Chapter 12 Complaints & Claims Contents 1. Revision 2. New Lecture 3. Exercises 4. Drills


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Chapter 12

Complaints & Claims


1. Revision 1. Revision

2. New Lecture 2. New Lecture

3. Exercises 3. Exercises

4. Drills 4. Drills

Translate the following sentences into Translate the following sentences into Chinese.Chinese.

1. Most of our buyers do not want to 1. Most of our buyers do not want to insure against the Risk of Breakage for insure against the Risk of Breakage for this article.this article.


2. Please insure against All Risks for (at) 2. Please insure against All Risks for (at) 10% over (above) the total invoice value.10% over (above) the total invoice value.

请按发票总金额的请按发票总金额的 110%110% 投保一切险。投保一切险。

3. We have insured W.P.A. and against 3. We have insured W.P.A. and against War Risk at 110% of the invoice cost War Risk at 110% of the invoice cost (value, amount).(value, amount).

我方已按发票金额的我方已按发票金额的 110%110% 投保水渍险及战争险。投保水渍险及战争险。

4. We are pleased to allow you an 4. We are pleased to allow you an additional 90 days to pay your note dated additional 90 days to pay your note dated March 20.March 20.

关于贵方关于贵方 33 月月 2020 日帐单,我方乐意再给予日帐单,我方乐意再给予 9090 天付天付款的宽限。款的宽限。

5. In reply to your letter of September 4 5. In reply to your letter of September 4 regarding insurance:regarding insurance:

现答复贵方现答复贵方 99 月月 44 日有关保险来函:日有关保险来函:

6. Your customer’s request for insurance 6. Your customer’s request for insurance coverage up to the inland city is coverage up to the inland city is acceptable on condition that such extra acceptable on condition that such extra premium is for his account.premium is for his account.


Multiple Choices.Multiple Choices.

1. As we can wait no longer for the 1. As we can wait no longer for the delivery of your order, we have to _____ of your order, we have to _____ it.

A. postpone B. refuse C. delay D. A. postpone B. refuse C. delay D. cancelcancel

2. All you have to do is to knock 10% 2. All you have to do is to knock 10% _______ the price._______ the price.

A. down B. off C. at D. onA. down B. off C. at D. on



3. After a 3. After a , we found the amount , we found the amount deficient.deficient.

A. check-up B. check-in A. check-up B. check-in

C. check-out D. check C. check-out D. check

4. We will draw____ you by our 4. We will draw____ you by our documentary draft at sight on collection documentary draft at sight on collection basis.basis.

A. at B. up C. on D. forA. at B. up C. on D. for



5. Payments should be made ______ sight 5. Payments should be made ______ sight draft.draft.

A. at B. upon C. by D. afterA. at B. upon C. by D. after

6. The consignment is covered _______ our 6. The consignment is covered _______ our open policy policy NO.1234.

A. at B. by C. on D. forA. at B. by C. on D. for



Teaching GoalsTeaching Goals11

Teaching FocusesTeaching Focuses22

Brief IntroductionBrief Introduction33

Sample Letters’ LearningSample Letters’ Learning55

Useful Words & ExpressionsUseful Words & Expressions66

Writing SkillsWriting Skills44

By learning this chapter, the students are supposed to be able to:By learning this chapter, the students are supposed to be able to:

1. Know knowledge about Complaints & Claims.1. Know knowledge about Complaints & Claims.

2. Know the useful words and expressions concerning 2. Know the useful words and expressions concerning

Complaints & Claims.Complaints & Claims.

3. Be familiar with the structure of letters concerning 3. Be familiar with the structure of letters concerning

about Complaints & Claims.about Complaints & Claims.

4. Apply the general structure in writing letters about 4. Apply the general structure in writing letters about

Complaints & Claims.Complaints & Claims.


