2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 17-19 July 2011, Bandung, Indonesia In-Service Early Indication of 500 kV Circuit Breaker Function Loss Operated in PLN P3B Jawa Bali – Indonesia Y. Wibisana¹,R.Setyo Wibowo¹,H. Maryono² ¹ PT. PLN (Persero) P3B Jawa Bali- Jakarta ²  PT. PLN (Persero) P3B Jawa Bali RJBR, Jl. M TOHA Km 04 Bandung, Indonesia 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 2 [email protected]  Abstract  Since year of 2004 PLN P3B Jawa Bali has been changing its maintenance strategy from time based to the combinations of time-based and condition-based maintenance. Currently, as part of the new strategy PLN P3B Jawa Bali has been implementing a visual inspection and early ind ication of equipment function loss by using visual inspection, in-service monitoring and on-line measurement. . This early indication uses critical failure modes of visual inspection item and thermovision as its input. The critical failure modes are identified by using FMEA /FMECA which were developed based on statistical data and engineering senses. The output of the early indication are either 1,6 or9 in which 1 represents bad, 6 fair and 9 good conditions. By using this in- service early indication of function loss, we will able to obtain symptoms to equipment failure earlier.  Keywords  circuit breaker, in-service early indication of function loss  , fmea/fmeca I. I  NTRODUCTION  In order to improve the quality of maintenance, availability and reliability of electrical energy supply and reduce the maintenance costs, PT PLN (PERSERO) Jawa Bali has changed its maintenance strategy for both primary and secondary equipment. Among others, condition-based maintenance (CBM) strategy of circuit breaker (CB) has been introduced to reduce time-based maintenance (TBM) scheme. Figure.1 Maintenance concept The goal of Mainte nance improvement in P3B Jawa Bali is for minimize Time Base Maintenanceand, corrective maintenance and then to maximize the job function of substation operator, this time the operator have a bigger  portions operational function its like recorded current,voltages and load. In future we want to changed the paradigm and mindset of substation operator for maximized maintenance function . Maintenance function are covered visual inspection and reporting the anomally by the CBM application that we developed beside still recorded the currents, voltages an d load,. In the past years, TBM was proven to be ineffectively reduce system faults. In TBM the circuit breaker was measured and maintained once a year . In 2008 the period was extended to 2 years. Unfortunately in some occasions some faults occurred after the maintenance have been done. Beside that we must spend for TBM cost every year. According to P3B Jawa Bali’s equipment database in, 32.52 % of CB total population has technical lifetime of 16- 20 years. 500 kV CB is one of the most crucial because 500 kV transmission system is the backbone of electrical en ergy supply. Based on these reasons, we will focus on in-service early indication of 500 kV CB, in particularly the implementation on inspection level 1 (visual inspection). Figure. 2 Technical lifetime distribution of 500 kV CB. Years E14 - 7 978-1-4577-0752-0/11/$26.0 0 ©2011 IEEE


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  • 5/24/2018 06021756


    2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    17-19 July 2011, Bandung, Indonesia

    In-Service Early Indication of 500 kV Circuit

    Breaker Function Loss Operated in PLN P3B

    Jawa Bali IndonesiaY. Wibisana,R.Setyo Wibowo,H. Maryono

    PT. PLN (Persero) P3B Jawa Bali- Jakarta

    PT. PLN (Persero) P3B Jawa Bali RJBR, Jl. M TOHA Km 04 Bandung, [email protected]

    [email protected]@pln-jawa-bali.co.id

    Abstract Since year of 2004 PLN P3B Jawa Bali has beenchanging its maintenance strategy from time based to the

    combinations of time-based and condition-based maintenance.

    Currently, as part of the new strategy PLN P3B Jawa Bali has

    been implementing a visual inspection and early indication of

    equipment function loss by using visual inspection, in-service

    monitoring and on-line measurement.

