Вестник иркутского государственного лингвистического университета 2013 № 3 (24) научный журнал выходит 4 раза в год рецензируемое издание вак по филологии Учредитель и издатель иркутский государственный лингвистический университет Главный редактор Александр Михайлович Каплуненко, доктор филологических наук, профессор (отв. за раздел «теория перевода и переводоведения») Зам. главного редактора Светлана Алексеевна Хахалова, доктор филологических наук, профессор (отв. за раздел «Языковая реальность познания») Редакционная коллегия Григорий Дмитриевич Воскобойник, доктор филологических наук, профессор Виктор Алексеевич Виноградов, доктор филологических наук, профессор, член-корр. ран Светлана Николаевна Плотникова, доктор филологических наук, профессор (отв. за раздел «лингвистика дискурса») Евгения Федоровна Серебренникова, доктор филологических наук, профессор (отв. за раздел «Язык. культура. коммуникация») Николай Петрович Антипьев, доктор филологических наук, профессор (отв. за раздел «теория литературы и литературовидение») Олег Маркович Готлиб, кандидат филологических наук, доцент Валерий Петрович Даниленко, доктор филологических наук, профессор Владимир Ильич Карасик, доктор филологических наук, профессор Лия Матвеевна Ковалева, доктор филологических наук, профессор Галина Максимовна Костюшкина, доктор филологических наук, профессор Юрий Алексеевич Ладыгин, доктор филологических наук, профессор Юрий Марцельевич Малинович, доктор филологических наук, профессор Вера Брониславовна Меркурьева, доктор филологических наук, профессор редактор Анастасия Владимировна Каверзина верстка и дизайн Вадим Николаевич Нурминский Адрес редакции 664025, г. Иркутск, ул. Ленина, 8, к. 154 e-mail: [email protected] © вестник иркутского государственного лингвистического университета, 2013 Содержание ЛИНГВИСТИКА ДИСКУРСА Т.Е. Литвиненко «КОНЕЦ СВЕТА» КАК ИНТЕРТЕКСТУАЛЬНЫЙ ФРЕЙМ ..... 8 Н.В. Петрова, Е.Б. Лашина КАТЕГОРИЗАЦИЯ ТЕКСТОВ В ТЕКСТОВОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ хУдОжЕСТВЕННЫх И НАУчНЫх ТЕКСТОВ)..........................................................13 В.М. Хамаганова СЕМИОТИчЕСКАЯ ОСНОВА ТЕКСТА ТИПА «ОПИСАНИЕ» .........................................................................17 Ю.Р. Лемешко АТТРАКТИВНОСТЬ дИСКУРСИВНЫх ПЕРФОРМАТИВНЫх ФОРМУЛ КАК ФОРМ МАССОВОЙ КОММУНИКАЦИИ ............................................ 22 Д.А. Скулимовская ИМПЛИКАТУРА, ПРЕСУППОЗИЦИЯ И ЛОГИчЕСКОЕ СЛЕдСТВИЕ КАК КОГНИТИВНЫЕ МЕхАНИЗМЫ ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИИ РЕчЕВОГО АКТА ПРЕдУПРЕждЕНИЯ ............................................................. 29 А.Г. Хлебодарова КОГНИТИВНЫЙ СЦЕНАРИЙ дИСКУРСА МЕчТЫ: КОНСТРУИРОВАНИЕ ВОЗМОжНОГО МИРА ..................... 33 ЯЗЫКОВАЯ РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ ПОЗНАНИЯ Л.М. Ковалева, Т.В. Мирончук CONTINUOUS INFINITIVE В ЯЗЫКОВОЙ СИСТЕМЕ И РЕчЕВОЙ дЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ (СТРУКТУРАЛЬНЫЙ И КОГНИТИВНЫЙ ПОдхОд).....................................................41 Л.М. Ковалева, М.С. Попова ОТРАжЕНИЕ МЕжЛИчНОСТНЫх ОТНОШЕНИЙ В КАУЗАТИВНЫх ПРЕдЛОжЕНИЯх ................................... 46 О.А. Александров дИАЛЕКТОЛОГИЯ ВОСПРИЯТИЯ: ИННОВАЦИИ В ЗАРУБЕжНОЙ ЛИНГВИСТИКЕ..........................................52 Г.П. Берзина ЯЗЫКОВЫЕ СРЕдСТВА ВЫРАжЕНИЯ КОНЦЕССИВНОГО ЗНАчЕНИЯ В НЕВЕРБАЛЬНЫх КАНАЛАх КОММУНИКАЦИИ (НА МАТЕРИАЛЕ НЕМЕЦКОГО ЯЗЫКА) ........................................................... 57 М.В. Влавацкая КОГНИТИВНЫЙ И ПСИхОЛИНГВИСТИчЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТЫ ИЗУчЕНИЯ СОчЕТАЕМОСТИ СЛОВ: ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ СИНТАГМАТИчЕСКИх СТРУКТУР......64 Н.П. Гильманшина ОБ ЭВОЛЮЦИИ КОНЦЕПТА 독재자 В КОРЕЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ......................................................... 72

Вестник - islu.ru · КОРПОРАТИВНАЯ ПРАКТИКА РАЗВИТИЯ ... self-similarity of the text structure as a translation ... theory and practice of

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  • 2013 3 (24)


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    664025, . , . , 8, . 154e-mail: [email protected]

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    .. .....8.. , .. ( ) ..........................................................13.. .........................................................................17.. ............................................ 22.. , ............................................................. 29.. : ..................... 33

    .. , .. CONTINUOUS INFINITIVE ( ) .....................................................41.. , .. ................................... 46.. : ..........................................52.. ( ) ........................................................... 57.. : ......64.. .........................................................72

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    .. ....... 79.. ...................................... 83.. : .................................................................................................................................................................89

    .. ........................................................................................... 97.. .. , .................................................................................... 101.. ( .. ) .......................................................................................................................................... 106.. ( ) ........................................................................................113

    . .

    .. ..........................................119.. -: ............................................................. 129.. .................................................................... 133.. ............................................................................................ 138.. ................................................................................ 145.. PRETEND ..................................................... 150.. .... 157.. - -DIKA4 ................................................................................................ 161.. .................................................................................................................... 168.. . GERMINAL ....................... 173.. I () ............ 178.. , .......................................................................................................................... 184

    .. , .. ( ) ............................................................................................................................................... 193.. , .. C ........................................................ 199

  • 3


    Language and discourseT.E. Litvinenko

    DOOMSDAY AS AN INTERTEXTUAL FRAME ....................................................................................................................8

    N.V. Petrova, E.B. Lashina


    V.M. Khamaganova

    ON A SEMIOTIC bASIS OF THE DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ....................................................................................................17

    Yu.R. Lemeshko

    THE ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE DISCOURSE PERFORMATIVE FORMULAE AS THE FORM OF MASS COMMUNICATION ...........................................................................................................................................23

    D.A. Skulimovskaya

    IMPLICATURE, PRESUPPOSITION AND ENTAILMENT AS COGNITIVE MECHANISMS OF THE INTERPRETATION OF SPEECH ACTS OF WARNING ......................................................................................29

    A.G. Khlebodarova


    verbaL ontoLogy of cognitionL.M. Kovaleva, T.V. Mironchuk

    CONTINUOUS INFINITIVE IN THE LANGUAGE SYSTEM AND SPEECH ACTIVITY (STRUCTURAL AND COGNITIVE APPROACH) ...............................................................................................................41

    L.M. Kovaleva, M.S. Popova



    .. , .. , .. .............................................................................................................................................. 209.. ................................................ 216.. .............................................................................................................................................................. 220.. .................................................................................................................................... 225.. - ..................................................................................... 230.. ........................................................................................................ 235.. ............................................................................................................................. 239.. : .... 244.. .......................... 248.. , .. ............................................................................................................................................................ 252

    ........................................................................................................................................ 258 .............................................................................................................................. 264

  • 4

    , 2013

    O.A. Alexandrov


    G.P. Berzina

    LANGUAGE RECOURCES FOR EXPRESSION OF THE CONCESSIVE MEANING IN NON-VERbAL COMMUNICATION CHANNELS ........................................................................................................................................58

    M.V. Vlavatskaya

    COGNITIVE AND PSYCHOLINGUISTIC ASPECTS OF THE COMbINAbILITY OF WORDS: TRANSFORMATION OF SYNTAGMATIC STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................64

    N.P. Gilmanshina

    EVOLUTION OF THE CONCEPT IN KOREAN .....................................................................................................72

    A.A. Piskareva


    V.Y. Shapovalova

    APOSIOPESIS AS A MEANING FORMATION INSTRUMENT ..........................................................................................83

    N.V. Schennikova


    theory of Literature S.Z. Amirova

    ON INNERMOST NATURE OF THE METAPHOR IN THE bUNIN TEXT ..........................................................................97

    N.M. Kuzmishcheva


    E.V. Maksimyuk


    M.A. Safonova

    STYLISTIC PECUIARITIES OF LYTTON STRACHEYS bIOGRAPHICAL PROSE (bASED ON QUEEN VICTORIA) ....................................................................................................................................................................113

    Language cuLture communicationV.P. Danilenko


    Ye.F. Serebrennikova

    EGO-PERSONOLOGY: COGNITIVE MECHANISMS OF SEMIOTISATION ..................................................................129

    A.A. Artyunina

    WE AND I AS LINGUISTIC MARKERS OF REMINISCENCES .......................................................................................134

    A.Yu. Bezrodnaya

    ON DIFFERENCES bETWEEN THE NOTIONS CONCEPT AND IDEOLOGEM ....................................................138

    S.S. Verkhozin

    ON QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN LINGUISTICS ..........................................................................................................145

    E.V. Martynova


    I.A. Merkulova

    PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE SLOVENIAN bILINGUAL DICTIONARY ..................................................................157

