Language Functions الوظائف اللغوية


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¶ Language Functions اللغوية الوظائف ¶

ç واألشخاص األماكن سؤال تمارين فى نبدأ أن قبل الجديدة اإلضافة مفهوم على نتعرف أن يجب

) كلمة وهى العام هذا للسؤال المضافةFunction ) ~:

اللغوية الوظيفة هو ( Function ) بكلمة المقصود طلب أو إستفسار يكون ... فقد الحوار يؤديها التى

... أوغيره طلب أو عرض أو إقتراح أو معلومات ولهذا يجب حفظ الكلمات اآلتية بشكل جيد لتتمكن

من حل هذه الجزئية من السؤال:~

Greeting تحية Inquiring االستفسار

Introducing people تقديم

األشخاصSeeking information

طلب معلومات

Offering العرض Stating preference تفضيل إبداء شئ

Requesting الطلب Wishing التمنىPolite request مهذب طلب Deduction االستنتاج Thanking

الشكرCongratulating التهنئة

Expressing gratitude Polite remark مهذبة عبارةAccepting قبول Warning تحذيرRefusing politely بأدب رفض Asking for permission إذن طلب

Refusing and giving reasons Expressing feelings عن التعبير


Expressing anger أسباب إبداء مع رفض عن التعبيرالغضب

Suggesting االقتراح Expressing fear الخوف التعبيرInviting الدعوة Expressing surprise الدهشة

Agreeing (Approval) Expressing pleasure موافقة السعادة


Disagreeing (Disapproval) رفض Expressing displeasure

عدم الرضا

Apology االعتذار Expressing satisfaction الرضاForgiving االعتذار قبول Expressing sympathy التعاطفGiving advice نصيحة إعطاء Suspecting / Doubt الشكGiving opining رأى إعطاء Prediction التنبؤProhibition التحريم المنع ~ Persuasion اإلقناع Praising المدح Encouragement التشجيع Blaming والعتاب اللوم Reply / Response الرد

Giving instructions إعطاء

تعليمات Exclamation التعجب

Regretting الندم Expressing sympathy مع التعاطف


1] Greeting التحية Reply عليها الرد~ Good morning. ~ Good morning. ~ Good night. ~ Good night.

~ How do you do?تشرفن

ا~ How do you do?

~ Pleased to meet you. ~ Pleased to meet you too.~ Nice to see you. أراك أن لطيف ~ Nice to see you too. ~ How are you? ~ Fine, and you?

2] Introducing People تقديم األشخاص

Responses الردود

~ This is …… ~ How do you do?~ Come and meet …… ~ Pleased to meet you.

3] Welcoming People الترحيب بالناس

Responses الردود

~ Do come in! تفضل

بالدخول ~ Thank you very much.

~ Enjoy yourself / ves. منك كرم هذا .It’s kind of you ~ راحتك خذ

~ Make yourself at home. فى أنت

بيتك ~ It’s nice of you. منك لطف هذا

~ What would you like for a drink? ~ Something cold / hot.

4] Seeing Guests Off وداع الضيوف

Reply الرد

~ You must come round and see us. ~ Thank you we’d love to.

5] Offering خدمة عرض Accepting / Refusing

~ Shall I … for you? ~ No, thanks, I can manage.~ Would you like me to …? ~ Yes, please. ~ No, thanks. ~ Would you like some …? ~ No, thanks, I don’t want any.~ Can I help you? ~ Yes, please. ~ No, thanks.

6] Requesting الطلب Reply الرد~ Could you …, please? ~ Yes, of course.~ Would you mind + v. + ing? ~ No, not at all.

7] Thanking الشكر Reply الرد~ Thank you very much. ~ Not at all. ~ Thanks a lot. ~ That’s all right.~ Many thanks. ~ Don’t mention it.

~ You are welcome.

8] Suggestion االقتراح Approval / Disapproval

~ Let’s …… . ~ It's a good idea.~ Why don’t we + مصدر ? ~ It’s a good idea.~ What about + ——— ? ~ I’m sorry. I’m busy …… .

~ I suggest going to …… . ~ I’m afraid, I can’t.

9] Inviting الدعوة Responses الردود

اسم— ing

~ I’d like to invite you to … . ~ It’s a pleasure.~ Would you like to come with me? ~ I’m sorry. I’m busy.

