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Unit 4

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Choose OptimismChoose Optimism

Welcome to the Text A

Rich DeVos

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Are you an optimist or pessimist?Are you an optimist or pessimist? Directions: Look at the following pictures and discuss the following questions with your classmates.

1. What do you see in picture ?

A Glass of Water

Is the Glass Half Full or Empty?

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Are you an optimist or pessimist?Are you an optimist or pessimist?

Is the Glass Half Full or Empty?

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QuizAre you an optimist about the future?Or are you a pessimist?

This quiz will help you find out.

Directions: Answer the following ten questions. You will get some points for each answer. Then figure out the total mark of the ten.

Your Answer Points

Yes, definitely. 5 points

Yes, probably. 4 pointsMaybe. 3 points

No. 2 points

No, definitely not. 1 point

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1. People all over the world will be living in peace in twenty years?2. People will be enjoying longer, healthier lives in fifty

years?3. Hunger in the world will be eliminated in your

lifetime?4. Scientists will find a cure for cancer or AIDS in your

lifetime?5. Global warming will be stopped in your lifetime?6. The world will be a better place for everyone by the

next century?

Do you think that

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7.You will live your entire life more comfortably than your parents or grandparents?8.The “information age” will result in higher education for everyone?9. That a new source of energy will be available when fossil fuels run out?10. Human rights around the world will improve significantly in the next twenty years?

Do you think that

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Scoring Result

31~40 Occasionally optimistic — “Every dog has his day.”

41~50 Optimistic — You’re “on top of the world.”

0~10Pessimistic — You’re “down in the dumps”. Cheer up!

11~20Occasionally pessimistic — “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

21~30 Middle of the road — “You win some. You lose some.”

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• If you love somebody,• Set her free ...• If she ever comes

back, she's yours,• If she doesn't, well, as

expected, she never was.


• If you love somebody,• Set her free ...• Don't worry, she will

come back.

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• If you love somebody,• Set her free ...• If she ever comes

back, ask her why.


• If you love somebody,• Set her free...• Clause 1a of Paragraph

13a-1 in the second amendment of the Matrimonial FreedomAct clearly states that...

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• If you love somebody,• Set her free ...• If she doesn't come

back within limited time, Forget her.


• If you love somebody,• Set her free ...• If she doesn't come

back, continue to wait,Until she comes back ...

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• If you love somebody.• Set her free...• If she loves you, the

probability of her coming back is high.

• If she doesn't, your relationship was improbable anyway.


• If you love somebody,• Set her free...• If she comes back, her

superego is dominant.• If she doesn't come back,

her id is supreme.• If she doesn't go, she

must be crazy.

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Optimist Vs. Pessimist William Arthur Ward

• The pessimist finds fault.• The optimist discovers a


• The pessimist seeks sympathy.

• The optimist spreads cheer.

• The pessimist criticizes circumstances.

• The optimist changes conditions.

• The pessimist complains about the apple seeds.

• The optimist plants them.

• The pessimist imagines impending peril.

• The optimist sees signs of prosperity.

• The pessimist disparages.• The optimist encourages.

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Optimist Vs. Pessimist William Arthur Ward

The pessimist creates loneliness.The optimist finds friends.

The pessimist nibbles at the negative.The optimist is nourished by the positive.

The pessimist builds barriers.The optimist removes roadblocks.

The pessimist invents trouble.The optimist enriches the environment.

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Listen and Respond

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Attitude is Everything Michael was a natural optimist. He was always in a good mood, always up and always had something positive to say.

If an employee was having a bad day, Michael was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing his optimism really made me curious, so one day I went up to Michael and asked him, “I don’t get it. You can’t be positive all the time. How do you do.

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Attitude is Everything

Michael replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself: Mike, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept the complaining or I can point out the positive side of life, I always choose the positive side of life.”

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Attitude is Everything “Yeah, right, but it isn’t that easy.” I said.

“Yes, it is easy,” Michael said. “Life is all about choices. Every situation in life is a choice. You choose how you react to situations; you choose how people will affect your mood; you choose how you feel. The bottom line is: It’s your choice how you live your life.

From Michael I have learnt that every day we have a choice to live fully, so I will choose to be an optimist. If I am an optimist I may feel better, enjoy life more, and maybe have more chances of success.

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Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas





It is necessary to choose optimism to shape our outlook and expectations.

3 8~10

Part DivisionPart Division

The author illustrates the effects of negativism through his own experiences.

The author suggests that we direct our attention to positive and constructive thinking rather than to negativism.

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1. What does a pessimistic attitude usually lead to in real life?

A pessimistic attitude usually leads to failure in real life.

2. What is the relationship between optimism and success?

According to Rich DeVos, there seems to be a natural cause-and-effect relationship between optimism and success.