    A.E. Meshadiyeva

    STRUCTURAL-SEMANTIC AND SYNTACTIC FEATURES OF THE ADVERbIAL PARTICIPLE FORM ENDING IN -DIKA4 IN MODERN TURKIC LANGUAGES ............................................................................................................162

    Ch.S. Popova


  • 5

    N.S. Sundyrtseva


    M.D. Chertykova

    ON SEMANTIC STRUCTURE OF THE VERb I (KNOW) AND ITS DERIVATIVES IN THE KHAKASS LANGUAGE......................................................................................................................................................................179

    E.Yu. Yarovaya

    ON LINGUACULTURAL FEATURES OF THE CONCEPT TASTE IN RUSSIAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH NATIONAL CONCEPTUAL SPHERES ............................................................................................................................184


    G.M. Kostyushkina, N.S. BarebinaMETHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES OF SYSTEMIC AND SYNERGETIC APPROACHES IN THE RESEARCH OF NEW ObJECTS (ON THE bASIS OF VERbAL COUNTERARGUMENTS) ..............................................................193G.G. Moskalchuk, Y.A. BuzayevaSELF-SIMILARITY OF THE TEXT STRUCTURE AS A TRANSLATION STRATEGY .....................................................199

    Pedagogy and methodoLogyS.Yu. Bogdanova, E.V. Belkova, I.S. ShilnikovaPREPARATION FOR THE UNIFIED STATE EXAM IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN THE CURRENT SCHOOL TEXTbOOKS....................................................................................................................................................209N.N. KazydubTHE PRObLEM OF MEDIATION IN THE MULTICULTURAL CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT .......................................216L.A. MagalnikTENDENCIES IN GOAL-SETTING FOR TOP-LEVEL EDUCATION IN MODERN RUSSIA ...........................................220E.P. GlumovaTHEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDENTS THE ORGANIZATION OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION ......................................................................................................................226T.A. ZhdankoORGANIZATION OF THE NETWORK INTERACTION OF EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS ON THE bASIS OF SYSTEMIC ACTIVITY APPROACH ..................................................................................231T.V. ZhivokorentsevaTOWARDS DESIGHNING EDUCATIONAL CONTENT IN THE NETWORK OF MULTILEVEL EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS ..............................................................................................................................................235L.I. KolesnikovaCORPORATE PRACTICE OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATORS AS ObJECTIVE REALITY .........239V.B. LebedintsevINDIVIDUALIZATION OF EDUCATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOL: FACILITIES AND INSTITUTIONAL FORMS ........244T.F. UshevaON FORMATION OF THE REFLECTIVE SKILLS OF TEACHER STUDENTS ...............................................................248O.F. Chuprova, A.G. ShumovskayaMONITORING OF CREATIVE COMPETENCE OF THE FUTURE TEACHER THROUGH RESEARCH COOPERATION ...............................................................................................................................................................252

    Authors ....................................................................................................................................................................... 261INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS ......................................................................................................................... 264

  • Language

    and discourse

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    T.E. Litvinenko

    doomsday as an interteXtuaL frame

    The article discusses the intertextual frame doomsday. The data-structure for representing ste-reotyped situations derived from the preceding textual tradition is analyzed. The article also address-es the issue of variability of genres and discourses in which the frame is represented.

    Key words: end of the world phenomenon; intertextual analysis; frame structure; discourse

    .., 2013

    - , - , , , - , , 21 2012 .

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    - - . , , , - - . , , -, . , - , - . , - - [, 2005];

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    - , (, ), - : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) .

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    , - . ( , ), , , - , (, ), . .

    , (, -, , , .) - - . - , , , . . - , , ( . ). , , , - , -.

    ( !) - , , -, . , - -- [, 2004], () - - , , ()-, , . . - , - - , ( ).

    , - . , , , - - , -

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    , , , - . , - (), , ., /-, /, - , , , - ( ), // , . .

    , - , . , , , , - / (/, /, / . .) .

    -, -, , , - : , -, , (., 13:31-32). , , , -, -, . , - , , 21.12.2012 .

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    (-, . . ), .

    - -: - - - .

    , ( ), - - .

    - . , . La guerra del fin del mundo ( ), - , - -, . , - - , - , - .

    , - Conselheiro (, ) - - : Terminara el siglo? Llegara el mundo al 1900? l contestaba sin mirar, con una seguiridad tranquila y, a menudo, con enigmas. En 1900 se apagaran las luces y lloveran estrellas. Pero, antes ocurriran hechos extraordinarios. ... En 1896 un millar de rebaos correran de la playa hacia el sertn y el mar se volvera sertn y el sertn mar. En 1897 el de-sierto se cubrira de pasto, pastores y rebaos se mezclaran y, a partir de entonces, habra un solo rebao y un solo pastor. En 1898 aumenta-ran los sombreros y disminuiran las cabezas y en 1899 los ros se tornaran rojos y un planeta nuevo cruzara el espacio [Vargas Llosa, 1987, p. 22]. ? 1900 .? , . 1900 .

    . - 1896 . , - , . 1897 . , -, -. 1898 . , - , 1899 . ( .. ).

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    Les deca... que esta calamidad era sin duda el primero de los anuncios de la llegada del Anti-cristo y de los daos que predeceran la resurrec-cin de los muertos y el Juicio Final [Ibid. P. 29]. .., -, .

    , - , , - :

    El fin estaba cerca,... pero por ms sangre que hiciera correr, el Perro no mordera a Jess. Ha-bra un deluvio, luego un terremoto. Un eclipse sumira al mundo en tinieblas tan absolutas que todo debera hacerse al tacto, como entre ciegos, mientras a lo lejos retumbaba la batalla. Millares moriran de pnico [Ibid. P. 63]. , , , . , . , , , . - .

    - , -

  • 11

    . , , Anticristo - .

    El Anticristo estaba en el mundo y se llamaba Repblica... El Anticristo poda mandar soldados a Canudos: de qu le servira? Se pudririn, desaparecan. Los creyentes podan morir, pero, tres meses y un da despus, estaran de vuelta, completos de cuerpo y purificados de alma por el roce de los ngeles y el tufo del Buen Jess [Vargas Llosa, 1987, p. 33; 236]. - -, . . , , - .

    , - - :

    Al final de la guerra ya no habra ricos, o, me-jor dicho, no se notara, pues todos seran ricos. Estas piedras se volveran ros, esos cerros sem-bros frtiles y el arrenal que era Algodones un jardn de orqudeas como las que crecan en las alturas de Monte Santo. La cobra, la tarntula, la sucurana seran amigas del hombre, como hu-biera sido si ste no se hubiera hecho expulsar del Paraso [Ibid]. , , , . , - , , , -. , , , .

    , - - ( - ) - . , Escenarios para una guerra global (- ) , - : Por un lado, las operaciones de guerra pueden em-pujar en Oriente a las masas fundamentalistas a

    tomar el poder en los diferentes Estados musul-manes, incluso en algunos de los que apoyan a Estados Unidos; por el otro, la intensificacin de atentados insostenibles puede llevar a las masas occidentales a considerar al islam en su conjun-to como el enemigo. Tras lo cual tendramos un enfrentamiento frontal, el Armagedn decisivo, el choque final entre las fuerzas del Bien y las del Mal (y cada parte considerara mal a la parte contraria) [Eco, 2001]. , - -, , - ; , -. , , , - ( ).

    , - - - - / - .

    - . , . Dove andremo a finire? ( , , ?), - par excellence.

    - , - . , , , . , , -: Dopo la morte dellAnticristo... il giudizio finale sar preceduto da molti segni che ci sono indicati dai Vangeli... Nel primo giorno il mare si alzer di quaranta cubiti sopra le montagne e si erger dalla sua superficie come un muro. Nel secondo sprofonder tanto che a stento si potr vedere. Nel terzo i mostri marini apparen-do sulla superficie del mare manderanno ruggiti

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    fino al cielo. Nel quarto il mare e le acque tu-tte prenderanno fuoco. Nel quinto le erbe e gli alberi manderanno una rugiada di sangue. Nel sesto crolleranno gli edifici. Nel settimo le pietre cozzeranno fra di loro. Nellottavo ci sar un te-rremoto universale. Nel nono la terra sar live-llata. Nel decimo gli uomini usciranno dalle ca-verne e andranno vagando come impazziti senza potersi parlare. Nellundicesimo risorgeranno le ossa dei morti. Nel duodecimo cadranno le stelle. Nel decimoterzo moriranno i viventi superstiti per risorgere coi morti. Nel decimoquarto cielo e terra bruceranno. Nel decimoquinto ci sar un cielo nuovo e una terra nuova e tutti risorgeran-no [Eco, 2012]. ... - , ... - . , . , . . - . . . . . , . - , . . , . . , .

    , , - XIII - , -, . . , , - -, .

    , , , - , . ,

    (uno dei tipici segnali della fine dei tempi il fatto che ormai il mondo va alla rovescia). - , , , , : Una volta i ricchi andavano a Riccione, e nel peggiore dei casi a Rimini, mentre nelle isole dellOceano Indiano vivevano popolazioni miserabili o vi ve-nivano deportati gli ergastolani. Oggi alle Mal-dive vanno solo i politici di rango e a Rimini, ormai, soltanto mugiki russi, appena sottrattisi alla schiavit della gleba [Ibid]. - - , -, , . , , , - .

    , - / - . , -, - , - :

    . ? . - -

    ? , , , ; . , - .

    . ! . ,

    , -.

    . , ? . . . - !

    ! - ! [, 2001, c. 25].

    , -, - :

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    . -!.. [ ].

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    : - 180 [URL : www.ezocat.ru], - - , . -. - , - -, , - /, , - , . , - , , .: , -, - . , - - , - . , , , - , [ ].

    - , , : .

    - . . - [ ].

    , , -, - . - , , , .

    1. , .. -

    . - [] / .. . . : , 1987. 53 .