10] Apology راالعتذا Forgiving التسامح~ I’m very sorry. ~ That’s all right.~ I am sorry for …… . ~ Don’t worry.~ I apologize for …… . ~ Never mind.

11] Asking For Advice طلب نصيحة

Giving Advice نصيحة إعطاء

~ Could you advise me how to + ?مصدر

~ You should / shouldn’t … .

~ Could I ask your advice about …? ~ If I were you, I’d … .

12] Giving Advice نصيحة إعطاءResponding To Advice على الرد

النصيحة~ You should / shouldn’t … . ~ Yes, you are right.~ If I were you, I’d … . ~ Yes, I know I should / shouldn’t Accepting

~ That’s a good idea.~ I don’t want to do that. ( ٌRefusing)

13] Wishing التمنى Responses الردود~ I wish I were rich. ~ Good luck.~ I wish you a happy journey. ~ Thank you very much.~ Have a nice stay in Egypt. ~ Thanks.

14] Prohibition والتحريم المنع Reply الرد~ You mustn’t / You can't

+ مصدر~ I am sorry. I promise I won’t.

~ You are not allowed to

15] Inquiring راستفسا Reply الرد~ How was the journey like? ~ It was very interesting / bad.~ What about your last holiday. ~ It was a dream / nightmare holiday.~ What nationality are you? ~ I am American / British.~ What’s wrong with you? ~ I am …………………… .

16] Asking For Information طلب معلومات

Responses الردود

~ Would you mind telling me about ..? ~ No, not at all.~ Which platform does the train go from? ~ Platform No. 5.~ How long does it take? من تستغرق كمالموقت

~ Ten minutes. / ~ Two hours.

~ What’s the weather like? ~ It is rainy / sunny / windy / cloudy.

17] Asking About Price عن السؤال السعر

Response الرد

~ How much is / are … ? ~ L.E. 10 each. ~ How much does it cost? ~ 150 pt. a kilo.

18] Asking About Preference تفضيل

Stating Preference إبداء التفضيل

~ Which one do you prefer? ~ I prefer the green one.

19] Likes And Dislikes الحب والكره

Responses الردود

~ What do you like doing? ~ I like reading. ~ What kind of game do you like? ~ I like tennis.

20] Congratulation التهنئة Reply الرد~ I congratulate you on … .

~ Thank you very much. ~ Congratulations!

21] Warning التحذير Responses الردود~ Be careful or you’ll get hurt. ~ Thank you very much.

~ Beware of ……………… إحذر

من ~ That’s kind of you.

~ Look out! انتبه! ~ It’s not your business.

22] Asking For Permission طلب إذن

Responses الردود

~ Can I + ?مصدر

~ Yes, of course.

~ May I go out, please? ~ No, you are not allowed to.

23] Asking For An Opinion عن السؤال أىر

Responses الردود

~ What do you think of …? ~ I think … .~ How do you like reading ? ~ I like it very much.

24] Presenting Things تقديم األشياء

Response الرد

~ Here you are.

~ Thank you very much. ~ This is for you.

~ Here you are. Help yourself.

25] Asking For Explanation طلب توضيح

Responses الردود

~ What does it mean? ماذا

. تعنى ~ It means …… .

~ Which … do you recommend? ~ I recommend …… . بـ أوصى

26] Persuasion االقتناعEncouragement التشجيع

Reply الرد

~ Come on … You should … ~ Ok. I will do it.

~ I will think about it.

27] Predicting The Future التوقع Reply الرد

~ I think he will pass the exam. ~ I think so too. هذا اعتقد k أيضا~ I don’t think she will travel. ~ Neither do I. أنا وال

28] Inquiring إستفسار Responses الردود~ Hello, is that (Areeg)? ~ Hello! Yes, Areeg speaking. ~ Can I speak to Ahamd, please? ~ I am sorry, wrong number.

~ I am afraid, he is out. ~ Would you like to leave a message?

29] Praising And Blaming المدح واللوم

Responses الردود

~ It’s kind of you. منك كرم هذا ~ It’s a pleasure. دواعى من إنه

سرورى~ It’s silly of you. منك سخف هذا ~ I’m sorry.

30] Asking For Instructions طلب تعليمات

Giving Instructions إعطاء تعليمات

~ Could you tell me how to … ? ~ First … Then … .

