS, their own patients do not trust them anymore thanks to the

article. He felt that Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone has tarnished the reputation of BOS in the press due to member's personal

opinion. As a responsible member why he did he not stop the interview?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone said that this was the responsibility of the BOS; since BOS has been spoken ill about it was

their job to refute it.

At which point Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar requested him to have a seat and let other members also express their


Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone then said he wanted to speak one last sentence that he has nothing to gain from the Society

and is ready to submit his apology. Then, again he showed a copy of a KEM case paper where according to him, the

resident's clinical notes are very poor. He also added that despite his offer of an apology if the house does not want

him, then Thank you so much.

Dr. Ram Chaddha said he is asking 3 questions to Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone:

1. “Are you still in agreement with every word written in the article?” Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone: No

2. “Are you sorry for what you have done?” Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone: Yes

3. “Are you still interested in continuing with Bombay Orthopaedic Society?” Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone: Yes

Dr. Prakash Samant objected to this and said it's not OK for Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone to now say sorry in public just

because he is under the scrutiny after giving clearly an article in print by his own will earlier. He said that they also

encountered many cases of gross mistakes and blunders committed in Civil Hospitals. He said that it does not justify

directly going and giving anything in the press that Civil Hospitals are bad and residents do make mistakes and so

do others. He said apology is not the solution and some minimum punishment should be given because giving such

articles is not expected from a senior member. About Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's expectation that BOS needs to reply

to the newspaper, he said that that would have led to a lot of unnecessary involvement of Govt. and Police in such

matters and the article is not genuine.

Dr. Rajan Walawalkar said Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone has clearly defamed BOS. He has generalised his personal views to

the entire Society. He also referred to the section of Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's article about asking the Govt. to set up

bone setter's society to treat instead and said that it is a “chemperty” which Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone is asking for, and

the practise of the same is wrong. He then quoted a Supreme Court judgement about cross speciality treatment

and said that it was wrong. Since Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone had accepted on the floor of the house that he does not

agree with the views expressed in the said Sandhyakal article, Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone himself should write a letter

saying that he was given a hearing both in the Managing Committee and in the General Body, he agrees to

withdraw the article.

Dr. Sangeet Gawhale said this article is an insult to BOS and to the AGM that Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's behaviour on

the floor of the house by way of being busy in distributing to his letter rather than listen to the views of other

members is not pardonable. He explained the procedure followed to allot Clinical Meeting on rotation and that

Clinical Meetings have been held in D. Y. Patil and J. J. Hospital also at which Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone has probably not

attended. Dr. Sangeet Gawhale also said that since Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone has been seen very few times in Clinical

Meetings and he is not aware that non-operative management is also freely discussed several times. Hence, Dr.

Shrikrishna Dhone should follow what Dr. Rajan Walawalkar had suggested that Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone himself

should write to the newspaper withdrawing the article.




Dr. Sushil Sabnis said he congratulates the EC for taking correct disciplinary action against a member for writing

such articles. He said one member of Society has defamed everyone who is shocking and completely condemnable.

In the said article, Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone has clearly put a full stop in the sentence ending with “orthopaedic

surgeons kasai banle ahet” rather than a question mark which means he fully concurs with the views expressed in

the article. Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone has violated the Hippocratic Oath. If he felt that the reporter has not reported

properly, then he himself should have immediately asked the reporter to publish another article refuting the views

expressed in the article. Dr. Sushil Sabnis said that now that the matter had come to an enquiry, hence Dr.

Shrikrishna Dhone was saying he will apologise which is an escapism. This would mean that after committing a

crime also, it is easy to get away by apologising when it comes to a public discussion. He said Society should go

ahead with banning him for as many years as decided. Dr. Sushil Sabnis said henceforth new members should take

an oath that the member will not defame the Society. He asked as to if Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone had any grievance

with the Society, how come he did not approach the medico-legal cell? If any member goes against the Society, he

should be strictly punished.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that she would like to inform the house and put on record that the precise 3 questions asked

by Dr. Ram Chaddha to Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone here, were asked to him during the EC enquiry on October 11, 2018.

All 3 answers during the interrogation were different, he stood by his statement, he was not sorry for what he has

said in the interview and that he has no interest in BOS. She added that at the end of the enquiry, he actually

threatened the EC saying that “he would now see the EC in court”. Hon. Secretary, Dr. Rujuta Mehta read out the

article of the Constitution regarding members' duties which Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone had failed to perform as a

member. Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone had failed to convince the EC about his misconduct in the said meeting. The

constitution clearly says that “Observe high standard of medical ethics and behaviour; and uphold the objectives,

the good name, the dignity and the traditions of the BOS.”

Dr. Rujuta Mehta said constitution has no proviso mentioned about what to do if there is an apology on floor of

house. She said that as it was announced in the agenda about the voting on disciplinary action, the declared due

procedure should be followed and the motion put to vote by ballot during the elections.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar then asked for a last comment from Dr. Aseem Parekh, who said it better to stop wasting

time now and proceed with the voting in the matter.

Resolved and passed in thereafter that voting by ballot on the disciplinary action of Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's

suspension should be carried out as per the constitution and declared AGM agenda. This motion was passed by the

majority and therefore carried.

The motion was proposed by Dr. Sushil Sabnis and seconded by Dr. V. T. Ingalhalikar.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta then reminded the house that two independent tellers have to be nominated from the floor of the

house as to who will oversee the counting; hence Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar suggested Dr. Sushil Sabnis and Dr. V. T.

Ingalhalikar to be the tellers. Both of them agreed to be the tellers. Since they agreed to be the tellers, they cannot

be the proposer and seconder of this motion as clarified by the Hon. Secretary, Dr. Rujuta Mehta.

Dr. Ashith Rao voluntarily proposed the motion of voting by ballot on the suspension of Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone by

ballot and Dr. Pankaj Ahire seconded it.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta then asked Dr. Sushil Sabnis and Dr. V. T. Ingalhalikar again on the floor of the house whether they

both agree to be the tellers, to which Dr. Sushil Sabnis sought a clarification whether he has to oversee the entire

election or only Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's point. It was clarified to him that they would be tellers or supervisors only of

the “ballot on disciplinary action against Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone”, to which they readily agreed. The nomination of

the tellers was proposed by Dr. Sangeet Gawhale and seconded by Dr. Harshad Argekar.




4. To confirm and pass the minutes of the AGM held on Sunday, February 4, 2018 at Courtyard Marriott,

Andheri (East), Mumbai and matters arising from the minutes.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that two sub agendas will be discussed within this agenda since both arise out of last AGM


a) IOACON 20-20 update status and co-opting of IOA office bearers in BOS EC

b) Staggering of Secretary and Treasurer post from next election

A) Update house on IOACON 2020 status:

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar said EC took a lot of efforts to get the meeting to Mumbai. AGM of 2018 had voted in

favour of bidding for IOACON 2020 and approved Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar and EC to discuss the

Memorandum of Understanding (hereafter will be written as MOU) with Maharashtra Orthopaedic

Association (hereafter will be written as MOA) and decide the team for the bidding and look into the

feasibility of all the organisational aspects. The matter had been discussed in first EC meeting of 2018-2019

and was passed unanimously in the BOS EC as follows. The chosen Office bearers decided were Dr. Arvind

Goregaonkar; Organising Chairman, Dr. Sunil Shahane; Treasurer, Dr. Rajesh Gandhi and Dr. Ram Chaddha as

Organising Secretaries on behalf of BOS. Dr. Parag Sancheti would be the Organising Chairman, Dr. Yashwant

Gade; Organising Treasurer and Dr. Prakash Sigedar would be Organising Secretary on behalf of MOA. Dr.

Arvind Goregaonkar first wrote a letter to Dr. Parag Sancheti, President MOA to bid for the meeting in

Mumbai as the host city. MOA discussed this offer in their EC meeting at Tadoba in March 2018 and

unanimously passed that Mumbai should be accepted as the host city and organising body will be BOS. After

which the bid papers and MOU were signed and sent to IOA Central Office. As per Zonal system of IOA, only

the states in that particular zone can bid Telangana and Gujarat did not bid, only two bids were received by

IOA - Goa and Maharashtra, but since Goa is not a State Chapter, it was not eligible for hosting IOACON. He

said at the IOA AGM in Coimbatore, it was confirmed that IOACON 2020 conference will be awarded to

MOA to be organised in Mumbai through BOS.

The conference will be in Mumbai in November or December 2020. He said the expected crowd may be as

high as 9,000 people and the Committee is doing a recce of several venues. He said the Committee has done

recce of Reliance Convention Centre. The Convention Centre is under construction and they shall commit by

end of March or April this year, whether they will be able to give bookings. The second option is having AC

Hanger at MMRDA Exhibition grounds or at NESCO Goregaon. He said BKC ground might not be available

because of the under construction Mumbai Metro and that he himself had inspected the hanger during

Cardiology Society of India, a similar conference conducted last year in October 2018. He was impressed with

the halls and the infrastructure. If we are forced to conduct it by way of erecting an Air Conditioned hanger on

open exhibition grounds, then the only disadvantage is the high cost. He said that some of the MOA members

were not happy that the conference was allotted to Mumbai. He added that unfortunately, some BOS

members were trying to influence other MOA members to shift the conference to Goa which was not

successful because IOA has officially written to us now confirming Mumbai as the host city, confirming the

MOU and office bearers suggested in the same. For finalising the venue, he said they are waiting for revert

from Reliance. Dr. Prakash Samant said Goregaon ground should be booked as a back-up. Dr. Vikas Agashe

said sometimes the hotels are booked by agents in advance. Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar said the dates will not be

announced in advance. Dr. Neeraj Bijlani said the rooms we anyways cannot be controlled. Dr. Arvind

Goregaonkar said we will not offer residential packages to avoid this issue.

Dr. Ram Chaddha was asked to appeal to the house outlining his plan. Dr. Ram Chaddha said he firstly

appreciates the faith the BOS and MOA Members have put in the team. He said “this is not mine but our

conference”. Those names that appeared are the present office bearers, but more names will get added. He

said that the names of the then planned WIROC Organising Secretaries. All MOA and BOS EC members of

2020 all will be included suitably in the Organising Committee of 2020. He said email will be sent to all




members asking how you as an individual can contribute and they will be asked 1 suggestion to make the

conference different. It's not me but we have to make the conference”.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar reiterated that as per the MOU that has been signed with MOA and BOS, office

bearers of both associations in the year 20-20 will be completely incorporated in OC of IOACON 2020.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar said he will finish his term as IPP and Sunil Shahane will continue as IPP in the 2020

EC. Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar proposed GBM should co-opt Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar, Dr. Rajesh Gandhi and Dr.

Ram Chaddha in the 2020 EC for better communication and smooth functioning of IOACON 2020. Dr. Sushil

Sabnis said IOA team is separate and some EC Members still are common, hence EC of BOS in 2020 need not

be burdened by additional co-opted posts. Dr. Aseem Parekh suggested that instead the BOS President can

invite any IOA OC member for a specific purpose to EC meetings during 2019 and 2020.

The IOACON 2020 update was passed proposed by Dr. Sushil Sabnis and seconded by Dr. Aseem Parekh.

Dr. Sushil Sabnis interrupted the proceedings at this stage and pointed out that Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone had left

the house and enquired what the legal consultant of BOS EC in Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone 's matter Dr. Tilwani had rdopined as regards to what constitutes the 2/3 majority? Whether it means the whole membership of the BOS

or the members of present at the AGM. He asked to shift the deadline of elections to the time that this point rdwas being discussed which was around 10.25 am and say that we will take the 2/3 majority of the members

inside the house at this time.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta reminded him that as per declared agenda election time had been announced as 10.30 am

to 12.30 pm and hence it cannot be changed. Then Dr. Sushil Sabnis agreed that please stick to the deadline of

12.30 pm as end time, as otherwise there can be a legal objection to the end time. He said he was just

mentioning this as a potential legal point and then agreed to go ahead with the voting.

Dr. Prakash Samant requested that he needs to proceed to the election area soon, since time was running out

before declared time of elections; Dr. Rujuta Mehta requested Dr. Prakash Samant to read out the list of

candidates. Dr. Prakash Samant declared Dr. Milind Sawant elected as the Vice President unopposed since Dr.

Samir Dalvie had withdrawn. The names of candidates for post of President Elect (Dr. S. S. Mohanty and Dr.

Sangeet Gawhale) and two posts for Executive Council Member 6 candidates - Dr. Ashok Shyam, Dr. Ashish

Phadnis, Dr. S. S. Srivastava, Dr. Abhijeet Kale, Dr. Tushar Ubale and Dr. Vishal Kundanani) were read out. He

informed the house that Dr. Sandeep Biraris had withdrawn from EC post candidature. Empty ballot boxes

were shown to the house, approved and sealed in the presence of the house.

Dr. Sangeet Gawhale asked since Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone has left the house, he is probably disinterested, is

there any point in the voting, and suggested that a phone call be made to Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone to ask at

which the Election Officer and Hon. Secretary both objected that if he had been informed once and was

present earlier, now there is no question of asking him again. Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone should have remained

present since adequate notice had been given to him well in advance and even on the floor of the house. Dr.

Ashith Rao then mentioned that why only five years suspension is proposed? Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone should be

banned for more number of years and asked for a more severe punishment.

Dr. Rajesh Gandhi clarified that on the one hand, Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone says Clinical Meetings are not held in

public institution and now when his own matter is being discussed in the Annual General Body being held in

public institution he has left, it means he has no interest in the society. He said that Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's

threatening the EC was just not acceptable. Dr. Rujuta Mehta clarified upon Dr. Ashith Rao's point and said

that the constitution mentions only 5 years after which if he is interested, he has to write to the EC again and

his re membership can be considered. Dr. Ashith Rao said that Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone should be debarred for

life. Dr. Prakash Samant clarified that he may even come back to know the result and that he may go for legal

proceedings hence he will preserve all the ballot papers.




Dr. Manhar Shah said the voting for Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's expulsion should be on floor and not by ballot

because members who come later will not know what happened during the meeting. Dr. Anil Karkhanis said

members who come late may vote haphazardly.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta clarified that since constitution says inform the matter on the floor of the house hence it was

circulated as people come in, whoever was coming for the AGM and signing the muster is being given a copy

of the papers. If the house wants to vote now, then the AGM has to be stopped. Dr. Vikas Agashe said we have

already circulated and informed the members that voting will be taken and papers were circulated on the floor

of the house. If they have not attended the meeting, then we cannot change the procedure. Dr. Arvind

Goregaonkar reminded everyone that people may come later and put their name on the register and it is

accepted that they attended AGM, then if they have not voted in both the matters it's not correct. That would

certainly be unconstitutional.

Here, Dr. Gautam Zaveri also pointed out that once a time and procedure was declared it has to be followed. If

we stop the house and vote now, Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone may allege that all those people who came after 10.30

am were in my favour and you have denied them a chance. Since the matter became controversial Dr. Prakash

Samant suggested that since MOA President Dr. Ajit Shinde was present, it was better to take his opinion. Dr.

Ajit Shinde opined that election should be done at the declared time.

Dr. N. S. Laud suggested that in the article he has praised himself and he has advertised himself and violated

the Hippocratic Oath. The voting was one part of the action but BOS should also complain to MMC

(Maharashtra Medical Council) which would be a very strict punishment and he should lose his licence to

practise as an orthopaedic surgeon.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta clarified that EC has taken legal opinion on this aspect also and that it was opined that first

we need to take action as a Society and only then can we complain to MMC. Dr. Prakash Samant then

requested to take a final call on whether to proceed with voting. The chairperson, Hon. President Dr. Arvind

Goregaonkar then took the final call and asked him to proceed with the voting process.

Dr. Prakash Samant then left the house to the designated election area and Dr. Rujuta Mehta continued with

the interrupted agenda of matters arising out of previous GBM minutes.

B) Staggering of the Election of Secretary and Treasurer post to alternate years.

There was a new proposal raised by Dr. A. J. Thakur in the AGM of 2017-2108 under Agenda no 4: matters

arising out of Special GBM held in Wadia on October 8, 2017, suggesting that the Secretary and Treasurer

post elections should not be held in the same year and instead staggered. Since this was not a declared agenda

of last AGM, Dr. Sanjay Dhar, Hon. Secretary BOS had opined that it needs to be declared as a formal agenda

first. Through the year, no formal proposal was received in writing from Dr. A. J. Thakur, hence it now qualifies

as a sub-agenda matter arising from last year's AGM minutes. Also no formula had been suggested on how

this staggering should take place, hence the EC deliberated on it and came up with the options a) Either one of

the present posts Secretary or Treasurer's term should be extended General Body to decide which post: or b) In

the next year's election i.e. 2020 to elect one of the posts only for 1 year and allow the same post to be re-

contested, General Body to decide which post.

Dr. A. J. Thakur suggested that it cannot be done without a new Special GBM and he also suggested that in the

same GBM, the proposal should be that 2020 next election the Treasurer post can be for either 1 year or 3

years. This would be a constitutional amendment and it would need ample time for circulation to all the

members. Dr. N. S. Laud said he agrees with Dr. A. J. Thakur. Dr. Rustom Modi asked why can't have the Vice

President act as a Treasurer also for the year and leave the Treasurer post un elected for 1 year which would

enable only Secretary elections next year.

Dr. Ram Chaddha said next year before GBM, we can have an extra ordinary meeting to ratify that one of the

post for next year's election is for 3 years and the other for 2 years. Dr. Sushil Sabnis said this would require a




constitutional amendment first, and acceptance as a formal agenda; only then a special GBM can be held.

After which we have to circulate the minutes for any objections before ratification can take place. Dr. Vikas

Agashe reminded the house that if it is placed in the next AGM then without ratification then the elections

cannot be held in the same meeting. Hence finally it was decided that we accept the agenda first as a

constitutional amendment agenda.

Passed that: Accepted as agenda for Special GBM agenda - constitutional amendment

Proposed by Dr. Aseem Parekh and Seconded by Dr. Sangeet Gawhale.

Dr. Harshad Argekar raised an objection about an item in the last years minutes Pg. 66 item article 16 WIROC

17 Secretary report. He said it should be minuted as “Effective use of social media to create the buzz one week

before WIROC. The word disaster was changed to “perfection using protocols”.

He suggested the word one week to be dropped, and minuted as “Effective use of social media to create the

buzz. The word disaster was changed to “perfection using protocols”.

Dr. Anand Thakur objected to the use of abbreviations in the minutes and initials of members and suggested

that the norm is to use full names.

Correction Proposed by Dr. Ram Chaddha. Seconded by: Dr. Gautam Zaveri

Last year's Annual General Body Meeting Minutes Passed - Proposed by Dr. A. J. Thakur and Seconded by Dr.

S. S. Mohanty.

Dr. Girish Dewnany raised objection about a candidate for EC post who had circulated an SMS at 10.27 am,

when the rules clearly state that no canvassing should be allowed once the GBM starts and whether he should

be barred. Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that Dr. Prakash Samant as Election Officer will decide the course of action.

Dr. Sushil Sabnis said that he may say it was a pre-programmed SMS and object. Dr. V. T. Ingalhalikar said that

amendment to the election rules is needed to stop the campaigning one night before the elections. He also

said a model code of conduct needs to be laid down. As a number of members in the house continued to get

Dr. Tushar Ubale's campaigning SMS's even as late as 11.15 am even after the election process had

commenced, Dr. Tushar Ubale's candidature was declared disqualified by the President and Election Officer.

5. President's Address: Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar said he would like to thank the whole of the EC for their co-operation and hard work and

specially like to thank Dr. Rujuta Mehta since she had worked exceptionally hard at streamlining processes and for

the betterment of the BOS. He also said that BOS runs too many courses which is posing a lot of administrative

problems. The initial response was very poor to a lot of courses which was a great concern for BOS and hence BOS

should seriously consider reducing the number of courses and integrating some of them but conducting only the

best of courses which will enhance the BOS name. He appealed to the house to think about this suggestion


President address was read and accepted.

Proposed by Dr. Aseem Parekh and Seconded by Dr. S. S. Mohanty.

6. Felicitation of Founder Members

Dr. Shyam Bulchandani was ailing and in Bangalore hence absent, his felicitation scroll will be sent to him.

Dr. L. N. Vora felicitated by Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar and Dr. K. V. Chaubal was felicitated by the Hon. President Elect

Dr. S. M. Shahane.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta asked the Founder Members to guide the house regarding the foundation day of BOS.

th Dr. L. N. Vora thanked the EC. And said he does not remember the exact day but since it was in January hence 14

January being Makar Sankranti festival and an auspicious day, it may be accepted.




th Dr. K. V. Chaubal thanked the EC for the honour. He proposed 14 January as the Founder's Day. He thanked the

Society for the honour and at the same time said that he was emotionally pained and depressed that one member

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone had denigrated the Society in print media. He said that the collective wisdom of the

Executive Council and the procedure that they followed for the suspension and appreciated the stance taken by EC

of informing the house, circulating the papers, giving Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone a chance to explain himself and also

allowing members to speak in the matter of the disciplinary action was correct. He suggested that if there is no

provision for expulsion at least the longest possible punishment must be given so that it does not set a bad example

and no other member does a similar derogatory step in future. He once again thanked the EC for remembering the

Founder Members.