3. What is the author’s choice? Why does he make such a choice?

Rich DeVos chooses to highlight the positive and slip right over the negative, because he is an optimist by choice as much as by nature. And he finds that the good in life is far greater and more important than the bad.

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Setting 1 The author felt uneasy when the attendant told him he didn’t look well.

In a service In a service stationstation

Setting 2 Along the side of the road

He looked at his face in the mirror, puzzled.

Setting 3 Back homeHe began to feel a little sick and doubted whether he had picked up some rare disease.

Setting 4In the service station again

He figured out it was the light reflecting off the walls that made everyone inside the service station look as though he had hepatitis.

ConclusionA negative attitude may have a profound effect on the way we feel and act.

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• 1. Why does Rich Devos say that an optimistic attitude is a necessity?

• 2. Have you had experiences similar to what is described in the story?

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F1. We can be optimists if we think less or even ignore

the difficulties.

We can be optimists and still recognize that problems exist and that some of them are not dealt with easily.

( )

2. Money spent on America’s space program is more valuable than that on the poverty problem on earth. F

Instead of criticizing money spent on the space program, we should think about what we can do to solve the poverty problem with an optimistic attitude.

( )

True or False

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3. If we take an optimistic attitude towards life, we will look on the positive side of the situation and gradually cultivate a positive and constructive way of thinking.

4. To deal with such issues as big and ongoing as poverty, only a dreamer is needed. F

To deal with such important problems, a dreamer, who is extremely optimistic, very persistent and full of confidence, is needed.

( )

T( )

True or False

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Directions: Figure out the expressions related to “optimistic attitude”.

optimistic attitude

ample happiness

unlimited confidence

great persistence

problem-solving ability

positive, constructive thinking

positive affirmation

positive attitude

sufficient joy

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Different Types of Figurative Language

Skill Practice

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• Figurative language, language that compares, paints a picture for the reader. Figurative language may help us fully understand a writer’s point.

• 1) Similes ( 明喻 , 直喻 ), figurative expressions which directly compare one thing to another by using the words as or like. 

• 2) Metaphors ( 暗喻 ), in which comparisons are only implied, without using as, like and the like. 

• 3) Personification ( 拟人 ), figurative expressions which compare non-human things to humans. 

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I. Different Types of Figurative Language

1. Simile

2. Metaphor

3. Personification

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1. Simile

Comparative words often used in simile:

likeas(as) … as …as … , so …may as well … as

…as if as though


be similar to

compare … to…

treat … as …

regard … as …

consider/serve … as …

remind … of


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① Her eyes sparkled like small blue circle of ice.

② Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt and cannot last.

③ His explanation is as clear as crystal.

1. Simile


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2. Metaphor


① Her eyes were small blue circle of ice.

② He gives a crystal explanation.

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3. Personification


Edelweiss, edelweiss,

Every morning you greet me.

Small and white

Clean and bright

You look happy to meet me.

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II. Skill Practice

Decide the type and explain the meaning.

1. The sky above our heads was inky black.

2. You might as well expect the sun to rise in the west as hope to move me.

3. The young moon lies on her back tonight as a quiet virgin.


(metaphor) 1. 我们头顶的天如墨汁般漆黑。 2. 你不能动摇我的决心,正如你不能指望


(simile & personification)3. 今晚的新月倚背于夜空中,宛如一位安静的少女。

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• Walls have ears

• Money talks sometimes.

• The cloud scattered rain throughout the city.

• The rain kissed my cheeks as it fell.

• Opportunity knocks but once/ Opportunity never knocks twice at any man’s door.

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• slip over: neglect; omit

• Don't slip over the important issue.

• I slipped on the stairs, fell down and broken my legs

• I slipped up and gave you the wrong phone number.

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• live through: experience difficult or dangerous conditions

• He has lived through two wars and three revolutions.

• The general has lived through more than five times of murdering.

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• feed on / upon:

• Birds feed on seeds and berries.

• Cattle feed chiefly on grass.

• 因妒生恨• Hatred feeds on envy.

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• pull over:

• Pull (your car) over and let me pass!

• A policeman was standing by the side of the road, signaling to me to pull over.

• Passengers stood and stretched as the train pulled into the stations.

• I arrived as the last train was pulling out.

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pick up:

I picked up a virus while I was in America.Directions: Match the definitions with the sentences.

1. let sb. get into your car2. learn sth.3. catch (an illness)4. recover; regain5. get sth.6. improve; become better

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1. We can pick up the tickets an hour before the play begins.

2. Unfortunately, many children picked up the flu.

3. The economy is starting to pick up now.

pick up:

I picked up a virus while I was in America.Directions: Match the definitions with the sentences.