    2. , . , [] / . , . . . : , 2004. 256 .

    3. , . . - [] / . . . : , 2005. 502 .

    4. , .. [] / .. . . : , 2001. 383 .

    5. . [- ]. : www.ezocat.ru/ in-dex.php/nauka-ks/1289-effekt-janibekova ( - : 15.03.2013).

    6. Vargas Llosa, M. La guerra del fin del mundo[Text] / M. Vargas Llosa. Barcelona : Seix Barral, 1987. 187 .

    7. Eco, U. Escenarios para una guerra global [Elec-tronic Resource] / U. Eco. URL : www.elpais.com. ( : 23.10.2001).

    8. Eco U. Dove andremo a finire? [Electronic Re-source] / U. Eco. URL : www.espresso.repubblica.it. ( : 02.02.2012).

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    N.V. Petrova, E.B. Lashina

    categoriZation of teXts in the teXt sPace (based on fiction and scientific teXts)

    The article is devoted to the hierarchical approach to the categorization of fiction and scientific texts in the text space. It suggests one of the possible classifica-tions of scientific texts.

    Key words: text; categorization; hierarchical classification; group of texts; type of text

    , .. , , - [, 2000, c. 27]. - , - , - , , , . , - , - , -, [, 1983, c. 238].

    - . - , , - - [, 2004, c. 18], , (- ) . , [, 1983, c. 227], - - , - -, , , .

    (, -) - , , - - , , - [, 1999, . 167168]. , - -, , - , .

    - , - - . - , - .

    , - , . .

    -: 1) , - ; 2) , - .

    -, : -, , -, , -, , [Beaugrande, 1981].

    - -. , . - , .

    , , - - [, 2004]. - . , - , - - , - .

    - -

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    [, 2013]. , , - , , - - [-, 1965, . 298]. - - , . - , - , - , - - [, 1989, . 84]. , - , - .

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    , - .. , - [, 2004, c. 267]. - , - -. - - , .. , - [, 1989, c. 36]. - , - , - , - . - , - -

    , [, 2007, c. 96].

    - - -. , (-) [, 1974, . 82], --, -, -- -- .

    - , - - .

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    - - . - - -, -, , - . , - - . . , -, , -- .

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    () , , , - , -- , -- -- , .

    , - , , -, . - - , , -, , , , -, , .). -- - ( -, , -, , -, ..), , , , -, . -- , , -, , -, , , , -, , , -, , . - - . - - - , , - [, 2009, c. ]. - -- , - - [, 2009, c. 281]. - , - ( - ) - ( ) - [, 2006].


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    2. , .. [] / .. -. . : , 2004. 280 .

    3. , .. . - [] / .. -. . : . . ., 1999. 464 .

    4. , .. [] / .. // - . . .. : -. . : -, 2009. . VIXVI.

    5. , .. - [] / .. // -. 1989. . 341. . 8197.

    6. , .. - : - [] / .. . : - - . - . .. , 2007. 210 .

    7. , .. - - [] / .. . : , 2004. 243 .

    8. , .. - [] / .. . . : - , 1965. 360 .

    9. , .. - [] / .. . . : . ., 1989. 182 .

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    11. [] / .-. .. , .. . . : , 1974. 509 .

    12. - [ ]. 2013. : http:// www. lit100.ru.\text.php?t=2208 ( : 15.02.2013).

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    .. , - , - . . , , ( ), , , .

    : ; - ; ; -; ; ; ; - ;

    V.M. Khamaganova

    on a semiotic basis of the descriPtive teXt

    Based on the Propp functional approach to the semiotic structure of text, regular semiotic functions of descriptive texts have been detected and described. I argue that it is the actant element of descriptive texts that provides for semiotic integrity of the latter. The actant element, being a variable value per se, can contribute to text formation as a result of interaction with existential predicates that play the role of constant values, in semantic terms.

    Key words: text; functional types of speech; synchronic; diachronic; descriptive text; description; narrative text; narration; semiotic principle; actant; predicate; phrasal accent

    .., 2013

    - , (.. -, .. , .. , .. -, .. , . , . - . , .. , .. .. , .. .)

    - -- , - - . -- , -, .. .

    .. , -, , -, :

    - - -, - . -, , -, - - , - , [, 1975, . 24]

    , - , - , - - - [ . . 26], (- ), (- ) .

    - -

  • 18

    , 2013

    . - - , - . .

    - . - , . - - , [, 1975, . 158204].

    - , - , -, , - - -, . - - , -, *.

    - - - : - - , , ; -, -; - .

    - - - - - -, -- - .

    , -, ,

    * : , , .

    ; - , - .

    - , - . , . , , -, , . - , - , .

    ( -, ) . , - ( .)** , , - . . - (. . -) , . , - , - . - -, - - ( , ).

    , - , . - : -, -, --, .

    , - - /, - - . - : - -.

    ** - , .

  • 19

    , , , - . - , , . - : - , , . , , . , -, (. -).

    - , - , - - . : () , , - . ... (. -).

    , , - :

    - - - ;

    - - ;

    - -;

    - - , ;

    - - , - ;

    - - () ;

    - - , - --;

    - - -- - ;

    - - - ;

    - -, -- , - - , - ;

    - , -.

    - - , .. , -, -- , - . -, , [-, 1975, . 221], - .

    , - (), - , - -, -. -: , [-, 1976, . 300].

    , - , - - , - -- --, , , , -

  • 20

    , 2013

    , [, 2012].

    , - , , - .

    , , - - , - , -. - - , . . - .

    - - , , - , - .

    - , [, 1975, . 438], , -, - . - , - , - [ ]. , - - - , - .

    - , - .. [, 1928]. .. - - - . , , - , - -, .

    .. , - - - .

    ( ) , -, , , . - , - .

    - , - , , , ., -, , / -, , , - -.

    - - . - , -, - , ; -, - ( .. ), - - .

    , - , - , . - -- - , .

    -, , -

  • 21

    : (- ) ( ). - .

    - - .. , -- - [, 1998, . 409453].


    - : - , - , - - -. - , - . .. , -, - [, 1976, . 74]. , : . . . . . - , , .

    , , , - ( ), - : , . . , , - - ; , . - - : -, , ,...,....

    - - - ,

    (, , , , ).

    - , -, , - .

    - - . - , : . , -, - . , - , -, , - .

    , - , - , - . -, -, -: , , - , , . - - [, 1983, . 37], . - , - -.

    , , - , - -- . , .

    -. - . .. , , , . . . - , -

  • 22

    , 2013

    , -. .. - ( - ) - . , , .. : , [-, 1999, . 14]. , , ( , ) , - , , - . - . : -, . , - . , -, , - ... ... (-).

    -, - .

    - - , , , - , , . - -, ,

    - , .

    - -. - , - -- .

    1. , .. :

    - [] / .. -. . : , 1976. 383 .

    2. , .. . - ( ) [] / .. -, .. . .: , 1983. 198 .

    3. , .. [] / .. . . : . . ., 1998. 764 .

    4. , .. [] / .. . . : - , 1976. 312 .

    5. , .. -- [] / .. . . : , 1975. 720 .

    6. , .. - (, , ) [] : . - . / .. . ., 1975. 394 .

    7. , .. - - - [] / ... - : - . -, 1999. 96 .

    8. , .. [] / .. . .: Academia, 1928. 152 .

    9. , .. - [] / .. // - . .. . . , , . 2012. 2 (43). . 7783.

    81-22 81.00


    C . , .

    : ; , ; ; ; , ;

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    Yu.R. Lemeshko

    the attractiveness of the discourse Performative formuLae as the form of mass communication

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the performative and quasi-performative utterances structured according to the slogan type. The utterances of the performative type are analysed as the form of mass communication from the viewpoint of their illocutionary force. The semiotic aspects of the given sign formation have also been discussed. The attractiveness of this sign formation is determined by the semiotic aspects potential.

    Key words: performative; quasip-erformative; the performative formula; sign; attractiveness; the form of mass communication; destination; slogan

    -, , -, -, - [, 1986; , 1986; Campbell, 1986; , 2000] - [, 2006].

    - -- . - : , - , -, , , . , - [ , 2005, . 661]. , - - , - , - , , -, - ( ! [URL : http://news.tut]; -! , ! [URL : http://www.ldpr.ru]). - , - [, 1986; , 2006], - [, 1989], [, 1988; , 1989],

    [, 2001].

    , , / - - , .. -, , - . - [, 1986, . 170], -, , , [, 1993]. , .. , - / - , - [, 2002, . 206]. - / .. - , - , - . , - . . , - : ) - , -, - ; ) -; ) , - ; ) - , - [Cambell, 1986]. - , - - - : , -, , [-, 2002, . 206207]. , -

  • 24

    , 2013

    , - -, - .

    - - . , , -, - - . , , , . - - 2013 . -. - 2009 . - . - 2013 . - La vraie famille, Maman, papa et enfant. - 22 2013 . .

    , - , - - , , - . (How to do things with words, 1962).

    - -, , , + . , - [, 1986, . 66] : ) - , - () (- : !), ( ! [URL : http://mihail-prokhorov.ru]), -- ; ) - - , .

    -- - .

    : ! / , , - [URL : http://rmarsh.info].

    - - - . - , - , .

    , .. -, , - [, 2001, . 84]. - - [, 2001; , 2004; , 2006], , - , . - (, ), (, -), (), -, , , (, , ). - . - , . . - [, 1980].

    - -, - - . - (- ) -, - - - ; - , , - [,

  • 25

    2008, . 132], -.

    , , , , , , - , - -.

    , - , -, - - (). , - , -, , - , - , , . - , -, - . - - [, 2013] - . .. - .. , , - , - , - - - - .

    - , -. ( . attrahere ) - - , , , - . -, - - , - - /, - - - ,

    [, 2012, . 9].

    , . . , , - , - , - - - , -, .

