PENGUMUMAN Equity Research PT Megapolitan Developments … · PENGUMUMAN Equity Research PT...


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Equity Research PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk. (EMDE)

(Tercatat Di Papan : Pengembangan) No.Peng-ER-00002/BEI.PPJ/01-2013

(dapat dilihat di laman: PT Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tanggal 8 Januari 2013 telah menerima surat melalui email dari PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia dengan No. 12/PEF-DIR/I/2012 tanggal 7 Januari 2013 mengenai Publikasi Laporan Penilaian Target Harga Referensi Saham PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk. sebagaimana terlampir (21 lembar). Demikian untuk diketahui.

8 Januari 2013

Umi Kulsum Andre P.J. Toelle Kepala Divisi Penilaian Perusahaan Sektor Jasa Kepala Divisi Perdagangan Saham Tembusan: 1. Yth. Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Pasar Modal, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan; 2. Yth. Direktur Transaksi dan Lembaga Efek, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan; 3. Yth. Direktur Penilaian Keuangan Perusahaan Sektor Jasa, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan; 4. Yth. Direktur Indonesian Capital Market Electronic Library; 5. Yth. Direksi PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk.


Halaman ke 1 dari 10 halaman

Kontak: Equity & Index Valuation Division Phone: (6221) 7278 2380

“Pernyataan disclaimer pada halaman akhir

merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari

dokumen ini”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

Laporan Kedua

Equity Valuation

7 Januari 2013

Target Harga

Terendah Tertinggi 158 250

Properti dan Real Estate

Kinerja Saham



















Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13



Sumber: Bloomberg

Informasi Saham Rp

Kode Saham EMDE

Harga Saham per 4 Januari 2013 132

Harga Tertinggi 52 minggu terakhir 185

Harga Terendah 52 minggu terakhir 110

Kapitalisasi Pasar Tertinggi 52 minggu (miliar)


Kapitalisasi Pasar Terendah 52 minggu



Market Value Added & Market Risk

















Sep-11 Sep-12

Market RiskMVA

MVA Beta

Sumber: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Divisi

Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Penilaian Saham Sebelumnya Saat Ini

Tertinggi 280 250

Terendah 215 158

Pemegang Saham* (%)

PT Cosmopolitan Persada Developments 66,78

Publik (dibawah 5% kepemilikan) 33,22

„* Catatan: per akhir September 2012

Kemunduran Sesaat, Masa Depan Menjanjikan

PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk. ("EMDE") didirikan pada tahun 1976 sebagai agen properti. EMDE kemudian mengubah kegiatan operasionalnya

menjadi pengembang perumahan dengan mengembangkan Megapolitan Cinere Estate di Cinere dengan luas lahan mencapai lebih dari 231 ha. Sampai saat ini EMDE telah mengembangkan 6 perumahan yang tersebar di daerah Cinere dan Bogor yaitu Megapolitan Cinere Estate, Griya Cinere 1 dan 2, Graha Cinere, Graha Laguna, Bukit Griya Cinere, Puri Cinere, dan Tatya Asri Sentul. Selain itu EMDE juga mengembangkan apartemen di Kuningan (Jakarta) dan Tangerang yaitu The Bellagio Residence, The Bellagio Mansion dan Urbana Karawaci. Saat ini EMDE fokus untuk mengembangkan dua proyek besar di Cinere dan Bogor. Proyek pertama adalah Bellevue Suites & Mall terletak di Cinere, merupakan apartemen untuk kelas menengah keatas, serta merupakan bagian dari Centro Cinere Area di Puri Cinere. EMDE juga mengembangkan kawasan komersial dalam

proyek ini. Proyek kedua adalah kota terpadu yaitu Cimandala City di Pasirlaja-Bogor dengan luas total 17 ha.

“Pernyataan disclaimer pada halaman

akhir merupakan bagian yang tidak

terpisahkan dari dokumen ini”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

7 Januari 2013 Halaman ke 2 dari 10 halaman

Penyesuaian Target Harga

Kami melakukan beberapa penyesuaian terhadap proyeksi kami sebelumnya dan menyesuaikan Target Harga ke dalam kisaran Rp 158 - Rp 250 per saham, berdasarkan pertimbangan-pertimbangan berikut: Pertumbuhan properti Indonesia yang didukung oleh pertumbuhan ekonomi

yang diprediksi mencapai 6,2% YoY pada tahun 2012, BI rate yang stabil rendah sebesar 5,75%, dan peningkatan pendapatan per kapita menjadi lebih

dari USD 4.000. Potensi peningkatan pendapatan per kapita masyarakat kelas menengah, yang jumlahnya mencapai sekitar 40%, juga menjadi pendorong utama pertumbuhan itu. Jumlah kredit yang didistribusikan oleh bank untuk real estate, rumah dan apartemen telah tumbuh sebesar 23% YoY per September 2012, dan dengan naiknya permintaan sektor properti, seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh meningkatnya volume penjualan properti residensial sebesar 9,62% QtQ di 3Q12, maka kami perkirakan pertumbuhan kredit di

sektor properti akan tumbuh sebesar 20% YoY pada tahun 2012. EMDE mengalami penundaan sementara pada beberapa proyeknya. Disain

ulang pada proyek ruko Cimandala menyebabkan EMDE tidak mencatat

penjualan kios di 2011. Tertundanya pengembangan Suites Bellevue & Mall menyebabkan penjualan apartemen EMDE hanya mengandalkan Karawaci Urbana selama 9M12. Akibatnya EMDE hanya mampu mencatat pendapatan sebesar Rp 99,4 miliar pada tahun 2011, di bawah target kami sebelumnya

Rp 166,7 miliar. Hal ini berlanjut pada 9M12, seperti ditunjukkan oleh pertumbuhan pendapatan yang hanya mencapai 0,04% YoY. Namun demikian, kami percaya bahwa dengan kesempatan yang luas kedepan, EMDE akan menunjukkan kemampuannya mereka untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang bersifat sementara tersebut.