~ Would you show me how to … ? ~ You should make sure that … تأكد

أن~ What do you think I ought to do? ~ Be careful (not) to …

~ Remember (not) to …

31] Expressing feelings المشاعر Responses الردود~ I feel happy / sad. ~ That’s nice / bad. ~ I often worry about … . ~ Don’t worry. تقلق ال

32] Exclamation التعجب1 } For Good News :~ ¬الطيبة لألخبار

~ How wonderful / amazing / fantastic!~ Congratulations! ~ Well done! أحسنت 2 } For Bad News :~ ¬السيئة لألخبار

~ Oh, no! I am so sorry. ~ What bad news! أخبار من لها يا سيئة

~ What a terrible thing to happen!~ How dreadful / horrible / awful!

33] Expressing Different Feelings المشاعر عن التعبير المختلفة

1 } Expressing Interest :~ ¬االهتمام عن التعبير

~ That very interesting. ~ How interesting!~ I am interested in …… .2 } Expressing Surprise :~ ¬الدهشة عن التعبير

~ Really? Is that right? ~ I am really surprised. ~ How amazing! That’s unbelievable!

3 } Expressing lack of Interest :~ عدم عن التعبير¬

االهتمام~ I am not interested in …… . ~ I am not very keen. 4 } Expressing Regret :~ ¬الندم عن التعبير

~ I regret + — ing. ~ If only I could + مصدر.~ I wish I had + تصريف ثالث.

5 } Expressing Sorrow :~ ¬األسف عن التعبير

~ I am sorry to hear that. ~ What a pity! لألسف يا ~ Oh dear! Poor (kamal)! 6 } Expressing Sympathy :~ ¬التعطف عن التعبير

~ Oh, deer! You must be tired / sad / annoyed.~ I was shocked صدمت to hear that. 7 } Expressing Anger :~ ¬الغضب عن التعبير

~ This terrible. ~ I am really angry. ~ This is disgraceful.

8 } Expressing Pleasure :~ السعادة عن التعبير¬

والسرور~ I am really pleased. ~ I am very happy.

9 } Expressing Displeasure :~ عدم عن التعبير¬

السرور~ I can’t stand + —— … ال أطيق . ~ I am not pleased with that. 10 } Expressing Anxiety (Worry) :~ ¬القلق عن التعبير

~ I am very worried about … . ~ I am very anxious about … .11 } Expressing Fear :~ ¬الخوف عن التعبير

~ I am afraid. ~ I am frightened. ~ I am afraid of … .

12 } Expressing Disappointment :~ خيبة عن التعبير¬

األمل~ I am disappointed. ~ I was let down. لقد خذلنى 13 } Expressing Doubt :~ ¬الشك عن التعبير

~ I doubt it. هذا فى أشك ~ I am not sure. متأكد لست

ôô Exercises ôô ¶ Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are :~

1] A : Can I pay by credit card for the shirt. Place : …………

B : Ok. Just give me your card. Speaker A : …………

A : Here you are. Speaker B : …………Function : …………

————————————————————————————————2] A : These monuments are from the ancient Egyptian time. B : What wonderful things! Place : …………

A : You should tell the people in Spain about them.

Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………

Function : …………


3] A : Can I help you? B : Yes, please. I’d like two first class

tickets to Fayum. Place : …………Speaker A : …………

A : Single or return ? Speaker B : …………

Function : …………————————————————————————————

————4] A : Have you done your homework,

Asmaa?Place : …………

Speaker A : …………

B : Of course, Mr. Osama. Here you are. Speaker B : …………Function : …………


5] A : How do you want your hair cut ? Place : …………

B : Very short, please. Speaker A : …………

A : I think you should shave also. Speaker B : …………Function : …………


6] A : Are you being served, sir ? Place : ………… B : No, nobody has come yet. Speaker A : ………… A : Sorry, sir. What would you like to have? Speaker B : ………… B : I’d like tea with milk. Function : …………————————————————————————————

————7] A : I’d like to extend my visa in Egypt for

a week, please.Place : …………

Speaker A : …………

B : Is your passport valid ? Speaker B : …………

A : Of course. Here it is. Function : …………

8] A : I’d like two books about computers, please. B : Here you are. Place : …………

A : How much do they cost ? Speaker A : …………

B : L. E. 12. Speaker B : …………Function : …………


9] A : What are you suffering from ? Place : …………

B : My eyes get red when I study for long. Speaker A : …………

A : Let me examine you. Speaker B : …………

You should wear solar glasses by day. Function : …………————————————————————————————————

10] A : I’d like to get butter, cheese, eggs and tea.

