Resident life in Assiut university hospitals


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Hussein Elkhayat , MD


• Learn how to balance the intensity and demands of a residency with personal and family time and interests

• Fighting fatigue

• Dress code for doctors

• How to deliver bad news to your patient

• How to communicate with your colleagues , nursing stuff and workers

Eat , pray , love

Learn how to balance the intensity and demands of a residency with personal and family time and interests

During your working hours

Keep yourself well hydrated

Always keep some cookies or biscuits nearby

Avoid bringing expensive stuff at work

Stay clean , stay safe

Get your vaccination soon

Always have extra coat , extra cloths in your bag or locker

Be aware of shark infested water

Keep your family safe !

Use a smart phone , but be more smarter

Start recording from now on …..

Fighting fatigue

Why doctors leaving residency ?

Why they treat patient badly ?

Why they do not look like doctors anyway ?

Sleep and shift work

Night shifts require doctors to be alert when their bodies tell them to sleep.

Working at night generates an increasing sleep debt.

Sleep-deprived residents have more attentional failures and make more clinical errors and incorrect diagnoses.

Residents have more road traffic accidents when tired.

Exhaustion erases recent learning.

20-25 hours without sleep – as might be experienced by a resident who has just worked 24-hour call – reduces psychomotor performance to the level of someone with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.10%. This is even greater than the level (0.08%) at which it becomes illegal to operate a motor vehicle in the United States.

Preparing for a night call rotation

Build a successful normal sleep routine.

Get extra sleep before working the first night shift.

Take a two-hour afternoon nap before coming on duty.

Surviving the night shift

Take 20- to 45-minute naps to counteract fatigue.

Your alertness will be improved by exposure to bright light during the night.

Do not miss routine meals when working at night.

Use caffeine cautiously, if at all, as it is a stimulant.

Recovering from the night shift

If planning a long drive home, consider the risks.

Once home, try to sleep immediately.

Develop a routine for sleeping during the daytime.

Keep your sleep debt to a minimum.


إدارة الذات، فهي R إدارة الوقت تعني أوًالنوع من إدارة الفرد نفسه بنفسه.

Goal directed time management

Light inside the tunnel

Dress code for doctors Why we should get dressed well anyway !!

Dress Codes

Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center prohibits recreational clothing, stretch pants, sleeveless shirts, low-cut shirts, dresses without backs, and sheer fabrics. It also mandates that piercings beyond the ears and tattoos be covered.

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Hippocrates said That doctors should "be clean in person, well-dressed, and anointed with sweet-smelling unguents."

According to a study published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association," many doctors do just that when they could be promoting more trust in the physician-patient relationships by simply dressing appropriately. Of the study's nearly 300 respondents, nearly all agreed that doctors should dress professionally while on duty, and that they associate doctors' wardrobe with levels of honesty and quality care.

White coats don't help unless a doctor's overall appearance is neat and clean. And the doctor must have a pleasant expression

Is attire important? Yes! Is personality important? Yes. Everything is important!"

Defining Professional Attire

Dressing the part -- especially when you're new to the profession -- can help you gain respect and compliance from your patients.

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Dress code for a female doctors

Step 1: Dress to attract -- not distract

Step 2 : Save the stilettos

Step 3 : Accessorize appropriately.

Step 4 : Follow trends.

Step 5 : Be practical. Keep in mind the demands of your work-day when dressing for your shift.

Safety Guidelines

As you get dressed before work, consider the safety of your patients and the threat of contamination from garments.

Since 2007, the United Kingdom has advised a "bare below the elbows" approach. It advises doctors to avoid wearing long sleeves or wrist jewelry that might spread diseases from one patient to another.

In the United States, the AMA recommends that physicians wear clothing that is appropriate to the work setting, and always clean.

Balance professional attire, your comfort and the potential for cross-contamination when choosing clothing, suggests the authors of "Healthcare Personnel Attire in Non-Operating-Room Settings," published by the the University of Chicago Press in 2014.

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Residency and your family time

How to deliver bad news to patients

Prepare yourself to feel badly.

Set the context

Deliver the bad news clearly and unequivocally


Ask for questions

But sometimes they do.

Never destroy hope

Express your commitment of support.

Make a plan

Thank you

Hussein Elkhayat
