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CORPORATE LAW & SECURITIES, INCORPORATED Dr. Elizabeth Ismael, Judge; Chief Executive Officer

Chief Security Officer - The Honorable Kirk Watson Chief Information Officer - Attorney Jose Menendez

Chief Administrative Officer - Dr. Eduardo Lucio, Jr., Attorney at Law Chief Marketing Officer - Attorney Carlos Uresti

Chief Accounting Officer - The Honorable Carlos Cascos Chief Bureau Officer - The Honorable Van Taylor

Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Donna Campbell Chief Realtor - The Honorable George P. Bush

Chief Business Officer - The Honorable Jane Nelson Chief Regulatory and Trading Officer - The Honorable Sid Miller

Chief Communications Officer - The Honorable Glenn Hegar Chief Legal Officer - Attorney Jose Rodriguez

Chief Logistics Officer - The Honorable Ryan Sitton with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, established 2016

UNITED STATES INTERFAITH CONFRATERNITY The United States Interfaith Confraternity is created to honor and respect the call of God in our lives; to spread the good news of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as humble vessels chosen specifically for the works of ministry thereof; to combine the efforts of all Christian denominations, withstanding the efforts of both laity and clergy in the exclusive design given by the Word of God, the Holy Bible; to pay homage to the Vatican, the Holy See, which is in Rome: further by culmination of power, to divest to our appointed Pope, salary and wages. For support of offices and administration, the South Region Interfaith Confraternity synchronizes with all regions of the United States Interfaith Confraternity in works for God as purposed and is founded with the following: MISSION: to provide uniform interchange in all religious denominations of Christian ministry in the United States of America, while enforcing and upholding the FIRST AMENDMENT right of every American citizen of the Right to Freedom of Religion; to synchronize exchange within all socioeconomic levels by accessing for public record the similarities of all sound doctrines of faith; to generate giving for allocation to an account from which funds will be transferred to the fiscal accountability for allocation and appropriation by the appointed POPE of the VATICAN, the HOLY SEE, which is in ROME; to encourage autonomous use of funded budget as applied for intent by the appointed POPE, for provisions as assistance in addressing WORLD ISSUES of regular concern, that would be helped by funding appropriation, to the SPIRITUAL HEADQUARTERS OF THE WORLD. OBJECTIVE: to symbolize paying and bringing of TITHES to the HIGH PRIEST OF THE WORLD as duty from and on behalf of the RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

GOALS: to organize a reliable structure and system of connectivity between the various Christian denominations which exist in the United States of America. to categorize Christian denominations of the United States of America by doctrine, culture, and tradition to discover and develop a uniform method of Christian contribution to the spiritual condition of the United States of America. to define the differences in infrastructure for Christian denominations of the United States of America. to educate with spiritual regard to the specific traditions and services of Christian denominations of the United States of America. to combine activities of synchronicity and grow a deeper respect and regard for differences in religious tradition with cultural perspectives and observances. to apply unification in musical approach as contributed from all Christian denominations of the United States of America to generate revenue income for salary and wages of Human Resources qualified positions of the United States Interfaith Confraternity for works in religious activity as advocates for the First Amendment rights of all citizens of the United States of America. to initiate a spiritual enlightenment of existence with the awakening of awareness of accountability of all persons of the Christian faith in the United States of America.


The United States Interfaith Confraternity is created to honor and respect the call of God in our lives; to spread the good news of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as humble vessels chosen specifically for the works of ministry thereof; to combine the efforts of all Christian denominations, withstanding the efforts of both laity and clergy in the exclusive design given by the Word of God, the Holy Bible; to pay homage to the Vatican, the Holy See, which is in Rome: further by culmination of power, to divest to our appointed Pope, salary and wages. For every $100.00 in Church District Membership Payment, $1.00 is paid to the Vatican; with obliging differential in actuary collection activity within the United States Interfaith Confraternity, to be reconciled with compensation of differential for adequacy in reporting 10% of proceeds as in tithing; to record lack of funding for report to standards of accountability for increase and non-profit tax credit from the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The excess of obligatory is used for capacity funding for budgets of operations and activities such as salaries, seminars/meetings, and other activities of the Interfaith Confraternity at all capacities by allocations and appropriations. The tithe is calculated at the Gross Domestic Product of the United States of America, to determine actuary for remittance; further reduced for effect of the cost per state membership to the United States Interfaith Confraternity according to State Gross Domestic Index and other associative factors for contribution.

