Chapter 4



Chapter 4. Consumer Behavior, Market Research , and Advertisement ( 消費者行銷 , 市場研究和廣告 ). 第一組 : 詹天鵬 黃品蓉 翁瓊雯 林秀美. Learning Objectives. Describe the factors that influence consumer behavior online. Understand the decision-making process of consumer purchasing online. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 4Consumer Behavior,

Market Research, and


( 消費者行銷 , 市場研究和廣告 )

第一組 : 詹天鵬黃品蓉翁瓊雯林秀美

Electronic Commerce 2

Learning Objectives

1. Describe the factors that influence consumer behavior online.

2. Understand the decision-making process of consumer purchasing online.

3. Describe how companies are building one-to-one relationships with customers.

4. Explain how personalization is accomplished online.

5. Discuss the issues of e-loyalty and e-trust in EC.

6. Describe consumer market research in EC.

Electronic Commerce 3

Learning Objectives

7. Describe Internet marketing in B2B, including organizational buyer behavior.

8. Describe the objectives of Web advertising and its characteristics.

9. Describe the major advertising methods used on the Web.

10. Describe various online advertising strategies and types of promotions.

11. Describe permission marketing, ad management, localization, and other advertising-related issues.

12. Understand the role of intelligent agents in consumer issues and advertising applications.

Consumer Behavior

– 詹天鵬

- Customer Behavior Online

- The Consumer Decision-Making Process

- One – to – One Marketing, Loyalty, and Trust in EC

Electronic Commerce 5


• 問題描述 : Ritchey 是一家設計及生產越野自行車零件公司,年營業額約 1,500 萬美

金。其生產的產品會透過批發商和零售商賣給個別的消費者。公司於 1995 年設立網站 ( ,上網者僅能找尋 Ritchey 公司資訊及有賣該公司產品的零售商地點。此網站並沒有提供消費者所需的其它資訊,而公司亦無法經由此網站來了解消費者的需求。

• 解決方案 : 1995 年底,公司主要負責人 Philip Ellinwood 重新架構該公司網站,使能

直接取得消費者資訊。 - 首先,於網站進行客戶問卷調查,為能吸引消費者參與,公司提供回答問

卷的訪客 有機會獲得 Ritchey 之產品。 回答問卷者被要求輸入姓名與住址,然後回答關於產品問卷的問題。

- 使用 Web Trader 軟體,自動將問卷結果組織並儲存於資料庫。這些資訊用於協助市場和廣告決策上。

- 可容易地改變問題的內容來得到公司每年開發新產品的意見。 - 可從網站直接讀取瀏覽產品的電子型錄 ( 解說與圖示 ) 。

Electronic Commerce 6


• 結果 :

- Ritchey 每年約可節省 10 萬元美金的產品開發費用。

- 公司沒有在線上直接銷售自行車零件,而是經銷商透過網站來下訂單。 同時他們可以很快得到市場對新產品的反應,且經銷商不必僅推銷他們所熟悉的產品。

- 這網站是一企業對消費者之 EC ,用來跟消費者溝通、進行市場研究並做廣告,而這是網路行銷最基本之活動。

• 啟示 :

- 改變網站模式,由被動 ( 緊在網站展示資訊 ) 變更為互動中穫得好處。即使公司使用中間商來進行銷售,也能直接聽到顧客的聲音。

- 此新的互動網站使公司能夠更了解顧客並同時教育顧客,也可進行客戶服務。

Electronic Commerce 7

Learning about Consumer Behavior Online

• A Model of Consumer Behavior Online ( 消費者線上行為模式 )

– The purpose of a consumer behavior model is to help vendors understand how a consumer makes a purchasing decision

– Basic of a consumer behavior model:• Independent (or uncontrollable) variables  獨立 ( 不可控 ) 變數:個人或環境因素• Intervening or moderating variables 中介變數 ( 供應商控制的變數 ) :市場刺激 與 電子商務系統• Decision-making process 受獨立與中介變數影響, 過程最後會導致購買者之決定• Dependent variables 相依變數:購買者之決定 決策制定程序的結果

– 線上消費者可分 : 個別消費者 與 組織購買者

Electronic Commerce 8

Model of Consumer Behavior Online

Electronic Commerce 9

• Roles people play in the decision-making process ( 人們在決策制定程序中所扮演的角色 )