    . This early indication uses critical failure modes of visual

    inspection item and thermovision as its input. The critical failure

    modes are identified by using FMEA /FMECA which were

    developed based on statistical data and engineering senses. The

    output of the early indication are either 1,6 or9 in which 1

    represents bad, 6 fair and 9 good conditions. By using this in-

    service early indication of function loss, we will able to obtain

    symptoms to equipment failure earlier.Keywords circuit breaker, in-service early indication of function

    loss, fmea/fmeca

    I. INTRODUCTIONIn order to improve the quality of maintenance, availability

    and reliability of electrical energy supply and reduce the

    maintenance costs, PT PLN (PERSERO) Jawa Bali has

    changed its maintenance strategy for both primary and

    secondary equipment. Among others, condition-based

    maintenance (CBM) strategy of circuit breaker (CB) has been

    introduced to reduce time-based maintenance (TBM) scheme.

    Figure.1 Maintenance concept

    The goal of Maintenance improvement in P3B Jawa Bali is

    for minimize Time Base Maintenanceand, corrective

    maintenance and then to maximize the job function ofsubstation operator, this time the operator have a bigger

    portions operational function its like recorded current,voltages

    and load. In future we want to changed the paradigm and

    mindset of substation operator for maximized maintenance

    function . Maintenance function are covered visual inspection

    and reporting the anomally by the CBM application that we

    developed beside still recorded the currents, voltages and


    In the past years, TBM was proven to be ineffectively

    reduce system faults. In TBM the circuit breaker was

    measured and maintained once a year . In 2008 the period was

    extended to 2 years. Unfortunately in some occasions some

    faults occurred after the maintenance have been done. Besidethat we must spend for TBM cost every year.

    According to P3B Jawa Balis equipment database in,

    32.52 % of CB total population has technical lifetime of 16-

    20 years. 500 kV CB is one of the most crucial because 500

    kV transmission system is the backbone of electrical energy

    supply. Based on these reasons, we will focus on in-service

    early indication of 500 kV CB, in particularly the

    implementation on inspection level 1 (visual inspection).

    Figure. 2 Technical lifetime distribution of 500 kV CB.


    E14 - 7

    978-1-4577-0752-0/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

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    II. FMEAA large number of CB types are installed in PLN P3B Jawa

    Bali. In order to simplify the analysis we classified the CB

    based on its operating voltages. For further development CB

    will be classified based on its type.

    In analysing the failure mode and effects, CB is defined as

    one system. Furthermore, it is divided into five subsystems

    based on its function, namely primary, secondary, dielectric,

    driving mechanisms and supporting part subsystems. For each

    subsystem we define its failure modes and the root cause(s) of

    each possible and occurred failure modes. The failure modes

    of each CB subsystem are used as a reference in developing

    and optimizing the maintenance programs because the

    program not only focuses on the most critical subsystem, but

    also the most critical failure mode.

    The symptoms of possible failures of each subsystem are:

    Primary - Damage due to excessive cumulative interrupting

    duty, overheated contact, overheated clamp, objects attached

    on clamp (kite), floating contacts, capacitor and resistor


    Secondary Loss of power supply, moisture in control box ,

    shorted circuit coils, abnormally fan heating, short circuit of

    control cable, or open circuit from termination failure,

    corrosion termination.

    Dielectric Broken insulator chamber, contaminated oil, oil

    leakage, low pressure of SF6and low pressure of air blast

    Driving mechanism - Mechanical issues such as faultylinkages, faulty latches, ageing seal, pipe leakage and

    malfunctions of spring, pneumatic or hydraulic system. These

    problems may either gradually degradation, or rapid

    development from a component failure.

    Supporting part Sloping foundation, broken support

    insulator, broken steel/concrete structure and grounding


    III.FMECAAfter performing FMEA and finding the root causes of

    failures, we continue to conduct FMECA. A failure mode is

    considered to be critical if its risk level is high enough,according to the utility. We need to calculate the probability

    and effects of each failure mode to determine the most critical

    failure mode of a circuit breaker. The failure probability are

    obtained from statistical failure information which were

    collected from a brainstorm sessions of engineers, corrective

    maintenance data and failure record. PLN P3B Jawa Bali hasbeen developing an application that record all failures

    occurred in the transmission system, namely FOIS (Forced

    Outage Information System). In this analysis we use failure

    record data from 2008 until 2010.