EMDE memiliki potensi menuai pendapatan yang lebih besar di masa datang,

karena akan ada dua jalan tol baru yang melewati beberapa land bank EMDE di Depok dan Cinere. Saat ini, EMDE memiliki sekitar 52 hektar lahan yang belum dikembangkan di daerah tersebut. Setelah selesainya jalan tol tersebut pada tahun 2014, kami memperkirakan pendapatan EMDE akan naik sebesar 56% CAGR selama periode 2011-2014.

Meskipun EMDE mencatat pertumbuhan pendapatan negatif 21,25% YoY pada tahun 2011, marjin mereka menunjukkan perbaikan. Marjin laba kotor EMDE

yaitu 59,28% - merupakan marjin tertinggi selama periode 2007-2011, sedangkan marjin laba bersih mencapai 2,27%, lebih tinggi dibanding tahun 2010 yaitu 0,76%. Peningkatan harga jual tanah dan apartemen adalah pemicu marjin superior ini. Hal ini terus berlanjut di 9M12, dimana marjin laba kotor naik menjadi 65,08%, didukung oleh kenaikan harga sewa.

Perubahan asumsi risk free rate, equity premium, dan beta menjadi 5,10%, 8,26%, dan 0,77x.

Prospek Usaha Didukung oleh perekonomian Indonesia yang mencapai 6,17% YoY di 9M12, dan diperkirakan mencapai 6,2% YoY pada tahun 2012, serta stabil-rendahnya BI Rate di 5,75%, akan mendorong sektor properti tumbuh sekitar 20% YoY pada tahun 2012. Ditambah kenaikan pendapatan per kapita yang diperkirakan

mencapai lebih dari USD 4.000, membuat prospek pengembang properti Indonesia, termasuk EMDE, terbuka lebar. Dengan land bank yang banyak dan harganya yang diperkirakan meningkat karena pembangunan jalan tol membuat

kami percaya bahwa pendapatan EMDE dapat tumbuh sebesar 39,9% CAGR selama periode 2011-2016. Tabel 1: Ringkasan Kinerja

2009 2010 2011 2012P 2013P

Pendapatan [Rp miliar] 174 126 99 101 132

Laba sebelum pajak [Rp miliar] 33 9 9 13 14

Laba bersih [Rp miliar] 24 1 2 8 8

EPS [Rp] 7 0,3 0,7 2 2

Pertumbuhan EPS [%] 113 (96) 136 237 6

P/E [x]* n.a. n.a. 237,4 58,1* 54,9*

PBV [x]* n.a. n.a. 1,0 0,9* 0,9*

Sumber: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Estimasi Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

* berdasarkan harga saham per tanggal 4 Januari 2013 – Rp 115/ saham


“Pernyataan disclaimer pada halaman

akhir merupakan bagian yang tidak

terpisahkan dari dokumen ini”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

7 Januari 2013 Halaman ke 3 dari 10 halaman

Growth-Value Map memberikan gambaran akan ekspektasi pasar untuk perusahaan-perusahaan yang tercatat di BEI. Metrik Current Performance (“CP”),

sumbu horisontal, adalah bagian dari nilai pasar saham saat ini yang dapat dihubungkan dengan nilai perpetuitas dari kinerja profitabilitas perusahaan. Metrik Growth Expectations (“GE”), sumbu vertikal, merupakan perbedaan antara nilai pasar saham saat ini dengan nilai current performance. Kedua metrik tersebut dinormalisasikan dengan nilai buku perusahaan.

Growth-Value Map membagi perusahaan-perusahaan ke dalam empat kluster, yaitu:

Excellent value managers (“Q-1”) Pasar memiliki ekspektasi terhadap perusahaan-perusahaan di Q-1 melebih benchmark mereka dalam hal profitabilitas dan pertumbuhan.

Expectation builders (“Q-2”) Pasar memiliki ekspektasi yang relatif rendah terhadap profitabilitas perusahaan-perusahaan di Q-2 dalam jangka pendek, tetapi memiliki

ekspektasi pertumbuhan yang melebihi benchmark.

Traditionalists (“Q-3”) Pasar memiliki ekspektasi yang rendah terhadap pertumbuhan perusahaan-perusahaan di Q-3, walaupun mereka menunjukkan profitabilitas yang baik dalam jangka pendek.

Asset-loaded value managers (“Q-4”) Pasar memiliki ekspektasi yang rendah terhadap profitabilitas dan

pertumbuhan perusahaan-perusahaan di Q-4.

Gambar 1: Growth-Value Map

(EMDE; Industri Properti)










-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







Current Performance (CP)

Q-2 Q-1

Q-4 Q-3








Sumber: Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Berdasarkan laporan keuangan dan nilai pasar, EMDE terletak di klaster

Expectation Builders (“Q-2”). Pasar masih memiliki ekspektasi yang rendah terhadap profitabilitas dan pertumbuhan EMDE dalam jangka pendek. Namun, kami percaya bahwa setelah EMDE telah mengatasi tertundanya beberapa proyek yang sedang dikerjakannya serta selesainya pembangunan dua ruas jalan tol, profitabilitas EMDE akan naik. Dengan demikian, masih perlu upaya hubungan masyarakat yang lebih baik untuk membuat investor menyadari potensi

profitabilitas perusahaan dalam jangka panjang. EMDE memiliki kesempatan untuk pindah ke klaster Excellent Value Managers'("Q-1") dengan cara memperkuat kemampuan internal mereka untuk tumbuh dan melakukan tindakan untuk mendorong persepsi pasar terhadap keberhasilan ekonomi mereka.


