0happy Verby Gang

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  • 8/10/2019 0happy Verby Gang


    English Verb Tenses Form and Use

    Present Simple Tense

    Ilivein Mlaga

    I goto the beach onSaturdays

    Idon't drinkcoffee

    Do you likeEnglish?

    Hi everybody! I'm ThePresent Simple Girl.I like habits and

    routines. I always dothe same things and at the same time. For

    eample I alwaysdrinktwo glasses o" milk in the morning and I

    usuallyarrive at s#hool at twenty "ive past eight . I o"tenwear

    $eans and T%shirts. I love pop musi#. I also loveanimals and

    plants. I havea beauti"ul garden.

    I livewith my parents and my brother,

    The Present Continuous Guy. He isvery different from me. He

    neverarrives on time for lunch. He likes new clothes and

    fashion, and he doesn't listen topop music. He plays hard

    rock in a group called !etal "ananas . #e are in an $nglish

    club called The Happy%erbyGang. #e go to the club on


    Present &imple Girl

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I drink'ou drink

    He drinks

    &he drinks

    It drinks

    #e drink

    'ou drink

    They drink

    I don(t drink'ou don(t drink

    He doesn(t drink

    &he doesn(tdrink

    It doesn(tdrink

    #e don(t drink

    'ou don(t drink

    They don(t drink

    )o I drink*)o you drink*

    )oeshe drink*

    )oesshe drink*

    )oesit drink*

    )o we drink*

    )o you drink*

    )o they drink*

  • 8/10/2019 0happy Verby Gang


    Present Simple Girl

    Uses Examples

    Habitual actions I goto the gym on Monday and Friday

    Permanent states The Sun risesin the morning

    Feelings and emotions li!e" hate" #ant"hope" etc$%

    I likeyour T&shirt$ I wanta blue one

    'erb of senses hear" taste" see" smell"sound and taste%

    (isten) I hearsome music in the house

    English Verb Tenses Form and Use

    Present Continuous Tense

    *o#" I am plaingmy guitar

    My girlfriend is workingin thedisco today

    Iam not studingat themoment

    !re you listeningto me?

    Hi there! I'm ThePresent &ontinuous Guy.I'm here to tell

    you what I'm doingat the momentbe#ause my li"e is

    changing a lot these days. owI'm not studying but I'm

    working in a (ody Pier#ing Tattoo shop.I like tattoos. )t

    the moment I'm wearing nine tattoos and ten pier#ings.

    )t present I'm playing the guitar in a heavy metal group

    #alled *+etal (ananas*.

    This evening I' m playing with some "riends in +arbella in a

    birthday party.I' m going out with a girl but she's workingin the dis#o today. She isn't coming with me to the party.

    Areyou comingwith me guys,

    Present Continuous Guy

  • 8/10/2019 0happy Verby Gang


    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I(m sleeping

    'ou(re sleeping

    He(s sleeping

    &he(s sleeping

    It(s sleeping

    #e(re sleeping

    'ou(re sleeping

    They(re sleeping

    I(m notsleeping

    'ou aren(t sleeping

    He isn(t sleeping

    &he isn(t sleeping

    It isn(t sleeping

    #e aren(t sleeping

    'ou aren(t sleeping

    They aren(t sleeping

    +m Isleeping*

    +re you sleeping*

    Is he sleeping*

    Is she sleeping*

    Is it sleepingl*

    +re we sleeping*

    +re you sleeping*

    +re they sleeping*

    Present +ontinuous Guy

    Uses Examples

    ,ctions that are happening no# -hat are you doing" -e

    are wat#hing a horror film

    ,ctions that are happening at present" but not necessarilyat this moment

    I'm studingFrench at theEscuela de Idiomas this year

    Future arrangements

    Saray and I are having abirthday party together ne.t#ee!end

    Habitual actions #ith a negati/e sense


    My little brother is al#ays


  • 8/10/2019 0happy Verby Gang


    English Verb Tenses Form and Use

    Past Simple Tense

    Ilivedin Granada #hen Iwasyoung

    Ididn't studmuch" but Iwasluc!y and passedmye.ams

    Did your parents stud#hen they wereyoung?

    Hello everybody! +y name isPast Simple Boybe#ause I am very

    nostalgi# and I always talk about the past.This is an old pi#ture

    o" me. I waseighteen in this pi#ture. It was thirteen yearsago.

    I studied at -niversity at that time. I livedwith my "riends Pa#o

    and avi in a big and old "lat. /e didn't studymu#h and we

    enjoyed our li"e. 0very weekend we went to the dis#o and met

    new girls. I remember I had a girl"riend #alled +argarita.

    I finished my studiesin 1223. ) year later I started to work as

    a 4anguage tea#her in a Se#ondary s#hool. 4i"e is not too bad

    but those dayswere "antasti#!

    Do you know about your parents' li"e when they were young,

    Past &imple "oy

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I studied'ou studied

    He studied

    &he studied

    It studied

    #e studied

    'ou studied

    They studied

    I went'ou went

    He went

    &he went

    It went

    #e went

    'ou went

    They went

    Ididn(t study go'ou didn(t study go

    He didn(t study go

    &he didn(t study go

    It didn(t study go

    #e didn(t study go

    'ou didn(t study go

    They didn(t study go

    )idI studygo*)idyou study go*

    )id he study go*

    )id she study go*

    )id it study go*

    )id we study go*

    )id you study go*

    )id they study go*

  • 8/10/2019 0happy Verby Gang


    Past Simple 0oy

    Uses Examples

    ,ctions that started and finished in the pastI didn't go to the beach last


    ,ctions that happened one after the other in the past li!ein a story%

    I went into the disco and Isaw my fa/ourite girl" then Iasked her to dance"$$$$$$$$$

    -ith the Past +ontinuous to refer to a short action that

    interrupts a longer one$

    The T' broke#hen she#as #atching the football match

    English Verb Tenses Form and Use

    Past ContinuousTense

    Iwas dan#ing#hen I met1a/i

    I wasn't dreaming,it was


    -hat were you doing#henyou

    met your best friend?

