Blooms taxonomy thomasjones


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REMEMBERING Can you list 8 adaptations of a puffer fish?

Adaptation 1. They can inflate 3x their usual size.Adaptation 2. They are the second most toxic in the world.Adaptation 3. They can shoot spines laced with venom.Adaptation 4. They can grow to an amazing 4 feet long!Adaptation 5. They’re like balloons, they can inflate and deflate.Adaptation 6. They have elastic stomachs.Adaptation 7. They have a spine inside their body.(SURPRISING!)Adaptation 8. They have enough venom to kill 30 humans.

UNDERSTANDINGCan you find an example of a venom shooting reptile?

A spitting cobra can spit venom.It’s venom is the 5th deadliest in the world.

Clever cobra springs nasty surprise - Deadly 60 - BBC

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ANALYSINGWhich of Jupiter's moons is most likely to support life?

Europa is most likely to support life out of all of Jupiter’s moons because it’s conditions are like earths and not like Neptune or Mercury . It also has 2x more water than earth and astrobiologists call a “habitable place”. Io surface is covered with sulphur and has loads of volcanoes on the surface and the sulphur is toxic and the volcanoes erupt every couple of hours so the surface is covered with magma. (lava)Ganymede is the largest and has it’s own built in magnetic field . It’s atmosphere is also to thin to support life.Callisto's surface is extremely heavily cratered and ancient however the smaller craters are recent activity which means a constant rain of meteors.

APPLYINGWhat would happen if a cockroach was put on mars?

It would die within 201 seconds because there's 0.146 oxygen on mars, it’s average temperature is -81 degrees , it’s atmosphere is mainly made of carbon dioxide and traces of water vapour.

EVALUATINGWhat would a cat need to survive in the tundra?

It would need to be relatively big to scare off predators , have a strong jaw to crush it’s food, a thick coat to stay warm and camouflaged and very strong muscles to climb, run and hunt.

CREATINGIf you invented an animal to live in the jungle, what adaptations would it need?

It would need camouflage to blend in, a strong jaw to eat, a particular body shape depending on the size and it would have to be either a mammal , a bird , a reptile or a amphibian because they are the only animals in the jungle.

(If amphibian it will need gills.)(If reptile it will need scales.)

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