Cheng Ran_Everything Has Its Time



Galerie Urs Meile Publication

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程然 CHENG RAN物各有时 EVERYTHING HAS ITS TIME《物各有时》2011 (录像剧照), 单频彩色录像/16:9/hdv, 6分钟 “Everything Has Its Time” 2011 (still), single channel color video/16:9/hdv, 6 mins

程然1981 生于中国内蒙古


2004 毕业于中国美术学院,中国杭州


2011 “物各有时”,麦勒画廊 北京-卢森,中国北京



2011 “破晓”,阿拉里奥画廊,中国北京、韩国天安

“与我同行”,House of Electronic Arts Basel, LISTE博览会,瑞士巴塞尔

“Catch the Moon in the Water: Emerging Chinese Artists”,James Cohan画廊,美国纽约



“End to End——新媒体艺术展”,Harvestworks多媒体艺术中心,美国纽约

2010 “The Passage Project #1 Alex: A Tribute to Alexander McQueen”,James Cohan画廊,中国上海


3rd i project: compilation of Chinese video art,V2媒体艺术中心,荷兰鹿特丹

“泄密的心”,James Cohan画廊,美国纽约、中国上海

2009 横滨电子艺术节,日本横滨



2008 “与后殖民说再见——第三届广州三年展”,广东美术馆,中国广州

“There is No I in Team”,英国纽卡斯尔

Cheng Ran1981 born in Inner Mongolia, China lives and works in Hangzhou, China

2004 graduated from China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China

Solo Exhibitions

2011 “Everything Has Its Time”, Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne, Beijing, China

“Circadian Rhythm”, Qingying Gallery, Hangzhou, China

Selected Group Exhibitions

2011 “Daybreak”, Arario Gallery, Beijing, China and Cheonan, Korea

“Be With Me”, House of Electronic Arts Basel, LISTE, Basel, Switzerland

“Catch the Moon in the Water: Emerging Chinese Artists”, James Cohan Gallery, New York, USA

“Present Continuous Past(s)”, Taikang Space, Beijing, China

“In a Perfect World...”, Meulensteen Gallery, New York, USA

“End to End – New Media Art Show”, Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center, New York, USA

2010 “The Passage Project #1 Alex: A Tribute to Alexander McQueen”, James Cohan Gallery, Shanghai, China

“Mongolia 360° – 1st Land Art Biennial Mongolia”, Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

3rd i project: compilation of Chinese video art, V2 Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam, Netherlands

“The Tell-Tale Heart (Part 2)”, James Cohan Gallery, New York, USA and Shanghai, China

2009 “CREAM – International Festival for Arts and Media”, Yokohama, Japan

“Immersion and Distance”, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China

Seoul International Experimental Film Festival, Seoul, Korea

2008 The Third Guangzhou Triennial, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China

“There is No I in Team”, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

A fragmented sound clip on a mobile phone contains a recording of a piece of music played by a busker on the metro in Paris. When the recording was made, the air was muggy in the gloomy compartment of the train; people on the train were standing on their own, gazing at each other indifferently. All of a sudden, the music echoed through the carriage and seemed to tear through the air and the people on board; the music shone into everyone’s hearts, with no way out. The sound of music mixed together with the noise of different languages, the environment and the air of the carriage, broken by the movement of the train. Because I hesitated for an instant, I didn’t record the beginning of the tune. I have tried to imagine and remember that moment, and have tried to recreate it by manipulating the recording and making it into a loop.

Text by Cheng Ran











程然 《物各有时》

Upcoming Solo Show: Galerie Urs Meile in Beijing will present Cheng Ran’s new video installation “HORSE” from 05.11.11 - 12.02.12

即将举行个展: 麦勒画廊北京部将于2011年11月5日至2012年2月12日展出程然的最新影像装置作品《马》。