Dr. Rajan Walawalkar said today is Vasant Panchami, the day goddess Saraswati is worshiped, hence that too could

be taken as Foundation Day.

The house respected Dr. K. V. Chaubal's sentiments.

7. Presentation of the Hon. Secretary's report: Dr. Rujuta Mehta

Secretary's address was read and accepted.

Proposed: Dr. Gautam Zaveri

Seconded: Dr. Sushil Sabnis

8. Presentation of the Hon. Treasurer's report and audited statement of accounts for the year 2017-18

Dr. Sandeep Sonone presented the Treasurer report.

Dr. Sandeep Sonone said we should invite sponsors for Clinical Meetings and Master Series.

Dr. Sandeep Sonone said we can go completely paperless. Dr. Neeraj Bijlani said what is the harm if printing costs

come in 60 percent of the budget. Dr. Aseem Parekh said scrapping fellowship is not a good thing. Dr. Anand

Thakur said EC has been rigid in not allowing printing of promotional material. Within the limits of the allotted

funds, each convener should be allowed to make expenses. Dr. Anil Karkhanis said the fliers have got a great

impact. Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that if the house had passed a paperless policy earlier, then that should be

implemented for all conveners and if the house approves fliers then even that should be implemented for all

conveners. The house agreed to the earlier policy of paperless BOS.

Dr. Pankaj Ahire asked whether we are following a procedure for big ticket items like the App in digital media also.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta informed the house that BOS was not satisfied with the services of the current App Developer.

There were many issues, hence it has been discontinued. Dr. Neeraj Bijlani said 3 quotes were invited for app


GBM Decision resolved herein thereafter: It was passed to continue the paperless policy as has been the practise for

the last 3 years and is stringent about the digital media costs also.

A lot of discussion took place about the beverages and hard liquor served at dinner and entertainment. A lot of

people expressed their views about issuing coupons and cutting down the time of serving alcohol. Finally, it was

decided to advise the WIROC Secretaries to limit the spending on liquor and entertainment as far as possible.

Dr. Anand J. Thakur asked why cash on hand is so much. Dr. Sandeep Sonone explained that, that was the amount

before the annual report was prepared; subsequently FD's have been made.

The treasurers report was passed with the following recommendations.

a) No Gifts

b) Entertainment expenses to be moderate

c) All bills to BOS and sponsorship to BOS since all the activities are under the aegis of BOS route everything

through BOS.




d) Original bills from the vendor with a GST number so that the set off can be claimed.

Proposed: Dr. V. T. Ingalhalikar

Seconded: Dr. N. S. Laud

9. Appointment of the accountant and the auditor for the year 2018-19.

It was proposed by that we appoint Gabhawala and Company should be reappointed like last year and continued.

Proposed: Dr. L. N. Vora

Seconded: Dr. N. S. Laud

10. To approve the EC's recommendation of the Clinical Meetings and the merging of the courses and to confirm

the Convenors of the various courses

Dr. Rujuta Mehta explained that the AGM of 2016 had mandated that the EC discuss the various courses of the

BOS and then formulate the exact number of courses for the year based on various factors arising from the previous

years' experience and performance. There were a number of issues in the conduct of some of the courses of last

year including non-adherence to guidelines, accounting errors etc. She read out the letter by Dr. Rajesh Gandhi that

the problems regarding the BOS courses were over budgeting, faculty ratio almost 3 times of the delegate strength

and any and everybody being given faculty positions, self-propaganda only by the Convenors, huge catering bills

and severe attitude problems of certain Convenors leading to a bad name of BOS. She also read out a letter written

by the previous BOS secretary, Dr. Sanjay Dhar regarding similar issues, where he had suggested that BOS may be

conducting far too many courses and that the mentor-mentee system has been a failure. Based on several such

complaints, during the very first EC meeting it had been proposed that only flagship courses by invitation from the

EC should be held. But since there were no laid down criteria on how to decide which courses can be held a

Committee comprising of President, Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar; President Elect, Dr. Sunil Shahane and Hon.

Secretary, Dr. Rujuta Mehta was formed to evolve a system. They decided to appoint confidential BOS observers,

who would look only into the administrative aspects. These observers were given the course convener guidelines

and a form to fill and report back to this Committee. The confidentiality of BOS observers was maintained to ensure

that the BOS observers do not get targeted in the event of a negative feedback and many of them agreed only on

this condition. Full freedom was given to all conveners as to the formatting and conduct of the course. It was also

decided that the guidelines will be strictly monitored in addition to the BOS Observers by the Secretary and

Treasurer. The EC proactively helped and ensured that attendance of the courses was not the reason for

cancellation despite the poor response to almost 50 percent of the courses initially. At times, both the Secretary and

President had to send their own residents to ensure that the course attained the 50% attendance for viability of the

course. At every EC meeting, the problems of the courses were discussed, some of the courses were given a lifeline

and still the courses were not conducted properly.

There were several issues due to MMC website's poor functioning and slow updating, and as a result of multiple

simultaneous clashes of dates of courses, some of the courses did not get MMC credits, in some cases the

conveners did not make any efforts to apply for MMC points.

After a lot of contemplation, it was decided that the number of courses this year would be 12 instead of 26 last year

and many courses would be merged in order to streamline BOS courses conduct. The team of the President,

President Elect and Secretary had put in a lot of thought and effort in deciding this and is now putting forth this

proposal respecting the BOS Observer's suggestions to the AGM. The proposal was based on introspection in good

faith and requesting the BOS Members to reinvent how they conduct courses, make them unique in nature and a

cut above the rest: in this current scenario of an overload of multi institute mushrooming academics and courses

being privately conducted all around. This effort of the EC was an integrative step to make the BOS courses more

comprehensive, have a repeat value and be sustainable for a long time. This exercise was also to promote the

popularity abroad on the feedback of some international delegates who expressed a desire to be able to attend




more in the short time that they come to Mumbai on account of one course. Hence, wherever the course content

was blendable those courses were suggested on a merger. The rest which were too different were left as a stand-

alone. As per the Constitution, some PG activities were also needed hence some of the basic foundational courses

were suggested to merge with JCT PG activities. In addition, a Training of Trainers will be conducted on AO lines to

upgrade and ensure and upgrade to crème de LA crème faculty.

There was a lot of discussion about this point. Two or three members proposed that all the courses that were

omitted should be restored. Dr. Rujuta Mehta reminded them that the correct word was merged and not omitted.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar said that it is the first time that such and intensive study was done and there were strong

reasons for going ahead with certain courses and merging the others. Dr. Gautam Zaveri said that tremendous

work was done by the three Committee members and hence house should not debate on it instead implement it at

least for two or three years and then discuss the pros and cons.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta reminded the house that previous AGM's since 2010 had clearly outlined that Advanced

Arthroscopy Course should be held once in three years and it was an error that last few years it was given for

consecutive years hence this year EC proposes to correct that. Therefore, only one arthroscopy course has been

advertised. Since there were two applicants for it, she requested both the gentlemen to try and be Joint Conveners

for the same. Dr. Kumar Dussa and Dr. Sandeep Biraris said that the decision of merging the Basic and Advanced

Arthroscopy Courses was not feasible for them as both courses are totally different and at different grades of

learning. Hence it is difficult to present a single course for this.

Dr. Sushil Sabnis said that this is a unilateral decision taken by the EC. He felt that there have been three Conveners

and experts of the Arthroscopy course namely the two applicants desirous of two arthroscopy courses this year

who say that they cannot merge or conduct jointly. He felt that these courses are quite popular and in fact should be

definitely continued as they are. He felt that in spite of these experts who have conducted the course are refusing to

merge it, why is the EC pushing ahead still with the agenda. He also said that the BOS Imaging Course conducted

by Dr. A. J. Thakur is very good and should be continued. Dr. Anil Karkhanis said that why should the Presidents be

known as people who cut down courses and said they should do more rather than less. He then made an adverse

remark which he withdrew since Dr. Rujuta Mehta objected to the nature of the same.

Dr. V. T. Ingalhallikar said that in the last imaging course, not more than 10% of delegates were BOS members or

even orthopaedic surgeons. Hence, its importance for BOS members should be questioned.

Dr. Sangeet Gawhale supported the decision of the EC and felt that the EC had done a lot of homework and this

should be allowed for this year. The delegates should not be taught everything and some variability has to be there.

Dr. Sunil Shahane said that no course has been cancelled permanently. It is just that as per the AGM mandate a few

years back, the Basic Arthroscopy Course can be held this year, while the Advanced Arthroscopy Course can be held

next year.

Dr. Sushil Sabnis then said that this was bullying and arthroscopy courses should not be merged. Dr. Rajesh Gandhi

reminded him that similar hot debates had taken place in 2015 when Dr. Ram Chaddha was President and after

which in the subsequent EC was empowered to take a decision on the same. Dr. Rajesh Gandhi read out the

directive on the 2016-2017 AGM and objected to the language used by Dr. Sushil Sabnis and said the EC cannot be

punished or doing their job sincerely. Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar also requested Dr. Sushil Sabnis not to use the kind of

language he did, and Dr. Rujuta Mehta reminded him that the merger decision was based on two things - 2016 EC

directive and the recommendation of the arthroscopy experts who were the observers for both last year's

arthroscopy courses and online delegate feedback. She asked Dr. Sushil Sabnis whether he wanted the EC to

disregard the BOS observer's recommendation and previous AGM directives.

Dr. Roshan Wade asked what the criteria behind this decision were. Was attendance of the course the only

criterion? If that is the case, the arthroscopy courses have always been well subscribed and had never had any issue

of not getting enough delegates. Hence, he questioned the reason for this decision.




Dr. Rujuta Mehta again said that she has put forth the criteria to the house. She also asked Dr. Roshan Wade that

the agenda of the AGM had been circulated a month back. If anyone had any objections it should have been sent to

the EC in writing 20 days prior to the AGM. How come none of them had written so far about their objections, but

at the same time applied for the merged course?

Dr. Sandeep Biraris questioned why there are two courses for spine while there is only one course for arthroscopy.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta explained that this was as per the directives of the past AGM's where it was clearly said that

Advanced Arthroscopy should be held only once in three years and these exact instructions were followed by the


Dr. K. V. Chaubal explained that the courses are where our learning curve of a particular procedure is compressed to

3-4 days. The BOS should not take the onus of teaching the residents and PGs. There are Medical Colleges and

Teaching Hospitals and the BOS courses have to perform a different role. He said that the BOS EC should not be

mistrusted since they are doing the job given by the AGM.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar said that this decision has been arrived at after studying a number of things and these are

our decisions. Unfortunately, it was found that some people who are Convenors are indulging in self-propagation,

which should not be allowed. He also said that people are usually just opposing any change for good without


Dr. Vikas Agashe said that he was the one who had seconded the motion in 2016 AGM and this year's EC had

already worked a lot in it, hence we should go ahead with the merger. But over the years, subsequent EC's may not

put in the same, hence they should declare the criteria by which the EC gauged the value of the courses and came to

a conclusion. Hence let the EC decision remain in place right now, and next year come up with solid criteria for

consideration of courses.

Dr. Roshan Wade asked whether the decision of the Arthroscopy courses was that of the “subject expert” and what

was it based on? Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar reminded him that it was based on previous AGM decision and criteria

which she had already detailed earlier.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta then read out the applicants for convenership of the various courses to the entire AGM.

Dr. Kumar Dussa withdrew the claim for the Arthroscopy Course convenership and Dr. Sandeep Biraris declined the

convenership of the Arthroscopy Course despite applying for it. Hence, the convenership of the arthroscopy course

for the year 2019-2020 fell vacant to be filled by nomination as per the President's veto powers.

Dr. L. N. Vora approved the entire merger and also added that the motion should be that the list of 12 courses this

year can be accepted as proposed by the EC and the other courses can be considered for subsequent years.

Dr. Vikas Agashe reminded the house that since the EC had acted on the directive of 2016 AGM and decided the list

of courses, hence no voting is possible on the said matter.

GBM decision: It was hereby resolved therein hereafter that the Executive Council's proposal about the merger of

the courses was passed. This motion was carried by the majority. This point was proposed by Dr. L. N. Vora and

seconded by Dr. Vishal Kundanani.

Final List of conveners

1. Training of trainers: By invitation

2. Fracture Fixation Course: Dr. Abhijeet Kale

3. Basic Arthroplasty: Dr. Anup Dhamangaonkar

4. Basic Spine: Dr. Tushar Rathod

5. Paediatric Orthopaedics - Comprehensive Course: Dr. Mandar Agashe, Dr. Jaideep Dhamele and Dr. Swapnil


6. Hand Course: Dr. Rohan Habbu




7. External Fixators Course (JESS and Ilizarov): Dr. Rajesh Gandhi and Dr. Suhas Shah

8. Arthroscopy: Applicants withdrawn hence EC to nominate

9. Technology Course: Dr. Neeraj Bijlani

10. Pelvi-acetabular Course: Dr. Pradeep Nemade

11. Advanced Spine - All inclusive Cervical Spine and MIS: Dr. Sandeep Sonone

12. Orthopedic Oncology and Oncosurgery: Dr. Ashish Gulia

13. JCT activities inclusive of any two of the following - Surgical Approaches and Flaps / Foundational Course for

Fracture Fixation / Impetus PG Course: Convener, Dr. Anil Karkhanis to decide which two lecture series in

addition to fixed pre declared bedside clinical case presentations.

The list of courses was carried by the majority and the proposal was passed.

This point was proposed by Dr. L. N. Vora and seconded by Dr. Vishal Kundanani.

The venues of the clinical meetings of the next year were discussed. The following venues were decided:

April: Cooper Hospital

June: Nair Hospital

August: L.T.M.G Sion Hospital

October: Babasaheb Ambedakar Railway Hospital, Byculla

February 2020: B. J. Wadia Hospital for children

Regarding the Master Series, since BPT was a new applicant it was said that EC would recommend to the new Vice

President of BOS, but final decision on the topics, venues and conveners is as per the Vice President's prerogative.

11. Best Clinical Meeting Award

The Clinical Meetings were judged by a panel of three judges on the basis of case selection, conduct, and follow up,

literature review systematization. The best clinical meeting award was awarded to L. T. M. G. H. Sion Hospital.

12. Appointment of the Webmaster

Dr. Rujuta Mehta informed the house that the present webmaster Dr. Neeraj Bijlani had written a mail to the

Secretary stating that he would like to resign from the post of Webmaster due to some personal issues and

recommended Dr. Ashok Shyam for the post till the next AGM. The EC decided to appoint Dr. Ashok Shyam to this

post at that time and would like to now appoint a new Webmaster with the approval of the house. However, it was

found that Dr. Ashok Shyam is also contesting for the post of EC member and hence if he would win, he will not be

allowed to hold two posts. It was decided that Dr. Swapnil Keny should be made the main Webmaster since he has

the requisite expertise for the same. If Dr. Ashok Shyam does not win the election, then he can be made the Co-

webmaster while if he wins, then Dr. Kshitij Chaudhary will be made the Co-webmaster with Dr. Swapnil Keny. Dr.

Rujuta Mehta said that the exact terms and conditions of the webmaster appointment would be decided in a short

while. The following would be the terms and conditions:

Terms of appointment and function

• Answerable to EC as regards all the functioning and quotations of digital media

• To be the face of the BOS Executive and Society on the web by default. May be invited for EC meetings

for specific agenda but not a part of EC.

• No technology company which can create a conflict of interest with BOS can be owned by them.

• If there is any such conflict, then to act in the interest of the BOS.

• BOS app to be hosted on BOS server




• All features of the app to be integrated.

• Regular updates without prompting

• To ensure fair pricing for services rendered to be vendor

Nomination of the webmaster was accepted by the house.

Proposed by Dr. S. S. Mohanty seconded by Dr. Sudhir Sharan.

13. WIROC 2018 Organising Secretary's report

Dr. Sanjay Garude and Dr. S. S. Bawa discussed about WIROC 2018. WIROC 2018 was a grand success with about

1084 delegates, with 180 faculty and 54 trade partners. The biggest onus of this year's WIROC was trauma and

there were a number of unique aspects like Video Presentations, Multimedia Centre, ROC tales, etc. Live streaming

was available which was appreciated by a number of delegates.

The total income from the delegate registrations was around 2 Cr, while trade contributed around 1.7 Cr making a

total of 3.7 Cr. The expenses were around 2.62 Cr which led to a surplus of around 1.08 Cr. Deducting the GST and

other taxes, the profit was around 52 L along with a GST setoff which is expected to be around 20 L. This made it

one of the most profitable WIROC's of recent times. The house applauded the organizing team for the same.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta explained to the house that during WIROC 2018, in the publications section, she had

inadvertently missed out on the names of two people Dr. Deepak Goyal and Dr. Swapnil Keny, both of whom had

published a book chapter. Dr. Deepak Goyal could not attend the AGM while Dr. Swapnil Keny was felicitated by

the Secretary and President on stage and given a certificate of appreciation.

The WIROC Organising Secretaries' report was passed.

14. Ratification of the WIROC 2019 Organising Secretaries

Dr. Gautam Zaveri and Dr. Sudhir Sharan were ratified as the Organizing Secretary of WIROC 2019.

Proposed by Dr. Sangeet Gawhale and seconded by Dr. Niranjan Rathod.

15. Confirmation of the speakers for the Dr. R. J. Katrak and Dr. K. T. Dholakia Orations 2019, 2020 and to

confirm the standby speakers of 2020 and main speakers of 2021.

The speakers of the orations of the years 2019 and 2020 were confirmed.

For the speakers for 2021 (standby for 2020), there was a long discussion since a number of names were put forth

by the members as well as recommended by the EC. The names put forth were Dr. Ajay Puri, Dr. Hemant Patankar,

Dr. Sudhir Warrier, Dr. Milind Chaudhary, Dr. Anant Joshi.

Dr. Anil Bhatia recommended his own nomination as he said that he is one of the leading brachial plexus surgeons

of the country and there is in fact a diploma in brachial Plexus surgery under him and his name should be considered

for the oration.

Dr. Anil Karkhanis recommended the name of Dr. Aseem Parekh for the oration. He also sought a clarification about

whether his name was confirmed as standby for 2019 and confirmed for 2020.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta recommended the name of Dr. Ashok Johari.

Dr. Aseem Parekh put forth that BOS is an academic and scientific body and when was the last time an academic

orthopaedic surgeon was given the mantle of being an orator, not to the best of his memory even one single time in

the last 25 years. He felt that he is best suited for the same since he has been in academics since the last 30 or so


Dr. S. S. Mohanty said that Dr. A. N. Supe who also was a distinguished teacher in BMC Hospitals for a long time had

given the oration a few years back.




Dr. Ram Chaddha said that orations should not be discussed in such a manner since this then becomes very

undignified. He suggested that a nomination committee comprising of 5 past orators and 5 past Presidents be

made and asked to suggest the names of the Orators.

Dr. Anil Karkhanis proposed that we should carry out Dr. Ram Chaddha's method of forming a committee and

deferring the decision.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar agreed with this suggestion but added that the structure of the committee can be

discussed in EC.

Dr. Rajesh Gandhi also agreed and said that their suggestion can be ratified in the next AGM.

Dr. Ajay Puri also concurred and said that since the current discussion is about the orators for 2021, we do have

plenty of time and it can be discussed over one year and presented to the next AGM.

Dr. Roshan Wade disagreed with the above and said that a vote should be taken and decided on the floor of the


Dr. Sunil Shahane and Dr. Rujuta Mehta checked in the constitution and said that there is no constitutional

provision for the same in the constitution and hence a vote on Dr. Ram Chaddha's proposal can be taken.

Discussion was also done for the Dr. K. T. Dholakia orators.

One of the names recommended by the EC was Dr. Darryl D'Lima who is recognized as one of the foremost

researchers in cartilage research from San Diego, USA.

Dr. A. J. Thakur said that he is an orthopaedic surgeon who is now in research and hence his name should not be

included in the KTD orators since by convention, they are non orthopaedic surgeons, he suggested that Dr. Darryl

D'Lima would be eligible for Katrak oration.

He proposed the name of Dr. Pankaj Pankaj who is a lead researcher in clinical biomechanics from UK. Dr. A. J.

Thakur gave a brief synopsis of his CV.