“Pernyataan disclaimer pada halaman

akhir merupakan bagian yang tidak

terpisahkan dari dokumen ini”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

7 Januari 2013 Halaman ke 4 dari 10 halaman








2010 2011

Rata-rata harga tanah di Cinere (Rp/m2) Rata-rata harga tanah di Depok (Rp/m2)

Gambaran Industri Properti 2012: Tetap Tumbuh Ditengah Tantangan

Kami berpandangan bahwa industri properti Indonesia tahun 2012 tetap tumbuh positif, di tengah berbagai tantangan seperti diberlakukannya peraturan Bank Indonesia mengenai rasio Loan to Value (“LTV”) sebesar maksimal 70%. Pertumbuhan positif tersebut didukung oleh pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang mencapai 6,17% YoY di 9M12 dan diperkirakan mencapai 6,2% YoY pada tahun 2012, dan BI rate terendah dalam sejarah sebesar 5,75%. Sebagai

buktinya, distribusi jumlah kredit oleh bank untuk kredit real estate, rumah dan apartemen per September 2012 tumbuh sebesar 23% YoY. Dengan faktor-faktor pendukung di atas, kami memperkirakan bahwa laju kredit terdistribusi ke industri properti akan menjadi sekitar 20% YoY pada akhir tahun 2012.

Gambar 2: Jumlah Kredit Properti,

Sep’11 – Sep’12

(Rp, miliar)








Sep-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 Sep-12

Kredit real estate Kredit kepemelikan rumah dan apartemen Total

23% YoY

Sumber: Bank Indonesia, Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Potensi Kenaikan Harga Tanah pada Beberapa Daerah Land Bank EMDE Sampai September 2012, EMDE memiliki sekitar 277,5 ha land bank, dimana sebagian besar terletak di Cinere dan Depok. Terutama di Cinere, harga tanah tumbuh sebesar 6% YoY - 7% YoY, mencapai rata-rata Rp 5 juta/m2 dari harga tanah pada tahun 2011. Sementara di Depok, harga tanah telah tumbuh rata-

rata sebesar 15% YoY menjadi sekitar Rp 1,5 juta/m2.

Saat ini, tahap pertama pembangunan jalan tol yang menghubungkan Jagorawi dan Cinere telah selesai. Pemerintah Indonesia terus mengembangkan infrastruktur, termasuk pengembangan jalan tol tahap II dan III untuk ruas jalan tol tersebut yang diharapkan akan selesai pada tahun 2015. Seiring dengan itu, Pemerintah Indonesia juga berencana untuk mengembangkan jalan tol yang menghubungkan Depok dan Antasari (Jakarta). Setelah dua jalan tol selesai, kami percaya bahwa harga rata-rata lahan di Cinere dan Depok, di mana EMDE

memiliki land bank di daerah tersebut, akan meningkat lebih cepat dibandingkan tahun 2011.

Gambar 3: Rata-rata Harga Tanah di Cinere dan Depok, 2011

Gambar 4: Rencana Pembangunan Jalan Tol


Sumber: Berbagai sumber, Pefindo Sumber : Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Pefindo Divisi

Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing Valuasi Saham & Indexing


“Pernyataan disclaimer pada halaman

akhir merupakan bagian yang tidak

terpisahkan dari dokumen ini”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

7 Januari 2013 Halaman ke 5 dari 10 halaman

Meningkatkan Marjinnya

Pada tahun 2011, marjin laba kotor EMDE mencapai 59,28%, tertinggi selama periode 2007 - 2011. Marjin tersebut bahkan lebih baik di 9M12, karena naik menjadi 65,08%. Peningkatan harga jual tanah dan apartemen menyebabkan marjin yang tinggi pada tahun 2011 tersebut, sementara naiknya harga sewa di 9M12 menyebabkan kelanjutan peningkatan marjin laba kotor. Akibatnya, marjin laba sebelum pajak dan marjin laba bersih EMDE pada tahun 2011 meningkat

menjadi 8,95% dan 2,27%, lebih baik baik dari tahun 2010 yang hanya 6,94% dan 0,76%. Kedua marjin tersebut bahkan lebih baik di 9M12 hingga mencapai 15,03% dan 7,09%.

Gambar 5: Marjin Biaya Penjualan EMDE, 2010 – 9M12









30% 31%
















2010 2011 9M12

Marjin biaya penjualan rumah (%) Marjin biaya penjualan tanah (%)

Marjin biaya penjualan kios (%) Marjin biaya pendapatan sewa (%)

Marjin biaya penjualan apartemen (%)

Sumber: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Penundaan Pengerjaan Proyek Menyebabkan Penurunan Pendapatan EMDE fokus untuk meningkatkan land bank pada tahun 2011, seperti ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan nilai tanah yang belum dikembangkan dari Rp 191,8 miliar pada tahun 2010 menjadi Rp 220,9 miliar, dan pada saat yang sama mereka

mengalami kesulitan untuk menyelesaikan beberapa proyek pengembangannya. Akibatnya, EMDE mengalami pertumbuhan penjualan yang negatif sebesar

(21,2%) YoY pada tahun 2011. Penurunan penjualan tersebut ditunjukkan oleh penurunan penjualan rumah, tanah matang, dan ruko sebesar (78,9% YoY) pada tahun 2011. Selama 9M12, EMDE mendorong penjualan land bank, yang membuat nilai tanah yang belum dikembangkan menurun menjadi hanya Rp 213,6 miliar, dan menciptakan peningkatan penjualan dari tanah matang dari Rp 8,4 miliar pada tahun 2011 menjadi Rp 17,5 miliar pada 9M12. Namun,

tertundanya penyelesaian proyek rumah dan ruko menghambat pertumbuhan pendapatan. Akibatnya, pendapatan EMDE pada periode ini hanya berhasil tumbuh sebesar 0,04% YoY di 9M12.

