What is time? கால எ}ப¢ எ}ன? கால எ}ப¢ உடலி மz மz நிக¸ நிகºகைள ெவளஉலகி மz மz நிக¸ நிகºக¶ட} இைண{¢ உடைல உலைக ©Ƭ|¢ெகாள மன¢ ஏப{திt கா¶ கபைனயான நிைனº. உடலி ஏப பசி «தலியவைற Ƭய} ேதா}றி மைறவ¢ட} இைண{¢ பாƫt மனதி} அ~பைட உணƫº. வதா பசி அtன. கால{¢ட} சப|த~ப{த காலாtன. Seconds, Minutes, Hour etc? No. They are said to measure time. As such they are not time. Like meter is used to specify length of objects. Is it breath or pulsation of heart? No. Even in sleep we breath and heart pulsates. We are hardly aware of any time. Moreover, if it is counting of breath, how do we know the number and how are we aware that a number has to start from 1 and increases by unit? Is it the number of times we have rotated along with earth or in the orbit? No. we are not even aware of earth’s rotation until we went to school. By the way, what is rotation? Which rotates against which? Is rotation a movement? When we say a top rotates on a table, we can see a top, a table and the circular movement. Only a vision and touch. Nothing more. When the rotation is in very high speed, we hardly see any rotation because our eyes can not perceive anything except stability. Suppose we rest a top perpendicular to a table and keeping the top stable., If we rotate the table what happens? Is it the rate of growth of body? Body grows or increases in size. Understandable. What is rate? As far as body is concerned, it grows, sustains and with diminishing ability to sustain, dies. Body never bothers about years or months etc it has lived or proposes to live. Death even in childhood happens. Even when the body wants to live, chance to live is not provided. Hence it is not about body growth. More and more I think about Time, one thing that emerges clearly is Time is purely a mental phenomenon induced by limited understanding of humans. For Soul which is sure that it was living, It lives and will continue living forever, time hardly matters. It is just a ghost formed by human mind internally. It is a mental idea which started with connecting repeating physiological functions like hunger etc to the repeating physical sensation like dawn dusk of Sun etc.

வேதான்த சாரம் 1

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Powerpoint presentation illusion of time

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What is time? கால எ ப எ ன?

கால எ ப உடலி ம ம நிக நிக கைள ெவளஉலகி ம ம நிக நிக க ட இைண உடைல உலைக ெகா ள மன ஏ ப தி ெகா க பைனயான நிைன . உடலி ஏ ப பசி தலியவ ைற ய ேதா றி மைறவ ட இைண பா மனதி அ பைட உண . வதா பசி அ ன . கால ட ச ப த ப த காலா ன .

Seconds, Minutes, Hour etc? No. They are said to measure time. As such they are not time. Like meter is used to specify length of objects. Is it breath or pulsation of heart? No. Even in sleep we breath and heart pulsates. We are hardly aware of any time. Moreover, if it is counting of breath, how do we know the number and how are we aware that a number has to start from 1 and increases by unit?

Is it the number of times we have rotated along with earth or in the orbit?

No. we are not even aware of earth’s rotation until we went to school. By the way, what is rotation? Which rotates against which?Is rotation a movement? When we say a top rotates on a table, we can see a top, a table and the circular movement. Only a visionand touch. Nothing more. When the rotation is in very high speed, we hardly see any rotation because our eyes can not perceive anything except stability. Suppose we rest a top perpendicular to a table and keeping the top stable., If we rotate the table what happens?

Is it the rate of growth of body? Body grows or increases in size. Understandable. What is rate?

As far as body is concerned, it grows, sustains and with diminishing ability to sustain, dies. Body never bothers about years or months etc it has lived or proposes to live. Death even in childhood happens. Even when the body wants to live, chance to live is not provided. Hence it is not about body growth.

More and more I think about Time, one thing that emerges clearly is Time is purely a mental phenomenon induced by limited understanding of humans. For Soul which is sure that it was living, It lives and will continue living forever, time hardly matters. It is just a ghost formed by human mind internally.

It is a mental idea which started with connecting repeating physiological functions like hunger etc to the repeating physical sensation like dawn dusk of Sun etc.

தலி ழ ைதயாக பசி ட ச ப த ப தி ஏ ப தி ெகா ட க பைனேய கால . இ த க பைன ப ன அறிவ வள சியா உய ச தியான ப ராண ட கா ட த ைன இைண ெகா கிற . இ த க பைன ேசாதிட எ றான .

ைத தி ய உபநிடத அ னமய ப ராணமய ேகாச க இ ேவ. உட அழி தா உய ட இைண ள மன அழிவதி ைல. ஆழமாக பதி ளதா இ த க பைனைய அழி ப க ன . ர வ வ ப க இைத அழி கிற .

What is space or ether? Is ether and space one and the same?

Space can be defined as mental feeling towards human body . The mind thinks the human body in which it is present is required either in gross form or in subtle form to carry out its’ agenda of fulfilling desires etc. Amidst ever growing desires mind wants space to move about, whether it will be positioned at the exact place where it wants to be located etc. On seeing more and more of living creatures like animals, fellow humans, it is worried about remaining in a place and retaining it’s identity. The sense of attachment towards individual identity or a separate identity apart from God increases the level of uncertainty .