Dr. Vikas Agashe said that Dr. Darryl D'Lima is not just an orthopaedic surgeon but also holds degrees in

biomechanics and should be considered.

Dr. Roshan Wade proposed the name of Dr. Ravi Ramakanthan who is the ex-HOD of Radiology from KEM and one

of the most foremost names in plain orthopedic radiology. He has a very great connect with orthopaedic surgeons,

especially for those from KEM.

Dr. Ajay Puri and Dr. Rujuta Mehta proposed that all the names for the KTD oration also can be discussed by the

aforementioned committee also.

Dr. Aseem Parekh spoke against this motion why have we been going about it in this sorry way so far and insisted

on minuting an editorial comment if we choose as his opinion. In the presence of 2 Founder Members of the BOS,

we have divorced tradition, convention and driven romance out of our hands. Votes are carried without being

right. Democracy here may not be right. I cannot be a part of the present meeting where it has put convention,

tradition and romance out to the wolves. Saying this, Dr. Aseem Parekh exited the meeting.

Dr. A. J. Thakur proposed that we vote that the selection of the orators should be entrusted to the five Presidents

Committee. The Presidents then referred to the constitution, under the Bye laws article VI, which Dr. Sunil Shahane

read out verbatim where it is clearly mentioned in “The orations and guest lectures shall be suitably accommodated

in preparing the scientific program after due consultations with the President and the Council.”

A vote was taken for the formation of a stewardship or nomination committee by the EC to recommend orators

henceforth to the house and it was passed with majority.

This was proposed by Dr. Ram Chaddha and seconded by Dr. Ajay Puri.




16. Report of the BOS Research Project

Dr. Sujata Aiyer put forth the report of the BOS Research Project which she is working on. She said that there were

few initial hurdles but now the project is quite streamlined and is on its way with a new methodology. As of now, of

the 10 Lakhs approved for her project, Rs. 3 Lakhs has been utilized and she requested the EC to release some more

money for the start of the next step of the project.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that since there have been some changes in the methodology itself of the project than what

was initially put forth to the committee; hence an Ethics Committee re-approval is mandatory. She requested Dr.

Sujata Aiyer to put forth the report of the amended project to the Research Committee who would take the

decision on release of funds after discussion with the Research Committee.

This point was proposed by Dr. S. K. Srivastava and seconded by Dr. Harshad Argekar.

17. JCORTH report

Dr. Rujuta Mehta said that the official journal of the BOS JCORTH is progressing well due to the great efforts of its

editors Dr. Nicholas Antao and Dr. Ashok Shyam. The report has been published in the Calendar of Events.

Passed by Dr. S. K. Srivastava and Dr. L. N. Vora.

18. BOS Library Project

Dr. Anand Thakur gave his report.

He said that over the last 5 years, 100 books were procured by this project and have been housed in the Cooper

Hospital Library. This year, he has selected 20 books for which 4 quotations have been asked for, and the lowest

quotation will be asked to supply the books. He said that the Cooper Hospital Librarian has agreed to provide

access to the login of the Clinical Key which is an online repository of almost 90 standard books like Campbell,

Rockwood etc. as well as 120 journals like OCNA. He asked the AGM whether this should be continued or not.

Dr. L. N. Vora inquired about the cost (1.45 L this year). He said that he is ready to donate this amount to BOS for

this purpose.

Dr. Bibhash Dasgupta did not agree with Dr. A. J. Thakur. He said that the Cooper Library cannot give the clinical

key access to everyone. This is very strict and a single username etc. should have only 50 users. Unfortunately, this

was given to all BOS members as a mail which was very inappropriate. He felt that there are not criteria for its use

for all BOS members.

Dr. A. J. Thakur confirmed that there was a technical mistake from their side.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar asked how many people have used this collection. If not many people are using it, then it is

of no use. He felt that it is better to have online collection.

Dr. Vikas Agashe asked how would the BOS members access the library, since the library is inside the Cooper

Hospital which may not accessible to everyone. Can the books be loaned out to read? Dr. Sandeep Sonone said that

they checked, not many people have visited this section since its inception. Dr. Roshan Wade said that the proposal

of e-library was put forth by Dr. Mandar Agashe last year which was unfortunately not accepted. He said that that is

a best proposal and only online library should be made.

The AGM decided to discontinue the library project by a clear majority.

Proposed by Dr. Girish Dewnany and seconded by Dr. Ram Chaddha.

19. Ratification of new members:

Dr. S. S. Mohanty said that there have been some new members whose degrees are put to be only MBBS. Are they

really only MBBS or there is some mistake? Dr. Rujuta Mehta apologized for this inadvertent technical error, and

said that due to some mistake in the form, this issue has arisen. She promised to check the eligibility of new




members based on their qualifications. It was suggested that this list should be provisionally accepted and she

would send an addendum with the corrected list after checking all the qualifications along with the AGM minutes.

Hence, these members were provisionally ratified subject to scrutiny by BOS Secretary again of the papers and

declaration of list freshly re-written in correct format.

Proposed by Dr. Sangeet Gawhale and seconded by Dr. N. R. Rathod.

20. President Elect Dr. Sunil Shahane's address

The President Elect for 2019-2020 gave the house his Presidential theme “Winning Decisions: Getting it right the

first time…”

President Elects' address as read out and accepted.

Proposed by Dr. Gautam Zaveri. Seconded by Dr. Sudhir Sharan.

21. Any other matters:

Dr. Rujuta Mehta told the AGM that Dr. A. J. Thakur had sent a long letter to the EC regarding various points. The

EC had given a point to point answer to all the questions put forth. Dr. A. J. Thakur said that he has not checked

whether he has received the mail or not and it may have gone in the spam folder. He said that he would peruse the

letter and get back.

Dr. Swapnil Keny asked whether the suggestion which was given by Dr. C. J. Thakkar last year regarding making of

a state-of-the-art cadaveric dissection lab under the auspices of the BOS has been implemented or taken ahead. Dr.

Harshad Argekar said that he had looked into this. He said that though it is an excellent idea, it is not very practical

due to very difficult licensing issues of the chemicals involved in preserving the cadavers. Dr. K. V. Chaubal said that

Nair Hospital is planning a cadaveric lab, the BOS can check with them. Dr. Roshan Wade said that MCGM is

planning a skill development lab at Acworth Hospital which will be on similar lines. He said that it will help if BOS

affiliates with this rather than going to start the setup on its own.

Dr. S. S. Mohanty asked whether any decision has been taken regarding office space for the BOS. Dr. Sandeep

Sonone said that this issue has been discussed last year and has been decided that it is not feasible in the current

point of time as we do not have enough funds for this as of now.

The matters discussed under this agenda were all taken.

This point was then carried. After which Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar said that all the agenda is now over and thanked

the house for staying back despite the late hour.

Result of the elections:

The results of the elections were as follows:

President Elect: Dr. Shubhranshu Mohanty

Executive Council Members: Dr. Ashok Shyam and Dr. Vishal Kundnani.

Total number of votes was 333 and 2 ballots were disqualified.

The vote of thanks and with welcoming of the new members was then conducted for outgoing EC members, Dr.

Sanjay Garude and Dr. Surindar Bawa and Dr. Rajesh Gandhi the longest serving EC member in continuity, the

second year graduating EC Members Dr. Mandar Agashe and Dr. Satish Mutha and Election Officer who said that

the disciplinary action was being counted by the tellers.

Dr. Swapnil Keny's certificate was located and read out in the correct format and his publication was recognized in

front of the General Body by the President.




The Technology Course Convener Dr. Neeraj Bijlani then showed a short video to promote the upcoming

technology course.

The meeting was then declared closed by the President, Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar and everyone was invited for


Note: Regarding the ballot of the disciplinary action Dr. Shirkrishna Dhone's suspension: As per the advice of both

the tellers and the Chief Election Officer, a separate poll in the said matter will be conducted in a Special General

Body Meeting, date for the same will be subsequently announced. The EC has decided in good faith to follow their



th Pending SGBM matter from 4 August, 2020







thPending SGBM matter from 4 August, 2020



*A special interview by Rohini Khadilkar - Potnis*

Well-known hospitals: A den for doctors to loot people

Mumbai, Sunday: The so-called big shot doctors in the city of Mumbai literally consider their patients as prey. The

buzzing life and the everyday rigorous local train journey of Mumbai is wrecking bones of many Mumbaikars on a daily

basis. This leads many of them at the doorsteps of an Orthopedic Surgeon. But once such an exasperated person appears

at the doorstep, he or she is treated as nothing more than a prey fallen in a trap. He is prescribed with over the top

expensive investigations and treatments one after the other, which include the Doctor's commission. Then stressing the

necessity of “operation”, the patient is dragged to the operation bed. Frustrated with the agony, the patients tend to

undergo the operation with the silence of the lamb. This shocking ordeal is a regular phenomenon in almost 90% of the

big hospitals. Dr. Dhone, an orthopedic surgeon based in Kalwa furnished the information.


*A special interview by Rohini Khadilkar - Potnis*

*Racket of big hospitals*

“Bombay Orthopaedic Society” is an organization of rich and high-class doctors. Where if any doctor is trying to cure

patients without operation is not allowed to speak up even if he tries to do so. This is how this whole racket is operating.

With conferences in five-star hotels, clinical meetings are carried out. But not a single clinical meeting is conducted in J. J.

Hospital or Shivaji Hospital. There is not a single annual clinical meeting in D. Y. Patil Medical College. If there is no clinical

meeting, what exactly do these orthopedic surgeons learn?

Mumbai, Sunday: The so-called big shot doctors in the city of Mumbai literally consider their patients as prey. The

buzzing life and the everyday rigorous local train journey of Mumbai is enough to rattle bones of a Mumbaikar to the ruin.

Which leads many of them at the doorsteps of an Orthopedic Surgeon. But once such an exasperated person appears at

the doorstep, he or she is treated as nothing more than a prey fallen in a trap. He is subjected to over the top expensive

investigations and treatments one after the other, which include the Doctor's commission as well. Then stressing the

necessity of “operation”, the patient is dragged to the operation bed. Frustrated with the agony, the patient undergoes

the operation with the silence of the lamb. This shocking ordeal is a regular phenomenon in almost 90% of the big

hospitals. Dr. Dhone, an orthopedic surgeon based in Kalwa furnished the information.

Dr. Dhone runs a private clinic at Shivaji Chowk in Kalwa. Once you cross the bridge, you can see his hospital, first floor on

the left. Many patients come to this institution wailing and part their ways smiling! Is this a miracle or wizardry? But we

ourselves have witnessed this. And that is why we are printing his small interview in today's edition.

There are many aged women and elderly who can not walk. They have been told that their knees are deteriorated due to

old age. The first thing they tell you to do, in big hospitals, is to get the X-ray done, which is followed by a CT scan and MRI.

The overwhelmed patient somehow manages the funds, get these medical tests done and take those reports to the doctor.

The doctor examines the reports and tells him which was already predicted. “Operation needs to be done, the knee needs

to be replaced, once you go through the physiotherapy and exercises for 2 months; you will be able to walk.” The patient

is already agonized and exhausted by now. Eventually, the relatives feel the burn after hearing the grand total of 5-10

lakhs rupees. It's called Slip disk. If the disc from the human backbone leaves its place, a person is on the verge of being in-

capacitate; and once he is in excruciating pain, the big shot doctors of the hospital start milking the situation. “Grab hold

of him and cut him through” is the approach. Then the operation is done. And even after the operation, 500-1000 bucks

are needed to be paid for each session of physiotherapy. Then again, there are the bills of these systematic CT scans and

MRIs. All this, end up draining the patient emotionally and everyone around him also begin to feel the fatigue of taking

care of him. These days, this is the story of every household. Dr. Dhone is the only man standing against this dangerous






When surrounded by other orthopedic surgeons, he openly asserts that this mentality of “Grab hold of him and cut him

through” is just not right. In the past, a local bone doctor used to mend your bones. A slipped disc was applied with some

pressure and was again put in the place. Dr. Shastri once kicked in the exact spot on the back of well renowned Mr. Mohan

Dhariya, and Mr. Mohan Dhariya could walk again. Even he had a case of slipped disc. So this loot by the orthopedic

surgeons needs to stop somewhere. Why do you want to operate on simple ailments that can be fixed by simple

treatment? Just for the sake of earning a few more bucks, doctors should not operate on people instead of giving

appropriate treatment.

Chiropractors in America

There are institutes in America that train people to be bone doctors by the name Chiropractors. They are given license after

the training is completed. They are allowed to set up the clinic, as the license is issued by their name. We used to make our

children grab hold the helm of their own ear and make them do sit-ups. Saint Samarth Ramdas built Hanuman temples.

Children were used to doing pushups, pull-ups, etc. muscle strengthening exercises. Today people are not able to do

pushups. When people are retired, they need to buy a cycle, do some yoga, walking or such kind of exercises. When the

muscle of your thighs weakens and shock-absorbers cease to work, you begin feeling pain in your knees.

Mediclaim patients need to beware

People get their mediclaim done. If the operation is done, patients need to go through the ordeal. People with mediclaim

need to be more cautious. Big hospitals ask a patient with mediclaim to get a whole lot of tests done in order to generate

big bills.

God is a miracle

The disease of a backbone is such that its pain is insufferable. Only those who are going through will be able to

understand. When such a helpless patient comes to the doctor, it is not right to ask him to get operated. Today there are

some steroid injections that stops the pain stop instantaneously and a person can walk. After that, with physiotherapy and

exercise, a patient can be healed automatically. God has created magic in every man's body. There is a small gap near disc

in the backbone. If you give an injection in this space, you can feel some relief. The body heals itself. For that, you need

mental rest, positive mindset and proper exercise. Many elderly women complain about their sore knee. The bones in the

knee are deteriorated. The oil from the oil caps in the knee is dried out. Because of this, there is a friction of bones and leg

start hurting. In such situations, with the help of steroid injections, you can reintroduce the oil in the oil sac. So that a

patient suffering from the pain can go home walking on his own two feet as the pain is subsided. Many times with steroid

injections, calcium injection a person can walk again. Once you start walking, it automatically gives exercise to your knees,

leading to re-percolation of oil in the oil sac in knees and knee starts healing. Our hormones create this oil and the oil keeps

percolating in the oil sac. The microscopic pores from which the oil secretion happens, if gets tanked in, the leg starts

hurting. Steroid injection makes this pore clear. If there is water accumulation in the leg, the hurt increases many folds.

Even painkiller medicines would not be able to stop the pain. Some people opt for oil massage; others go for hot water

bags. Still, the pain does not go away. In such cases, this injection comes handy. But does this injection improve the

condition of the patient? But instead of checking this, many surgeons these days are suggesting surgery straight away. By

suggesting surgeries for financial gains instead of preliminary treatment, doctors have turned into “devils”.

Once they get to know that it's a slipped disc, many go to their native village. The renowned doctor in Mumbai may have

suggested surgery. But these people go to the village and get the disc fixed by the local bone doctor. How come this

remote village bone doctor knows something that a well-qualified city doctor doesn't? This is an art. There is special

importance to these bone doctors in Indian culture. But this art is now on the verge of extinction. These days foreign

returned doctors with big fancy degrees and five-star hospitals are more important. But these five-star hospitals cut

through your bones and make you half of a man. Instead of that, a bone doctor sitting in a shabby dark room by the road in

a remote village can mend your bone and fix your disc. Isn't this a miracle? And that exactly is what Dr. Dhone is telling us.

And for that, he is fighting in the meetings of orthopedic doctors.





Experience at the civil hospital

Dr. Dhone studied under the guidance of the famous Dr. Dholakia. He himself is an orthopedic surgeon. He has worked in

Thane's Civil Hospital for a long time. Before that, he was in Alibaug Civil Hospital in Raigad district. He says, “Have a look

at the situation of civil hospitals. The AC in the operation theatre is mostly not functional. You cannot see operations

undergoing on computers. Apparatus and equipment required for operation are not there. We have carried out

operations in such situations. We have performed as many as five to ten operations a day. Because how long are we going

to make the patient wait? That is why we have got a lot of experience. Even if we see a patient walking, we can figure out,

what is wrong with him. We keep many of the patients with ourselves and apply traction. We are well versed with the art

of applying traction. After applying the traction for 10-15 days, the disc returns back to it's original place. Never tamper

with bones. Before that, whatever optional treatment is necessary, doing that is more beneficial. Even after a Steroid

injection, applying traction and physiotherapy and if you are still not feeling well, only then the option of surgery is viable.

But once you remove the knee and replace it with steel knee, it will subside the pain temporarily. Your body will try to

throw out any foreign material. How can a steel knee get acclimatized with living muscle and blood? Living thing

recognizes other life but will distance itself from the nonliving.”

With a controversial statement, Dr. Dhone said, “I have learned a lot and I have plenty of experience. Women from poor

family come to me. Some women come from the families where they are the sole bread earner. Women doing regular

chores always complain about pain in the waist. They are frustrated paying for kid's education, husband's drinking. How

can you operate on such women? Who will look after them after the operation? Who will nurse them back to health? At

least someone has to think about that. But these days, many of the doctors have turned into devils. They don't think about

the poor. They only think about how much money they can make out of operation. Not to mention, if a wealthy patient

comes by, he will be operated on, 100%. What else happens in big hospitals? The patients who are suggested operation,

how can the same patient goes to the village and gets better? Those who became a doctor by paying crores of rupees in

fees and earning fancy degrees, are they reimbursing their educational expenses from patient's money?”

Today there are medical colleges where you don't have to carry out a case study and write a report about it. Rich kids arrive

in cars and leave by declaring to the professors that they are not in the mood of learning today. Their parents have paid

crores of rupees in donation, on their education. Then why would anyone fail them? They pass the course without efforts

and become surgeons. Working under the guidance of some famous doctor, they gain some experience. With some

reference, they get to set up a clinic near the OPD of some famous hospital. They treat the patient in the clinic like prey.

Then the game of “Grab hold of him and cut him through” begins. Even the lion hunts only when he is hungry. But the

doctor these days, have begun eating money instead of food to subside the hunger, and that hunger would never go


In the end, Dr. Dhone wants to convey that, if you are experiencing pain in the waist, back or knee, do not opt for the

decision of surgery instantaneously. There are plenty of other options. Do go for them. Someone needs to stand up tall and

stop this loot by the doctors. We are humbly requesting Chief Minister Devendra Fadanvis to train bone doctors at the

local level as well. Formulate the certified course for them. It will not only help the victims of roadside accidents but will

also end the monopoly. Due to this, the bones weakened in the local train journey, will be properly fixed and many families

will be saved from going broke.

*An article from “Daily Sandhyakal”

thIssue Dated: Sunday, 9 September, 2018







Transcript for 11/10/2018 - Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone Executive Council Enquiry

Meeting attended by:

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar (Chair), Dr. Sunil Shahane, Dr. Rajesh Gandhi, Dr. Rujuta Mehta, Dr. Sandeep Sonone, Dr. Sanjay

Garude, Dr. Surendar Singh Bava, Dr. Gautam Zaveri, Dr. Sudhir Sharan, Dr. Mandar Agashe, Dr. Satish Mutha.

Dr. C. J. Thakkar was granted leave of absence.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone entered with his wife at about 8.40 pm. She was asked to have a seat outside the room as being a

non-member she cannot attend the EC meeting and the restaurant was asked to serve her some refreshments till she waits

for Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone.

President Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar asked Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone to have a seat. He then informed Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone ththat this enquiry was regarding the article in SANDHYAKAAL newspaper dated 9 September, 2018 and asked him

whether Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone had given this interview.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone, you are a senior member of BOS. Is that right?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Have you published an article which is your interview in Sandhyakaal about Bombay thOrthopaedic Society on 9 September, 2018?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Despite being a senior member, you have written against your own association.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : You have used objectionable words and language in this article; you have said “all BOS

members believe in “dhara and kaapa” meaning “just catch and cut”

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Why have you said that whole BOS is indulging in “dhara and kaapa”? This is very insulting

to BOS Members. Anyone who reads the paper will have a bad image about BOS and all the

doctors in BOS.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes I did it, but I will tell you the background for it and I will tell you why this article has


Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone's phone rang, Dr. Rujuta Mehta asked him to switch it off till the

enquiry lasted.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Ok. Explain this enquiry is being conducted to allow you a fair chance to explain yourself.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Nilubhau Khadilkar who is a Padmashree Awardee and very well-known personality took his

wife to Lilavati Hospital and then to Shushrusha Hospital for her knee pain and both places

she was advised knee joint replacement and told there is no other option. After which they

went to multiple hospitals and they were given the same answer and then they came to me.