    1 500 -, - , -- 20112013 .

    , - , . - , -, -. .

    1. -. - , - - -. -, , : ? , ! [URL : http://lenta.ru]. - 2012 . , -.

    - , , - , , - , , - , , [, 1997]

  • 26

    , 2013

    . , , .

    -, -, -. - -, - ( ); ( , ), - , - , ; , - - . , , . - - - - - ( .. -), , - . , , - .

    - 2013 . Soy un chavista Maduro ( [URL : http://www.pravda.ru]) -, - - . - : . - : , , - . - . -, - .

    - ,

    -, : Mduro - - . - , - , - - [ Mduro-Chvez].

    2. -. , . , 2011 . -, ! [URL : http://www.jig.ru] . -, - , , - - -, , -, . - - - ( ). , , , , . - - , -. - , -, : , .

    - : ; - (, , , -, , , , ); - -, - ; (, ); - (1- . . .) - - ( ! [URL : http://www.ldpr-26.ru]).

    2012 . Forward [URL : http://www.youtube.com] , -

  • 27

    -, , , -, . - , , , forward , ; ; ( ) [ORD, 1984, c. 841]. - - . forward , [URL : www.dic.academic.ru]. , -, - - . - , -, , - - , - . , -, Forward , -, , - , - , - .

    3. . , . -, -, - , - , , (, ! [URL : http://www.svetly.ru]; ! ! [URL : http://a-altunyan]), - [, 1998, . 54]. - , [, 2000, . 121].

    , -, , , - , -, - -

    . -, ( ! [URL : http://top.rbc.ru]; - ! [URL : http://ura.ru]). - , -, .

    2012 ., - - (, , ), - -- ( - ! [URL : http://blogs.voanews.com]).

    -, - , - . . - - (Vova, vo! [URL : http://a-altunyan]; , ! [URL : http://lenta.ru]), ( -! [URL : http://www.newsru.com]). - - , . . , : ! [URL : http://www.freetowns.ru].

    - - , - - ( ! [URL : http://alsedov.ru] 3- , ( -! [URL : http://www.ivkprf.ru]); , ( [URL : http: //www.sovross.ru]).

    , - , , - , - -

  • 28

    , 2013

    . , - , - , -, - , - - , - ; -, - , , - -. , - , - - -, , - . - , - -, . - - , - .

    1. , ..

    [] / .. // . . . . 1986. . 45, 3. . 208223.

    2. , .. : . . . [] / .. . . : , 1988. 341 c.

    3. , .. [] / .. , .. - // . 1997. 2. . 84100.

    4. , .. [Te] / .. . . : , 1993. 68 .

    5. , .. . . [] / .. . . : , 1989. 312 .

    6. , .. - [] / .. // . . : , 1989. . 1340.

    7. , . [] / . ; . . . . -. . : , 1995. 134 .

    8. , .. [] / .. // . . : , 1986. . XVII. . 22129.

    9. , .. , [] / .. - // . . : . -. . : , 2008. . 1. . 131136.

    10. , .. - : , , - [] / .. , .. - // . . . 2013. 1. . 183189.

    11. , .. [] / .. . : -, . : , 2001. 656 .

    12. , .. [] / .. . . : , 2004. 280 .

    13. , .. - [] / .. // : . . : , 2008. . 8-62.

    14. , .. : - [] / .. // . . . 2012. 2 (19) . 611.

    15. , . - [] / . // -. . : , 1986. . II. . 170194.

    16. , .. - [] / .. -, .. . : - , 1998. 160 .

    17. , . - [] / . ; . .; . .. . 2- . . : , 2006. 380 .

    18. , . - - [] : . . / . ; ., . . . . . . .. .. . . : , 1980. 447 .

    19. , .. : - [] : . . -. . : 10.02.19 / .. . , 2006. 287 .

    20. , .. - : [] / .. . . : -, 2000. 326 .

    21. , .. [] / .. // : . . . : , 2002. . 3. . 205214.

    22. : , -, [] : - / . - .. ; . .. , .. . . : , 2005. 960 .

    23. Austin, J. How to do Things with words [Text] / J. Austin // Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1962. 167 p.

    24. Campbell, K.K. Inaugurating the Presidency [Text] / K.K. Campbell, K.H. Jamieson. // Form, genre and the Study of Political discourse. Clumbia : (S.car), 1986. 275 .

    25. ORD The Oxford Russian Dictionary [Text] : 2nd edition, revised. Oxford, New York : Oxford University Press, 1984. 1340 p.

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    -, . - , -. , -, : , , . , .

    : ; ; ; ; -

    D.A. Skulimovskaya

    imPLicature, PresuPPosition and entaiLment as cognitive mechanisms of the interPretation of sPeech acts

    of Warning

    The article describes the analysis of speech acts of warning from the point of view of the notions implicature, presupposition and entailment. The implicature is understood as implicit infor-mation which the hearer of the particular statement can reasonably infer. The term presupposition is interpreted from points of view of logic, philosophy and linguistics, in the last one as the proposi-tions considering the speaker taken for granted as part of the contextual background. Entailment is the proposition inferred on the basis of logical laws.

    Key words: implicature; presupposition, entailment; proposition; warning

    . - , -, : (what is said) (what is meant), - (implicature). - (implicature) (implicate) - - , [, 1985, . 220]. -, - , - (implication*) -* imply implication (material sense), - ( ) -. -

    - (entailment) [Lyons, 1977, p. 592]. - , -, . - - It is cold in here, (. . **) , , , . . -, -, (. . -1 2). , , It

    : , - , ; [Lyons,1977, p. 145].** (. propositio , , -) , , - , , - .

    .., 2013

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    is cold in here, -, -, - , - , . . , - , ( -), - (), . -, , -, , Shut that flaming door! (.) ! , , , , . [Cruse, 2004, p. 364].

    : - (conventional implicature) - (conversational implicature*). - -, , - , - . . - (maxims) , : -, , , - - -. , -, , -, , , , - -. , - , - , - : - , **.

    * . Logic and conversation - conversational implicature - - , - , -- - .** Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged [Grice, 1975, p. 45].

    , . -, : , - - (standard maxims), , , , - . - - (flouting of maxims), -, - , , . . .

    - . , - , - - : The use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. And if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences, and you will be held accountable [URL : http://abcnews.go.com]. . , - , , .

    , , - , - , . -, , , - : Barack Obama warns Syria of chemical weapons consequences [URL : http://www.guardian.co.uk], Obama warns Syria use of chemical weapons totally unacceptable [URL : http://abcnews.go.com], Obama warns Syria not to cross red line [URL : http://edition.cnn.com]. - , - - . - - - .. - [, 2005]. , - - (- , , , - .), - (, ,

  • 31

    , .) - (, .). - - -. - - , -.

    - , - , -. : - - - , .

    - . - (context-dependence) (. : [Cruse, 2004, p. 365]). - (. . ) - -. , - (1) (2) - : (-) , (1) , (2) . , - - , - . .:

    (1) A: Have you cleared the table and washed the dishes?

    B: Ive cleared the table. (2) A: Am I in time for supper? B: Ive cleared the table. (3) John

    killed the wasp (4) The wasp died , (3) (4). -, (4) - (3), -. . -

    , (. : [Cruse, 2004, p. 365]). - , - , . , - . (entailment) : - , - , - , - .

    (. presupposi-tion , ) - , . .

    , , . . - , - [, 1977].

    . ( . ) - , . -, () The King of France is bald - [, 1982]. - . , , (), () () There is one, and only one, King of France and he is bald , . , , (- - ) : () There is a King of France , . . - . , ; - () , , () , , (), [, 1982]. - , - , , () - , : - , , - .

  • 32

    , 2013

    - , , - . - - [Levinson, 1983, p. 177]. , . . - , - - -.

    - . , , - , - (-, , , . .) [Fillmore, 1971, p. 273289].

    . - , , . buxom (-) -, - , , My neighbour is buxom (. ) - , - . - bachelor (). - John accused Harry of writing the editorial , - -. . , John told Mary that she was ugly and then she insulted him, , , , (. : [Lyons, 1977, p. 603]).

    - -, , , -, - . -, - - , - , - , . , - - ,

    , - .

    . - - , , .

    - , - , - . , - , - - : And in the wake of this aggression, Pyongyang should not be mistaken: The United States will never waver in our commitment to the security of the Republic of Korea. We will not waver. The alliance between our two nations has never been stronger, and along with the rest of the world, weve made it clear that the North Koreas pursuit of nuclear weapons will only lead to more isolation and less security for them [URL : http://obamafoodorama.blogspot.ru]. , : - - . . - , , , - .

    - : - - - . - , - . , -, - : Obama warns North Korea it risks deeper isolation [URL : http://www.reuters.com], Barak Obama warns North Korea it faces deeper isolation [URL : http://www.guardian.co.uk] .

    , - -

  • 33

    - ; - - , - .

    1. , . []

    / . // . . : , 1985. . 16. -. . 217237.

    2. , .. [] / C.. // : : / . .. , .. . . : , 2005. . 8. . 2226.

    3. , . [] / . // . . : , 1982. . 13. . 4154.

    4. , .. - [] / .. // . . : , 1982. . 13. . 5586.

    5. , . [] / . // . . : , 1977. . 8. . 181210.

    6. Cruse, A. Meaning in Language. An Introduc-tion to Semantics and Pragmatics. Second edition [Text] / A. Cruse. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004. 441 p.

    7. Fillmore, Ch.J. Verbs of judging: an exercise in semantic description [Text] / Ch.J. Fillmore, D.T. Langen-doen (eds.) // Studies in Linguistic Semantics. London : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. P. 273289.

    8. Grice, H.P. Logic and conversation Syntax and semantics [] / H.P. Grice. New York : Academic Press, 1975. V. 3. P. 4158.

