14 mentality and organisational changes are key to developing primary angioplasty рус

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2. Miodrag C. Ostojic12*, MD, PhD, FESC, FSCAI , FACC; Nevena D. Karanovic3, MD, PhD 1. , , (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia); 2. , , , (School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia); 3. , , , (Graduate School for Business Studies, Megatrend University, Belgrade, Serbia)* : , , , (School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, 8 dr Subotia Str., RS-11000 Belgrade, Serbia). E-mail:[email protected] : (mentality), (organisationalchanges), (primary percutaneouscoronary intervention), Stent for Life (Stent for Life Initiative), ST (ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction) Stent for Life (SFL), 31 2009 ., , 2008 . 48% ST (ST) 19% 33% - () , . , 2009 . . , (Health Insurance Fund (HIF)), - (2005), - (Ministry of Health (MOH)). - . - ( 7,5% 2009 . 34,2% 2010 2011 .). , , (647 2006 ., 1248 2007 ., 1794 2008 ., 2468 2009 ., 3216 2010 . 3498 2011 .), , 120 . ( ) (38%). , 30 , , , , () ST (ST), , - (1). , ( 1980- ., ) - 2000- ., , () 2005 ., - , 3. ST. , 48% ST 19% 33% - , (1), , . Stent for Life (SFL), / (EAPCI/ESC) , ST, . -, , 600 2015 ., SFL. 069 INFARKT () () , , ST - ( 7,5% 2009 . 34,2% 2010 2011 .). 13,1% 38,3% 12,7% 34,2% . , , (647 2006 ., 1248 2007 ., 1794 2008 ., 2468 2009 ., 3216 2010 . 3498 2011 .), ST, 120 . (2, 3), 38%. ( 53,3%), , , . , . , (4). SFL ST , , . , 600 2015 ., , / (European Society of Cardiology/EAPCI guidelines). ST . , . , ( , , ) , ST. 2011 . (Guidelines on Ischaemic Heart Disease) . ST: 2007 2011 . (CityEmergency Health Centre) 10 SFL , , 4. / . STREAM COMFORTABLE, , . SFL , ST , - -. ST , -, . , ST, . (. 1) , , , ( ) , . / ST , . (Law on Medical Records) ( ). (Nis) , . , , . , (2009-2010 .), : , , ( ) . (Protocol for Pre-hospitalDiagnosis and Treatment of ACS) 2010 ., 1800 (5). , . 112, , . ( (Institute for Public Health),2009 .) , ., (51,6%) (12,9%) 50% , . , (Implementation of protocol forpre-hospital diagnosis and treatment of ACS), (- ) . . , , , 5. , , . 1. . 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