– Initiator( 啟始者 ) 第一個建議或想到購買某一特定產品或服務的人– Influencer( 影響者 ) 提供意見或觀點且在最後購買決策具有影響力的人– Decider( 決定者 ) 最後做購買決策或部分決策的人 --- 是否買 , 買什麼 ,如何買 ,那裡

買– Buyer( 購買者 ) 實際購買產品的人– User ( 使用者 ) 使用產品或服務的人

The ConsumerDecision-Making Process

Electronic Commerce 10

The ConsumerDecision-Making Process

• A Generic Purchasing-Decision Model

  ( 一般的購買決策制定模式 )

Five major phases:

(1) need identification(確認需求 )

(2) information search( 資訊收集 )

(3) evaluation of alternatives( 其他方案評估 )

(4) purchase and delivery( 購買和運送 )

(5) after-purchase evaluation( 購買後評估 )

Electronic Commerce 11

The ConsumerDecision-Making Process

• A Generic Purchasing-Decision Model

  ( 一般的購買決策制定模式 )

Two decisions at information search phase:– product brokering

Deciding what product to buy

  ( 決定買什麼產品 )

– merchant brokeringDeciding from whom (from what merchant) to buy a product

  ( 決定向那個零售商買產品 )

Electronic Commerce 12

The ConsumerDecision-Making Process• A Customer Decision Model in Web Purchasing  ( 網路上顧客購買決策模式 )

O’Keefe and McEachern built a framework CDSS (Consumer Decision Support System) for a web purchasing model.

• Online Buyer Decision Support Model ( 線上購買者決策支援模式 )

Silverman develpoed a model for a web site that support buyer decision making and searching.

• Other Models

Electronic Commerce 13

One-to-One Marketing,Loyalty, and Trust in EC

• one-to-one marketing( 一對一行銷 ) Marketing that treats each customer in a unique way to fit marketing and advertising with customer’s profile

and needs ( 用特別的行銷方式對待每一個客戶 , 並以客戶的簡介資料檔與需求

進行行銷與廣告 )

• One of the benefits of doing business over the Internet is that it enables companies to better communicate with customers and better understand customers’ needs and buying habits

( 使用網路進行交易的好處之一是能加強公司與顧客間的溝通交流 , 並能更了解顧客的需求及購買喜好 /習性 )

Electronic Commerce 14

Electronic Commerce 15

Exhibit 4.3 The New Marketing Model

Electronic Commerce 16

One-to-One Marketing,Loyalty, and Trust in EC

• personalization( 個人化 ) The matching of services, products, and advertising

content with individual consumers ( 服務、商品、廣告內容與個人之 配對,通常運用到使用者簡介資

料檔 )

user profile( 使用者簡介資料檔 )The requirements, preferences, behaviors, and demographic traits of a particular customer

( 客戶的需求、喜好、行為和人口統計資料 )

Electronic Commerce 17

One-to-One Marketing,Loyalty, and Trust in EC

• cookie( 使用者網站瀏覽資訊的紀錄 )A data file that is placed on a user’s hard drive by a Web server, frequently without disclosure or the user’s consent, that collects information about the user’s activities at a site

( 一個儲存在使用者硬體的資料檔案,經常是不公開的或必需經使用者同意,此記錄由網路伺服器經由網際網路傳送,而當使用者的瀏覽器再次進入特定網路伺服器時,儲存的資訊則會出現,並且 Cookies 會收集有關使用者在網站上活動的資訊 )

Electronic Commerce 18

One-to-One Marketing,Loyalty, and Trust in EC

• collaborative filtering( 協同過濾 )A personalization method that uses customer data to predict, based on formulas derived from behavioral sciences, what other products or services a customer may enjoy; predictions can be extended to other customers with similar profiles

( 一對一的配對方式,經由行為科學導出的公式,使用客戶資料去預測客戶會喜歡的產品或服務,並延伸至其他有相同簡介資料檔的客戶 )

Electronic Commerce 19

One-to-One Marketing,Loyalty, and Trust in EC

• Variations of collaborative filtering– Rule-based filtering( 以規則為基礎的過濾 )

( 由一連串詢問消費者 是 /否 或複選的問題所得資訊,推演出行為及人口統計學的規則 )

– Content-based filtering( 以內容為基礎的過濾 )

( 賣方根據使用者指定的喜好產品,推薦其他產品給使用者,產品比對需事先完成 )

