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  • 8/11/2019 Adam2014ang


    I don't need wings to fly. I need people to prevent me from falling..."

    Adam, a boy aged 11

    was born without sight in his right eye

    as a result of underdevelopment of the optic nerve.

    When the doctors advised us that Adam didnot and would not see with this eyeit was like a Judge banging down his gavel

    delivering a sentence for him and for us the parents.

    BU ! #A$ %& I$% U()

    With hope and perseverance we kept seeking a way to recover his sight - AND W !A" #$%ND &' (((

    'here is a great opportunity before him) and & *ust will not lose it(

    &f it were possible) & would give Adam my own eye.

    $ne eye renders a number of walks of life unavailable to him...

    Adam is full of energy, life and desire for knowledge; he is intelligent and has above-average memory abilities.

    The boy is very ambitious, he would love to live and develop like other children.

    We, the parents, do our best to create for him appropriate conditions for development and learning

    unfortunately limited resources prevent him from participation in most personal development stimulation proects,

    even as small as new spectacles, a computer, swimming pool time, learning musical instruments, e!tra sports or

    science classes, etc."ne of Adam#s unfulfilled dreams is going for vacation to the $altic sea.

    %y husband and & are both handicapped persons. We never cease to seek a source of financing the fight

    with Adam#s condition, its effects and limitation arising from it, we support the development of our son as best we

    can and we hope that one day Adam would look at the world with both eyes, and if not, then thanks to your help

    he will at least have en even break with children having no disabilities. Which he fully deserves.

    Adam has a chance with stem cell treatment - unfortunately outside of urope.

    +urrently) standard therapy of this kind costs ,// %0D.

    'his therapy promises very good results.

    %nfortunately) this cost is beyond our means and therefore we re1uest all kind people for support

    and we thank you all in advance

    *riends are +uiet angels

    !ho lift us to our feet

    !hen our wings have trouble remembering how to fly

    hey stand by us and give us the strength to try

    *riends are +uiet angels

    !ho somehow mae you see

    he light that's in the darness

    before the dawn

    -from a song by loria lerov / Barbara 0othstein

    22hildren3s *oundation3 #undac*a D4ieciom 56d78y9 4 :omoc75 address your payments to the following account:Fundacja zieciom !"d#$y% z Pomoc#!

    ;ank : //// =/ //=? ,/

    &n account of:=@/= - 04ymaBski Adam