Gambar 6: Pendapatan dan Undeveloped Land EMDE, 2010 – 9M12



66.2 66.2


220.9208.3 213.6







2010 2011 9M11 9M12

Rp, miliar

Pendapatan (Rp, miliar) Nilai undeveloped land (Rp, miliar)

Sumber: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing


“Pernyataan disclaimer pada halaman

akhir merupakan bagian yang tidak

terpisahkan dari dokumen ini”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

7 Januari 2013 Halaman ke 6 dari 10 halaman

Prospek Usaha EMDE

Didukung oleh perekonomian Indonesia yang mencapai 6,17% YoY di 9M12, dan

diperkirakan mencapai 6,2% YoY pada tahun 2012, serta stabil-rendahnya BI Rate di 5,75%, akan mendorong sektor properti tumbuh sekitar 20% YoY pada tahun 2012. Ditambah kenaikan pendapatan per kapita yang diperkirakan mencapai lebih dari USD 4.000, membuat prospek pengembang properti Indonesia, termasuk EMDE, terbuka lebar. Dengan land bank yang banyak dan harganya yang diperkirakan meningkat karena pembangunan jalan tol membuat kami percaya bahwa pendapatan EMDE bisa tumbuh sebesar 39,9% CAGR

selama periode 2011-2016.

Gambar 7: Estimasi Pendapatan EMDE








2011 2012P 2013P 2014P 2015P 2016P

Rp, miliar

Pendapatan (Rp, miliar)

CAGR = 39.9%

Sumber: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Estimasi Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham &


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akhir merupakan bagian yang tidak

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Megapolitan Development , Tbk

7 Januari 2013 Halaman ke 7 dari 10 halaman



Kami mengaplikasikan pendekatan pendapatan menggunakan Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) sebagai metode penilaian utama dengan pertimbangan bahwa pertumbuhan pendapatan adalah merupakan faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi nilai (value driver) EMDE jika dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan aset.

Selain itu kami menggunakan metode Guideline company method (GCM) sebagai metode pembanding. Penilaian ini didasarkan pada Nilai 100% saham per tanggal 4 Januari 2013, menggunakan laporan keuangan EMDE per tanggal 30 September 2012 sebagai dasar dilakukannya analisa fundamental.

Estimasi Nilai

Kami menggunakan Cost of Capital sebesar 11.59% dan Cost of Equity sebesar 11,46% berdasarkan asumsi-asumsi berikut: Table 2: Asumsi

Risk free rate [%]* 5,10

Risk premium [%]* 8,26

Beta [x]* 0,77

Cost of Equity [%] 11,46

Marginal Tax Rate [%] 25,00

Interest Bearing Debt to Equity Ratio



WACC [%] 11,59

Sumber: Bloomberg, Estimasi Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

* per tanggal 4 Januari 2013

Target harga saham untuk 12 bulan berdasarkan posisi penilaian pada tanggal 4 Januari 2013 adalah sebagai berikut:

Dengan menggunakan metode DCF dan asumsi tingkat diskonto 11,59%, adalah sebesar Rp 205 - Rp 230 per saham.

Dengan metode GCM (PBV 1,94X and P/E 20,88X) adalah sebesar Rp 47 – Rp 305 per saham.

Untuk mendapatkan nilai yang mewakili kedua indikasi nilai tersebut

dilakukan rekonsiliasi dengan dilakukan pembobotan terhadap kedua metode tersebut sebesar 70% untuk DCF dan 30% untuk metode GCM. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan di atas maka Target Harga Saham EMDE untuk 12 bulan adalah Rp 158 – Rp 250 per saham.

Tabel 3: Ringkasan Penilaian Metode DCF

Konservatif Moderat Agresif

PV of Free Cash Flows – [Rp, miliar]

187 197 206

PV Terminal Value – [Rp miliar] 577 608 638

Non-Operating Assets – [Rp, miliar]

84 84 84

Net Debt – [Rp, miliar] (161) (161) (161) Total Equity Value – [Rp miliar] 687 727 768 Number of Share, [juta saham] 3,350 3,350 3,350 Fair Value per Share, [Rp] 205 215 230

Sumber: Estimasi Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing


“Pernyataan disclaimer pada halaman

akhir merupakan bagian yang tidak

terpisahkan dari dokumen ini”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

7 Januari 2013 Halaman ke 8 dari 10 halaman

Tabel 4: Perbandingan GCM


P/E [x] 40,66 3,01 9,69 31,20 22,24 18,47 20,88

P/BV [x] 0,89 0,55 1,61 1,29 4,72 2,59 1,94

Sumber: Bloomberg, Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Tabel 5: Ringkasan Penilaian Metode GCM Multiple [x] Est. EPS [Rp] Est. BV/share [Rp] Value [Rp]

P/E 20,88 2,3 - 47

P/BV 1,94 - 157 305

Sumber: Bloomberg, Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing Estimates

Tabel 6: Rekonsiliasi Nilai Wajar

Nilai Wajar per Saham[Rp]

