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OCF國際交流計畫分享會:資助學生向世界一流高手近身學習/UseR!2016 Conference

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useR!2016 conference



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useR!2016 conference• 6/27 - 30, • R (2004 - 2016) • UseR!2017 7/4 - 7

• DSC, R

1/19 - 22DSP



4/6 useR!20166/27-30




Oral Presentation

Poster Presentation.pdf




Using R with Taiwan Government Open Data to Create a Tool For Monitoring the City's Age-Friendly Status

As the aged population rapidly growths, making a city age-friendly is becoming a priority goal of the government’s policy. Information such as indexes reflecting the city’s age-friendliness would be needed for better policy-making and should also be readily accessible to the citizens. And the R language provides a great flexibility in dealing with the diversity of the file formats from government. Besides, the data visualization and web application supported by R can make the analysis result more understandable and interactive.

According to Global Age-friendly Cities: A Guide (WHO, 2005), there are eight aspects for a comfort of elder living (outdoor spaces, transportation, housing, social participation, social respect, civic participation, communication, health and community support). And we use the Taiwan government open data to integrate indexes with normalization and to visualize the indexes geographically. In the end, we create a Shiny application to let the result easily be approached. The result may show how to utilize the government data and provide a great application turning WHO guideline into a monitor tool helping the government practice in age-friendly policy.


Taiwan government open data

Growing aged population in Taiwan

Age-friendly City

Ting Wei Lin1, Wen Tsai Hsu2, Zheng Wan Lin3, Yu Wen Kao4, Po Shang Yang5, Chi Tse Teng61.System Genome and Biology Program, National Taiwan University, Taiwan 2.Department of Financial and Computational Mathematics,Providence University, Taiwan 3.Department of Information Management, Providence university, Taiwan 4.Department of Statistics and Informatics Science, Providence University, Taiwan 5.Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan 6.Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Providence university, Taiwan

The international development trend on using the public data is to let the government information transparent and easily accessible, which can promote the citizen participation. In Taiwan, the government have launched the open data policy in 2012 to participate in the trends to pursue a better government transparency. On the other hand , the calling for the open government data from the local open community had also accelerated the Taiwan government’s path to openness.

With the cooperation from the government and numerous open data communities, Taiwan has been ranked No.1 in the 2015 Open Data Index by the Open Knowledge Foundation. Now, the open taiwan government (data.gov.tw) have stored over 17281 data sets from more than 66 central government and 26 local government departments. The data sets had providing the information about the government spending, national statistics, procurement tenders, national map, legislation, pollutant emissions, election results, company register, government budget, water quality, weather information, which provide enormous data and resource to utilize for citizen participation. Overall, the ultimate goal to turn the government into more transparency and open is to promote the citizen participation and to continue supervisor the government’s practice.

By exploring the data stored in the Taiwan government open data, we can find that the growing aging population is a emerging serious public issue. According to the national statistic data from the open Taiwan government, the average population ratio over 65 years in Taiwan is increased from 11% in 2010 to 13% in 2015, which mean the aged society. The range of the population ratio over 65 years old range from 10% to 17% in different Taiwan districts. The National Development Council report had showed that in the 2060, the Taiwan may be the 2nd place high aged population. Making policy to response to the population change will be a priority and also a great challenge.

The problem of rapidly aging population is not only Taiwan’s public problem but the global health public issue. The WHO have done a great effort on dealing with this global aging problem and establish a serial campaigns on promoting the concept of buiding a age-friendly city. According to the WHO age-friendly city report, “ An age-friendly city is an inclusive and accessible community environment that opportunities for health, participation and security, in order that quality of life and dignity are ensured as people age.” There are eight aspects for a comfort of elder living (outdoor spaces, transportation, housing, social participation, social respect, civic participation, communication, health and community support ) and the indicators fit in above aspects can be used to assess a age-friendly status of city. With those concepts, we can take the advantage of the rich data from Open Taiwan Government data to create a index to reflect the age-friendly status of the different districts in Taiwan.