5( )



6( )

4. She picked up quite a lot of French when she lived in France.

5. You’ll soon pick up health when you get to the seaside.

6. He picked up the child.



4( )

1( )

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• figure out:

• Have you figured out what's wrong with your car?

• 我试图弄明白出了什么事。• I was trying to figure out what was


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• profound: adj.

• 1. showing strong, serious feelings

• He has a profound sense of guilt.

• He opened the door with a profound sigh.

• 2. showing great knowledge and understanding

• We all consider him to be a profound statesman.

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• 中华文明博大精深、源远流长 , 为人类文明进步作出了巨大贡献。

• The Chinese civilization, extensive and profound, and with a long history behind it, has contributed tremendously to the progress of human civilization.

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• make a, no, some difference (to sb/sth)• The rain didn’t make much difference (to

the game).• The sea air has made a difference to her

health. • A hot bath makes all the difference in the

morning.• 不管你怎么说都无所谓,反正我不去。• It makes no difference what you say: I’m

not going.

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• in... terms/ in terms of:

• The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.

• 这些数字是以百分数表示的。• The figures are expressed in terms of

percentage/ in percentage terms.

• terms: conditions offered or accepted

• peace terms

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• according to the terms of the contract

• I didn’t know you and she were on such intimate terms.

• come to terms (with sb)

• come to terms with sth

• You’ll just have to come to terms with the fact …

• We must aim for world peace in the long term.

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1. 反之亦然 in reverse

2. 塑造自己的前途与理想 shape one’s outlook and expectations

3. 积极向上 look up in hope4. 垂头丧气 look down in despair

5. 积极向上的生活态度 the upward look

6. 天生地 by nature

7. 经过……仍然活着 live through

8. 归根结底 when all is said and done

9. 一个能自我实现的预言

a self-fulfilling prophecy


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11. 感到有点心神不宁 feel a little uneasy

12. 把(车)停路边 pull over

13. 染上怪病 pick up some rare disease

14. 理解;想出 figure out

15. 对……产生巨大影响 have a profound effect on …

16. 会产生很大影响 make a difference

17. 矢志不移的坚韧 great persistence

10. 以……为食;因……变得更强烈

feed on / upon


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There is enough good and bad in everyone’s life — ample sorrow and happiness, sufficient joy and pain — to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism.


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But when all is said and done, I find that the good in life is far greater and more important than the bad.


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Conversely, negative thoughts, attitudes, and expectations feed on themselves; they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.


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Optimism draws our attention away from negativism and channels it into positive, constructive thinking.


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Sth. will be sth. + adj., sth. perhaps even more /

less+ adj. than sth. else … 某物将成为一样 ······

东西,一样可能比 ······ 更 ······ 的东西 ······



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This episode in her life will be something worthwhile, something perhaps more valuable than money—a gift of life for which she has been, and will always be thankful.

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As sth. be / do, so be / do sth. else. 甲事物如同乙事物。

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As ways of heaven are, so are rewards for


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If sth. no longer seem to do sth., there is no

need to do sth. else; … ( 建议/劝导 ) 如果某事似乎不再 ······ ,不必 ······ ; ······



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If the target for your life no longer seems to fit you, there is no need to compel yourself. You’d better entertain an alternative target.

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If sb. …, like … ( 从句 ), then sb. may …

如果某人 ······ ,就好像 ······ ,那么某人很可能 ······



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If you feel lost without mobile phone at hand, like your life would not go for a short time without it, then you may develop the mobile phone syndrome.

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New words

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• shape: v.

• People's political beliefs are shaped by what they see in the papers.

• It is true that a people's character is, to a great extent, shaped by the environment they live in.

• Children shaped the sand into a mound on the beach.

• We watched in amazement as she shaped the clay into a pot.

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• You’ll never be in shape until you eat less and take more exercise.

• The children have been playing with my hat ---- they’ve knocked it out of shape.

• Take exercise if you’re out of shape.

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• curse: v.

• 1) say or think bad things about sb. or sth. because they have made you angry

• She cursed him for spoiling my plans.

• He cured (at) his bad luck.

• 2) The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle.

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• 2. n.

• angrily muttering curses.

• The witch put a curse on him.

• be under a curse

• lift a curse

• Gambling is often a curse.

• His wealth proved a curse to him.

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• address

• The card was wrongly addressed to (us at ) our old home.

• The chairman will now address the meeting.

• It is time we addressed ourselves to the main item on the agenda.

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Text B

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• 1.Why did Allan consider himself a failure?• 2. Was the outcome of Allan’s story

surprising?• No. Actually, this interview was doomed

from the beginning. Because Allan was sure he would be rejected. And that was exactly “a self-fulfilling prophecy”

• 3. What does Allan’s story show?• 4. What was the major reason for Jim’s


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