BASIC CALCULATIONS AND FORMULAS FOR REVENUE ACTIVITY TO BE BASED ON 100 CHURCH DISTRICTS IN PARTICIPATION FOR ANY REAL WORLD ACTIVITY PROJECTIONS ACCORDING TO PARTICIPATION FORECAST and actuary account. 100.00; 10,000.00 8,000.00 Parish 20.00; 2,000.00 1,800.00 Metro 2.00 ; 200.00 100.00 State 1.0 ; 100.00 90.00 PCIA 0.10 ; 10.00 9.00 Vatican 0.01 ; $1.00 God's Due

DISCLAIMER: BYLAWS for policy withstanding: to be adopted for the unification of Christian presence, the United States Interfaith Confraternity adopts guidelines, withal: POLICY ADMINISTRATION: Real World Standard Deviation for synchronization of CHURCH AND STATE; for spiritual and political union. Bylaws listed as follows: BYLAW, BYLAW NUMBER, STATEMENT OF BYLAW to include date of origination, derivatives, social value, economic impact, and religious indicators.

ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION ARTICLE I. Businesses/Ministries and offices thereof; ORGANIZATIONAL HIERARCHY United States Interfaith Confraternity Remittances: 1. Vatican. 2. United States Interfaith Confraternity. 3. United States Interfaith Board of Bishops. 4. United States Conference of Interfaith Supervisors. 5. Region Council of Interfaith Bishops. 6. Conference of Interfaith Supervisors - Region. 7. State Interfaith Confraternity. 8. Interfaith Board of Bishops - State. 9. Conference of Interfaith Supervisors – State. 10. Metropolitan Archdioceses. 11. Religious Parishes by Denomination. The information below subject to recalculations and revisions by the Boards and Councils of Bishops and Conferences of Supervisors: * Churches take in tithes and offerings, pledges and donations. * Parishes take in annual dues from churches. * Metropolitan Archdioceses receive 10% of annual dues taken in by parishes for capacity of metropolitan representation. The remaining 90% is reported to the Interfaith Board of Bishops of the State (Conference of Interfaith Supervisors – State) for allocations and appropriations. * State Confraternity keeps record of census and other relevant membership organization information. * State Interfaith Confraternity receives amount equivalent to half of the 10% maintained by the Metropolitan Archdioceses for capacity of state representation. * Interfaith Bishops of State is financial committee thus; [further operates by pledges and fundraisers]: Allocates as well, 10% of the State report to the Region Council of Interfaith Bishops. * Region Council of Interfaith Bishops reports 10% to the United States Interfaith Board of Bishops for allocations and appropriations. *United States Interfaith Board of Bishops [United States Conference of Interfaith Supervisors] on behalf of the United States Interfaith Confraternity makes reports to the Vatican, the Holy See, which is in Rome.

South Regions Interfaith Confraternity State Interfaith Confraternity - The State Interfaith Confraternity accepts accountability by all standards of sound doctrine, for the evaluation of any church established in the State of Texas, both member and nonmember. It is our goal to provide certainty of biblical measure of truth regarding all activity of any Christian ministry in our jurisdiction. The State Interfaith Confraternity encourages all valid ministries and follow the example of Jesus Christ of righteous indignation at the money changers in the temple; we will overturn withal, any church which is not presented acceptable when judged in standard accordingly with the word of God. The State Interfaith Confraternity, has a Board of Bishops who are sturdy, ready, and willing to step into place to teach, preach to, and lead God's people with covenant promise of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, gain of knowledge and understanding of the word of God, and prosperity promised to all who serve diligently the Lord in lifestyle and works. The State Interfaith Confraternity implements strategic takeovers as well as inspire new church start-ups with Church Administration plans. It is right to give God thanks and praise. The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ, our Lord. Our organization is concerned with the details of Kingdom building, for we seek first the kingdom of God in all His righteousness and desire that all churches in our jurisdiction be added into the number of saints. Hereby, it is also the desire of the State Interfaith Confraternity, that for as many religious entities may desire, will become a member church of the State Interfaith Confraternity. Should the State Interfaith Confraternity find any ministry open in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, which does not meet the church administrative standards of our organization, are found in hypocrisy and severe violation of doctrine, proceed from evaluation to filing legal action for copy with our leadership, the Region Interfaith Confraternity, Region Council of Interfaith Bishops, Conference of Interfaith Supervisors – Region; albeit for representation as Plaintiffs before the State Supreme Court with expert witness of the Interfaith Board of Bishops of State and the Conference of Interfaith Supervisors of State. All evidence is held as truths regarding the operations and administrations with evaluations and proceedings conducted and progressed for the State Interfaith Confraternity must by accountability, make a genuine effort to encourage TRUE MINISTRY on behalf of the Christian faith, TRUE BUSINESS on behalf of valid Church Administration, and the WORD OF TRUTH on behalf of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With regard, the objectives of the State Interfaith Confraternity are to honor and respect the call of God in life; to stand forth for service as humble vessels chosen specifically for the works of ministry thereof; to combine the efforts of all Christian denominations, withstanding the efforts of both laity and clergy in the exclusive design given by the Word of God, the Holy Bible; to pay homage to the Vatican, the Holy See, which is in Rome: further by culmination of power, to divest to our appointed Pope, salary and wages.