One another reporters' relative was also advised joint replacement. When I examined Rohini

Khadilkar, the lady who I have this interview to, she had patella tap positive. Patella tap

positive means knee joint effusion. So, I instantly put her on range of movement exercises

and our school days exercises of “uthak baithak” which strengthens the quadriceps and I

have good results. I give skin traction to relieve spasm of vastus medialis and steroid injection

for pain relief to all, my patients improve with this technique of mine.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone, that is your opinion and technique you are welcome to follow it, but

others may be having a different opinion, are they not entitled to the same. Why have you

said all other doctors are cheating patients?



Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : I have been practising this since many years and have excellent results.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : In this article you have also said that you give injection depo Medrol to the patients for

treatment of osteoarthritis. Do you give it to all your patients?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Does everyone have a good result?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Have you considered that steroids can have side effects? Does none of your patients have

any side effects?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : No, all my patients improve with my treatment. I need not study the side effects of steroids, it

is my practical experience.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Ok, leave that aside. Why have you said “Bombay Orthopaedic Society is a Society of the

rich and hi- fi doctors?” Is it an organisation only of rich doctors?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Who sitting over here is poor?

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : Why do you say so?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : I am not aware of any provision for poor patients that are made by others except me.

Dr. Rajesh Gandhi : I treat lots of free patients regularly as an honorary twice a week at Ram Krishna Mission and

Aarogya Nidhi.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : I also treat a lot of free patients in my OPD and ward through various government schemes

and my department actively helps the poor and needy from Dharavi since many years. A lot

of orthopaedic surgeons serve as honoraries at various municipal and government institutes.

In addition to that, surgeons like Dr. Bhojraj do camps in various interiors of Maharashtra and

treat those patients completely free of cost. There are many doctors who do a lot of charity

through camps completely free of cost even in Mumbai.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : I am talking about other meetings in D. Y. Patil and Thane. I have not attended any other

meetings except KEM. You never show in any presentations about conservative

management in clinical meetings. I wrote to Doordarshan about my work in 2013, they

called me for an interview, this September, journalists group I wrote to, they also called me to

talk about my work. BOS never calls me.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : You attended the clinical meeting in Sion Hospital and you phoned me that you want to

present your work, but there were already 3 presenters before you. You were late. Despite

that why did you not ask a single question in the other presentations? You could have

discussed that time.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : I asked for outreach program 5 years back, I wanted one speaker for sickle cell anaemia and

AVN. It was the duty of BOS office bearers to arrange it and make it successful.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Since last 6 years what have I got as a member?

Dr. Sandeep Sonone : What are you trying to ask for? Do you have any patient's data to substantiate your claims?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : I knew one day that I will be asked to prove my method. I have hundreds of patients but not

like a thesis that you are asking for. What have I learnt in the last 6 years?

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : You have equal rights and privileges as other members.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : But other members also have rights and privileges like you. How can you say in an article that

all others are fleecing patients. This is not acceptable.





Dr. Sunil Shahane : Please come back to the point. Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone, we are not here to discuss about your

opinion on clinical meetings. You have been called to an EC meeting by us as BOS office

bearers to give answers about why you have defamed BOS. Please explain that.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Why do surgeons says that non-operative treatment is not available in Mumbai?

Dr. Sunil Shahane : Please come back to the point. The enquiry is about what you have said in the newspaper

defaming whole BOS. Did you ask Khadilkar, the lady who said this to you why did you not

ask her about proof? Why did you not object to the words defaming BOS in your interview?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : I have 5 to 6 patients who were advised surgery and I treated them non-operatively.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : Please don't deviate from the issue and answer Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar and Dr. Sunil

Shahane's questions.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : I can't write a paper with data and statistics.

Dr. Sunil Shahane : You have written that you worked under Dr. Dholakia who is the father of arthroplasty

surgery in India. Are you saying that he was wrong all these years?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Dr. Dholakia did not advise arthroplasty to all his patients.

Dr. Sunil Shahane : So similarly others may not be advising to every patient. How do you assume that and make

a statement defaming the entire society.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : Please don't side track the issue Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone and answer about the objectionable

statements in your interview. You gave this interview?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes, my expectation was that after this interview BOS will call the paper to look into the

matter and ask why Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone is saying this.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : Did you take any objection to the way that this article has been written or the language that

has been used?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : No, I did not.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : Why did you not object as BOS member? It means you are in agreement with what has been


Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes, but BOS should call the paper. Any way, let's leave this topic. It is not the issue. The main

issue is why is no one let me talk about non-operative management. I have data, give me a

month, I can show you.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : Sorry, non-operative treatment is not the agenda of this meeting. The agenda is “why have

you given such an article in the newspaper”

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Okay, then I will resign.

Dr. Gautam Zaveri : No, we will throw you out.

Dr. Satish Mutha : Do you feel sorry about what you have done?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : I am speaking the truth, why should I be sorry? Even if you throw me out, it is not of any

disadvantage, what have I got to loose? When I asked for Thane meeting, all members made

sure that the meeting was made unsuccessful.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : But still how does that explain the defaming of all the BOS members? Do you think that

whatever has been written in the interview is correct?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Yes

Dr. Arvind Goregoankar : Since this article in Sandhyakaal is written under your name, why did you not take the

objection and take





Dr. Sandeep Sonone action against the reporter?

Dr. Rujuta Mehta

Dr. Sunil Shahane

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : I will not take action

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : Why did you say that BOS is a society is of rich members only? Does BOS ask for anyone's

financial statement before admitting as a member? Were you asked to show your bank

statement before becoming a member to prove your financial status.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : No

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : Then, what makes you issue such an article and such a statement in print media?

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Why I have been blocked on BOS Facebook page? Why Dr. Sanjay Dhar did not let my letter

be read out in the last years AGM and why it was minuted that I came late?

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : Show us what content you posted on Facebook. That must have been the reason for them

blocking you then. Please don't discuss the past anyway, come back to the point and tell us

about this article. By the way, as per the attendance record of the Thane Civil Outreach

Series, you arrived late is what Dr. Sanjay Dhar had said in last year's AGM. He has not

stopped you from attending.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone : Ok then, if that is so and you want to only increase the dispute between us, then we will

meet in Court.

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar : I think he has failed to satisfy us why he gave this article defaming all BOS members. We

should stop wasting any more time on this; he is repeatedly beating around the bush. He is

free to leave now.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone, we want you to know that as per the bye laws you were called to give

a justification for your actions about the interview in Sandhyakaal, and we will be taking

action of suspension till next AGM.

Dr. Shrikrishna Dhone left

Dr. Gautam Zaveri : He has repeatedly accused the EC wrongly and defamed BOS members.

Dr. Sunil Shahane : I think he has clearly accepted that he gave the interview.

Dr. Sandeep Sonone : He was not able to explain at all or produce any defence about his personal views either

about orthopedic surgeons.

Dr. Satish Mutha : He should not have given such an interview at least when we asked him to take action he has

not agreed.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta : Not only has he accepted that he gave this interview, he agrees with the views and

statements expressed in the same but also he went on record to say I will not take action

against the reporter, which is a failing of his duty as a responsible citizen and BOS member. I

think a suspension must be issued. Also, on open video recording he has the audacity to

threaten the whole EC saying we will meet in court, when he actually was called to explain

his defamatory article that is also wrong.






First of all, let me wish all of you and your families a happy and prosperous new year.

At the outset I wish to thank the members of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society for giving me the opportunity to

serve as the President of our prestigious society. It has indeed been a great honour for me and coming 25 years

after my father had been the President made it even more special. I hope that I have lived up to your expectations.

BOS is equated with academic excellence and we are known for our academic activities throughout the year. In an

effort to stress on quality rather than quantity, we had decided at the beginning of the year to have fewer but more

meaningful activities. With that in mind, we had streamlined the courses this year, dropping a few and merging

others in an attempt to give the participants a more fulfilling experience. The fact that most courses this year have

been oversubscribed and the fantastic feedback that we have received, both from the delegates as well as from the

BOS appointed observers vindicates our decision. I appreciate and applaud the tremendous hard work put in by all

the course Conveners, which I feel is primarily responsible for this success. There certainly is scope for further

improvement which can be done this year.

The BOS theme for this year was “Winning Decisions: Get it right the first time” and it resonated in all the

academic events throughout the year including the Clinical Meetings, Master Series and various courses and of

course at WIROC 2019. The BOS academic torch bearers, the Clinical Meetings and Master Series were a great

success. Though we had to cancel one clinical meeting due to heavy rains and flooding, and truncate another one

for holding a special General Body Meeting, the others were well attended. All the Master Series programs were

also well appreciated and saw high attendance.

th ndWIROC 2019, our annual conference was held at the Renaissance Hotel and Convention Centre from 20 to 22

December and saw record registrations. Most of the sessions were well attended and appreciated. This year, we

introduced a new concept of having focussed workshops on the last day and the delegates have really liked the

idea. The highlight of the conference probably was the talk by Colonel Lalit Rai, VC, on the Kargil war, which

brought tears to the eyes of almost everyone who attended it. The success of WIROC 2019 has been due to the

hard work put in by the organizing team, especially by the two Organizing Secretaries, Dr. Zaveri & Dr. Sharan.

A President can function well only if he has a good team to back him up. Team BOS 2019 has been my back bone

throughout the year and I wish to thank each and every one of the EC members for their commitment and efforts. I

also wish to thank each and every member who has actively participated in the various BOS activities making us

feel that all the efforts were worthwhile.

It however hasn't been all smooth sailing. Lack of trust in the EC, constant harassment of the office bearers and

failure to accept the mandate of the General Body are some of the things that are worrying and not good for our

society. I hope the new team does not have to face the same in the coming year.

As I sign off, I once again thank you for reposing your faith in me and hope that I have met your expectations.

Dr. Sunil Shahane

President, Bombay Orthopaedic Society


Dear BOS Members,

Season's Greetings and Happy New Year!!!

2019 has been a pivotal year for BOS as a society; its perceptions and demeanor and the streamlining of its activities. We

combined or merged multiple Instructional Courses into 12 capsules self-sustaining in the best interest of BOS. A

rigorous “Training of Trainers” which was our astute President’s vision and was introduced this year for the first time ever

in BOS. I strongly recommend this as an annual feature. This training enabled all the Conveners to imbibe the ethos of

the society and created a benchmark for a minimum essential standard of care; instilling a sense of striving for excellence

in the planning of the courses which places importance of achieving a satisfying delegate experience above all. All the

conveners co-operated and understood our vision. The selected courses were well spaced out, compacted and made

succinct. As a result, none of the courses faced any challenges at all neither in terms of gathering registrations and nor in

terms of MMC accreditation, conduct of the courses or feedback. The practise of anonymous BOS observers continued

and they had only appreciation to report to the EC for the innovative formula of blending the courses.

This year, we have put forth a formula which we feel is an ideal balance between too little and too much and we sincerely

request the society to embrace this formula whole heartedly for at least 5 years before instituting any change.

The BOS flagship events namely, Masters Series, Clinical Meetings, and JCT Memorial P G activities have been of high

octane academics and are extremely well attended. All the Conveners of the same deserve an applause. The academic

wealth of these flagship activities is immense and the society needs to seriously considering recording and archiving of

the same, and ensuring exclusivity of the same by making it available only in the members section not downloadable.

This would elevate the stature of the website also as an academic resource and make all our activities highly sought after.

The webmasters deserve special mention as they both have carried out their job with utmost sincerity, great élan and

they have in-fact gone beyond their brief to make the BOS website an excellent educational resource. I thank them for

their exemplary service to the society and wish them all the best for their future. I hope the momentum generated by

them through the online webinars continues and grows more robust in ndWIROC 2019, the jewel in the crown of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society was held between 20 & 22 December, 2019

and was very widely appreciated for its practise oriented practical tempering of the sessions, several firsts and has been

highly successful in terms of delegate attendance and trade participation details which are beautifully etched in WIROC

Secretaries’ Report.

Our association has been committed to public service activities and has whole heartedly participated during the MOA

week and B and J week celebrations, a detailed report is attached. I addition, from this year we will be adding a BOS Day thon the 14 of January and taking a pledge as well as conduct a training for the first responders i.e. Mumbai Police for

th thTrauma Care in the Golden Hour in the month beginning from 14 January to 14 February. I would urge subsequent

committee to ensure the continuum of this day.

Time and tide wait for no man or woman: as the end of my tenure draws near, I am grateful for having had the chance to

serve as Hon. Secretary of our prestigious organization. It is but natural to reflect on this journey. I came in with a view to

instill a more austere and regulated functioning of the society. In the process, a change of seasons and heat and cold are

inevitable, but as they say “the old order changeth yielding place to the new” I feel it’s my duty to say this to each and

every one of you that in times to come “Parampara, Prathistha and Anushasan” i.e. following traditions, upholding the

prestige and conduction oneself with discipline should be the mantra for our society. And I say with inspiration from a

sense of “Maa and Matrubhumi“ which BOS has been to me , and absolutely no regrets “ kar chale hum fida jan aur tan

sathiyo - ab tumhare hawale vatan sathiyo“.

Dr. Rujuta Mehta

Hon. Secretary, 2018-2020




Respected seniors and my dear colleagues,

Season's Greetings and Happy New Year!!!

As I approach the completion of my tenure, I wish to thank all the members for allowing me the privilege of being

the Treasurer of Bombay Orthopaedic Society.

Last year has been a Good time as far as the financial aspects for the BOS are concerned.

The accounts of the year 2018-2019 are put forth in front of all the members.

To begin with, all the BOS courses were extremely successful, oversubscribed and contributed to savings adding to

the reserves without compromising the quality or the content of the course. I take this opportunity to thank the

core Organising Team of WIROC 2018 for an excellent conference focussing purely on Academics and limiting the

non-academic expenses, resulting in good savings for the BOS as per the Audited accounts for WIROC 2018. I

also wish to congratulate and applaud the Organising Team of WIROC 2019 as WIROC 2019 also made decent

savings as per unaudited accounts, though the actual figures will be put forth in next year's report.

In my last year's report, I had mentioned the lack of sufficient reserves and measures to increase it by spending as

minimum as possible on non-academic but essential expenses and we have been fairly successful on that front

contributing to our funds being almost double as compared to last year.

I also take this this opportunity to mention that we, as an oldest academic body are now in a position to invest in

office space of “OUR OWN” and that should be one of the priorities moving ahead. I humbly request the

President Elect of the BOS to give it a deep thought and make it happen.

Dr. Sandeep Sonone




The Members,


stWe have audited the attached Balance Sheet of BOMBAY ORTHOPAEDIC SOCIETY as at 31 March, 2019 and

the annexed Income & Expenditure A/c of the Society for the year ended on that date. These financial statements

are the responsibility of the Society's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial

statements based on our audit.

We conducted the audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require

that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free

of material misstatement. An audit includes examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and

disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant

estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that

the audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

1) We have obtained all the information and explanation, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were

necessary for the purpose of our audit

2) In our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Society so far as appears from

our examination of books

3) The Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure account dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books

of accounts

4) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanation given to us, the accounts

gives a true and fair view

st i) In the case of the Balance Sheet of state of affairs of the Society as at 31 March 2019


ii) In the case of the Income & Expenditure Account of the Surplus of Expenditure over Income for the year

ended on that date

rdDate: 23 October, 2019 For C. M. GABHAWALA & CO.

Place: Mumbai Chartered Accountants

FRN: 102870W


Biren Chandrakant Gabhawala


Mem No.: 040496

UDIN: 19040496AAAANH7219




(2017-18) (2018-19) (2017-18) (2018-19)

To Audit Fees 50,000 50,000 By Course Fees 73,35,656 60,50,488

To Bank Charges 11,771 1,287 By Bank Interest 55,408 44,581

To Conference / 6,79,261 3,65,134 By FD Interest 12,08,231 8,51,878

Meeting Expenses By Interest on IT refund 1,14,430

To Course Expenses 67,90,336 55,10,849 By Stall booking - WIROC 3,01,935

To Gifts & Mementos 29,422 27,434 By Excess of Expenditure 19,48,286

To Postage & Telegram 2,74,613 2,60,431 Over Income

To Printing & Stationery 12,95,145 80,054

To Professional Fees 4,63,000 4,38,920 To Net Excess Of WIROC 1,07,49,993

To Conveyance 22,277 8,638

To Entertainment 2,70,000

To Research Expenses 3,00,000

To Depreciation 1,443 866

To Interest on Service Tax 23,736

To Interest on 554 3,331

Late Payment of TDS

To Swach Bharat Cess 2,688

To Service Tax And 63,600 4,094 GST Expenses

To Medical Coucil Charges 9,042

To Sundry expenses 9,217

To Net shortfall of WIROC 8,41,670

To Income Tax 39,20,448 (net of provision)

To Excess Of Income Over 68,51,625 Expenditure

TOTAL 1,08,49,516 1,78,11,370 1,08,49,516 1,78,11,370


Chartered Accountants

FRN. 102870W


nd ndDate: 22 October, 2019 Date: 22 October, 2019


















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(2017-18) (2018-19) (2017-18) (2018-19)

To Bank Charges 2,200 1,082 By Course Fees 6,124,014 15,661,100

To Event Expenses 966,000 By Stall Bookings 22,095,743 16,222,577

To Licence Expenses 352,000 27,328 By Sponsorship Fees 225,000 546,000

To Entertainment 1,509,000 2,348,396 By Excess of Expenditure 841,670

To Course expenses 6,202,117 6,473,713 Over Income

To Gifts & Mementos 2,286,215 1,059,853 By Interest On FD 265,551

To Donations 113,500 105,000

To Postage & Courier 176,740 93,600

To Printing & Stationery 1,691,972 126,733

To Travelling Expenses 914,191 214,738

To Professional Fees 600,000 600,000

To Conference Expenses 14,459,810 10,837,604

To Swach Bharat Cess 12,682


To Excess of income 10,749,993

over expenditure

To Forex Gain/Loss 826

To Sundry expenses 56,362

TOTAL 29,286,427 32,695,228 29,286,427 32,695,228

FOR C.M. GABHAWALA & CO. For WIROCChartered AccountantsFRN.: 102870W


nd ndDate: 22 October 2019 Date: 22 October 2019










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Clinical Meetings continue to be the highlight of our academic activities. In all the meetings, good clinical cases

followed by excellent discussions was the hallmark. There was lot of active participation from members other than

the host institute and post graduates.

April 7, 2019: Dr. Bibhas DasGuptathR. N. Cooper Hospital & HBT Medical College, 4 Floor, Auditorium, Juhu, Mumbai

June 2, 2019: Dr. Aseem Parekh

BYL Nair Ch. Hospital, Dr. A. L. Nair Road, Mumbai

August 4, 2019rdLTMGH, Sion Hospital, 3 Floor, Main Auditorium, Sion, Mumbai (could not be held due to heavy rains and flooding

in Mumbai)

October 6, 2019

Babasaheb Ambedakar Railway Hospital, Byculla, Mumbai, Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Road, Mumbai


February 2, 2020

B. J. Wadia Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, Acharya Donde Marg, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Every year, Master Series Programs are becoming popular as the themes are interesting and serve as a good platform

to discuss popular orthopaedic topics amongst masters, and juniors threadbare. Dr. Milind Sawant as Vice President

conducted Master Series sessions throughout the year. Good innovative themes with excellent faculty ensured that

all the Master Series meetings were of high quality and well attended.