Structures of Structures of letters of letters of

Complaints & Complaints & Claims Claims


Typical Typical sentences of sentences of

letters of letters of Complaints Complaints & Claims& Claims


The writing The writing skills of skills of

letters of letters of Complaints & Complaints &


Q1: Complaints & Claims?Q1: Complaints & Claims? A1:A1: In an ideal business transaction, everything

should be done so carefully, with details of offers and orders checked, packing supervised, handling of goods carried out expertly, that no mistake is made and nothing is damaged. Unfortunately, in business activities, no matter how perfect an organization may be, complaints from the customers are certain to arise. Customers sometimes receive the goods of inferior such conditions, customers may make a complaint or file a claim against the supplier.




理赔(理赔( settlement of claimssettlement of claims ))是指违约方受理受损方提出的赔偿要求。可见,索赔和理赔是同一个问题的两个方面。

在理赔时应注意:在理赔时应注意: 1. 要认真细致地审核国外买方提出的单证和出证

机构的合法性; 2. 要认真作好调查研究,弄清事实,分清责任; 3. 要合理确定损失程度、金额和赔付办法。

保险理赔程序 :1 、立案查验2 、审核证明和资料3 、核定保险责任4 、履行赔付义务

保险理赔的原则 :

1. 重合同,守信用。

2. 坚持实事求是。

3. 主动,迅速,准确,合理

保险理赔的时效 :

保险索赔保险索赔必须在索赔时效内提出,超过时效,被保险人或受益人不向保险人提出索赔,不提供必要单证和不领取保险金,视为放弃权利。险种不同,时效也不同。寿险的索赔时效一般为 5 年 ,财险(如车辆保险)的索赔时效一般为 2 年。


Q2: Complaints and claims are usually Q2: Complaints and claims are usually caused by?caused by?

A2: A2: 1. The wrong goods have been sent. 2. The quality is inferior to that stated in the contract. 3. The goods have been badly packed. 4. The goods arrived late, short or damaged. 5. The prices charged may be excessive, or not as agreed.

Q3: Claims can be made against?Q3: Claims can be made against? A3: A3: 1. The seller if the damage is caused by the

seller’s mistake or improper packing.

2. The shipping company if the damage is

caused by the carrier’s negligence or

improper handling during transportation

3. The insurance company if the damage or

loss is covered by the insurance policy

Q:Q: What’s the purpose of letters of complaints and claims?

A: A: The purpose of writing a letter of complaint or claim is to get better service or reasonable compensation instead of accusing the others. Thus, a complaint letter to a supplier, customer, or other businessperson about their work must be written in a restrained and tactful way.

Letters of complaints and claims Letters of complaints and claims usually follow the under mentioned usually follow the under mentioned outlines:outlines:

1. Address the reader politely. Make sure that your letter is polite and business-like.

2. Begin by regretting the need to complain. 3. Detailed presentation of facts to explain what is wrong.

Mention the exact date, name and quantity of goods, contract number or any other specific information that will make a recheck easier for the seller.

4. State your reasons for being dissatisfied and ask for an explanation.

5. Refer to the inconvenience or loss caused. 6. Suggest how the matter should be put right. The buyer who

doesn’t know what adjustment is proper should try to stimulate prompt investigation and action.

The letter which replies to a complaint The letter which replies to a complaint or claim should be paid attention to or claim should be paid attention to the following rules:the following rules:

1. The first thing that has to be decided is whether the complaint is justified.

2. If you admit that your company is in error or is willing to take responsibility for claim, express your regret and promise to put matters right.

3. If the complaint is not justified, point this out politely and in agreeable manner. You may not grant the original claim or only agree to partial adjustment. It would be a wrong policy to refuse the claim offhand. Use facts to convince him of your position.

4. If you cannot deal with a complaint promptly, acknowledge it at once. Explain that you are looking into it and that you will send a full reply later.

5. End with a friendly, positive comment. 6. All complains should be treated as serious matters and

thoroughly investigated.

Section 2

Section 3Section 4

Section 5

Section 1


Dear Sirs,A Complaint about Wrong Laser Printer①We would refer to your consignment of the Laser Printer of our Order No. 0303 that arrived this morning.

On opening the cases we found that we had received the wrong goods. We received a LP-868 instead of the LP-888 Laser Printer that we ordered.

