Introduction to A & P TEST REVIEW. Anatomy is a term, which means the study of… a)Physiology...


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Introduction to A & P TEST REVIEW

Anatomy is a term, which means the study of…a) Physiologyb) Morphologyc) Cell functionsd) Human functions

The study dealing with the explanations of how an organ works would be an example of…

a) Anatomyb) Cytologyc) Teleologyd) Physiology

The process of turning molecules that are ingested into forms that are compatible with the organism is….

a) Digestionb) Absorptionc) Assimilationd) Circulation

The removal of a compound that the body no longer requires is called…a) Secretionb) Excretionc) Movementd) Digestion

The process in which cells and organisms are able to maintain a stable balance of internal and external substances and forces is called…

a) Equilibriumb) Adaptationc) Adjustmentd) Homeostasis

The following are examples of homeostatic parameters or body values except which one?a) Heart rateb) Blood pressurec) Blood glucose levelsd) Insulin production

A decrease in blood glucose that causes the inhibition of insulin is an example of…a) Positive feedbackb) Negative feedbackc) Abnormal functiond) The action of glucagon

A system is defined as a group of _____ that function together.a) Cellsb) Tissuesc) Moleculesd) Organs

The following belong together except which one?a) Headb) Armc) Neckd) Trunk

The __________ separates the thoracic from abdominal cavities.a) Pelvisb) Rib cagec) Diaphragmd) Peritoneum

The following belong together except which one?a) Brainb) Vertebral canalc) Spinal cordd) Stomach

The orbital cavity would contain the _____.a) Eyesb) Nasal septumc) Braind) Teeth

Another name for the cavity in the front or belly side is…a) Dorsalb) Ventralc) Abdominopelvicd) Vertebral

The _________ membranes surround the lungs.a) Pericardialb) Mediastinalc) Pleurald) Peritoneal

Which of the following would NOT be lined by peritoneum?a) Heartb) Stomachc) Intestinesd) Liver

The ______ system plays a role in moving fluids, wastes, and bones.a) Skeletalb) Integumentaryc) Musculard) Nervous

The skin belongs to the _________ system.a) Nervousb) Integumentaryc) Circulatoryd) Muscular

Integration and coordination are properties of the _______ system of organs.a) Nervousb) Circulatoryc) Excretoryd) Muscular

Hormones are chemicals of the _____ system that affect target areas.a) Cardiovascularb) Endocrinec) Exocrined) Nervous

The _______ system returns tissue fluids to the heart.a) Circulatoryb) Lymphaticc) Integumentaryd) Histologic

A tumor on top of the head would be on the _______ surface.a) Inferiorb) Superiorc) Mediald) Lateral

The naval is located on the ______ surface.a) Cranialb) Ventralc) Dorsald) Inferior

The wrist is _____ to the fingers.

a) Distalb) Inferiorc) Superiord) Proximal

A medial tumor on the head could be on the _____.a) Earb) Cheekc) Nosed) Eye

The arms lie on the _____ surface of the trunk.a) Medialb) Lateralc) Distald) Posterior

A _______ section divides the body into right and left.a) Coronalb) Transversec) Sagittald) Frontal

A ______ section divides an organ into top and bottom.a) Sagittalb) Obliquec) Coronald) Transverse

A _________ fracture occurred in the hip area.a) Glutealb) Lumbarc) Costald) Coxal

A cervical lesion could be on the uterus or ______.a) Neckb) Cheekc) Armpitd) Abdomen

The forearm is a/an __________ area.

a) Antecubitalb) Antebrachialc) Cephalicd) Crural

Answer Key

1. Morphology2. Physiology3. Assimilation4. Excretion5. Homeostasis6. Heart rate7. Negative feedback8. Organs9. Arm10. Diaphragm11. Stomach12. Eyes13. Abdominopelvic14. Pleural15. Heart16. Muscular

17. Integumentary18. Nervous19. Endocrine20. Lymphatic21. Superior22. Ventral23. Proximal24. Nose25. Lateral26. Sagittal27. Transverse28. Coxal29. Neck30. Antebrachial