Following Master Series Sessions were conducted:

Topic : Medico-legal Issues Related to Orthopaedics

Date : Sunday, May 5, 2019

Time : 09.00 am to 02.00 pmstVenue : CPS House, Auditorium, 1 Floor, Dr. E. Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai

Conveners : Dr. Swapnil Keny & Dr. Prakash Samant

Attendance : 105

Topic : The Limping Child

Date : Sunday, July 7, 2019

Time : 09.00 am to 01.00 pm

Venue : S. M. Merchant Auditorium, B. J. Wadia Hospital For Children, Parel, Mumbai

Convener : Dr. Alaric Aroojis

Attendance : 149

Topic : Neck Pain: Let’s Master the Care

Date : Sunday, September 1, 2019

Time : 09.00 am to 01.30 pm

Venue : MLT, Seth GSMC and KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai

Conveners : Dr. V. T. Ingalhalikar & Dr. Sudhir Srivastava

Attendance : 173

Topic : Symposium on Knee Preservation techniques

Date : Sunday, November 10, 2019

Time : 09.00 am to 01.00 pm

Venue : Nanavati Hospital Auditorium, Vile Parle, Mumbai

Conveners : Dr. Nagraj Shetty & Dr. Abhay Narvekar

Attendance : 131

Topic : Arthroplasty Post-Trauma

Date : Sunday, January 5, 2020

Time : 09.00 am to 01.15 pm

Venue : MLT, Seth GSMC and KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai

Conveners : Dr. Shubhranshu Mohanty

Attendance : 131

stThe Bombay Orthopaedic Society held its 1 Master Series for the Academic Year 2019-20 on May 5, 2019. The

topic was “Medicolegal Issues in Orthopaedics”. It was conducted in conjunction with the Maharashtra

Orthopaedic Association on the occasion of MOA Day. The program was held at the College of Physicians and


Surgeons of Mumbai, Parel. The convener was Dr. Swapnil Keny and the Co-convener was Dr. Prakash Samant. The

program started with the sub theme of Prevention where faculty from various Orthopaedic subspecialties spoke on

their “Safety Check Lists” in various Orthopaedic conditions. There were talks on effective patient communication

& on avoiding litigation in Orthopaedic Practice. The final session had talks focussing on consent, medicolegal

indemnity and dealing with intraoperative adverse events.

ndThe 2 Master Series was held on 7th July 2019 on the topic of “A Limping Child - An approach to accurate diagnosis

& management”. The Convener was Dr. Alaric Aroojis & the Co-convener was Dr. Rujuta Mehta. It was held at the

B. J. Wadia Hospital for Children. The enigma of differentiating various types of limps was sub-divided into 3

modules with various diagnoses as per age group. Each topic was presented in the form of videos of each type

followed by a case and then bringing out the valid points through discussion.

rdThe 3 Master Series was held at KEM Hospital, on 1st September 2019 and was on “Neck Pain”. It was convened by

Dr. V. T. Ingalhalikar and Dr. S. K. Srivastava was the Co-convener. It was a multidisciplinary approach on the topic by

various clinicians like Orthopaedicians, Pain Specialists, Anaesthetists and Physical Therapist. The programme

encompassed a variety of topics ranging from basic pathophysiology of pain generation and propagation along with

the different sources giving rise to neck pain and their various modalities of management. The functional outcome,

patient rehabilitation and ergonomic training was an extremely important part of the series and led to a complete

coverage of the topic.

thThe 4 Master Series was held on 10th November at the Nanavati Hospital. The topic for the meet was “Knee

Preservation Techniques”. The convener was Dr. Nagraj Shetty and the Co-convener was Dr. Abhay Narvekar.

Everything from realignment to meniscus and cartilage procedures was covered. The topics ranged from basic talks,

practical tips and tricks meant for the general Orthopaedic surgeon to advanced procedures which would serve the

palate of a knee specialist.

thThe 5 Master Series on “Arthroplasty Post-Trauma” was conducted at KEM Hospital, Mumbai, on 5th January

2020, with Dr. Milind Sawant (Convener of Master series) and Dr. S. S. Mohanty (Convener of Arthroplasty Post-

Trauma) in the chair. The first session focused on Hip Arthroplasty following fresh and neglected transcervical,

intertrochanteric, subtrochanteric and acetabular fractures as well as malunion and infections. The second session

was on Knee Arthroplasty following fresh fractures, intra & extraarticular malunions and non-unions and post-

traumatic arthritis as well. Each session was followed by a case discussion with expert panelists and active

participation of the delegates. Dr. Nicholas Antao, Past President of BOS and the mastermind behind the Master

Series was felicitated as the series completed 10 successful years since its inception.

This academic year, the Master Series were a huge success. The topics selected generated a lot of interest. The

attendance was well over a hundred delegates for each meeting. The audience participated very actively as was

evident from the interactions in panel discussions. The meetings were a wonderful academic feast which kept the

audience engaged till the very end of the meetings. The general feedback for the meetings was excellent.




Faculty: Dr. Binoti Sheth, Dr. Abhijeet Kale and Dr. A. R. Karkhanis

Attendance: 80 PGs

Cases: AVN Hip, Habitual Dislocation of Patella, Lumbar Canal Stenosis, Malunited Supracondylar Fracture of

the Humerus, Non-Union Lateral Condyle of Humerus and Neglected CTEV


Faculty: Dr. Binoti Sheth, Dr. Sunil Shahane, Dr. Yajuvendra Gavai, Dr. Pankaj Pawar and Dr. A. R. Karkhanis

Attendance: 60 PGs

Cases: Genu Valgum, OA Knee, Brachial Plexus with Axillary Artery and Non-Union of Humerus, AVN Hip with

OA, Chronic Osteomyelitis Radius with Healed Sinus and ACL Deficient Knee Joint


Faculty: Dr. Anil Karkhanis, Dr. Bhavana Parikh

Cases: EMG and Nerve Conduction [EMG NC]

Attendance: 40 PGs


Faculty: Dr. Binoti Sheth, Dr. Sudhir Sharan, Dr. Kumar Dussa, Dr. Shakir Kapadia, Dr. Panjkaj Pawar,

Dr. A. R. Karkhanis

Cases: Blounts Tibia Vara, Non-Union fracture Tibia Fibula, Kochs Hip, Residual CTEV, ACL deficient knee,

Malunited Supracondylar fracture of the humerus

TH TH5. B. J. WADIA HOSPITAL - 7 & 14 AUGUST, 2019

Faculty: Dr. Rujuta Mehta, Dr. Alaric Aroojis

Cases: CTEV with bone models, Perthes Hip, Genu Valgum

Attendance: 40 & 45


Faculty: Dr. Binoti Sheth, Dr. Abhijeet Kale, Dr. Pankaj Pawar, Dr. Prasad Bhagunde, Dr. A. R. Karkhanis

Cases: Bilateral AVN Hip, Non-Union Fracture

Attendance: 42


Faculty: Dr. Binoti Sheth, Dr. Anil Karkhanis, Dr. Pankaj Pawar, Dr. Yajuvendra Gawai

Cases: AVN Hip, Koch's Spine, Rotator Cuff Tear, ACL Tear, Genu Valgum, Foot Osteomyelitis, Non Union Tibia

Attendance: 58



Bombay Orthopaedic Society (BOS) is known for its academic activities and an important part of it is the Instructional

Courses held throughout the year in various sub-specialities.



Date : May 26, 2019

Venue : B J Wadia Hospital for Children

Convener : Dr. Sunil Shahane

Co-conveners : Dr. Dhaval Desai, Dr. Vikas Agashe

Trainers Faculty : Dr. Dhaval Desai, Dr. Vikas Agashe, Dr. Abhay Nene, Dr. Samir Dalvie

Attendees by Invitation:

1. Dr. Rujuta Mehta

2. Dr. Bipin Ghanghurde

3. Dr. Dhaval Desai

4. Dr. Sunil Shahane

5. Dr. Rohan Habbu

6. Dr. Abhay Nene

7. Dr. Mishil Parikh

8. Dr. Anand Thakur

9. Dr. Sandeep Sonone

10. Dr. Samir Dalvie

11. Dr. Suhas Shah

12. Dr. Jayesh Baviskar

13. Dr. Vikas Agashe

14. Dr. Pradeep Nemade

15. Dr. Sandeep Biraris

16. Dr. Anoop Dhamangaonkar

17. Dr. Neeraj Bijlani

18. Dr. Ram Prabhoo

19. Dr. Satish Mutha

20. Dr. Pankaj Pawar

21. Dr. Ashok Shyam

22. Dr. Mihir Patel

23. Dr. Kshitij Chaudhary

24. Dr. Sudhir Sharan

25. Dr. Swapnil Keny

26. Dr. Pravin Jadhav

27. Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala


The day started sharp at 9 am with an Introduction by Dr. Sunil Shahane about his vision for Bos and the need for this

program. He familiarised everyone with the concept of different format of this program.

The first session was a 90 minute free exchange of ideas and Sharing Learning experiences in a very warm and

receptive environment by a circular seating all facing each other, which enabled to break the ice and initiate both

seasoned and novice conveners alike into the flow. Each person was asked to define and reason out their best and

worst learning experiences of any nature in life. As each delegate spoke, the faculty distilled the salient points from

each ones experience and summarised in the end what constitutes learning, methods of learning, natural

progression and maturation of learning process out of the stories shared by each delegate. Two of the faculty Dr.

Desai and Dr. Abhay then carried out a mock drill to bring out the essentials of Giving and receiving feedback and

explained the importance of the correct way of giving feedback.

The delegates were then split into 3 groups of 8 each and assigned one mentor faculty per group. In each group

micro-teaching and learning sessions were run upto lunch. Each delegate here gave a presentation or lecture of their

choice for 7 minutes and the mentor faculty as well as other delegates brought out the points of micro-critique of

each lecture in the format demonstrated earlier viz. What went well- and what would you do differently.

In the post-lunch session the format switched to case and group discussion and each delegate was asked to conduct

a group discussion and bring out the learning points of a case by leading and steering the discussion to the logical

outcome. Again the same format was used for critique and feedback.

Post tea break the whole group reassembled in the main hall. Dr. Agashe then gave a beautiful talk on how to plan an

ideal course full of his wisdom and experience. The delegates then had an informal round of questions and answers

followed by a group photo and vote of thanks by B O S secretary Dr. Rujuta Mehta.

Dr. Sunil Shahane




Dates : July 8 - 13, 2019

Venue : Tata Memorial Hospital, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children

Convener : Dr. Ashish Gulia

Co-Convener : Dr. Mishil Parikh

Delegates : 6

Bombay Orthopaedic Society (BOS) is known for its academic activities and an important part of it is the Instructional

Course held throughout the year in various sub-specialities. To kick start this year's program, the Orthopaedic

Oncology Course was conducted from July 8 - 13 at Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) and Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for

Children (BJW), Parel. The course was attended by 6 delegates from across India. The course has been designed in

such a way that a delegate gets a basic idea of how to approach a case and the seats are limited so that there is more

of one-on-one interaction between the delegate and the faculty. This course is unique since it allows the delegate to

be part of the workings of a dedicated orthopaedic oncology unit and based on the feedback from previous years.

On the first day, Dr Ashish Gulia welcomed the delegates to TMH and gave an introductory lecture on how to

approach evaluation of bone tumours and preoperative planning of the operative cases lined up for the day. The

delegates were allowed to observe in the operating room (OR) and encouraged to raise any queries, which was

answered on the table. This was followed by an interactive session on radiology of bone tumours by Dr. Bhavin

Jhankaria. A biopsy is a critical step in management of bone tumours and this was dealt with by Dr. Mishil Parikh on

Day 2. After that, the delegates were taken to the Outpatient Department (OPD) where they were part of the Multi-


Disciplinary Joint Clinic discussions. In the evening, Dr. Ashish Gulia spoke about approaches to benign bone

tumours and their management. On Day 3, Dr. Ajay Puri talked the delegates through the various limb salvage

techniques and Dr. Chetan Anchan explained about the reconstruction challenges after curettage. On Day 4,

delegates were given a brief introduction into Radiotherapy by Dr. Siddhartha Laskar and management of Soft tissue

Sarcomas by Dr. Prakash Nayak. This was followed by the Radio-Pathology meet where the diagnostic dilemmas of

the week were discussed. Chemotherapy in bone sarcomas was discussed in detail by Dr. Girish Chinnaswamy on

Day 5 followed by a talk on Nuclear Medicine and its significance in orthopaedic oncology by Dr. Nilendu Purandare.

The delegates visited the Tissue Bank where they were briefed by Dr. Urmila Sawant and the Interventional

Radiology (IR) department where they were given a lecture by Dr. Kunal Gala on the role of IR in bone tumours. The

delegates could attend 3 major OR sessions: various limb salvage and reconstructive procedures involving the

proximal femur, distal femur, proximal tibia, humerus, curettage and excision of benign lesions and 2 half-day

sessions on biopsies in minor OT. Last day of the course was held in BJW where there were lectures and case

discussions conducted by Dr. Manish Agarwal and Dr. Mandar Agashe.

Dr. Ashish Gulia




Dates : July 23 - 26, 2019

Venue : Bhartiya Arogya Nidhi Hospital, B. J Wadia Hospital for Children, SRCC Children's Hospital

Conveners : Dr. Rajesh Gandhi & Dr. Suhas Shah

Co-Conveners : Dr. Ram Prabhoo & Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala

Delegates : 6

Faculty : Dr. Ram Prabhoo, Dr. Taral Nagda, Dr. B .G. Kanaji, Dr. Tushar Agrawal, Dr. Aditya Kaushik,

Dr. Rujuta Mehta, Dr. Jaideep Dhamele, Dr. Rajesh Gandhi, Mrs. Sandhya Kaushik,

Dr. Mandar Agashe, Dr. Sandeep Vaidya and Dr. Alaric Aroojis

Day - 1: Interactive Lecture and Bone Model Workshops

Venue: Arogya Nidhi Hospital

Lectures: Philosophy of JESS

Basics of JESS , CTEV Frame & Trauma Frame Construct

Bone models Hands-On

Familiarizations of the components and Basic Techniques

Basic Frames for the Hand

Frames for Upper Limbs

Lower Radius, Lower Humerus, Upper Humerus

Live Bone model demonstration for SUV Ortho Fixator

planning for Corrective osteotomy on Bone model

Operative Demo: Lower End Radius Intraarticular fracture reduction and fixation with Jess.

Day 2

Venue: B. J Wadia Hospital for Children

Cases demonstrated

1. LRS frame for limb lengthening

2. Fixator guided Valgisation

3. Jess for finger deformity correction

4. Jess for radial club hand correction

5. Jess for elbow pterygium with multiple Z plasties hybrid technique

6. Jess for recurrent CTEV


Radial club hand

CTEV video technique

Principles of limb lengthening

Ilizarov hip reconstruction for sequelae septic hip

OPD case discussions

Day 3 and 4: Interactive Lectures and Live Surgical Demonstration

Venue: SRCC Children's Hospital, Mumbai

08.00- 06.00 pm - Live Operative Session

1. 10 yr male child Left Cubitus Varus Deformity - Percutaneous Corrective Osteotomy and Jess Application

2. 6 yr female child BL Resistant CTEV - Left Foot JESS Application

3. 9 yr male child Right Monteggia Fracture Dislocation - Ulnar Osteotomy / Open Reduction and Jess Fixator


4. 6 yr male child Left Post Osteomyelitis Gap non-union with shortening - Corrective Osteotomy / Bone grafting

/ Jess Fixator application

5. 10 yr male child Right Post-traumatic Lengthening - Right Distal Femur Growth Modulation Surgery with PET


6. 10.6 yr male child BL Blounts Disease with BL Genu Varum Deformity - Right Tibia Corrective Osteotomy/SUV

Orthofix Application/ Proximal and Mid Fibular Osteotomy / CPN decompression


1. Lengthening of Digits

2. Post Burns Contracture Management by JESS

3. Dos and Don't's in using the External Fixator in hands



Date : July 27 - 28, 2019

Venue : K.B. Bhabha Municipal General Hospital, Bandra West, Mumbai.

Faculty : Dr. Suhas Shah, Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala , Dr. R. A. Aggrawal, Dr. Mihir Patel, Dr. Tushar Agarwal

Lecture series with Interaction and Saw Bone Models:

1. History of Ilizarov

2. Anatomic considerations for wire placement

3. Biomechanics and basic instrumentation



4. Osteotomy and post-operative management of tibia frame

5. Strategy for fracture fixation

6. Management of floating knee

7. Infected non-union

8. Lengthening and complications

9. Principles of frontal plane deformity correction

10. Management of CTEV

11. Paediatric orthopaedics and Ilizarov

12. Non-union management

13. LRS

14. Ligament laxity and HTO

15. CPT

16. Diabetic foot management and Ilizarov

17. Infected non-union

All the food and hall expenses were courtesy of Bhabha Municipal General Hospital.

Dr. Rajesh Gandhi & Dr. Suhas Shah




Dates : August 7 - 11, 2019

Venue : Seth G. S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai

Convener : Dr. Tushar Rathod

Co-Convener : Dr. Sudhir Srivastava

Delegates : 24

Welcome and Inauguration by Dr. Hemant Deshmukh (Dean, KEM Hospital, Mumbai), Dr. Sunil Shahane (President,

Bombay Orthopaedic Society ) along with Dr. S. K. Srivastava & me, Dr. Tushar Rathod th7 August: Various speakers addressed the delegates and discussed how the management of spine pathologies has

evolved over the past few decades. In the pre-lunch session basics of the spine including anatomy, biomechanics

with imaging was discussed. Following which various approaches & positioning tips were discussed with special

emphasis on actual videos of surgery. Special videos & dedicated discussion was done on transpedicular biopsy &

transformational steroid injection techniques. th8 August 2019: was dedicated for a lumbar degenerative session. We conducted Panel discussion on various

aspects of Degenerative lumbar Spine Aliments. Live surgery demonstration by Dr. Mihir Bapat on Lumbar

microdiscectomy was relayed from operation theatre, with active two-way interaction between delegates and

faculties. After the lunch break, second live surgery was relayed on lumbar interbody fusion by me followed by

lectures on minimally invasive spine surgery. At the end of the day Saw Bone Workshop was conducted wherein

delegates practised various fixation modalities.


thOn 9 August: Lectures on miscellaneous topics including inflammatory disorders & paediatric affections in the spine

were taken. It was followed by a panel discussion on various cases of spine pathologies with panellist being Dr. Ram

Chaddha, Dr. Abhay Nene. The second half of day was reserved for Tuberculosis of the spine where various case

management scenario on TB spine was discussed with active delegate participation. Live surgery was relayed on TB

spine by Dr. Sandeep Sonone. Live surgery demonstration was relayed from operation theatre with active two-way

interaction between delegates and faculties. th10 August: The first half of the session was dedicated to the cervical spine. Live surgery by Dr. S. K. Srivastava on

anterior cervical fusion was telecasted. The panel discussion was taken on various aspects of the cervical spine and

Traumatic spine injuries with Dr. Gautam Zaveri. Second live surgery was relayed on TLIF by Dr. Zaveri. We had case-

based scenario which was discussed with delegates on one to one basis. thOn 11 August: Live Cadaveric Workshop was conducted in the department of Anatomy. Demonstration of various

approaches to the spine (Anterior Cervical, Posterior lumbar, Transpedicular approach in the Thoracic Spine, Pedicle

screw instrumentation) was done with live relay on screen. Delegates did cadaveric dissection following the

demonstration and faculties guided them at each station. One cadaver was allotted to 4 delegates, (2 per side). The

delegates were provided with basic instruments for dissection and fixation. The course material was given to

delegates in electronic form.

Comment and Suggestions: Overall the course was very well appreciated with the majority of delegates expressed

satisfaction. Few of the suggestions given were:

1. A larger number of bone models for saw bone workshop

2. More time on a panel discussion

All these suggestions were welcomed and the feasibility of the same should be discussed and implemented in the

next course.

Dr. Tushar Rathod




Dates : August 22 - 25, 2019

Venue : Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and General Hospital, Sion

Convenor : Dr. Abhijit Kale

Co-Convenors : Dr. Santosh Banshelkikar, Dr. Pravin Jadhav, Dr. Pankaj Pawar

Delegates : 46

The course was designed to convey in a detailed manner the basic principles of fracture management along with

techniques based talks and live surgery demonstrations. The delegates were a mix of resident medical officers,

recently passed out MS/DNB and some of them working as consultant orthopaedic surgeons. The delegates came

from across the country. The Course was broadly divided into 7 sessions n each session (except on Sunday) consisted

of 2 lecture series, 2 live surgical demos, 2 case discussion and one video module session.

Day 1: The course started with a paediatric orthopaedics session in the morning. It covered common fractures

encountered in children. Senior paediatric orthopaedic surgeons demonstrated three live surgeries. The afternoon

session started with course inauguration and had a symposium on basic principles of fracture fixation. Senior trauma

surgeon discussed topics like the mechanism of locking plate, why intramedullary nailing fails etc. A live surgery of


LRS in open fracture tibia fibula was demonstrated. The day concluded with spine session. It included talks on spinal

injuries and their management and video modules.

Day 2: The second day focused on adult upper limb fracture management. We covered topics ranging from AC joint

injury to hand injuries. We demonstrated four live surgeries on this day. Also, we had video modules of proximal

humerus fracture fixation, reverse shoulder replacement and hand injuries.

Day 3: The third day covered lower limb fractures along with a demonstration of live surgical techniques. Lectures

were followed by interactive case-based discussions with delegates where the queries regarding different surgical

techniques and use of basic implants were answered to their satisfaction. On day three, we demonstrated five live

surgeries and video modules including new techniques like suprapatellar tibia nailing.

Day 4: The last day focused on pelvi-acetabular fracture fixation and a special session was given to open fractures,

pathological fractures and infection control. Four exercises of fracture fixation on saw bone models were performed

by all delegates spread over eight working stations.

Every day we had a panel discussion on different fractures with good interaction from delegates. Over four days we

could demonstrate 12 live surgeries and didactic talks covering most of the aspects of fracture fixation.