Please advise us when we can expect to receive our order, as some of our customers have been waiting for up to one month.

Please also let us know what we are to do with the Laser Printer now in our possession .②

Yours faithfully,XXX

Letter 12-1Letter 12-1

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter of 10 September informing us of the wrong delivery of the Laser Printer.

On going into the matter we find that a mistake was indeed made in packing, through a confusion of number. We have arranged for the ③right goods to be dispatched to you at once. Relative documents will be mailed as soon as they are ready.

Do you think you might sell the LP-868 Laser Printer? If so, you may wish

to keep them awhile , and if they don’t move you can return them to us. ④In any event, we’ll pay all shipping charges.

Yours sincerely,XXX

Letter 12-1Letter 12-1

1. complaint n. 投诉,申诉,抱怨,不满

make a complaint against … 向……投诉 e.g. Our customers are making a complaint against

your poor packing. 我们的客户抱怨你们的不良包装。

complain v. 投诉 e.g. Many customers complain about the products. 许多客户投诉该产品。

2. in one's ( 或 someone's) possession 为某人所有 ( 或占有 )

3. confusion n. 混乱,混淆 e.g. Through a confusion of numbers, a mistake

was made in the loading. 由于数字混淆,装卸时发生错误。

4. awhile adv. 片刻;一会儿

Dear Sirs,

We have taken delivery of the goods under our Order No. 579 ①which arrived on S.S. Red Star at Lyon. Thank you for the prompt delivery of the order. The goods are correct and in goodcondition except for case No. 4.

Upon opening case No. 4, we found that it contained porcelain which we had not ordered. We presume that a mistake has ②been made in assembling the order. Case No. 4 should have contained cutlery.

Letter 12-2Letter 12-2

As we need the articles ordered to complete our range of cutlery, please make arrangements to dispatch the missing items at once.

We attach a list of what should have been in case No. 4. Please check this with our order and your copy of the invoice. In the meantime, we are holding case No. 4 at your disposal . Please ③fax us to let us know what to do with it.

Yours sincerely,XXX

Letter 12-2Letter 12-2

1. take delivery of … 提货 e.g. You may go to the wharf and take delivery of

the goods. 贵方可以到码头提货。

make delivery of … 交货 e.g. We shall make delivery of the goods next

week. 我们下星期就可以发货。

2. presume v. 推断,认为 e.g. We presume that the goods were damaged

during transit. 我们推断货物是在运输途中受损。

presumption n. 推测,假定 e.g. My presumption is that you are the newcomer. 我推测你是新来者。

3. at one’s/sb.’s disposal 由某人掌握,处理 e.g. Should we return the defective goods to you replacement or hold them at your disposal? 我方是退换贵方有缺陷的货品还是留着它们让贵方处理 呢?请告知。

April 23, 2009

Malaysia Trading Co., Ltd.

Dear Sirs,

Our Order No. 6079

We are pleased to have received the shipping documents in due course and taken delivery of the goods on arrival of the S/S “Queen” in Xiamen.

We appreciate your promptly carrying out this order. Everything appears to be correct and in perfect condition except in Case No. 12.

After unpacking this case we found it contained completely differently articles, and we can only presume that a mistake was made and the contents of this case were for another order.

Letter 12-3Letter 12-3

As our clients are badly in need of the commodities we ordered, we cannot but ① ask you to arrange for the dispatch of replacements immediately. We are

enclosing a list of the contents of Case No. 12, and shall be grateful if you will check this with our order and the copy of your invoice.

Meanwhile we are holding the above-mentioned case at your disposal.

Please take note of the above.②

Yours faithfully,China National Imp. & Exp. Corp.

Letter 12-3Letter 12-3

1. cannot but: have to 不得不 e.g. We cannot but cancel the contract as

you have breached it. 由于你方违反合同,我们不得不取消它。

2. take note of 注意 e.g. Please take note of that the payment

should be made by irrevocable L/C. 请注意付款方式应为不可撤销的信用证。

Dear Sirs,

150 Cases of Green Tea Under Contract No. FD543

We thank you very much for delivering the Green Tea under our Contract

No. FD543 so promptly. However, we feel it regrettable that only 147 cases

were received by us. Your carrier① was unable to explain the shortage②, so

3 cases of Green Tea are missing.

