Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules + Information Visualisation 2011 -Saturnino Luz et al. /윤정원 x 2016 Spring

Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

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Page 1: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

Comparing static Gantt

and mosaic charts for

visualization of task


+ Information Visualisation


-Saturnino Luz et al.


x 2016 Spring

Page 2: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

Information Visualisation (IV), 2011 15th International Conference

Saturnino LuzDepartment of Computer Science Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Masood Masoodian Department of Computer Science

The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand



Page 3: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules


• 전체적인구조는다음과같이전개될예정


시각화 A-B test 비교검증

Page 4: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules


• 전체적인구조는다음과같이전개될예정


시각화 A-B test 비교검증

시간의속성을갖고있는 Task Scheduler







Page 5: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

Gantt Mosaic


시각화 A-B test 비교검증


타임라인을나타내는두가지방식: 전통적인간트차트대비, 모자이크차트의사용성비교검증


Page 6: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules


Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)

1) 연구배경:

2) 연구목표:

• 모자이크차트는타임라인에서이벤트의표현을위해제안되어왔음

• 일반적이고더실질적인상황에서정적인타임라인시각화방안으로써

모자이크차트의사용성은연구되지않았음mosaic charts for


간트(Gantt) 차트 vs 모자이크차트

• 프로젝트일정의시각화를위한모자이크차트의사용성을조사

3) 실험:

• 간트차트와모자이크차트사용비교를위해사용자들을대상으로비교평가

4) 결과및디자인가이드라인

• 정확도, 답변시간, 난이도로결과분석

• 한계점을보완할수있는모자이크차트의디자인가이드라인

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Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


1) 복잡한시간연대순에대한표현 -> 타임라인양식

2) 간트차트:

- task schedules을표현하는데사용되어온툴

- 타임라인처럼직사각형의바와같은시간데이터스트림을표현하는직관적이고효과적인시각화방법

- 공간적제약: paper-medium에적합한형태로, 컴퓨터스크린에는적합하지않음 (Tufte)

Panning, Scrolling 등인터랙티브요소가필요함

- 최근, 인터랙티브시스템과결합해서다양한시스템에적용중

예) sequential data를다루는시스템, 프로젝트매니지먼트어플리케이션, 환자히스토리표현, health informatics, 여행일정정보

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Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


3) temporal mosaics:

- Luz & Masoodian이다양한이벤트의흐름과그들의관계를시각화하기위한타임라인으로소개

- 수직적으로이벤트가늘어나는타임라인과달리,

고정된높이로시작하고, 주어진타임인터벌로오버랩되어공간적인비율을할당하게됨

- 태스크들은특정한라인에따라연결되는것이아니라, 칼라코드를통해표현

- Browsing 효과적인평가가있음

Page 9: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


1) Gantt chart VS Mosaic chart

- 이벤트타입이더많은복잡한컨텍스트에서의비교실험

- Mosaic 이특히, 스마트폰과같은 small-screen에서인터랙티브& 다이나믹한시각화방식일때


- 사용자들이동적인표현에대한모자이크매핑을쉽게이해할수있을지,

- 간트차트를사용했을때만큼효과적인지비교실험

- Building schedule task

<Gantt chart><Mosaic chart>

Page 10: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


2) Method

- 참여자들에게 Building schedule을 mosaic 또는 Gantt 타임라인으로제공

- Within-subject design

- 튜토리얼및스케줄에대한질문도함께전달

• 튜토리얼: 두가지시각화방법에대한짧은텍스트형식의설명


• question: 각화면당 10쌍의질문을랜덤하게제시

order effect와 learning effect 를최소화하기위해서 “질문-이미지” 페어또한랜덤하게제시



리커트척도(1:easy ~ 7:difficult)로응답한질문에대한난이도측정

Page 11: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


TYPE Sample Question

eNo more than 3 tasks should be scheduled for the same day.

Is this a problem with the current plan?

iHow many days are free in the first two weeks?