The course was inaugurated by Dr. Sunil Shahane president- BOS, in presence of Dr. Mohan Joshi Dean- LTMMC,

Padmabhushan Dr. Nandu Laud, Prof Dr. D. D. Tanna, & Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar HOD- Ortho LTMMC. The live

surgeries demonstrated were 3 cases of paediatric fractures, 4 cases of adult upper limb injuries and 5 cases of adult

lower limb injuries. The course was accredited with four MMC credit points

I sincerely offer my gratitude to all faculty and Bombay Orthopaedic Society for making this course a successful


Dr. Abhijit Kale




Dates : September 13-15, 2019

Venue : KEM Hospital, Parel

Convener : Dr. Sandeep Sonone

Co-Convener : Dr. Kshitij Chaudhary

Delegates : 32

th thThe BOS - Advanced Cervical Spine Course was held in K.E.M Hospital from 13 to 15 September 2019. It was

attended by 32 delegates from all over India and few delegates from the Middle East and African countries. There

was a Good mix of Orthospine and Neurosurgeons amongst the delegates and the interaction was good.

The Faculty chosen were all eminent senior spine surgeons from Mumbai.

The First 2 days were full of lively interactions and case discussions between the faculty and the delegates focusing

more on the practical aspects of Decision making and management of the patients. The operative steps and The

Intraoperative Technical tips and tricks were shown by the faculty in the “Edited Video Module” section which was

highly appreciated by all the delegates. The format was such that day 1 dealt with common spine cases and Day 2,

the more advanced topics. The interactive exercise session on computer-simulated bone models was an innovative

session which was loved by the delegates and kept them wanting for more. On both the days, the academic sessions

went on till late evenings with not a single delegate leaving the hall till the end.


New innovative modules like “small group case discussion” were introduced, wherein the delegates were marked in

a group of 6 and each group was shown the cases by one faculty in detail explaining the decision making and the

rationale. This was appreciated by all as it helped in a better faculty - delegate interaction.

Day 3, The Cadaveric workshop was the “Icing on the Cake”, where the delegates were shown and taught the steps

in the most complex of cervical spine surgeries. The delegate to cadaver ratio was 4:1 (4 Delegates on One

Cadaver), giving enough hands-on opportunity for the delegates to learn.

Overall, the course was highly appreciated as assessed from the feedback from the delegates with few overseas

delegates mentioning that this Cadaveric Course was better than those conducted in European and Western


We thank the Bombay Orthopaedic Society for giving us the opportunity to conduct this course.

Dr. Sandeep Sonone




Dates : October 9 - 12, 2019

Venue : Vimla Dermatology Center, Gawde Hospital, B. J. Wadia Hospital, Pinnacle Orthopaedic Center,

Godrej Hospital

Convener : Dr. Rohan Habbu

Co-Convener : Dr. Bipin Ghanghurde

Delegates : 8

The BOS Hand Surgery Course was successfully conducted from Oct 09, 2019 to Oct 12, 2019.

It was oversubscribed but we could allow only eight delegates. We had eight registrations from all over India. We

had three absentees and the remaining five stayed with us till the end of the course.

During the four days, the delegates saw 20 surgeries at different centres. These included

Tendon Surgery - 6

Tendon Transfers - 1

Wrist Arthroscopy - 1

Fracture/Dislocation - 3

Paediatric Hand Surgery - 5

Nerve Surgery - 2

Wrist Reconstruction - 1

Fingertip Reconstruction - 1

Apart from surgeries, the delegates were involved in saw bone model demonstration of various wire fixation

techniques in hand fractures. Videos of surgeries and lectures were a part of the course. Delegates were encouraged

to take part in case discussions with the faculty and they were able to discuss their own cases as well.

The centre and faculty were as follows:

1. Dr. Gautam Chauhan: Vimla Dermatology Centre


2. Dr. Rohan Habbu, Dr. Prashant Kamble, Dr. Kiran Ladkat: Gawde Hospital

3. Dr. Mukund Thatte, Dr. Rujuta Mehta, Bipin Ghanghurde, Dr. Nilesh Satbhai: BJ Wadia Hospital

4. Dr. Parag Lad: Pinnacle Orthopaedic Centre

5. Dr. Pankaj Ahire, Dr. Ambarish Saraf: Godrej Hospital

The delegates have given positive feedback about the course and would recommend the course for their colleagues.

Dr. Rohan Habbu




Dates : November 6 - 9, 2019

Venue : B. J. Wadia Hospital, L. T. M. G. Hospital, Jupiter Hospital, S. R. C. C. Narayana Hospital,

Pinnacle Hospital

Convener : Dr. Mandar Agashe

Co-Convener : Dr. Swapnil Keny, Dr. Jaideep Dhamele

Delegates : 18

Faculty : Dr. Alaric Aroojis, Dr. Sandeep Vaidya, Dr. Rujuta Mehta, Dr. Swapnil Keny, Dr. Binoti Sheth,

Dr. Avi Shah, Dr. Farokh Wadia, Dr. Taral Nagda, Dr. Atul Bhaskar, Dr. Tushar Agarwal,

Dr. Mangal Parihar, Dr. Divya Ahuja, Dr. Chasanal Rathod, Dr. Jaideep Dhamele,

Dr. Arjun Dhavale, Dr. Dominic D'silva, Dr. Parag Lad and Dr. Mandar Agashe

th thThe BOS “Combined Operative Paediatric Orthopaedic Course, 2019-2020” was successfully completed on 6 - 9

November 2019. This year we had the highest number of delegates (18) from all parts of the country as well as one

international delegate. The course was spread over four days with a separate theme for each day of the course.

Hence, the first day (held at BJ Wadia Hospital) had surgical demonstrations of paediatric hip procedures followed by

a very intensive lecture and saw bone demonstration on various Hip and Pelvic osteotomies.

The second day was conducted at the SRCC children's Hospital with the theme being cerebral palsy and a wide

variety of surgeries and BOT- A injection in cerebral palsy were shown to the delegates.

The third day (again at the BJ Wadia Hospital) was on deformity correction, metabolic bone disorders and

osteogenesis imperfecta, while the fourth day at the Pinnacle Hospital, Thane was largely on hand, upper limb, foot

and ankle surgeries. There was a live transmission of the surgeries to the doctors' lounge, where the delegates could

see all the details of the surgeries as well as interact with the surgeon.

All the delegates were extremely happy with the course and would recommend the course to their friends and

colleagues. The icing on the cake for them was a pen drive with almost 500 articles on various aspects of paediatric

orthopaedics nicely categorized into groups for easy retrieval.

Dr. Mandar Agashe



Dates : January 10 - 12, 2020

Venue : H.B.T. Medical College & Dr. R. N. Cooper Hospital, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai

Convener : Dr. Mihir Patel

Co-Conveners : Dr. Ganesh Yeotiwad, Dr. Jairam Jagiasi

Delegates : 20

The Basic Arthroscopy Course was conducted on January 10th, 11th & 12th, 2020 at H. B. T. Medical College and Dr.

R. N. Cooper Hospital, Mumbai under the Convenorship of Dr. Mihir Patel.

The course was initially planned for only 20 delegates but due to overwhelming demand the registration was

extended to include 25 delegates. Registration requests of more than 50 orthopaedic surgeons (from all over India

and abroad) were declined as the course seats were full much before the course dates.

The course had excellent and experienced arthroscopy surgeons of Mumbai as faculty including Dr. Anant Joshi, Dr.

Abhay Narvekar, Dr. Mihir Patel, Dr. Fayaz Menon, Dr. Jairam Jagiasi, Dr. Aditya Pavaskar, Dr. Abhishek Nerurkar, Dr.

Kaustubh Dhurve, Dr. Nagraj Shetty, Dr. Nikhil Iyer, Dr. Amyn Rajani, Dr. Ankit Marfatia, Dr. Piyush Sonje, Dr.

Rajendra Phunde, Dr. Samir Pilankar, Dr. Shailesh Mishra, Dr. Ganesh Yeotiwad, Dr. Tushar Jimulia, Dr. Hetal

Chiniwala, Dr. Yajuvendra Gavai & Dr. Aditya Kovalam.

The first day of the course included plenary lectures interspersed with relevant practical hands-on workshops

covering topics related to basic arthroscopy like inventory, triangulation and knee arthroscopy. The highlight of the

first day was the customised dry models designed to help delegates develop psychomotor skills necessary to start

arthroscopy and this included specific models for practising arthroscope movements, triangulation, loose body pick

up and menisectomy. Six dry workstations were arranged, each having a complete arthroscopy station with hand

instruments and implants, with dry models of different modules. The convenor ensured that every station had not

more than 4 delegates and every delegate spent enough time on every workshop under the supervision of an expert

faculty. The delegates actively participated in every workshop enthusiastically.

The second day of the course included plenary talks with practical hands-on workshops on topics related to basic

shoulder arthroscopy. The delegates could insert anchors and learned the art of arthroscopic suture management

and arthroscopic knotting on customised dry models. The highlight of the second day was the live relay of two

surgeries (along with two way audio transmission) conducted by Dr. Mihir Patel (arthroscopic ACL reconstruction

and arthroscopic Bankart's repair). Every detail of arthroscopic knee and shoulder surgery was demonstrated starting

from patient positioning, diagnostic arthroscopy, instruments and therapeutic steps. The delegates had an

opportunity to ask questions and clarify their doubts and difficulties as the surgery was being performed.

The third day was dedicated to cadaveric hands-on training on fresh cadavers where the delegates could apply the

skills learnt over the past two days. Six arthroscopy stations were arranged, each having a complete set of

instrumentation. Four delegates were designated to every station with two to three faculty members teaching and

supervising them. The delegates could spend over 4 to 5 hours practising on the cadaver. They were taught and then

allowed to perform diagnostic knee and shoulder arthroscopy and perform procedures like arthroscopic

menisectomy, loose body extraction, hamstring graft harvest and preparation, ACL Reconstruction and Bankart's


The delegates were very happy with the scientific program, live relay of surgery, customised dry model workshops

and the cadaveric training. They have given positive and encouraging feedback for the course.

Dr. Mihir Patel





Date : February 9, 2020

Venue : Sir H. N. Reliance Hospital, Mumbai

Convener : Dr. Neeraj Bijlani

Co-Convener : Dr. Kshitij Chaudhary

Delegates : 20


Dates : March 15, 2020

Venue : Seth G. S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai

Convener : Dr. Pradip Nemade

Co-Convener : Dr. Shaligram Purohit

Delegates : 20




No Treatise was received for the award this year.


To encourage research, BOS felicitates the publications in peer reviewed International or National journals

during the year. This year, following members submitted their publications and books for appreciation.

Name: Dr. Abhijit Pawar

Title: Endoscopic Decompression Can Be Effective for Diagnosing and Treating Tubercular Spondylodiskitis with

Early Epidural Spinal Compression: A Retrospective Study of 18 Cases

Co-Authors: Mihir Bapat, Chirag Manwani, Vishal Peshittiwar

Journal: Asian Spine Journal May 2018,

PMID No.: 30213161

ISSN No. of Journal: 1976-7846

Article Identifiers: Asian Spine J 2018;12(5):803-809

DOI No.:

Name: Dr. Amit Pispati

Title: Oral Bisphosphonate Induced Recurrent Osteonecrosis of Jaw with Atypical Femoral Fracture and

Subsequent Mandible Fracture in the Same Patient: A Case Report

Co-Authors: Varun Pandey, Roopak Patel

Journal: Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports

PMID No.: PMC6298721

ISSN No. of Journal: 2321-3817

Name: Dr. Bharat Dave

Title: The Relationship of Facet Joint Orientation and Tropism with Lumbar Disc Herniation and Degenerative

Spondylolisthesis in the Lower Lumbar Spine

Journal: Asian Spine Journal

PMID No.: 30326694

ISSN No. of Journal: 1976-1902


Multiple Author Category

Dr. Sharad Hardikar -

Hardikar's Orthopaedic Operations Text & Atlas

Single Author Category

Dr. Nitin Jaiswal - Orthopaedic -

Practical Examination Made Easy


Name: Dr. Bharat Dave

Title: Does the Surgical Timing and Decompression Alone or Fusion Surgery in Lumbar Stenosis Influence

Outcome in Cauda Equina Syndrome?

Journal: Asian Spine Journal

PMID No.: 30472822

ISSN No. of Journal: 1976-1902

Name: Dr. Bharat Dave

Title: The Relationship of Facet Joint Orientation and Tropism with Lumbar Disc Herniation and Degenerative

Spondylolisthesis in the Lower Lumbar Spine

Journal: European Spine Journal

PMID No.: 30887218

ISSN No. of Journal: 1432-0932

Name: Dr. Bharat Dave

Title: Ultrasonic bone scalpel: Utility in cervical corpectomy - A technical note

Journal: European Spine Journal

PMID No.: 29541849

ISSN No. of Journal: 1432-0932

Name: Dr. Ajay Puri

Title: Reconstructing diaphyseal tumors using radiated (50 Gy) autogenous tumor bone graft

Co-Authors: Laskar S., Byregowda S., Gulia A.

Journal: Journal of Surgical Oncology

PMID No.: 29949650

ISSN No. of Journal: 1096-9098

Name: Dr. Ajay Puri

Title: Neoadjuvant denosumab

Co-Authors: Gulia A., Rekhi B., Verma V., Hegde P.

Journal: Bone & Joint Journal

PMID No.: 30700112

ISSN No. of Journal: 2049-4394

Name: Dr. Ajay Puri

Title: Does a less intensive surveillance protocol affect the survival of patients after treatment of a sarcoma of

the limb? Updated results of the randomized TOSS study

Co-Authors: Badwe R. A., Hawaldar R., Gulia A., Ranganathan P.

Journal: Bone & Joint Journal

PMID No.: 29437071

ISSN No. of Journal: 2049-4394

Name: Dr. Arvind Goplarao Kulkarni

Title: Graduation of the Learning Curve from Small to Smaller: Evolution of Tubular Retractors from 18 mm to

14 mm in Management of Lumbar Disc Herniation


Co-Authors: Sagar Bhupendra Sharma, Tushar Kunder

Journal: Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique

ISSN No. of Journal: 2508-2043

Name: Dr. Arvind Goplarao Kulkarni

Title: Tubular Micro-Discectomy Under Local Epidural Anaesthesia: A Technical Note

Co-Authors: Sagar B. Sharma, Tushar S. Kunder

Journal: Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Techniques

ISSN No. of Journal: 2508-2043

Name: Dr. Arvind Goplarao Kulkarni

Title: Is Long-Segment Fixation a Rule in Fractures Associated With Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Co-Authors: Nandish Kumar, Ankit Patel, Varun Agarwal, Avinash Kumar

Journal: International Journal of Spine Surgery

PMID No.: 31131223

Name: Dr. Arvind Goplarao Kulkarni

Title: Motion Preservation Surgery: Excision Of Juxta C5-C6 Intervertebral Disc Osteoid Osteoma Using 3D C-

Arm Based Navigation: Technical Report

Co-Authors: Ankit Patel

Journal: SICOTJ

PMID No.: 30516129

Name: Dr. Arvind Goplarao Kulkarni

Title: Denosumab: A Potential New Treatment Option for Recurrent Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of The Spine

Co-Authors: Ankit Patel

Journal: SICOTJ

PMID No.: 30931897

Name: Dr. Ayush Sharma

Title: Intradural Disc a Diagnostic Dilemma - Case Series and Review of Literature

Journal: Journal of Neurosurgery

ISSN No of Journal: 2248-9614

Name: Dr. Ayush Sharma

Title: Can the Pirani Score Predict the Number of Casts and the Need for Tenotomy in the Management of

Clubfoot by the Ponseti Method?

Journal: Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal

ISSN No. of Journal: 2232-111X

Name: Dr. Ayush Sharma

Title: Comparative Study of Functional Outcome of Anterior Cervical Decompression and Interbody Fusion with

Tricortical Stand-Alone Iliac Crest Autograft versus Stand-Alone Polyetheretherketone Cage in Cervical

Spondylotic Myelopathy

Journal: Global Spine Journal

ISSN No. of Journal: 2192-5690


Name: Dr. Rajesh Maniar

Title: WHO Class of Obesity Influences Functional Recovery Post-TKA

Co-Authors: Tushar Singhi, Parul R. Maniar, Bharat Gangaraju

Journal: Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery

PMID No.: 29564044

ISSN No. of Journal: 2005-4408

Name: Dr. Rajesh Maniar

Title: Total Knee Arthroplasty in Indian octogenarians - To do or not to do? Review of 71 consecutive cases at 4


Co-Authors: Debashish Chanda, Rakesh Khiyani, Yogesh Sisodia, Nishit Bhatnagar, Rohan Bidwai

Journal: Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics

Name: Dr. Sandeep Sonone

Title: Anterior Release and Anterior Reconstruction for a Neglected Osteoporotic Odontoid Fracture

Journal: Asian J Neurosurgery

PMID No.: 31143274

ISSN No. of Journal: 10.4103/ajns.AJNS_42_18.

Name: Dr. Sandeep Sonone

Title: Anatomic Considerations of Anterior Transarticular Screw Fixation for Atlantoaxial Instability

Co-Authors: Keny S.A., Singh K., Gala R., Waghchoure C., Marathe N., Dahapute A. A.

Journal: Asian Spine Journal

PMID No.: 31309770

ISSN No. of Journal: 10.31616/asj.2019.0006

Name: Dr. Sandeep Sonone

Title: A Rare Case of Traumatic Lateral Translation of Lumbosacral Spine with Nerve Root Avulsion

Co-Authors: Muni S., Dahapute A., Marathe N.

Journal : J Orthop Case Rep

PMID No.: 30915289

ISSN No. of Journal: 10.13107/jocr.2250-0685.1244

Name: Dr. Siddharth M. Shah

Title: Ankle and hindfoot symptoms after medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy

Co-Authors: Jason Roberts, Frederic Picard

Journal : The Journal of Knee Surgery

PMID No.: 29618149

ISSN No of Journal: 1538-8506

Name: Dr. Javahir A. Pachore

Title: Prevalence of Radiographic Morphology of Femoroacetabular Impingement in Indian Population: A

Multicenter Study

Co-Authors: Chaitanya T. Waghchoure

Journal: The Journal of Arthroplasty

ISSN No of Journal: 0883-5403


Name: Dr. Javahir A. Pachore

Title: Mid term results of ceramic on ceramic cementless hip arthroplasty in younger age groups: results of a

prospective study

Co-Authors: Vaibhav Bagaria, Vikram I. Shah, Ashok Shyam, L. Bharath

Journal: Asian Journal of Arthroplasty

ISSN No of Journal: 2454-5473

Name: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Shrivastava

Title: Correction of postlaminectomy cervical kyphosis in an operated case of cervical spine primitive

neuroectodermal tumor

Co-Authors: Shaligram Purohit, Nirmal Patil, Sunil Krishna Bhosale

Journal: Asian Spine Journal

PMID No.: 29503678

ISSN No of Journal: 1976-1902

Name: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Shrivastava

Title: Apical Vertebral Column Resection with Sagittal Rotation and Controlled Anterior Opening and Posterior

Closing Maneuver for the Treatment of Severe Post-Tubercular Kyphosis: Case Series and Literature Review

Co-Authors: Kunal Roy, Rishi anil Aggarwal, Sunil Krishna Bhosale, Pradeep Nemade, Shaligram Purohit

Journal: Asian Spine Journal

PMID No.: 30962411

ISSN No of Journal: 1976-1902

Name: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Shrivastava

Title: Diffusion tensor imaging as an additional postoperative prognostic predictor factor in cervical myelopathy

patients: An observational study

Co-Authors: Nandan Marathe, Sunil Krishna Bhosale, Pramod Ingale, Prajakta Bhide

Journal: Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine

PMID No.: 31000973

ISSN No of Journal: 0974-8237

Name: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Shrivastava

Title: Paratesticular Paraganglioma with Metastasis to D1 Vertebra - A Case Report and Review of Literature

Co-Authors: Aditya Raj, Shaligram Purohit, Nandan Marathe, Sunil Krishna Bhosale

Journal: Journal of Orthopaedic Case reports

PMID No.: 30915305

ISSN No of Journal: 2250 - 0685

Name: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Shrivastava

Title: Role of Additional Coronal Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Decompression and Reconstruction with or

without Segment Salvage in Thoracic Spine Tuberculosis

Co-Authors: Prajakta Bhide, Shaligram Purohit, Nandan Marathe, Sunil Krishna Bhosale

Journal: Asian Spine Journal

ISSN No of Journal: 1976-1902


Name: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Shrivastava

Title: Correction of postlaminectomy cervical kyphosis in an operated case of cervical spine primitive

neuroectodermal tumor

Co-Authors: Nirmal Patil

Journal: Asian Spine Journal

PMID No.: 29503678

ISSN No of Journal: 1976-1902

Name: Dr. Vishal Kundnani

Title: Comparative Prospective Study Reporting Intraoperative Parameters, Pedicle Screw Perforation, and