Place : …………

Speaker A : ………… B : Can you tell me the amounts needed? Speaker B : …………

Function : …………————————————————————————————————

11] A : Can you book me a room for three nights ?

Place : …………Speaker A : …………

B : Sorry, we’ve no vacancies. Speaker B : …………Function : …………


12] A : Where can I find history books ? Place : ………… B : They are on the third shelf. Speaker A : ………… A : Thank you. Speaker B : …………


13] A : What do you think of this suit ? Place : ………… B : It’s wonderful but I prefer the brown one. Speaker A : ………… A : What size ? Speaker B : …………

B : 54. Function : …………————————————————————————————

————14] A : How can I help you, madam? Place : ………… B : I’d like a ready-made dress, please. Speaker A : ………… A : This way, please. Speaker B : …………

Function : …………


15] A : Can you show me some refrigerators, please?

Place : …………Speaker A : …………

B : With pleasure, sir. Speaker B : …………Function : …………

16] A : What’s wrong, sir ? Place : ………… B : It’s my tooth. Speaker A : ………… A : Oh, I’m afraid you’ll have it pulled out . Speaker B : …………

Function : …………————————————————————————————

————17] A : Can I help you, Miss ? Place : ………… B : I’m looking for a book of adventures. Speaker A : ………… B : It’s on the second shelf over there. Speaker B : …………

Function : …………————————————————————————————

————18] A : I phoned from London to book a

double room. Place : …………Speaker A : …………

B : Oh! Let me take a look at the reservation. Speaker B : …………Function : …………


19] A : May I see your ticket, please ? Place : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

B : Here you are. Speaker A : ………… A : Seat 20A. That’s this row. Speaker B : …………

B : Thank you. What time does the film Function:start ?

A : At 6.30.————————————————————————————————

20] A : Please sit down, Mr. Adel. Place : ………… B : Thank you. Speaker A : ………… A : Now, you’ve applied for a receptionist at Speaker B : …………

this hotel. Have you got any previous experience. B : Yes, I have. I worked at the Plaza Hotel for two years.————————————————————————————————

21] A : What are you suffering from ? Place : ………… B : I have a bad stomachache. Speaker A : ………… A : It’s all right. Just take this medicine. Speaker B : …………

Function : …………————————————————————————————

————22] A : You stole that woman’s handbag You

have to confess. Place : …………Speaker A : …………

B : No, it wasn’t me. I didn’t steal it. Speaker B : …………Function : …………

————————————————————————————————23] A : Can I help you ? B : Yes, I’d like to buy a pair of shoes. Place : ………… A : What colour would you like ? Speaker A : ………… B : Black, please. Speaker B : …………

Function : …………

24] A : Can I help you ? B : Yes, please. I want two kilos of meat.

A : 45 pounds.25] A : Can I help you? B : Yes, please. My computer broke

down yesterday. A : Give me your address, please. I’ll come

to repair it.26] A : Welcome sir. Can I help you?

B : I want some flowers. A : What colours?

B : Red and white, please.27] A : Good morning. Can I help you ?

B : Yes. I want to have a dress made. A : With pleasure. You’ll take it after 2

weeks.28] A : Good morning. I have a burst pipe at home.

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

B : Can you tell we your address? A : Yes, it is 10 Orabi Street. B : O.k. I’ll come and mend it.

29] A : What is your name? B : Ahmed Nader .

A : Why did you rob the house? B : My mother was very ill and I was in a

bad need of money.30] A : Why did you stay up late out doors yesterday?

B : It was my friend's birthday. A : Don’t do it again.

B : I’m sorry. I promise I won’t.

31] A : May I help you? B : Yes, please. I’d like to make an

appointment. I have a toothache. A : Will 6:00 p.m all right?

B : Certainly.32] A : Please, I want bread .

B : How many loaves do you want? A : Six loaves.

B : O.K. Stand in the queue.33] A : Can I draw one thousand pounds

from my account? B : What’s your account number ?

A : 124225 . B : Sign here, please .

34] A : How much ? B : L.E. 150.

A : It’s ok. Can I pay by credit card? B : Yes, of course.

35] A : You are asked to answer the two questions on the board.

B : But sir, I don’t understand the

second question.

A : Look up the words you don’t know in

your dictionary .36] A : May I see your ticket, please ?

B : Here your are.

A : Your seat is the fifth to the left .

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

B : Thank you. When does the train reach Tanta?