    9. Levinson, S.C. Pragmatics [Text] / S.C. Levinson, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1983. 420 p.

    10. Lyons, J. Semantics [Text] / J. Lyons. Cam-bridge : Cambridge University Press, 1977. V. 2. 897 p.

    11. Obama foodorama [Electronic resource]. URL : http://obamafoodorama.blogspot.ru ( : 27.03.2013).

    12. Reuters [Electronic resource]. URL : http://www.reuters.com ( : 25.03.2013).

    13. The ABC news [Electronic resource]. URL : http://abcnews.go.com ( : 15.12.2012).

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    , - , . , , - , . . -. , .

    : ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

    A.G. Khlebodarova

    the cognitive scenario of dream discourse: the modeLing of a PossibLe WorLd

    The article aims to prove that the cognitive and discursive activity of a dreaming person is based on the cognitive scenario that consists in the discursive modeling of a possible world. The peculiari-ty of a possible world created in the dream discourse is its dependence on the dreaming person. The cognitive mechanisms of possible world modeling in the dream discourse are simulative referentiali-ty, secondary categorization and reconceptualization.

    Key words: discourse; concept; referent; cognitive scenario; possible world; simulative referenti-ality; secondary categorization; reconceptualization

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    - , - , , - -.

    - , - , , -, , -- , . . [, 2005, . 50]. , - - , - , - . - , - - .

    -, Dream - .

    , - -. . , - (scenario) , - (, ) - . ( - ) - -, , -, [Minsky, 1980].

    . , . . , (script) . , (). . . , - -

    . - , ; , , - . -, - . -, . . , , -, , - -.

    - , - - -.

    , - , , - -. . , -, - , -. , - [, 1983, . 101].

    -, [, 2001]. - , , - . - - - [, 1977; , 1980; , 1988; , 2001 .]. , - , - , -, [Todorov, 1977; , 1999; , 1999 .]. , - [, 2001].

    -. , .. , - , - . -, ,

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    , , , , - , , [, 1995, . 44].

    .. , - , - the construal of the world - , -, - - , - , - . -, , -, , - , - [, 2004, . 522523].

    .. , . , ( , -, , , - ) [, 2000; 2003; 2008; 2010].

    , - - . , -, . . -, . - .. - , : , , , - , , - . , , - [, 2000, c. 197].

    , -, .. - , , .

    - , -, - - . , , , , , - . - , , - : - ( - , -, . .); - -, , ; - ( , , - ). - , - [-, 2003].

    . , - , - - .

    - - .

    - , -, , , . . - . -, , , - , , - . , .

    , - , -

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    - . , , , : Miss Fulkes sat by the window, looking out at the sunny garden, but not consciously seeing it. What she saw was behind the eyes, in a fanciful universe. She saw herself herself in that lovely Lanvin frock that had been illustrated last month in Vogue, with pearls, dancing at Ciros, which looked (for she had never been at Ciros) curiously like the Hammersmith Palais de Danse, where she had been. How lovely she looks! all the people were saying. She walked swayingly, like that actress she had seen at the London Pavilion. She held out her white hand; it was young Lord Wonersh who kissed it, Lord Wonersh, who looked like Shelley and lived like Byron and who had perhaps spoken to her twice. And then she saw herself riding in the Park. And a couple of seconds later she was on a yacht in the Mediterranean. And then in a motor car. Lord Wonersh had just taken his seat beside her, when the noise of fangs shrill barking startlingly roused her to consciousness of the lawn, the gay tulips, the Wellingtonia and, on the other side, the schoolroom. Miss Fulkes felt guilty, she had been neglecting her charge [Huxley, 1998, p. 121].

    , - . - . (the sunny garden), - (what she saw was behind the eyes). -, , . . - .

    - ( ) - . , , -, . . - , - , - , - ,

    - . ., (-) [, 1997, . 42].

    . , .. , - - . , - -- - , , -. , - , (, , -) () - [, 2009].

    , .. , - /, , , , - . - : 1) - , ; 2) -; 3) - -, ; 4) - , - . - -, , - [-, 2008].

    - - , , - ,

  • 37

    , ; - , - , . . - . - , . for she had never been at Ciros , - , -, , . , - -, : dancing at Ciros, riding in the Park, in a motor car.

    - - (Lord Wonersh, who looked like Shelley and lived like Byron). - (kissed, spoken to her twice, Lord Wonersh had just taken his seat beside her). - , Beauty, Gracefulness. - (how lovely she looks!), (she walked swayingly), (white hand), (actress she had seen at the London Pavilion) , , - .

    - . - .. . - - , - . .. , , - , , - ( -), , - - . -

    : - ( - - ); (- - -, - - , ); - ( , - - ). - , , - , - [, 2007].

    - , , - - . -, , - . : I wish, said the silly girl at the back of Mrs. Dersinghams mind, I was a terribly successful actress who lived in a marvelous little flat and had a terribly devoted maid and a dresser and a huge car and nothing much to eat before the performance and then went on and was absolutely marvellous and everybody applauded and then I put on a wonderful sable coat and went out to supper and everybody stared. No, I dont. I wish I was a terribly successful woman writer with a villa somewhere on Riviera with orange trees and mimosa and things and lunch in the sunshine and marvellous distinguished people coming to call. No, I dont. I wish I was terribly rich with a housekeeper and about fifteen servants and a marvellous maid of my own and umpteen Paris model gowns every season and a house in town and a place in the country and a very attractive dark young man, very aristocratic, and a racing motorist or yachtsman or something like that, terribly in love with me but just devoted and respectful all the time and coming and looking so miserable and me saying: Im sorry, my

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    , 2013

    dear, but you can see how it is. I can never love anybody but Howard, but we can still be friends [Priestley, 1974, p. 192].

    - , . . a successful actress, (lived in a marvelous little flat, had a terribly devoted maid, dresser, huge car) - , - (nothing much to eat before the performance, then went on and was absolutely marvellous and everybody applauded and then I put on a wonderful sable coat and went out to supper and everybody stared). - - , (woman writer). - , . (huge car, about fifteen servants, lunch in the sunshine, house in Town, sable coat and diamonds, villa on Riviera), . -, , - , (terribly rich), - , - : (housekeeper, fifteen servants, marvellous maid of my own, umpteen Paris model gowns every season, house in town, place in the country).

    -. , - -, -. , - , , , - , - ; - [, 2003, c. 48]. - : , , - .

    , -, - - - , - . , - , - . - . , - - - .

    1. , .. -

    : -- [] / .. // : . . . : , 2005. . 4. . 5063.

    2. , .. - ( - ) [] : . ... - . : 10.02.04 / .. . - : , 2007. 350 .

    3. : [] / . .. . . : , . : , , 2001. 1312 .

    4. , .. [] : ... - . : 10.02.04 / .. : - . . -, 2009. 445 .

    5. , .. - -- : [] : ... . . : 10.02.04 / .. -. ., 2008. 248 .

    6. - [] / . .. , .. -, .. , .. . . : - , 1997. 245 .

    7. , .. - [] / .. // . 2004. 1. . 617.

    8. , .. [] : 4 . / .. . . : , 1983. . 1. . 636 .

    9. , .. ( - )

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    [] / .. . : , 2000. 244 .

    10. , .. [] / .. - // -. . . 3. -. : , 2003. . 1. . 108117.

    11. , .. [] / .. // : : . . . / . .. , .. . : -, 2003. . 162172.

    12. , .. -: - [] / .. // - . : , 2008. . 97115.

    13. , .. : [] / .. // . . . 2010. 1. . 8492.

    14. , .. . -. [] / .. - // XX . . : - . : . . . -,1995. . 3573.

    15. Huxley, A. Point Counter Point [Text] : a novel / A. Huxley. London : Granada, 1998. 432 p.

    16. Minsky, M.A. Framework for Representing Knowledge [Text] / M.. Minsky // Frame Conceptions and Text Understanding / Ed. by D. Metzing. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 1980. P. 125.

    17. Priestley, J.B. Angel Pavement [Text] : a novel / J.B. Priestley. M. : Progress Publishers, 1974. 503 p.

    18. Schank, R. Scripts, Goals and Understanding. An Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures [Text] / R. Schank, R. Abelson. Hillsdale, N.Y. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1977. 248 p.

  • verbaL ontoLogy

    of cognition

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    continuous infinitive ( )

    Continuous Infinitive: 1) - ; 2) seem, appear, happen , - ; , ; 3) Continuous Infinitive -, .

    : ; ; ; ; -

    L.M. Kovaleva, T.V. Mironchuk

    continuous infinitive in the Language system and sPeech activity (structuraL and cognitive aPProach)

    There are three ways of development of Continuous Infinitive: 1) it appeared according to the law of analogy and is used in verboids which are derivatives of the clauses with verbs in Continuous As-pect; 2) speakers begin to use this new form to categorize some situations with the predicates seem, appear, happen, because they are connected with the semantic sphere of perception, thus the tenden-cies of the system development correlate with the tendencies of usage of these forms by the speakers; 3) Continuous Infinitive takes part in blending, and its usage is determined mostly by the speakers.

    Key words: system; speaker; perception; Simple Infinitive; Continuous Infinitive

    , , -, . , - -, , , . , , -, - . ?

    , - - ( ?), - .

    -- Simple - , -

    - , - - Simple - - . XII . - Perfect , XV . Perfect , XII . Continuous , XVI . -, XIV . - Perfect Continuous, XVII . - [, 1976; , 1960]. , , - - -. - , , , .

  • 42

    , 2013

    - -.

    , -, , , , - .

    - - - .

    (1) That is to say, the Rhodions were bluffing when they claimed to be acting for Rome, and they were really acting in their own behalf [Merryfield, 1995, p. 246];

    (2) Facts: A firm of estate agents claimed to act on behalf of the owner of a particular property, though that person had denied them permission to act on his behalf [Kelly, 2011, p. 110].