Radiation Exposure in Navigation-Guided versus Non-navigated Fluoroscopy-Assisted Minimal Invasive

Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion

Co-Authors: Neilakuo Kire, Tarun Dusad, Shumayou Dutta, Shumayou Dutta, Tarun Dusad

Journal: Asian Spine Journal

PMID No.: 29713413

Name: Dr. Vishal Kundnani

Title: Feasibility and outcome of standard alone transarticular screw fixation in atlantoaxial instability in children

less than 8 years of age

Co-Authors: Shumayou Dutta

Journal: European spine Jounral

PMID No.: 29435652

ISSN No of Journal: 10.1007/s00586-018-5510-7

Name: Dr. Vishal Kundnani

Title: Minimally invasive microscopic - assisted standalone transarticular screw fixation without Hallie

supplementation in management of mobile atlantoaxial instability

Co-Authors: Tarun Dusad

Journal: Asian spine Jounral

PMID No.: 30060381

ISSN No of Journal: 10.3171/2017.12.PEDS17404

Name: Dr. Vishal Kundnani

Title: Posterior-approach single-level apical spinal osteotomy in pediatric patients for severe rigid kyphoscoliosis:

long-term clinical and radiological outcomes

Co-Authors: Ankit Patel

Journal: Journal of neurosurgery paediatrics

PMID No.: 29600907

ISSN No of Journal: 10.3171/2017.12.PEDS17404

Name: Dr. Vishal Kundnani

Title: Posterior-approach single-level apical spinal osteotomy in pediatric patients for severe rigid kyphoscoliosis:

long-term clinical and radiological outcomes

Co-Authors: Ankit Patel


Journal: J Neurosurg Pediatrics

PMID No.: 29600907

ISSN No of Journal: 10.3171/2017.12.PEDS17404

Name: Dr. Manish Agarwal

Title: Does Extracorporeal Irradiation and Reimplantation After Acetabular Resections Result in Adequate Hip

Function? A Preliminary Report

Co-Authors: Rajeev Reddy, Manit Gundavda, Rajat Gupta

Journal: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

PMID No.: 30794211

ISSN No of Journal: 0009-921X

Name: Dr. Manish Agarwal

Title: Does Denosumab Change the Giant Cell Tumor Treatment Strategy? Lessons Learned From Early


Co-Authors: Rajeev Reddy, Manit Gundavda, Rajat Gupta

Journal: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

PMID No.: 30794215

ISSN No of Journal: 0009-921X

Name: Dr. Manish Agarwal

Title: Reconstructive Challenges of Proximal Ulnar Bone Tumors: Our Experience with Biological Osteoarticular

Reconstruction Using Extracorporeal Irradiation and Reimplantation

Co-Authors: Rajeev Reddy, Manit Gundavda

Journal: Sarcoma

PMID No.: 31110466

ISSN No of Journal: 1357-714X

Name: Dr. Swapnil Keny

Title: The Staheli Shelf Procedure

Journal: Hip Preservation Techniques

ISSN No of Journal: 9780367030995

Name: Dr. Swapnil Keny

Title: Forearm Nailing

Journal: Hardikar's Orthopaedic Operations Text & Atlas

ISSN No of Journal: 978-93-5270-697-6

Name: Dr. Manoj Singrakhia

Title: Prospective Analysis of Functional Outcome of Single-Stage Surgical Treatment for Symptomatic Tandem

Spinal Stenosis

Journal: Indian Journal of Orthopedics

PMID No.: 30967703

ISSN No of Journal: 0019-5413


Name: Dr. Manoj Singrakhia

Title: Simultaneous Surgical Treatment of Congenital Spinal Deformity Associated with Intraspinal Anomalies

Journal: Asian Spine Journal

PMID No.: 6002162

ISSN No of Journal: 1976-1902

Name: Dr. Manoj Singrakhia

Title: Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Day-care Posterior Foraminotomy and Decompression of the

Cervical Spine

Journal: Asian Journal of Neurosurgery

PMID No.: 30459879

ISSN No of Journal: 1793-5482

Name: Dr. Manoj Singrakhia

Title: Intraspinal anomalies in early onset scoliosis: Current concepts

Journal: Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences

PMID No.: 30271460

ISSN No of Journal: 1793-5482

Name: Dr. Sachin Tapasvi

Title: Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair With Augmentation

Journal: Arthroscopy Techniques

PMID No.: 29552480

ISSN No of Journal: 2212-6287

Name: Dr. Sachin Tapasvi

Title: Knotless Medial Meniscus Posterior Root Repair

Journal: Arthroscopy Techniques

PMID No.: 29868415

ISSN No of Journal: 2212-6287

Name: Dr. Sachin Tapasvi

Title: Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction- State of the Art

Journal: Asian Journal of Arthroscopy

ISSN No of Journal: 2456-1169

Name: Dr. Tarush Rustagi

Title: Long-Term Survival after Brain and Spine Metastasis in Malignant Melanoma

Co-Authors: ULAS Yener, Kendra K, Dukajin Blakaj, Ehud Mendel

Journal: World Neurosurgery

PMID No.: 30763741

Name: Dr. Tarush Rustagi

Title: Early Lumbar Nerve Root Deficit After Three Column Osteotomy for Fixed Sagittal Plane Deformities in


Co-Authors: WF Lavelle, RA Tallarico


Journal: International Journal of Spine Surgery

PMID No.: 30276072

Name: Dr. Tarush Rustagi

Title: Surgical treatment of early-onset idiopathic scoliosis in the United States: a trend analysis of 15 years


Co-Authors: K. Sullivan, R. Dhawan, S. Kurra, WF Lavelle

Journal: Spine Journal

PMID No.: 29802889

Name: Dr. Tarush Rustagi

Title: Autologous Bone Harvest in Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery: A Quantitative and Qualitative In Vitro

Analysis of Cadaveric Tissue

Co-Authors: S. Rostad , F. Alonso, C. Fisahn, JR Chapman, C. Schmidt, RS Tubbs, E Yilmaz, RK Oskouian,

D. Drazin

Journal: World Neurosurgery

PMID No.: 29317360

Name: Dr. Tarush Rustagi

Title: Rapid Progression of Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament After Anterior Cervical

Discectomy and Fusion

Co-Authors: C. Fisahn, Alonso F., C. Schmidt, JR Chapman, RJ Oskouian, RS Tubbs

Journal: World Neurosurgery

PMID No.: 29107718



Web Master’s Report

thDate: 30 December 2019

I, Dr. Swapnil M. Keny and Dr. Kshitij Chaudhary, officially took over as the Web Masters of the Bombay st Orthopaedic Society from the 1 of April 2019. Developing a Seamless Website with ease of use was the Top Priority

during the redesigning of the Web Page of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society. Getting members to visit the Website

on a Regular Basis was also a priority when we took over.

To facilitate ease of use, it was decided to keep the interphase simple by having Pictorially Representative Tab for

each of the Speciality Instructional Courses with a convenient two step Registration Process .This ensured that very

smooth course registrations and a very convenient Payment Getaway.

A Convenient 2 Step Registration Process

To Ensure Academic traffic to the Webpage, the BOS Executive Council unanimously supported our proposal to

improve the Academic Content of the Website. The ‘Master Technique Webinars’ were envisaged with a clear aim to

have a parallel Web Based Academic Portal of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society in addition to all other Academic


Five Master Series Webinars were recorded and transmitted on Sunday Mornings of alternate months. The

promotion of these Webinars was done via Emails and SMS’s to all BOS Members. In addition, these events were

widely publicized on various Social Media Platforms. The Webinars garnered a tremendous response which

escalated the viewership and visibility of the various BOS Web Portals.

For the very First time, the Presidential Theme of ‘Winning Decisions: Getting it Right the First time’ was followed

throughout the Academic Year as the central idea on which the webinars were delivered by the Masters in respective

branches of orthopaedics.

Since WIROC 2019 was slated to be the most premiere Academic Event of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society,

Academic promotion of the conference was imperative. We collaborated with the WIROC Organizing Team to

record and transmit the Wikasepedia Series. From October to December we transmitted 20 Short case based

Webinars with a clear clinical message and a thorough review of Literature on the Subject. This Academic Event was

very well appreciated and Viewed by Audiences not only in India, but in many countries across the World .

We present a statistical Analysis of the Changes in Web Viewership on the BOS Web Portals in the Last 9 Months

after were commissioned to proactively promote academic teaching and scientific learning via the BOS Web Portals.


Total Views in 1 year Annual Total View Time Total Number of Subscribers Subscribers

Percentage of Likes for Webinars

Resources from Where the Webinars were Accessed

Countries where the Webinars were Seen

India 71.3%

Egypt 2.0%

Malaysia 0.8%

United Kingdom 0.8%

Germany 0.6%

Vietnam 0.5%

United States 0.5%

Ukraine 0.3%

Saudi Arabia 0.2%

Turkey 0.2%

Romania 0.2%

Thailand 0.1%

Other 22.5%

Likes (vs. dislikes)

29 Dec 2018-28 Dec 2019

Last 365 days 97.5%

Previous period 83.3%


In Addition to YouTube, the BOS Facebook page was consistently used to advertise all the Major Events in the BOS

Academic Calendar.

At the Beginning of the academic year, there was an intense discussion on the viability of continuing the BOS Mobile

App. The Utility of the app versus the cost of designing and running the app was found to disproportionate . Hence it

was decided to discontinue the BOS app for the Academic year 2019-20.

We would like to thank the BOS Executive Council and especially our Hon President, Dr. Sunil Shahane and Hon.

Secretary, Dr. Rujuta Mehta for the immense faith they had in us and for helping us in all possible ways to implement

our Ideas into Successful Execution .

Dr. Swapnil M. Keny Dr. Kshitij Chaudhary


The project was last presented during the BOS General Body Meeting held at Sion Hospital. There has been no

further work done due to the following reasons.

1. The scaffold being supplied by IIT Bombay does not meet the standard of the scaffold made by the original

researcher. Dr. Rinti Banerjee is looking into the matter

2. I have not received any additional funding from the BOS. Funds are needed for blood testing, histopathology,

extra servant to look after the rabbits etc

This is for your information.

Dr. Sujata Aiyer

Principal investigator


I, Dr. Nikhil Agrawal, Consultant Wockhardt Hospital take the honour to be the Convener of first-ever BOS

OUTREACH PROGRAM in Mira Road in association with Mira Bhayandar Orthopaedic Society( MBOS). The thprogram was conducted at Wockhardt Hospitals' Auditorium on 14 floor from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm. The theme

chosen for the event was HAND & FOOT. Invited faculties for the event were in HAND

1. Dr. Hemant Patankar & in FOOT

2. Dr. Abhishek Kini, Dr. Pradeep Moonot, Dr. Sampat Dumbre Patil. Dr. Moonot could not make it for the event due

to personal reasons. The academic sessions started at 09.00 am with ANKLE & FOOT session. The format was

didactic lectures. Inauguration ceremony of the event and launch of Mira Bhayandar Orthopaedic Society was held

in the break-in presence of BOS Hon. Vice President, Dr. Milind Sawant & BOS Hon. Secretary, Dr. Rujuta Mehta and

many more dignitaries. It was followed by HAND & WRIST session by Dr. Hemant Patankar. The format was didactic

lectures with a case to case examples and discussion. All delegates actively participated with numerous questions

asked in between as well after every talk, which was in a true sense, very interactive.

All delegates rated the event as excellent/ very good and a majority of them suggested to conduct such academic

meetings in Mira Bhayandar region more often. I, on behalf of MBOS and Wockhardt Hospital again thank BOS for

giving us the opportunity.


Dr. Nikhil Agrawal,


Consultant, Wockhardt Hospital, Mira Road



We are honored to submit the fellowship report of the Indian Orthopedic Association - IOA Travelling fellowship

2019 at Mumbai Centre. At the outset, we would like to thank IOA President, IOA Secretary and Fellowship

Secretary for granting us this opportunity. We would also like to thank Dr. Shubhranshu S. Mohanty and Dr. Rujuta

Mehta for organising and co-ordinating the minute detail of the fellowship tenure at Mumbai. We set out for our thJourney to Mumbai in the afternoon of 29 November, 2019 and reached by evening. Next day was Saturday and

we started our journey with a visit to Bombay Hospital and was welcomed by Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala and team. Dr.

Vishal Kundnani was particularly instrumental in explaining us details of every case and arranged lecture for us. Next

day, our visit was to the famous Wadia Children Hospital and greeted by dynamic personality of Dr. Rujuta Mehta. stMadam had ensured great brain storming lectures for us even on holiday. On 1 December, our visit was scheduled

for Hinduja Hospital. Dr. Sanjay Agarwala and team planned a list of unique and interesting cases for us. The hectic

day was followed up with dinner organised by Hinduja Hospital. The last day of our tenure was to the prestigious

KEM Hospital where Dr. Srivastava and Dr. Mohanty showed their versatile experience in spine and joint cases

respectively and it ended up with a fantastic dinner. We really appreciated the work which we could see in such a

short duration due to which we had a lot to learn. Inspite of the busy schedule, the fellowship mentor was able to get

time for healthy discussion about cases posted in OTs. We had the opportunity to savor Mumbai street food and was

able to visit few local places after finishing the days’ work. We felt we had gained a lot during this short stay in

Mumbai both in terms of knowledge and new friends and we would be able to employ this for betterment of patient

care in my area. We once again thank u for providing us this opportunity.

thSaturday, 30 November 2019

Bombay Hospital, Dr. Vishal Kundnani (09769310120) & Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala

stSunday, 1 December 2019

Wadia Children's Hospital with Dr. Rujuta Mehta (09821024711) & Team.

ndMonday, 2 December 2019

Hinduja Hospital with Dr. Sanjay Agarwala, Dr. Vikas Agashe (09821342502), & Team.

rdTuesday, 3 December 2019

KEM Hospital with Dr. Sudhir Srivastava, Dr. S. S. Mohanty & Dr. Sandeep Sonone (09820042840).




Hon. President: Dr. Sunil Shahane

Hon. Secretary: Dr. Rujuta Mehta

Three different activities were planned this year to embrace both the themes of MOA week .viz.

1. Medico-legal aspects for orthopaedic surgeons

2. Pre-hospitalisation trauma care


May 5, 2019 : Master Series

Venue : College of Physicians and Surgeons, Parel, Mumbai

Topic : Medico-legal issues in Orthopaedics - Prevention, Protection, Prudence to Avoid Prosecution

Convener : Dr. Swapnil Keny

Co-Convener : Dr. Prakash Samant

Faculty : Dr. L. N. Vora, Dr. Ram Chaddha, Dr. Swapnil Keny, Dr. S. S. Mohanty, Dr. Ashish Phadnis,

Dr. Harshad Argekar, Dr. Rujuta Mehta, Dr. Manit Arora, Dr. Abhijeet Kale, Dr. N. J. Karne,

Dr. Prakash Samant, Dr. Vivek Tilwani, Dr. Kavita Tilwani, Dr. Vivek Dwivedi

stThe Bombay Orthopaedic Society conducted its 1 Master Series for the Academic Year 2019-2020, in conjunction

with the Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association on the occasion of MOA Day. The program was held at the Office of

the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Mumbai, Parel from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.

The program started with the sub theme of Prevention where faculty from various Orthopaedic Subspecialities

spoke on their Safety Check lists in various orthopaedic conditions. The subjects varied from Spinal Surgery, to

Orthopaedic Surgery in children, Vicarious Responsibilities, Operating on Polytrauma patients and patients with Co-

Morbities, to operating on Elite Athletes, to Cadaveric Bone Retreivals. The session ended by an Enlightening talk on

‘Effective Patient Communication: The need of the Hour’ by Dr. N. J. Karne.

The Post Coffee Break Session sub themed as Protection started with another Comprehensive Talk by Dr. N. J. Karne

on ‘Avoiding litigation in Orthopaedic Practice’.

The final session of the day with the sub theme of Prudence to Avoid Prosecution had talks focussed on Medicolegal

Consent by Dr. Samant, followed by talks on Medical Indemnity by Dr. Vivek Tilwani and a final talk on Dealing with

an intraoperative adverse event by Dr. Kavita Tilwani.

The meeting was attended by 105 delegates and had a healthy Interaction between the Faculty and the Delegates.

The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks.


Bombay Orthopaedic Society had a tie up with OLA cabs for a Pan India Campaign. This activity was jointly

conducted by Dr. Neeraj Bijlani and Dr. Rujuta Mehta, where the MOA video prepared on the Good Samaritan and

basic first response at accident site prepared by Dr. Ashok Shyam and Dr. Parag Sancheti, was translated into regional

languages and installed in to all Ola Prime Cabs in major cities across India under the OLA network for viewing and

as a Public awareness activity. This activity will be kept live for the entire month of June also.


Date : June 8, 2019

Venue : Traffic Police Headquarters, Sir Pochkhanawala Road, Worli

Convener : Dr. Sunil Shahane


Co-convener : Dr. Rujuta Mehta

Faculty : Dr. Harshad Argekar, Dr. Sandeep Sonone, Dr. Vishal Kundanani, Dr. Satish Mutha

The first session comprised of introducing them to the concept of pre-hospitalisation trauma care and first

responders in the golden hour, by Dr. Rujuta Mehta. Dr. Sunil Shahane then instructed them on the current status of

traffic accidents and statistics worldwide v/s India and highlighted how the traffic police can actually make a

difference by learning the correct way to giving first aid and transport techniques. This was followed by an elaborate

teaching session and lecture by Dr. Harshad Argekar in recognising various types of trauma and what to do and what

not to do in the face of an RTA. Videos were shown about the correct way of managing a car accident victim and

transport. There after a demonstration by Dr. Sandeep Sonone in regional language with first aid using day to day

materials was done. 85 traffic police were trained during this workshop. This was followed by an elaborate

demonstration on Mannequins by Dr. Vinita Suryavanshi from The CPR association and vote of thanks by Dr. Satish

Mutha and Dr. Vishal Kundanani. The DCP police presided over the program. The program was highly appreciated.





The “Bone and Joint Week” 2019 was celebrated with great fervour under the aegis of the Bombay Orthopaedic

Society at 4 different places of Mumbai- Bandra, Bhabha Hospital, KJ Somaiya Hospital, Sion, Bombay Port Trust

Hospital, and Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Parel. These activities were based on the IOA Presidential

theme of “Strong Bones for Healthy Aging.”

Bone Health Camps: Bone health camps were held at three places - KJ thSomaiya Hospital, Sion (5 August), Bandra Bhabha Hospital (2nd August)

rdand Mumbai Port Trust hospital (3 August). Around 200 patients were

screened over 3 days and BMD

measurements were performed. They

were given health tips for strong bones

by Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dieticians

and Phys iotherapis ts . Th is was

supplemented by free/ concessional medicines for building bone strength.

These camps were conducted under the guidance of Dr. Nishat Gada at KJ

Somaiya hospital, Dr. A. G. Amberdekar and Dr. Sandeep Biraris at Mumbai

Port Trust Hospital and Dr. Satish Mutha at Bandra Bhabha Hospital.

Health Education Program (Bandra Bhabha Hospital): A unique health education program was conducted at Bandra,

Bhabha Hospital under the leadership of Dr. Satish Mutha. This includes awareness to all the nursing staff about

bone health, emergency management of the injured patient and golden hour management. This was very well

appreciated by the entire nursing staff.

Health Awareness Program (MBPT Hospital): Dr. A. G. Ambardekar (Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon) from Mumbai

Port Trust Hospital gave a lecture on Osteoporosis (prevention and management) for residents. Dr. Vivek Niumbha,

Dr. Sandeep Gokhale, Dr. Abhishek Jaroli and PG residents gave detailed tips to patients about bone health and they

were then screened for their BMD by DEXA.


rd“Paediatric Metabolic Bone Diseases OPD” (3 August): This was a very unique program which was started on the

occasion of the “Bone and Joint Week” as a continuous monthly activity. Continuing on the Hon. IOA President’s

theme of Healthy Bones, this OPD was conceptualized in order to enhance the bone strength of paediatric

population; especially the vulnerable ones with various metabolic bone diseases like Osteogenesis Imperfecta,

Resistant Rickets, Renal Osteodystrophy as well as other commoner metabolic disorders like nutritional rickets and

scurvy. This was a combined initiative of the Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics led by Dr. Rujuta Mehta,

Dr. Alaric Aroojis and Dr. Mandar Agashe and Department of Paediatric Endocrinology led by Dr. Sudha Rao. This

marked the start of a very unique OPD which is perhaps the first in Western India.