Compositions of the age-friendly indexEquity measures✪ the income difference between families✪ the difference between the families structureAge-friendly environment outcomesaccessible phyiscal environment

✪ neighbourhood walkability

✪ accessiblity of public spaces and buidlings

✪ accessibility of public transportation vehicles

✪ accessibility of public transportation stops

✪ affordability of housing

Inclusive Social Environment

✪ positive social attitude towrad old people

✪ engagement in voluteer activity

✪ engagement in paid employment

✪ engagement in socio-culture activity

✪ participation in local decision-making

✪ availability of informaiton

✪ availability of health and social sevice

✪ economic security

Impact on wellbeing✪ quality of life


Taiwan government open data

Data Gathering

readr dplyr1.data input 2.data normalization xij-min(xj)/max(xj)-min(xj) 3.data transformation 1- xij for negative correlation indicators

maptoolsrgeos broom


4.input shapefile(Taiwan area) 5.subsetting region 6.smooth the boundary 7.manual fixed centroid



8.use the Stamen map



Project Github URL

1. WHO(2015),Measuring the age-friendliness of cities A guide to using core indicators2. 2016 Transportation Annual Statistics, Ministry of Transportation and Communications R.O.C3. 2013 Statistic of General Health and Welfare, Ministry of Health and Welfare4. 2016 Monthly Ratio of House Cost and Income, Department of Land Administration, M. O. I.5. R Core Team (2016). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for 3. Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.6. Hadley Wickham and Romain Francois (2015). readr: Read Tabular Data. R package version Hadley Wickham and Romain Francois (2015). dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version D. Kahle and H. Wickham. ggmap: Spatial Visualization with ggplot2. The R Journal, 5(1),144-161.9.Roger Bivand and Nicholas Lewin-Koh (2016). maptools: Tools for Reading and Handling Spatial Objects. R package version 0.8-39.10.Roger Bivand and Colin Rundel (2016). rgeos: Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source (GEOS). R package version 0.3-19.11.Roger Bivand, Tim Keitt and Barry Rowlingson (2016). rgdal: Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. R package version 1.1-10.12.H. Wickham. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York, 2009.


Acknowledgement1.DSP 2.Open Culture Foundation

Quality of Life


Physical Environment

Social Environment

AgeFriendlyCity:Physical Environment

AgeFriendlyCity:Social Environment


AgeFriendlyCity:Quality of Life

36 inch91.44cm

40 inch101.6cm

1. 2. 3.


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useR!2016✪ /HR✪

Richard Becker

Donald Knuth




lighting talk Contribute talk

Poster talk

sponsor talk


Statistics MethodPerformanceKaleidoscopeCase StudyBioinformaticsBig dataR & Other languageRegression


2 hours









Tutor Sponsor: H2o data company Develop: SparkR,R markdown Online Course Tutor: Datacamp GarrettStatistic Book Author:Max Kuhn

3 hr per workshop

RStudio Server+AWS service

Github note




Richard Becker Donald Knuth Deborah Nolan Hadley Wickham

Literature Programming/Tex

R S How to teach Data sciencein Berkeley

Hadley“verse” in R world


Richard Becker


why has the S language stayed around for 40 years ?

1. 2. S 3. 4. 5. unix



1970 1991 R

Along Came & Robert Gentleman


Donald KnuthLiterature


1980s TeX

R Markdown1.Reproducible 2.Human readable 3.Dynamic document 4.Easily sharable

Data Science Trend


Deborah NolanData science teacher

in UC Berkeley

Math Statistics Probability Data Analysis

Teaching without contextwhich is wrong

1. 2. 3. 4.


Hadley Wickham Hadley“verse”

in R world


Hadley Wickham Hadley“verse”

in R world


Tidy Transform








Hadley Wickham Hadley“verse”

in R worldlazyeval

ggstat gggeom




Future: tidy verse

UseR!2016Poster presentation

1. .... 2. 3. Poster

UseR!2016Lighting / Contribution talk

1. R library - - credit 2. 3. dependency 4. package

Karl BromanWisconsin-Madison University


UseR!2016Lighting / Contribution talk

SevenBridge package



Rho R

Rstudio htmlwidge, shiny, dashboard,r notebook

rbokeh ggduo

Web API plumber


1. ..... 2. “ ” 3. “ ”

Thank you !



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