DCF GCM Rata-rata

Batas atas 230 305 250

Batas bawah 205 47 158

Bobot 70% 30%

Sumber: Estimasi Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

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akhir merupakan bagian yang tidak

terpisahkan dari dokumen ini”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

7 Januari 2013 Halaman ke 9 dari 10 halaman

Tabel 7: Laporan Laba Rugi (Rp miliar)

2009 2010 2011 2012P 2013P

Penjualan bersih 174 126 99 101 132

HPP (89) (62) (41) (41) (51)

Laba kotor 85 64 59 61 81

Biaya operasional (52) (55) (50) (47) (67)

Laba sebelum pajak 33 9 9 13 14

Pajak (10) (8) (7) (5) (5)

Hak minoritas 0.9 0.3 0.3 (0.4) (0.4)

Laba bersih 24 1 2 8 8

Sumber: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Estimasi Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing Tabel 8: Neraca

(Rp miliar)

2009 2010 2011 2012P 2013P


Kas dan setara kas 16 30 185 105 189

Piutang 71 89 118 125 73

Persediaan 162 157 201 167 138

Aset jangka pendek lainnya 26 19 11 14 18

Aset tetap 39 49 49 53 61

Tanah belum dikembangkan 181 192 212 208 188

Aset jangka panjang lainnya 105 125 126 135 135

Total aset 600 660 901 807 802


Hutang dagang 15 32 17 23 29

Estimasi biaya penyelesaian

proyek 38 33 18 30 33

Hutang lainnya 58 68 77 24 31

Kewajiban jangka panjang 174 213 269 205 178

Total kewajiban 285 345 381 281 270

Total ekuitas 315 315 520 526 531

Sumber: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Estimasi Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham

& Indexing

Gambar 8: P/E dan P/BV Historis


















Dec-11 Sep-12



Sumber: Bloomberg, Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Gambar 9: ROA, ROE dan Total Asset Turnover Historis


















2009 2010 2011

ROE ROA Total Asset Turn Over

Sumber: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Tabel 9: Rasio Utama

2009 2010 2011 2012P 2013P

Pertumbuhan [%]

Penjualan bersih 71.8 (27.4) (21.3) 1.7 30.0

Laba sebelum pajak 40.3 (73.6) 1.6 48.9 5.7

Laba bersih 113.2 (96.0) 136.6 236.8 6.0

Profitabilitas [%]

Marjin laba kotor 48.9 50.8 59.3 59.9 61.6

Marjin laba sebelum


19.1 6.9 8.9 13.1 10.7

Marjin laba bersih 13.7 0.8 2.3 7.5 6.1

ROA 3.9 0.1 0.3 0.9 1.0

ROE 13.7 0.8 2.3 7.5 6.1

Solvabilitas [x]

Debt to equity 0.9 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.5

Debt to asset 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3

Sumber: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Estimasi Pefindo Divisi Valuasi Saham &


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Megapolitan Development , Tbk

7 Januari 2013 Halaman ke 10 dari 10 halaman


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integral part of this report”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

Secondary Report

Equity Valuation

January 7th, 2013

Target Price

Low High 158 250

Property and Real Estate

Stock Performance



















Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13



Source: Bloomberg

Stock Information Rp

Ticker code EMDE

Market price as of January 4th, 2013 132

Market price – 52 week high 185

Market price – 52 week low 110

Market cap – 52 week high (bn) 620

Market cap – 52 week low (bn) 369

Market Value Added & Market Risk

















Sep-11 Sep-12

Market RiskMVA

MVA Beta

Source: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Equity &

Index Valuation Division

Stock Valuation Last Current

High 280 250

Low 215 158

Shareholders* (%)

PT Cosmopolitan Persada Developments 66.78

Public (each below 5% of ownerships) 33.22

„* Notes : as per September 2012

Temporary Set Back, Promising Future

PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk. ("EMDE") was established in 1976 as a property agent. EMDE then changes its operational activity and

engages as a developer by developing Megapolitan Cinere Estate in Cinere which covered more than 231 ha area. Until now EMDE has developed 6 residential areas which spread over Cinere and Bogor namely Megapolitan Cinere Estate, Griya Cinere 1 and 2, Graha Cinere, Graha Laguna, Bukit Griya Cinere, Puri Cinere, and Tatya Asri Sentul. Besides, it also develops apartment in Kuningan (Jakarta) and

Tangerang namely The Bellagio Residence, The Bellagio Mansion and Urbana Karawaci. Currently EMDE is focus on developing two big projects in Cinere and Bogor. The first project is Bellevue Suites & Mall located in Cinere, an apartment for middle to up segment, and constitutes as a component of Centro Cinere Area at Puri Cinere. EMDE

also develops commercial area in this project. The second project is an integrated city namely Cimandala City in Pasirlaja-Bogor with total area

of 17 ha.

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is an integral part of this report”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

January 7th, 2013 Page 2 of 10 pages

Target Price Adjustment

We make several adjustments to our previous projections, and adjust our Target Price to a range of Rp 158 - Rp 250 per share, based on the following considerations: The growth of Indonesia property is being supported by growing economy

which predicted to reach 6.2% YoY in 2012, stable low BI rate of 5.75%, and increasing income per capita to over USD 4,000. Potential increasing income

per capita of middle-class society, which accounted for around 40%, has become the main driver of that growth. The amount of credit being distribute by banks to real estate, house and apartments has grown by 23% YoY as of September 2012, and with the continuation of demand from property sectors, as shown by increasing sales volume of residential property by 9.62% QtQ in 3Q12, we estimate that the growth of credit to property sector will grow by 20% YoY in 2012.