All the windows are installed by the same person and should

happen in the same days. Is this possible in the current


d How many days does the bathroom plumbing take in total?

oPainting a room should finish before its carpet can be installed.

Is this a problem for the bedroom schedule?

• Sample Question






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Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


- 피험자정보

• 총 23명참여: 남자 14 + 여자 9

대학연구원 11 + 학생 7 + 다른직업 5

- 총 460개의답변과평점에대한데이터를수집함

- 상금: 가장빨리, 정확하게답변한사람에게도서상품권증정

2) Method

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3) Results

Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)

- 질문유형별, Gantt/mosaic의 answering time과 error rate 비교분석결과

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3) Results

Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)

- 질문유형별분석결과, Concurrence/Ordering 유형의경우간트차트를더어렵게느낌

- 반면, inactivity 유형은거의차이가없어유의미하지않았음

Page 15: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules


3) Results - Error rate, Time, Difficulty ratings 별로나누어분석한결과,

Mosaic chart가 Ordering 유형에서특히정확도가높고, 정보를더빨리찾을수있음

따라서, Mosaic은 ordering 유형에서더뛰어난시각화방식

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Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


3) Results

- 정확성과응답시간에대한질문유형전체분석결과, 간트/모자이크차트간의아주작은차이만발견됨

• 평균오차율은거의동등

: 모자이크:15.1%, / 간트:15%

• 질문에대한대답시간은유의미하지않았음 (t[436]=0.5, p = 0.5)

: 모자이크: 평균 20.4초 / 간트: 평균 21.2초

• 질문에대한난이도선택역시두시각화방식이비슷했음

: 모자이크: 2.3점 / 간트: 2.4점

→ 대답하기오래걸린질문일수록시각화방식을해석하는데더어렵게생각하는경향이있었음

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Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


4) Discussion

-Mosaic 사용자들은,

• 오버랩된이벤트를발견하는데더잘수행했음

• 이벤트기간(duration)을평가하는데더적합했음

그러나, “타일링하는데얼마나오랜기간이걸리는가?” 라는질문에, 2주차의계획을간과하는경우가있음



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Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


4) Discussion

-또한, 본연구는 Mosaic 스케줄러알고리즘의단점을밝힘

• 한개의연속적인이벤트가두개의비연속적인라인으로나타나


Mosaic 는연속적인이벤트의불연속성을갖고있음

Page 19: Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


: 앞서말한 Mosaic 스케줄러알고리즘의단점을보완할수있는알고리즘제안

4) Discussion

-MOSAIC 스케줄러를그리는디자인가이드라인

• Visual alignment against the time axis

: 간트차트같은타임라인시각화방식은빈시간을스캔하기좋지만,


더빈번히일어나는태스크에대해시간축으로 visual alignment를 제공할수있음

• Avoiding discontinuity

예) 태스크축에서아래에서부터위로쌓이는태스크의기준은빈번도, 혹은기간등..

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Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules (2011)


4) Discussion

• Selection of colours

-MOSAIC 스케줄러를그리는디자인가이드라인

• Enhancing visual continuity

: 간트차트는, 어떤공간이각태스크들의시각적연속성과분리를유지하기위해사용되지만,

모자이크차트는, 태스크마다다른색이각태스크간의연관성을나타내기때문에중요

: “ Gantt timeline + temporal mosaics ”

예) 모자이크위에간트의일정을중첩함으로써양방향시각화시스템

-> 선택하는색상이 co-occur 되는태스크간서로상호보완적일수있도록선택하는것이가장중요

-> task ordering, drawing sequence 가칼라선택의기준이됨

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• temporal mosaic가직관적인타임라인표현방식이될수있음을증명한논문

• 처음사용하는사용자들도, 이미익숙한간트차트만큼이나정확하고빠르게일정을해석할수있음

• 결과분석과가이드라인으로 mosaic 차트를인터랙티비시스템과결합하여발전시킬수있다는데의의

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