A : At eight o’clock.37] A : Good evening, sir. What would you

like to start with ?

B : I’ll start with green salad .

A : What would you like to follow ?

B : Roast chicken.38] A : What do you complain of?

B : I have great pain in my front tooth .

A : Let me see. It has to be pulled out .

39] A : Oh! Its raining. Shall we take a taxi?

B : Yes. Let’s take a taxi. Our children will return I from school in an hour.

40] A : I have bought the tickets. Let’s enter and see the film .

B : Let’s wait for a while. I know our friend Ali’s late, but he may turn up.

41] A : Have you repaired my car? B : Yes, everything is O.k .

A : How much do I have to pay? B : L.E. 200.

42] A : I see it is cloudy. I hope it won't rain .

B : Don’t forget to take your umbrella. Please, I want you to buy us meat and

fruit. I need the meat to cook it tomorrow.43] A : I’d like to swim for a while then I am

going to lie on the sand under the sun for some time.

B : Won’t your skin be suntanned? Let this be for our children.

44] A : Could you show me this dress ? B : Yes, madam, it is the latest fashion.

Would you like to try it on?

45] A : You have to finish your homework then watch television .

B : Yes, I have to. But this is the final match.

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Place : …………Speaker A : …………Speaker B : …………Function : …………

Will you allow me to see it? A : All right.

46] A : I’d like to see the director. B : Do you have an appointment?

A : Yes, I’m Mr. Osama Sarhan and I should meet him at 9.00.

47] A : Would you kindly tell me how to go to the Egyptian Museum? B : Yes, go straight on then turn left. It’s

in the square. Is this your first visit to Egypt?

A : Yes, it is.48] A : What a shame! He hit the old man and

ran away. B : We have to phone the first Aid to rescue

that miserable man.

49] A : Can I help you ? B : Yes, please. I want to buy a new suit. A : Please, have a look at the shop window

to choose the style you like.50] A : Have you repaired my watch?

B : Sorry. We haven’t finished repairing it. You can collect it tomorrow.

51] A : What are you watching ? B : It is the final football match. A : Have you finished all your studies.

B : Yes, I have. My mother saw my homework, too.

52] A : You have the pamphlet of the tours we carry out. Which one do you prefer?

B : I think Sharm El-Sheikh is very impressive. Shall we travel by air ?

A : Yes, and you’ll stay there for five days.

53] A : Welcome to our studio. I’d like to ask you some questions. How did you feel when you scored your first goal?

B : I couldn't believe the ball I kicked got into the goal. I was very happy.

السنوات من واألشخاص أماكن أسئلةالسابقة

2nd Year Sec.1- Say where the two mini-dialogues are taking place ad who 1- Say where the two mini-dialogues are taking place ad who

the speakers are:the speakers are:

[June 2001]1- A: How would you like to pay for it, sir?

B: By credit card.

A: Well. Shall I put it in a bag for you, sir?

B: Yes, please.

2- A: Where to?

B: The airport, please. Terminal 2.

Could you hurry up, please? My plane leaves in half an hour.

A: I'll do my best, but as you see, the traffic is very heavy today.

2- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 2- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are : [Aug.,2001]the speakers are : [Aug.,2001]

1- A: So, you want to borrow L.E. 200,000. What

do you want the money for?

B: I want to buy some more land. Thus, I can

expand my business.

A: Well, we can certainly lend you the money, but

we'll need to see a business plan. You need to show

us that you can pay the money back within the next

five years.

2- A: Hello! Can I help you, sir?

B: Yes, I'd like to have a single room, please.

A: With or without a bathroom.

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

B: With a bathroom.

3- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 3- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are : [Aug., 2003]the speakers are : [Aug., 2003]

1- A: How was your flight, sir ?

B: Excellent.

A: Welcome back to Egypt.

2- A: May I get in, sir ?

B: You are late.

A: Sorry, sir I won’t be late again.

4- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 4- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are: [Aug., 2004]the speakers are: [Aug., 2004]

1- A: Why are you throwing this rubbish here ?

B: Well, what would you like me to do with it ?

A: You should put it in the garbage bin.

2- A: Excuse me, do you have these trousers in a

larger size ?

B: Just one moment, madam, I’ll check.

A: Thank you.

5- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 5- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are: [June,2005]the speakers are: [June,2005]

1- A: Can I see your driving licence, please ?

B: What for ?

A: You have parked in a no parking area.