– Activity-based filtering( 以活動為基礎的過濾 ) (觀察使用者在網上的活動亦可建立規則 )

• Legal and Ethical Issues on Collaboration Filtering 資訊的蒐集經常是未告知或未經使用者同意,這會引起法律與道德的


Electronic Commerce 20

Electronic Commerce 21

PChome 線上購物 加購專區

Electronic Commerce 22


1. SmartPost 能充分發揮 e-mail雙向互動和即時回應的特性,並與後端資料庫結合,讓企業能分析客戶資料、行為模式、偏好等,精準篩選目標客群,並自動執行多層次的一對一行銷。

2. SmartPost採用 Web Service 架構,具備高度的整合彈性與延展性,能以最具成本效益的方式與內部既有的流程、系統整合。

3. 還可選購 SmartSMS 一對一簡訊行銷系統,協助企業依行銷需求或顧客型態∕偏好,以不同形式( E-mail 、 SMS )將行銷訊息傳遞給不同目標族群,提升直效行銷之效益。

Electronic Commerce 23

One-to-One Marketing,Loyalty, and Trust in EC

• Customer Loyalty( 顧客忠誠度 )– Customer loyalty is the degree to which a customer will

stay with a specific vendor or brand for repeat purchasing

( 顧客跟隨一特定賣主或廠牌重覆購買的程度 )

– Customer loyalty is expected to produce more sales and increased profits over time

(期望經過一段時間 能提高銷售及利潤 )

– e-loyalty ( 電子化忠誠度 )Customer loyalty to an e-tailer

( 顧客對電子零售商的忠誠度 )

Electronic Commerce 24

One-to-One Marketing,Loyalty, and Trust in EC

• Satisfaction in EC– Satisfaction is one of the most important consumer

reactions in the B2C online environment (滿足是 B2C 線上環境中,最重要的顧客反應 )

– Recent statistics show:• 80% of highly satisfied online consumers would shop

again within 2 months (80%高滿意的客戶在二個月內會再回來消費 )

• 90% would recommend the Internet retailers to others (90% 會將此網路零售商推荐給其他人 )

• However, 87% of dissatisfied consumers would permanently leave their Internet retailers without any complaints

(87% 不滿意的顧客將永久離開此網路零售商,而不會有任何抱怨 )

Electronic Commerce 25

One-to-One Marketing,Loyalty, and Trust in EC

• Trust(信任 )The psychological status of involved parties who are willing to pursue further interaction to achieve a planned goal

( 是屬於參與個體的心理狀態,此個體自願進行更進一步的互動而達到計畫好的目標 )

• How to Increase Trust in EC– Trust between buyers and sellers ( 買方和賣方的信任 )

– Brand recognition

( 品牌認定 )

– EC security mechanisms can help solidify trust (EC安全機制可幫忙強化信任 )

Electronic Commerce 26

One-to-One Marketing,Loyalty, and Trust in EC

• Customer Loyalty( 顧客忠誠度 )– Customer loyalty is the degree to which a customer will

stay with a specific vendor or brand for repeat purchasing

( 顧客跟隨一特定賣主或廠牌重覆購買的程度 )

– Customer loyalty is expected to produce more sales and increased profits over time

(期望經過一段時間 能提高銷售及利潤 )

– e-loyalty ( 電子化忠誠度 )Customer loyalty to an e-tailer

( 顧客對電子零售商的忠誠度 )

Market Research

– 黃品蓉

- Market Research for EC

- Internet Marketing B2B

Electronic Commerce 28

Market Research for EC

• The Goal of Market Research To find information and knowledge that describes the relationships among consumers, products, marketing methods, and marketers

• The Aim of Market ResearchTo discover marketing opportunities and issues, to establish marketing plans, to better understand the purchasing process, and to evaluate marketing performance

Electronic Commerce 29

Market Research for EC

market segmentation

The process of dividing a consumer market into logical groups for conducting marketing research, advertising, and sales

• Segmentation is done with the aid of tools such as data modeling and data warehousing

Electronic Commerce 30

Why online Market Reserach

Electronic Commerce 31

Market Research for EC

• Online Market Research Methods– Implementing Web-based surveys– Online focus groups– Hearing directly from customers– Customer scenarios– Tracking customer movement– Analysis of B2C Clickstream Data