As is evidenced by the Clean Bill of Lading, our Shipping Order③ and your

Mate’s Receipt④, it is obvious that the shortage is due to your fault. In fact,

our customers are pressing us for a timely delivery and we are still in

Letter 12-4Letter 12-4

need of the full quantity we ordered. We shall be very pleased if you will

inquire into the matter and arrange to dispatch the remaining 3 cases as

soon as possible. Otherwise, we shall reserve the right to claim on you for

the shortage.

Your early clarification⑤ and settlement of the case will be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Letter 12-4Letter 12-4

1. carrier n. 承运人,通常指的是 shipping company 或 forwarding agent

2. shortage n. 短量,短少 e.g. The total shortage amounts to 1540 lbs. 共短重 1540磅。 We lodge a claim against you for a shortage of 2000 kgs. 我们就短重 2000千克向你方索赔。

3. Shipping Order 装货单,俗称“下货纸”

4. Mate’s Receipt 收货单,俗称“大副收据”

5. clarification n. 澄清 e.g. We shall appreciate your clarification of this

question. 感谢你方对此问题的澄清。

clarify v. 澄清 e.g. As we have clarified in one of our previous letters, we should not be held responsible for the

damage. 在之前的信函中我们说的很清楚,我方对货物的损坏 不负任何责任。

Claims for short-weight① ② fertilizers under S/C No. 9874

Dear Sirs,

We have taken delivery of the fertilizers under S/C No. 9874 which arrived on S.S. Hope at Weihai. In making our examination, we have found that 40 bags of the chemical fertilizer was broken and short-weight estimated 1650 LBS.

And now we have just received the Survey Report③ from the Weihai Commodity Inspection Bureau evidencing the broken bags being due to improper packing for which the suppliers

Letter 12-5Letter 12-5

are definitely responsible. On the strength of④ the Survey Report, we hereby register our claim with you as follows: Claim for Sum Short weight US $ 500 Survey charges US $ 50 Total Amount US $ 550

We attach the Survey Report No. GF305 together with our statement of claim⑤ which amounts to US $ 550.

We look forward to your reply, we remain.

Yours faithfully,XXX

Letter 12-5Letter 12-5

1. claim n. 索赔,索款 to make a (one’s) claim, to register a (one’s) claim, to file a (one’s) claim, to lodge a (one’s) claim , to raise a (one’s) claim, to put in a (one’s) claim, to bring up a (one’s) claim 提出索赔 to make a claim with (against) sb. 向某方提出索赔 to make a claim for (on) sth. 就某事提出索赔

e.g. We have filed a claim on this shipment against the

Seller for US $ 2000 for (on account of) short weight. 由于分量短少,我方已向卖方提出索赔 2000美元。

2. short-weight 短重 外贸书信中,作“短少,短缺,不足”解的“ short” 可与名词

或过去分词构成很多短语或复合词,其写法不尽一致。以 下是部分常见的这类短语和复合词及其一般写法: short shipment 短装 short-calculated 少算的 short-delivered 短交,缺交的 short-established 少开的 short-invoiced 发票少开的 short-landed 短卸的 short-opened 少开的 short-paid 少付的 short-shipped 短装的

3. Survey Report 检验报告 Survey Report on Quality 品质鉴定证明书 Survey Report on Weight 重量鉴定证明书

4. on the strength of 依靠,依据 e.g. On the strength of the contract you should

make shipment before 14th of this month. 根据合同,你方应该在本月 14日前装运。

5. statement of claim 索赔清单

Re: Our order No. 105 microscope model F505

Dear Sirs,

This is to inform you that we have received 20 cases of microscopes shipped by M.V. “① Serenity” for our order No. 105, but found that cases No.6, No.7 & No.11 were

badly damaged. Damage was attributed to fragile cases and insufficient packing forexport.