    (1) when they claimed to be acting for Rome Continuous Tense, - they claimed that they were acting for Rome ( - were bluffing were acting ). (2) -, -, , Simple Infinitive.

    . (3) - , - (were said to be suffering):

    (3) The accident happened in fog near the Huddersfield turn off. The injured were taken to hospital but were later released. They were said to be suffering from shock and minor cuts and bruises [Frost, 2005, p. 97].

    (4) to be said suffer - Simple Infinitive, Continuous Infinitive:

    (4) The article stated that the disease said to be facilitated by caffeine was extremely common, so much so that doctors felt that it shouldnt even be considered a disease; more than 65% of

    women were said to suffer from it [Kruglanski, 2003, p. 316].

    , , .

    - - , - . 14, - Continuous Infinitive 500 . : ) - - ) - .

    - , Continuous Aspect - - -, -- (, , ) - , . - - - , - -. they were said that they were suffering from shock (?) - , -, , -.

    , - . , , - . - , -, , - , - - . , , , - , , - , -

  • 43

    Continuous [, 2008; , 1993].

    - I saw that he was coming vs. I saw him to be coming*. - - . , - - I, , , . - , , - , - . , , . - .

    - -: seem, appear, happen. - - seem appear 50 (19502000 .) seem 3 953 , appear 694. happen, - - 1 737 2000 ., - 1,5 1950 . [GB, URL : http://googlebooks.byu.edu]. - , - -.

    .. - seem appear - [, 2007, c. 34]. .. -, -: 1) - , 2) -/, 3) (-) [-, 1999, c. 834]. - - , .. - [-

    , 2007, c. 35]. - - , , -, -, - : seem give the effect of being, to be judged to be [CIDE, 1995]; appear seem as distinguished from to be [LDCE, 1997]; -, -: seem appear to ones senses; appear become visible, come into sight [CIDE, 1995, LDCE, 1997].

    , (, ) - -. , -, - - . - , -, . - - : , , () , - , - [, 2007, . 69]. , - - , , - , - , , -. - to happen - to seem to appear [, 2012].

    () - , (-, - ), - (, /, ). - , - - - -

  • 44

    , 2013

    , - .

    - - -, -, : , (noticing), Continuous Aspect , , , , - (watching), - Simple Aspect ( . [-, 2008]).

    - , . . , -, - - . , - - -, - .

    , - . , - -. -:

    (5) - , :

    (5) The drive from Narita airport took one hour, and Tanner was amazed by how Tokyo never seemed to change. In boom times and in depressions, the city always seemed to wear the same impassive face [Sheldon. URL : http: // webreading.ru].

    - , the drive from Narita airport took one hour. , -, -. seemed to change seemed to wear the same impressive face.

    (6) , - -, . , - -. :

    (6) The ride from the airport into the center of Kiev took the Intourist bus one hour, driving along the newly built highway. It was Roberts first time in Kiev, and he was impressed by the ubiquitous construction along the highway, and the large apartment building that seemed to be springing up everywhere [Ibid].

    (5) - ( always), , (6), (It was Roberts first time in Kiev) , , , - -: - .

    - Simple Continuous, - .

    (7) Lucy has not walked much in her sleep the last week, but there is an odd concentration about her which I do not understand, even in her sleep she seems to be watching me. She tries the door, and finding it locked, goes about the room searching for the key [Stoker. URL : http:// artefact.lib.ru].

    (7) -, Simple - (is, do not understand, tries, goes), - - -. , - (in her sleep), to be watching. , - (she seems to be watching me) , , - . , , , -

  • 45

    . , , - - - , .

    - , - -.

    (8) They both slept badly that night. Kelly was lying in bed, worrying. If my plan fails, were both going to die. As she was falling asleep, she seemed to see Tanner Kingsleys face looking down on her. He was grinning [Sheldon. URL : http: // webreading.ru].

    , -, . . , - Kelly was lying in bed, worrying - ( ) - . - - Continuous Aspect (was lying) Indefinite Aspect (fails) (was falling). she seemed to see Tanner Kingsleys face looking down on her - to see, , - (7) (8), , -. - , - , - (was falling asleep), , , . - He was grinning, - .

    , - , - , , - e - , - .

    , - , - - [Fauconnier, 1998]. - , - , . . -

    - - , , , , . - (, to believe 43 - , to state 54, to expect 74). , , - (to want 803 ).

    :(9) But what do you always want to be kissing

    and embracing for? he said.Surely theres a time for everything.She looked up at him, and the hate came into

    her eyes.Do I always want to be kissing you? she

    said. [Lawrence. URL : http: // www.gutenber.org].

    , , what do you always want to be kissing and embracing for? Do I always want to be kissing you? - , -? , - ?, What do you always want to kiss and embrace for? Do I always want to kiss you? ( . 13 4 [, 2008]).

    , - , - . , - - , - .

    - - . , - to want , - - , , .

    , , - - - . - - -

  • 46

    , 2013

    , , , - - . - ( ), - , .

    , - , - - () (13) (47): 1. I saw him enter. I saw him entering.2. He seemed to enter. He seemed to be

    entering.3. It seemed that he entered.

    It seemed that he was entering.

    4. I saw him enter. I saw that he entered.5. I saw him entering. I saw that he was

    entering.6. He seemed to enter. It seemed that he

    entered.7. He seemed to be entering.

    It seemed that he was entering.

    1. , .. []

    / .. . . : . . ., 1999. 896 .2. , ..

    [] : / .. . . : . ., 1976. 319 .

    3. , .. : - [] / .. . : , 2008. 394 .

    4. , .. - [] / .. // : . - . .,1993. . 52, 3. . 4556.

    5. , .. Happen, seem appear - [] / .. // - , - : 5- . . . : , 2012. . 262266.

    6. , .. - [] / .. . : , 2007. 237 .

    7. , .. - [] / .. . ., . : - , 1960. 195 .

    8. CIDE Cambridge International Dictionary of Current English [Text]. Cambridge University Press, 1995. 1773 p.

    9. Fauconnier, G. Mental spaces, language modal-ities, and conceptual integration [Text] / G. Fauconnier // The new psychology of language : Cognitive and Function-al approaches to Language Structure / Ed. by M. Toma-sello. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998. P. 133183.

    10. Frost, C. Designing for newspapers and maga-zines [Text] / C. Frost. N.Y., 2005. 101 p.

    11. GB Google Books [Electronic resource]. URL : http://googlebooks.byu.edu/x.asp ( : 22.03.2011).

    12. Kelly, D. Business Law [Text] // D. Kelly, R. Lay-ward, R. Hammer, J. Lendy. N.Y. : Routledge, 2011. 588 p.

    13. Kruglanski, A.W. Social Psychology: a general reader [Text] / A.W. Kruglanski, E.T. Higgins. N.Y. : Tay-lor and Francis Books, Inc, 2003. 629 p.

    14. LDCE Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English [Text]. 3rd edition. Harlow, Essex : Longman Group Ltd., 1997. 1680 p.

    15. Lawrence, D.H. Sons and Lovers [Electronic re-source] / D.H. Lawrence. URL : http://www.gutenber.org ( : 17.03.2013).

    16. Merryfield, M. Teaching about International Con-flict and Peace [Text] / M. Merryfield, R. Remy. N.Y. : State University of New-York, 1995. 381 p.

    17. Sheldon, S. Are you afraid of the dark [Electron-ic resource] / S. Sheldon. URL : http://webreading.ru/det_/thriller/sidney-sheldon-are-you-afraid-of-the-dark.ht-ml ( : 13.11.2011).

    18. Stoker, B. Dracula [Electronic resource] / B. Stocker. URL : http://artefact.lib.ru/library/stoker.htm ( : 23.12.2010).

    81-81367.7 81.432.1

    .. , ..

    - ( ).

    : ; ; ; -

    .., .., 2013

  • 47

    - , - - , - , [, 1999, . 176].

    , , -, - -1, 2 ( 1) 2. - *, , -**, - . - -, . - -, , , .

    , , N1() force N2() Inf. 1(N1) 2(N2) - , - -

    * - - ().** , - - , , - , [, 2003, . 280]. , , .

    : - ( ) - , - . - : - , .: (1) Stroeve could not bear to be alone, and I ex-hausted myself in efforts to distract him... I forced him to eat, and after luncheon I induced him to lie down, but he could not sleep [Maugham. URL : http://gutenberg.net].

    , , - , - - . -, (1) (2) (2) .

    2, - - , , . - N1() force N2() . , -, , 2 (N2) - (), 1 (N1) , , .:

    (2) I forced Tom from the room and locked the door [DAIPV, 2006].

    (3) Hold him tight, shouted Mr. Snodgrass; and by the united efforts of the whole compa-ny, Mr. Pickwick was forced into an arm-chair [Dickens. URL : http://gutenberg.net].

    - , - 2 , , - 1 -, , , - -

    L.M. Kovaleva, M.S. Popova

    the refLection of the interPersonaL communication in causative sentences

    We argue that both the meaning and the form of the causative sentences are directly connected with the semantic roles of the participants (Subject and Object).

    Key words: causative situation; causative construction; Subject of causativity; Object of causa-tivity

  • 48

    , 2013

    1 -.

    - , (- 1) - , - . , (4) , (5) , .: (4) And how was he found out at last? inquired Mr. Pickwick. The benchers determined to have his door broken open, as he hadnt paid any rent for two years. So they did. Forced the lock; and a very dusty skel-eton in a blue coat, black knee-shorts, and silks, fell forward in the arms of the porter who opened the door [Dickens. URL : http://gutenberg.net]; (5) Police forced entry and discovered her body on the settee [BNC. URL : http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/].

    - 2 , - -, , - 2 (, : , , , , - ), , , to force.

    , . , . - -, (, , .).

    , - 2, , , with (6), .: (6) Quick-ly, he forces the lock with a penknife, and turns over the papers until he finds what he is looking for [Christie. URL : http://gutenberg.net].