Electronic Commerce 32

Market Research for EC

• Tracking Customer Movements

transaction log

A record of user activities at a company’s Web site

clickstream behavior

Customer movements on the Internet

Electronic Commerce 33

Market Research for EC

Web bugsTiny graphics files embedded on e-mail messages and in Web sites that transmit information about the users and their movements to a Web server

spywareSoftware that gathers user information over an Internet connection without the user’s knowledge

Electronic Commerce 34

Market Research for EC

• Analysis of B2C Clickstream Data

clickstream dataData that occur inside the Web environment; they provide a trail of the user’s activities (the user’s clickstream behavior) in the Web site

Electronic Commerce 36

• 進入檢視報告的頁面時,發現二個部份,一個是左邊的控制頁面以及右邊的圖化的報告,控制除了一般選項外,還能以行銷和網站管理者的角度來切換。

Google Analytics

Electronic Commerce 37

• 圖形分析部分,除了記錄到訪數、網頁檢視之外,還有新、舊訪客,及訪客從那一個網站、那一國家來造訪你的網站等等,詳細的資料等者各位自己去了解

Electronic Commerce 38

Electronic Commerce 39

Electronic Commerce 40


Electronic Commerce 41

網路市調:多啦 A 夢是網友們認為最會賺錢的卡通人物

Electronic Commerce 42

Market Research for EC

• Web Analytics– Enable retailers to make site adjustments on the fly, manage

online marketing campaigns and EC initiatives, and track customer satisfaction

– If a company redesigns its Web site, it can gain almost-instant feedback on how the new site is performing

– Web analytics help marketers decide which products to promote and merchandisers achieve a better understanding of the nature of demand

Electronic Commerce 43

• 《 Web Site Measurement Hacks 》抽絲剝繭分析網站資訊




第七章強調報表及 KPI 的重要性對不同性質的網站提出建議性指標供讀者參考

Electronic Commerce 44

Market Research for EC

• Limitations of Online Market Research– Too much data may be available– To use data properly, it should be organized, edited,

condensed, and summarized– The solution to this problem is to automate the process by

using data warehousing and data mining– Some of the limitations of online research methods are:

• Accuracy of responses• Loss of respondents because of equipment problems• The ethics and legality of Web tracking• Lack of representativeness in samples of online users

Electronic Commerce 45

Internet Marketing in B2B

• Organizational Buyer Behavior– Organizations buy large quantities of direct

materials and indirect materials– Transaction volumes are far larger– Terms of negotiations and purchasing are complex

Electronic Commerce 46

Model of Organization Buyer Behavior

Electronic Commerce 47

Internet Marketing in B2B

• Methods for B2B Online Marketing– Targeting customers– Electronic wholesalers– Affiliate programs– Infomediaries and online data mining services– Other B2B marketing services

Electronic Commerce 49






AP to AP 連線



透過 Browser上網


ICBC 導入電子金融經驗分享-B2B


Electronic Commerce 50

Reference about Market Research and B2B






– 翁瓊雯

- Web Advertising

- Advertising Method

– 林秀美

- Advertising Strategies and Promotions online

- Special Advertising Topics

- Software Agents in Marketing and Advertising


Electronic Commerce 52

Web Advertising

• Overview of Web Advertisinginteractive marketing

Online marketing, enabled by the Internet, in which advertisers can interact directly with customers and consumers can interact with advertisers/vendors



Electronic Commerce 53

Web Advertising

• Overview of Web Advertising (cont.)

– Two major business models for advertising online:

• Using the Web as a channel to advertise a firm’s own products and services

• Making a firm’s site a public portal site and using captive audiences to advertise products offered by other firms

Electronic Commerce 54

Web Advertising

Using the Web as a channel to advertise a firm’s own products and services :佐丹奴

Electronic Commerce 55

Web AdvertisingMaking a firm’s site a public portal site and using captive audiences to advertise products offered by other firms :東森購物網

Electronic Commerce 56

Web Advertising

• Some Internet Advertising Terminology(專業用語 )

- ad viewsThe number of times users call up a page that has a banner on it during a specific time period; known as impressions or page views

- ButtonA button is a small banner that is linked to a Web site. It may contain downloadable software.

- PageA page is an HTML document that may contain text, images, and other online elements.