Metropolitan Interfaith Confraternity Parish Confraternity by Denomination - Parish accountability is as follows: 1. To maintain a database registry census of each district with quarterly updates and archives vault for census information. 2. To assist districts with development of administrations, ministries/auxiliaries, and basic legal aid and social services. 3. To hold conferences, training, seminars, and other collective gatherings to spearhead creativity, ingenuity, and prosperity across the Parish. 4. To make report to the Interfaith Archdiocese of Austin. EXAMPLE: Any sect that separates under the parish is referred to as a division: **Baptist Parish: * Full Gospel Division * Missionary Division or **Methodist Parish: *CME Division *AME Division or **Protestant Parish: *Presbytery Division and so on and so forth. District by Church Representation

ARTICLE II. Positions of tax-exempt employment, clergy inclusive. Hitherto; memorandum: must include valid job title, job description, salary attributes fit to requirements of job position commensurate of scale with credentialed or highly accredited talents and gifts to be skillfully applied. ECCLESIASTICAL CHAIN OF COMMAND (as applied to ordinations and appointments) Offices: Men - Archbishop; Women - Supervisor Men - Bishop; Women - Supervisor Men and Women - Pastor, Associate Pastor Titles: Men and Women - Doctor, Teacher, Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Missionary, Minister, Reverend, Elder

ARTICLE III. Statement of Intent concerning policy, procedure, guidelines, and general fellowship address.

ARTICLE IV. Facilities Guide Draw; Market Poll Survey; Maintenance; Basic Summary with Projections.


A Common Place for Sharing in Praise, Worship, and Service

to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ The ideology is that all religions be able to minister to the public in keeping with their traditional and customary services. For example, during holidays, worship services will be scheduled for the times accordingly with regard to denomination. As well, weekly services will abide with definitive and relational activity. EXAMPLE : Sunday Morning - *6:30am Catholic Mass (selected Catholic Bishop Officiating) *8:30am Episcopal Service (selected Episcopal Bishop Officiating) *10:30am Baptist Service (selected Baptist Bishop Officiating) *12:30 noon Protestant Service (selected Protestant Bishop Officiating) *2:30 pm Methodist Service (selected Methodist Bishop Officiating) **Saturdays 6:30 pm Seventh Day Adventist Service (selected Seventh Day Adventist Bishop Officiating) continuously; inasmuch that all Parishes in the Archdioceses have service representation. There will be a set schedule and a rotational schedule of Bishops to serve in the order of their scheduled services. It is intended to have services accommodations every day of the week, including Saturdays, and for as much as each denomination can participate. The Officiators at the Cathedral must be Bishops only, or otherwise, the highest ranking men in the denomination. The Interfaith Cathedral will serve to all ceremonies of faiths, to include Baptisms, Weddings, Confirmations, etc. ACTUAL SCHEDULE TO BE DETERMINED BY UNITED STATES BOARD OF INTERFAITH BISHOPS AND INTERFAITH BOARD OF BISHOPS OF STATE. The Interfaith Cathedral Design will be masterfully creative with artful designs featuring architecture and works from all religions, in common and distinction, blended perfectly into a GREAT CATHEDRAL.