EMDE experienced a momentarily delay on some of its projects. Redesign on the shop houses of Cimandala projects caused EMDE states no sales of shop houses in 2011. Delayed on the development of Bellevue Suites & Mall caused

EMDE‟s sales of apartments only relying on the Urbana Karawaci during 9M12. As a result EMDE was only able to record revenue of Rp 99.4 billion in 2011, below of our previous target of Rp 166.7 billion. It continued in 9M12, as proved by only 0.04% YoY growth of sales. Nevertheless, we believe that with

such wide opportunity ahead, EMDE will show their capacity to overcome their momentarily problems.

EMDE has the potency to reap greater revenue in the future, since there are two new toll roads that pass through several of EMDE‟s land bank in Depok and Cinere that are being developed. Currently, EMDE has around 52 ha of land undeveloped in those areas. With expected completion of that toll roads

in 2014, we estimate that EMDE‟s revenue will lift up by 56% CAGR during 2011 – 2014 periods.

Although EMDE states a negative sales growth of 21.25% in 2011, their margins showed improvement. EMDE‟s gross profit margin amounting to 59.28% - highest margin during 2007 – 2011 periods, while its net profit margin was 2.27%, higher than 2010 period of 0.76%. Increasing selling price of land and apartment was the trigger of this superior margin. It continues in

9M12, as its gross profit margin rose to 65.08%, supported by increasing rental price.

Risk free rate, equity premium, and beta assumption are 5.10%, 8.26%, and 0.77x respectively.

Business Prospects Supported by growing Indonesian economy as it reached 6.17% YoY in 9M12,

and predicted to stay at around 6.2% YoY in 2012, and stable-low BI Rate of 5.75%, will cater the growing property sector by around 20% YoY in 2012. Plus estimated increase of Indonesian per capita to over USD 4,000, makes the prospect of Indonesian property developers, including EMDE, prospective. With large land bank and estimated rapidly increased of land price due to the development of toll roads that connects several of EMDE‟s land bank makes us

believe that EMDE‟s revenue could grow by 39.9% CAGR during 2011 – 2016 periods. Table 1: Performance Summary

2009 2010 2011 2012P 2013P

Revenue [Rp bn] 174 126 99 101 132

Pre-tax profit [Rp bn] 33 9 9 13 14

Net profit [Rp bn] 24 1 2 8 8

EPS [Rp] 7 0.3 0.7 2 2

EPS growth [%] 113 (96) 136 237 6

P/E [x] n.a. n.a. 237.4 58.1* 54.9*

PBV [x] n.a. n.a. 1.0 0.9* 0.9*

Source: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates * based on share price as of January 4th, 2013 – Rp 132/ share


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is an integral part of this report”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

January 7th, 2013 Page 3 of 10 pages

Growth-Value Map provides overview of market expectations for the companies listed on IDX. Current Performance (“CP”) metric, running along the horizontal axis, is a portion of current stock market value that can be linked to the perpetuity of current company‟s performance in profitability. Growth Expectations (“GE”) metric, plotted on the vertical axis, is the difference between current stock market value and the value of current performance. Both metrics are normalized

by the company‟s book value. Growth-Value Map divides companies into four clusters, they are:

Excellent value managers (“Q-1”) Market expects companies in Q-1 to surpass their benchmark in profitability and growth.

Expectation builders (“Q-2”)

Market has relatively low expectations of profitability from companies in the short term, but has growth expectations exceed the benchmark.

Traditionalists (“Q-3”) Market has low growth expectations of companies in the Q-3, although

they showed a good profitability in the short term.

Asset-loaded value managers (“Q-4”) Market has low expectations in terms of profitability and growth for companies in Q-4.

Figure 1: Growth-Value Map

(EMDE; Property Industry)










-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6







Current Performance (CP)

Q-2 Q-1

Q-4 Q-3








Source: Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division

Based on financial statement and market value, EMDE is laying in Expectation Builders (“Q-2”) cluster. Market still has relatively low expectations regarding EMDE‟s profitability and growth for EMDE in the short-term. However, we believe

that after EMDE has overcome the delayed on some of its projects and the development of the two toll roads have been finished, EMDE‟s profitability will be lifted. Thus, it may still need a better investor relation effort to make investors realize the company profitability potentials in the long-term. EMDE has the opportunity to move to Excellent Value Managers’ cluster (“Q-1”) by way of strengthening their internal growth capabilities and doing actions to drive market

perceptions of their economic success.


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is an integral part of this report”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

January 7th, 2013 Page 4 of 10 pages








2010 2011

Average price of land in Cinere (Rp/sqm) Average price of land in Depok (Rp/sqm)

Indonesia Property Outlook 2013: Still Growing Amid Challenges

We are of the view that the Indonesia property industry in 2012 was still booked a positive growth, amid many challenges such as the enactment of Bank Indonesia‟s regulation regarding 70% maximum Loan to Value (“LTV”) ratio. Such positive growth was buoyed by positive growth of Indonesia economy which reached 6.17% YoY in 9M12 and predicted to hit 6.2% YoY in 2012, and the lowest BI rate in the history of 5.75%. As proved, the amount of credit

distributes by banks to real estate credits and house and apartment credits as of September 2012 grew by 23% YoY. With above supporting factors, we estimate that the pace of credit being distributed to property industry will be around 20% YoY at the end of 2012.