The Survey Report is forwarded evidencing damage to be the result of faulty ②packing . We ask you, therefore, to send us a cheque for US $ 110.00 to cover the ③cost we paid for the Survey Report.

Upon receiving the new Microscopes, we will return the damaged ones.

We trust you will promptly settle this claim.

Yours faithfully,XXX

Letter 12-6Letter 12-6

1. M.V. merchant vessel 商船

2. forward v. 转寄;促进,运送 e.g. We are forwarding you our catalogue. 我们把目录寄给你。 This mail will be forwarded immediately. 这些邮件将立刻发送。

3. faulty packing 错误包装 faulty goods 有缺陷的货物 e.g. Could you let me know how to deal with the

faulty goods? 你能告诉我们如何处理这些有毛病的货物吗?

Dear Sirs,

“Assam CTC”—300kgs of Black Tea

The above shipment is covered by Bill of Lading No. 10362 issued by your company. Upon being taken delivery①, the goods were found to have been seriously damp② and turn bad. According to the survey③ by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau④, the reason for the tea that has been damp is that the packing material was improper.

As the tea is no longer fit for people drinking, we must ask that you compensate us for the loss. We are holding the goods at your disposal⑤and look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,XXX

Letter 12-7Letter 12-7

1. upon being taken delivery 在货物被提取时 upon doing sth. 就在某场合或某事之后 e.g. Upon opening the case, we found that the

china was broken. 当我们打开箱子时,发现陶瓷已经破碎。

2. damp n. & adj. 潮湿;潮湿的 e.g. He put the quilts in the sum to get the damp

out. 他把被子晾在太阳下以去潮气。 The damp wood can’t be fired. 潮湿的木头点不着火。

3. survey n. & v. 检查;鉴定 e.g. He surveyed recent developments in economic. 他调查了近期的经济发展情况。

4. China Commodity Inspection Bureau 中国商业检验局

5. holding the goods at your disposal 把货物交给你方处理

hold/put sth. at one’s disposal 由某人使用或支配处理 e.g. We hold the compensation at insurance company’s disposal. 我们把此事交由保险公司处理。

Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of 16 May, and regret the delay delivery of the two HERCULES Excavators you have ①ordered. We are now trying our best to deliver them. You will have both excavators by 28 May at the latest.

The HERCULES is the most successful excavator we have produced by now. It gets an instant success at its first appearance at the Hong Kong Building Exhibition at last year and we were soon inundated with orders . Your order was ②received in December. It was not due for delivery until June according to the waiting list we had then. Nevertheless, we put

Letter 12-8Letter 12-8

the delivery date forward so that you would have the machines in May. In Apirl production was slightly set back

③ by the late arrival of some special parts and this has been responsible for the delay in the present case.

We trust that you will not be unduly inconvenienced by having to wait a few more days. The performance of the HERCULES Excavators will amply compensate you.④

Yours sincerely,XXX

Letter 12-8Letter 12-8

1. delay delivery 延迟交货 e.g. If you still delay delivery, I'll have to cancel the order. 如果你们再迟迟不发货,我将不得不取消订单。 In container shipping, the company said it wanted to delay delivery of the largest three of the nine ships it is due to receive this year until 2010. 在集装箱船方面,该公司表示,希望将原定今年接 收的 9 艘船中最大的 3 艘,推迟到 2010 年接收。

2. We were soon inundated with orders. 我方订单很快就应接不暇。

3. set back 推迟,延期 e.g. The crisis set back the entire economy of the capitalist world. 这次危机使资本主义世界的经济全面衰退。

4. compensate v. 赔偿 e.g. You should compensate us for the loss caused by the late delivery. 你方必须向我方赔偿因迟交货物所引起的损失。

compensation n. 赔偿 make compensation for sb’s losses 补偿某人的损失

Settlement of the Claim for Improper Packing and Shortweight

Dear Sirs,

Re: Your Contract No. 2341 for 1,000 M/T Chemical Fertilizer

We acknowledge receipt of your letter claiming on the consignment in ①question for improper packing and shortweight.