The Great Cathedral will serve as census to all the dioceses in the state. Many may travel to serve in this temple once constructed. The Interfaith Cathedral of State will serve as a common place of worship with varying service times according to the religious order in charge of ceremony in keeping with a schedule of participation. FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM FOR GENERATING REVENUE INCOME AND FUNDS United States Interfaith Music Company - Established to make a joyful noise unto the Lord and as revenue driver for the general funds account of the

UNITED STATES INTERFAITH CONFRATERNITY. Concerto - to be performed by members of the Concerto during the United States Interfaith Confraternity Biannual Convention according to schedule. Ticket sales revenue catalyst. -Ten (10) percent of proceeds of all activities of the United States Interfaith Confraternity Music Company to be reported for account directly to the United States Interfaith Board of Bishops to be allocated to the United States Interfaith Confraternity Human Resources Payroll for salaries and wages. -Twenty-five (25) percent of proceeds of all activities to be reported for payroll of the Texas Interfaith Music Project. -Thirty-three (33) percent of proceeds to be allocated for reinvestment activity into the Texas Interfaith Music Project. -Thirty-two (32) percent of proceeds to be used for overhead, savings, miscellaneous, and incidentals. Region Interfaith Music Synapsis State Interfaith Music Project - Established as revenue driver for the general funds account of the State Interfaith Confraternity. State Interfaith Confraternity Music Compilations - this compilation features original material performed by artists and judged by originality, creativity, and sound; auditioned for production, engineering, mastering; Produced by the United States Interfaith Confraternity Music Company for State Music Projects). Material featured in the compilation may earn reward as follows: * Recording contract (label) * Nomination for category of qualification and appearance on Awards Show * Feature on Awards Show -Qualifying applicants must apply at their Regional Synapsis according to set guidelines to be announced (all music genres welcome with wholeness of spirit) [entry fees may apply]

MAJOR PROJECTS: 1. State Interfaith Confraternity Compilation - this compilation features original material performed by artists and judged by originality, creativity, and sound; auditioned for production, engineering, mastering; produced by SIMP (State Interfaith Music Project). Material featured in the compilation may earn reward as follows: * Recording contract (SIMP label) * Nomination for category of qualification and appearance on SIMP Awards Show * Feature on SIMP Awards Show -Qualifying applicants must apply through their Metropolitan Archdiocese according to set guidelines to be announced (all music genres welcome with wholeness of spirit) [entry fees may apply] 2. State Interfaith Confraternity Concerto - to be performed by members of the Concerto during the Texas Interfaith Confraternity Biannual Convention according to schedule. Ticket sales revenue catalyst. -Ten (10) percent of proceeds of all activities of the State Interfaith Music Project to be reported for account directly to the Interfaith Board of Bishops of State to be allocated to the State Interfaith Confraternity Human Resources Payroll for salaries and wages. -Twenty-five (25) percent of proceeds of all activities to be reported for payroll of the State Interfaith Music Project. -Thirty-three (33) percent of proceeds to be allocated for reinvestment activity into the State Interfaith Music Project. -Thirty-two (32) percent of proceeds to be used for overhead, savings, miscellaneous, and incidentals. Metropolitan Interfaith Concerto and Ensemble Institution Parish Musicians Association

ARTICLE V. 501 (c) 3 Statement of Application with Deductions Model; 501 (c) 4/.

ARTICLE VI. Models of Operation

ORGANIZATION SYSTEM OFFICES United States Interfaith Confraternity Board of Bishops - The United States Interfaith Board of Bishops oversees all business of the United States Interfaith Confraternity, including Human Resources for organizational operations: and finance; whereas deposits, batch, transfers, payments, withdrawals, and all other transactions are maintained in General Ledger (denoting all contra-accounts and activities thereof; notes of relative usage; disputes and reconciliations; major bookkeeping; checks and balances; issuance of payroll, stocks, and bond certificates: albeit, further communicates on all accounts with each State Interfaith Confraternity, as well for common cause with the United States Interfaith Confraternity. United States Interfaith Confraternity Conference of Interfaith Supervisors - The United States Conference of Interfaith Supervisors is created to work directly in conjunction with the United States Interfaith Bishops of Texas, on all issues and concerns of the United States Interfaith Confraternity and its affiliations; to provide supplemental support with records management, developments, and communications with regard; to define, in terms, the spiritual and political soundness of doctrine: albeit, whereas what is politically correct for proper social balance and economic reform encourages socio-economic worthiness in all tax brackets; withal. To support fully the works of the offices of the Archbishops, oversee accounts, and Executive duties as appointed.


UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF SUPERVISORS are created to order business between the National levels of the

UNITED STATES INTERFAITH CONFRATERNITY, as guided by the UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS and the VATICAN, the HOLY SEE, which is in ROME ; and when necessary interacts in proxy, on behalf of United States Interfaith Confraternity, directly with the Vatican, the Holy See, which is in Rome; maintaining due diligence in paying homage to the honor and respect of our most gracious POPE as appointed; not withholding the mandatory privilege of bringing to God’s storehouse the best calculated tithe of our account for the salary and wages of our Pope, that he may render service thereof and accordingly by scripture and vision from God. A. Accountability 1. Human Resources – payroll <TRUE BUSINESS> 2. Facilities/Maintenance – REAL PROPERTY 3. Overhead (budget specifications) 4. Revenue Funds i. Not for profit ii. For profit 5. Deposits, Withdrawals, Transfers, etc. B. Official Duties – Judiciary 1. To hear causes which affect both Church and State. 2. To review laws and precedence for balance of scale with Biblical Doctrine for definition, explanation, and amendment. 3. To write and pass statutes and ordinances for secular enforcement for the security of God’s people. 4. To present statutes and ordinances for poll before the Confraternity seeking results with valid market survey in order to prepare for proposal, bill, or other submission for city councils, county commissions, and state legislature. 5. To send ambassadors to various local, regional, and national locations as representatives of Christ Jesus.

Region Council of Interfaith Bishops - Created to order business between the State and National levels of the Confraternity when necessary interacts in proxy, on behalf of National Confraternity, directly with the Vatican, the Holy See, which is in Rome, maintaining due diligence in paying homage to the honor and respect of our most gracious Pope as appointed; not withholding the mandatory privilege of bringing to God’s storehouse the best calculated tithe of our account for the salary and wages of our Pope, that he may render service thereof and accordingly by scripture and vision from God. A. Accounts 1. Human Resources – payroll <TRUE BUSINESS> 2. Facilities/Maintenance – REAL PROPERTY 3. Overhead (budget specifications) 4. Revenue Funds i. Not for profit ii. For profit 5. Deposits, Withdrawals, Transfers, etc. B. Executive Duties – Judiciary 1. To hear causes which affect both Church and State. 2. To review laws and precedence for balance of scale with Biblical Doctrine for definition, explanation, and amendment. 3. To write and pass statutes and ordinances for secular enforcement for the security of God’s people. 4. To present statutes and ordinances for poll before the Confraternity seeking results with valid market survey in order to prepare for proposal, bill, or other submission for city councils, county commissions, and state legislature. 5. To send ambassadors to various local, regional, and national locations as representatives of Christ Jesus.

Conference of Interfaith Supervisors - Region - The Conference of Interfaith Supervisors - Region, as with the Region Council of Interfaith Bishops oversees the finances (including allocations and appropriations) of the Region Interfaith Confraternity, whereas deposits, batch, transfers, payments, withdrawals, and all other transactions are maintained in General Ledger (denoting all contra-accounts and activities thereof; notes of relative usage; disputes and reconciliations; major bookkeeping; checks and balances; issuance of payroll, stocks, and bond certificates: albeit, further communicates on all accounts with each State Interfaith Confraternity, as well for common cause with the United States Interfaith Confraternity. The Region Council of Interfaith Bishops and the Conference of Interfaith Supervisors - Region are created to order business between the State and National levels of the United States Interfaith Confraternity, and when necessary, interacts in proxy, on behalf of National Confraternity, directly with the Vatican, the Holy See, which is in Rome, maintaining due diligence in paying homage to the honor and respect of our most gracious Pope as appointed; not withholding the mandatory privilege of bringing to God’s storehouse the best calculated tithe of our account for the salary and wages of our Pope, that he may render service thereof and accordingly by scripture and vision from God. A. Accounts 1. Human Resources – payroll <TRUE BUSINESS> 2. Facilities/Maintenance – REAL PROPERTY 3. Overhead (budget specifications) 4. Revenue Funds i. Not for profit ii. For profit 5. Deposits, Withdrawals, Transfers, etc. B. Executive Duties – Judiciary 1. To hear causes which affect both Church and State. 2. To review laws and precedence for balance of scale with Biblical Doctrine for definition, explanation, and amendment. 3. To write and pass statutes and ordinances for secular enforcement for the security of God’s people. 4. To present statutes and ordinances for poll before the Confraternity seeking results with valid market survey in order to prepare for proposal, bill, or other submission for city councils, county commissions, and state legislature. 5. To send ambassadors to various local, regional, and national locations as representatives of Christ Jesus.