In this process, mind forgets one thing which is very important. It is the face that Mind exists in it’s space already and a space is already there. Nothing new needs to be created. What ever the space that can accommodate, only that much of beings can be present in space.

Physically it is called space and in astral terms ether. Space Is a mental phenomenon like time and it never exists.

If you call the three dimensional physical world as real it is false. When I was a baby, I was having very less of length, breadth and height. Slowly everything increased. I went to school, college, worked, married produced a child. Now I feel I am decreasing in length, breadth and height.

I know I was the same in all the three states like Child, Youth and old age. But you tell me I have increased or decreased in size. When I know I am the same all the time, how can you claim I have increased or decreased in size?

If the length, breadth and height are true, where from the increased quantity came? Where the decreased quantity gone?

ேப அ ல இட எ ப எ ன?

மன த ைன தா த கி ள உட ட உட உ ள உல ட இைண உட ம உலைக ெகா ள மன ஏ ப தி ெகா க பைனயான நிைன .

உட உைறய மிய இட ேத மன , வ பயைத அைடய நா எ உண வ த ைன நிைல ப தி ெகா ள ப ற மனதி இட ப க அைலகிற .

கால எ க பைனய வைள தா இ .

உடலி இட ேத த மேனாமய ேகாச . மன தா உண தைத உல ட ஒ ப ப தறி ப ற க ெகா ப ற மனதி இட ப க ய வ வ ஞான மய ேகாச .

அறி வள தப ஏ ப டதா தலி அழி க ப வ . வ க ஸூ ம உட உ ேளா .

ப க வ ப தி இைத அழி கி றன .

இ ப ப மாண உட ச ப த ப ட ல உண கைள இற ப அழி கிேறா . ப மாண அழிகிற . ஆனா ல ண க எளதி மைறவதி ைல.

ல ண வ திைள இ பவ மன ப வ படாததா த ப றவ நிைனவழ மனதி ஆைசயா உ த ப ம ப றவ எ கி றன . ஸூ ம உட ம ப றவய ெதாட கிற .வய பசி ச ததியன உைறகிற .

ல ண வ ஆைசய ேறா ப களாக ேப எ இட எ ற உண ைவ ஸூ ம வ உ வ , இ த ஸூ ம உட வளர காரணமான வைதயாகிய கால எ ற உண ைவ அளவ சிறிய ர வ வ அழி , மன ஆ மாவாகிய உய ட இைண ய ேபா ஒள ஆ மாவா த ஆதி ய ப .

மன ஒளைய வ பரமா மா ட கல ப ய . ைவ ட .

அஉ இைவ ேச ஓ எ ஆன . வழி , கன , உற கமா? ப வ அைமதி யமா? அ ல ல, ஸூ ம, பஜ, யமா?

ஆ சி தி க இர ஒ ெறன கிற . நள அகல உயரமாக ெத வ ல . ஆகாச எ ேப ஆக ெத வ ஸூ ம . காரண கால . இைத கட க ஆ மஉண ேவ மி கிற . இ ய .

ம திர

ஓ - வழி , கன , உற க, ய .

ந - நர மானடனான நா

ேமா - ஓ எ பைத ப ன உ ச க வ வ , ய, பஜ, ஸூ ம, ல .

நா - கட , பரமா மா

ரா - கால

ய - ஆகாச , ேப

ணா - ைவ ட

ய - ஸூ ம . மைற ள அ த .

இ தா ம திர .

The earth could not have come without a purpose . This is evident in the way the living beings are arranged and how everything is recycled back.

The divinity that created the worlds like a shy mother who does not want any fame or praise from children wants to live hiding.While the sons and daughters are enjoying day and night, no tears are shed for this divinity. Who is she?

Where the power of cohesion of particles to make this giant world comes from?

While all other gods have made heaven as their abode, what is the abode of this mother?

If divinity is to be seen in humans, it is seen in motherhood. That affection, selflessness, living for children , Initially bearing them in body, then converting own blood to milk for the baby to drink, caring in each and every way.

Giving humans tasty food to eat, remains source of all foods. Who is this mother?

Converting to human mind, residing in humans, makes the Maya of life .

Being the originator of dreams in humans, being the originator of dreams in Narayana created this universe, after creating everything converting herself into food allowing us to eat and rejoice . Who is this great goddess?

When all Gods deserted, the only one who remain steadfastly in your side, allowing the mind to settle down before taking a glimpse of Atman, Guiding you from inner, making you to realize Narayana . Who is this great Goddess?

In whom all energies, fancied ideas dissolve and who is the fundamental and simple Goddess?

As and when you are in embryo or in uterus of your mother or has taken birth and continue living, who supports you throughout the souls journey?

Like a mother who cares for her children, who punishes when you do wrong?

Who has the capability to carry everything on her?

Who it can be other than Sree Varaha Lakshmi?