    Hello dears! +y name isLady Past Continuous

    I'm also very nostalgi# like my "riend thePast Simple Boy .

    /e were together in many o##assions when we were young. /hileIwas

    studyingto be a se#retary he was studying to be a tea#her and we lived in

    the same street in Granada.

    /henI was going out with his best "riend avi thePast Simple Boy was

    going out with my best "riend +argarita. This is an old story but I like

    thinking about the past.

    I met thePast Simple Boyagain two years ago in our 0nglish &lub in +i$as#alled The Happy5erbyGang./e were talking "or hours about the past


    These days I usually go out with another guy the Present Perfect !an

    we work in the same #ompany and he is also a member o"

    the #lub. He surprised me last evening6 we were havingdinner whenhe

    invited me to go on holidays together.

  • 8/10/2019 0happy Verby Gang


    -ady Past Continuous

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    Iwas dancing

    'ou were dancing

    He was dancing

    &he was dancing

    It was dancing

    #e were dancing

    'ou were dancing

    They were dancing

    I wasn(t dancing

    'ou weren(t dancing

    He wasn(t dancing

    &he wasn(t dancing

    It wasn(t dancing

    #e weren(t dancing

    'ou weren(t dancing

    They weren(t dancing



    #as he dancing*

    #as she dancing*

    #as it dancing*

    #ere we dancing*

    #ere you dancing*

    #ere they dancing*

    (ady Past +ontinuous

    Uses Examples

    ,ctions in the past that ta!e place at a particular time-hat were you doing last

    e/ening at 2345?I was wat#hing 6el informal6

    -ith the Past Simple to refer to a long action that isinterrupted by a shorter one$6-hen6or 6-hile6 are thehabitual con7unctions%

    -e were talking about ourlast holidays whenthe bosscame into the office and gotangry

    T#o actions de/eloping at the same time in the past6-hile6 is the habitual con7unction%

    -hile my boss was talkingto me" I was dreaming of mylast holidays in +anc8n

  • 8/10/2019 0happy Verby Gang


    English Verb Tenses Form and Use

    Future Tense$ %oing To

    I9 m going to bua carthis year

    I9 m not going to stainManchester more thant#o #ee!s

    !re you going to haveaparty for your birthday?

    Today I'm going to fly to +an#hester to visit my "amily. I'm

    going to "e there "or two weeks. 7h! Hello "riends I'm the

    #oing to Boy be#ause I always have a lot o" new plans and

    intentions "or eample8 my "riend !ister $ill and I

    are going to open a "antasti# 4anguage S#hool net +ar#hin

    +i$as % 9+alaga%Spain:. /e are going to have a lot o" students

    and I' m going to get married with my girl"riend &armela soonshe is a beauti"ul Spanish girl. She isn't going to come with me

    to +an#hester this time but she's going to come net summer

    to meet my mum and dad. )nd that's all "or now be#ause it's ;8

  • 8/10/2019 0happy Verby Gang


    Uses Examples

    Future plans and intentions I9m going to bu a ne#mobile phone ne.t #ee!

    Predictions based on #hat #e can see at that moment(oo! at that car) it is going

    to crash into the lamp post

    English Verb Tenses Form and Use

    Future Tense$ &ill

    I&ill see you again ne.tsummer

    Iwon't orgetyou myfriends" although I won'tlive in England

    &ill you #ometo mybirthday party ne.t #ee!?

    Hello everybody! +y name is!ister $ill. I live in a small "lat in

    +i$as 9south o" Spain: but I will moveto a ni#e house near

    (enalmadena soon that's my hope. $ill you visit me in my newhouse,

    I #ome "rom 0ngland but I won't comeba#k be#ause it is always

    rainy in my #ountry and I like the sun and the bea#h. et year

    as normal it will rain a lot in 0ngland. I" you want I will help you

    with your 0nglish.

    +y "riend the Going To (oy lives in +i$as too. /ehave a #lub #alled The Happy5erbyGangand we will open a

    4anguage S#hoolnet spring. $ill youjoin our #lub, I" you $oin it

    be"ore anuary you will havea "ree #ourse in our s#hool.

    Mister Will

  • 8/10/2019 0happy Verby Gang


    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I will survive

    'ou will survive

    He will survive

    &he will survive

    It will survive

    #e will survive

    'ou will survive

    They will survive

    I won(tsurvive

    'ou won(t survive

    He won(t survive

    &he won(t survive

    It won(t survive

    #e won(t survive

    'ou won(t survive

    They won(t survive

    #ill Isurvive*

    #ill you survive*

    #ill he survive*

    #ill she survive*

    #ill it survive*

    #ill we survive*

    #ill you survive*

    #ill they survive*

    (ister &ill

    Uses Examples

    Instant decisions :!" I9ll see you on Friday

    Predictions based on #hat #e thin! or imagine

    The prices of petrol will riseby the end of the year

    Tomorro# will be sunny andhot

    Promises and offers

    ;on9t #orry" I ha/e time" I9 llgo and bu some food for you