We immediately get into this matter and studied your Survey Report Nos. ②H388 and H389 together with your statement of claims. It was found that some 20 bags had not been packed in 5-ply strong paper bags as ③ ④stipulated in the contract, thus resulting in the breakage during transit, ⑤for which we tender our apologies. We also found that our Chemical Fertilizer had been properly weighted at the time of loading.⑥

Letter 12-9Letter 12-9

So shortweight is attributable to rough handling by the steamship ⑦ ⑧company in transit . You may claim against them for recovery of the ⑨loss.

In view of our long-standing business relations, we will make payment ⑩by cheque for US $ 2,678, the amount of one part of your claims, into your

account with the Bank of China, upon receipt of your agreement.

We trust that the arrangement we have made will satisfy you and look

forward to receiving your further orders.

Yours faithfully,


Letter 12-9Letter 12-9

1. acknowledge v. 告知收到(信件,礼物等) e.g. We acknowledge receipt of your order. 我们已收到你方定单。

2. get into 调查,仔细审查

3. some adv. 大约 e.g. We have sold some 40 tons of chemical

fertilizer. 我们约售出 40吨化肥。

4. 5-ply 五层 ply n. 厚度,后片,股 three-ply wood 三夹板 a two-ply rope 一根双股的绳子

5. breakage 破损

6. weigh v. 称……重量 e.g. The package weighs 50 1bs. 此包重 50磅。

7. is attributable to 可能归因于

8. rough handling 野蛮装卸

9. in transit 运输途中

10. in view of 鉴于

Dear Sirs,

We are very sorry indeed to learn from your letter of July 5th that you are not satisfied with the Printed Shirting supplied to your Order No. Q755.①

From what you say it seems possible that some mistake has been made in our selection of the materials meant for you. We are arranging for our sales manager ②Mr. Wang, who is now in London on a business trip , to call on you later this ③ ④week to compare the goods supplied with the samples from which you ordered them.

If it is found that our selection was faulty, then you can most certainly rely on us to replace them. In any case, we are willing to take the goods back and, if we can not supply what you want, to cancel your order.

We hope the above arrangements will satisfy you.

Yours truly,XXX

Letter 12-10Letter 12-10

1. Printed Shirting 印花细布

2. selection n. 选择,挑选;选集;精选品 e.g. As important as selection of managers is, it is an extremely difficult task. 选择管理者是重要的,但是同时也是极其困难的事情。

3. on a business trip 因公出差

4. call on号召,请求;访问,拜访 e.g. A representative of the company will call on you

to assess the damage. 公司的代表将前往贵处评估受损失的状况。

September 14, 2009

Liverpool Import Co. Ltd.

Dear Sirs,

Your Claim on Order No. 635

We confirm having received your letter of September 14 and regret to

note that the 15 bales of Pongee Silk under Order No. 635 arrived ① ②in

poor condition.

Letter 12-11Letter 12-11

If we were at fault we would be responsible. But on going into the ③ ④matter we found that our goods in question were carefully packed by ⑤experienced workmen and were in good condition when they left here, as was evidenced by a copy of the clean Bill of Lading which we sent herewith. We are sure they were damaged during transit. In this case, there are no ⑥grounds for such a claim to be lodged against us. We therefore suggest ⑦you set out a claim immediately against the shipping Company who should be held responsible.

We hope our explanation will be satisfactory to you.

Yours faithfully,Jiangsu Textiles Company

Letter 12-11Letter 12-11

1. bale n. 货物;大包,大捆 e.g. Enclosed please find an invoice for 100

bale of cotton fabric. 随函附上棉布 100 包发货票一份。

2. Pongee Silk 府绸

3. fault n. 缺点,毛病,瑕疵;错误;(对错误所负的)责任,过错(只用单数形式)

e.g. We regret to inform you that our clients are not satisfied with your products for they find some

faults in them. 我们抱歉地通知你方我们的客户不满意你们的产品, 因为他们从中发现一些瑕疵。

faulty adj. 有缺陷的,有缺点的 faulty goods 有毛病的货物 faulty packing 有缺陷的包装 e.g. Could you let me know how to deal with the faulty goods? 你能告诉我们如何处理这些有毛病的货物吗?