Electronic Commerce 57

Web Advertising

• Some Internet Advertising Terminology (cont.)- click (click-through or ad click)

A count made each time a visitor clicks on an advertising banner to access the advertiser ’s Web site

- CPM (cost per thousand impressions)The fee an advertiser pays for each 1,000 times a page with a banner ad is shown

- conversion rateThe percentage of visitors who actually make a purchase

Electronic Commerce 58

Web Advertising

• Some Internet Advertising Terminology (cont.)- click-through rate (or ratio)

The percentage of visitors that are exposed to a banner ad and click on it

The ratio between the number of clicks on a banner ad and the number of times it is seen by viewers; measures the success of a banner in attracting visitors to click on the ad

- hitA request for data from a Web page or file

Electronic Commerce 59

Web Advertising

• Some Internet Advertising Terminology (cont.)- visit

A series of requests during one navigation of a Web site; a pause of a certain length of time ends a visit

- unique visitA count of the number of visitors to a site, regardless of how many pages are viewed per visit

- stickinessCharacteristic that influences the average length of time a visitor stays in a site

Electronic Commerce 60

Web Advertising

• Why Internet Advertising?– Television viewers are migrating to the Internet– Advertisers are limited in the amount of information

they can gather about the television and print ads

Much more information

and feedback is possible

with Internet advertising.

Electronic Commerce 61

Web Advertising

• Why Internet Advertising? (cont.)– Other reasons why Web advertising is growing

rapidly:• Cost( 成本 )

• Richness of format( 豐富的形式 )

• Personalization( 個人化 )

• Timeliness( 時效性 )

• Location-basis( 區域為基礎 )

• Digital branding( 數位品牌 )

Electronic Commerce 62

Web Advertising

advertising networks

Specialized firms that offer customized Web advertising, such as brokering ads and targeting ads to select groups of consumers

Electronic Commerce 63

Advertising Methods

• Bannersbanner

On a Web page, a graphic advertising display linked to the advertiser’s Web page

keyword banners

Banner ads that appear when a predetermined word is queried from a search engine

random banners

Banner ads that appear at random, not as the result of the user’s action

Electronic Commerce 64

Advertising Methods banner 、 random banners

Electronic Commerce 65

Advertising Methods keyword banners

Electronic Commerce 66

Advertising Methods

• Benefits of Banner Ads– By clicking on them users are transferred to an

advertiser’s site, and frequently directly to the shopping page of that site

– The ability to customize them for individual surfers or a market segment of surfers

– Viewing of banners is fairly high because “forced advertising” is used

– Banners may include attention-grabbing multimedia

Electronic Commerce 67

Advertising Methods

“forced advertising”

Electronic Commerce 68

Advertising Methods

• Limitations of Banner Ads– Cost – A limited amount of information can be placed on

the banner– Viewers have become somewhat immune to

banners and simply do not notice them as they once did

Electronic Commerce 69

Advertising Methods

banner swappingAn agreement between two companies to each display the other’s banner ad on its Web site

banner exchangesMarkets in which companies can trade or exchange placement of banner ads on each other’s Web sites

Electronic Commerce 70

Advertising Methods

pop-up adAn ad that appears in a separate window before, during, or after Internet surfing or when reading e-mailpop-under adAn ad that appears underneath the current browser window, so when the user closes the active window, he or she sees the adinterstitialAn initial Web page or a portion of it that is used to capture the user’s attention for a short time while other content is loading

Electronic Commerce 71

Advertising Methodspop-up ad

Electronic Commerce 72

Advertising Methodspop-under ad

Electronic Commerce 73

Advertising Methods

interstitial ad

Electronic Commerce 74

Advertising Methods

• E-Mail Advertising– E-Mail Advertising Management—Four guidelines

that marketers should consider to leverage customer insights throughout the e-mail marketing campaign lifecycle :1. Thinking about customer experience;2. Making privacy protection a part of their brand

promise;3. Ensuring their recipients know about their privacy

protection; and 4. Measuring impact.

Electronic Commerce 75

Advertising Methods

• Search Engine Advertisement—The major advantage of using URLs as an advertising tool is that it is free

– Improving a company’s search-engine ranking (optimization)

– Paid search-engine inclusion

Electronic Commerce 76

Advertising Methods Search Engine Advertisement

Electronic Commerce 77

Advertising Methods

• Advertising in chat rooms(討論室廣告 )Chat room allows advertisers to cycle through messages and target the chatters again and again

(討論室可以使廣告商不斷提供訊息和鎖定討討論者 )

• Advertising in newsletters( 商業通訊廣告 )Free newsletters are abundant. This informative newsletter solicits ads from companies.