    -, - () - 2 , . - to force, , - , 2 , . , -

    2 , .

    , - 1 - -, . - N1 have N2() Participle II.

    to have something done to one - XIV . [OED, 1933]. - : If you have something done, someone does it for you or you arrange for it to be done [CCAD, 2010].

    N1 have N2 Participle II, - 1 () - 2 (), - , 1, -, 2 (- -) 2. , 2 , - - [-, 2008, . 93]. , - 2 [, 1999, . 186], have -, [ . . 185]. - - , -, - [, 2008, . 93]. , ( ), . . - , - . , - - , , , , 2 - - . -, , , ( ) , , - (. [, 1976]).

  • 49

    - -, - , - to have to get. -, have- get-, - -, . - - - -1 . , -, - - . , - have get , - - . , - , , - have-, , -, - -.

    , - N1() have N2() Part II, - - -. - - :

    (7) I have my hair cut;(8) I have my shoes mended;(9) I have my watch repaired.

    : 1 (I) - - , - 1 (7), (8), - (9). , , 2 (- -), , - - - -. , , - -. , , - , , -

    , - - (2), - ) ) 1, - . -, , - (1) , - . -, , - (from the hairdressers) (10), .: (10) it was only last Friday I went down to have my hair done and I walked from the hairdressers down to Street to get the wallpaper [BNC. URL : http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/].

    , , - (7), (8), (9) , * 2 1. . : my hair (7) (8), my shoes (9), my watch (3). , , - 1 - , : (, -, , .).

    , -, -. .: (11) Kate, still frightened she might be recognized, had chosen to have meals sent up to the apartment from the nearest restaurant [BNC. URL : http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/]; (12) So do you hope to have books published? CM. I dont know, basically Ive been working so hard and pushing so hard I havent really slowed down to even think about what Im doing with my work [Ibid]; (13) Asked to have breakfast brought up to his room at six [Ibid].

    . (11) (13) , , . . ( ) 1 , . (12) books, - 2, - -

    * 1 2 - - [, 2008, . 94].

  • 50

    , 2013

    , , - 1 (you), , , ?

    . -, John had a book sto-len from the library:

    a) John arranged for a book to be stolen from the library (cause);

    b) John suffered the loss of a book stolen from the library (involvement);

    c) John had a book that was stolen from the li-brary (possession).

    () 1 (John) -, -, (b) - , () - [Quirk, 1974, p. 702].

    -, . , - . - : (14) He has two of his teeth knocked out [BNC. URL : http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/]; (15) Michael had all his money stolen from his hotel room [Ibid]; (16) The soldier had his leg amputated [, 1958, . 5]; (17) I have been plagued with these golfers for most of that time. It is really bad at the weekends. I have windows broken at regular intervals and suffer a lot [BNC. URL : http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/].

    , -, 1 , - , , - . , - , - , . ., 1 . - , - 1, , -, , - , , , , , - . , - N1() have N2() Participle II 2 - , - , -

    . , - , 1 -2, , -. - [, 2008, . 86].

    N1() have N2() Participle II, , , - 2 . .: (18) Wishart had Corbett watched carefully but all the reports indicated that Corbett had not been officially des-patched by Edward [BNC. URL : http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/]; (19) Macready had men posted on the sidewalks to protect his customers mon-ey on their way to the casino [Ibid]; (20) Now you may have noticed that bullies dont like hav-ing their faults pointed out to them, and so Herod had John locked up in prison [Ibid]; (21) Con-vinced of her unfaithfulness, Herod had Mari-amne executed in 29 BC and her sons in 7 BC [Ibid].

    , - (18), Wishart (-1 ) , , Corbett (2 ). (19) Macready , , ; (20) , (21) - . , 1, , , , , . , (2) . - - , -, , . . -// - , . . -. - 2 - .

    -2 , .: (22) You can leave hairprins there. I (1) shall have them () weighed by a goldsmith (2) ( .. ).

  • 51

    -2 -, .

    1 , -, . - 1 I forced him to go out, 1 1 , I forced him/a chair from the room, 1 - .

    - N1() have N2() Participle II N1() have N2() Participle II, -. 2 (N2) - 1 (N1) - ) , ) , - . (2), - , - , . - - , -2 , , , ., , - 1 -2 .

    2 ( 1), , - II, - , - to have, 1 - -, - 2. 2 , - , - - 2, 1 .

    2 - , - , - , - -, II. ,

    1 2 -. - 1 -, . - - 1 -2 . 1-- - 2, 1, - -- , 2.

    have- , , - . - , , - have.

    1. , .

    [] / . . . : . . ., 1999. 780 .

    2. , .. : - [] / .. . : , 2008. 397 .

    3. , .. - [] / .. ; . . .. -. . : , 1992. 264 .

    4. BNC British National Corpus [Electronic resource]. URL : http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/ ( - : 15.05.2013).

    5. CCAD Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary [Text]. Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 2010. 1986 p.

    6. Christie, A. The Mysterious Affair at Styles [Electronic resource] / A. Christie. URL : http://gutenberg.net ( : 12.08.2013).

    7. Dickens, Ch. The Pickwick Papers [Electronic resource] / Ch. Dickens. URL : http://gutenberg.net ( : 12.06.2013).

    8. Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs [Text]. USA : The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006. 1098 p.

    9. Maugham, W.S. The Moon and Sixpence [Electronic resource] / W.S. Maugham. URL : http://gutenberg.net ( : 12.06.2013).

    10. OED The Oxford English Dictionary. A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles [Text]: in 12 vol. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1933. Vol. V. 758 p.

    11. Quirk, R. A. Grammar of Contemporary English [Text] / R. Quirk, S. Greenbaum, G. Leech [et al.]. London : Longman, 1974. XII. 1120 p.

    12. Talmi, L. Semantic Causative Types [Text] / L. Talmi; Shibatani, M. (ed.) // Syntax and Semantics. V. 6. The Grammar of causative constructions. N.Y. : Academic Press, 1976. P. 43116.

  • 52

    , 2013

    811.112.2 282 143.24-5



    . , - .

    : ; -;

    O.A. Alexandrov

    diaLectoLogy of PercePtion: innovations in overseas Linguistic studies

    The latest tendencies of modern linguistics have been discussed. In particular, the German dialec-tology development has been considered. The results of the discussion may contribute to studies of the oral forms of language, as well as to new linguistic approaches and methods.

    Key words: latest tendencies in modern linguistics; perceptual dialectology; naive or folk lin-guistics

    , * , , . , , , -, , . -- - [Molitor, 2000. S. 810].

    - , - -, , , (. [Molitor, 2000]).

    -* (-2012).

    . - - . (Alfred Schtz). - - - . - , - , . , - - - , [Schtz, 1975; 1981].

    . - . , - . (Andrea Lehr) , : - , - -

    .., 2013

  • 53

    , . -, , - . . - , - , , , . . , - , [Lehr, 2002. S. 857].

    - - .. - (enry . Hoenigswald), - . - , - (what goes on (language)) -, (how people react to what goes on), - (what people say goes on (talk concerning language)). - - , , , - , -, , - , , [Hoenig-swald, 1966].

    , 1966 . .. , . , .. - - : (-, , ) ( - : , ?). ,

    , - . , , .. , - .. (Dennis R. Preston). () , , - - (), - (a`), - (b) [Nied-zielski, 2003. S. 26]. .. , - -: 1) , . . ; 2) () () , - ; 3) , ; 4) ; , - (. [Niedzielski, 2003. S. 26]*).

    , . , .. -, .. . -, - .

    , -, , - . - - - . , , - .

    , - .

    * .. .

  • 54

    , 2013

    - - , XIX . , , - - , , -. - -, , . - -, XIX ., . (Georg Wenker), . XX . - . , - - , , - . , - , - (

    . - [, 2012; , 1956; Lffler, 2003]).

    , -, -, -. , - - , - , . . -. - , , , -. , (, , .), - , . - , , (. [Lffler, 2010. S. 38]).

    , , - , , . -

  • 55

    , - , -, ( , ).

    , , - , . - , , , - . - . (Heinrich Lffler). , - , -- . , - , , , . , - , , - () - [Lffler, 2010. S. 39 41].

    - - , , , - , - - , - . [Lffler, 2010. S. 39].

    . , - - , . ,

    . - - [Ibid. S. 40].

    , - , , - , - . -, -, , , -. (- ) ( ), - : , , - , , - . .* -, , , - . - , , -.

    - . , . (Markus Hundt) - - (Der deutsche Sprachraum aus der Sicht der linguistischen Laien). - , - (.

    * ., , Variation des gesprochenen Deutsch: Standardsprache Alltagssprache / : - [URL : http://www.ids-mannheim.de/prag/AusVar/]; Archiv fr gesprochenes Deutsch/ - [URL : http://agd.ids-mannheim.de/index.shtml]; Regionalsprache.de, REDE [URL : http://regionalsprache.de/].

  • 56

    , 2013

    [URL : http://www.wahrnehmungsdialektologie.uni-kiel.de/].

    [Anders, 2010; Deminger, 2004; Eichinger, 2009; Grtig, 2010; Nmeth, 2010], - -, , - .

    -, - -. ( - ) - - , -.

    -, , -, , - (, ), - . , , - , , - - , - . - , . . , ( -, ) .

    -, , . . , , -, . , - , - , , ,

    . .

    , - - .

    , , , - , , .

    - - . - , , - , , - , . .

    , , -, - . - / , , , - , - .

    , - , , , - , - . , - , - -. ,

  • 57

    - - , , -, - , , -. - . (Erika Werlen) . (Ji Neckvapil) (. [Werlen, 2000; Neckvapil, 2004]).

    1. , .. -

    : [] / .. // . 2012. 4(5). C. 229235.

    2. , .. [] / .. . .-. : - , 1956. 636 .

