Febreze's Marketing Strategy for 2012 London Olympics (Case Study)


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Febreze Olympics Case Study

박은하│송명지│이승희│이정은│정나온│한혜림 2014-01 Marketing Communication Group 8914

• State of the brand’s business • Strategic Challenge • Objective of the campaign • The Big Idea of the campaign • Bringing the Idea to Life : Execution • Results • Evaluations


State of the brand’s business 01

• Starting with the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games, Procter & Gamble announced it would be sponsoring the Olympics for the next 10 years. • Febreze decided to promote their Air Effects product in North America to maintain its title of aerosol market leader. • The Olympic platform was a perfect opportunity to educate people on“why Febreze Air Effects was truly different”

Strategic Challenge 02

• Existence of mega brands ex) Coke, Mcdonalds’ and visa

• Need a striking idea in that consumers will get accustomed to epic, heart-felt brand communications

Olympics Febreze Target

Objective of the campaign 03

A. 5% Lift in sales of the Air Effects business same time last year

B. Stand out from the competitive advertising landscape during the Olympics Games

C. Generate PR buzz and attention of the Febreze Olympic Campaign

D. Engage Febreze’s 1M+ Facebook fanbase to acknowledge and participate in its Olympic Campaign

The Big Idea of the campaign 04

“Febreze can eliminate even their Olympic-sized sports odors”

P&G Febreze Team

Azerbaijani Wrestling Team

If Febreze Air Effects can eliminate the sports odors of Olympians, it can certainly work on a family’s sports odors.

Bringing the Idea to Life : Execution 05

PHASE 1 Two months before Olympic, show teaser Breath Happy on facebook


Bringing the Idea to Life : Execution 05

PHASE 1 Two months before Olympic, show teaser Breath Happy on facebook

Bringing the Idea to Life : Execution 05

PHASE 2 Reveal the team partnership and what we did in London with the Team Video on Facebook/YouTube and an article in The New York Times

Bringing the Idea to Life : Execution 05

PHASE 3 Get our Facebook community to know and love each of the wrestlers with 4 Short Bio Films

Bringing the Idea to Life : Execution 05

PHASE 4 Introduce Febreze product effectiveness and relevance through a comical story of the team's Towel Boy and his

trials and tribulations of putting up with the team's smells

Bringing the Idea to Life : Execution 05

PHASE 6 The Olympic Games begin and TV spots that prove Febreze's odor-eliminating power


Results 06

A. 5% Lift in sales of the Air Effects business same time last year

a. Saw a 8.7% sales increase versus the same time last year

b. Grew volume by 4.2% versus the same time last year

c. 6.8% dollar share increase versus the same time last year

8.7% Sales increase

4.2% Grew volume

6.8% dollor share increase

Results 06

B. Stand out from the competitive advertising landscape during the Olympic Games

a. Correct attribution of brand messaging was registered at 81%, exceeding the 71% norm









Correct Incorrect Brand attribution at 81%

Brand Attribution Norm = 71%

Results 06

419,345 paid views

on the Viewable

Media Network


642,701 times watched

Resulting in

An earned lift of



33.3% chose to watch

promoted content

B. Stand out from the competitive advertising landscape during the Olympic Games

b. The Olympics video content that was seeded online garnered significant viewership

Results 06

B. Stand out from the competitive advertising landscape during the Olympic Games

c. Best competitive set compared to other household product campaigns with Olympic creative

Results 06

269,534,525 Total media impressions

436 Total media placements

C. Generate PR buzz and attention of the Febreze Olympic Campaign

a. It secured 269,534,525 total media impressions and total media placements such as AdAge, FoxNews.com, Popsop.com, Creativity

Results 06

C. Generate PR buzz and attention of the Febreze Olympic Campaign

b. Most noteworthy is its exclusive in The New York Times Advertising section, garnering 27,999,940 impressions, with an in-color photo and praise for its different approach to Olympic marketing

C. Generate PR buzz and attention of the Febreze Olympic Campaign

c. Febreze Olympic campaign won a bronze Cannes Lion for its efforts with the Azerbaijani team

27,999,940 Advertising impressions

Results 06

Over 22,000 Total Facebook engagement

97,049 All historic Febreze

videos view counts

D. Engage Febreze's 1M+ Facebook fanbase to acknowledge and participate in our Olympic


a. Total Facebook engagement spiked in July to over 22,000 interactions, out-performing total interactions

from July 2011 by 4,000

b. The Team video garnered the second-largest amount of views out of ALL historic Febreze videos to

date with 97,049 views

Evaluations 07

▣ Pros and Cons

• Randomly picked participants ▶ credibility up • Sponsored unknown Azerbaijani Wrestling Team ▶ Social Value up • Fun message ▶ Organic Earned Media up • ‘Owned Media’ and ‘Paid Media’ are closely related

• Experimental Method is disgusting

• NO Campaign Archive site exists though P&G sponsors Olympic for 10 years

• Couponing Tactics being out of IMC strategy

• No ‘Converged Media (Paid + Owned + Earned)’

Pros Cons

Evaluations 07

▣ Earned/Paid/Owned media

Paid media

Owned media Earned media

• PR(The New York Times) • Banner • TVCF

• Media Impressions • Post Febreze’s contents on personal social media


• Youtube • Twitter

• Facebook • P&G Official website

269,534,525 Total media impressions

436 Total media placements

27,999,940 Advertising impressions

Over 22,000 Total Facebook engagement

• Post TVCF on Febreze’s social media channel • Seeding campaign videos on sites such as ‘momversation’

• Retweet • Sharing, Like

• TVCF Review

1. Febreze should have utilized ‘Olympic Season’ more - OOH Advertising (in airport, train station etc.) - Promotion Booth (in athlete’s training center, near Stadium)

2. Find other experimental method to smell 3. Make contents for ‘Converged Media’ 4. Make an archive site for long-term Olympic Marketing

Evaluations 07

▣ Recommendation

Evaluations 07

▣ Apply to Korean Situation

1. Apply to upcoming ‘Big Sports Event’ - 2014 Incheon Asian Game·2018 Pyeonchang Winter Olympic - Partnership with unpopular sports teams such as Biathlon and Rowing

Evaluations 07

▣ Apply to Korean Situation

2. Apply campaign to ‘Daily Life’ - Make real-time ‘Breathe Happy’ experiment event booth in Baseball park or Soccer field - Do the ‘Breathe Happy’ experiment on friday nights in Hongdae, Itaewon, Gangnam where many bad smelling people are gathered. After the event, make a viral video and posts on SNS channels.

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