(免費商務通訊,被公司拿來作為廣告 )

Electronic Commerce 78

Advertising Methods Advertising in chat rooms( 討論室廣告 )

Electronic Commerce 79

Advertising Methods

• Other forms of advertising( 其它形式廣告 ) – advertorial

An advertisement “disguised” to look like editorial content or general information

– associated ad display (text links)

An advertising strategy that displays a banner ad related to a term entered in a search engine

Electronic Commerce 80

Advertising Methodsassociated ad display (text links)

Electronic Commerce 81

Advertising Methods線上影音

Electronic Commerce 82

Advertising Methods虛擬社群 - 個人免費廣告網站 kijiji

Electronic Commerce 83

Advertising Methods線上遊戲

Electronic Commerce 84

Advertising Methods


Electronic Commerce 85

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions Online

Associated ad display (text links)An advertising strategy that displays a banner ad related

to a term entered in a search engine. (e.g. purchase books)

Affiliate marketing and advertisingA marketing arrangement by which an organization refers consumers to the selling company’s Web site

Ads as a commodityPeople are paid for time spent viewing an ad. Payment maybe cash (e.g., $0.50 per banner) or product discounts

Viral marketingWord-of-mouth marketing by which customers promote a product or service by telling others about it

Electronic Commerce 86

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions Online

Associated ad display (text links)

Electronic Commerce 87

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions Online

Affiliate marketing and advertising

Electronic Commerce 88

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions Online

Ads as a commodity

Electronic Commerce 89

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions OnlineViral marketing (Protection)

Electronic Commerce 90

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions Online

Customizing AdsFiltering irrelevant information by providing consumers with customized ads can reduce this information overload

WebcastingA free internet news service that broadcasts personalized news and information, including seminars, in categories selected by the user

Electronic Commerce 91

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions OnlineCustomizing Ads (Webcasting)

Electronic Commerce 92

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions Online

Online Events, Promotions, and Attractions

Live Web Events


Third-party vendors that conduct promotions, especially large-scale ones

Electronic Commerce 93

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions OnlinePromotions

Electronic Commerce 94

Exhibit 4.10 Framework for Admediation

Electronic Commerce 95

Advertising Strategiesand Promotions Online

• Major considerations when implementing an online ad campaign:

• Target audience of online surfers clearly understood

• Traffic to the site should be estimated, and a powerful enough server used handle the expected traffic volume

• Assessment of results is needed to evaluate the budget and promotion strategy

• Consider co-branding

Electronic Commerce 96

Special Advertising Topics

• Permission Advertising

spammingUsing e-mail to send unwanted ads (sometimes floods of ads)

permission advertising (permission marketing)

Advertising (marketing) strategy in which customers agree to accept advertising and marketing materials

• Advertisement as a revenue

Electronic Commerce 97

Special Advertising Topics940119 濫發商業電子郵件管理條例草案 - 行政院第 2924 次院會通過版第四條 發信人發送商業電子郵件,應符合下列規定:

一、提供收信人得選擇不再接收來自同一發信人同類郵件之機制。二、於郵件主旨欄加註「商業」、「廣告」、「 ADV」或其他經主管機關公告足資辨識其為商業電子郵件之標示。但發信人事前已獲得收信人同意者,不在此限。三、提供正確之信首資訊。四、提供發信人之團體或個人名稱或姓名及其營業所或住居所之地址。

第五條 發信人不得有下列行為:一、明知或可得而知收信人已為拒絕接收商業電子郵件之表示,仍為發送者。二、明知或可得而知商業電子郵件之主旨有虛偽不實或引人錯誤之表示,仍為發送者。三、明知或可得而知商業電子郵件轉寄前之信首資訊有虛偽不實,仍為發送者。

第七條 發信人違反第四條或第五條規定,侵害收信人權益者,負損害賠償責任。一、收信人雖非財產上之損害,亦得請求賠償相當之金額。


  三、 基於同一原因事實負損害賠償責任者,合計最高總額以新臺幣二千萬元為限。但因該原因事實所得利益超過新臺幣二千萬元者,以該所得利益為限。




Electronic Commerce 98

Special Advertising Topics

• Ad ManagementMethodology and software that enable organizations to perform a variety of activities involved in Web advertising (e.g., tracking viewers, rotating ads)

• LocalizationThe process of converting media products developed in one environment (e.g., country) to a form culturally and linguistically acceptable in countries outside the original target market

• Internet radioA Web site that provides music, talk, and other entertainment, both live and stored, from a variety of radio stations

• Wireless AdvertisingM-commerce in marketing and advertising is growing quickly.