    3. Anders, C.A. Wahrnehmungsdialektologie: das Oberschsische im Alltagsverstndnis von Laien [Text] / C.A. Anders. Berlin : de Gruyter, 2010. 466 S.

    4. Anders, C.A. Perceptual Dialectology. Neue Wege der Dialektologie [Text] / C.A. Anders, M. Hundt, A. Lasch. Berlin : de Gruyter, 2010. 449 S.

    5. Deminger, S. Spracherhalt und Sprachverlust in einer Sprachinselsituation: Sprache und Identitt bei der deutschen Minderheit in Ungarn [Text] / S. Deminger. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2004. 231 S.

    6. Eichinger, L.M. Aktuelle Spracheinstellungen in Deutschland: erste Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Repr-sentativumfrage [Text] / L.M. Eichinger, A.-K. Grtig, A. Plewnia, J. Roessel, S. Rudert, C. Schoel. Mannheim : Institut fr deutsche Sprache, 2009. 63 S.

    7. Grtig, A.-K. Wie Menschen in Deutschland ber Sprache denken: Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Reprsen-tativerhebung zu aktuellen Spracheinstellungen [Text] / A.-K. Grtig, A. Plewnia, A. Rothe. Mannheim : Institut fr deutsche Sprache, 2010. 309 S.

    8. Hoenigswald, H. A proposal for the study of folk-linuistics [Text] / H. Hoenigswald // Sociolinguistics. The Hague: De Gruyter, 1966. S. 1626.

    9. Lehr, A. Sprachbezogenes Wissen in der Lebenswelt des Alltags [Text] / A. Lehr. Tbingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2002. 485 S.

    10. Lffler, H. Dialektologie: eine Einfhrung [Text] / H. Lffler. Tbingen : Narr, 2003. 158 S.

    11. Lffler, H. Zu den Wurzeln der Perceptual Dialecto-logy in der traditionellen Dialektologie. Eine Spurensuche [Text] / H. Lffler // Peceptual Dialectology. Neue Wege der Dialektologie / C.A. Anders, M. Hundt, A. Lasch. Berlin : de Gruyter, 2010. S. 3150.

    12. Molitor, E. Sprachgefhl und Sprachbewutsein am Beispiel des Subjonctif nach apr que: eine empirische Untersuchung [Text] / E. Molitor. Gttingen : Peust & Gutschmidt, 2000. 136 S.

    13. Neckvapil, J. Sprachbiographien und Analyse der Sprachsituation: zur Situation der Deutschen in der Tsche-chischen Republik [Text] / J. Neckvapil // Leben mit meh-reren Sprachen: Sprachbiographien. Bern : Peter Lang, 2004. S. 147172.

    14. Nmeth, A. Dialekt, Sprachmischung und Sprach-einstellungen: am Beispiel der deutscher Dialekte in Un-garn [Text] / A. Nmeth. Tbingen : Narr, 2010. 246 S.

    15. Niedzielski, N.A. Folk linguistics [Text] / N.A. Nied-zielski, D.R. Preston. Berlin : De Grueyter, 2003. 375 S.

    16. Preston, D.R. A language attitude approach to the perception of regional variety [Text] / D.R. Preston // Handbook of perceptual dialectology. Amsterdam, Phila-delphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1999. Vol. 1. S. 359373.

    17. Schtz, A..Die Strukturen der Lebenswelt [Text] / A. Schtz, T. Luckmann. Neuwied-Darmstadt : Luchter-hand, 1975. 331 S.

    18. Schtz, A. Theorie der Lebensformen. Frhe Ma-nuskripte aus der Bergson-Periode [Text] / A. Schtz. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1981. 341 S.

    19. Werlen, E. Variation in der Feldforschung: Trian-gulation [Text] / E. Werlen // Vom Umgang mit sprachli-cher Variation. Soziolinguistik, Dialektologie, Methoden und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Tbingen/Basel : Franche, 2000. S. 99110.

    811.112 81.432


    ( )

    , - , -. - .

    : ; ; ; ; ; ;

    .., 2013

  • 58

    , 2013

    G.P. Berzina

    Language recources for eXPression of the concessive meaning in non-verbaL communication channeLs

    The system of human communication is a complex integrity including verbal and nonverbal chan-nels of communication which in different situations of communication interact differently. I endeavor to systematize nonverbal means of expression of category of a conessivity in the German language.

    Key words: nonverbal means; nonverbal communication; conessivity; kinsics; tksics; prox-emics; concession

    - . - - , - , - [, 1990, . 4].

    - , - -, -. - -, , (-, ).

    - - (.. , .. , .. -, .. , . , . , .. -, .. , D. Morris, L. Tsvasman, A. Weinlich .). -, .. , - -, - - - [, 1980, . 79].

    , -, -, , : - - ; -

    . , , , - - ( ), -.

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    , - , - . , , -, 6080 % . , , - , - , - , - [, 2004, . 26].

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    , : , , , , ; ratlos sein, die Arme ausbreiten - - , , . (1) Ruhig stehen bleiben, die Hnde am Krper halten, den Kopf neigen und den Blick abwenden [URL : www.krone.at].

    (1), , - , , -. : das Haupt sinken lassen ; den Kopf demtig hngen lassen -; jmdm. einen Wink niedergedrckt geben , den Kopf/das Haupt neigen/niedersenken ; mit dem Kopf verdammt nicken/wackeln . .

    , , - ; - . , - , - - . (2) Christian senkte die Augen, als ob er selbst fhle, sein Blick sei zu blau und zu scharf; sein briges Gesicht wurde beinahe demtig; er berlegte, eine sol-che Brgschaft, auf der sich vor jedem deutschen Gericht eines Tages herausstellte, wie viel ihm sein Bruder schuldig ist, sei keineswegs misslich, sondern das Beste, was ihm widerfahren konn-te [Seghers, 1974]. -, , , , , -, , , , , , .

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    , . . - - . (3) Du plagst dich ab, obwohl du genau weit, dass du nicht weiterkommst. Du rackerst dich ab auf dem geliehenen Acker, als ob du damit be-lehnt worden seist. Vielleicht, sagte Otto Lieven. Er senkte sein stilles, unter der braunen Haut bleiches Gesicht [Seghers, 1974]. - , , . , - , . , .

    Mit dem Kopf nicken -: . - - . . (4) Die Frau-en nicken stumm [URL: berlinonline.de vom]. (5) Versprichst du es mir? Die Frau nickte lang-sam. Ihre Schultern sanken zusammen [Remar-que, 1998]. (6) Marie senkte die Augen. Sie hrte aus diesen Worten den Vorwurf heraus [Seghers, 1974]. . .

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    Die Ohren hngen lassen/die Nase hn-gen lassen ; den Mut verlieren; die Hnde sinken lassen/die Arme hngen las-sen; den Schwanz einziehen () , , , . Die Hnde nach oben stecken , , .

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    , [, 2004, . 374].

    , : , , : , - [, 2003, . 163, 194]. (7) Er leckte sein Glschen aus. Die blauen Augen des jngeren Bruders waren auf einmal auf ihn gerichtet; sie waren so hart und so blank, dass er zu Redensarten so wenig Lust hatte, als sei die Mndung der Flinte auf ihn gerichtet [Seghers, 1974]. . , -- , , - , . , .

    Jmds. Blicken ausweichen - ; die Augen niederschlagen/der Blick zur Erde senken /- . , - . , -, -, , , - , , .

    -, -, , ; - , -. , -. , - , . - , , , - , , , . (8) Man ist berhaupt aus dem Grbsten heraus, dachte Geschke, wenn man sich nur noch ein wenig geduldet und die Zhne zusammenbeit [Seghers, 1974]. , , , - , , .

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    [, 2012, . 8094] (.: [, 2010]), - -, : , -. (9) Und dann, jedoch nur aus der Nhe sichtbar, huschte ein kurzes Lcheln ber sein Gesicht [URL : welt.de vom]. (10) Er such-te in seinen Gedanken herum, fasste einen, fhlte aber, obwohl er getrunken hatte, dass es besser sei, nichts zu erwidern. Er lachte und auch Btt-ner lachte [Seghers, 1974]. - . , , , . , .

    , - . -. . -, ; unter Trnen, hilflos, -, (11) Edith Ro-senfeld sahn ihn an und lchelte. Sie wollte ihm nicht zeigen, wie erschrocken sie darber war, dass er so elend aussah. Und Moritz Rosental zeigte ihr nicht, dass er wusste, wie er erschrok-ken sie war [Remarque, 1998]. , - - , , , , , .

    - -, -. , - - (, ): -, . , . (12) Natrlich, sagte Geschke. Er zog es vor, seinen Mund zu halten; er fhlte pltzlich alle Blicke vom Tisch auf sich gerichtet, nicht mehr belu-stigt und nicht mehr spttisch, sondern drohend, sein eigener Franz vielleicht warnend [Seghers, 1974]. , .

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    , /-, Schweigen ist ein Zeichen der Zustimmung/wer schweigt, bejaht. - , - , - , . - - , -, .

    (13) Du musst dich von mir scheiden lassen. Du musst morgen hingehen. Du musst sagen, dass du dich wegen meiner Gesinnung scheiden lassen willst Hast du es verstanden? Die Frau rhrte den Kopf nicht. Sie ging steif aufgerichtet weiter. . - , .

    Versteht mich doch, flsterte Steiner. Es ist nur, damit du in Sicherheit bist! Es wrde mich verrckt machen, wenn sie dir was tten! Du musst dich scheiden lassen dann lassen sie dich in Ruhe! Die Frau antwortete nicht.

    Ich liebe dich, Marie, sagte Steiner leise, zwischen den Zhnen hindurch, und die Augen flimmerten ihm vor Erregung. Ich liebe dich, und ich gehe zurck, wenn du es nicht versprichst! Verstehst du mich? Nach einer Ewigkeit, schien ihm, nickte die Frau [Remarque, 1998]. -, . , .

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