    In calculating the effect of each failure modes, we use four

    four criteria which is described hereafter.The score of each effect is defined based on the result of

    the brainstorm sessions and discussion within switchgear

    working group.


    Score Frequency1 Rarely (30%)


    Score Frequency

    1 No life threatening

    7 Life threatening


    Score Frequency

    1 No impact

    3 Easy to clean / treat

    5 Need work to restore


    Score System outage

    1 No system impact

    2 8 hours

    3 > 8 h dan 32 h

    4 > 32 h dan 7 days

    5 Total out of operation


    1 Minor (300 MRp)

    A. Scores of FMECAThe scores in FMECA is obtained by multiplying the

    probability to the effects, as shown in the following formula.

    Risk = Probability x Effects (safety + environment + system +

    corrective cost)

    The accuracy of this calculation is verified by mapping the

    calculated risk on a risk matrices as shown on figure below.

    Ideally, the calculated risk should be spread evenly .

    Otherwise, the score of each criteria should be adjusted .

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    Figure.3 Risk metrics

    The list of critical failure modes and components are hence

    used to create a checklist items of In-Service Early Indication

    and inspection period. We classified the inspection period into

    daily, weekly, monthly and annually, depend on how critical

    is the failure modes and the components are.

    The inspection period of In-Service Early Indication on CB


    annually or monthly if the risk is low risk monthly, if the risk is average weekly or daily, if the risk is high


    The In-Service Early Indication is intended to conduct the

    inspection level 1 (visual inspection). It is conducted by

    optimizing 5 (five) human sense and completed with some

    simple monitoring tool, for example the binocular. In-Service

    Early Indication of CB are including the visual inspection and

    thermovision camera. Other critical components that are

    impossible to be inspected through visual inspection has to be

    measured through offline measurement.

    The result of visual inspection of each component condition is

    categorized into. normal condition and anomaly condition.

    Then we scores these conditions by using the following

    number: 1, 6 and 9. These number represents the following


    1 : bad condition 6 : fair condition 9 : good condition

    The purpose of In-Service Early Indication 500 kV Function

    Loss is to record anomalies of each component and initiated

    maintenance recommendation.

    In order to describe how the system works, we take the

    inspection on driving mechanism subsystem as the example.

    In visual inspection we monitor the spring condition. The

    condition of spring is categorized into

    9 ( good ): full charged: 1 ( bad ): not charged :

    Note: there is no fair condition.

    Another example is monitoring a grounding cable condition

    of supporting part subsystem. we categorized the grounding

    cable condition into:

    9: normal, 6: corotion 1: loose,broken

    In the following figure below showed the daily visual

    inspection applications in 500 kV circuit breaker for SF6 and

    spring mechanism type. We monitored pressure of SF6 and

    spring condition.

    Figure.4 Dailly visual inspection application

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    After notifying the anomalies of the circuit breaker, we


    Maintenance recomendationMaintenance recomendation is determined based on

    bad or fair condition of a component

    Time interval of maintenanceTime interval of maintenance is determined based on

    ageing process knowledge and maintenance


    Maintenance recomendations are including :

    o Simple maintenance which conducted by operator orSupervisor assistant of a substation

    o Complex maintenance which conducted by amaintenance team

    o On line minitoring that we called inspection level-2o Advanced inspection/measurement that we called

    inspection level-3 . This inspection/measurement can

    be either on-line or shutdown measurement

    o Shutdown investigationIn-Service Early Indication of Function Loss in circuit breaker

    that we called inspection level 1 (visual inspection) has been

    implemented in PLN P3B Jawa Bali using an applications that

    have been developed by PLN P3B Jawa Bali.

    V. SUMMARIESAND CONCLUSIONS1. PT. PLN (Persero) P3B JB is in a way to change the

    maintenance method by applying the CBM method .

    2. The process of FMEA/FMECA will be evaluatedcontinuously and it still needs further knowledge todeveloping this complete CBM CONCEPT, BECAUSE this

    paper only focusing on implementation on In-Service

    Early Indication of Function Loss in circuit breaker.

    3. Nowadays, In-Service Early Indication of 500 kV CircuitBreaker Function Loss has been implemented in PLN P3BJawa Bali and still needs improvement to developed the



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