4. going into 调查,探究,评述;从事(某一行业) e.g. Please be assured that we will go into the

matter immediately. 请放心我们立即调查这件事。

5. in question 正被谈论的;该,所涉及的 e.g. The problem in question is how to open the southeast market. 正被谈论的问题是如何打开东南亚市场。 The goods in question are being shipped per

S.S. “Peace”. 该货正由和平号轮运出。

6. damage n. 损坏,损害(后接介词 to ) e.g. The Insurance Company will pay for the damage to our shipment. 保险公司将赔偿我们的船货受的损坏。

damage v. 损坏,损害 e.g. Our goods were damaged due to rough handling. 我们的货物由于粗鲁搬运而受损。

7. ground 理由,根据 be/give/have grounds for 有……之理由 e.g. There are no grounds for suspicion about our

credit. 没有理由怀疑我们的信誉。

Dear Mr. Turner,

We regret to see from your fax dated Dec. 20 that on arrival one of the cases of order No. KP401 was found damaged. But I’m afraid to say that all the cases ①were in perfect condition at the time they were loaded, as is evidenced by our clean Bill of Lading. Therefore it is quite obvious that the damage must have been caused in transit. In this case the liability clearly rests with either the ② ③ship owner or the insurance company. As this transaction was closed on CFR ④basis, we would suggest that you approach them for settlement of your claim.

However, in view of the long business relations between us, and in order to help you fulfill your commitment with your customers, we agree to ship you ⑤another 20 electric trains at 3% off the contracted price . Please reply soon to ⑥tell us whether this is agreeable to you.

Yours sincerely,XXX

Letter 12-12Letter 12-12

1. be found … 被发现…… e.g. The goods are found defective. 货物被发现是劣质品。

2. liability n. 责任 e.g. They deny any liability for the damage caused. 他们拒绝为发生的破损负责。

liabilities n. (复)负债 e.g. The business has liabilities of £ 2 million. 该公司负债 200万英镑。

3. rest with 在于 e.g. The authority to call an emergency meeting rests with the president. 召集紧急会议的权利在总统。

4. ship owner = shipping company 船主,船公司

5. commitment n. 承诺;责任 one’s commitment to his/her company/family 对公

司 /家庭的责任 e.g. Try the product out in the comfort of your own

home with absolutely no commitment to buy! 你可以在舒适的家里试用这一产品而没有购买的义务。 commit v. 承诺 e.g. As the market is volatile, we can’t commit

ourselves to your order. 由于市场反复无常,我们不敢承诺接受你方订单。

6. 3% off the contracted price 合同价格减 3%

off prep./adj./adv. 降价,减价 e.g. You can get some money off if you pay cash. 现金支付可打折。 There’s 40% off this week on all winter coats. 本周所有冬季大衣均降价 40% 。

Dear Sirs,

We refer to your letter of 29 February, 2009 regarding the standard of the Telephone Answering System we supplied to you recently. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

It seems that you are not satisfied with the quality of the Model ST-507 Telephone Answering Systems. You feel that they were poorly finished ①and shoddy , and were not of a satisfactory standard for your customers.②

We have discussed the matter with our sales representatives , Mr. Bai ③and Mr. Huang, to whom you talked earlier this month in your company, and they say that you checked the Model ST-507 very thoroughly before deciding to purchase and were aware of the standard of its workmanship④. We regret to inform you, therefore, that we cannot give you a refund

⑤ because the goods are of salable quality.⑥

Letter 12-13Letter 12-13

However, we always feel strongly that our customers’ satisfaction is our

top priority . Therefore, in order to make up for some of the ⑦inconvenience you have suffered, we would like to offer you the chance

to buy the Model ST-609 at an unbelievably low price. If you return the

80 Model ST-507 Telephone Answering Systems to us within the next

week (in perfect condition), we can offer a 10% discount off the list price

of the Model ST-609.

