Soalan Amoeba


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  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1



    [20 MARKS]

    1. Which of the following show the importance of biology to man?

    I. Biology helps us to understand our bodys system.

    II. Biology helps us to understand our environment.III. Biology contains the basic knowledge required by other fields.

    IV. Biology contains knowledge which can be used as guidelines for better health.

    A. I and II only C. I, II and III onlyB. I and IV only D. I, II and IV only

    2. Which of the following does a cytologist study?

    3. Which of these can be found in both animal cells and plant cells?

    I Chloroplast III Mitochondrion

    II Cell membrane IV Ribosome

    A. I and II only C. II, III and IV only

    B. II and III only D. I, II, III and IV


    The description above describes the structure and function of the

    A. ribosome C. centriolesB. lysosome D. rough endoplasmic reticulum

    SEM 1, 2008

    It is a membrane-enclosed storage structure

    It contain digestive enzymes

    It is produced in the Golgi apparatus

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    5. The diagram shows an animal cell.

    Which of the following organelles is found in abundance in the cell?

    6. The diagrams below shows three types of muscle tissues X, Y and Z.

    Where are the muscle tissues X, Y and Z found respectively?

    X Y Z

    A. Attached to bones In the walls of the intestine In the walls of the heart

    B. In the walls of the intestine Attached to bones In the walls of the heart

    C. In the walls of the heart In the walls of the intestine Attached to bones

    D. Attached to bones In the walls of the heart In the walls of the intestine


    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    8. Which of the following statements describes the cell R?

    A It contains chloroplast to function in photosynthesis.

    B It thickens in the secondary wall to support the plant.

    C It transports food from leaves to the rest of plant.

    D It carries water and some minerals up.

    9. Which cells in the diagram involve in the transport of water in a plant?

    A. I and II B. I and III

    C. II and IV D. III and IV

    10. Which of the following organs did not involved in regulating internal


    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    11. The diagram shows four different types of plant tissues.

    What are tissues W,X, YandZ?

    12. Which of these is the similarity between simple diffusion and osmosis?

    A. Both processes need energy.

    B. Both processes need carrier protein.C. Both processes involve the movement of water molecules.

    D. The movement of molecules is down the concentration gradient for

    both processes.


    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    14. What is the function of cholesterol molecules in the plasma membrane ?

    A. As membrane carriers to move substances across the plasma membrane

    by active transport.

    B. To form protein channels for facilitated diffusion of minerals ions.C. To join the proteins with phospholipids molecules.

    D. To stabilize the fluidity of the plasma membrane.

    15. The plasma membrane consists of molecules arranged in a double layer

    shown in Diagram 6.

    The parts labeled I and II are

    A. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic respectively.B. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic respectively.

    C. Both hydrophobic.

    D. Both hydrophilic.

    16. Which process results in the movement of water and minerals ions intoroot hair cells?

    Water Mineral ions

    A Active transport Osmosis

    B Facilitated diffusion Osmosis

    C Osmosis Facilitated diffusion

    D Osmosis Active transport

    17. Which of the following statements about the plasma membrane is true?

    A. It allows only water to pass through it.

    B. It does not allow any substances to pass through it.C. It allows only certain substances to pass through it.

    D. It allows all substances to pass through it.

    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    18. Which of the following substances cannot be transported by simple


    I. Carbon dioxide III. III. Glucose

    II. Amino acids IV. Fatty acids

    A. I and II only C. III and IV only

    B. II and III only D. I and IV only

    19. Which of the following cells are correctly matched with their functions?

    20. Which of the structures labeled A, B,C, and D is involved in


    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1



    [20 MARKS]

    1. Figure 1 shows a freshwater unicellular organism, the Amoeba.

    FIGURE 1

    (a) (i) Name the structure labeled X.


    [1 mark]

    (ii) What is the function of X?


    [1 mark]

    (b) Explain the process carried out by X.







    [2 marks]

    (c) Name the process in which Amoeba

    Activity Name (Process)(i) excrete carbon dioxide

    (ii) reproduce

    (iii) engulf food particles

    [3 mark]

    (d) (i) Name the structure in Amoeba that helps it to move.

    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1


    [1 mark]

    (ii) Explain how the structure named in (d)(i) plays its role.






    Figure showing different mechanisms of transport across the plasma membrane.

    (a) Name the types of transport labelled P, Q, R and S.

    P : ______________________ S : __________________________

    Q : ______________________

    [3 marks]

    b) Name the protein X and Z.

    X : _____________________ Z: ___________________________

    [ 2 marks]

    c) Give two differences between Q and R.



    ___[ 2 marks]

    d) Give two examples of molecules that can be transported through P.

    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1


    [2 marks]


    [21 MARKS]

    1. A student carried out an experiment to study the effect of different concentrations

    of sodium chloride solution on red blood cells within 30 minutes.

    Test tube A Microscope Stop watch

    Diagram 1(a)

    SEM 1, 2008



    +Red bloodcells

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    Diagram 1(b)

    Diagram 1(a) shows the experiment set up by the student. Diagram 1(b) shows the red

    blood cells under the microscope after being immersed in 0.15 M sodium chloride

    solution (test tube A) for 30 minutes.The experiments were repeated at different concentrations of sodium chloride, 0.30 M,

    0.45 M and 0.60M. Red blood cells were then immersed in test tube B (0.30 M), C (0.45

    M) and D (0.60 M) respectively. The results are shown in Table 1.

    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1




    Concentration of

    Sodium chloride(M)

    Red blood cells as seen under the


    Number of


    red blood cells.

    A 0.30

    B 0.45

    C 0.60

    SEM 1, 2008

    Normal redblood cell Crenated red

    blood cell

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    (a) (i) Based on Table 1, state two observations on the relationship between the number

    of crenated red blood cells and the concentration of sodium chloride solution.







    _[3 marks]

    (ii) State the inference which corresponds to the observations in (a)(i).





    [3 marks]


    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    TABLE 3 [3 marks]

    (c) State the hypothesis of the experiment.





    [3 marks]

    (e) (i) Record the number of crenated red blood cells in the box provided in Table 1.

    Construct a table to record the results of this experiment. Your table must containthe following items:

    - concentration of solutions

    -Number of crenated red blood cells- percentage of crenated red blood cells

    [3 marks]

    SEM 1, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Soalan Amoeba


    BIO F4 TEST 1

    (ii) Based on the table constructed, draw a graph of percentage of crenated red blood

    cells against the concentrations of sodium chloride solution in the graph paper.

    [3 marks]

    (f) Test tube B was left aside for 60 minutes. Explain the relationship between the

    number of crenated red blood cells and time.





    [3 marks]

    SEM 1, 2008