Brief outline of the four activities:

Date Place Activity No. of patients


nd2 August Bandra Bhabha hospital Bone Health camp 75

rd3 August Mumbai Port trust hospital Bone health camp 92

rd3 AUgust BJ Wadia hospital Comprehensive multi-speciality 8

Paediatric Metabolic bone

diseases OPD

th5 August KJ Somaiya hospital Bone Health camp 67




Name Designation A ttendance

Dr. Sunil Shahane President 5

Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar Past President 5

Dr. Shubhranshu Mohanty Elect President 4

Dr. Milind Sawant Vice President 4

Dr. Rujuta Mehta Secretary 5

Dr. Sandeep Sonone Treasurer 5

Dr. Gautam Zaveri Executive Council Member 4

Dr. Sudhir Sharan Executive Council Member 5

Dr. Satish Mutha Executive Council Member 5

Dr. Mandar Agashe Executive Council Member 5

Dr. Ashok Shyam Executive Council Member 4

Dr. Vishal Kundnani Executive Council Member 4


WIROC 2019 -


Event: WIROC 2019

Dates: December 20- 22, 2019

Venue: Renaissance Hotel & Convention Centre, Powai, Mumbai

Organizing Chairman: Dr. Sunil Shahane

Organizing Secretaries: Dr. Gautam Zaveri & Dr. Sudhir Sharan

BOS Executive Committee: Dr. Sunil Shahane, Dr. Arvind Goregaonkar, Dr. S. S. Mohanty, Dr. Milind Sawant, Dr.

Sandeep Sonone, Dr. Rujuta Mehta, Dr. Gautam Zaveri, Dr. Sudhir Sharan, Dr. Satish Mutha, Dr. Mandar Agashe, Dr.

Vishal Kundnani, Dr. Ashok Shyam

Delegates: 1280 (including 200 faculty - Foreign faculty: 6 & Out of station Faculty: 52)

For the first time at WIROC:

1. Interactive case based mini-symposia

2. Day School in Musculoskeletal Radiology

3. Research presented in 4 different categories - Free Papers, Videos, Cases and Abstracts

4. Post - WIROC Masterclass

5. Meet the Masters Sessions

6. Alumni meetings of all 4 premier medical colleges of Mumbai

7. Presidential Oration - “Kargil War- Leading from the Front” by Col. (Retd.) Lalit Rai

8. Evening Concert by Ace Percussionist Taufiq Qureshi

9. Street foods of Mumbai served at the WIROC 2019 Khau Galli

WIROC 2019 was held on December 20, 21 & 22, 2019 in the scenic Renaissance Hotel & Convention Centre along

the north western banks of the Powai Lake. It was a grand 3-day event that was attended by close to 1300 delegates,

6 foreign faculty, approximately 200 faculty from Mumbai and the rest of India and 65 members of the trade.

Inspite of significant advances in our understanding of orthopedic pathology & biomechanics, advances in

preoperative and intraoperative imaging, and introduction of new surgical equipment and techniques, the incidence

of failed surgery continues to be unacceptably high. Majority of surgical failures arise from poor patient selection,

selection of incorrect procedure and finally improper technique. To highlight the need for careful patient selection,

meticulous preoperative planning and precise intraoperative execution, the theme of the meeting was chosen as

“WINNING DECISIONS: GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME”. The scientific program consisted of mini symposia that

were conducted in an interactive case-based format. The goal was to conduct a case-based discussion of common

orthopaedic problems and impart practical tips that would be useful in day to day practice.

WIROC 2019 started with a CME program on Friday, December 20 with 32 hour-long mini symposia conducted in 4

different halls. While the concentration in Hall A was primarily on trauma, the program in Halls B and C involved

orthopaedic subspecialties including Musculoskeletal tumours, Paediatric Orthopaedics, Arthroplasty, Arthroscopy,

Spine, Shoulder, Ankle & Foot and Hand & Wrist. Hall D was dedicated to conducting a Day School in

Musculoskeletal Radiology where the focus was on teaching delegates how to read preoperative and postoperative

x-rays as well as MRIs of different regions - spine, hip, knee & shoulder. The symposia were a huge hit, with not even

standing room available in most sessions. The Meet the Masters sessions were held in the evening as informal,

breakaway sessions where two or three masters had a case based interaction with delegates on hip arthroplasty,

upper limb trauma, spine, medicolegal issues and How to read MRI of wrist, hand and elbow.

Saturday, December 21, 2019 started with 2 parallel interactive case discussion sessions on trauma and spine. The

plenary session in Hall A included guest lectures by the foreign faculty, namely, Dr. Denise Eygendaal, Dr. Michael

Ford, Dr. Hemant Pandit, Dr. Nirmal Tejwani, Dr. Subodh Deshmukh and Dr. Jwalant Mehta. Following the formal


WIROC 2019 -


inauguration of WIROC 2019, Dr. Mangar Parihar delivered a fantastic Katrak Oration on “HTO: New wine in a new

bottle: Change in Knowledge, Technology and Acceptance”. This was followed by the Talwalkar Symposium on

“Posterior Tibial Condyle fractures”. Mini-symposia on Challenges in Intramedullary Nailing, Why implants fail,

Complex hip & knee arthroplasty, Newer advances in Spine Surgery, Medicolegal Problems in practice and

Uncommon orthopaedic surgeries were held in the afternoon of December 21. In the evening, Meet the Masters

sessions were conducted to packed halls on Knee arthroplasty, Lower limb trauma, Spine, Paediatric orthopaedics

and Musculoskeletal tumours.

WIROC 2019 saw an unprecedented 229 scientific submissions in 4 different categories - Free Papers, Posters,

Videos and Interesting Cases. Of these, 56/125 Free Papers were selected for podium presentation, 10/17 for video

presentation, 10/38 for case presentation and the remaining for poster presentation. Dr. Abhishek Kini won the

Masalawala Best Paper Award for his presentation “Can the foot make our Total Knee Replacements walk better? -

Importance of Tibialis Posterior for preoperative planning of Total knee replacement: An Eye opener“. Dr. Manit

Gundavda Dr. Himanshu Rohela and Dr. Nandan Marathe were the winners of the Best Video, Best Case and Best

Poster awards respectively.

Sunday, December 22, 2019 again began with 2 parallel case based discussions on Paediatric Orthopaedics and

Arthroplasty. This was followed by The Presidential Theme Symposium ”Plan to Perfection: Get it right the first

time”. Dr. Nicholas Antao presented his work “Shoulder Fracture- Dislocations: Pathoanatomy, New Classification,

Management, Critical Analysis. Lessons learnt” at the Veteran Surgeon’s Forum while Prof. Nicholas Bishop from

Hamburg delivered the K. T. Dholakia Eponymous Lecture on “Implant Fixation in Bone”

The Presidential Guest Oration, “Kargil: Leading from the Front” was delivered by Colonel (Retd.) Lalit Rai, VC. He

spoke of the heroic sacrifices of the Indian soldiers when fighting the Kargil war in 1999 at an altitude of 18000 feet

and in temperatures of -75°C. The oration left everyone teary eyed and proud of our armed forces, who sacrifice

their lives to keep us safe.

Three parallel symposia were held post lunch on Sunday. These 3½ hour long symposia focussed on Reconstruction

following Complex Elbow Trauma, Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis and Surgical site infections in Orthopaedics.

The symposia were designed to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art knowledge and technical tips when

dealing with these difficult problems. The symposia ended with live saw bone demonstrations of surgical


Alumni meetings of all the 4 premier medical colleges of Mumbai were held with TNMC and GMC having their

meetings for the first time.

A new introduction at WIROC 2019 was the Khau Galli which served the street foods of Mumbai including pav

bhaji, dosas, dabeli, frankie, grilled sandwiches, chaat, golas, and ice-cream. From the juniormost to the seniormost

delegates were seen enjoying the delicacies to their heart content.

This year at WIROC, the social program saw a new trend. Mr. Taufiq Qureshi, ace percussionist and his team

performed a 75 minute long concert called “The African Drums and Breath Sounds” that mesmerized the delegates.

This was followed by DJette Smita who rocked the audience with her version of Bollywood music. Saturday night

was a traditional Bollywood nite with lots of singing, dancing and bonhomie.

WIROC 2019 received fantastic support from the trade. Almost 62 companies participated in the trade exhibition.

The general feedback from the delegates and faculty was incredibly positive, with quite a few senior delegates

commenting that “This was the Best Ever WIROC that they had ever attended”. The Organizing Team of WIROC

2019 thanks the delegates for their wishes and support. It was their enthusiasm for learning that made WIROC 2019

the success it became!!



Recommended by

Sr. No Name Qualification Recommended 1 Recommended 2

1 Dr. Jagveer Singh

M. S. Hospital Campus, Circular Road, MS Ortho Dr. Ashok Dr. D. D. Tanna

Bharatpur 9 Rajasthan 321 001 Khandaka

Tel. No.: 9414024455


2 Dr. Mohit Ravindra Shete DNB Ortho Dr. Abhay Kulkarni Dr. Sidhant Goyal

805, 8th Floor, Sai Siddhi Tower,

Laxmi Nagar, Ghatkopar (E) 400 075

Tel. No.: 8080640148


3 Dr. C. N. S. Mounika MS Ortho Dr. A. Srinivasarao Dr. Rujuta Mehta

D/O C.J. Seshu Babu, SF -1, 39-8-31,

Aravinda Apartments, Pydaiah Street,

Labbipet, Vijayawada 520 010

Tel. No.: 8331826190


4 Dr. Siddharth Hemang Patel MS Ortho Dr. Fayaz Memon Dr. Charan Yadav

Sector 2, Plot No 5, Tagore Road,

Gandhidham Gujarat 370 201

Tel. No.: 9428898469


5 Dr. Firoz Khan D. Ortho Dr. Kamlesh Joshi Dr. C. Adole

Arya Nagar, Near Post Office

Pilkhuwa Hapur U. P. 245 304

Tel. No.: 9897892786


6 Dr. Amit Joshi MS Ortho. Dr. Tushar Ubale Dr. Ganesh

101, Vaishali Building, Janki Kutir, Yeotiwad

Juhu Church Road, Vile Parle,

Mumbai 400 049

Tel. No.: 7702977885


7 Dr. Kshitij Soni MS Ortho Dr. S. N. Soni Dr. Dhanish

MPA-23, Mahaveer Nagar II, Mehendiratta

Kota 324 005

Tel. No.: 8696699999




8 Dr. Rahul Modi MS Ortho Dr. Aditya Menon Dr. Yash Wagh

B-2102, Mahindra Eminente,

S. V. Road, Goregaon (W),

Mumbai 400 104

Tel. No.: 9819273354


9 Dr. Hitesh Abhayraj Shukla MS Ortho Dr. Rakesh Dubey Dr. Ketan Badani

A-604, Gaurav, Galaxy Phase -3,

Sargam CV-UP, Balaji Hotel,

Mira Road (E), Mumbai

Tel. No.: 9769977625


10 Dr. Ishani Pinakin Shah DNB Ortho Dr. Pinakin Shah Dr. Pranav

604/B Shatrunjay, L.T. Road, Agrawal

Borivali West, Mumbai 400092

Tel. No.: 9870287744


11 Dr. Virendra Agrawal DNB Ortho Dr. Jugal Patel Dr. Chintan Patel

Plot No 112 Mysore Colony

Near RCF Gate 2 Chembur,

Mumbai 400074

Tel. No.: 9820129420


12 Dr. Kushal Gori DNB Ortho Dr. Jugal Patel Dr. Chintan Patel

C 113 Daffodil Bldng Dosti Acres

Antophill Wadala East, Mumbai 400037

Tel. No.: 9619690295


13 Dr. Suresh Kumar Sharma MS Ortho Dr. Sandeep Verma Dr. Zubin Mehta

Arogya Life Care Trauma Center

Mamun, Dalhousie Road, Pathankot

Tel. No.: 9814092256


14 Dr. Nitin Dhande D Ortho, DNB Ortho Dr. Ajay Kumar Dr. Rujuta Mehta

23, Ranchhod Nagar, Panchmukhi

Hanuman, Jalgaon 425 001

Tel. No.: 9422224244


15 Dr. Srisanat Srinivasan Rao DNB Ortho Dr. Gautam Zaveri Dr. Nitin Jaiswal

S/O, Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan Rao,

A-22, Surnnyvale Apartment No 351,

K. H. Road, Chennai, Ayanavaram

Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600023

Tel. No.: 9920676713




16 Dr. Himanshu Rohela MS Ortho Dr. Sandeep Wasnik Dr. Vikas Basa

A-90, Top Floor, Meera Bagh A Block,

Paschim Vihar, Delhi 110087

Tel. No.: 8800644911


17 Dr. Sivaraj Sadhasivam MS Ortho Dr. Pradip Nemade Dr. Sandeep

C-401, Parsons, Keystone Apartment, Sonone

Masakalipalayam Road, GV Residency,

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 015

Tel. No.: 9940338806


18 Dr. Chirag Chandraprakash Manwani DNB Ortho Dr. C. P. Manwani Dr. Samir Pilankar

801, Badrinath Tower,

Sanjeev Enclave Lane, 7 Bunglows,

Andheri (W), Mumbai 400061

Tel. No.: 9833544208


19 Dr. Abhilash Palla MS Ortho Dr. S. Subramanya Dr. S. M. Abid

A 21/187, Christian Lane, Kadapa, Rao

Andhra Pradesh 516 001

Tel. No.: 8861280031


20 Dr. Alok Kumar Pandey MS Ortho, Dr. Abhijeet Kale Dr. Jayesh

A-9, Century Quarters, P. B. Marg, DNB Ortho Baviskar

Worli Mumbai 400 030 Maharashtra

Tel. No.: 9833996719


21 Dr. Sameer Deepak Desai MS Ortho Dr. Nagraj Shetty Dr. Jawahar th104, Grandeur, 17 Road, Panjwani

Near Rajesh Khanna Garden,

Santarcuz (W), Mumbai 400057

Tel. No.: 9833312175


22 Dr. Amit Kailashbhai Dave DNB Ortho Dr. Anil Karkhanis Dr. Pradeep

B - 105, Yashoda Sadan No. 6, Bhosale

Saraswati Nagar, Navghar Road,

Bhayander (E), Thane 401105


Tel. No.: 9146542929



23 Dr. Viraj Ninad Gandbhir MS Ortho Dr. Aseem Parekh Dr. Kumaraswami

92, Bhaskar Pralhad Niketan Tower, Dussa

Sakharam Keer Road, Mahim,

Mumbai 400016 Maharashtra

Tel. No.: 9820456826


24 Dr. Adit Rajesh Maniar MS Ortho Dr. Rajesh Maniar Dr. Vinod AgrawalthFlat No. 801, 8 Floor, Serenity 95 / A,

Indranarayan Lane, Opp. Vero Moda

Store, Santacruz (W), Mumbai 400054

Tel. No.: 9920010666


25 Dr. Samarjit Patnaik DNB Ortho Dr. Abhijit Dr. Nitin Jaiswal

F 4 / 6, Highland Residency, Savadekar

Saileshree Vihar, Chandrasekharpur,

Bhubaneshwar, Odisha 751021

Tel. No.: 9776414444


26 Dr. Omkar Ranjit Shinde MS Ortho Dr. Dhiraj Dr. Naved F.

A 1, Paranjape Apartments, Sonawane Ansari

Madhav Nagar Road, Sangli 416416


Tel. No.: 9665217449


27 Dr. Ashwin Hemant Sathe MS Ortho Dr. S. S. Mohanty Dr. Tushar Rathod

139, Murarji Peth, Sathe Building,

Solapur 413001 Maharashtra

Tel. No.: 0217 - 2726362


28 Dr. Raghvendra Vikram Singh DNB Ortho Dr. Abhijit Dr. Nitin Jaiswal

A 12 / 403, Nilgiri Co. Op. Housing Savadekar

Society, Kalyan (E),

Dist. Thane 421306. Maharashtra

Tel. No.: 8600952463


29 Dr. Sachin Babulal Jain DNB Ortho Dr. Manoj K. Jain Dr. Ranjan

1102/11, A, Vardhmann Estate, Burnwal

Chiwda Galli, Lalbaug, Mumbai 400012

Tel. No.: 98922201507


30 Dr. Ankita Vijay Bansal MS Ortho Dr. Vijay Bansal Dr. Mahesh

1104, Valentina Lodha Paradise, Dombe

Majiwada, Thane West 400601

Tel. No.: 9987302241





31 Dr. Tejaswini Milind Patankar MS Ortho Dr. A. N. Parekh Dr. Rohan Habbu

302 ARCO CHS, Tejpal Scheme Road

No.2, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400057

Tel. No.: 9594806886


32 Dr. Kiran Harishchandra Mali D Ortho Dr. Ajit Chalah Dr. Suyog

22, Apna Pariwar CHS, Plot No 304, Chavhan

Sector 21, Nerul (E),

Navi Mumbai 400 706

Tel. No.: 9820216482


33 Dr. Danish Abdur Rashid Shaikh MS Ortho Dr. Anand Hajare Dr. Raghvendra rd31/15, LIG Colony, 3 Floor, V. B. Nagar, Singh

Kurla (W), Mumbai 400 070

Tel. No.: 9833021992


34 Dr. Prateek Chandraprakash Hegde MS Ortho Dr. Mishil Parikh Dr. Pramod Bhilare

B-303, Aditya Apartment, D. N. Nagar,

off, J. P. Road, Andheri(W),

Mumbai 400053

Tel. No.: 9967990075


35 Dr. Poorna Chandra Gajanan Shinde MS Ortho Dr. Amit Mehta Dr. Sandip Vyas

B-708, Ekta Woods, I Raheja Estate,

Kulupwadi, Borivali (E),

Mumbai 400 066

Tel. No.: 9820181579


36 Dr. Subhashis Aditya Banerjee MS Ortho Dr. Santosh Dr. Pankaj

Huchuk Para Near Durga Mandir, Banshelkikar Pawar

Purulia, West Bengal 723 101

Tel. No.: 9647100657


37 Dr. Gautham Suresh MS Ortho Dr. Sudhir Sharan Dr. Santosh N.

5/203, Kuntiputra Housing Society,

Sardar Nagar No.1, Sion East,

Mumbai 400022

Tel. No.: 9449031176


38 Dr. Deven Rajendra Kuruwa MS Ortho Dr. Santosh Dr. Sudhir

72-B, Cascade, Vasant Oscar, LBS Banshelkikar Sharan

Marg Mulund (W), Mumbai 400078

Tel. No.: 9004051424




Last Name: ................................................. First Name: .......................................... Middle Name: .......................................

Date of Birth: .............................. Sex: ..................... Resi. Address: (Detailed with PIN CODE) ..............................................


Clinic Address: (Detailed with PIN CODE please) ......................................................................................................................


Please add Country and Area Code before telephone numbers: (Eg. +91 22...)

Residence Phone: ..................................................................... Residence Fax: .......................................................................

Clinic Phone: ................................................... Clinic Fax: ............................................... Mobile: ..........................................

E-mail: ....................................................................................................... Website: .............................................................

Qualifications*: (Degree/Diploma; University & Year of Passing) ..............................................................................................


Registration*: (Number, Name of Medical Council & Year of Registration) .................................................................................


Membership of Other Orthopaedic Organizations with Registration No.: .................................................................................

Clinical Attachments: (Name, Address & Tel. Number of Institutions): .......................................................................................


Sub-specialty Interest in Orthopaedics:....................................................................................................................................

Recommended by: (Names, Signatures and LM Number of two life members of BOS)

1. ............................................................................................................. 2. .......................................................................

I am enclosing a Demand Draft No. ............................................................................. of Rs. 5000/- (Indian Rupees Five

Thousand Only) in favour of Bombay Orthopaedic Society', payable at Mumbai, of ....................................................... Bank,

dated ................................. for my Life / Associate Membership of the BOS. My membership will be confirmed on realization of

D. D., receipt of completed form with proof* of qualification and registration. It will be subject to ratification by the General Body

of the BOS.

Signature of Applicant: ................................................ Date: ............................................................



Please send duly filled form along with DD to:

Dr. Rujuta Mehta, Hon. Secretary,


C/o Vama Events Pvt. Ltd.,Office No. 4, Gr. Floor,

Anmol C.H.S., Sakharam Keer Road, Parallel to

L. J. Road, Shivaji Park, Mumbai - 400 016

Tel.: + 91 22 2438 3498 / 99


• Please attach photocopies of MS (Or th) / D. Orth / D.N.B. pass certificate & Medical Council Registration certificates along with this form.

• Signature of 2 Life Members along with their membership number is mandatory. Otherwise you will not be considered for membership.

• Please attach copy of your permanent postal address proof (for eg. - Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving Licence)