2- A: Please, fasten your seat belt.

B: Are we about to land ?

A: Yes, in a few minutes.

6- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 6- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are: [Aug., 2006]the speakers are: [Aug., 2006]

1- A: It's very kind of you to bring

me such lovely flowers.

B: Not at all. I hope you get better soon.

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

2- A: How would you like to pay for this suit ?

B: By MasterCard.

A: That's fine.

7- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 7- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are:the speakers are: [June, 2008][June, 2008]

1- A: Is there anything to declare ?

B: I don't think so.

A: Will you open your bags, please ?

B: Sure.

2- A: Next time, I'll send you off.

B: Why ?

A: For your deliberate fouls.

B: I'm sorry.

7- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 7- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are:the speakers are: [June, 2010][June, 2010] 1. A: Can you suggest a cream for sunburn? B: This cream should help a lot. 2. A: Now the dangerous scene. Ready? B: Yes, sir. Place A: Stand by. Camera 4. Action!

8- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 8- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are:the speakers are: [August, 2010][August, 2010] 1. A: Passports and tickets, please. B: Here you are. A: Have a safe trip.

2. A: The service is slow and the soup is cold. B: Sorry, sir. I'll change the soup at once.

9- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 9- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are:the speakers are: [The Sudan, 2010][The Sudan, 2010]

1- A: Can I have a ticket, please? B: Where do you want to go? A: To Alexandria. B: It's for 50 pounds, sir.

2- A: Can I help you, sir?

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

B: I want a T-shirt, size 36. A: What colour do you prefer? B: Blue.

9- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who 9- Say where the two mini-dialogue are taking place and who

the speakers are:the speakers are: [[ التجريبى التجريبى اإلمتحان [[ 20102010 , , اإلمتحان1 -A: Look there, that is an African elephant .

B: It's the largest land animal today . A: I see, and what does it feed on ?

B: Leaves, branches and other vegetation.

2 -A: What's wrong with your dog?B: It doesn't eat well and it rarely movesA: Well. Let me examine it.

3 rd Year Sec. 8- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues: (4.M) 8- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues: (4.M)

[June, 2002][June, 2002]

1- A: When did you graduate?

B: In 1995.

A: Do you speak English fluently?

B: Yes, sir. I have worked as a translator in a big company for two


2- A: How can I help you? B: Well, my car has been stolen! A: How? B: I had parked it last night in front of my

house in Ramses Street. In the morning it wasn't there!

A: What make is it? B: BMW.

9- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues:9- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues:

[Aug., 2002][Aug., 2002]

1-A : What's wrong with you?

B : I have a nasty headache.

A : How long have you been suffering from it?

B : Two days.

A : Let me examine you.

2-A : Why are you late?

B : The metro has broken down.

A : But you are always late for the first lesson.

B : I’m sorry, sir. I'll not be late again.

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

10- Give the situation for the following minidialogues:10- Give the situation for the following minidialogues:

[Aug., 2003][Aug., 2003]1-A : What do you think of university life, so far ?

B : To tell you the truth, everything here is so

big in comparison with school.

A : You are good at rowing. Why don’t you join

our rowing team ?

2-A : Many of the robot toys we have can

respond to your voice.

B : What age area are they ?

A : From 5 to 14 years.

11- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues:[Aug., 11- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues:[Aug.,


1-A : Today we’re going to play the film “The

Mask of Gold”. If you have questions,

keep them till the end.

B : Are you going to discuss our questions


A : Yes, but you have to follow up the

incidents carefully.

2-A : The train which goes to Aswan will leave from platform 7 in

about 5 minutes.

B : Thank you, I’ll have to hurry to catch it.

12- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues:[June, 2007]12- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues:[June, 2007]1-A : I'd like to know what is on today.

B : It's an action film.

A : When does the last performance start ?

B : At 12 p.m.

A : Ok. Book me a seat, please.

2-A : Please, fasten your seat belt, sir.

B : Ok. Can I have a drink, please ?

A : Sorry sir, you'll have to wait until we take off.

13- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues:13- Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues:[June, 2008][June, 2008]

1-A : How old is this mummy ?

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

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ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

ecalP ………… : A rekaepS ………… : B rekaepS ………… : noitcnuF ………… :

B : It's about 4000 years old.

2-A : How would you like to pay for this suit, sir ? B : By credit card. A : Well. Shall I put it in a bag for you, sir ? B : Yes, please.