Figure 2: Amount of Property Credit,

Sep’11 – Sep’12

(Rp, bn)








Sep-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 Sep-12

Real estate credits (billion Rp) House and apartment ownership credits (billion Rp) Total (billion Rp)

23% YoY

Source: Bank Indonesia, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division

Potential Increase of Land Price on Several of EMDE’s Land Bank Area

Until September In 2012, EMDE has around 277.5 ha of land bank, of which parts of it located in Cinere and Depok. Particularly in Cinere, the price of land grew by 6% YoY - 7% YoY, reached an average of Rp 5 million/square meter (“sqm”) of

land price in 2011. While in Depok, the land price had grown by an average of 15% YoY to around Rp 1.5 million/sqm. Currently, the first stage of toll road development that connects Jagorawi and

Cinere has been finished. Indonesian Government continue to enhance its infrastructure, including the development of the phase II and III of this toll road which will be expected to be finished in 2015. Along with that, Indonesian Government also plans to develop toll road that connects Depok and Antasari (Jakarta). After these two toll roads finished, we believe that the average price of land in Cinere and Depok, in which EMDE has particular amount of land bank, will be more rapidly increase than in 2011 periods.

Figure 3: Average Land Price in Cinere and Depok, 2011

Figure 4: Toll Road Development Plans


Source: Various sources, Pefindo Source : Ministry of Public Works, Equity & Index Valuation

Equity & Index Valuation Division Division


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is an integral part of this report”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

January 7th, 2013 Page 5 of 10 pages

Upgrading its Margins In 2011, EMDE stated the highest gross profit margin of 59.28% during 2007 – 2011 periods. It was even better, as it rose to 65.08% in 9M12 periods. Increasing selling price of land and apartment caused the significant different in 2011, while increasing rental price in 9M12 caused the continuation of gross profit margin upgrading. As a result, EMDE‟s pre-tax profit margin and net profit

margin in 2011 soared to 8.95% and 2.27%, respectively, better than 2010 period of 6.94% and 0.76%. It went even better in 9M12, as they hit 15.03% and 7.09%.

Figure 5: EMDE’s Cost of Sales Margin, 2010 – 9M12









30% 31%
















2010 2011 9M12

House sales cost margin (%) Land sales cost margin (%) Shop sales cost margin (%)

Rental income cost margin (%) Apartment sales cost margin (%)

Source: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division

Delayed Projects Caused Decreasing Sales Looks like EMDE was focusing on acquiring more land bank in 2011, as proved by

the increasing amount of undeveloped land from Rp 191.8 billion in 2010 to Rp 220.9 billion, and at the same time they experienced troubles to completing

some of its projects. As a result, EMDE experienced a negative growth of sales by (21.2%) YoY in 2011. The decreasing sales were caused by the declining sales of houses, “tanah matang”, and shop houses by negative (78.9% YoY) in 2011. During 9M12, EMDE pushed the sales of its land bank, which made the amount of undeveloped land declined to just Rp 213.6 billion, and creates increasing sales from “tanah matang” from Rp 8.4 billion during 2011 to Rp 17.5 billion during 9M12. However, delayed on completing its houses and shop houses projects

continue to hamper its growth of revenue. As a result, EMDE‟s revenue only manages to grow by 0.04% YoY in 9M12.

Figure 6: EMDE’s Revenue and Undeveloped Land, 2010 – 9M12



66.2 66.2


220.9208.3 213.6







2010 2011 9M11 9M12

Rp, bn

Revenue (Rp, bn) Amount of undeveloped land (Rp, bn)

Source: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division


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is an integral part of this report”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

January 7th, 2013 Page 6 of 10 pages

EMDE’s Business Prospect

Supported by growing Indonesian economy as it reached 6.17% YoY in 9M12,

and predicted to stay at around 6.2% YoY in 2012, and stable-low BI Rate of 5.75%, it will cater the growing property sector by around 20% YoY in 2012. Plus estimated increase of Indonesian per capita to over USD 4,000, makes the prospect of Indonesian property developers, including EMDE, prospective. With large land bank and estimated rapidly increased of land price due to the development of toll roads that connects several of EMDE‟s land bank makes us believe that EMDE‟s revenue could grow by 39.9% CAGR during 2011 – 2016


Figure 7: EMDE’s Revenue Estimation








2011 2012P 2013P 2014P 2015P 2016P

Rp, bn

Revenue (Rp, bn)

CAGR = 39.9%

Source: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division


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is an integral part of this report”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

January 7th, 2013 Page 7 of 10 pages



We apply income approach using Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) as the main valuation approach considering the income growth is a value driver in EMDE instead of asset growth. Furthermore, we also apply Guideline Company Method (GCM) as comparison method.

This valuation is based on 100% shares price as of January 4th, 2013, using EMDE‟s financial report as of September 30th, 2012, for our fundamental analysis.

Value Estimation

We use Cost of Capital of 11.59% and Cost of Equity 11.46% of based on the following assumptions:

Table 2: Assumption

Risk free rate [%]* 5.10

Risk premium [%]* 8.26

Beta [x]* 0.77

Cost of Equity [%] 11.46

Marginal Tax Rate [%] 25.00

Interest Bearing Debt to Equity Ratio



WACC [%] 11.59

Source: Bloomberg, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates

* as of January 4th, 2013

Target price for 12 months based on valuation as per January 4th, 2013, is as follows:

Using DCF method with discount rate assumption 11.59%, is Rp 205 - Rp 230 per share.

Using GCM method (PBV 1.94X and P/E 20.88x) is Rp 47 – Rp 305 per share.

In order to obtain a value which represents both value indications, we have weighted both DCF and GCM methods by 70%:30%.

Based on the above calculation, target price of EMDE for 12 month is Rp 158 – Rp 250 per share.