Interfaith Board of Bishops of State - The Interfaith Board of Bishops of State is established as a religious organization for the purpose of appropriate representation of the executions, designs, doctrines, dissertations, administrations, and proclamations of the membership of the legally registered religious faiths by sect. Conference of Interfaith Supervisors of State Created to work directly in conjunction with the Interfaith Board of Bishops of State on all issues of concern of the State Interfaith Confraternity and its affiliations; to provide supplemental support with records management, developments, and communications with regard; to define, in terms, the spiritual and political soundness of doctrine: albeit, whereas what is politically correct for proper social balance and economic reform encourages socioeconomic worthiness in all tax brackets; withal, oversee accounts and Executive duties as with the Interfaith Board of Bishops of State. As with the Interfaith Board of Bishops of State, the Conference of Interfaith Supervisors of State is established as a religious organization for the purpose of appropriate representation of the executions, designs, doctrines, dissertations, administrations, and proclamations of the membership of the legally registered religious faiths by sect.

ARTICLE VII. Christian Education Department: MISSION: To educate our future leaders with regards to culture, tradition, and customary practices involving a greater and more in-depth literary comprehension for statistical value and better placement categories. ACADEMIC ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM (to maintain a Private School Division throughout organizational structure for propriety of infrastructure) United States Interfaith Confraternity Department of Charter Institutions - MISSION: To educate our future leaders with regards to culture, tradition, and customary practices involving a greater and more in-depth literary comprehension for statistical value and better placement categories. Region Department of Christian Education - MISSION: To evaluate for standard placement in effective education strategies with regards to application of techniques to promote intellectual stimulation and advancement of opportunities for educators. State Interfaith Confraternity Christian School System - State Christian School System by ADAPTATION of State Common Charter : Texas Interfaith Confraternity Christian School System is a design of Charter Schools with a division for Private Schools, which are religious denomination specific. These schools have special requirements and testing for admission. All Texas State graduation requirements are applicable. The Office of the Texas Interfaith Confraternity Christian School System maintains scholastic achievement files and transcripts. It also responds to students needs for Scholarship Awards for higher learning. This office is comparable to the State of Texas Board of Regents for Public Schools. All completed transcripts are entered in file here at the termination of student matriculation successfully from a secondary charter school within the system. Competitive extracurricular must be approved through this office as well as any major student disciplines such as expulsion. Also, this office must be notified in the event of any major student decisions such as dropping out. The office of the Texas Interfaith Christian School System maintains all copies of Teacher and Staff records for employment. It also is the center contact for retirement and pension benefits. Within the Texas Christian School System, there exists a design of Charter Schools which are eligible for State Education funds assistance. Each Charter School is specific according to the Interfaith Archdiocese Denomination and geographic locale.

The Texas Christian School System is designed to educate our children accordingly with our faith in Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God. In keeping with the values and traditions taught in each home, our system of Charter School Districts provide culture and determine the best educational environment for successful learning and real world adaptability. The Texas Interfaith Confraternity Christian School System encourages the proper phases of education in correlation with selective religion of the students, which cooperates with he faith-based values taught in the home: with regard to parent-child relationship; child/student duel activity of independence and respect, student-teacher relationship, and parent-teacher communication, for the best fit educational process for our future leaders. The Texas Interfaith Confraternity Christian School System is a design of Charter Schools which are religious denomination specific. These schools have special requirements and testing for admission. All Texas State graduation requirements are applicable. The Office of the Texas Interfaith Confraternity Christian School System maintains scholastic achievement files and transcripts. It also responds to students needs for Scholarship Awards for higher learning. This office is comparable to the State of Texas Board of Regents for Public Schools. All completed transcripts are entered in file here at the termination of student matriculation successfully from a secondary charter school within the system. Competitive extracurricular must be approved through this office as well as any major student disciplines such as expulsion. Also, this office must be notified in the event of any major student decisions such as dropping out. The office of the Texas Interfaith Christian School System maintains all copies of Teacher and Staff records for employment. It also is the center contact for retirement and pension benefits. Within the Texas Christian School System, there exists a design of Charter Schools which are eligible for State Education funds assistance. Each Charter School is specific according to the Interfaith Archdiocese Denomination and geographic locale. Maintained in the Office of the Texas Christian School System are the following: 1. School Boards Censuses 2. Teacher Retirement Information 3. Graduated Student Transcripts 4. Classified Human Resources 5. Common Charter 6. Business Summary and Financial Statements of the Districts 7. Scholarship, Fellowship, and Foundation Information Maintained in the Office of the Texas Christian School System are the following: 1. School Boards Censuses 2. Teacher Retirement Information 3. Graduated Student Transcripts 4. Classified Human Resources

