Ignition five 07.02.11



This weeks ignition 5 from Joanne and Vanessa

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7th February 2011

1. Yahoo BusStop Rivalry

If you’ve ever dreamed about strutting down the runway during one of the most highly-publicized fashion shows of the year, then New York City is going to help you partially indulge in that fantasy. From November 19th through to the 30th Victoria’s Secret’s SoHo store will be displaying nine different sets of wings that have been worn by models like Heidi Klum and Adriana Lima, and giving passersby the opportunity to pose in front of them and have their picture taken. The photos will then be uploaded to the Victoria’s Secret Facebook page so you can share them with friends.

In December 2010 in San Francisco, Yahoo installed digital screens into 20 bus shelters across the city on which commuters can play video games against each other. Passengers

identify which of the specified neighbourhoods they would like to represent when playing and the one that wins the two month long

contest will be rewarded with a music block party featuring the band OK GO!

1. Neighbourhood busstop competition

2. "I'm back"

C 3. Honda TV ad + iphone ap interact

If you’ve ever dreamed about strutting down the runway during one of the most highly-publicized fashion shows of the year, then New York City is going to help you partially indulge in that fantasy. From November 19th through to the 30th Victoria’s Secret’s SoHo store will be displaying nine different sets of wings that have been worn by models like Heidi Klum and Adriana Lima, and giving passersby the opportunity to pose in front of them and have their picture taken. The photos will then be uploaded to the Victoria’s Secret Facebook page so you can share them with friends.

Here is something seriously cool. Honda has just unveiled an interactive TV campaign called “This Unpredictable Life” to

launch the new Honda Jazz, and with that, an iPhone app that allows you to literally grab content from the ad as it plays.

The campaign uses whats called “screen hopping” that works by having sound from the TV ad recognised by the iPhone App,

so when pre defined sound waves are read, the app knows to display the same character that was on screen at that

moment, essentially giving you the ability to interact with the TV ad in real time.

Screen hopping takes this a little further though, once you’ve got the character, you can interact separately with each one

away from the TV ad, by doing things like singing into the iPhone to make characters dance!!

4. Starbucks Interactive Storefront

Located in the storefronts of two Starbucks, one in Vancouver and one in Toronto, the user guides a creature of their choosing (hummingbird, dragonfly or butterfly) on an

adventure to find all the ingredients unique to each of the three Tazo teas currently being promoted by Starbucks.

The interactive storefronts, placed in high traffic areas, have not only been attracting thousands of people on a

daily basis but also a wide demographic due to the brightness and quality of the screens.

4. Starbucks Interactive Storefront

C 5. Radiolab & NPR Video

This is a really stunning video from Will Hoffmans and Daniel Mercadantes

‘Words’ collection. Really nice and fun execution of a simple idea: Words can

mean a lot of different things! You might have to watch it more than once

to register all the connections