Please contact us as soon as possible to tell us if this arrangement is

acceptable to you.

Yours sincerely,


Letter 12-13Letter 12-13

1. poorly finished 外表粗糙

2. shoddy adj. 劣质的,劣等的 e.g. Those who manufacture and produce

counterfeit and shoddy commodity should be severely punished. 那些制造和生产假冒伪劣商品的人应该受到严惩。

3. sales representative 销售代理

4. workmanship n. 手艺、技艺、工艺品 e.g. The workmanship of products purchased in

this online store would be higher. 在这家网络商店所买的手工艺品可能会比较贵。

5. refund n. 退款;偿还,偿还额 e.g. Consumers have the right to return faulty

goods and demand a refund from the supplier. 消费者有权退回有瑕疵的商品,要求供给商退还款 项。

6. salable adj. 适于销售的;价格适当的;畅销的 e.g. These items are most salable in our

market. 在我们的市场上,这些产品是最畅销的。

7. top priority 最优先的事项

1. have complaints about … 对……投诉 2. take responsibility 负责3. settle a complaint/complaints 解决投诉 4. faulty goods 有毛病的货物5. draw attention 引起注意6. have no choice but 别无选择只有……7. sustain losses 蒙受损失 8. look into the matter 调查此事9. make a claim for damage 要求赔偿损失 10. to claim on sth. 为某货物索赔

11. upon their arrival 它们到达之后 12. franco domicile 免费运货至某处13. put us in no small trouble 给我们造成很大麻烦 14. on route 途中15. to have a thorough investigation of sth. 全面调查 某事 16. reserve the right 保留权利17. in these circumstances 在……情况下 18. meet you half way 各负一半19. a delay in shipment 装运延误 20. on sb’s part 就……而言

21. claim arising from a defect of the goods 货物瑕疵

引起的索赔 22. Inspection Certification 检验证书 23. missing articles 丢失的货物 24. put the matter right 更正此事 25. discharge receipt 卸货收据 26. in connection with 关于,与。。。有关27. be liable for damage 有赔偿损失的责任28. on examination 经检验29. claim against a person 向某人提出索赔30. in no case 在任何情况下都不

31. entertain a claim 受理索赔 …32. to understand how we are placed 理解我们的处境

33. be of the opinion that … 认为 34. take sb./sth. seriously 认真对待 /重视 35. were unloaded in error 错卸 36. in full and final settlement of … 全部并最终解决…37. claim for reimbursement 要求偿还,索偿38.slip up 犯错误39. for your account 记入你方帐户40. refund the goods to the seller 把货物归还卖方

41. reject a claim 拒绝索赔 42. needless to day 不用说43. dismiss a claim 驳回索赔 44. in consequence 因此,结果45. cannot but 只能 46. take this matter up 提出此事47. convey their apologies 表达他们的歉意 48. withdraw a claim 撤回索赔49. come to one’s attention 受到某人的注意

50. outturn weight 到货重量

Complete the following letters with proper words.Complete the following letters with proper words.

Dear Sirs,

We have just received the Survey 1 from Shanghai Commodity Inspection 2 evidencing that the

captioned goods unloaded here yesterday was shortweight 1, 120 kg.

A thorough 3 showed that the shortweight was 4 to the improper packing, for which the suppliers should be definitely 5 . On the 6 of the SCIB’s Survey



examinationexaminationexaminationexamination duedueduedue

responsibleresponsibleresponsibleresponsible basisbasisbasisbasis

Report, we hereby 7 a claim 8 you 9 stg.

270.00 in all.

We are 10 the Survey Report No. (93) 607 and look

11 to settlement at an 12 date.

Yours faithfully,


lodgelodgelodgelodge againstagainstagainstagainst forforforfor


forwardforwardforwardforward earlyearlyearlyearly

What are the ways for settling the claim?What are the ways for settling the claim?

Compromise 和解Mediation 调解Arbitration 仲裁Lawsuit 诉讼

Pay money. Return the goods and replace the