5. Common Charter 6. Business Summary and Financial Statements of the Districts 7. Scholarship, Fellowship, and Foundation Information

Interfaith Confraternity Charter School Board of County/Parish/Township - To publicly educate the children of all faiths with the common ritual of the primary spiritual guidance in the home environment, encouraging pursuit of wisdom by gain of knowledge for the culmination of God's design for mankind to know good from evil. The office of the Interfaith Archdiocese of Austin Charter School Board maintains the charter and enforces policy and guidelines in proxy of the United States Interfaith Archdiocese of Texas Christian School System. It provides constituency on behalf of the school districts to the same system. Here, the census for denominational parishes' schools are maintained, categorized as districts. The Charter School Board frequently evaluates the Christian System's schools through contact with each district to ensure funds eligibility and student achievement in maintain all eligibility statuses. The districts meet frequently in seminars and conferences at the School Board to ensure academic uniformity, policy and guideline compliance, and constitutional liberties. School Boards maintain the following information: 1. Certified Human Resources 2. Food Services Contracts 3. Transportation Contracts 4. Census of respective Parishes 5. Certified Retirement Information Public School Board by County Zone and maintains the following information: 1. Certified Human Resources 2. Food Services Contracts 3. Transportation Contracts 4. Census of respective Parishes 5. Certified Retirement Information Denomination Charter School District by Geographic and Religious Demographic Assignment - School District by Parish Assignment In keeping with the values and traditions taught in each home, our system of Charter School Districts provide culture and determine the best educational environment for successful learning and real world adaptability. Charter School District Texas Christian School System to the parishes through intersection of auxiliary and conglomeration of activity, herein; encouraging the proper phases of education in correlation with selective religion of the students, which cooperates with the faith-based values taught in the home: with regard to parent-child relationship; child/student duel activity of independence and respect, student-teacher relationship, and parent-teacher communication, for the best fit educational process for our future leaders.

ARTICLE VIII. Financial Institutions

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY INSTITUTIONS As to the United States Federal Reserve System: State Interfaith Confraternity Bank & Trust created as financial institution support for capacity building. MISSION: To provide financial services within the order of the organization of the Texas Interfaith Confraternity, it's relevant organizations of activity, and it's eligible and qualified members. To maintain quality control of funds deposited and with issuance of terms of accountability.

ARTICLE IX. National Poll and Data Guidelines

ARTICLE X. HUMAN RESOURCES - Protocol with comparable payment of SALARIES BASED ON THAT OF PARTICULAR UNDERWRITTEN REQUIREMENTS AS MEASURED. Each job MUST HAVE a description and detailed purpose which meet all legal guidelines and security protocol for policy TO QUALIFY AS A JOB CREATING ENTITY. The person appointed to the position is accountable for completing all duties relevant to position. PROTOCOL 1. Keep the businesses of state and region in their proper perspective. 2. Meet all accountability factors satisfactorily. 3. Be certain of matters when communicating subjectively. 4. Exemplify integrity with order. 5. Acknowledge the contributions of others which are relevant to the duties of the appointed office. 6. Abide strictly to the MANDATORY HONESTY POLICY. 7. All counts of larceny prosecuted to the maximum allowable penalty of the law. 8. The accounting offices must abide with the most current GAAP for regulation. 9. The United States Interfaith Board of Bishops must conduct and report both hard and soft count. 10. Any criminal activity must be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency with best keeping of Ecclesiastical Chain of Command. 11. HUMAN RESOURCES educational requirement for any position must be met specifically or at least at minimum requirements when specified. 12. Directors and executives are directly accountable for those supervised in position of employment. 13. Confidentiality of office business is mandatory with disciplinary action for any breaches of security.