Table 3: Summary of DCF Method Valuation

Conservative Moderate Optimist

PV of Free Cash Flows – [Rp, bn] 187 197 206

PV Terminal Value – [Rp bn] 577 608 638

Non-Operating Assets – [Rp, bn] 84 84 84

Net Debt – [Rp, bn] (161) (161) (161) Total Equity Value – [Rp bn] 687 727 768 Number of Share, [mn shares] 3,350 3,350 3,350 Fair Value per Share, [Rp] 205 215 230

Source: Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates


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Megapolitan Development , Tbk

January 7th, 2013 Page 8 of 10 pages

Table 4: GCM Comparison


P/E [x] 40.66 3.01 9.69 31.20 22.24 18.47 20.88

P/BV [x] 0.89 0.55 1.61 1.29 4.72 2.59 1.94

Source: Bloomberg, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division

Table 5: Summary of GCM Method Valuation Multiple [x] Est. EPS [Rp] Est. BV/share [Rp] Value [Rp]

P/E 20.88 2.3 - 47

P/BV 1.94 - 157 305

Source: Bloomberg, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates

Table 6: Fair Value Reconciliation

Fair Value per Share [Rp]

DCF GCM Average

Upper limit 230 305 250

Bottom limit 205 47 158

Weight 70% 30%

Source: Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates

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Megapolitan Development , Tbk

January 7th, 2013 Page 9 of 10 pages

Table 7: Income Statement (Rp bn)

2009 2010 2011 2012P 2013P

Net sales 174 126 99 101 132

COGS (89) (62) (41) (41) (51)

Gross profit 85 64 59 61 81

Operating expense (52) (55) (50) (47) (67)

Pre-tax profit 33 9 9 13 14

Tax (10) (8) (7) (5) (5)

Minority interest 0.9 0.3 0.3 (0.4) (0.4)

Net Profit 24 1 2 8 8 Source: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation

Division Estimates Table 8: Balance Sheet

(Rp bn)

2009 2010 2011 2012P 2013P


Cash and cash equivalents 16 30 185 105 189

Receivables 71 89 118 125 73

Inventory 162 157 201 167 138 Other short term assets 26 19 11 14 18 Fixed assets 39 49 49 53 61 Undeveloped land 181 192 212 208 188

Other long term assets 105 125 126 135 135

Total assets 600 660 901 807 802


Trade payables 15 32 17 23 29 Cost estimation for completing

projects 38 33 18 30 33

Other payables 58 68 77 24 31 Long term liabilities 174 213 269 205 178

Total liabilities 285 345 381 281 270

Total equity 315 315 520 526 531

Source: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation

Division Estimates

Figure 8: Historical P/E and P/BV


















Dec-11 Sep-12



Source: Bloomberg, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division

Figure 9: Historical ROA, ROE and Total Asset Turnover


















2009 2010 2011

ROE ROA Total Asset Turn Over

Source: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division

Table 9: Key Ratios

2009 2010 2011 2012P 2013P

Growth [%]

Net sales 71.8 (27.4) (21.3) 1.7 30.0

Earnings before tax 40.3 (73.6) 1.6 48.9 5.7

Net profit 113.2 (96.0) 136.6 236.8 6.0

Profitability [%]

Gross margin 48.9 50.8 59.3 59.9 61.6

Earnings before tax


19.1 6.9 8.9 13.1 10.7

Net margin 13.7 0.8 2.3 7.5 6.1

ROA 3.9 0.1 0.3 0.9 1.0

ROE 13.7 0.8 2.3 7.5 6.1

Solvability [x]

Debt to equity 0.9 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.5

Debt to asset 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3

Source: PT Megapolitan Development Tbk, Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division


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is an integral part of this report”

Megapolitan Development , Tbk

January 7th, 2013 Page 10 of 10 pages


This report was prepared based on the trusted and reliable sources. Nevertheless, we do not guarantee it s completeness, accuracy and adequacy. Therefore we do not responsible of any investment decision making based on this report. As for any assumptions, opinions and predictions were solely our internal judgments as per reporting date, and those judgments are subject to change without further notice. We do not responsible for mistake and negligence occurred by using this report. Last performance could not always be used as reference for future outcome. This report is not an offering recommendation, purchase or holds particular shares. This report might not be suitable for some investors. All opinion in this report has been presented fairly as per issuing date with good intentions; however it could be change at any time without further notice. The price, value or income from each share of the Company stated in this report might lower than the investor expectation and investor might obtain lower return than the invested amount. Investment is defined as the probable income that will be received in the future; nonetheless such return may possibly fluctuate. As for the Company which its share is denominated other than Rupiah, the foreign exchange fluctuation may reduce the value, price or investor investment return. This report does not contain any information for tax consideration in investment decision making. The share price target in this report is a fundamental value, not a fair market value nor a transaction price reference required by the regulations. The share price target issued by Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold particular shares and it could not be considered as an investment advice from Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division as its scope of service to, or in relation to some parties, including listed companies, financial advisor, broker, investment bank, financial institution and intermediary, in correlation with receiving rewards or any other benefits from that parties. This report is not intended for particular investor and cannot be used as part of investment objective on particular shares and neither an investment recommendation on particular shares or an investment strategy. We strongly recommended investor to consider the suitable situation and condition at first before making decision in relation with the figure in this report. If it is necessary, kindly contact your financial advisor. PEFINDO keeps the activities of Equity Valuation separate from Ratings to preserve independence and objectivity of its analytical processes and products. PEFINDO has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of certain non-public information received in connection with each analytical process. The entire process, methodology and the database used in the preparation of the Reference Share Price Target Report as a whole is different from the processes, methodologies and databases used PEFINDO in doing the rating. This report was prepared and composed by Pefindo Equity & Index Valuation Division with the objective to enhance shares price transparency of listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This report is also free of

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