Electronic Commerce 99

Special Advertising Topicsad management

Electronic Commerce 100

Special Advertising TopicsWireless Advertising (Vert Intelligent Display)

Ultra-Bright LCD Displays

Secure Wireless NetworkOnboard Computer

Central Server

Data Collection & Report Capabilities

Geo-Targeting Technology

Electronic Commerce 101

Special Advertising Topics

• Features for selecting ad management software (AdManager of

- The ability to match ads with specific content- Tracking- Rotation- Spacing impressions

Electronic Commerce 102

Special Advertising Topics

• Ad Content– The content of ads is extremely important, and

companies use ad agencies to help in content creation for the Web just as they do for other advertising media

– Content is especially important to increase stickiness

Electronic Commerce 103

Software Agents in Marketingand Advertising Applications

• A Framework for Classifying EC Agents: Agents that Support:

– Need identification (what to buy)– Product brokering (from whom to buy)– Merchant brokering and comparisons– Buyer-seller negotiation– Purchase and delivery– After-sale service and evaluation

Electronic Commerce 104

Purchase Decision-Making ProcessAgents That Support Need Identification (What to buy)

Electronic Commerce 105

Purchase Decision-Making ProcessAgents That Support Product Broking (from whom to buy)

Electronic Commerce 106

Purchase Decision-Making ProcessAgents That Support Merchant Brokering and Comparisons

Electronic Commerce 107

Purchase Decision-Making ProcessAgents That Support Buyer-Seller Negotiation

Electronic Commerce 108

Purchase Decision-Making ProcessAgents That Support Purchase and Delivery

Electronic Commerce 109

Purchase Decision-Making ProcessAgents That Support After-Sale and Evaluation

Electronic Commerce 110

Software Agents in Marketingand Advertising Applications

• Character-Based Animated Interactive Agents

avatarsAnimated computer characters that exhibit humanlike movements and behaviors

social computingAn approach aimed at making the human-computer interface more natural

chatterbotsAnimation characters that can talk (chat)

Electronic Commerce 111

Software Agents in Marketingand Advertising Applications

Animated avatars (part of social computing)

Electronic Commerce 112

Software Agents in Marketingand Advertising Applications


Electronic Commerce 113

Software Agents in Marketingand Advertising Applications

Character-based interactive agents use in CRM and customer service

Electronic Commerce 114

Software Agents in Marketingand Advertising Applications

• Other EC AgentsOther agents support consumer behavior, customer service, and advertising activities.

Electronic Commerce 115

B2C 電子商務概況與未來趨勢

資料來源:經濟部商業司「電子商務環境整備及企業對個人電子商務推動計畫」/資策會 ACI ; 2004 年 8 月

















2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

( )西年 年


Electronic Commerce 116

B2B 電子商務概況與未來趨勢

資料來源:經濟部商業司「電子商務環境整備及企業對個人電子商務推動計畫」/資策會 ACI ; 2004 年 8 月















1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

( )西年 年


Electronic Commerce 117

Describe one-to-one marketing.

Review Questions

Ans: Marketing that treats each customer in a unique way to fit marketing and advertising with customer’s profile and needs

( 用特別的行銷方式對待每一個客戶 , 並以客戶的需

求進行行銷與廣告 )

Electronic Commerce 118

List 3 online Market research methods

Review Questions

Ans: Online Market Research Methods

– Implementing Web-based surveys– Online focus groups– Hearing directly from customers– Customer scenarios– Tracking customer movement– Analysis of B2C Clickstream Data

Electronic Commerce 119

Describe the reasons for the growth in Web advertising ?

Review Questions

Ans:– Television viewers are migrating to the Internet– Much more information and feedback is possible with

Internet advertising.– Cost( 成本 )– Richness of format( 豐富的形式 )– Personalization( 個人化 )– Timeliness( 時效性 )– Location-basis( 區域為基礎 )– Digital branding( 數位品牌 )

Electronic Commerce 120

List some typical Internet promotions.

Ans: - Associated Ad Display

- Affiliate Marketing and Advertising- Ads as a Commodity- Viral Marketing- Customizing Ads- Online Events, Promotions and Attractions

Review Questions
